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Brief 5: Themed Animation

Use a good quality print out of an oil painting (16th – 17th century) as a starting point for a stop-frame anima-tion ( is a good place to look).Alter the paint-ing as the anima-tion progresses, by introducing other elements – back-grounds, objects, etc – and removing others.Consider devel-oping your ideas along the following themes discussed in “Ways Of Seeing”:

1) What’s shown (wealth/power)/what’s hidden (exploitation/conse-quences).

2) Present monoto-

ny/future dreams.

3) Increase in envy/increase in democ-racy.

The animation should last approxi-mately 30 seconds and should contain NO text.At the end of the animation, insert a title card detailing the time, money, and technical re-sources you dedi-cated to the work.The frame rate of the animation must be 12fps (frames per second )or above.Use Photoshop or software of your choice to assem-ble the animation stills, and output the work as a video file.

Page 2: Themed animation

For the week 5 breif i had to create animation based on the theme from John Bergers ways of seeing. I chose to to do my animation on “ present mo-notony/ future dreams”. The idea behind this is that adver-tising is constantly

presenting us with the idea of a better life, and the con-sumer will actually believe these things could happen. The paint-ing i used as the basis for my ani-mation is Pietro Perugino’s “Apollo and marsyass”. The main

character appears quite bored in the painting, which i used as a start-ing point. In the animation he day-dreams of a more exciting life in the case becoming a rockstar. Eventually he stops dreaming and is back in his original reality.

