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  • 8/2/2019 Three Gunshots


    Oblates of Saint Joseph

    College of Philosophy

    Three Gunshots

    (Short Story)


    Renniel Jayson Jacinto Rosales

    March 22, 2012

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    The rector continued and calls the name of Damian, Mi appello Damiano Sodano, che

    di essere ordinato diacono per favore venite avanti (I am calling Damian Sodano, who is to be

    ordained deacon please come forward).

    Before giving any answer, Damian recalls all that had happened a month before that very

    day. He was deeply troubled to make a positive answer to the call of God in front of the altar.

    Damian! Antonio gaspingly calls him, Il prefetto ci volevano vedere nel suo ufficio!

    (the prefect wanted to see us in his office!

    Damian hurriedly goes with his friend Antonio along they walk along the St. Peters

    Square. Despite of being in a hurry, he never forgets to stay calm event though they both knew that

    their prefect will scold them again, as he always do. Antonio knocks the door as they enter the

    office. They noticed the facial expression of the prefect and thought came into their minds that

    news about them has reached the prefect.

    Occhiata a questo! (Look at this!) the prefect furiously said.

    The prefect throws to them the pictures of the two with the nursery students whom they

    visited a week ago. Those pictures were given to him by the nursery teacher on that very same day

    complaining about the attitude of the two.

    Damian smilingly answered, as if he was jesting with a friend, Oh! Il Padre e noi,

    insegnare il catechismo per il futuro della nostra Chiesa. (Oh! Father its us, teaching catechism

    to the future of our Church.)

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    S! Si tratta sia di voi! (Yes! Its both of you!) and the prefect frantically added, Il

    catechismo per la scuola materna sia di voi studenti? Non me lo stolto! Il maestro ha presentato

    una denuncia a me che sono sempre facendo questa cosa ogni volta che ci andiamo. sempre il

    grido degli studenti! (Catechism for nursery students? Dont fool me! The teacher complained to

    me that you are always doing this thing every time you go there. You always make the students


    The prefect angrily sent them out of his office. Damian and Antonio go out pushing each

    other, as if they were not scolded by their prefect. They were used to it since the time he became

    their prefect. They are not taking those scolding seriously because they know that they cannot be

    sent out in such reason.

    Antonio and Damian were friends since their minor seminary years. They are very close to

    each other that they act as if they were still minor seminarians, the fact that less than a year from

    now they will be ordained priests. They always wear cassock, the black one, which has been the

    protocol in Italy, since the Pope can only wear the white one. They wore their cassocks even while

    playing calcio (football) during their past time; they will never change clothes because the children

    wanted to play with them with their cassocks. They usually do this before they go back to the

    seminary from their apostolate to nearby schools.

    One gusty morning, as they walk going back to the seminary, Antonio asked Damian about

    his plan for their ordination. Damian quickly answered that he only wanted to become a priest, as

    he would always answer, but at the back of his mind was the pressure on his family about his

    pursuance to the priesthood. Antonio, as he continuously asked Damian about the prelate who will

    ordain him, the fact the he knows that Damians family is closely related to the Pope, the fact that

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    the Pope is fond of Damian. Damian would always answer that whenever they will be ordained, he

    will make it to the point that the Pope will be there. This is also the great reason why their

    formators were not in good condition with him. The board of formator became persistent to send

    him out because of envious. The Pope is very much fond of Damian and he would always regard

    him whenever he meets his formators. Whenever the Pope sees something that is lacking in the

    formation of Damian, he would always call the attention of the formators regarding to such


    As the graduation came nearer, Damian and Antonio were very busy because they were

    about to finish their theological studies. Months have passed and they are becoming more

    exhausted, but this didnt affect their attitude on their apostolate to the youths. Despite of being

    busy, they still have time to welcome the morning bliss with the children in the community park,

    playing with them and eating gelato for their snacks. It has been a long time since they first met

    and started doing these things day-by-day but it seems that they are not getting weary of it. Their

    physical and spiritual growth can much be seen when they are not with each other. No one can

    separate them except when the Holy Father would call Damian for a week-long vacation on Castel

    Gandolfo, the rest house of the Pope in Italy.

