  • The W A S A Warble

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    Parking at WASA meetings

    We can park off the street without fear of a parking fine. Thanks to Le Pine Funerals

    we may use their customer carpark. It is in Linsley St south of the library and

    the gate is never closed.

    15 pages

    April 2018 Issue 76

    Next meeting April 17th 2018 - Tuesday evening upstairs in the meeting room at Box Hill Library

    7.15pm for 7.30pm start: 1040 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill There is a slow lift to get you and your gear upstairs and if you want some exercise you may use the stairs.

    Design and Composition with Vida Pearson, multi-awa rd winning artist including

    WASA's Artist of the Year multiple times ☺

    "Design and composition are both complex. As Ralph Keller notes in his

    excellent article in the December Warble (if you haven't read it please do)

    - one person's idea of good composition can be anathema to

    others. In my presentation I will attempt to concentrate on what constitutes

    "bad" design and composition - although still subjective, hopefully we

    may find a way to all agree on what really isn't acceptable. However, to be

    realistic - in this digital world where anything goes - even that can be

    debatable as we are bombarded all day, every day, with a myriad of visual styles, colours and themes. These all

    have an impact on what we find visually pleasing - familiarity and all that.... I look forward to plenty of robust discussion!" Vida

    WASA hasn't put out a call for several years for members to update their

    artist page and images on the WASA website. The way we've done it until now is to produce a Word document, convert it to a PDF and place it on the website which is a Wordpress blog. On the document

    are your text and 2 images plus there's 1 image in the slider at the top of the page.

    Whilst we'd like to do this annually for you it does take a bit of time to edit the text so they have a uniform appearance and resize the images ~ then the edited text is sent back to you for approval before it's finalised. Then on the WASA website we delete the former page and images and load the new ones.

    If anyone would like to volunteer to help we'd be pleased to offer this service in the next few months to

    members. Does any one who is comfortable working in Word and Wordpress have some time to help ?

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    Drawing Naturally Two hosted by Janet Matthews When : August 11th.Saturday 1pm – 4.30pm Where : Field Naturalists Club of Victoria at 1 Gardenia St, Blackburn, Vict Good light and some specimens which belong to the Field Naturalists Club around the room Cost : $ 10 WASA member, $15 non-WASA member Afternoon tea provided BYO art materials and subject/s to draw and share WASA will have some specimens for subject reference to share.

    To begin the drawing session, Janet will demonstrate several techniques using graphite. She will show how to use your blender, the different pencils for resist methods and different erasers. Then she will show how to create a few different textures with ease, including bark texture, feathers, fur, stones and shiny surfaces. Then we will all do our own drawing using the specimens supplied or which you have brought along to draw and share. You can book by email or phone to Kris Peter ph 0412 104 825 & 9833 3431 [email protected]

    __________________________________________________________________________ Senior Art Supplies are kindly helping WASA again with

    sponsorship for the 2018 Wild Awards. They have a new store in Bulleen – stores in Malvern,

    Frankston, Melbourne city also.

    WASA sponsors are

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    A living journey with wildlife artist Steve Morvell Steve's artworks capture delightfully intimate encounters with often shy and elusive species. His recognition of the spirit of the bush and its creatures leaves a lasting impression on the viewer. In the field of wildlife art Steve Morvell’s reputation as an innovator and his powerful works are aimed squarely at one thing… giving the viewer a real sense of 'being there'! ‘The Shining Light’ …. seeing into the heart of nature. is Steve most comprehensive exhibition ever, displaying over 55 major artworks, encompassing fabulous paintings and drawings of creatures from around the world and reflecting many of Steve’s inspiring journeys and heart-felt experiences. Share with us as we travel to Western China, South Africa, Botswana, live with sealions in the wilderness of Kangaroo Island and his own home in the Grampians National Park where he lives surrounded by the creatures he loves so passionately. Along with genuine field sketches and journal notes made on-site we experience first-hand his spectacular and powerfully moving visions as we share Steve’s profound connection with the wonderful array of naturally-living beings with whom we share this beautiful blue planet. The deep and abiding message held precious within each and every artwork which Steve Morvell creates is a gentle call to recognition of the truth that we share this beautiful and fragile earth with a vast community of fellow sentient beings who feel, hope, dream and live with compassion just as we do. As Steve himself says of the creatures he paints “They are people too. They just wear different clothes!” The conservation message that lies deeply embedded within his artwork is a powerful engine that drives his art and also his life Steve has chosen ‘Creating for Conservation’, a wonderful Australian charity with whom he has worked over many years as the beneficiary for this exhibition. A part of all monies raised will go to support their wonderful conservation and children’s education programmes in Zambia.

