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The Use of Jaimini Astrology toDetermine Spiritual Tendencies in a

Chart By Gary Gomes In Using Astrology

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Jaimini Astrology has become the second most widely used Vedic Astrology

system in use in the Western world, thanks largely to the efforts of Mr. K. . !ao,

". #. #astri and others to e$%lain and disseminate this uni&ue astrological


'his article will illustrate the use of Jaimini astrology for analy(ing the s%iritual

%otential of indi)iduals through use of the Jaimini karakas *indicators+ in the chart

and through the use of %agrahas *-little %lanets-+ in the conte$t of Jaimini

inter%retation %rinci%les.

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 A B!E" #$E$!E% #" JA!&!'! AST#(#G)

Jaimini is predominantly practiced in the Andhra Pradesh area of !ndia* +ut its go,erning principles are

also discussed in detail in the encyclopedic compendium of astrological techni-ues* the Brihat

Parasara .ora Sastra/ The BP.S has enough material in it to 0eep most of us studying Jyotisha +usy

for se,eral life times/ The Jaimini factors are not referred to specifically as Jaimini indicators/

.o1e,er* 1hen one reads P/ S/ Sastri2s translation of the Jaimini Sutras* or either of &r/ ao2s te3ts

on Jaimini Astrology* one realizes that these principles are* in fact Jaimini principles/ There are other

Jaimini te3ts 1hich ha,e emerged o,er the years 4including The Jaimini Upadesa Sutras 1ritten +y

San5ay ath* and pu+lished a+out t1o years ago and a recent translation in process +y Ernst %ilhelm

of the United States6/ .o1e,er* &r/ ao2s te3ts go the furthest in e3plaining ho1 the Jaimini dasa

systems 1or0* and are still* in my opinion* the clearest e3position of Jaimini principles a,aila+le in the


The follo1ing are the ma5or differences +et1een Jaimini and 7standard7 Parasara astrology are8

96 The use of sign mahadasas 4Chara* Sthira and Shoola dasas are the +est 0no1n* +ut there are

appro3imately :: mahadasas used in Jaimini astrology6;

<6 The use of padas/ Padas are indicators in the signs/ The +est 1ay to e3plain a pada is to illustrate

it/ Suppose 1e are loo0ing for the marriage pada in a chart/ The se,enth house is the marriage house

in a standard chart/ (et us assume 1e ha,e a (i+ra ascendant/ Aries is the se,enth house in this

chart/ The ruler of the se,enth house is therefore &ars/ Then let us assume that the Graha &ars is in

the sign Capricorn/ This sign is ten signs a1ay from Aries/ %e then count ten signs from Capricorn to

get the pada for marriage matters/ Thus* the sign (i+ra is the marriage indicator for this chart/ !ssues

connected 1ith marriage 4and partnerships in general6 1ill +e reach fruition during the mahadasa or

+hu0tis of (i+ra/

=6 The e3tensi,e use of 0ara0as/ There are 0ara0as in Parasara astrology* +ut these are +ased on

certain 7natural7 0ara0as of the planets/ "or e3ample* $enus is the natural 0ara0a for marriage and

&ars is the 0ara0a for +rothers/ .o1e,er* in Jaimini astrology* the >ara0as can +e any of the planets/

4! choose to follo1 &r/ ao in choosing to e3clude the 'orth and South (unar 'ode ?? ahu and >etu

?? as Jaimini 0ara0as for most purposes/6

There are se,en 0ara0as 1hich are 5udged in terms of the planet 1hich is highest in degree to that

1hich is lo1est in degree* regardless of sign placement/ The 0ara0as are* in descending order*

• the atma 0ara0a 4the indicator of self6*

• the amatya 0ara0a 4the indicator of career6;

• the +hatri 0ara0a 4the indicator of si+lings and father6;

• the matri 0ara0a 4the indicator of mother and education6;

• the pitri 4#r putri6 0ara0a 4the indicator of children* intelligence and creati,ity6;

• the gnati 0ara0a 4the indicator of strife* disease* and spiritual sadhana6; and

• the stri or dara 0ara0a* the indicator of marriage 4and partnerships in general6/

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Some authors* Parasara included* use @ 0ara0as/ !n the Jaimini Upadesa Sutras* +oth and @

