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Page 1: The Waveform Generator

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

The Waveform Generator

EECS150 Fall2008 - Lab Lecture #10

Chris FletcherAdopted from slides designed by

Chris Fletcher and Ilia Lebedev

Page 2: The Waveform Generator

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Today PAR Timing Reports Administrative Info The Waveform Generator

Requirements Interfaces

Extra Credit From our Sandbox to Yours Oscilloscope Features Firmware Miscellaneous Goodies

Page 3: The Waveform Generator

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (1) Purpose

Determine clock “Slack” Find where the critical path occurs

PAR and Your Project No real clock problems yet Extra credit might lead to “riding the

clock” Text Generation

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (2) Dealing with timing issues

1. Detecting a timing problem2. See your exact clock “slack”3. Finding your critical path4. “Nuking” your critical path

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (3) Step 1: Detecting the Problem

Run Synthesis Watch PAR scroll by

This is when “PAR Done!” appears PAR Report

Resource Allocation “Starting Placer” “Starting Router” Timing Constraints

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (4)

A Normal “Router” Report A BAD “Router” Report

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (5) Having a bad critical path…

Increases PAR time Sometimes causes PAR to fail Makes your circuit completely unpredictable

Corner case: (…) trail to 0 Design initially wasn’t meeting timing PAR fixed the problem Investigate when this happens

You have a semi-serious timing problem

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (6) Step 2: Find exact clock “slack”

Bottom of PAR report Reading slack reports

Positive slack is good Negative slack Unpredictable circuits Be watchful!

PAR might pass with negative slack

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (7) Step 3: Find your critical path

Use the Synplify Pro Technology Schematic

Top toolbar: click “Show Critical Path”:

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

PAR Timing Reports (8) Step 4: NUKE your critical path

Find module corresponding to critical path Refactor Verilog Pipeline design Remove Software operators

‘*’ ‘/’

If you don’t know what it will synthesize to, don’t write it in


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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Administrative Info (1)

Midterm 2 When: Tuesday, November 4th

During lecture: 2pm Where: 125 Cory Policy: Open notes, open book

Midterm 2 Review Monday, November 3rd

Same place as always BYOQ

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Administrative Info (2)

Project Due today: SDRAM Simulation Due Next Friday: Arbiter + Video Introduced today: Waveform Viewer Extra Credit is up!

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Checkpoint 4 (1)

Waveform Video Generator Up until now, we did all the design

work for you. Now it’s your turn.

Much of this checkpoint is your design effort.

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

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Checkpoint 4 (2)


Video Encoder


Write Address

Write Data

Read Address

Read Data

Read Address

Read Data

Some Control Logic

Read AddressWrite Address


Mode Input from switches

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 15: The Waveform Generator

Checkpoint 4 (3) Waveform Source generates data

CP 5 will replace with a source of audio Data is recorded (Arbiter + SDRAM)

Just like a GIGANTIC (256M) FIFO! Data is read out as needed Data is converted to a video stream

How? Video Encoder displays the video.

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 16: The Waveform Generator

Checkpoint 4 (4)

What your system will be able to do: Record the output of the source Display the output on the screen in

real-time Pause recording Examine recorded waveform Scroll forwards and backwards

through saved waveform10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 17: The Waveform Generator

The “Something” Block (1) Takes a stream of values Outputs a video stream of a “wave”

You will need to generate video on demand

It would help to have a faster, smaller memory

System Architects call this a “Cache” Look at RAM.v Hint

Really. Look at RAM.v

1 3 5 1 3 5 1

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 18: The Waveform Generator

The “Something” Block (2) Displays a part of the waveform Draws one sample per pixel pair

Displays data starting at “Read Address” Caching helps

Frame of Video

Data at Read Address

Data at Read Address + N

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 19: The Waveform Generator

The “Something” Block (3) Your output will look like:

Be creative! Use colors! Did anyone say “gradient”?

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

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The “Something” Block (4) How you get there is entirely up to you

Use good design Don’t code if you don’t have a circuit

diagram! You won’t need a state machine

Make it look nice this is where it will show. Something

Read Address

Read Data

Read Address

Read Data

Read Address

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 21: The Waveform Generator

Waveform source Done for you. Connects to the Arbiter Creates “waveform” data Multiple “modes” or patterns

generated1 3 5 1 3 5 1

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Page 22: The Waveform Generator

Arbiter And SDRAM Should have this by now (was CP2,

CP3) If not, we will provide a blackboxed

solution. If you could not finish CP3, move on

and finish after your project is done.


Write Address

Write Data

Read Address

Read Data

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 23: The Waveform Generator

Control logic

User interactions are handled here This can be a state machine

This module will read user input Buttons Switches

And control your data path Read Counter & Record are control


10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 24: The Waveform Generator

Video Encoder

This was your CP1 assignment. Should provide an interface to

connect to 2 FIFOs Yes, DATA has a FIFO interface too

If your VE does not work: Move on and finish after CP5 Use our blackboxed solution for now

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 25: The Waveform Generator

Useful Hints (1)

Don’t bother using things like Debouncer.v on the button inputs We don’t care about precise scrolling

Look at the SVN Library folder closely Many useful modules Look at RAM.v

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 26: The Waveform Generator

Useful Hints (2)

How many ports does RAM.v have? How can you use multi-port memory

to your advantage? Waveform data is a set of values

over time Video is a set of X,Y color values In a waveform, time is X and the

value is Y.

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Page 27: The Waveform Generator

Checkpoint 4 Checkoff

This checkpoint will be checked off visually We will look at what it does and how

Talk to your GSIs! We are happy to help you with the

design process Part of your grade will be the

quality of your design

10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Extra Credit (1)

Specification Online! October 26th November 26th Due with final check-off

For more logistics Read the spec (see the website)

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Extra Credit (2)

Think Design, not Display Extra Credit graded on design

Ask yourself… Was it well designed? Did it work reliably? Did it do something interesting?

Flashing Colors != good design (not necessarily anyway)

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10/31/2008 EECS150 Lab Lecture #10

Extra Credit (3)

Extra Credit Options Oscilloscope Features Firmware Special Challenges

Pick what you like No restrictions on selection

Options will be added to the list as we think of them
