
October 2015

TCDSB The Voice of Holy Angels 65 Jutland Road, Toronto, Ontario M8Z 2G6

Phone: 416 393-5329; Fax: 416 393-5437

Principal: Ms. Laurie Levay Admin. Office Assistant: Mrs. Cathy Galati; Clerk Typist: Carole Mills

Doug Yack Superintendent- Area 2, 416-222-8282; Mrs. Ann Andrachuk, Trustee WARD 2; Pastor of Holy Angels Church: Fr.Peter Giopatto Tel: 416 255-1691

Principal’s Message: Thanksgiving Blessing

May an abundance of gratitude burst forth as you reflect upon what you

have received.

May thanksgiving overflow in your heart, and often be proclaimed in your


May you gather around the table of your heart the ardent faithfulness,

kindness, and goodness of each person who is true to you.

May the harvest of your good actions bring forth plentiful fruit each day.

May you discover a cache of hidden wisdom among the people and events

that have brought you distress and sorrow.

May your basket of blessings surprise you with its rich diversity of gifts

and its opportunities for growth. May all that nourishes and resources

your life bring you daily satisfaction and renewed hope.

May you slow down your hurried pace of life so you can be aware of, and

enjoy, What you too easily take for granted.

May you always be open, willing, and ready to share your blessings with


May you never forget the generous One, Who loves you

lavishly and unconditionally.

--J. Rupp Out of the Ordinary

At this time of year as we reflect on the many blessings in our Holy Angels Family,

we have much to be grateful for: -our CSPC who once again organized a successful community

event, our Fall Fair. We are thankful for all the hard work of the committee and volunteers.

What a great day for all our families.

-our hardworking teachers for a successful start to the school year and productive curriculum


-our students who enrich our lives everyday with your love of learning and natural curiosity.

We wish all our families a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.


Thank you to all parents for parking in the church parking lot when visiting the

school. We have noticed an improvement in the flow of traffic in the Kiss N Ride

area. The SAFETY PATROLLER program will start later this month. Please obey

the ONE WAY signs —in by the church, out through school parking lot .



THE SCHOOL LOT (even when dropping students off at PLASP in the morning

and the evening. )

If parents have to pick up bus students, please ensure classroom teachers receive a

note in writing indicating the change. Please let the teachers on bus duty at the

front of the school know as well. We take attendance nightly so to ensure the

buses leave at the scheduled time, all students must be accounted for.

Entrance Rainy Day Procedures: All students will proceed to the gym when super-

vision begins at 8:30am. 8:45am-Grade 1 to 8 will go to their classrooms-

supervision provided. JK/SK students will remain in the gym. Please enter

through the gym doors.

Liturgical Dates

School Masses

Oct. 21 Thanksgiving

Nov. 11 Remembrance Day

Ceremony at the School

Dec. 9 Advent Mass

Jan. 12 New Year Mass

Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday Lent

Apr. 5 Easter Mass

May 20 Rosary Celebration

June 24 Yr. End Mass

Graduation June 18

First Communion May 1

Confirmation Grade 8 Apr. 24

Confirmation Grade 7 May 15



Curriculum, Learning and Administration.

Page 2 The Voice of Holy Angels

Communication One of the school’s goals last year was to improve the communication between home and school. We are pleased to

announce that this initiative has met with success and will be continued. We will continue to provide information

through the following vehicles:

Twitter Link: Follow Holy Angels Schools Link: Holy Angels School@HolyAngelsSchoo and TCDSB at

[email protected] to receive instantaneous news updates as they happen.

Our WEBSITE is also a good source of information about upcoming events, board meetings and programs and

services.. Check our portal at Monthly class and

school newsletters will continue to be posted.

Email: We now have over 350 email addresses on our database. Please email [email protected] if you wish to

subscribe and are not on our list. Please provide your first and last name, child’s name and grade.

Student Council 2015-16

Congratulations to the following students who were elected to the student council this year:

President: Sofia P. Vice-President: Hope A.-F. Secretary: Elysse H. Treasurer: Jason G.

Athletic Rep: Noah M. Juliana H. Me to We: Julia D. Eco Team: Julia G.

All the other candidates who ran will serve as members at large. We look forward to another successful year of

student leadership!!


The fall is the most active season for head lice infestations among school aged children. Head lice can happen to anyone and are not a sign of poor hygiene or lack of cleanliness. Children contract head lice by sharing hats, combs, hair accessories, head phones and helmets with their friends or by simply playing in close proximity to one another. While they pose no immediate health risk, head lice can be very irritating for the children and a real nuisance to get rid of if left to spread unchecked.

This year we will once again be putting forth every effort to keep our school lice free. Please be diligent and frequently check your child. If there is a positive case, please inform the school immediately as we will arrange a qualified health professional to check the class. Infor-mation sheets will be sent home for parents to help clear the infestation quickly and safely. FYI-many of the positive cases are reported on Mondays after the weekend away from school.