0ara0as are mentioned* indicating to me that +oth must ha,e some utility for interpretation/ These

0ara0as are of e3treme importance in 5udging a chart* especially in terms of career potential and*

especially* for 5udging spiritual potential* as indicated in +oth the Brihat Parasara .ora Sastra and the

Jaimini Sutram/

 Also* although this stance is not uni,ersally endorsed* it has also +een my e3perience that the Jaimini

0ara0as 1or0 especially 1ell 1hen 1e analyze the planetary mahadasas and the maturity of planets/ !

also +elie,e that the natural Parasara planetary 0ara0as also e3ert their influence on the Jaimini

0ara0as/ $edic Astrologer o+ert >och has discussed the 1ay in 1hich Jaimini indicators can +e used

in Parasari settings in his e3cellent contri+ution to ichard .ouc02s compilation $edic Astrology

(essons and the te3t Jata0a Tatt1a descri+es methods for using the mo,ea+le 0ara0as in interpreting

Parasari charts/

"or this article ho1e,er* 1e 1ill limit this discussion to the use of the Jaimini Chara dasas* padas* and

Jaimini >ara0as as spiritual determinants in a chart/ The ma5or points that 1e 1ill loo0 at are some of

the spiritual indicators in Jaimini that are mentioned in the Brihat Parasara .ora Sastra and in the

Jaimini Sutram/

There is another part of Jaimini Astrology 1hich must +e accounted for in analyzing charts for spiritual

potential/ The atma 0ara0a 4planet in the highest degree in the chart6 1ill fall in a certain sign in the

'a,amsa 4harmonic ninth6 chart/ This sign in the 'a,amsa in 1hich the Atma >ara0a falls is

e3tremely important/ According to one school of thought* this sign assumes a special status called the

>ara0amsa/ >/ '/ ao has made a special study of this topic and feels that this sign should +e mo,ed

to the natal chart* and there it +ecomes the >ara0amsa/ The 'a,amsa position of the atma0ara0a

then +ecomes an entity called a S1amsa chart/

This is not so insignificant a matter as it seems at first/ The BP.S and Jaimini Sutram indicate that

certain planets in certain positions from the >ara0amsa 1ill produce specific spiritual effects and

affiliations* and the placement of planets from the S1amsa and the >ara0amsa 1ill often differ

dramatically* so certain spiritual com+inations 1hich sho1 in the 'a,amsa chart 1ill not appear in the

natal chart* and ,ice ,ersa/ "or the analysis of spiritual potential in the chart* a choice must +e made/

%e do need to ma0e a choice* if only to determine a starting place/

Before my encounters 1ith &r/ ao* ! had relati,ely good results in delineating spiritual preferences1hen using the 'a,amsa chart as the location of the >ara0amsa/ .o1e,er* closer e3amination of

certain charts of indi,iduals 1ho had ne,er +een 0no1n for spiritual tendencies sho1ed that certain

indications 1hich 1ere supposed to follo1 +y the placement of the Atma >ara0a in certain signs made

me ree,aluate my position* and led me closer to the position adopted +y &r/ ao/ The placement of

the Atma >ara0a in the sign Pisces* for e3ample* did not necessarily 7grant final emancipation7 or

produce spiritual indi,iduals/ The techni-ue used +y &r/ ao seems to 1or0 more consistently/

Using the system descri+ed a+o,e* let2s e3amine the chart of one of the +est 0no1n spiritual teachers

of the t1entieth century* Paramahamsa )ogananda/ )ogananda introduced the %est to the discipline

of >riya )oga* a yogic science passed on +y the 9* year old emanation of Shi,a 0no1n as Ba+a5i/)ogananda 1as clearly a ,ery famous spiritual indi,idual* lecturing to thousands and esta+lishing one

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of the most enduring spiritual groups of the t1entieth century* the Self?ealization "ello1ship/ E,en

the fact that there are at least a half dozen disparate and unaffiliated >riya )oga #rganizations in the

United States 4The Ananda Church in California and the Temple of >riya )oga in Chicago are

e3amples of the di,ersity of >riya )oga practiced in the United States6/ .e is also 1ell 0no1n for not

sho1ing any ,isi+le signs of decay for t1enty days after his death at "orest (a1n Cemetery/

