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InterDB 2005 Preliminary Version

Thematic Schemas Building forMediation-based Peer-to-Peer Architecture 1

Nicolas Lumineau 2 Anne Doucet 2 Stephane Gancarski 2

Laboratory of Computer Science of Paris VI (LIP6)Paris, France


During last years, mediation tools and peer-to-peer systems have allowed an impor-tant evolution for data sharing. Mediators are now mature techniques to share struc-tured and heterogeneous data distributed through a reasonable number of nodes.Peer-to-peer architectures open new ways to build very large and dynamic networksallowing to share unsctructered data as files indexed by some keywords. We pro-pose here to exploit the complementarity of these approaches to efficiently sharestructured and heterogeneous data distributed through a large set of nodes. Wepropose an unstructured peer-to-peer architecture handling interactions between alarge set of mediators and simplifying the process of schema exchanges. We focuson the dynamic building of mediation schemas which are personalized for user needsin order to query the network. To validate our approach, we have implemented aprototype, MenT2, which integrates several schemas via mediator interactions in asimulated network.

Key words: Peer-to-Peer, Mediator interoperability, Mediationschema building

1 Introduction

Scientific applications in computer science need to manipulate huge amounts ofheterogeneous data, distributed on a large number of remote sites. Exploitingthose resources requires an homogeneous access to the different sources andstructured queries to retrieve data corresponding to different criteria.

Mediation tools such as [13,6,10,15] are a solution which scale up to afew ten sources. The principle of mediation is to integrate schemas published

1 This research is done in the context of the PADOUE project( financed by ACI GRID( Email: [email protected]

This is a preliminary version. The final version will be published inElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science


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by data sources into a global schema, available for applications. Structuredqueries over this global schema are rewritten in terms of local schemas usingwrappers, then splitted into sub queries over local schemas which are sent tothe relevant data sources. Results are then transferred to the mediator whichintegrates them before sending the final result to the application. Elaboratingsuch a global schema is the main scientific lock for mediator scalability. Indeed,to build a global schema, all sources must be known, and the localization of adata requires querying all the mediators. The bottleneck generated for eachquery handling is the main limitation of such approaches.

Peer-to-peer systems (P2P) are nowadays very popular, mainly due to thegrowing interest for file-sharing application on the Internet, such as Napster,KaZaa or Edonkey. The main principle of Peer-to-peer is not only that eachnode in the network can be used as a data server and as a client, but also thatnodes are dynamically organized according to nodes connections or disconnec-tions. Because of this dynamicity, building a global schema is not possible,and each node has only a partial knowledge of the network, its neighborhood.Messages are propagated from neighbors to neighbors until relevant informa-tion is found. Various organizations for P2P systems are proposed: pure P2P,based on flooding such as Gnutella [8], hierarchical such as Super-Peers [24],or structured by Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) such as P-Grid [1] , Chord[22] or CAN [18]. However, these systems are insufficient for scientific appli-cations since they only provide data sharing at file level, and a poor querylanguage, usually based on file name search only.

Our proposal is to combine peer-to-peer architecture to guarantee scala-bility and mediation tool to ensure a transparent data access. Unlike existingproposals [16,2] which assume that users know all the concepts available in thenetwork, and which dynamically maintain mappings between local and remoteschemas, we propose to build mediation schemas. The originality of our pro-posal is to semantically enrich schemas with meta-information like thematic,temporal or localization information in order to ease schema exchanges and toprovide user with a personalized schema. Our strategy fits with geographicaland environmental applications, whose needs are to develop multidisciplinarydata sharing, e.g. hydrologists and climatologists with town planner aboutflooding risks, geologists and physicists with oceanographers or petroleumcompanies. For these multidisciplinary applications, schema sharing is essen-tial in order to enable users discovering new concepts.

To build mediation schema modeling data distributed through a large scaleand dynamic network, we propose a two-phase mediation process: a staticphase followed by a dynamic phase. The static phase allows to publish dataaccording to thematic domains. It imposes that data providers write mediatorwrappers. The dynamic phase is initiated by users. It consists in collectingand integrating schemas available in the network which correspond to userstopics of interest. Thus, our system provides users with a personalized schemaallowing to build retrieval queries.