Congratulations to our new CSPC executive who were elected on September 29, 2015:

Co-Chairs: Mandy Andreana-Franco & Suzanne Wedgewood Treasurer: Tracy Maccarone

Secretary: Roseline Koszegi

Members at large: Claudia Henriques, Laryssa Lebar, Cordula Strunz, Jennifer Carey, Christina Medeiros,

Colette Kay, Maria Borreca, Lisa Fabrizio, Lucy Vianna, Sarah Horrocks and Angela Gatto.

The next CSPC meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 20. We look forward to

the upcoming year with great enthusiasm with many new initiatives planned to support

our programs and our children. All parents are welcome.


Page 3

Emergency School Lockdown Procedures— “Keeping our Students and Staff Safe”

The Toronto Catholic District School Board has a primary responsibility to ensure the safety of students and staff inside Board build-ings and on Board property. In partnership with the Toronto Police Services and the Toronto District School Board, a city wide safety emergency school lockdown procedures plan has been developed.

The “Emergency Lockdown Procedure” is initiated, should a high risk incident hazardous chemical spill; severe weather warning; student/stranger intrusion; etc. occur in the schools or on school property, or there are circumstances in the vicinity of the school that could endanger the lives and/or the safety of students and/or staff.

In order for all students and staff to become familiar with the expectations during a lockdown, our school will be practicing emergency lockdown procedures as we have normally done with fire drills. During these drills there will be signs posted on the entrance doors indicating that the school is in lockdown. The doors will be locked and no one will be allowed into the school. This is the same proce-dure that will be followed in a real situation.

The school will be holding two lockdown practice drills during the school year. The first drill shelter in place will be held on: October 16. The spring lockdown will be announced in April’s calendar.

Happy Halloween!!

The Holy Angels Student Council is pleased to announce that we will be having a Halloween

Dance on October 30th for the JK to Grade 8 students. It will be a blue and white free day-

wear your costumes. Costumes are to be age appropriate, no scary masks, props or make up,

please...we have little ones in the building!!

The schedule is as follows:

JK-SK 9:15-9:45 Gr. 1 to 3 9:45-10:30 Gr. 4 to 6 11:00-11:45am Gr. 7 –8 1:30-3:00pm

Please bring a non-perishable food item for admission. This is part of the WE Scare Hunger campaign

for our ME to WE Initiative . All parents are welcome to attend!!


Congratulations to our Boys Softball Team for capturing the Divisional Title again and winning

our first pennant for the school. Both teams rallied hard and showed excellent skill during this

year’s tournaments which were held on September 28 and 29 at Etobicoke Valley Park. Congrat-

ulations to the Boys’ Team members: Evan M., Anthony W., Noah M., Luke S., Aidan A., Jason

G., Chazz U., Evan H., Khaleel W., and Kyle C. We are proud of the girls’ team for their team-

work and skill: Julia D., Hope A., Rebecca C., Stephanie C., Juliana H., Victoria R., Sierra R.,

Gianna M., Madison C., Maya M., Vanessa B., and Elysse H.

Special thanks to our coaches Mr. Fioravanti and to Mr. Sloan for their assistance.


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Page 4 The Voice of Holy Angels

New Health and Physical Education Curriculum Update

We are expecting to receive some parent information shortly on the delivery of the program within Catholic Schools. The following will be distributed to all parents:

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Family Life Education in Catholic Schools – This booklet provides a comprehensive overview of the family life curriculum, as taught in Catholic Schools

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding How Human Development and Sexual Health in the HPE Curriculum Will be Taught in Catholic Schools

Primary (Grades 1-3)

Junior (Grades 4-6)

Intermediate (Grades 7 & 8)

This series of brochures explains how the expectations contained in the Human Development and Sexual Health strand of the HPE curriculum will be delivered as part of the Family Life Education curriculum taught in Catholic schools.

Each of the above resources will be posted online on the ICE website (

In Toronto Catholic, every student in Grades 1 to 8 is taught the “sex-ed” curriculum using the approved Fully Alive program. All “sex-ed” curricula is ONLY taught in our Fully Alive program. Details about the Fully Alive Program is on the Ontario Bishops’ website:

While working with Ministry of Education curricula, Catholic schools use the Gospel of Jesus and the tradition

of the Catholic Church as the starting point in our educational approach to ALL content.


CPIC Parent Representative & Parent Member: At Large Elections

At the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB) we value parent involve-

ment at the local and at the board level. The Catholic Parent Involvement

Committee (CPIC) is a parent-led and Ministry of Education funded, parent volunteer organization

within the TCDSB mandated by Regulation 612/00 of Ontario’s Education Act.

CPIC’s purpose is to improve student academic achievement and well-being by supporting,

encouraging and enhancing meaningful parent engagement system-wide at the TCDSB.