!f 1e e3amine his chart* 1e see that )ogananda2s atma 0ara0a planet is $enus 4Shu0ra6 and that this

planet is located in the fourth house* one of the three mo0sha 4li+eration6 houses* in Scorpio

4$rischi0a6 one of the three mo0sha signs 4Scorpio* Cancer and Pisces are considered the mo0sha

signs* perhaps +ecause 1ater signs are considered signs of dissolution or merging 1ith the infinite/6/

!f 1e loo0 at the padas of the ,arious houses* the fourth house pada 4the indicator of 1here the heart

is in a natal chart6 is located in the t1elfth house 4Cancer6* an indicator that this indi,idual2s emotions

are connected 1ith renunciation* a necessary attri+ute for a sanyasin* 1hich )ogananda 1as6/ Also* if

1e loo0 carefully at the fourth house* 1e see se,eral auspicious upagrahas in the fourth house ?? the

Pranapada* >ala * !ndrachapa 4the child of Shu0ra6 and Upa0etu are all in this house* Upa0etu gi,ing

great -ualities of renunciation* +ut the presence of !ndrachapa gi,ing the +lessings of the great

teacher Shu0ra* and Shu0ra himself +lessing this indi,idual 1ith di,ine +liss through deep control of

>undalini energy ?? also 0no1n as >riya/

!n the Brihat Parasara .ora Sastra* the placement of Upa0etu in the fourth house ma0es the nati,e

7charming* ,ery ,irtuous* gentle* interested in $edas* and /// al1ays happy7/ The placement of !ndra

Chapa in the fourth ma0es the nati,e 7happy* endo1ed 1ith -uadrupeds* 1ealth* grains* etc/ +e

honored +y the 0ing and +e de,oid of sic0ness7/ !t 1as 0no1n that )ogananda 1as a+le to access

large amounts of money and nice cars 1hen he needed to* and he also met 1ith President Cal,in

Coolidge* among other 1orld leaders/ >ala* an inauspicious upagraha 1hich acts li0e ahu is also in

the fourth house* 1hich indicates his separation from his parents* his lac0 of interest in academic

disciplines* and the early death of his mother/

The placement of ahu in the ninth gi,es fame* +ut also gi,es a famous Guru/ This 1as certainly the

case of Sri )u0tes1ar* 1ho is pro+a+ly the one of the most famous !ndian gurus 1ho ne,er left !ndia

4including Paramahamsa ama0rishna and S1ami Si,ananda6/ )ogananda2s e3treme attachment to

his Guru is pro+a+ly due to the pada of the ninth house +eing placed in the se,enth house/ The >riya

)oga tradition calls for an e3tremely strong attachment +et1een disciple and teacher* and )ogananda

ne,er 1ished to marry* perhaps +ecause he 1as already emotionally 7married7 to his teacher/ 4!n

 Auto+iography of a )ogi* )ogananda mentioned that his astrological chart indicated that he 1ould/6

emem+er in this system* to determine a pada* count from the house +eing e,aluated to the house

in 1hich the ruler of that house sits* then count from that house the same num+er of houses as the

ruler of the house/ !n this case &ars is the ruler of the sign in 1hich ahu sits 4Aries6/

&ars is in Pisces in this chart* and is located t1el,e signs a1ay from Aries/ %e then count from

Pisces to t1el,e signs a1ay ?? this leads to the se,enth house sign A-uarius* 1hich the +ecomes the

indicator of the Guru* or spiritual teacher/

!n 9<<* )ogananda entered an A-uarius mahadasa 4Jaimini uses sign mahadasas rather than

planetary mahadasas6/ This 1as the time that he 1ent to the United States at the +e-uest of hisGuru/

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%e can trace other e,ents* such as his great fame in the United States after he entered his Aries

&ahadasa 41ith ahu in Aries* fame 1as certainly assured6/

Shu0ra* the Atma >ara0a planet in )ogananda2s chart* is located in the sign A-uarius in the 'a,amsa*

so A-uarius is the >ara0amsa house in the natal chart/ So 1e can start to assess the indicators from

either the asi chart and the 'a,amsa chart/ !nterestingly BP.S does say that if $enus is in the

