
St. Joseph Parish Sunday April 1st, 2018

Happy Easter!

I wish to begin my Easter reflections by sharing a story I came across about a little boy named Anthony. Anthony was a first grader with a brain tumor. The Friday before Easter his teacher, Ms Hunt, gave each student a plastic egg, telling them, “Put a symbol of Easter inside. But don’t put your name on it.” On Monday morning, the teacher’s desk was filled with Easter eggs. As Ms Hunt opened the first egg a flower popped out. Alice said, “That’s my egg!” “What a wonderful symbol for Easter,” Ms Hunt said. “It reminds us of spring time, and of everything coming to life.” In opening the second egg Ms Hunt saw that it was empty. She thought it might be Anthony’s, and not wanting to embarrass him, quietly put it aside. “Ms Hunt,” Anthony said, “That’s my egg!” “But, it’s supposed to be a symbol for Easter,” she said. “I know,” he explained. “The tomb was empty on Easter morning.” Anthony died a short time later and Ms Hunt’s class placed Easter eggs near Anthony’s casket. And all of them were empty. In today’s Gospel we see the empty tomb. At first it was a shock to the disciples. Not only had their Savior died, but now someone had taken his body. A cruel hoax, a bad joke that rubbed salt in a wound. But it was no hoax. The tomb was empty because Jesus was raised from the dead! Easter is victory for every person with an open, believing heart – like Anthony. That little boy grasped the meaning of the empty tomb. May we all learn from him and ultimately share in Christ’s victory with him. There is one person for whom Easter is a total defeat. It is significant that this year Easter falls on April First. Well, the joke’s on Satan. He thought his lies and deceit had won out. When Jesus’ tomb was closed with a huge stone he thought his triumph was complete. But the joke is on Satan. April Fools to him! The empty tomb is our proof that Jesus Christ is victorious over sin and death! Happy Easter!

The Vigil

Some Thoughts From Fr. Brad….


Our Sanctuary Lamp

Burns this week for the Intention of:

John Herman, Sr. Req by Family

Recently Deceased:

Joseph Frasson & Rose Mc Shane

Newly Added to our Prayer

List: Ana Magee & Kenneth Duke

Mass Intentions

Saturday, March 31st 8:00pm The People of St. Joseph Parish Sunday, April 1st 8:00am Joseph Migiel, req by Family 10:00am Amos Barron, req by Dave & Peggy Henegar 12:00pm Edwin Grzesik, req by Family Monday, April 2nd 8:30am Mass at St. Timothy Tuesday, April 3rd 8:30am Poor Souls in Purgatory, req by Rosemary Scafidi 8:30am Tony Kobus, req by Kris & Joanne Grzywacz Wednesday, April 4th 8:30am Mass at St. Timothy Thursday, April 5th 8:30am Mass at St. Timothy Friday, April 6th 8:30am Poor Souls in Purgatory, req by Rosemary Scafidi 8:30am Josef Janka , req by Antonia Schaefer Saturday, April 7th 4:30pm James Reno, req by Family Sunday, April 8th 8:00am The People of St. Joseph Parish 10:00am Paul Chandler, req by Murray Family 12:00pm Edwin Grzesik, req by Family

Schedule of Ministers ~ Saturday April 7th, 2018 & Sunday April 8th, 2018

4:30 P.M 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M.



Eucharistic Ministers

Altar Servers

Christ Cleaners April 2nd TEAM 1

Chris Matusik, Judy Herman, Nancy Kapsa, Ger-

ald Jelsomeno, Phyllis Borman, Marcella Miklos,

Ken Gorno, Sante Simone

Linen Cleaners April 1st~Trish Bell April 8th~Nancy Ditzhazy April 15th~Theresa Perino

Help is needed to fulfill these ministries. Please call Sandra at 734-671-7828 for information on becoming a lector. Pam or Ken Livernois at 734-676-9673 on becoming a Eucharistic minister or coordinator.

