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  • 7/30/2019 The Updated Cmps Report


    1. Area of Concern

    At the beginning of this year, we decided to work on our existing project which we had started last year. Theteam was actually invited to the Australian Finals last year but declined the invitation because the whole team

    felt that we were unprepared to present the project yet. As the project had already gotten off to a great start, we

    thought to continue with this project and would continue doing so with the hope that we will see changes in ourschool toilets.

    We realized that the problem was rather big and ambitious because the problem of dirty toilets is a nationwide

    problem here in Malaysia. We chose a target area which would be manageable for us. We decided to kick startthis project in schools in the neighborhood of the team members.

    Last year, we had worked on questionnaires and distributed them to students, teachers, parents and the public

    for opinions about the condition of the school toilets. We also held sales, conducted a craft workshop to raise

    funds for our project. This year, we are becoming more proactive by moving forward to create kits for theschool containing all the necessary items (e.g. posters, CD) to launch awareness among students.

    We know that school toilets are really important as every student needs to go to daily to ease himself. It is very

    important that the conditions of school toilets are improved and for students to be aware of basic hygiene care inorder to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Students are avoiding toilets because of the terrible condition and this

    could actually lead to a bad health which needs to be prevented. Therefore, with that in mind, our passion for

    this project burned brighter than ever and we revived our existing project.

    2. Challenges

    2.1 Challenges regarding toilets identified

    Toilets represent one of the basic human rights a clean and healthy environment which one can use

    comfortably and safely (particularly in schools) to carry out the call of nature. Every school going child isentitled to this. This is a right of any school going child, the right to hygienic and safe toilets.

    What we found out when we started out on Project BeST were the following challenges:

    a) Since our toilets are wet most of the times, it may be uncomfortable to use. This may result in students not

    using the toilets in times of need resulting in possible health disorders such as stones in the kidney or bladder,

    urinary infections or constipation or they may soil their clothes. This situation may cause unnecessaryembarrassment and stress for the young ones and also cause a mess in the classroom. This may cause disruption

    of lessons.

    b) Wet toilets may also cause accidents as students may slip and fall on wet and unhygienic toilets that may

    cause serious bodily harm to students and also infect them as unhygienic toilets famously known for their

    ability to promote the growth of bacteria. This may result in students being in a life-threatening or dangerous


    c) Since students have only been open to dirty toilets they will never learn and understand the basic rules of

    personal hygiene and may grow up to become adults who lack civic consciousness. They may grow up to beindifferent to issues of social responsibility (public hygiene).This may weaken the whole learning process as

    there is no relevance between theory and application (health science class)

    d) Since many of our school toilets lack the basic amenities, many of our toilets are left in deplorable conditions

    by students who cant clean up after themselves because of lack of tissues, soap, etc. This may help in the

    spread of bacteria, germs etc. and so too diseases. If this condition prevails we may have a very unhygienic,

    infected and unhealthy population in the future.


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    2.2 Challenges faced as a team

    We understood that in order to achieve our targets, we would encounter a lot of problems.

    a. How could we, a group of teenagers reach out to Malaysian society on a rather sensitive issue involving


    b. What can we do to launch awareness besides improving the conditions of school toilets?

    c. How could a team only 4 individuals actually manage this huge societal task?d. There was also a problem of support- Would the schools and PTAs support our project?

    e. Would we be able to raise funds to even get posters and kits done given that we are all from different schoolswith very different time schedules?

    3. Underlying Problem

    We are troubled by the condition of school toilets and realize that most of the students lack knowledge of toilet

    hygiene and how to use a toilet correctly. We want to address this issue now, rather than later, beginning withbaby steps.

    So we posed ourselves the question, In what ways might we, Project BeST (Better School Toilets) create

    awareness among students in order to improve the condition on the school toilets?

    4. Methodology

    We have given out questionnaires to the student and the public on the view on the toilets. Many of them

    responded positively to the questionnaires.

    We have conducted interviews on the public view of toilets.