>ara0amsa one gets initiated in a religious order/ This holds true 1hen 1e loo0 at )ogananda2s chart

from the 'a,amsa chart* +ut not from the asi chart/

)ogananda2s amatya0ara0a planet 1as Jupiter 4also 0no1n as Guru in Sans0rit6 ?? it is then fitting and

apppriate that during his Pisces mahadasa he 1as mostly in,ol,ed in teaching >riya )oga/ The

placement of Jupiter 1ith &ars emphasizes that he 1ould teach a yoga path 1hich emphasized rapid

de,elopment/ >riya is really a 7&ars7 type of yoga in that it calls for e3treme self control and the

de,elopment of 1illpo1er as a means to li+eration/ Using this system of interpretation* you 1ould also

note that )ogananda had a ,ery strong eighth house* 1hich is really a 70undalini7 or 70riya7 house*

+ecause any yoga 1hich in,ol,es control of se3ual energy through 1illpo1er re-uires a strong eighth

house/ That interpretation 1ould indicate )ogananda had the the 1illpo1er to preser,e his physical

+ody after his 7mahasamadhi7/

The chart of the Dalai (ama also gi,es e,idence of the 1ay that the Jaimini 0ara0as 1or0 in a spiritual

chart/ .is atma0ara0a planet is &ars ?? this is common among indi,iduals 1ho practice intense

meditati,e practices* and ! ha,e read se,eral accounts that the Dalai (ama spends at least t1o hours

a day in meditation e,en 1hile 0eeping an acti,e tra,el agenda/

&ars is located in the sign (eo 4Simha6 in his 'a,amsa chart* ma0ing the sign (eo his >ara0amsa

chart 1hen it is transposed to his natal chart/ .e has a $irgo rising chart in Jyotisha* so (eo +ecomes

his t1elfth house/ !n addition to this* he has +oth the &oon and $enus in the sign (eo* 1hich*

according to Jaimini principles* guarantees spiritual happiness/ The association of the &oon and

$enus is a special a5a )oga com+ination in Jaimini astrology/

!t is also noted in the Brihat Parasara .ora Sastra* that if +enefics are in the >ara0amsa* then the

indi,idual 1ill surely +ecome a 0ing/ The Dalai (ama had traditionally ser,ed as the secular and

spiritual ruler of Ti+et/ !t is interesting to note* ho1e,er* that these +enefic planets are in the t1elfth

house of this chart* 1hich seems to infer a 0ing in e3ile/

!n addition* Jaimini astrology has special aspects/ The muta+le signs 4Pisces* $irgo* Gemini*Sagittarius6 aspect each other* 1hile the cardinal signs 4e3cept those ad5acent to each other6 aspect

the fi3ed signs and ,ice ,ersa/

So (eo* the >ara0amsa in the Dali (ama chart is aspected +y (i+ra* Capricorn* and Aries/ (i+ra

contains the planet Jupiter* 1hich gi,es him a popular personality/ Also important in this particular

system are mutual relationships/ The mutual relationship +et1een Jupiter and $enus gi,es the

indi,idual the a+ility to teach and reach people* particularly in spiritual matters* 1hich is seen in the

Dali (amaFs chart/ !nterestingly enough* the Dalai (ama2s amatya0ara0a 4career indicator6 is* as in the

case of Paramahamsa )ogananda* Jupiter* and the placement of the career indicator in the second

house* 1ith the second house ruler in the t1elfth house* indicates the a+ility to teach in foreigncountries/

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The placement of Upa0etu does not necessarily promise the 1orship of any specific deity in the

Jyotish scriptures ! ha,e seen* +ut the placement of Saturn aspecting the t1elfth 1ould promise

1orship of either $ishnu* or 7mean deities7/ !n the Dali (amaFs chart* Saturn* in A-uarius* and

Upa0etu* in Taurus* aspect the t1elfth house from the >ara0amsa ?? the sign Cancer/ Certainly*

