Page 1:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 700 PM on Monday June 28 2010 at the Union County Courthouse The Honorable Gary England County Chainnan Presiding Elizabeth Buck Union County Deputy Clerk and the following Commissioners to Wit Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Commiss ioners Absent Wayne Cole and Joyce Mellabarger

A quorum being present County Commission was duly opened at 700 PM by Union County Sheriff Earl Loy Jr

The Agenda for June 28 2010 is as follows

t Roll Ca ll

2 Approve or Disapprove Budget Amendments and Transfers for 2009- 2010 Budget Year A Resolution No 0106-28-2010101 General Fund Transfers B Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 to Establish a Capital Project Budget for the

USDA Raccoon Valley Road Sewer Project C Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments D Resolution No 04 06-28-2010 122 Drug Fund Amendments E Union County Highway Department - Budget AmendmentslTransfers F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmenlsITransfers G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

3 Adjourn


___ ________ _____ __ _

2 Commissioner Lynn Beeler presented the fo llowing Budget Amendments and Transfers for 2009-2010 Budget Year

A Resolution No 0106-28-2010101 General Fund Transfers IJooo Counly Cotnmb~lon Me~dJlamp

Jun lS~ 2010

RflOIuoon No 0 1 06_ 28 _ 2 0JO

101 Gotra1 fund iRAKSFERS Proposed

CUrrenl -- Budtjott Tra rd ampudst

5Z5 SOO 528-9 $25789sssao middot lS9 e ther SaIHW amp ~ Sel0_ $]12 80 CS-2SI) $3099 1middot161 Secre tIl

SBOO middot3S5 Tr 52000 (52001 $ 1300

$8232~ S200 $82525SBOO 102 IudS

SAl 10 middot106 I)cI)Ll1iA1S sc 10166 53-45 SA14l11

scllO -23 GasoUne $9()ooo IS4345) $SS6S5

st500 middot336 Mln~e-~nce amp Rcplrs S5_ 1$400) 55_ 51500 middot 19 3 Oeetloll WorkJtO $2990 $- 3 390

5300 -599 Other rfS S_ 12001 S100 SS71D middot)12 ContrloCU wI PrWate Age-DeY 5ltoo 100 5lt700

sSUO middot13 1 hledlaJ Plt~nfIe1 5197900 (4BOO) $193 100

SS l1C S99 OCtoer Chrges $-6700 $4_ SoO()


~-totiO1l by R L J AnA I bull Sccondcd b Y _ ulvlt-lLOnCbocrugtcJjJj ____shy

Those vott_ampiAtheaf1trmafive Elmer Ba1lstt Lynn Beeler Stfflley 801_ Ca Lv in C h rutV Wayne Collin Grc9 0 1 5 GJY en91and Dw_an IH l 1 Kenny Hill JAnot Hot 1OWllY Brenaa J eet( R 1 bull lone Hike Sexton

1 1 Wa sham and Day10 We I c h

lb~vortDIDO~ ~lo~n~e~C-_ _ ___ ___


Pam Ailo County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve Resolution No 0106-28middot2010101 Genera l Fund Transfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Colli ns Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenn y Hi ll Janel Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


B Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 to Establish a Capital Project Budget for the USDA Raccoon Valley Road Sewer Project

Rolutlonlli 02 06 - 28 - 20 t O



WIiFJUlAS the Union County Commiioo ru lpro~ the ~t applteotioo end various lOkgtllllions CR_ IJloo 03 middot09-09 OIIId OJ 02 middot20 I0) to gin b Rot~oon Volley Rond 5lt projlaquot md

WHERpoundAS the project consist of I) the eouot) ronltllgtuting S17OOO l ) USDA lonniog S8 000 and 3) U DA glWlt amount of 5200000 ror total Plojcelt ofS115000 and

WHERfASlhc eOltll1) cootnlgtutlon muosl be CltJICIlded urS1 nod then 80 o(the 548$000 loan or $390400 m1J5t be expended before the COwuy ball reeei 2Y oftlgtlt 1_ proceods end futAlly the ~t funds will be edcd Lu~ and

WHEREAS due to tit tltl1mly hivng to cash ow Ill project the county will be required to providesumelc CA$b flo IimcIs for the projltc and