    We have done plenty of research on toilet cleanliness and hygiene.

    We have met with resource person namely CEO of a company dealing with antibacterial cleanser for


    We have also met with a multinational company whos interest is pending on the project.

    We have also organized a fund raiser to raise money by selling bookmarks, memo pads, badges and

    bakeries to support our project.

    We as students have had a first hand experience of the dirty school toilets in Malaysia


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    5. Findings

    5.1 Students response

    The feedback we received from students projected a rather negative view of school toilets.

    43% of the respondents felt that their school toilets are in terrible conditions whereas 41% of the students responded that the conditions in the school toilet are only average.

    Only 16% of the students claimed that their school toilets are in good conditions.

    a. We then asked students who complained about their school toilets on why they felt their toilets were insuch conditions. This question allowed for subjective answers; however, the majority (about 75%)

    complained about the malfunctioning flushes and lack of soap dispensers. According to them, this has

    caused an overwhelming stench in the toilets.

    b. Students were asked whether their school toilets were well equipped. Majority (about 80%) answered

    that their school toilets are not equipped at allwhile a smaller percentage 15% (students from private

    schools) answered that their school toilets were partially equipped. The remaining said their school toiletsare sufficiently equipped.

    c. Most of the students said that while their school toilets provided them with sufficient water supply,

    mirrors and litter bins, they still lack sanitary bins, toilet paper and soap.A rather high percentage (90%) of students say that their schoolmates were the main cause of

    vandalism in school toilets while a smaller percentage (10%) said that outside vandals and irresponsible

    janitors were to blame. The rest said that their school toilets have never been vandalized

    d. We proceeded to ask students on how long they have had to hold natures call in school due to dirty


    45% said that they have never held it in - they have had to grin and bear the stench of the toilets.

    Another 21 % said they have held it for the whole school day (approximately 5-6 hours).

    20% said that they have held natures call for about 1-2 hours

    while the remaining 14% said that they have held it for 3-4 hours.

    e.48% of students said that their school toilets occasionally lacked maintenance

    while 48% said that their school toilets always lacked maintenance and suffered a lot of damages.

    4% said that their school toilets were maintained perfectly.








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    f. We asked the students if they were satisfied with their school toilets.

    52% (majority) said that they were not satisfied

    while another 41% said that they were quite satisfied.

    Only 7% of the students were very satisfied with their school toilets conditions.

    g. Most of the students we surveyed suggested that the schools install automatic flushes while a smaller

    majority wanted the schools to install soap dispensaries. Some of the rest wanted motion sensor sinks, more

    litter bins and paper towels to replace tissue paper. Only a small portion was happy with their school toiletsjust as they were.

    h. Finally, we asked the students what they would do to keep their school toilets clean. Most of them saidthat they would be sure to flush the toilet every time after use. A smaller portion said that they would not

    litter, step into the toilet with muddy shoes or play with water. The rest said that they would not do

    anything, which reflects the mentality of the public.

    5.2 The response from public

    The feedback we received from the public in general projected a rather negative view of school and publictoilets in Malaysia. This is a new set of questionnaires that have been given to the public. A total of 36 people

    were given questionnaires.

    a. Our first question was what they thought of public or school toilets in Malaysia.

    94% gave negative comments while another 6% were satisfied and pleased with their toilets.

    b. Our second question was what they thought of public or schools toilets in Malaysia are in that condition.

    38% people think it is due to the management of the toilets,

    49% think its the careless attitude that the public has towards toilet hygiene,

    13% person thought the funds played a part in the conditions of toilets.


    Not Satisfied



    Very Satisfied

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    c . Our third question was will they go to a toilet if it is dirty.47% of them said no while 50% of them replied that it depends and

    3% of them said that they would.

    d. Our fourth question was why they thought the public/school children do not care a

    about school/public toilets in Malaysia?

    8% of them said that the public/ school children do not have enough basic toilet training and lack of

    civic mindedness.