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    First meeting for 2018 - 'Painting the Green Stuff' 21st February 2018 by Ralph Keller Painting foliage was the theme for the first talk of the year. Unfortunately David Reynolds, the evening's scheduled speaker could not be with us but Alan Rawady , well known to all WASA members, was able to step in and give us the benefit of his considerable knowledge on the same subject. Thank you, Alan!

    Alan is a watercolour artist and his demos were specifically based on this medium. He also concentrated on painting foliage 'en masse' as you would see it when looking at a whole tree, rather than working on individual leaves.

    Alan started his explanations on a large photo of a typical Eucalypt tree. His first piece of advice was to compare a tree to your up-stretched arm and the spread fingers of the hand - the arm represents the trunk and the fingers the branches growing off the trunk, with the different length fingertips approximating the crown's shape. This is the basic growth pattern of most trees. Furthermore, the clumps of leaves on the ends of branches can be likened in shape to mushroom caps. These elements together form the main parts of an Aussie gum tree. If you then determine the light direction to achieve a difference between lit and shaded areas, this will give the mass of foliage the necessary depth and a realistically rounded, three-dimensional shape. ( see diagram below) (se e

    Alan next demonstrated how foliage clumps can be painted in different styles and techniques. He stressed it is helpful to leave negative spaces "bird holes" – there are always small spaces/gaps which add to the impression of depth.

    - Leaves indicated. Here he indicated some detail by painting basic leaf shapes into and over each other, creating a bunch of foliage on a gum tree as would be seen from reasonably close by. Alan held a round sable brush vertically and by painting with short, random strokes the pointed shapes of typical Eucalypt leaves appeared under his brush. (top left in image on next page)

    - Silhouette only. For this Alan moved the brush in a series of uneven circular motions to indicate only the basic growth patterns of foliage clumps - he likened them to cauliflower heads. This is how you would see trees and bushes at a distance. No leaf detail at all was shown here. (top right in image on next page)

    - Glazing. A base colour was first painted and left to dry completely (to save time for the demo, Alan used a hairdryer however, he stressed that this should not be done on a 'real' piece of work, as the hot air results in losing some of the colour off the paper. Then he added tone and some detail with a second, somewhat darker, coat of paint and dried that also. Lastly, with still darker paint, shadow areas were created, giving the desired rounded, irregular look to the leaf bunch. (lower left in image on next page)

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    'Painting the Green Stuff' with Alan Rawady contd…

    Four different methods – as described

    - Wet in wet. Alan started with a light base colour to indicate the overall shape and, whilst this was still wet, he added darker tones and let them flow into the base colour to, again, give form by differentiating between light and shadows. ( lower right )

    - Gum Arabic. In an interesting last variation Alan made use of Gum Arabic, a substance mainly used as binder in the manufacture of watercolour paint. Gum Arabic can also help in the easy removal of paint. Alan started with a first light colour and let it dry. He added a small amount of Gum Arabic to a pool of darker tone and painted this mixture over the surface as well. Then he spattered water droplets from a toothbrush onto the painted surface and immediately blotted the water off with a tissue. The gum in the colour then made it easy to remove the paint from the wet spots. This, once more, created areas of different tones and suggested the shapes and irregularities of leaf clumps. (below)

    Finally, Alan offered some useful colour mixes for Australian foliage: Start with either Indigo, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Cerulean or Paynes Grey . Any one of these colours can be mixed with either Raw Umber, Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre or Australian Red Gold for many different shades of leaf colours. Make your own test samples and keep them for future reference.