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Experiments are done with our prototype MEnT2 (Mediation in TwoTimes). This prototype runs with the relational mediator LeSelect [21] and itvalidates our model through simulation.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a global overview ofexisting peer-to-peer architecture for data sharing. Section 3 presents ourmediation-based peer-to-peer architectures. It defines the notions of publishedschema and thematic schema. Section 4 details the construction of thematicschemas. Our implementations are described in Section 5. Section 6 concludesand gives some perspectives about data querying.

2 Peer-to-Peer Data Sharing

Since several years, many scientific projects promote Peer Data ManagementSystems [3], which integrate database management and peer-to-peer systems,to study how peer-to-peer systems can be combined database management. Inthis context, one of the main issues is raised by the knowledge of schemas. Forstructured P2P architecture, [7,9] propose a solution for data sharing basedon DHT. Several solutions are proposed for unstructured peer-to-peer sys-tems. [14,5] use mediation tools for data access management, while [23,16,2,4]propose a pure semantic based solution which maintains dynamic mappingsbetween remote nodes.

2.1 Structured Peer-to-Peer Networks

Several propositions allow structured data sharing using DHT. PIER [7] pro-poses an architecture for relational query processing with an index based onCAN [18]. They propose a solution to handle joins, groupings and aggrega-tions. PinS project [9] is dedicated to metadata sharing and is based on DHTto index attribute/value couples logically distributed with Pastry [20]. Sincewe consider applications where data placing strategy is not possible becauseof sources autonomy (i.e. providers must keep their own data managementand control), we do not consider structured peer-to-peer architecture, and wefocus on unstructured approaches.

2.2 Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

For unstructured peer-to-peer networks, we distinguish systems using media-tors and systems dynamically handling mappings.

Mediator-based approaches. Edutella [14] architecture is based onRDF to describe schemas and proposes efficient techniques for RDF queryevaluation through a Super-Peer architecture. The global schema is replacedby a mapping network between local schemas that allows building new map-pings by transitivity. In Xyleme [5], which is dedicated to XML data, abstractDTDs are built to interface a set of DTDs dealing with common topics. The


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mappings between DTDs and abstract DTDs are automatically generated bysearching syntatic or semantic similarities.

Semantic-based approaches PeerDB [16] proposes a solution based onagents to dynamically handle mappings built with semantic information ofschemas (set of key words). Information Retrieval techniques are used to com-pare relations and attributes according to these keywords in order to propagatequeries towards nodes with sufficiently close schemas. The gossiping [2] givesalso a solution based on dynamic mappings between local schemas expressedby queries. The neighborhood of each node is composed of nodes contain-ing the same schema or containing schemas with known mappings. A queryis rewritten according to the mappings of the remote neighbor on which thequery is propagated. They define a metric for semantic comparison of queriesto avoid to too many successive rewritings. Piazza [23] treats mappings be-tween schemas to query heterogeneous sources. Each node can export data ordefine a “peer schema”(i.e. its own view of the network). They define map-pings between two or several “peer-schemas”according to a mixed approach:Global As View and Local As View. Hyperion [4] proposes an extension ofmappings in order to consider mappings between data. Triggers allow dynam-ically maintaining these mappings up to date.

As [5] and [23], we propose to build mediation schemas but we exploitsthe idea of [16] about using dictionary in order to handle two complementarysources of mappings: static wrappers of mediators and dynamic mappingsdictionary. Thus we define a mediation layer adapted to dynamic networkand allowing the efficient management of queries.

3 Peer-to-peer architecture based on mediation

In this section, we present some assumptions and concepts related with ourapplication context. Then, we detail our architecture based on two media-tion phases used to build a mediation schema allowing to query the networkthrough interactive mediators.

3.1 Our context

Assumptions. To tackle the problem of data sharing in a large scale, we ap-ply a “divide and conquer”strategy to propose a process of data sharing basedon semantic labeling of schemas. Our approach implies two main assump-tions about data. First, the data we want to share through the network areclassifiable by a theme representing a specific domain. The set of themes areexplicitly defined and shared by data providers and users. This assumptionallows building a semantic vision of the network. Second, we suppose thatpublication standards exist for each theme. They allow defining attributes as