WHEREAS dubull wthe oa1u of fundiog for the project along th the implnuuiM OOnStrllCtiM ltCIedule it i rtCOmmcnded tJ- bull c pitol projcct fWgtd be bllsbcd W ounl ror the revenues and expendllIles of he proc L

NOW THERpoundFORE BE IT RESOL VEO TlIA T the GoncraJ Fund 0 l l11IltI upi Project Fund 171 i$ brcby amended und cslablishcd followtd and IBlcd trlsfers of ftmd marl

612012010 t7t~ Cilrrellt FgtrolX51gtd

eudg~ ATietlcm4nl AMMcd- Poecl USOA aaget

REVENUE Fedoral Gltwemment and 01110lt Soune

A1l1iO 0111 F Rw Grant 0 200000 210000 s5OQ Other olne Essutd 0 4amp8000 lt88000 49900 TtaMfera In 0 37000 37000

0 725(100 12ei OOO


tOOOoo Capital Projocto

o 37000 3700001 40 321 791 o 688000 683000

Tobl OovMMlnt Debt o 715000 rlSOOO

Exoe~ 01 AevcnutS AId Qcenthtr Sources cgti1r (Under EYlQtdl1urcs And ~ner Uli8S o o

101 antnl Flilnd

Trar4amprs ID CAher 9110lt1 I=cnd$ 37000 37000

UnOeaigrt8ltS Fund 8a~aroe est 1eOOOoo (37000) 176 bull000



DE IT FURTfIER RF-SOLVED THAT this r bull lulion shalI approve the Loan Anticipation Note (~ (0 cash flow the project) Ii] which time the USDA loan and gant have been receivcd4


Motion by Doyle we l ch Seconded by Kenny Hlll

Tbose voting In Ibe affirmative Elmer Ila iley Lynn Boo lor Stanloy Iloles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny 8il l Janet 801108) Brenda JssO R L J ones Mike S~xton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Tb~evoringno __~N~o~o~ea-___________________________________________

Tho plng ____NonCgt-_____________________


Pam Ailor County Clerk

A Motion was made by Doyle Welch and Second by Kenny HHllo Approve Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 10 Estab lish the Capilal Project Budgel for Ihe USDA Raccoon Vall ey Road Sewer Project

County Chainnan Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

bull 342 4

Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments C Union COI) COOllllwlon Muting

Jubullbull ltI ~OIO 06_28_2010~(lhdjon N 1)- 03

101 bull GcneraJ Fund Amenclmeflu Propose

CuuerU AlMrgtdeltl

Sudlet AmendmtnlJ IWdllt

$7500052900 510 tostteJ (comrnlsslon $10000 $5000

TruS ~ Ccl1ecdon1 51lltl_000 $5000 SUSooo 401W

~110 -140 SI-rl y SY pplltmCnU SO $0200 50200

Lt1Iw (n1a rcmtflt 10 510200 $10200 4amp210 i lltLl lnc ~(oampqm

S4l10 340 MedictJ amp Demit Sltervlce1 S~ooo 510000 5100000

food SlSPplies 5))2139 510000 $142 1395 210 -422

~110 -lt53 Vehicle hrts 520263 55000 525263

~JO J19 AutoSmiddotmiddot 515600 52600 51SlOlt1

51220 191 ker ampoird SO 5600 5600

56300 ~9gt9 Ot~r $yPplr~i amp MUHIIlJ $J IO ~Q42 ~36l

51JJO middot 1~1 8udet and Ana 51200 5600 5UOO

53930 middot)6 VlClItn Assemctnt 51151 55000 $16amp57 ]9000 Uncfesnated Food ~Ian~ 523~O [5]784200) $2360250


MoUon by c a l Vin Cbaanc)--o Slaquoaodedby KQOn y tilll

TbOfe Vo1inamtbcfIl~dn- Elmer B iley Lynn Seeler Stanloy SoLbullbull caLVin Cne4noy Wayne COllln8 e~e9 b~YI eary ampn9 Iand ocan HIl l f9nny Hl il J anet lollo(J y ~ Brenda Jeleee R 1 Jonol Mlko

SII1lt ton J T washam lI_nd Doyl e we l c h

Those otiDlt no _Non~-____________ _________ _ _

Non bull


lc-kPIItIl Aiior Coon c

A Motion was made by Calvin Chesney and Second by Kenny Hill to Approve Resolution No 03 06-28-2010 10 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for Roll Call Vo te Comntissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J 1 Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