    It was a very stimulating evening of inspiring demonstrations with many useful tips thrown in by an expert exponent of watercolour painting. Thank you again Alan Rawady, for helping us out and for sharing your extensive experience with us.

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    Raptor free-flight & photographic encounter with LEIGH VALLEY HAWK AND OWL SANCTUARY Saturday May 12 th book now or miss out at Garibaldi Hall, Hardies Hill Rd, Garibaldi which is south of Ballarat 200 mtrs from corner on right hand side) Event for 1 hour + Up to 4 birds (depending on species & who can fit safely in the van) This event is weather permitting and will be confirmed the preceding week by email and on WASA Noticeboard Facebook page.

    The location lends itself to a BYO picnic lunch with plenty of photographic opportunities and chat with Martin about the birds. Cost $30 per person and partners are very welcome. To book please email Kris [email protected] before 15 th. April

    Open Studio’s Highlands - Darren Gilbert.

    DARREN GILBERT Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th April 10 am to 4 pm each day. 2742 Highlands Road, Highlands. Vic A living private studio gallery in the beautiful central Victorian countryside. Discover the story behind the artworks and sculptures and see the ever changing creative space of Darren Gilbert . Browse and buy direct from the maker. Open first weekend of every month. Keep up to date with open studio days and times on the Website and Facebook.

    Monkey Tail Designs - Facebook -

    Our next Paint and Sketch Saturday morning April 7th. at Werribee Zoo

    Car pooling from Box Hill & along the route if you contact Kris for a lift. We'll probably be there for the morning to see rhino,

    hippo and coffee-oh, of course. No set finish time as it depends on weather and other


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    WASA MIFGS sale and display MIFGS winners with our thanks to Alan Rawady for judging.

    These artists receive points towards WASA's Artist of the Year 2018, which is assessed across our display events this year and

    announced at our Wild Awards later in the year.

    1st ‘Top Girl SOLD Elena Kolotusha Mixed media (right)

    2nd ‘Precarious' SOLD Jane Dingwall Watercolour

    3rd. ‘Morning Munch’ Rikki Fisher Graphite

    Highly Commended : 'Coral Reef' Pauline Dewar Textile 'The Acrobat' sold Nadine Dudek Watercolour ‘Honey Bee’s Pride’ Rachael Hammond Watercolour 'Coming Thru!’ sold Janet Matthews Pencil SOLD ‘Red-tailed Black Cockatoo on Lichen Covered Apricot Tree sold' Julie Reason Watercolour 'Nest’ Prue Sanchez Watercolour 'Luscious Loquats' sold Susan Spiers Acrylic 'Endangered Innocence' sold Karin McKee scratchboard

    WASA sold 25 paintings totalling $11400. We took 73 there so we sold 34%. We believe that the public enjoys and our sales compared to all the other art groups indicate, wildlife subjects. We estimate th ere is approx. 800+ paintings of flowers and flora hung for sale.

    Note, WASA will pay the selling artists promptly after we receive the sale proceeds from the MIFGS organiser.

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    WASA's next exhibition 'Hunt for the Wilder Picture s' is June 1 st to 25 th.

    to be held at 'Art at Linden Gate' in Yarra Glen open Friday to Monday. The area attracts many day-trippers and visitors. WASA is offering cash prizes

    to the total of $750 and please note we can only hang 50 x 2d paintings (there is plenty of room for 3d artworks) so be quick to get your entry form in.

    We are having a theme of 'camouflage' to create to if you wish. You don't have to

    comply with the theme as it is an option to push your imagination and creativity. Entries close 19 th May and the entry form is attached to this email.

    Please note the maximum framed size restrictions.

