  • Thought of the Day – 240 Quotes For Reflection AndInspiration

    Thought of the day

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    Top 15 Thoughts of the Day With Images

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    Everything happens for me, not to me. Byron Katie


  • There are two ways to be. One is at war with reality and the other is at peace. Byron Katie

    We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words aresecondary. Thoughts live; they travel far. Swami Vivekananda


  • A good life is a surprising life. A surprising life is one with few expectations. James Clear

    Thoughts are overrated. Intuition is underrated. Maxime Lagacé


  • You’re never too important to be nice to people. Jon Batiste

    If life is a video game, the graphics are great, but the plot is confusing and the tutorial is waytoo long. Elon Musk


  • In a complex world, intelligence consists in ignoring things that are irrelevant. NassimNicholas Taleb

    The most important thing is to find out what is the most important thing. Shunryu Suzuki


  • The game is to be where you are. Be it honestly and as consciously as you know how. RamDass


  • When there is no desire, all things are at peace. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching, Amazon book)

    We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joyfollows like a shadow that never leaves. Buddha


  • We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change ourthinking. Santosh Kalwar


  • The mind without passions is a fortress. No place is more secure. Marcus Aurelius(Meditations, Amazon book)


  • That’s life: starting over, one breath at a time. Sharon Salzberg

    See also: quote of the day, education quotes, spiritual quotes

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    The Best Thoughts of the Day

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    Who you think you are each day, completely determines the universe you live in. Ram Dass

    Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make your peace with that and all will bewell. Jack Kornfield

    What you really value is what you miss, not what you have. Jorge Luis Borges

    You know, there are two good things in life, freedom of thought and freedom of action.Somerset Maugham

    Embrace discomfort. That’s how you’ll learn, grow, become strong, and ultimately, becomefree. Maxime Lagacé

    The most important thing for learning is doing. The most important thing for success issaying no. The most important thing for happiness is saying yes. Maxime Lagacé

    10/28 of the Day 240 Quotes For Reflection And Inspiration.pdf

  • The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guardaccordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonablenature. Marcus Aurelius

    Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficultthing in the world. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    The greatest effort is not concerned with results. Atisha

    One gains by losing and loses by gaining. Zen proverb

    Your desire for pleasure or happiness makes you unhappy. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    No matter how much you try to hold on to something, it will all be gone. Taoist proverb

    If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. Buddhist proverb

    Slow reading, most enjoyable reading. Slow learning, deepest understanding. Slow toconclusions, deepest thinking. Rushing can make you waste time and life. @orangebook_

    Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot beimproved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. Osho

    If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generationsof your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You arethe continuation of each of these people. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Craziness is good. Crazy people are happy, free, they have no hindrance. But since you havemany attachment, you are only a little crazy. This is not crazy enough. You must becomecompletely crazy. Then you will understand. Seungsahn

    Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my lifeflows. Nisargadatta

    Those who seek the easy way do not seek the true way. Dogen

    Neither seek nor avoid, take what comes. Swami Vivekananda

    When you become a lover of what is, the war is over. Byron Katie

    The key to everything: give yourself permission to be who you really are. Susan Cain

    See also: best quotes of all time (the quotes we use the most)

    Part 2. Thoughts of the Day That Are…


  • The Most Famous Thoughts of the Day (Socrates, Voltaire,Einstein, etc.)

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    We think too much and feel too little. Charlie Chaplin

    Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten? Sigmund Freud

    He who is untrue to his own cause cannot command the respect of others. Albert Einstein

    We experience ourselves our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. Akind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restrictingus to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Albert Einstein

    Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Makeyour life worth living. Albert Einstein

    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives amimicry, their passions a quotation. Oscar Wilde

    Presence is when you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the nextmoment will be more fulfilling than this one. Eckhart Tolle

    As human beings, all 7 billion of us are born the same way and die the same way. Physically,mentally and emotionally we are the same. We all want to live a happy life and avoidproblems, but in a materialistic culture we overlook the importance of love and affection.14th Dalai Lama

    Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think. Socrates

    We have never arrived. We are in a constant state of becoming. Bob Dylan

    God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. Voltaire

    The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world atlarge. Confucius

    Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so. Bertrand Russell

    I never learned anything when I was talking. Larry King

    A clear rejection is always better than a fake promise. Zig Ziglar


  • In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion. Albert Camus

    The only shame is to have none. Blaise Pascal

    Don’t push the river; let the river flow. Arianna Huffington

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    Short Thoughts of the Day

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    One-liners, short thoughts of the day, quotes, sayings, thoughts and captions for your bio,social status, self-talk, motto, mantra, signs, posters, wallpapers, backgrounds.