343 5

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 2:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

___ ________ _____ __ _

2 Commissioner Lynn Beeler presented the fo llowing Budget Amendments and Transfers for 2009-2010 Budget Year

A Resolution No 0106-28-2010101 General Fund Transfers IJooo Counly Cotnmb~lon Me~dJlamp

Jun lS~ 2010

RflOIuoon No 0 1 06_ 28 _ 2 0JO

101 Gotra1 fund iRAKSFERS Proposed

CUrrenl -- Budtjott Tra rd ampudst

5Z5 SOO 528-9 $25789sssao middot lS9 e ther SaIHW amp ~ Sel0_ $]12 80 CS-2SI) $3099 1middot161 Secre tIl

SBOO middot3S5 Tr 52000 (52001 $ 1300

$8232~ S200 $82525SBOO 102 IudS

SAl 10 middot106 I)cI)Ll1iA1S sc 10166 53-45 SA14l11

scllO -23 GasoUne $9()ooo IS4345) $SS6S5

st500 middot336 Mln~e-~nce amp Rcplrs S5_ 1$400) 55_ 51500 middot 19 3 Oeetloll WorkJtO $2990 $- 3 390

5300 -599 Other rfS S_ 12001 S100 SS71D middot)12 ContrloCU wI PrWate Age-DeY 5ltoo 100 5lt700

sSUO middot13 1 hledlaJ Plt~nfIe1 5197900 (4BOO) $193 100

SS l1C S99 OCtoer Chrges $-6700 $4_ SoO()


~-totiO1l by R L J AnA I bull Sccondcd b Y _ ulvlt-lLOnCbocrugtcJjJj ____shy

Those vott_ampiAtheaf1trmafive Elmer Ba1lstt Lynn Beeler Stfflley 801_ Ca Lv in C h rutV Wayne Collin Grc9 0 1 5 GJY en91and Dw_an IH l 1 Kenny Hill JAnot Hot 1OWllY Brenaa J eet( R 1 bull lone Hike Sexton

1 1 Wa sham and Day10 We I c h

lb~vortDIDO~ ~lo~n~e~C-_ _ ___ ___


Pam Ailo County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve Resolution No 0106-28middot2010101 Genera l Fund Transfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Colli ns Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenn y Hi ll Janel Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


B Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 to Establish a Capital Project Budget for the USDA Raccoon Valley Road Sewer Project

Rolutlonlli 02 06 - 28 - 20 t O



WIiFJUlAS the Union County Commiioo ru lpro~ the ~t applteotioo end various lOkgtllllions CR_ IJloo 03 middot09-09 OIIId OJ 02 middot20 I0) to gin b Rot~oon Volley Rond 5lt projlaquot md

WHERpoundAS the project consist of I) the eouot) ronltllgtuting S17OOO l ) USDA lonniog S8 000 and 3) U DA glWlt amount of 5200000 ror total Plojcelt ofS115000 and

WHERfASlhc eOltll1) cootnlgtutlon muosl be CltJICIlded urS1 nod then 80 o(the 548$000 loan or $390400 m1J5t be expended before the COwuy ball reeei 2Y oftlgtlt 1_ proceods end futAlly the ~t funds will be edcd Lu~ and

WHEREAS due to tit tltl1mly hivng to cash ow Ill project the county will be required to providesumelc CA$b flo IimcIs for the projltc and

WHEREAS dubull wthe oa1u of fundiog for the project along th the implnuuiM OOnStrllCtiM ltCIedule it i rtCOmmcnded tJ- bull c pitol projcct fWgtd be bllsbcd W ounl ror the revenues and expendllIles of he proc L

NOW THERpoundFORE BE IT RESOL VEO TlIA T the GoncraJ Fund 0 l l11IltI upi Project Fund 171 i$ brcby amended und cslablishcd followtd and IBlcd trlsfers of ftmd marl

612012010 t7t~ Cilrrellt FgtrolX51gtd

eudg~ ATietlcm4nl AMMcd- Poecl USOA aaget

REVENUE Fedoral Gltwemment and 01110lt Soune

A1l1iO 0111 F Rw Grant 0 200000 210000 s5OQ Other olne Essutd 0 4amp8000 lt88000 49900 TtaMfera In 0 37000 37000