    A small number of unframed are able to be exhibited – presented like these in the photo above with a label of your name, title & price on the front

    If you have completed your artwork ready for 'Hunt for the Wilder Pictures' please send

    Karin the image/s with the title and media mentione d in your email. The gallery wants to start promoting our show as soon as possible and th ey need images to do it well.


    WASA's 'Wild Awards 2018' This is the big one for us ! WASA’s prestigious biennial exhibition of fine artworks begins Aug. 23rd. until Sept. 25th. 2018 and prizes of cash/art products/voucher are in excess of $3000. Entry to this exhibition is by selection and we hope you will submit your very best artworks which we also hope will be well presented.

    WASA has not shown at Burrinja previously and we hope for a good show in a terrific art/cultural centre with studios, café / bar, theatre and a strong art community in the area. Entries close July 26 th. and we will notify you of acceptance or otherwise by email within a week or so. Delivery of artworks needs to be before 15th. August to one of our depots or direct to the gallery on Friday 17th. August. Burrinja hang this exhibition so whilst it's a big time and energy saver for us, we need to be more stringent about delivery and collection. There are no size restrictions for 2d framed paintings for this exhibition – some restriction for 3d pieces for which

    we have 3 plinths available. The entry form for the Wild Awards is on the website in the members' library – password is cockatoo.

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    President's Report at AGM in March 2018 2017 was yet another good year for WASA and this year 2018 is the Society's 45th. year. I hope you enjoyed and benefited from the meetings last year and the Council wants to thank the Society members who featured in many of these events. My personal thanks go to the Council. Karin McKee did a terrific job as Exhibition Director, Jenine Bell Treasurer, Kate Goodman Secretary and Rachael Hammond and Nadine Dudek. WASA's finances are really well managed by Jenine who will present the 2017 audited accounts. Throughout last year WASA purchased a microphone to provide better sound for filming the meetings, donated $580 to wildlife-related charities, hosted 2 workshops, we held exhibitions at AGRA Galleries in Camberwell and Geelong Art Society which were successful with plenty of sales and public engagement. We also did brilliantly well in 2017 at MIFGS – we are the top sales art group who exhibit there. Last year we managed to achieve a profit. A good number of members were able to assist at MIFGS, the meetings and the exhibitions which was a terrific help so thank you ! A special thanks to David Reynolds for filming and editing, to Ralph Keller for writing-up the meetings for Warble, Alison Clark for editing Warble and to Dario Zanesco (Q;land) for website help again. The WASA Artist of the Year 2017 was won by Janet Matth ews which is the 3rd. time for Janet in 10 years. All exhibiting members are eligible for this Award and you're entered into it automatically with results tallied up at the end of the year. Last year there was another increase in membership and we now have members in NZ, India and Canada who occasionally post on the WASA Noticeboard Facebook page. 45% of WASA members live outside of Melbourne. Both of our Facebook pages are regularly updated ( thanks Nadine & Karin ) and a good number of the people who have purchased from us still engage with the page. The FB WASA Noticeboard page for members continues well. The WASA website has recently been optimized so it can be viewed well on mobile devices and whilst most engagement with the Society happens on our Facebook page, the website is still an important part of what we present to the public. This year we will be at MIFGS again and we have two exhibitions booked. One exhibition will be mid-year in Yarra Glen and we chose to title it 'Hunt for the Wilder Pictures' and starting late August until 23rd September the Wild Awards will be on at Burrinja Galleries in Upwey. The Wild Awards are held every second year and it is the exhibition at which we invite sponsors to help the Society bolster the prize money. Entry is by selection and this year promises to look inspiring at Burrinja. We hope to place the Wild Award images on the WASA website to promote greater public viewing. We have three workshops booked being a drawing studio hosted by Janet Matthews, Patrick Hedges is returning to host a scratchboard workshop and Brett Jarrett will host an oils/acrylics workshop. So you can tell the Council has been quite busy organising this. Whilst WASA is doing well I am concerned that the current Council is tiring and we all have other calls on our time and energy. If new people don't put up their hands to assist in general or particularly join Council in 2019 we may need to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting later this year to discuss options and listen to your ideas as to how WASA can continue to exist in the future. If there's no wildlife art society in this part of Australia exhibiting opportunities are diminished. My thanks to all of you for everything you do for the Society, its members and for the wildlife. Kris Peter