    Ignorance is bold. Thucydides

    Act without expectation. Lao Tzu

    No clinging, no seeking. Zen proverb

    Direction matters more than speed. Shane Parrish

    Recognize and honor your uniqueness. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    To find yourself, think for yourself. Socrates

    To think for yourself, question yourself. Maxime Lagacé

    You are still guided by your expectations. Chuang Tzu

    A meditator is both an artist and a warrior. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Some lose yet gain, others gain and yet lose. Lao Tzu

    Those who stand for nothing fall for anything. Alexander Hamilton

    Talking is overrated. Listening is underrated. Maxime Lagacé

    Remember: eventually, no one will remember you. Jack Butcher (See also: death quotes)

    Where all think alike, no one thinks very much. Walter Lippmann

    You always admire what you really don’t understand. Blaise Pascal

    The really important thing is not to reject anything. Susan Sontag


  • Growth is the art of failing without self-destructing. @orangebook_

    Think long term. Execute short term. Appreciate the present. @TheStoicEmperor

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  • Inspirational and Motivational Thoughts of the Day

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    A thought, even a possibility, can shatter and transform us. Friedrich Nietzsche

    Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it. Ram Dass

    If you want to cure the world, don’t emanate fear – emanate love. Ram Dass

    The fool has many thoughts, dramatize them and becomes agitated. The wise has manythoughts, ignore most of them and stay cool-headed. Maxime Lagacé

    A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.James Allen (As a Man Thinketh, Amazon book)

    Look at the moon. It travels in the sky completely free, and this freedom produces beauty andhappiness. Thich Nhat Hanh

    The most important things in life are so simple: be good to people, cherish your friends andfamily, do what makes you happy, be present. Jack Altman

    The present moment. It’s where high performance is expressed and wisdom is revealed.Michael Gervais

    The power is in you. The answer is in you. And you are the answer to all your searches: youare the goal. You are the answer. It’s never outside. Eckhart Tolle

    Life’s meaning is not in following someone else, it is in the unfolding of one’s own self. It isnot a process of becoming like someone else, it is to be oneself. Osho

    No one is born with self-confidence. No one is born with a clear mind. No one is born withcourage. They are all acquired. Decades of efforts. Just keep going. @orangebook_

    If you never write, you never think. If you never instruct, you never master. If you nevergive, you never bond. If you never travel, you never notice. If you never create, you neverlive. @orangebook_


  • Most people feel that they become more and more authentic over the course of their lives. Ithink that the older we get, the less we give a damn who we’re “supposed” to be. Susan Cain

    Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your feelings need you, yourperceptions need you. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Our practice is to cultivate good seeds in the soil of our mind, knowing that they will matureand bloom in their own time. Thich Nhat Hanh

    Our quality of being determines our quality of doing. Thich Nhat Hanh

    There are years that ask questions, and years that answer. Zora Neale Hurston

    Our deepest nature is to awaken and flower. Tara Brach

    See also: positive quotes, quotes about strength

    Funny Thoughts of the Day

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    People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. Winnie the Pooh (A. A. Milne)

    To err is human; to admit it, superhuman. Doug Larson

    The fool laughs of others. The wise laughs with others. The wiser laughs at himself. MaximeLagacé

    If you want your children to listen, try talking softly to someone else. Ann Landers

    I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort. Zach Galifianakis

    Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hopethey will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. Albert Einstein

    As you get older, three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t rememberthe other two. Sir Norman Wisdom

    “That’s funny” is a nice way of letting someone know it really wasn’t. Sammy Rhodes

    How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand. Emo Philips

    I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. Groucho Marx

    Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use. WendellJohnson


  • The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing.Oscar Wilde

    Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society. Mark Twain

    Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. Mark Twain

    A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. Steve Martin

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    Deep Thoughts of the Day