Easter Sunday PAGE 3 April 1st, 2018

Faith Formation Corner

Happy Easter! Today marks the Holiest day for us as Christians. What a time to celebrate. Christ our Lord is Risen! If you are just visiting our parish, or it’s been a while since your last visit…WELCOME! We are glad you are here to celebrate with us. Looking to put your child in our weekly religious education class this fall? Registration for the Faith Formation year (2018-19) has begun. You may obtain a packet from the Parish Office during regular office hours or contact me with any questions you may have. If your children are currently registered in our program, registration information was sent home or you may complete a registration packet in the dining room during FF class time beginning April 9. Or, if you’d like your child to have a Christ-centered school day, St. Joseph School offers Families an exceptional choice for education, complete with Christian values and morals. With a dedicated Faculty, high standards in education and the sharing of our Catholic Christian faith, this community of faith might be a choice for your family. It’s not too early to begin thinking about summer! Vacation Bible School will be here July 9-12 from 6-8:30pm. VBS is an opportunity to share the love of Jesus with our children. Always a great time, children get to explore different stations of fun. Interactive Games, Bible Stories, Craft and Science projects, Music and, of course, Snack lead children on a themed adventure. This year our theme is Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus. Children will explore that when we are lonely, worried, struggling, doing wrong or feeling powerless, Jesus is there to rescue us! All Faith Formation Students will be on Easter Break this week. We pray for a restful week for everyone. Classes resume April 9 and 10. May God’s Peace and Blessings be with you and your family during the Easter Season, Dennae Petrlich, Director of Faith Formation, [email protected]

St. Joe’s School Carnival!

The annual St. Joseph Parish School Carnival will be held on Friday, April 20, 2018 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm in the gym. All are welcome! Join us for a fun filled evening with games, prizes, food and much more. Tickets available for raffle baskets and games at the door…… Camp St. Joes - Join us for Smore Fun!

Easter Sunday PAGE 4 April 1st, 2018

St. Joseph School

Two of our seventh graders were recently recognized for different achievements. John Martin won an Outstanding Recognition award from the SEFMD (Science and Engineering Fair of Metro Detroit) and Marohn Campena won 2nd place in the K of C Michigan Spelling Bee. Congratulations to both of these students!

St. Joseph School Fundraiser


Reverence Every Person

Thanks be to God! The Lord has renewed the life of His Church. He has done this in the celebration of Easter joy, in the renewal of our baptismal promises, in the rebirth of nature, in the cleansing with new holy water and by the light of a new Paschal Candle. He has done this in the power and mys-tery of His Son’s Resurrection from the dead. Also, He has renewed His Church by calling into our community those who are new to believe all that the Apostles have taught us, the men and women of the RCIA who have become full members of the Catholic Church this Easter. After a long and demanding journey of faith, these men and women have come to participate in the sacred life-giving grace of the Lord’s own Seven Sacraments and have completed their initiation into full communion with the Catholic Church. Their commitment, prayers, trust, and

willingness to give of themselves is an example to us all. We continue to support them (especially during the 50 days of the Easter season) and we work to welcome them. Our responsibility is not to simply baptize them and move on but to rejoice in their newness of faith and to look for opportunities to make them feel like they belong. One important opportunity to welcome them, talk to them, and help them belong occurs at the annual reception for our new RCIA Catholics happening on Sunday APR 29. At the 10am Mass that day we will pray particular prayers for them and following that 10am Mass everyone will be invited to a simple reception in the dining room of the activity center. Please come to welcome the new Catholics here at St. Joseph Church. Take the opportunity to build up our parish. And please, pray for them and for their faith.

Those who were Baptized, Confirmed, and received their First Eucharist… Denise Sobh

Those (already Baptized) who were Confirmed and received their First Eucharist… Jordan Harrison Sherman Thornton Jenny Valdez

May Almighty God touch your heart in the wondrous miracle that is Easter!