    It has been a long journey since Damian entered the seminary and he never have this

    feeling of being pressured as their graduation came nearer. Damian and Antonio have already

    finished their academic endeavors. They have passed their examinations and their pastoral

    researches; all they are waiting is the day of their graduation, wherein only he and Antonio are the

    students of their batch since their second year in theology. They are in dull moments for this

    month, no classes, no professors, and no assignments as if they are in the boredom. Their rector

    of the house let them do what they want to do for the whole month as long as they are still staying

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    in the seminary and will do their apostolate during Mondays and Sundays. This month became the

    month of discernment for them, especially for Damian who is still confused in making the decision

    whether he would go or not.

    One dreary afternoon, the board called the two candidates regarding their up coming

    ordination. Heartbeats are what they can hear as they walk though the hallway. They are nervous

    because of this meeting; a meeting wherein they know that they will gave their answer of consent

    in terms of their ordination. The rector coldly welcomed them in his office. He spoke to them very

    seriously for this matter is more than a serious one. The rector keep reiterating to them that this

    event is not just an event that will make them priests, hence, this is an event wherein they have to

    end their way of living and be more responsible for their actions and especially for their ministry.

    The matters about the flow of their ordination were discussed and have agreed that a week after

    their graduation would be their ordination. They ended the meeting that lasts foe about three long

    serious hours. But the rector is not satisfied thats why he let Damian and the prefect to stay for

    some reasons, including their plot to discourage Damian to become a priest.

    P. Rettore, c' qualcosa che si dimenticato di dirmi? (Fr. Rector, is there anything that

    you forgot to tell me?) Damian willfully asked, as if he is innocent but at the back of his mind

    uttering words of disappointment. (Io so quello che vuoi, perch non mi dite che voi non mi ha

    voluto direttamente a diventare sacerdote) (I know what you want, why dont you tell me directly

    that you never wanted me to become a priest.)

    The rector awfully replied, No Damiano, questo non grave, ma che questo potrebbe

    essere un problema non solo per voi, ma per la vostra famiglia quando si diventa un sacerdote .

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    (No Damian, this is not that serious, but this could be a problem not only for you but to your

    family when you become a priest.)

    Tutti noi sappiamo che lei l'ultimo uomo che porta il nome di famiglia, Vero? (We all

    know that you are the last man that carries your family name, isnt it?) the prefect promptly added.

    Damian knows what is happening. It is true that he is the last man standing on the ground

    that can continue the lineage of their clan. Most of his relatives devoted themselves either on

    priesthood or consecrated life as religious brothers or nuns. Unfortunately, he has no other brother

    in the clan that can still continue their name. He has a sister, Sr. Maria, who is a Carmelite nun.

    Damian knows that dilemma in their clan. He thought that the formators really wanted to send him

    out of the seminary is that because of some personal family problems with them. They are putting

    him into a dramatic stage of scrutinizing his decision wherein he has to choose whether his family

    or his vocation. They continually conversing with him until Damian cannot take it anymore; he

    was carried away by what the superiors are telling him and made him pressured.

    A great silence, then, occurred in the room.

    Questo cant essere! (This cant be!) Damian grudgingly broke the silence, Come si pu!

    Perch proprio a me! (How could this be! Why me!)

    Damians tears fall and he talked vaguely, uttering words of distress and doubts because of

    this tragic decision-making he have to make, a do or die for one of his choice.

    Damian, potete avere la vostra breve vacanza, vai alla tua famiglia e a parlare con loro

    (Damian, you can have your short vacation, go to your family and talk to them) the rector

    convincingly said with sympathy but at the back of his mind, the rector is happy because he

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    thought that Damian would leave the seminary. (In ultimo, lo so che lui sar sicuramente lasciare

    il seminario) (At last, I know he will surely leave the seminary.)

    P. Rettore, questo non deve essere cos (Fr. Rector, this must not be so) Damian

    unclearly said repeatedly.

    The prefect taps his back and assists him in standing. They have ended their conversation

    with a dramatic scene. Damian wanted to appeal many things but he cant because of his emotion

    that made him hardly speak.

    "Sono un lasciare, andare a casa e parlare con i vostri genitori" (Have a leave, go home

    and speak with your parents) the prefect kindly told him and quickly added, "che c' da sapere

    qualcosa."(you have to know something.)

    Even if Damian doesnt want to go home, Damian was forced because of his indignant

    prefect. On the following day he left the seminary for his vacation and go home in Sicily. The

    rector told him that he could have his vacation for a week for him to have a firm decision upon

    coming back. He walks towards the seminary gate while the sun rises against him with the cool

    breeze of the morning.