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    Comfort is no test of truth. Truth is often far from being comfortable. Swami Vivekananda

    It’s okay to be alone, to be sad, to rest and repair. Really. Susan Cain

    Abundance is harder for us to handle than scarcity. Nassim Nicholas Taleb

    Little things console us because little things afflict us. Blaise Pascal

    There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinnerswho think they are righteous. Blaise Pascal

    If only humanity made its loving as frequent and as detailed as its complaining. Philip Arnold

    Brief is man’s life and small the nook of the Earth where he lives; brief, too, is the longestposthumous fame, buoyed only by a succession of poor human beings who will very soon dieand who know little of themselves, much less of someone who died long ago. MarcusAurelius

    No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. LaoTzu

    The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out forhimself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably hecomes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, andintolerable. H.L. Mencken (Prejudices: Third Series)

    Money isn’t the goal. Freedom is. Kids aren’t the goal. Loving is. Talent isn’t the goal.Growth is. The goal isn’t the goal. Meaning is. @orangebook_


  • Modern medicine is more about money than about health. Modern education is more aboutcredentials than about learning. Modern traveling is more about social signaling than aboutdiscovery. @orangebook_

    If you don’t crave for joy, misery won’t touch you. If you don’t crave for peace, nothing willdisturb you. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    What makes you ‘you’? If you find this out, your life becomes an eternal celebration. Sri SriRavi Shankar

    Nothing in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In fact, othersseem to be bothering you, but it is not other, it is your own mind. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    We are prisoners of the present, in perpetual transition from an inaccessible past to anunknowable future. Neil deGrasse Tyson

    If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end: if you look for comfort you will notget either comfort or truth – only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin with and, in the end,despair. C.S. Lewis

    To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you likeeverybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and neverstop fighting. E.E. Cummings

    In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act. CarolineCaldwell

    Your perspective on life comes from the cage you were held captive in. Shannon L. Alder

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    Wise Thoughts of the Day (Words of Wisdom)

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    What you are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware of, is in control of you.Anthony de Mello

    The foolish reject what they see, not what they think; the wise reject what they think, notwhat they see. Huang Po

    The more you meditate, the more you understand yourself. The more you understandyourself, the more peaceful you can be. Maxime Lagacé


  • The fools have busy minds and busy calendars. The wise have quiet minds and quietcalendars. The wiser have fulfilled minds and no calendar. Maxime Lagacé

    You should be far more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results.James Clear (Atomic Habits, Amazon book)

    Conquer the angry man by love. Conquer the ill-natured man by goodness. Conquer the liarwith truth. The Dhammapada

    The way of the sage is to act but not to compete. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

    He who tries to shine dims his own light. He who defines himself can’t know who he reallyis. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

    Three treasures I cherish: The first is fathomless love, the second is frugality, and the third isreluctance to lead. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

    Continuous eloquence wearies. Grandeur must be abandoned to be appreciated. Continuity ineverything is unpleasant. Cold is agreeable, that we may get warm. Blaise Pascal

    When people do not ignore what they should ignore, but ignore what they should not ignore,this is ignorance. Zhuangzi

    The future is being made out of the present, so the best way to take care of the future is totake care of the present moment. This is logical and clear. Thich Nhat Hanh

    If you miss the present moment, you miss your appointment with life. Thich Nhat Hanh

    There is the mud, and there is the lotus that grows out of the mud. We need the mud in orderto make the lotus. Thich Nhat Hanh

    If you follow wisdom, fun follows you. If you follow fun, misery follows you. Sri Sri RaviShankar

    The truly smart don’t care about looking smart. The truly rich don’t care about looking rich.The truly happy don’t care about looking happy. @orangebook_

    Food fasting fixes the body. Thought fasting fixes the mind. Judgment fasting fixesrelationships. Have the courage to get less: you will get more. @orangebook_

    Never assume it’s too late, but remember you don’t have forever. Johnny Uzan

    Darkness is an absence of light. Ego is an absence of awareness. Osho

    The power of man’s virtue should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinarydoings. Blaise Pascal


  • A man who is never foolish is not as wise as he thinks. François de La Rochefoucauld