    2017 MIFGS winner Vida Pearson

    2017 theme winner at 'White to Wild' Janet Matthews

    2017 winner at 'By the Water' Barbara Gleeson

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    Oils / acrylics workshop with Brett Jarrett

    A master of his chosen medium, Brett is passionate about sharing his life experiences as a naturalist and skills as an artist. His paintings have been selected four times for the prestigious Society of Animal Artists

    annual exhibition and national tour of the U S A. He won the 2017 Holmes Prize for Realistic Bird Art and his paintings are displayed in numerous private collections internationally.

    June 30th. Saturday 10.30am – 4.30pm

    at Box Hill South Neighbourhood House 47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South ( park behind or on the street) Afternoon tea provided. BYO lunch (no food outlets are nearby)

    Brett will provide reference material in advance. Cost $ 80 WASA/AGRA member, $90 non-member.

    _________________________________________________________ More Scratching with Patrick (part 2 )

    July 7th Saturday 10.30 – 4.30pm at Box Hill South Neighbourhood House 47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South

    Afternoon tea provided. BYO lunch (no food outlets are nearby) Patrick will provide reference material in advance.

    Cost $ 80 WASA/AGRA member, $90 non-member .

    Welcome to WASA

    Marloes Bakker-Marsden, Melb. Kathy Lewis Melb. Paula Wiegmink WA Abigail Parker, WA [email protected]

    Dianne Bloemhoff, Melb. ____________________________________________________________________________

    WASA ON VIMEO: short films of our meetings/presentations

    Log in using [email protected] and the password is cockatoo. If you can't see

    the list of WASA videos click the WASA logo in top right corner of the webpage.

    Please don't edit the settings, or share these film s with others as they are under WASA copyright .

    Click this link to visit Vimeo: for free

    Patrick Hedges will present a workshop suitable for intermediate to advanced in the fine art of scratchboard.

    Patrick is a Master scratchboard artist with the International Society of Scratchboard Artists and a Signature Member of the Society of Animal Artists. His work has won major awards in the USA and Australia and he often writes for various art magazines. He is an accomplished teacher sharing his

    knowledge and skills.

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    Janet Matthews Colour Pencil and Graphite Artist

    tel 0418 546 554 [email protected]

    Hummingbirds – iridescent feathers and transparent wings in pencil . Having been intrigued by hummingbirds since a child, I finally visited South America to see them in the wild. We saw them in three different places, the cloud forest and the Tanda Yappa lodge in Ecuador and at the Enchanted Garden in Columbia. There were also random sightings in gardens and in the bush during our hikes as they’re a normal part of life there, just as we have birds in our gardens. They are tiny birds, varying in size and colour, but the largest ones were still small. With their flight capabilities, they can hover, move backwards and forwards. Their wings are solid and feathered, like a normal bird, but when they are in motion they move so fast that often they are invisible.

    Their iridescent feathers were absolutely stunning when they hit the sun at the right angle. When in shadow, their colours are dark and muted, a black throat transformed into a brilliant purple throat when the sun shone on it. Capturing them in memory was so important, being there so close to them, I can re-live the feeling and experience whenever I see a photo of them. I did take thousands of photos, attempting to capture their wings in motion as well as their feathers in both ‘looks’. Back at the studio, I spent months testing, doing examples, working out how I could draw their wings, giving the ‘feel’ of the fast movement and the ‘hum’ of their wings in motion. I am not a fan of ‘blurry’ or ‘fuzzy’ drawing, so finally created a style that is delicate, transparent yet sharp. It is not going to be everyone’s answer to the subject, but it is mine and I am delighted with the results, as are my clients and followers. I had already been exploring drawing transparent wings, of bees and dragonflies, so now the skill that I’ve achieved with the hummingbirds has made my other wings more ‘alive’. Showing the glimpse of the body through the moving wings was another challenge, which I had achieved with my bees and that helped with my hummingbird drawings. My drawings are not just to document an animal as I am more interested in each drawings’ story. Personality, motion, action, interaction are all the main subject of my work. Detailed and accurate drawing of the animal is also paramount to me. So seeing my subjects in the wild and even in captivity is very important. I can observe their antics, absorb their vibe, learn their story and then capture all that in my work.

