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It's my life.

Hi, I'm Alejandro, and I wanna tell you something about me.


When I was 1-4 years old.

When I came to Don Benito.

Some years later.


My tastes.

One of my dream.

My story.

More photos.


When I was 1-4 years old.

I borned in Sant boi, Catalunya. But I lived in Viladecans.

I can't remember many things about this time.

Something that I can say is that it was very different from here.


When I came to
Don Benito

I was five when I came to Don Benito, and when I met my friends. My grandma came with us.

I spoke Catalan when I started school at Don Benito, but I learned Spanish very soon.

My friends helped me to integrate into the group.

Some years later

When I was ten years old, more or less, I started to go with friends to play or to walk.

I started to be more social with people.

Before of that I was at home every day.


Now i'm in the high school with some of my friends, studying hard, but feeling good beacuse I see them every day.

Now for my tastes

I like to go with friends, or play videogames with them.

I don't like to be alone, I can't stand it.

I like sports too.

I like songs like that is playing now. But I must say that I haven't got a favourite.

One of my dreams

My principal dream is to study Astronomy, beacuse I love seeing stars and the other lights that we can watch at the sky.

This is my story :D

I can't change my life, but i don't wanna change anything of my story, so if you don't like me, I'll don't care, beacuse I have friends that will stay with me. Bye ;D

More photos


Google Images.

LibreOffice Impress.

Youtube: Music. El secreto de las tortugas_Maldita Nerea.

The End