    13% of them said that the public/school children dont think that the toilets are their responsibility

    besides lacking in civic mindedness.

    18% of them replied that it was mainly because the public/ school children did not think that it was

    their responsibility.

    6% of them answered that the public/ school children do not think toilets are their responsibility, donot have basic toilet training and lack of civic-mindedness.

    7% of them said that the public/ school children do not regard toilet as part of their responsibilities,

    lack civic mindedness and lack of good role models.

    8% of them said that the public/ school children do not have basic toilet training

    while 37% of the agreed that the public/ school children lack civic mindedness.

    3% of them also said that the public/ school children do not think that toilets are their responsibility

    and do not have basic toilet training.

    e. Our fifth question was their opinion on why the school toilets are dirty.

    28% of them replied that it was because children do not know how to use the facilities. I said that

    it was due to people not having basic hygiene sense and have maids at home.

    3% of them also said that the reason was because of the toilets are ill-equipped and also not

    having basic hygiene sense.

    6% say its because the public does not have a good example to look up to.

    4% thought it was because of ill-equipped toilets. Another person thought it was because the toilets

    were ill-equipped and the public does not have enough basic toilet training.11% thought it was because the public does not have enough basic toilet training and does not have

    a basic hygiene sense.

    21% thought it was because the public was lacking a sense of basic hygiene.

    9% thought it was due to the not knowing how to use the facilities, not having a basic hygiene sense

    and having maids to clean up after them.

    7% thought it was due to having ill-equipped toilets, the public not knowing how to use the facilities

    and not having a basic hygiene sense and

    11% thought it was due having maids cleaning after them.


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    f. Our sixth question was whether diseases are caused by unhygienic toilets conditions.53% thought it was possible,

    3% thought it was could be possible but werent sure,

    17% did not have an idea,

    25% thought it was probable

    2% thought it was most probably and possible

    g. Our seventh question was whether they came across a clean toilet in Malaysia.

    64% said yes as they have found it place of high quality maintenance and 36% people said no.

    h. Our next question was to find out what was so special about those toilets visited. The public would say itwas well equipped with high quality equipment and was very well maintained.

    i. Our ninth question was how much were they willing to pay to enter a clean toilet.

    53% would pay on the range of 0.10-1.00 ringgit.11% people would pay more than 1 ringgit and

    36% people would not pay anything and depending on the situation.

    j. Our tenth question was whether they would support an organisation that is trying to improve conditions of

    toilets in schools.94% said yes while 6% said no.

    k. We then asked the public in what way can we improve the toilets. The public then said to change

    mindsets, to educate and to hope for a miracle.


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    6. Alternative Solution Ideas

    Although we had started this project last year, we are still quite new to (Community Problem Solving) CmPS.

    Hoping to get it right for the first time, we conducted interviews with students, parents and members of the

    public to gain an insight into the mentality of Malaysians regarding toilets. What we found out was nothingother than what we had expected to get- they all unanimously replied that toilets in Malaysia are very dirty and

    ill-equipped. We also realized that although it was unanimous that toilets in schools were thought to be

    deplorable, there was a total lack of commitment or initiative to want to change things, there were onlycomplaints and talk.

    To create awareness among the students about basic hygiene (how to use the toilets and etc.), we knew we

    had to also help improve the condition of school toilets. To do this, we considered many possible


    a. We will promote a scheme which required classes to bring rolls of toilet paper and soap monthly (on a

    rotational basis) to equip the toilets with basic amenities.

    b. We will launch an awareness campaign by providing kits to school with brochures, bookmarks, flyers, CD,posters, poem, and notes for the school.

    c. We will contact companies dealing with toilet equipment, toilet hygiene and cleaning services to help provide

    schools with the necessary items at a subsidized price.

    d. We will give options to schools to invite us to present the case for better toilets so that we will strengthen the

    role the school can play to improve toilets.

    e. We will with the help of at least one multinational or corporate body implement at least one pilot BeST


    f. We will seek the support of the Ministry of Education to allow us to promote this project to as many schools

    as possible in the long run.