    Thanks Janet ! Definition of iridescent - showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles.

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    DISCLAIMER: Articles from all WASA members are very welcome however the editor and WASA Council reserve the right to edit or deny publication of any submission. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of WASA.

    The library of articles is at To access the library area of the main WASA website

    the username is cockatoo. We encourage new members to be aware of this feature which has helpful reference material. Also see below about WASA Noticeboard.


    WASA on Facebook

    Remember to ‘like’ the Facebook page and please share it with friends. We're up to 610+ Likes which

    means all those people get to see images and brief news about WASA and the artists and hopefully remember to

    come to our events.

    WASA Noticeboard on Facebook

    You may post pictures/comments/questions about your

    artwork and discuss with other WASA-ites both your own and their artworks or anything else of interest.

    Click here to view WASA Noticeboard in Facebook



    Bendigo Bank BSB 633000 account number 152552865

    ****************** P O Box 284 Canterbury Vic 3126


    Visit the news page on the WAMA website to keep up with progress in this project for wildlife art in Australia.

    WASA 2018 Councillors


    Kris Peter [email protected] ph 03.9833.3431 & 0412.104.825

    Treasurer Jenine Bell

    [email protected]

    Exhibition Director Karin McKee [email protected]

    Facebook & Noticeboard Nadine Dudek

    nadinedudekart Ph 0416 966 290

    Kate Goodman

    [email protected]

    Rachael Hammond [email protected]

    Marloes Bakker-Marsden

    [email protected]


    Alison Clark – editor Warble

    Ralph Keller – articles for Warble, Dario Zanesco Q’land – website advice/help

    During and immediately after MIFGS our

    Facebook page and website received quite a bit more interest, with several requests to be

    added to the WASA list of e-invitees for exhibitions and new members.

    Tony Weston’s Masterframe Melbourne framing services [email protected] telephone 0408 316 313 Melbourne

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    Dvate has just finished painting a Benalla silo ~ Powerful Owl

    Dvate is the signature for one of the mural artists who hae painted the new carnivore precinct at Melbourne Zoo – his work stands out from the others !

    "Gets you thinking, doesn't it ? Wouldn't if be a challenge and bit of fun !

    MIFGS bump-in team L to R Judge – Alan Rawady Janet Matthews Rachael Hammond Susan Spiers Karin McKee with hammer Pauline Dewar Kris plus Nadine who was photographer

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    2018 W A S A

    April 7 Paint & Sketch at Werribee Zoo 10am

    17 meeting : Vida Pearson – design and composition 7pm

    May 5 paint & sketch - Melbourne Zoo 9am


    Raptor free-flight/photo experience at Garibaldi Hall, Hardies Hill Rd, Garibaldi (near Ballarat)~ 1 hour, unlimited number of people and up to 4 birds picnic lunch ? WEATHER PERMITTING – booking via Kris is essential

    15 Meeting : Water Soluble pencils with graphite pencils with Linda Weil AND deliver artworks for next exhibition


    19 Entries close for WASA exhibition at Art at Linden Gate in Yarra Glen

    30 Deliver direct for WASA show at Yarra Glen – 10am – 11am only

    June 1-25 Exhibition 'Hunt for the Wilder Pictures' at Art at Linden Gate in Yarra Glen