    More wisdom quotes

    See also: 8 Key Lessons for Living a Simple Life (

    Part 3. Thoughts of the Day About…

    Thoughts of the Day About Life, Friendship

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    Surround yourself with people who focus more on improving others than provingthemselves. Adam Grant

    Make life more beautiful by telling hard truths. Avoid making life more illusory by tellingcomforting lies. Maxime Lagacé

    Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force. Lao Tzu

    Who is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple oflife. Lao Tzu

    Trying to control leads to ruin. Allow your life to unfold naturally, knowing that it too is avessel of perfection. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

    People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of theirlives. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Flow, Amazon book)

    The world is nothing but my perception of it. I see only through myself. I hear only throughthe filter of my story. Byron Katie

    If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world. BlaisePascal

    Thought can never capture the movement of life, it is much too slow. U.G. Krishnamurti(Mind is a Myth)

    The art of life is to stay wide open and be vulnerable, yet at the same time to sit with themystery and the awe and with the unbearable pain – to just be with it all. Ram Dass

    The quality of your life is driven by how you respond to what you don’t know and theprinciples by which you live. Shane Parrish

    It’s the quality of our life that is important, not how long we live. Thich Nhat Hanh20/28

  • Life is only available in the present moment. The past is already gone; the future is not yethere. Thich Nhat Hanh

    A life well-lived is a life well-edited. Prune away the inessential. Pour yourself into whatremains. James Clear (See also: simplicity quotes)

    We are very good at preparing to live, but not very good at living. We know how to sacrificeten years for a diploma, and we are willing to work very hard to get a job, a car, a house, andso on. But we have difficulty remembering that we are alive in the present moment, the onlymoment there is for us to be alive. Thich Nhat Hanh (Peace Is Every Step)

    Trying times bring the best out of you. Rewarding times give the best of the world to you.Life is combination of both. Move on with zeal. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    You fail to build relationships when you are too scared to trust. You fail to build wealth whenyou are too scared to invest. You fail to build happiness when you are too scared to live.@orangebook_

    The cruel always believe the kind are weak. But human decency and goodness can also movehuman affairs. David Frum

    I am only interested in people engaged in a project of self-transformation. Susan Sontag

    If you don’t know where the days go, you won’t know where your life went. Jack Butcher

    Life is half spent before we know what it is. George Herbert

    See also: friendship quotes

    Thoughts of the Day About Happiness, Peace, Freedom

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    Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary. BlaisePascal

    Rather than act like the lord of the manor, I would rather behave like a guest. Lao Tzu

    The moment that judgment stops through acceptance of what is, you are free of the mind.You have made room for love, for joy, for peace. Eckhart Tolle

    The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but you thoughts about it. Be awareof the thoughts you are thinking. Eckhart Tolle (A New Earth, Amazon book)


  • Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends onconditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not. Eckhart Tolle

    A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible labor and there isinvisible labor. Victor Hugo

    It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makesyou happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. Dale Carnegie

    Time is a box formed by thoughts of the past and future. When you’re not dwelling in thepast or anticipating the future, but you are just right here, right now – you’re outside of time.Ram Dass

    Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realize that in our ownbeing, we are enough. Ram Dass

    The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation. Milarepa

    Real freedom is freedom from past and future. When you offer everything as it arises in youthen nothing can take you away from your centre. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Everything is impermanent. Knowing this, just relax. Be happy and spread happiness. Be freeminded and high spirited. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    If we are not fully ourselves, truly in the present moment, we miss everything. Thich NhatHanh (Peace Is Every Step, Amazon book)

    Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart,we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free. Thich NhatHanh

    There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore,acquire contentment. Swami Sivananda

    You want successful relationships, just be honest. You want talent, just be disciplined. Youwant money, just provide people what they want. You want health, just skip sugar and stress,and get sun and sleep. You want happiness, just be mindful. @orangebook_

    What you read doesn’t matter if you don’t think. What you think doesn’t matter if you don’tdo. What you do doesn’t matter if you aren’t happy. @orangebook_

    People think they are smart because they think constantly, but intelligence is about figuringout how to stop thoughts that make you miserable. @orangebook_