    "Devi sapere qualcosa!" (You have to know something!) the rector undertones as he gives

    blessing to Damian, "Dio vi benedica!" (God bless you!)

    It was around five in the afternoon when he arrived home. The sun sets sorrowfully

    together with his emotions. His parents were surprised upon seeing him entering their gate. It is

    almost six years since his last visit to the house of his childhood. That is merely because the time

    that his parents became very relentless to persuade him to leave the seminary.

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    "Damiano! Figlio mio, stai bene?" (Damian! My son, are you alright?) his mother rushed

    at him and hugged him. "Mi manca molto!" (I miss you very much!) she repeatedly saying while

    kissing Damian.

    His father looked at him very differently. This was the first time that he saw his father

    looked at him in that manner. His father became very confused when he saw Damian. His father

    was very problematic about Damian and came into his mind that Damian would leave the


    Che cosa vi hanno portato qui? (What have brought you here?) his father asked him with


    "Pap, che cosa devo fare?" (Papa, what must I do?) Damian asked his father terribly.

    Before saying anything, his father led him inside the house and there they talked. His father

    still hides the truth that there is a consequence in his priesthood. His father is a man of principle, a

    man that doesnt want to break any promises made. He understands the situation of his son, for he

    wanted, too, before to become a priest and has the same situation with his son. He also gives

    importance to the lineage of his clan thats why he gave up his vocation to the priesthood. His

    father shared his experiences to Damian and let him understand that he can also serve God in many

    different ways, especially in a life with a family. His fathers appeal made him to think the

    importance of their lineage, and made him have the idea of living the seminary.

    For five days, Damian spent every hour with his parents. His father became happy again,

    since the last time he had a happy moment with Damian is that when he is in third year in

    philosophy. But there is still a secret that is hidden to Damian. His father was a well-known person

    in Sicily and respected by many. He has many friends and one of them, a very influential man

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    whom they owed their business bothered him. They have agreement that their children would

    marry each other. That was a very long time ago; Damian was still in his mothers womb. He was

    Mr. Cordoba, but Damians father never wanted him to marry Mr. Cordobas daughter because

    they were not a Catholic family, they were Buddhists and wanted Damian to be with them. That is

    not only a slap on Damians face to have a fixed marriage but also to their clan who was well-

    know in the church. His father loved him so much and he wanted to support him in his priesthood

    and he does not want his fate to happen again on his son. But the thing is Damians life is in

    trouble, if he will not marry Mr. Cordobas daughter he will be killed in cold blood. This was a

    secret that was kept by his parents together with his formators.

    The week-long vacation that has been given to him has ended. He was preparing his

    baggage when his father entered his room. His father looked trembling and filled with owe while

    coming to Damian. His father wanted to tell him what is the real problem but he cant, for he

    thought that it is not the proper time. They talked a lot and as if it will be endless. When he has

    finished fixing his things, Damian says his farewell to his parents as he invited them on his

    graduation day. He was accompanied by his father to the bus stop and bade their farewell to each

    other very sentimentally.

    "Damian, attenzione, seguire il cuore vi dice" (Damian, take care, follow what you heart

    says) his father blissfully told him.

    "S, pap" (Yes, Papa Damian cheerfully answered and jubilantly say to his father as the

    bus moves, "vedere a voi la mia laurea giorno!" (see you at my graduation day!)

    With a renewed self and blessed spirit, Damian returned to the Vatican City with a cheerful

    mind. Before going back to the seminary, Damian dropped by to the Apostolic Palace to see his

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    grandpa.the swiss guard welcomed him with a smile for they knew him well since his childhood.

    He waited in the lobby while Mons. Santos called his grandpa. When he heard the voice of his

    grandpa, he didnt wait for him anymore and quickly go to his grandpas place. With reverence, he

    kissed his ring and hugged his grandpa.

    "Il nonno! Ho grande notizia per voi!" (Grandpa! I have great news for you!) Damian

    excitingly said to the pope.

    "Mi scusi" (Excuse me) Mons. Santos whispered to Damian, "ricordatevi che il nonno il

    papa, non corretto parlare con lui." (remember that you grandpa is the pope, it is not proper to

    speak with him here.)