    There are many pieces to the puzzle which we have yet to complete but we keep working on it.

    7. Plan of Action

    JulyOct 2006: Working on details of project so as to make it reality given such a small teamNov- Dec 2006: Fund raising events (food sale, bookmarks, memo pads, badges and craft session) to fund

    administrative and part of promotional kits and CDs

    Feb-Mac 2007: Planning and drafting questionnaires/interviews

    Apr-May 2007: Distribution of questionnaires and interviews

    May-July 2007: Research (on the school toilets and its effect on the community at large), designing posters,

    bookmarks, flyers and CD

    July-Aug 2007: Collation of information/data, preparation of kits and contact companies

    Aug 2007: Working on power point presentations for companies that have expressed interest

    Jan 2008: Food and fun fair to raise funds to launch one pilot project

    Feb 2008: Meetings with school authorities and heads of the PTA (delayed due to administrativeprocedures)

    Mar 2008: Selling of cards donated by Mr. Menon (not very good response)

    Apl 2008: Official launch of pilot project at Sri Aman school (refer to pictures)

    May 2008: Meeting with PTA of the SS14 Subang Jaya primary school (refer to pictures)

    Awareness campaign as requested by PTA placing of posters and distribution of fliers etc

    Further to launch at Sri Aman School, formation of school toilet committee with classrepresentatives. Meeting with PTA to seek more support both financially and advisory.

    Posters given to the two schools in the awareness campaign.

    June 2008: Team will have sharing sessions with school children of SS14, Subang Jaya primary

    School (refer to revised timeline for that school).


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    7.1 Implementation of Plan of Action

    A. Actions and Outcomes to Date

    Our ambitious and at times complicated plan had a main objective- creating awareness of toilet hygiene amongstudents. In Malaysia, school toilets generally were, and still are, poorly maintained and poorly equipped thus

    resulting in their terrible condition. Also, students are rarely educated about the importance of toilet hygiene

    which further strengthened our determination to create a difference.In the beginning we were excited over the project. However the work which loomed ahead soon got us into

    action. We decided to name our team BeST (Better School Toilets). Realizing that most students avoided using

    their school toilets as most of the toilets were dirty, we decided to improve it ourselves. We have selected two

    schools nearby as our pilot projects as they are more convenient for us to kick start the project in a smaller area.We decided to first gain some insight into the mentality of Malaysians regarding toilets and toilet cleanliness in

    the country. To do that, we had to distribute questionnaires to students, parents, teachers and public. We

    brainstormed on the questions that we wanted to ask everyone. We had to do this without touching any sensitiveissues.

    We realized that we needed financial support to make this project really work. Therefore we conducted a craft

    workshop and food and stationery sale. A few of our group members parents donated foodstuff for fund-raising. On the other hand, we also organized a craft workshop, glass painting and henna tattoos.

    Besides that, we also prepared kits to be given to the schools involved and members of the Parent Teacher

    Association to get feedback and gain support. The kit includes bookmarks that were redesigned, posters, fliers,

    letters, CD that contains our multimedia presentation and a note to school. The main reason we prepared the kitis to reach out to the school community and make them aware of the importance of keeping the toilets clean.

    We also worked on the letters to be sent to school principals, hypermarkets and companies dealing with

    sanitary care and toilet hygiene. In addition, we have drafted out budgets and lists of materials and equipmentschools can install in toilets.

    Besides, we also tried to garner the support of hypermarkets and sanitary service providers to donate materials

    and equipments such as toilet rolls, bins, soap, dispensers and others to the schools involved.

    Team BeST met with a company dealing with toilet equipments and another dealing with anti bacterial cleaningof toilets. We also met with a multi national company which shoed interest in our project as part of their

    corporate responsibility. Team BeST is also in talks with members of the media to gain press coverage onProject BeST.

    We really want this project to work after all the hard work that we have put in. Therefore after our return from

    the Australian finals, we planned to continue the project and get more companies involved in this project in

    order to implement it on a larger scale.