  • You read less once you understand the value of writing your own thoughts. Fulfillmentdoesn’t come from consumption, but from creation. @orangebook_

    Happiness is a state of nonillusion, of dropping the illusion. Anthony de Mello

    Be silent and watch the world of delusions melt away. B.D. Schiers

    See also: inner peace quotes, gratitude quotes

    See also: 13 Easy Ways to Be Happy Every Day (

    Thoughts of the Day About Love, Relationships

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    You gotta remember that the ego is built on fear. It’s not built on love. Ram Dass

    We’re fascinated by the words, but where we meet is in the silence behind them. Ram Dass

    It is nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. John Templeton

    Even if you win in ego, it is a loss. Even if you lose in love, it is a victory. Sri Sri RaviShankar

    Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace. Kimberly Jones

    In this life, when you deny someone an apology, you will remember it at time you begforgiveness. Toba Beta

    You are not responsible for how people feel about themselves. @orangebook_

    Never feel guilty about spending time with people you love. @orangebook_

    You can’t find mutual love if you haven’t found self-love. @orangebook_

    The less you want from others, the more honest and authentic you become, and the better allyour relationships. @orangebook_

    Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations ofstrength and resolution. Kahlil Gibran

    In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change. Thich Nhat Hanh

    See also: love yourself quotes, relationship quotes

    Thoughts of the Day About Education, Learning23/28

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    True education consists in this: to feel joy and grief at the right things. Aristotle

    The greater intellect one has, the more originality one finds in men. Ordinary persons find nodifference between men. Blaise Pascal

    The truth you believe and cling to, makes you unavailable to hear anything new. PemaChödrön

    The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.William Blake

    Ornate language has so long been taken for deep learning that it is not easy to show that suchwords often conceal ignorance. John Locke

    The master is her own physician. She has healed herself of all knowing, thus she is trulywhole. Lao Tzu (Tao Te Ching)

    Usually when we hear or read something new, we just compare it to our own ideas. If it isthe same, we accept it and say that it is correct. If it is not, we say it is incorrect. In eithercase, we learn nothing. Thich Nhat Hanh

    For a few centuries man has tried to make himself like a machine. He’s learned to arrive ontime. He’s learned to repeat after teacher. He’s learned to do repetitious tasks reliably.Machines are now better at being machines than man is. Man must now relearn how to beman. @TheStoicEmperor

    You will grow faster once you have the courage to spend more time alone. @orangebook_

    Focus on timeless learning, not on learning in less time. @orangebook_

    The best teachers constantly learn. The best learners constantly teach. The best thinkers doboth. @orangebook_

    Eloquence stems from thousands of hours discussing ideas. Self-confidence stems fromthousands of hours applying ideas. Clear thinking stems from thousands of hours simplifyingideas. @orangebook_

    If I have ventured wrongly, very well, life corrects me with a penalty. But if I haven’tventured at all, who can help me then? Søren Kierkegaard

    You have to be willing to look like an idiot in the short run to outperform in the long run.While copying what others already do helps achieve average results quickly, commonapproaches never outperform. What ends as better, starts as different. Shane Parrish


  • Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easilywhat others have labored hard for. Socrates

    The most valuable insights can’t be bought. They must be earned. Shane Parrish

    Education is what someone tells you to do. Learning is what you do for yourself. Thibaut

    See also: knowledge quotes

    See also: How To Learn Faster – 30 Simple Hacks Based On Science ( )

    Thoughts of the Day About Work, Business

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    To be more original, spend more time with yourself. Jack Butcher

    Smart colleagues show self-confidence. Smarter colleagues show vulnerability. MaximeLagacé

    Learn to be peaceful in uncomfortable situations. The calmer you’ll be, the clearer you’llthink. Maxime Lagacé

    The real art of communication is not in making yourself impressive, but in making yourselfunderstood. It is a rarer skill than you might think. @TheStoicEmperor

    Once you make peace with the fact that all decisions are made by real people – not logicalpeople – life gets easier. Thibaut

    Only once you give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all, to stop saying yes toeveryone, can you make your highest contribution towards the things that really matter. GregMcKeown (Essentialism, Amazon book)