    No, its O.K., the pope smilingly said, "Ma per il protocollo, ma hanno un bel posto per

    la nostra conversazione" (but for the protocol, lets have a nice place for our conversation). The

    pope walked with Damian saying, "Mons.Santos, potete continuare quello che stai facendo un po'

    di tempo fa, ci si pu lasciare." (Mons.Santos, you can continue what you are doing a while ago,

    you can leave us.)

    The pope led Damian to the top of the palace. They entered an empty room. They passed

    through it until they reached a very beautiful balcony. They can see from there the entirety of the

    Vatical City and there they can see the setting sun. Aside from the beautiful ambience, Damian

    cannot hide anymore the excitement of the news that he wanted to tell to his grandpa.

    "Damiano" the pope inquisitively called the attention of Damian, "che cosa sei venuto

    qui?" (what is it that you came over here?)

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    "S il nonno," (Yes grandpa,) Damian joyfully replied, "pap mi ha permesso di perseguire

    quello che io voglio, mi ha fatto diventare un sacerdote." (Papa allowed me to pursue what I want,

    he let me become a priest.)

    The pope happily replied, "Corso di Damian, il papa ha voluto che da allora ma la vostra

    pressione lui zii molto sul nostro clan."(Of course Damian, your papa wanted that since then but

    your uncles pressured him much about our clan.)

    Their conversation lasts for about an hour. They have spoken a lot out of their joy that he

    can be a priest with the approval of his father. The pope told Damian that many things can happen

    even if the world should fall apart as long as he is belieing that God will grant him his prayer. As

    the sun sets, their conversation seems endless but Damian needs to retur to the seminary before

    their prayer time. He asked for the popes blessing before leaving the palace. There could be no

    greater consolation to have a relative that would help him a lot especially in terms of prayer.

    " Arrividerci nonno!" (Goodbye grandpa!) Damian happily said, "vi ringrazio per le

    preghiere." (thank you for the prayers.)

    Damian happily returned to the seminary and his formators looked at him very confused.

    Antonio greeted him and helped him carrying his baggage. He was happy to see his friend coming

    back with a joyful vibes. His formators knew it, that his father didnt tell him the problem about

    Mr. Cordoba. The tension became great for them because they do really care for him even if

    Damian doesnt care for them. Damian goes directly to the rectors office and there they speak of

    wha is his decision. Damian proudly said that his father allowed him now to become a priest. The

    rector smiled at him and told him that he must prepare for it, because it is almost two weeks before

    his ordination.

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    On their graduation day, Damian and Antonio were very busy before the ceremony starts.

    Even if only the two of them will graduate the hall were filled with priests and visitors, the visitors

    were in great multitude, they are more than the number that the two expected. Damian have sought

    his parents so he left Antonio with his family and entertained hi own family. His sister was there

    and that was the only time again that their family became complete. No time was wasted and every

    happy moment they are posing for a picture. The graduation became a very remarkable day for

    them and he thanked everyone for coming. They announced the coming ordination that will took

    place on St. Peters Basilica on the following Sunday. All were happy for them and they are

    rushingto them for a picture. Damian sought an unfamiliar man in the crowd wherein he asked who

    he was but no one knows.

    After a moment, he saw his father come close to the man and it seems that he is begging for

    something. That man is noother than Mr. Cordoba. He heard about the graduation and he wanted to

    assure that Damian will marry hi daughter. The man goes away and after the conversation, he saw

    his father desolately, he was very distressed. Damian approached his father and looked at him

    confusely. The formators have sought the whole incident so they also come to them. The rector

    knew that this is the proper to tell to Damian the whole truth. His father nods at themgiving them

    the signal that they should tell him. The rector told them to go to the office for that matter. Damian

    has no idea of what is happening around him, but he followed them because he knows that his

    father is deeply troubled. Silence was in the room, and no oe knows how to start telling Damian the


    "Quello che sta accadendo?" (What is happening?) Damian confusedly asked them as he

    broke the silence, "c' qualche problema?" (Is there any problem?)

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    His father approached him ang hugged him very tight while saying, " Mio figlio mi

    dispiace, io ti amo, e non voglio perdere!" (My son I am sorry, I love you, and I dont want to lose


    Damian is unaware of what is happening as he said, "C' eanything che devo sapere?" (Is

    there eanything that I must know?)

    The rector looked at his father and said to Damian, "Damiano, lei deve sapere che quando

    lei era un bambino, non vi stato un accordo tra lei e la figlia di Mr. Cordoba." (Damian, you

    must have to know that when you were a child, there was an agrrement between you and the

    daughter of Mr. Cordoba.)