    The team distributed questionnaires to gain insight into the problem. Besides that, we also planned on our info

    packs to be sent for the schools. However, to prepare all the info packs, we had a fundraising event whichincluded a craft session (friendship bands, card-making session), henna and tattoo session.


    After a break from exams, we went on ahead to complete the rest of the info packs. We also worked on the

    letters to be sent to school principals, hypermarkets and companies providing /servicing sanitary care, regardingour project.

    In addition, we have drafted out budgets and lists of materials and equipment schools can install in the toilets.

    Currently, the team is in talks with members of the media to gain press coverage on Project BeST and withschools involved in order to garner support for the project.


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    November 07-January 2008

    After returning from the Australian Finals 2007, we handed out more questionnaires and conducted more

    interviews. The response we got was vital in reaffirming and also to confirm our views.

    January 2008

    To raise funds to finance our project, we organized a Food Sale and Funfair. On that same day, we also held anArt Competition for young ones who had to pay to participate. We raised about a little more than RM1000 and

    this was encouraging compared to the last effort.

    February-March 2008

    After numerous attempts of getting schools to participate in this project, our hard work paid off as four schoolshave agreed to join this project. Further meetings with school authorities and PTA heads would be done. Two

    schools are joining this project specifically to raise awareness of toilet hygiene while the other schools will be

    involved in revamping and refurbishing their toilets.

    January-March 2008

    We also managed to gain one of the companys interests after we sent a letter to them. They agreed to sponsorour pilot project by providing us with funds to purchase equipment and materials. We are very grateful to them

    for their involvement. An interested individual has also agreed to work with us to get toilet equipment for

    schools involved at a discounted rate.

    March 2008

    Next we also had a meeting with a representative from a company dealing with cleaning chemicals. He agreedto support the project and assist us by providing free samples for the pilot project. He also agreed to work

    continuously with the selected schools if the schools need the companys service.

    April 2008

    After many meetings with the teachers of the school, Project BeST was officially launched. One of the teammembers went on stage to hand to the deputy headmistress our proposal which they have already accepted.

    May 2008

    Then, we had a meeting with the PTA of Subang Jaya primary school to discuss on the launch of the project andhow it will be carried out in the school. As requested by the PTA, we began first with creating awareness and

    putting up all our promotional materials which included posters at the schools toilets. In Sri Aman, the studentstoilet committee was formed and had their first meeting. The posters were put up in Sri Amans toilets. A

    meeting with the PTA of Sri Aman school was then arranged to seek support from the PTA, both advisory and


    June 2008

    We have arranged to have talks for the primary school students of Subang Jaya on toilets. It is a part of theawareness campaign.


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    7.2 Team Organization

    To get this project running smoothly, we had to have division of jobs. Firstly, team members were asked to

    identify their own strengths. Soon, we all had specific jobs to our names. This provided us with more flexibility

    because although we do not meet each other very often, we could still get the jobs done. Due to the fact that weare all from different schools, we planned meeting dates (other than the normal Saturday meetings) and anyone

    who could come would come and get things done. Every member of the team has contributed to the team

    greatly this year.

    It was pretty difficult for us to really divide ourselves into smaller groups with specific jobs as we are a very

    small team with only six members. However, each of us then thought about our strengths and abilities.

    Another challenge we had, was that 4 of 6 members are middle division students (grade 9 and 8) working at

    senior level as 2 members are seniors. We are required to work at a higher level and so very demanding on our

    time, abilities and resources.

    Liyana: bookmarks, documentation, brochure, e-mail companies, toilet video, design posters, write letters to

    schools and companiesThomas: typing, stickman video, power point presentation, organize coupons, documentation.

    Suryan: typing, stickmen video, power point presentation, writing letters to media and companies, design


    Min Hui: call companies, prepared items for fund raising, did layout for project scrapbook, bookmarks, sendingletters.