CPIC will be holding its elections for 1 Parent Representative on

Wednesday October 7, 2015

Holy Angels Catholic School

65 Jutland Road


CPIC will be holding its elections for 4 Parent Members: At Large on

Tuesday October 20, 2015

Catholic Education Centre

80 Sheppard Ave. East (Sheppard and Yonge)


Catholic Teachers’ Centre (third floor)

Parent Representative Nomination forms and Parent Member: At Large Nomination forms are

available in the main office.

Page 5

Mindfulness Corner As mentioned at our curriculum night in September as part of our school learning plan, our staff professional devel-

opment will focus on mindfulness and growth mindset. Here are some suggestions for parents to help with the transi-

tion to school, but can apply all year round. These strategies will assist to help alleviate anxiety.

Many students feel anxious or stressed about going back to school. These are normal feelings during times

of change and transition. Whether students are starting school for the first time, attending a new school, or

transitioning back to their previous routine, parents and teachers can help.

Ensure that students get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet. This is important for brain func-

tion, mood, and the ability to focus.

Let students know that they are not alone. Remind them that many students feel anxious during

periods of transition. Teacher and parents can share their own story in order to reassure students

that feeling anxious is a very natural feeling.

Focus on the positive aspects of school, such as seeing friends, involvement in school activities, and

new learning.

Having a buddy that they can rely on will help them feel more comfortable.

Spending time with family by engaging in fun activities together helps to strengthen feelings of closeness,

promotes attachment, and encourages communication. (sources: G. Neufeld; M.Ungar)

Here are some activities that you may consider:

Have regular family dinners

Go for a nature walk

Play a game or sport activity

Attend mass together

Suggested Reading and Websites:


The Invisible String: Partice Karst

The Kissing Hand: Audrey Penn

Is Worry Worrying You?: Ferida Wolff & Harriet May Savitz

Cool Cats, Calm Kids: Relaxation and Stress Management for Young People: Mary Williams

Fighting Invisible Tigers: A Stress Management Guide for Teens: Earl Hipp


Collaborative Association for Social and Emotional Learning:

ABC’s of Mental Health (Hincks-Dellcrest Centre) www.brocku/ca/teacherresource/ABC/index.php

Did you know?

Did you know that having a good laugh helps to relieve physical tension and

stress? It triggers the release of endorphins (the body’s natural feel good

chemicals) and promotes an overall sense of well-being. INFUSE laughter

into your home and classroom. It may just be the best medicine!

Page 6 The Voice of Holy Angels

TCDSB Monthly Update

October 2015

Open Houses in High Schools Grade 8 students and their families are invited to check out their high school options. TCDSB secondary schools host open houses in October and No-


Principal of Excellence Award OAPCE Toronto invites nominations for this year’s award, which will be presented at the 10th annual Commissioning Ceremony on November 2nd.

Parent Involvement Week: October 24 – 30, 2015. The Toronto Catholic District School Board is launching first Parent Involvement Week. This initiative is an opportunity to recognize, celebrate and

enhance the important role that parents play at both the school and Board level. Educational research has consistently pointed to the positive effects that

parent engagement has on student achievement and well-being. The TCDSB has partnered with the two parent organizations--the Catholic Parent In-

volvement Committee (CPIC) and the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE – Toronto)--to co-host a number of events that

highlight the important role of parents in our schools, as well as to provide opportunities for continued involvement, professional development and net-

working. Let us all work together for the success of our students!

For more information:

Newcomer Conference for Families New to Canada and International Students Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 5:00 p.m., Catholic Education Centre, 80 Sheppard Ave. E.

The Director of Education and Chair of the Board invite our newcomer families, international students, parent council representatives, homestay fami-

lies and school staff to an informative evening about our educational system and support services available in TCDSB schools. Guests are invited to

share a family meal with the Director and Chair and will be encouraged to participate in an exchange of information in a relaxed, welcoming environ-

ment. Our staff and representatives from various outside agencies will provide support and valuable information regarding programs and services plus

tips for navigating our Catholic education system. The evening also encourages interactive discussions designed for staff and Parent Council members

on how to effectively engage our newcomer students and families in our schools and communities. The event is one of several planned for Parent In-

volvement Week. Welcome to our TCDSB family!

For more information and to register:

Parent Reps Needed For Mental Health Advisory Council TCDSB seeks 2 parent representatives to serve on the council (1 elementary and 1 secondary).

Application deadline is October 20th. Visit our website for detailed information:

Safe Schools Advisory Committee 2 parent reps needed to serve on the committee; 5 meetings per year

Application deadline October 2nd.

TCDSB Transportation Demand Management Plan Survey The Toronto Catholic District School Board has approved a draft Transportation Demand Management Plan and is seeking your feedback before finalizing the document. We want to know which recommendations in the plan you feel are the most important to address the traffic management issues around our schools and facilities. The online survey can be found here:

We look forward to hearing from you by no later than November 6th, 2015.