Buddhism is a 7heterodo37 system from the $edic perspecti,e 4it is 7outside of the $edas76/ ! ha,e also

noticed e3tremely strong Saturns prominently placed in the charts of $aishna,as* and Buddha* at

least according to some schools* is an A,atar of $ishnu/ Also* the pada of the t1elfth house is Pisces*

containing the upagraha )amaganda* the child of Jupiter* the great +enefic among the upagrahas/

 Again* in this system of interpretation* this 1ould corro+orate the spiritual success of the Dali (ama*

especially a1ay from his land of +irth/

!n terms of e,ents in the Dalai (ama2s life* 1e can certainly note that he left Ti+et in 9* during the

middle of a Sagittarius mahadasa/ !t has +een implied in certain Jaimini te3ts that there 1ill +e a 7fall2

during a Sagittarius period/ This topic 1as discussed in >/ '/ ao2s te3t Predicting Through Jaimini2s

Chara Dasa* in 1hich he cautioned that this dictum should +e interpreted cautiously/

.o1e,er* in this particular case* 1e can certainly ,ie1 the Dalai (ama2s e3ile as a 7fall7* although it

e,entually pro5ected him into a position of 1orld 1ide recognition/ Jupiter* 1ho rules this sign* is

considered a naturally malefic 4perhaps 7death inflicting7 planet6 for $irgo rising; Jupiter is placed in an

enemy sign; and ahu is also in the sign Sagittarius* and ahu 1ill usually in,ol,e separation or

discord during its the mahadasa of a sign in 1hich it is placed/

The Dalai (ama2s most recent &ahadasa is Gemini 4&ithuna6; 1ith +oth the Sun 4the ruler of the

>ara0amsha6 and the planet &ercury in it2s o1n sign* accompanied +y >etu* aspected +y &ars* ahu*

and )amaganda* it is no 1onder that Ti+et has* since 99 the time of commencement of the Gemini

&ahadasa* +ecome a cause cele+re* championed +y mo,ie stars and roc0 performers/

#ne final thought8 the &ahadasa into 1hich the Dalai (ama 1as +orne 1as a $irgo &ahadasa/ The

pada of the first house is Pisces* possessor of the +enefic upagraha )amaganda/ As many are a1are*

the Dalai (ama is chosen through signs and the placement of the pre,ious Dalai (ama2s possessions

in front of the child candidate/ This placement of )amaganda implies gifts at +irth/ And* one final point

?? the placement of $enus and the &oon* t1o e3traordinary +enefics* are usually an indicator that the

soul 1ill attain hea,en after death ?? 1hile a1aiting the ne3t reincarnation perhaps/

These t1o cases ha,e illustrated* in a ,ery +asic fashion* ho1 Jaimini principles can +e used toillustrate spiritual tendencies in a chart/ The t1o indi,iduals chosen 1ere selected mainly +ecause

they 1ere 1ell 0no1n ?? there are many spiritual indi,iduals in this 1orld 1ho are not and 1ho 1ill

ne,er +e 1ell 0no1n* +ecause this is not their role to play/ .o1e,er* 5ust the indicators sho1n in these

+rief analyses 1ill* ! hope* 1het the appetites of others to e3amine spiritual tendencies through the

use of Jaimini and Upagraha principles/ esearch is essential +ecause so fe1 reference te3ts are

a,aila+le/ %ith any luc0* this is merely the start of this process* and 1e 1ill e3pand our 0no1ledge of

Jaimini to the point that other dasas* and more sophisticated utilization of the padas and upagrahas*

1ill pre,ail/

Bibliogra%hySage Jaimini* Jaimini Sutram* translated +y P/S/ Sastri* an5an Pu+lications* Delhi* !ndia* 9

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Sage Parasara* Brihat Parasara .ora Sastra* translated +y / Santhanam and G/ S/ >apoor* an5an

Pu+lications* Delhi* !ndia* 9@

ao* >/ '/* Predicting through Jaimini2s Chara Dasa* $ani Graphics* (uc0no1* !ndia* 9/

ao* >/ '/ * Predicting through >ara0amsa and &andoo0 Dasa* $ani Graphics* (uc0no1* !ndia* 9/

Sastri* P/ S/* Jaimini Astrology* Sagar Pu+lications* 9</

)ogananda* Paramahansa/ Auto+iography of a )ogi/ (os Angeles* CA8 Self?ealization "ello1ship*