0 725(100 12ei OOO


tOOOoo Capital Projocto

o 37000 3700001 40 321 791 o 688000 683000

Tobl OovMMlnt Debt o 715000 rlSOOO

Exoe~ 01 AevcnutS AId Qcenthtr Sources cgti1r (Under EYlQtdl1urcs And ~ner Uli8S o o

101 antnl Flilnd

Trar4amprs ID CAher 9110lt1 I=cnd$ 37000 37000

UnOeaigrt8ltS Fund 8a~aroe est 1eOOOoo (37000) 176 bull000



DE IT FURTfIER RF-SOLVED THAT this r bull lulion shalI approve the Loan Anticipation Note (~ (0 cash flow the project) Ii] which time the USDA loan and gant have been receivcd4


Motion by Doyle we l ch Seconded by Kenny Hlll

Tbose voting In Ibe affirmative Elmer Ila iley Lynn Boo lor Stanloy Iloles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny 8il l Janet 801108) Brenda JssO R L J ones Mike S~xton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Tb~evoringno __~N~o~o~ea-___________________________________________

Tho plng ____NonCgt-_____________________


Pam Ailor County Clerk

A Motion was made by Doyle Welch and Second by Kenny HHllo Approve Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 10 Estab lish the Capilal Project Budgel for Ihe USDA Raccoon Vall ey Road Sewer Project

County Chainnan Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

bull 342 4

Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments C Union COI) COOllllwlon Muting

Jubullbull ltI ~OIO 06_28_2010~(lhdjon N 1)- 03

101 bull GcneraJ Fund Amenclmeflu Propose

CuuerU AlMrgtdeltl

Sudlet AmendmtnlJ IWdllt

$7500052900 510 tostteJ (comrnlsslon $10000 $5000

TruS ~ Ccl1ecdon1 51lltl_000 $5000 SUSooo 401W

~110 -140 SI-rl y SY pplltmCnU SO $0200 50200

Lt1Iw (n1a rcmtflt 10 510200 $10200 4amp210 i lltLl lnc ~(oampqm

S4l10 340 MedictJ amp Demit Sltervlce1 S~ooo 510000 5100000

food SlSPplies 5))2139 510000 $142 1395 210 -422

~110 -lt53 Vehicle hrts 520263 55000 525263

~JO J19 AutoSmiddotmiddot 515600 52600 51SlOlt1

51220 191 ker ampoird SO 5600 5600

56300 ~9gt9 Ot~r $yPplr~i amp MUHIIlJ $J IO ~Q42 ~36l

51JJO middot 1~1 8udet and Ana 51200 5600 5UOO

53930 middot)6 VlClItn Assemctnt 51151 55000 $16amp57 ]9000 Uncfesnated Food ~Ian~ 523~O [5]784200) $2360250


MoUon by c a l Vin Cbaanc)--o Slaquoaodedby KQOn y tilll

TbOfe Vo1inamtbcfIl~dn- Elmer B iley Lynn Seeler Stanloy SoLbullbull caLVin Cne4noy Wayne COllln8 e~e9 b~YI eary ampn9 Iand ocan HIl l f9nny Hl il J anet lollo(J y ~ Brenda Jeleee R 1 Jonol Mlko

SII1lt ton J T washam lI_nd Doyl e we l c h

Those otiDlt no _Non~-____________ _________ _ _

Non bull


lc-kPIItIl Aiior Coon c

A Motion was made by Calvin Chesney and Second by Kenny Hill to Approve Resolution No 03 06-28-2010 10 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for Roll Call Vo te Comntissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J 1 Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

343 5

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 3:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

B Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 to Establish a Capital Project Budget for the USDA Raccoon Valley Road Sewer Project

Rolutlonlli 02 06 - 28 - 20 t O



WIiFJUlAS the Union County Commiioo ru lpro~ the ~t applteotioo end various lOkgtllllions CR_ IJloo 03 middot09-09 OIIId OJ 02 middot20 I0) to gin b Rot~oon Volley Rond 5lt projlaquot md

WHERpoundAS the project consist of I) the eouot) ronltllgtuting S17OOO l ) USDA lonniog S8 000 and 3) U DA glWlt amount of 5200000 ror total Plojcelt ofS115000 and