    Wen Yi: design posters, write a note, power point presentation, wrote letter, craft workshop

    Carol: design poster, report, documentation, wrote letters to media, cd labels, craft workshop

    7.3 Obstacles

    Proceeding with the project was actually a huge race against time. As FPS in Malaysia is an after-school

    program with members from different schools and vastly different schedules, scheduling project meetings even

    during the weekend was difficult.

    Moreover, one of our team members took leave for important public exams in November, leaving the rest of our

    small team to manage a rather large workload. This year there will only be 3 members, which is a setback for

    the project. 2 of the members left the team altogether to pursue studies overseas.

    Given the sensitivity of the issue, as hygiene is a clear reflection of one's personal attitude we had to deal with

    the issue without offending anyone. Most Asians do not take too kindly to discussing an issue like this (so thenames of the schools involved will not be mentioned in our project.)

    There were also our fears if we would have the support necessary to proceed with the project. We were ratherworried about the reactions of school PTAs and principals as well would they take to the project kindly?

    There was the race against tardiness and lack of commitment on the part of people we really needed to workwith us. This also highlighted the general apathy to the issue of toilet conditions.

    Funds were another great obstacle, both in the implementation of the project and our participation at the IC.

    We are here only because of our commitment to the issue and the program. We are still without any financialassistance but are not giving up.


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    8. Resource Identification and Utilization

    Knowledge is power Bacon

    When we decided to create awareness amongst students and to improve the conditions of school toilets, we

    realized that there were several financial and administrative responsibilities that we could not handle alone.

    The first thing we did was to list out the equipment which we thought toilets really needed. Then, we searched

    the address books (the yellow pages) for companies dealing with toilet equipment and care, which might be able

    to support this project. One of the team members got to meet a man who coincidentally owns a companydealing with toilet equipment. After discussions, he agreed to supply the schools which agreed to join this

    project with equipment at a subsidized cost.

    Team BeST also realized that we had to do some research on the Internet and on other related materials to

    ensure that we really know what we are doing and to make sure that we know a lot of facts regarding toilets so

    that our project would run smoothly. We did research on nano silver and also about sol gel. Doing this, we gotto know a lot of things which are of big importance to our project.

    Our coach also got to meet a man who owns a company that does anti-bacterial coating for toilets. Two of the

    team members met with the representatives from the company and they agreed to support this project. He also

    exposed to us to the various methods of keeping a toilet clean and about the latest technology involving nanosilver and sol gel. However he has not really committed his company to the project as yet.

    We also sent e-mails to multinational companies and one which had once started on a project on clean toilets,agreed to meet with us and may probably help us in getting this project of the ground besides expanding it to

    public toilets if all works out well. This is still in motion.

    Members of the media such as television stations, radio stations and newspapers were also contacted for our

    project to gain publicity but they did not seem that interested in our project.


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    a. Mr. Menon is currently in talks with two companies involved in maintaining toilets hygieneregarding our project to help us get their support. As is to be expected the response is pending.

    b. Besides this, another company (JOESAN Sdn. Bhd.) dealing with cleaning chemicals has offered togive free samples and teach school janitors the proper use of the cleaning chemicals.

    c.Maytrans Management Sdn.Bhd, a logistics company is willing to support our project financially, bypaying for a selected number of equipment for a pilot project.

    d. DH Hygiene, a company dealing with toilet equipment will supply the equipment for the pilotschools at a discounted rate. .

    e. We have made inroads to Chevron and are hoping for funding to be confirmed on our return..

    10. Our Future Plans

    a. The schools will be empowered to manage the toilets by themselves. They will then be invited to have

    representatives on the Project BeST Team that will help another two schools be empowered to have betterschool toilets.

    b. We hope to have the Ministry of Education use the BeST model for schools to implement. This can onlybe done after the pilot projects become role models.

    c. Have our model replicated in more schools with funding and support from companies and the Ministry.

    d. We are planning to hand the project over to interested parties (school authorities, PTAs, companies) to

    continue and improve on the general cleanliness of toilets in the country.