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homogeneously as possible. Indeed, information sources are supposed to beautonomous, and no coordination between the providers should be required.The existence of publication standards is realistic especially in a context ofmetadata publication, which is the case for environmental or geographicalmetadata publication (e.g. ISO, FGDC, OpenGis,...). Note that a publica-tion standard is not a global schema, and it does not allow a complete dataintegration. Based on these two assumptions, we ensure that data providershave the necessary knowledge to define the syntax (through standards) andthe semantic (through themes) of their schemas. In the following, we supposethat the list of themes and standards can be consulted by all data providersand users.Concepts. Using standards leads to consider two categories of attributes:normalized attributes, specified in the standard, and specific attributes, whosedefinition is free for each data provider. Note that only specific attributescan potentially create conflicts for data integration. Thus we associate a se-mantic description with attributes, through keywords expressing the conceptsassociated with the attribute. To avoid building a global schema, we proposeto define different mediation schemas, named thematic schemas, i.e. relatedto a theme. Thematic schemas provide users or user communities with anaccess to data relevant to their topics of interest. To ease the building ofthese thematic schemas, we define an intermediate mediation schema, namedpublished schema, containing meta-information on data, structure and datasources. Published schemas are defined for a given theme and for a givennode. Moreover, they give a partially homogeneous structure of data accord-ing to publication standards.

<schemaQuery> (1)

<theme value="hydrology"/>


A node must be able to treat two kinds of query: schema query and dataquery.A schema query allows discovering schemas available in the network. It isrepresented by a XML stream as in (1), which specifies the themes interestingfor the current user, here “hydrology”.

A data query is a SQL query treated by mediators that we assume to berelational mediators. This assumption is realistic because a large proportion ofexisting mediators are relational. Moreover, our application framework whichis done by the PADOUE project [17], is based on a relational mediator, namedLeSelect [21] .

3.2 Two Phases Mediation Process

The global architecture of a node shown on Figure 1 illustrates the two phasesallowing to build a thematic schema that users will use to query the network.The first mediation phase of is statically handled by the providers, while the


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Fig. 1. The two mediation phases and associated schemas

second phase is initiated by users and dynamically handled by the system.

1) Static generation of published schemas: To ease exchanging schemaswith the rest of the network, data providers generate published schemasthrough the schema publisher. Published schema generation for one themeconsists of configuring the mediator by writing wrappers (structure publica-tion), defining views according to the theme (semantic publication) and en-capsulating the structure of the views associated with the theme, togetherwith meta-information, in an XML stream. To realize this process, dataproviders know the publication standards on which the wrapper is based, andthe theme catalogs allowing to define views. This phase can be viewed as a“coarse grain”mediation that allows to homogeneously define all normalizedattributes.2) Dynamic generation of thematic schemas: To generate a thematicschema, the system collects all the published schemas corresponding to thetheme and currently available in the network. After being collected, theseschemas are integrated. This dynamic phase provides users with a mediationschema modelling relevant and available data.

To illustrate our proposal, we consider two data providers, companyA andcompanyB, which decide to publish their data about dyke management, anda user on node companyC, who is interested by those data, for flood pre-vention. As shown in Figure 2, data provider of companyA normalizes itssource schema Doc Dykes to build a published schema Dyke associated withtheme hydrology. This published schema is composed of two normalized at-tributes langCd and CountryCd and one specific attribute lineage stat. Thedata provider of companyB normalizes his source schema Dykes dc to buildanother published schema for hydrology composed of the same normalizedattributes and the specific attribute ftName. This first phase of mediation isdone by data providers of companyA and companyB only once, when enter-ing to the network. Next, when the user of companyC needs all the data ofrelation Dyke associated with theme hydrology, the system generates on node


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Fig. 2. Example with three nodes (two providers and one user)

companyC the thematic schema about hydrology containing the integratedschema of all published schemas. In the following, we detail the building andthe management of published schemas and thematic schemas.

3.3 Thematic Schema

A thematic schema models data concerning a theme and currently availablein the network. The building of this schema is initiated by the user and isdynamically done by the system. As shown in Figure 3.a., a thematic schemais characterized by a theme, here hydrology, and a freshness associated withthe schema. This freshness represents the age of a thematic schema. It avoidsgenerating a new thematic schema when it already exists on the node witha sufficient freshness. Freshness notion and thematic schema building aredetailed in Section 4.