WHERfASlhc eOltll1) cootnlgtutlon muosl be CltJICIlded urS1 nod then 80 o(the 548$000 loan or $390400 m1J5t be expended before the COwuy ball reeei 2Y oftlgtlt 1_ proceods end futAlly the ~t funds will be edcd Lu~ and

WHEREAS due to tit tltl1mly hivng to cash ow Ill project the county will be required to providesumelc CA$b flo IimcIs for the projltc and

WHEREAS dubull wthe oa1u of fundiog for the project along th the implnuuiM OOnStrllCtiM ltCIedule it i rtCOmmcnded tJ- bull c pitol projcct fWgtd be bllsbcd W ounl ror the revenues and expendllIles of he proc L

NOW THERpoundFORE BE IT RESOL VEO TlIA T the GoncraJ Fund 0 l l11IltI upi Project Fund 171 i$ brcby amended und cslablishcd followtd and IBlcd trlsfers of ftmd marl

612012010 t7t~ Cilrrellt FgtrolX51gtd

eudg~ ATietlcm4nl AMMcd- Poecl USOA aaget

REVENUE Fedoral Gltwemment and 01110lt Soune

A1l1iO 0111 F Rw Grant 0 200000 210000 s5OQ Other olne Essutd 0 4amp8000 lt88000 49900 TtaMfera In 0 37000 37000

0 725(100 12ei OOO


tOOOoo Capital Projocto

o 37000 3700001 40 321 791 o 688000 683000

Tobl OovMMlnt Debt o 715000 rlSOOO

Exoe~ 01 AevcnutS AId Qcenthtr Sources cgti1r (Under EYlQtdl1urcs And ~ner Uli8S o o

101 antnl Flilnd

Trar4amprs ID CAher 9110lt1 I=cnd$ 37000 37000

UnOeaigrt8ltS Fund 8a~aroe est 1eOOOoo (37000) 176 bull000



DE IT FURTfIER RF-SOLVED THAT this r bull lulion shalI approve the Loan Anticipation Note (~ (0 cash flow the project) Ii] which time the USDA loan and gant have been receivcd4


Motion by Doyle we l ch Seconded by Kenny Hlll

Tbose voting In Ibe affirmative Elmer Ila iley Lynn Boo lor Stanloy Iloles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny 8il l Janet 801108) Brenda JssO R L J ones Mike S~xton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Tb~evoringno __~N~o~o~ea-___________________________________________

Tho plng ____NonCgt-_____________________


Pam Ailor County Clerk

A Motion was made by Doyle Welch and Second by Kenny HHllo Approve Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 10 Estab lish the Capilal Project Budgel for Ihe USDA Raccoon Vall ey Road Sewer Project

County Chainnan Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

bull 342 4

Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments C Union COI) COOllllwlon Muting

Jubullbull ltI ~OIO 06_28_2010~(lhdjon N 1)- 03

101 bull GcneraJ Fund Amenclmeflu Propose

CuuerU AlMrgtdeltl

Sudlet AmendmtnlJ IWdllt

$7500052900 510 tostteJ (comrnlsslon $10000 $5000

TruS ~ Ccl1ecdon1 51lltl_000 $5000 SUSooo 401W

~110 -140 SI-rl y SY pplltmCnU SO $0200 50200

Lt1Iw (n1a rcmtflt 10 510200 $10200 4amp210 i lltLl lnc ~(oampqm

S4l10 340 MedictJ amp Demit Sltervlce1 S~ooo 510000 5100000

food SlSPplies 5))2139 510000 $142 1395 210 -422

~110 -lt53 Vehicle hrts 520263 55000 525263

~JO J19 AutoSmiddotmiddot 515600 52600 51SlOlt1

51220 191 ker ampoird SO 5600 5600

56300 ~9gt9 Ot~r $yPplr~i amp MUHIIlJ $J IO ~Q42 ~36l

51JJO middot 1~1 8udet and Ana 51200 5600 5UOO

53930 middot)6 VlClItn Assemctnt 51151 55000 $16amp57 ]9000 Uncfesnated Food ~Ian~ 523~O [5]784200) $2360250