Peace and Blessings, Scott Anastasia

All New Worship Commission Meeting on Thursday April 12 at 6pm in the parish office. If you

would like to help with the planning and organizing of our parish weekend Masses and the ministries that support and serve at weekend Masses please join


Reflection on St. Paul of the Cross Retreat

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, the gatekeeper, calls each of us by name. He knows us and loves us unconditionally, not because of who we are or what we do, but because of who He is. How do you respond when you hear his voice? You respond to Jesus’ call by following his example of unconditional love, and by being his voice to others. He sends you to be a gatekeeper, even though you may feel unworthy or unequipped to share his living Gospel. Jesus takes what little you think you have and multiplies it, like loaves and fish. As a believer, but more importantly, as a disciple, you put your faith boldly into action. You tell how God is alive in you and is the reason for how you live every moment of your life. Cass Gorkiewicz, retreatant, 25 years Mark your calendar and join us next March, 2019 at St. Paul of the Cross


From the Deacon’s Desk

Christ is Indeed Risen

As we look back at the days and hours before Jesus' Crucifixion, we see that Judas betrays Him, Peter denies knowing Him not once but three times, and John His beloved Apostle runs away from Him and hides. And yes, all of His Apostles denied Him by abandoning Him when He needed them most. Yet, all of this was preordained to happen. The Apostles, and all of His followers, except one, Mary His Mother, needed to "SEE THE RESURRECTED CHRIST". Without the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior there is no Church and no hope for everlasting life. We needed the Apostles to witness in seeing the Res-urrected Christ. It is because they "Saw Him" that they were able to proclaim, "Christ Crucified and Risen From the Dead".

Our Faith rests and depends upon the Resurrection of Christ. If Christ did not rise from the dead, we would never have heard about Him. Christ would merely be a historical figure, a holy man who did good. His story finished. However, Jesus did rise from the dead. We have the testimony of His followers, who by His Resurrection had the courage to preach about Him to the world. It is important for us to ask ourselves, "What did His followers have to gain by preaching Christ Risen From The Dead"? Did they teach for monetary gain, power, or positions of authority? No! His followers received rejection and martyrdom. Yet, they risked death because their eyes saw Christ Risen from the Dead. Once they were emboldened by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, they could not hold the "Good News" in, they were compelled to spread His Message to all people.

This message of His followers is given to us today. Our Faith in Christ Crucified and Risen from the dead is given to us in Baptism. Scripture tells us, "For we were indeed buried with Him through Baptism into death, so just as Christ was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life" (Rom. 6:4). For if we die in Christ, we will arise a new creations, adopted sons and daughters of Our Heavenly Father. And, if adopted, heirs to the Kingdom of God". In Baptism we are infused with the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love. These free gifts given to all who are Bap-tized in Christ Jesus so that they might have eternal life.

Just as the Apostles proclaimed Christ Risen from the dead, through our Baptism, we are called to be heralds of this "Good News". Yet, the Good News, though it is for all of all time, can be accepted or rejected. For those who believe in Christ Risen from the dead and His message of doing the will of the Father, they will have new life and a "Glorified Body". What is the will of the Father? Simply put, the will of the Father is to "Seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above and not what is of the earth" (Col. 3:1-2). In other words we are to live according to the Commandment and Precepts that He left us. To live holy lives in Christ Jesus and not to be of the world.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are called not only to be heralds of the Good News, but we are also called to Live the Good News. Like the Apostles and early followers of Jesus who were killed for bearing witness to Him, we also one day may be called to do the same. Some, not all, are called to give all, even their life in proclaiming Christ as their Savior.

Have a Joyous and Blessed Easter

Deacon David & Joan


Daily Readings & Reflections


THE LORD (EASTER SUNDAY) This is the day

Easter isn’t a footrace, as the first disci-ples demonstrate. It doesn’t matter

when you come to faith, whether you were baptized as an infant or just last

night. You don’t win points for what you understand at the mouth of the empty

tomb, whether you’ve studied 20 centu-ries of dogma about it or just rely on a gut feeling that this event changes eve-

rything. Mary Magdalene, Peter, and the beloved disciple each perceive the

tomb and its significance from different angles—yet they all spend their lives as witnesses. Go and live like Easter makes

a difference! Today's readings:

Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8; John 20:1-9 or Mark

16:1-7 (42, 41) or, at an afternoon or evening Mass, Luke 24:13-35 (46).

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.”