    "Che cosa? Come potrebbe questo essere?" (What? How could this be?) Damian

    problematically asked.

    His father speaks mutely; he cant face Damian because he was ashamed of what had

    happen. He cant say to Damian straightly so the rector helped him to explain the whole thing.

    They have said to Damian that he must marry Mr. Cordobas daughter or else he will be slain. That

    w as a very hard decision for him but he cannot made any further decision. Damian was deeply

    troubled and he doesnt know what to do. The place was filled with dreadful emotions. No one

    knows what to do and even the father blamed himself for that. They are loosing hope for that.

    Damian has no choice but to marry a woman whom he have never seen since then.

    The rector exclaimed in their midst, Dio per noi, Damiano fare ci che credete sia

    giusto." (God is there for us, Damian do what you think is right.)

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    Damian, with tears, said, "Sia fatta la Tua volont, O Signore!" (Thy will be done, O

    Lord!) as he left the small crucifix that is with him since he entered the seminary and left the room.

    It was a very hard for Damian to make such decision, the day ended with sorrows in him.

    The week before his ordination was very dreadful. He doesnt know what to do until the day before

    his ordination. It was Saturday and he have to go to the nearby chapel for catechism class together

    with Antonio. Damians feelings became better as they go outside the seminary. Unknowingly,

    there were some men following them. They didnt notice those men because of the students that

    are entertaining them. After their class, they bade farewell to the children as they also invite them

    for their ordination on the next day.

    A terrible scene took over. Men wearing black coat armed with high powered guns entered

    the session hall. All were afraid because they were look like terrorists. The children started crying.

    They all panicked and Antonio tried to call the attention of the people outside the session hall. The

    men hold Antonio tight as the children begged them not to hurt the two clerics. They didnt hurt

    them but as they brought Damian with them. They were all terrified because of the warning of one

    of the men that no one must follow them. Damian was carried by the men with a black limousine

    as they hastily go away. Antonio hurriedly goes home and told the news to his rector.

    Damian stirred from his unconsciousness tied up into a chair. He was in a small room with

    a dim light that let him see what surrounds him. There were men with guns wathching him. They

    were unfamilliar to him. Damian has the sense that they were men of Mr. Cordoba, for he knows

    that Mr. Cordoba wanted to assure that he will not be ordained. The man that he have seen on his

    graduation day entered the room, he looked prominently in tuxedo that made his shoulder looks


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    lo ottiene da qui! (Get me out of here!) Damian furiously shouted to Mr. Cordoba.

    "Figlio, non essere arrabbiata" (Son, do not be angry) Mr. Cordoba calmly said, "relax,

    non male." (relax, we will not hurt you.) Mr. Cordoba looked at him seriously as he seemingly

    cries in front of him.

    "Nonlo denomini il figlio! Non sei mio padre!" (Dont call me son! Youre not my father!)

    Damian irately said, "Io so chi siete!" (I know who you are!)

    Mr.Cordoba go nearer to him as he said, "Se voi mi conoscono realmente, voi non andate

    contro di me!" (If you really know me, you will not go against me!) he became iritated as he said,

    "Sposare mia figlia!" (Marry my daughter!)

    "Non sposare vostra figlia! Nessuno pu dettare me!" (I will not marry your daughter! No

    one can dictate me!) Damian shoutedly replied, "Solo Dio pu dettare me!" (Only God can dictate


    "Ragazzo, lei molto maleducato" (Boy, you are very impolite) Mr. Cordoba mildly said

    and slapped his face saying, "Non gridare di fronte a me!" (dont shout in front of me!)

    Damian bowed down said as his tears fall, "Io ho la mia fede in Dio, e NON sar mai

    sposa la figlia e un buddista!" (I have my faith in God, and I will never marry your daughter and

    be a Buddhist!)

    Mr. Cordoba looked at him straightly and grabbed his mouth and said, "ora, voi non solo

    ha rotto l'accordo che tuo padre e io, anche la mia religione in disgrazia!" (So now, you not

    only broke the agreement that your father and I have, you also put my religion in disgrace!)

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    "Non Fa' quello che vuoi! Mi diventer un sacerdote per sempre!" (I will never do what

    you want! I will become a priest forever!) Damian arrogantly replied.

    "Essere sacerdote?" (Be a priest?) Mr. Cordoba loughingly replied, "vediamo se diventer

    un sacerdote." (Lets see if you will become a priest.)