    The things that matter most can’t be copied. You can copy goals, you can’t copy discipline.You can copy ideas, you can’t copy execution. You can copy answers, you can’t copyunderstanding. You can copy thinking, you can’t copy thinking for yourself. Shane Parrish

    If they call you “weird,” you are onto something. Sparks of revolution, scientific discoveries,technological breakthroughs: they never come from “normal people.” @orangebook_

    Become a great businessman, but don’t forget to be a great son, a great husband, and a greatdad. No point in bettering yourself if you lose yourself in the process. @orangebook_


  • If you’re not tired at the end of the day, work harder. If you’re too tired at the end of the day,work smarter. @orangebook_

    Genius isn’t about knowing more, it’s about thinking differently. @orangebook_

    Everyone can work hard for a few weeks, few can do it for a few years. @orangebook_

    When fishermen cannot go to sea, they repair nets. Nabil Sabio Azadi

    See also: hard work quotes, leadership quotes

    Thoughts of the Day About Motivation, Success

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    Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear. Lao Tzu

    Don’t waste your time playing games you don’t care about winning. Jack Altman

    The wise will use self-discipline to achieve success. The wiser will choose meaning toachieve fulfillment. Maxime Lagacé

    Concentration produces wealth. Diversification protects wealth. James Clear

    Be the designer of your world and not merely the consumer of it. James Clear (AtomicHabits)

    If you want to win once, focus on the outcome. If you want to win often, focus on theprocess. Shane Parrish

    The things that matter aren’t sexy. Culture teaches us to seek money, power, and fame. Andyet, we are no happier with these things. What fulfills us is being a mom or a dad, a son or adaughter, a partner, a soul mate, a trusted friend, … to the people in our lives. Shane Parrish

    The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces. Will Rodgers

    Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    In always wanting to be comfortable, you become lazy. In always wanting perfection, youbecome angry. In always wanting to be rich, you become greedy. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Measure wealth in friendship, love and integrity. Only the soulless keep score with money.It’s quantifiable nature provides them with the superiority they crave. Jack Peach

    If you want to be well liked – be nice and mediocre. Large success brings hate, jealousy, andadmiration – not public acceptance. @LifeMathMoney


  • Confidence comes from one place and one place only – your self-talk. Michael Gervais

    Success is when you no longer compare yourself to anyone else. @orangebook_

    Success is the art of fasting. Food fasting. Information fasting. Entertainment fasting. Socialfasting. Only consume what you need. @orangebook_

    If you aren’t scared of spending time alone, you’re already halfway to success.@orangebook_

    Those who are confident without knowledge are not courageous, but mad. Socrates

    Repetition either leads to boredom/slumber or elevates you to perfection. Sri Sri RaviShankar

    See also: success quotes

    See also: Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated(

    Part 4. Conclusion

    Go to table of contents

    It might sound pessimistic, but I remember one teacher saying to always live life with deathon the side, the idea of remembering how precious life is. I think about it every day, like,“Wow, life will end for all of us.” Andy Puddicombe

    Call to action: Read The Best Advice These 11 Successful People Ever Received(

    Table Of Contents

    Part 1Top 15 ImagesBest Thoughts of the Day

    Part 2Thoughts of the Day That AREFamousShortInspirationalFunnyDeepWise


  • Part 3Thoughts of the Day ABOUTLifeHappinessLoveEducationWorkMotivation

    Part 4Conclusion


    Thought of the Day – 240 Quotes For Reflection And InspirationTop 15 Thoughts of the Day With ImagesThe Best Thoughts of the DayPart 2. Thoughts of the Day That Are…The Most Famous Thoughts of the Day (Socrates, Voltaire, Einstein, etc.)Short Thoughts of the DayInspirational and Motivational Thoughts of the DayFunny Thoughts of the DayDeep Thoughts of the DayWise Thoughts of the Day (Words of Wisdom)Part 3. Thoughts of the Day About…Thoughts of the Day About Life, FriendshipThoughts of the Day About Happiness, Peace, FreedomThoughts of the Day About Love, RelationshipsThoughts of the Day About Education, LearningThoughts of the Day About Work, BusinessThoughts of the Day About Motivation, SuccessPart 4. ConclusionTable Of Contents