April 2nd


Time stands still A young monk chided his novice master for having prayed at the Easter Monday

Mass, “On this Easter day . . .” “Certainly, you should have sung ‘in this Easter season,’ ” the novice explained.

“After all, Easter is over.” The wise older priest pointed out—much more gently than deserved—that Easter Day itself lasts eight days, a full week, and only then do we move into the Easter sea-

son. Like the obliteration of the reign of death that Easter is, time itself is set on its head. Like the wedding day that, in

many cultures, is simply too overflowing with joy to be contained in a single 24 hours, the spirit of hope that is Easter

will not be confined. May it rise in your heart this Easter Day!

Today's readings: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Matthew 28:8-15

(261). “This Jesus God raised up, and of that all

of us are witnesses.”


EASTER A place in the heart

Sometimes, in the least suspecting plac-es, we can find miracles. For Mary Mag-

dalene it was a tomb where she had gone to weep and grieve the death of Jesus. But instead she found life. She

experienced the risen Jesus and became the first person to proclaim that to the

world. Somehow in the midst of her grief and sense of loss, Mary left a tiny space for hope that allowed her to rec-ognize the voice of Jesus as he called her name. The possibility for miracles great and small is with us every day.

Leave open a space within your heart—you just may hear your name being

called. Today's readings:

Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18 (262). “Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord.’ ”

April 4th


What do you expect? The disciples walking the road to Em-maus after Jesus’ death were disap-

pointed—they had expected from him something other than what they saw,

and they assumed his mission had failed with his death. There is a lesson in that, taught by Jesus later in the same story when he breaks the bread and opens

their eyes: Our expectations can blind us to the blessings right in front of us. Keep

your expectations in check and you might find all you could ever hope for, and much more, right in front of your

eyes. Today's readings:

Acts 3:1-10; Luke 24:13-35 (263). “We had hoped that he was the one to

redeem Israel.”


EASTER Be brave

The Acts of the Apostles, which we read throughout the season of Easter, is a

riveting account of faith, courage, heal-ings, conversions, and a miraculous es-cape from prison. It is the story of how

God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, intervened in the lives of Jesus’ disciples to ensure the spread of his

word throughout the world. The cour-age of the first followers of Jesus is truly

inspirational. Take some time to read Acts this month. Then consider: “In what ways is God inviting me to live

more courageously? What is keeping me from responding to that invitation?”

Today's readings: Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48 (264).

“To this we are witnesses.”


EASTER Breakfast anyone?

Meeting friends for breakfast is such a delight. There’s something about the

morning meal together that makes life feel good. The story of the risen Jesus inviting his friends to breakfast strikes that familiar note of unity and peace. Yet the disciples named in the story were all characters that had crossed

Jesus in one way or another: Peter the denier, Thomas the doubter, Nathanael

the cynic, and the Zebedee brothers, who persisted in their childish sibling

rivalry. The morning repast was a recon-ciliation service—and a nice way to start the day. Let that same spirit of unity and

reconciliation begin your day today. Today's readings:

Acts 4:1-12; John 21:1-14 (265). “When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and



EASTER Do the right thing

Sometimes you have to do what’s right even in the face of opposition. Whether it’s no reward at best or open hostility at worst, the world around you doesn’t always approve of what you know to be the best thing. The apostles ran into the

same problem—in fact, they were on both sides of it. When the religious au-thorities ordered them not to speak or teach in Jesus’ name, they refused to obey. On the other hand, when Mary

Magdalene came to some of these same disciples with news of the risen Jesus, they did not believe her. Of course it’s unwise to always reject what others

think of you. But when faced with a diffi-cult situation, ask God for the wisdom

and the strength to do what is right and good.

Today's readings: Acts 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15 (266).

“Whether it is right in God’s sight to listen to you rather than to God, you

must judge.”

Easter Sunday PAGE 8 April 1st, 2018

For Our Military Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for their selfless acts they perform. Pray for us in our time of need. Amen.