    3 Opening event at our exhibition ~ come along for nibbles and drinks 2-4pm

    19 Meeting : Velda Palazzi – watercolour & acrylic on canvas 7pm

    25 Close our exhibition in Yarra Glen – collect artworks 5pm or following day by arrangement

    30 Workshop : oils/acrylics with Brett Jarrett 10.30-4.30 at BHS Neighbourhood House 10.30-4.30

    July 7 workshop : medium- advanced scratchboard Patrick Hedges at BHS Neighbourhood House 10.30-4.30

    7 If not going to scratchboard workshop Sketch at Melbourne Museum or Melbourne Zoo 10am

    17 Meeting : Chinese brush painting with Thanh Duong 7pm

    26 Entries close for Wild Awards

    Aug 4 No paint & sketch

    11 Drawing Naturally –Field Naturalists Club of Victoria in Blackburn – deliver Wild Award artworks if possible


    21 Meeting : Mixed Media with Vivi Palegeorge 7pm

    25 Wild Awards at Burrinja Gallery cnr Glenfern Rd & Matson Dve, Upwey until Sept 23

    26 Wild Awards opening event 2pm

    Sept 1 paint & sketch - Moonlit Sanctuary 10am

    WOW Online Exhibition of Wild Awards artworks

    Opening event – Wild Awards 2018 – date to be advised

    18 Meeting : Peter Trusler presents 'Can you Connect with the Life in their Eyes ?' 7pm

    23 Wild Awards 2018 at Burrinja Galleries closes

    Oct 6 paint & sketch - Healesville Sanctuary 9.30am

    16 Meeting Clayboard & scratchboard – Karin McKee 7pm

    Nov 3 paint & sketch - Melbourne Zoo 9am


    Meeting :: In the Artists Studios – mosaics , sending your artworks away, Getting commercial, travel tips and end of year feast


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    Wildlife art Society of Australasia booking form 2018

    Your participation will be secured with your acknowledgement of interest and payment.

    Email us or complete and post or bring to a WASA meeting the lower section of this form. Raptor photographic & free-flight encounter with Leigh Valley Hawk & Owl Sanctuary weather dependent May 12th. Saturday venue old Garibaldi School Hall (~10km sth of Ballarat) Time t.b.a. opportunity to BYO picnic lunch, partners are welcome Cost $30 per person Drawing Naturally Again hosted by Janet Matthews August 11th. Saturday at Blackburn Field Naturalists Club 1 Gardenia St, Blackburn 1pm – 4.30pm Afternoon tea provided BYO art materials Cost : $ 10 WASA member, $15 non-WASA member Oils/acrylics workshop with Brett Jarrett June 30th. Saturday at Box Hill South Neighbourhood House 47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South 10.30 – 4.30pm Afternoon tea provided. BYO lunch (no cafes/food outlets are nearby) Cost $ 80 WASA member, $90 non-WASA member Scratching with Patrick Hedges 2018 – intermediate to advanced level July 7th. Saturday at Box Hill South Neighbourhood House 47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South 10.30am – 4.30pm Materials kit at cost of $15 can be provided if needed. We need to know by mid-June if you need a kit. Afternoon tea provided. BYO lunch (no cafes/food outlets are nearby) Cost : $ 80 WASA members, $90 non-WASA member

    I would like to attend WASA member □ / not a member □

    Raptor photographic & free-flight encounter May 12th.(weather dependent) □ Drawing Naturally Again Janet Matthews Aug 11th. □ Oils/acrylics workshop Brett Jarrett June 30 □ Scratchboard workshop Patrick Hedges July 7th. □ I need a scratchboard materials kit □ Payment of $ … is enclosed / paid by direct debit to WASA Bendigo Bank account. BSB 633000 Account 152552865 Cheque payable to Wildlife Art Society of Australasia (not WASA please ) Name ………………………………………………….email ………………………@………………………………. Telephone ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… Email to [email protected] or bring to WASA meeting or post to 58 Cadorna St, Box Hill South 3128

    Your booking confirmation & all communication about these activities will be by email.