3.4 Published Schema

A published schema is built autonomously by each data provider. The purposeof such a schema is to normalize source schemas stored on the node accordingto a publication standard. A published schema is defined for a theme and anode. Thus, for a given theme, there are as many different published schemasas nodes storing data about this theme. As shown in Figure 3.b., a publishedschema on a node is characterized by a theme, here hydrology, by the node IPaddress, and by a quality criterion, which quantifies the number of times thecurrent published schema has been broadcasted in the network, here five times.Indeed, published schemas are broadcasted to generate thematic schemas,


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(a) (b)

<thematicSchema theme="hydrology" <publishedSchema theme="hydrology"

freshness=1106129611224 > source="//[email protected]/"

<relation name="Dyke"> quality=5>

<attribute name="langCd" type="string"> <relation name="Dyke">

<description info="document language code"/> <normalized>

<source uri="/[email protected]/"/> <attribute name="langCd" type="string">

<source uri="//[email protected]/"/> <description info="Document language code"/>

</attribute> </attribute>

<attribute name="countryCd" type="string"> <attribute name="countryCd" type="string">

<description info="document country code"/> <description info="document country code"/>

<source uri="/[email protected]/"/> </attribute>

<source uri="//[email protected]/"/> </normalized>

</attribute> <specific>

<attribute name="lineage_stat" type="string"> <attribute name="lineage_stat" type="string">

<description info="statement of lineage"/> <description info="statement of lineage"/>

<source uri="/[email protected]/"/> </attribute>

<source uri="//[email protected]/"> </specific>

<mapping as="lin_statement"/> </relation>

</source> ...

</attribute> </publishedSchema>

<attribute name="ftName" type="string">

<description info="format name"/>

<source uri="//[email protected]/"/>





Fig. 3. a) Example of a thematic schema built for users b) Example of a publishedschema broadcasted through the network

and the quality of a published schema allows to efficiently control thematicschema generation. To generate a published schema, data provider must 1)write wrappers to specify mappings between the structure of source schemasand the structure of published schemas 2) define views according to themes,and 3) specify semantic descriptions of concepts with keywords in order toallow remote users to understand the meaning of data. Finally, a publishedschema is generated for each theme found on the considered node. A dataprovider knows two information sources to build wrappers and views: thepublication standard concerning the theme on which data are published, andthe current thematic schema modelling data actually available on the network.The publication standards are used to specify normalized attributes and thecurrent thematic schema is used to define specific attributes as homogeneousas possible. Note that this process of source schema normalization leads tobuild schemas which are not completely homogeneous because publicationstandards are not global schemas.

It is important to note that in a peer-to-peer context where nodes arevolatile, a homogeneous definition of specific attributes can not be ensured.Indeed, data providers may define their published schema simultaneously withsome others, or when disconnected from other nodes providing data about thesame theme. For example, suppose that the data provider of companyA buildsa published schema on hydrology. Now suppose that node companyA discon-nects, and that then, the data provider of companyB defines his own publishedschema about hydrology. For that, he uses a thematic schema which does not


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Fig. 4. Node architecture

take the published schema of companyA into account, because companyA isdisconnected. Thus, companyA and companyB may give a different attributename for the same concept. Thus, published schemas defined respectively bycompanyA and companyB are potentially conflicting. To detect conflicts be-tween published schemas, we use a quality criterion for each published schema.It is a numerical value incremented each time the published schema is usedto generate a thematic schema. Thus, as the node companyA is disconnectedduring the building process of published schema for companyB, the quality ofits schema is not incremented. The difference of quality releases the analysisof schemas in order to automatically resolve the conflict. Thus, the necessarymappings between attributes are generated to build the thematic schemasgiving a homogeneous view of data.

3.5 Node Architecture

Our system relies on a peer-to-peer architecture, i.e. such that each nodein the network can be both data provider and user. A node can representa unique user or a set of users in the same company. In the first case, thenetwork topology is a classic unstructured topology comparable to Gnutella.In the second case, the topology is organized into a hierarchy, where each nodeis a super-peer (without metadata index), and each machine of the companyis a peer. In the following, we suppose that each node is a super-peer andrepresents a set of users. We focus on the interoperability and the role ofnodes in the peer-to-peer network.

The node architecture is illustrated in Figure 4. It contains five mainlayers: the publication layer, the communication layer, the thematic schemageneration layer, the provider interface and the user interface.