Aaron Ames Fred Arugi

Scott Bennett Joe Biedenbach

Dale Brewer Veronica Davis Mitch Farnum David Giltner

Colton Henniger Patrick Lynch Andrew Maki

Jonathan Martin Brad Molnar Cody Pratt

Michael Rich David Seymour Luke Sanders Chris Sepine

Christopher Shiner Cody Smith Steve Stites

Blade Weedon David M. Wolfe

For Those Requesting Prayers

Leon Abbott Michael Bacha

Carol Baker Edna Banick

Jackie Blackwood Rose Bono

David Bourgeois Richard Bradybaugh

Adalyn Bratcher Mike Bratcher

Lena Brent Addi Bressler A.J. Bressler Gary Buffa

Scott Carlsen Geri Czarnecki

Eileen Day Patrick Day

Jackie Deschaw Stephanie Direzze

Kenneth Duke Bob Erdman

Elvira Ferrante Michelle Ferrante

Michael Fleszar John Fleszar

Donald Franzen Kelly Gaynier

George Ghindia Janet Gogo

Michael Grillo Carole Hagerman Kevin Henninger

Andrew Hilliard Danielle Holt Gabriella Holt Monica Hogle Jeanne Howey

Ed Kolacki Elaine Kootsillas MaryLou Kropik

Stan Kurek Emily Linench Joan Sue Legel Raymond Legel

Vito Leone Jeanne Lloyd Ana Magee

Katie Manning Hugh McLeish

Vivian McMahon Fran Metzger Frank Miklaski Kathy Moore Joe Muscat

Chris Neubecker Hank Overbeck Nancy Patrias

Nicolette Patrias Dianne Pavlov

Eleanor Prickett Danny Prueitt-Saucier

Mary Reidy Shirley Ann Reinhard

Tom Reno Basil Rodansky

Angela Romanowski Mary Lou Romano

Phil Rozewicz Brandon Russo Jessica Saiter

Pamela Saldana David Saldana

Pat Samons Mike Simone Ruth Sharkey Carole Sokel

Special Intention Special Intention Special Intention Special Intention

Chad Sullivan Kathryn Taylor Owen Taylor

Mary Taurence Jackie Thompson

Geraldine Torolski Dennis Weber

Bill Wegher Ron Willett Glen Yank

Nancy Zakar If you have a loved one in need of prayers, please call the parish office at 676-9082 .

CSA Campaign 2017 A major portion of CSA funds go to support seminarians in their studies to become our priests. But, did you know, that besides seminarians, the CSA funds provide faith formation materials, formation for catechists and other support for our parish religious education program. Especially important, the department conducts Safe Environments and Protecting God's Children training for parish staffs and parishioners who interact with our children. If you haven't pledged yet, please prayerfully consider doing so. The deadline is May 30, 2018. Thank you.

For Our Friends and Family

Low Gluten (0.01%) Hosts

You will be happy to hear that if you suffer from Celiac Disease we have LOW GLUTEN (0.01%)HOSTS especially for you. Before Mass, go to sacristy to retrieve a host and place it in the pyx designated “for low gluten hosts only” – place the pyx on the tray with the Communion cups. The priest will consecrate it at Mass. At Communion time join the line where the priest is distributing Communion. Let him know you need to receive a low gluten host. He will open the pyx for you to take a host.


In and Around Our Parish At A Glance

The Women's Guild 20th annual salad luncheon will be held on Friday, May 4, from 11 AM - 1 PM. The success of this event depends on the generosity of our parish family. If you are able to help out in the kitchen and/or make a salad and/or dessert, please call Pat Bry-an at (734) 775-9150. If you wish to purchase a ticket to the salad luncheon prior to the event, tickets are available in the parish office.

Full Time Maintenance for St Joseph School-Maintenance, repair and safety of school and church facilities and grounds. Ability to lift/move 50+ lbs. necessary. Call 734-676-9082 and ask for Fr Brad.

The Parish office will be closed on Easter Monday (4/2). The staff at St Joseph wants to wish you a Blessed Easter.