    "S ! Non si pu fermare me per diventare un sacerdote!" (Yes! You cannot stop me to

    become a priest!) Damian angrily said.

    "Voi non potr diventare un sacerdote" (You will not become a priest) Mr. Cordoba

    repugnantly said, "Se non vi si sposano la mia figlia io vi uccider!" (if you will not marry my

    daughter I will kill you!)

    "Uccidere me! Ma io non sposare vostra figlia!" (Kill me! But I will not marry your

    daughter!) Damian unpleasantly replied and said, "Vorrei scegliere la morte piuttosto che

    cambiare la mia religione!" (I would rather choose death than to change my religion!)

    Nonlo incolpi di che cosa accadr voi (Dont blame me for what will happen to you) Mr.

    Cordoba assuringly said to Damian.

    "Sia fatto, se volont di Dio" (Let it be done, if it is Gods will) Damian promptly replied,

    "Ma voi non mi denunciare la mia fede!" (but you cannot make me denounce my faith!)

    "Il tuo Dio ti benedica" (May your God bless you) Mr. Cordoba said as he goes out of the

    room and ordered his men, "Slegare ritorno lui al seminario." (Unfasten him and return him to the


    Damian was very afraid of what Mr. Cordoba has said. He was not joking, his life was

    really in danger but he has that strong faith and is still persistent to become a priest. It was very

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    dreadful scene for him. The men were unfastening him from the chair he is sitting. He asked many

    questions to them but they never answered him. They turn off the light and someone whispered to


    "A domani, dare una risposta sbagliata e tre colpi vi seguiranno in altare." (See you

    tomorrow, give a wrong answer and three gunshots will follow you in the altar.) The man said

    before he put a solvent-scented towel on Damians nose making him unconscious.

    The rector was in fear because of what had happened. It was almost midnight and Damian

    is not yet there. He doesnt know what to do until they have heard the doorbell rang. Antonio

    hurriedly go to the door, he first looked outside the house through the small hole in the door. He

    saw a car moving hastily. He was ver hesitant to open because something may happen next. He

    prayed for a second and upon opening the door, the unconscious Damian was lying in the door

    mat. He hurriedly called the attention of the rector for help. The rector hurriedly comes as he calls

    the prefect. They do not know what to do.Antonio brought him to the sala set and laid him there.

    The rector continuously taps Damians face until he woke up. They let him drink water and asked

    him questions.

    Dove si mettono?" (Where did they bring you?) the rector curiously asked Damian.

    The prefect quickly added, "Sei bella?" (Are you fine?)

    Antonio never wait for any second and hugged Damian tightly and said, "Damiano, mi ha

    fatto molto paura, ho pensato che vi perdete, vi sia diventato un sacerdote" (Damian, I was very

    afraid, I thought I will lose you, we will both become a priest), Damian said while crying as he

    vaguely added, "ci sar un sacerdote domani." (we will become a priest tomorrow.)

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    Damian faintly replied to Damian, "Antonio, sto bene" (Antonio, I am fine) tears fell from

    his eyes as he added, "S, ci sar un sacerdote domani." (Yes, we will become a priest tomorrow.)

    The rector broke their sentiments and said, "Cosa hanno fatto dire a voi?" (What did they

    say to you?)

    Damian scarcely answered him, " Padre, non mi ricordo niente." (Father, I cannot

    remember anything.)

    "Cosa? Che cosa se qualcosa accadr domani" (What? What if something will happen to

    you tomorrow), the prefect carefully asked.

    "Tre colpi" (Three gunshots) Damian hardly remembered as he said, "questo ci che mi

    ricordo."(that is what I can remember.)

    The rector confusedly asked, "spari?" (Gunshots?) and he terribly added, "Sei a perseguire

    il coordinamento domani?"(Are you going to pursue the ordination tomorrow?)

    "S Padre." (Yes Father.) Damian courageously answered, "Che cosa avvenuto la

    volont di Dio." (Whatever happened it is Gods will.)