• The publication layer handles the building of published schemas to allowtheir exchanges with remote nodes. This layer is mainly composed of amediator and a schema publisher. The wrappers and the views configuredin the mediator establish the structure and the semantic of data visibleby the network. A repository contains semantic descriptions of conceptsrelated to attributes, in order to generate published schemas as depictedin the XML stream of Figure 3.b. Moreover, a dictionary stores dynamicmappings which are not defined in wrappers and which are found during the


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thematic schema generation when some conflicts between specific attributesare detected and treated. Thus, the mappings defined in the dictionary arewritten in published schemas in order to be considered in the future thematicschema generation.

• The provider interface enables wrapper and view generation for dataprovider. It handles all interactions between the data provider and thesystem.

• The communication layer is based on a sender and a receiver of mes-sages (queries). Messages are treated through peer-to-peer propagation. Asent message is propagated towards the neighborhood using a neighbor-hood table, and a received message is treated locally and is forwarded tothe neighbors.

• The thematic schema generation layer is detailed in Section 4. Itallows integrating published schemas previously collected in the network.All thematic schemas built on a node are stored in its cache to be reusedand shared between users associated with the same node. The cache isessential to manage efficiently thematic schemas. Indeed, a new thematicschema will be generated only if the cache does not store a thematic schemafor the same theme and with a sufficient freshness.

• The user interface has two functionalities. It is used to specify the inter-esting theme(s) for a given user and his level of expert valuation for eachtheme. Moreover, it allows visualizing easily thematic schemas received inXML stream, as depicted in Fig 4a, in order to simplify the data querybuilding.

4 Thematic schema building

As already mentioned, thematic schemas model data concerning a theme andcurrently available in the network. We detail in this section the generationof thematic schemas requiring to collect and to integrate all available andrelevant published schemas.

4.1 Published schemas collecting

Collecting published schemas allows discovering the structure of data whichare actually available in the network. This process is initiated by a userwho wants to query the network. To this purpose, the user sends a schemaquery. The communication layer broadcasts this schema query through thenetwork. The query is handled by each node which returns a published schemaassociated with the current theme, if it exists in its publication layer. Nodeswhich do not store relevant published schema for this theme, only propagatethe query towards their neighbors. Finally, the node where the query wasinitiated receives a set of published schemas.


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4.2 Published schemas integration

To provide users with only one mediation schema by theme, published schemaspreviously collected must be integrated. As already mentioned, normalizedattributes do not raise specific problem in schema integration, because thepublication standard ensures the homogeneity of those attributes. Thus, ifpublished schemas have only normalized attributes, their integration is sim-ply a strict union of their attributes. We must be more careful with specificattributes. Different published schemas may contain specific attributes withdifferent names to define the same concept. The system must be able to definerelevant mappings between these specific attributes in order to homogeneouslydefine them in the thematic schema. Thus, we detect and resolve conflicts be-tween specific attributes in order to merge them in the thematic schema.Conflict detection is based on the quality of published schemas. If the qualityof a published schema is lower than the others, this schema is considered asobsolete and the system chooses a published schema having the highest qual-ity as a reference schema. Each semantic description of specific attributes inthe obsolete schema is compared to the semantic description of specific at-tributes in the reference schema. A mapping is defined between two specificattributes if their respective semantic descriptions are close. The metric weuse is based on the proportion of common words found in the semantic de-scriptions. When relevant mappings are found, the thematic schema is builtby the schema merger. For each attribute, the thematic schema specifies itsname and its type, its semantic description, the address on which it is acces-sible and mapping previously built, as shown in Figure 3.a. Next, the schemamerger specifies the theme and the freshness of the schema (i.e. the currentdate) and sends it to user interface and to the cache of thematic schemas.Finally, the mappings previously found are sent to the mapping manager toupdate the dictionary and the quality of the published schema of concernednodes.

Figure 5 depicts the integration of two published schemas for the themehydrology. Published schema S1 comes from node companyA with the address//[email protected] and S2 comes from node companyB with the address //[email protected] suppose here that node companyB was disconnected when node compa-nyA defined its published schemas S1, thus S1 and S2 have a different quality.This difference of quality is detected and yields the comparison between at-tributes of S1 and S2. The system detects that attribute lineage stat of S1and attribute lin statement of S2 define the same concept. The conflict resolv-ing algorithm chooses lineage stat as attribute name in the thematic schema,since it comes from S1 which has the higher quality. Integrating S1 and S2is depicted on the right side of Figure 5. The mapping specifying that at-tribute lineage stat is defined as attribute lin statement on node companyBis memorized in the thematic schema. This mapping is sent to the mappingmanager which updates the dictionary of node companyB and its published


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Fig. 5. Process of published schema integration, with conflict detection and man-agement

schema about hydrology. Then, the quality of S2 becomes 5 (as the qualityof S1) and the dictionary of companyB stores lineage stat ← lin statement.Thus, no conflict management will be necessary to build the next thematicschema by the integration of S1 and S2.