Saturday, March 31st-HOLY SATURDAY 12:00pm Blessing of Easter Food ................................................. CH 8:00pm Easter Vigil .................................................................... CH Sunday, April 1st-EASTER 8:00am Mass .............................................................................. CH 10:00am Mass…………………………………………………………………………...CH 12:00pm Mass .......................................................................... …..CH Monday, April 2nd-PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 8:30am Mass at St. Tim’s ................................................................. 3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet .................................................... CH Tuesday, April 3rd 8:30am Mass .............................................................................. CH 6:30pm Eucharistic Adoration ................................................... CH Wednesday. April 4th 8:30am Mass at St Tim’s ................................................................. Thursday, April 5th 8:30am Mass at St Tim’s ................................................................. 7:00pm Women’s Guild ............................................................. SFR Friday, April 6th 8:30am Mass .............................................................................. CH Saturday, April 7th 4:30pm Mass ............................................................................. CH Sunday, April 8th 8:00am Mass .............................................................................. CH 10:00am Mass .............................................................................. CH 12:00pm Mass .......................................................................... …..CH

Just in time for Mother’s Day and for all your spring planting, the class of 2019 & 2020 will be selling Schwartz Greenhouse Gift Cards now thru May 15, to support their class trip in 2019.

The gift cards are available in $25.00 increments and the class makes a $5.00 profit. We will have them available after all the masses the weekend of April 28th & 29th. For your convenience we are accepting payments of cash, check, PayPal and Venmo. Please call or text Amie Kellogg at 734-752-9647 to purchase your Schwartz Green house Gift cards. Thank you for your continual support!

All ladies of St. Joseph Parish are welcome to attend the Women’s Guild meeting on Thursday, April 5th at 7pm. We are making plans for our salad luncheon. Please attend and have some fun!

Easter Sunday PAGE 10 April 1st, 2018

Weekend Masses Saturday ....................................................................... 4:30pm Sunday ...................................... 8:00am, 10:00am,12:00 noon

Weekday Masses Tuesday & Friday ......................................................... 8:30 am

Church Hours Weekdays .............................................................. 7am to 3pm Saturday ..................................... 3pm until after 4:30pm Mass

St. Timothy Weekday Masses Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday .............................. 8:30 am

Holy Day Masses To be determined - watch the bulletin.

Reconciliation Saturday .......................................................... 3:30 to 4:00 pm

Baptisms First must register in the Parish and attend a Baptismal Preparation Evening. For dates and details call Scott Anastasia at the Parish Office.

Marriages Make arrangements at least 9 months in advance. Contact Fr. Brad at the Parish Office.

Mass Times St. Joseph Parish 2565 Third St.

Trenton, MI 48183 Parish Office: 734-676-9082

Parish Center Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am - 3:30pm, Friday: 9:00am - Noon Smart phone App: myparishapp

Facebook: St. Joseph Catholic Church Trenton

Fr. Bradley Forintos ........................................... Pastor ext. 15 ...................... [email protected] Deacon David Drysdale ................................... Deacon ext. 11 ......................... [email protected] Scott Anastasia ........ Pastoral Associate/Christian Svc. ext. 20 .................... [email protected] Dennae Petrlich……………Religious Formation Director ext. 22 ...................... [email protected] Mary Lazuka ext. 21 ....................... [email protected] Sally Bersot ..................... Bookkeeping/Business Mgr. ext. 25 ......................... [email protected] Jaime Calvin ......................... Administrative Assistant ext. 16 ........................... [email protected] Mary Aluia ............................ Administrative Assistant ext. 10 .......................... [email protected] Laurie Weber ........................ Administrative Assistant ext. 24 .......................... [email protected] Sean Calvin ........................................... Music Director ext. 19 ............... [email protected] Jim LaBell .................................. Maintenance Director 734-676-9082 Tim Mullahy ...................................... Athletic Director 734-507-0521 [email protected] Parish Office Fax .................................... 734-676-6255

School Contact Info.

School Office: 734-676-2565


Christen Langton ........................................................ Principal [email protected] Lisa Bilk ...................................................................... Secretary [email protected] Lori Waling ....................................... Director of Development [email protected]

St Joseph Parish Council Members Steve Beck Maryann Hoying Nancy Chirillo Kathy Neimann Marie Corless Jerry Welsch Matt Hatty

Parish Council Email: [email protected]