    People started flocking the St. Peters Basilica as they prepare themselves for the two

    candidates. Peoples were excited to see the two clerics as they wait for them. Prominent people

    came and almost all the priests in the Vatican City will concelebrate and witness their consecration

    to God. There were five bishops wanted to join them and three cardinals working as prefects of

    some sacred congregation in the Vatican were also there. It is final; the pope will do ordain the


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    While the peoples are joyfully sings and rejoices at the St. PetersBasilica, Damian and

    Antonio were preparing themselves. Wearing the new alb that was given to them by the rector,

    they greeted their formators. It was dazzling white as snow.they were much prepared and it seems

    that nothing terrified had happened yesterday. They ride a white limousine owned by the pope as

    they go to the basilica. When the people sought them coming they were very nosiy, rejoicing for

    the two. Their families waited them at the gigantic door of the basilica. Damian had a short but

    meaningful conversation with his father before the ceremony started.

    "Figlio mio, sei sicuro?" (My son, are you sure of it?) his father anxiously asked Damian.

    "S , pap" (Yes, papa) Damian calmly replied, "Dio non ci sar per me." (God will be

    there for me.)

    "Dio vi benedica il mio figlio" (God bless you my son) he said in tears as he hugged

    Damian, "ti amo figlio mio." (I love you my son.)

    "Anche io vi amo papa" (I love you too papa) Damian answered with teary eyes, "Grazie

    per la vostra attenzione." (Thank you for your care.)

    They lined up facing the altar, inundated with priests and religious thatare gathered to

    witness their ordination. The basilica was filled with holiness and all peoples are silently praying

    as the procession started to move on towards the altar.

    As the Rite of Ordination started, the rector called the attention of the ordaining prelate and

    the people of God to present to them the two candidates. People were very silent as they listen to

    the rector. The two were nervous, a feeling that they first experience since then.

  • 8/2/2019 Three Gunshots


    The rector jubilantly call the candidates for their answer to Gods calling, "Sua Santito, Sua

    Eminenza, Sua Eccellenza" (His Holiness, His Eminence, His Excellency) and the rector

    continuously said, "e al popolo di Dio. IO sono qui per presentarvi i nostri candidati volentieri."

    (and to you people of God. I am here to gladly introduce to you our candidates.)

    Damian and Antonio stand as they face the whole crowd inside the Basilica. They were

    nervous as they wait for their names to be called.

    The rector pauses for a while and said, "Mi appello Antonio Tadini, che di essere

    ordinato diacono per favore venite Avanti." (I am calling Antonio Tadini, who is to be ordained

    deacon please come forward.)

    Antonio come forward and reverently said, "Io sono qui" (Here I am) as he goes to the

    Pope to give reverence.

    The rector continued and calls the name of Damian, Mi appello Damiano Sodano, che

    di essere ordinato diacono per favore venite avanti (I am calling Damian Sodano, who is to be

    ordained deacon please come forward.)

    Before giving any answer, Damian recalls all that had happened a month before that very

    day. He was deeply troubled to make a positive answer to the call of God in front of the altar. He

    relied on Gods infinite goodness as he walks through the center. He was very nervous, but he was

    ready to face what will happen.

    Damian faces the crowd and goes to the center and faithfully said, Eccomi, sono pronto a

    dare la vita per Dio."(Here I am, ready to give up my life for God.)

  • 8/2/2019 Three Gunshots


    As Damian walks towards the pope, three gunshots were heard. The people were terrified

    and they were all shocked for what had happened next. Damian fall wounded, with three gunshots

    penetrated his body. People were all in dread and they do not know what to do. Swiss guards

    hastily go to the pope for protection as the people run outside. The gunman was caught and it was

    he who whispered Damian the day before the ordination. They rushed Damian to the hospital and

    there he was almost one week unconscious.

    Damian woke up from his unconsciousness holding his crucifix.

    "Tre colpi sar mai stop me di diventare sacerdote." (Three gunshots will never stop me to

    become a priest.) Damian smilingly said as he lies down on the bed, and he kissed his crucifix.


  • 8/2/2019 Three Gunshots


    Damian Sodano, a candidate for ordination, was in front of the altar waiting for his name to

    be called. Before giving any answer as the Rector calls his name, events before the ordination

    came into his minds. He was deeply troubled because of the problem that occurred in his family.

    At first he thought that his family does not want him to become a priest because he was the last

    man that can continue the name of their clan, even the formators act against him. Unknowingly, all

    that is happening around him was the only answer they know to protect Damians life. A secret

    from his childhood was unfolded that made him realize everything. Will this problem made him

    step back or will he pursue his ordination? A wrong answer will be followed by a dreadful thing.

    Can three gunshots stop him to become a priest? Or is he willing to give up his life to become a