4.3 Theme popularity

As thematic schemas store information about nodes on which attributes aredefined, it is important to consider the case when a theme is defined on toomany nodes. In this case, the thematic schema must store information abouttoo many nodes which is not scalable. In fact, it is comparable to maintain-ing global information of the network on each node. To solve this problem,we define a threshold specifying the maximum number of nodes that we canmemorize for an attribute. For attributes with a number of sources greaterthan this threshold, we do not memorize sources and queries are propagatedby flooding. This threshold ensures the scalability of our approach because noglobal knowledge of the network is built. Nevertheless, the consequences areimportant for the data query management. As some attributes may have nodeinformation and other attributes may not have, a hybrid query handling is nec-essary. When the clause WHERE of a SQL query, contains attribute(s) whosesources are memorized, the mediator has all information to query straight-forwardly remote mediators specified in the thematic schema. Otherwise, ifsources of attributes are not known, the SQL query is encapsulated in a XMLstream, and is propagated through the network from neighbor to neighbor,and is handled locally by each node. Although the value of this thresholddepends on mediator capacities, we claim that this threshold must evolve ac-cording to mediator load. Indeed, if the mediator only handles queries coming


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from the peer-to-peer communication layer, that means the threshold is toolow and it must be incremented. Thus, queries straightforwardly coming fromremote mediator may appear. On the contrary, if the mediator only handlesqueries straightforwardly coming from remote mediators and if the time ofquery handling is high, that means the threshold is too high, and it must bedecremented. Thus, more queries may be treated by the peer-to-peer commu-nication layer in order to reduce the number of remote access via the mediator.The purpose of this threshold management is to dynamically maintain a queryprocessing which adapts to load and availability of the mediator.

5 Implementations

Prototype MEnT2 (MEdiation in Two Times) has been implemented to sharea set of structured, heterogeneous and distributed data via the interoperabilityof mediators in a peer-to-peer architecture. All implementations have beendone in java. To validate the scalability of our system, we have developeda peer-to-peer simulator for unstructured networks. It allows distributing aset of logical nodes on a grid. For each logical node, we create an instanceof the mediator LeSelect [21], a publication layer, a communication layer anda thematic schema generation layer. Moreover, we defined user communitieswith a topic of interest defined amongst a set of 8 themes. Experiments weredone for 45 logical nodes distributed on a grid of 15 PC with different CPUand main memory capacities. The logical network is defined with a masternode in charge of distributing logical nodes on the grid. All logical nodes areautonomous and contain provider and user agents in order to simulate humanproviders and users. Thus, after receiving sources schemas, provider agentsautomatically configure the mediator to define published schemas. Next, eachuser agent builds a schema query, in order to generate thematic schemas.

6 Conclusion and Future works

We propose a peer-to-peer architecture based on mediators to share structureddata in a large scale network. Our motivations are based on the complemen-tarities between peer-to-peer architecture and mediators. As global schemageneration is not viable in a large scale, we propose to dynamically buildthematic schemas according to user profile. These thematic schemas containmeta-information on relevant nodes which are able to handle queries. They arebuilt according to a mediation process in two phases. The static phase allowsdata providers to configure their mediator to publish schemas according to atheme and to simplify schemas exchanges through the network. The dynamicphase consists in collecting and integrating exchanged schemas defined for thesame theme in order to build the thematic schema modeling the data reallyavailable in the network. We validate our approach by simulation.Our future works concern query management to extract data and logical or-


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ganization of the peer-to-peer network. For data query management, we willimplement the hybrid management we present in paragraph 4.3. which adaptsto available meta-information in thematic schemas. Some queries will be han-dled directly from mediator to mediator, other queries will be handled viapeer-to-peer communication layer. As our solutions are based on an impor-tant interaction between nodes, we propose a protocol of network clustering[11,12] in order to logically gather (in terms of logical neighborhood) nodeswhich store data concerning the same themes. We will thus improve the man-agement of interactions between nodes of a peer-to-peer network.


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