
These are species which are in danger of extinction.The survival of such species is difficult if the negative factors that have led to a decline in their population continue to operate. Ex: black buck, crocodile & Indian wild ass. Anendangered(EN)speciesis one which has beencategorizedby the International Union for Conservation of Natureas likely to becomeextinct Conservationuse theIUCN Red List, where "endangered" is the second most severeconservation statusfor wild populations, followingcritically endangered.3079animalsand 2655plantsare endangered worldwide, compared with 1998 levels of 1102 and 1197, respectively.[1]The amount, population trend, and conservation status of each species can be found in thelists of organisms by population.Easy Things You Can Do to Save Endangered SpeciesWe have a responsibility to protect our nation's wildlife, birds, fish and plants on the brink of extinction. We pledge to do these things at home to protect endangered species.1. Learn about endangered species in your area2. Visit a national wildlife refuge, park or other open space3. Make your home wildlife friendly4. Native plants provide food and shelter for native wildlife. 5. Slow down when driving6. Recycle and buy sustainable products7. Never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species8. Harassing wildlife is cruel and illegal. Shooting, trapping, or forcing a threatened or endangered animal into captivity is also illegal and can lead to their extinction. We should stop doing this type of idiotic things 9. Protect wildlife habitat

We should do this bcoz The Earth does not belong to us... We are borrowing it from our grandparents...'