MoUon by c a l Vin Cbaanc)--o Slaquoaodedby KQOn y tilll

TbOfe Vo1inamtbcfIl~dn- Elmer B iley Lynn Seeler Stanloy SoLbullbull caLVin Cne4noy Wayne COllln8 e~e9 b~YI eary ampn9 Iand ocan HIl l f9nny Hl il J anet lollo(J y ~ Brenda Jeleee R 1 Jonol Mlko

SII1lt ton J T washam lI_nd Doyl e we l c h

Those otiDlt no _Non~-____________ _________ _ _

Non bull


lc-kPIItIl Aiior Coon c

A Motion was made by Calvin Chesney and Second by Kenny Hill to Approve Resolution No 03 06-28-2010 10 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for Roll Call Vo te Comntissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J 1 Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

343 5

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 4:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

DE IT FURTfIER RF-SOLVED THAT this r bull lulion shalI approve the Loan Anticipation Note (~ (0 cash flow the project) Ii] which time the USDA loan and gant have been receivcd4


Motion by Doyle we l ch Seconded by Kenny Hlll

Tbose voting In Ibe affirmative Elmer Ila iley Lynn Boo lor Stanloy Iloles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny 8il l Janet 801108) Brenda JssO R L J ones Mike S~xton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Tb~evoringno __~N~o~o~ea-___________________________________________

Tho plng ____NonCgt-_____________________


Pam Ailor County Clerk

A Motion was made by Doyle Welch and Second by Kenny HHllo Approve Resolution No 02 06-28-2010 10 Estab lish the Capilal Project Budgel for Ihe USDA Raccoon Vall ey Road Sewer Project

County Chainnan Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

bull 342 4

Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments C Union COI) COOllllwlon Muting

Jubullbull ltI ~OIO 06_28_2010~(lhdjon N 1)- 03

101 bull GcneraJ Fund Amenclmeflu Propose

CuuerU AlMrgtdeltl

Sudlet AmendmtnlJ IWdllt

$7500052900 510 tostteJ (comrnlsslon $10000 $5000

TruS ~ Ccl1ecdon1 51lltl_000 $5000 SUSooo 401W

~110 -140 SI-rl y SY pplltmCnU SO $0200 50200

Lt1Iw (n1a rcmtflt 10 510200 $10200 4amp210 i lltLl lnc ~(oampqm

S4l10 340 MedictJ amp Demit Sltervlce1 S~ooo 510000 5100000

food SlSPplies 5))2139 510000 $142 1395 210 -422

~110 -lt53 Vehicle hrts 520263 55000 525263

~JO J19 AutoSmiddotmiddot 515600 52600 51SlOlt1

51220 191 ker ampoird SO 5600 5600

56300 ~9gt9 Ot~r $yPplr~i amp MUHIIlJ $J IO ~Q42 ~36l

51JJO middot 1~1 8udet and Ana 51200 5600 5UOO

53930 middot)6 VlClItn Assemctnt 51151 55000 $16amp57 ]9000 Uncfesnated Food ~Ian~ 523~O [5]784200) $2360250


MoUon by c a l Vin Cbaanc)--o Slaquoaodedby KQOn y tilll

TbOfe Vo1inamtbcfIl~dn- Elmer B iley Lynn Seeler Stanloy SoLbullbull caLVin Cne4noy Wayne COllln8 e~e9 b~YI eary ampn9 Iand ocan HIl l f9nny Hl il J anet lollo(J y ~ Brenda Jeleee R 1 Jonol Mlko

SII1lt ton J T washam lI_nd Doyl e we l c h

Those otiDlt no _Non~-____________ _________ _ _

Non bull


lc-kPIItIl Aiior Coon c

A Motion was made by Calvin Chesney and Second by Kenny Hill to Approve Resolution No 03 06-28-2010 10 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for Roll Call Vo te Comntissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J 1 Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

343 5

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 5:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Resolution No 03 06-28-2010101 General Fund Amendments C Union COI) COOllllwlon Muting

Jubullbull ltI ~OIO 06_28_2010~(lhdjon N 1)- 03

101 bull GcneraJ Fund Amenclmeflu Propose

CuuerU AlMrgtdeltl

Sudlet AmendmtnlJ IWdllt

$7500052900 510 tostteJ (comrnlsslon $10000 $5000

TruS ~ Ccl1ecdon1 51lltl_000 $5000 SUSooo 401W

~110 -140 SI-rl y SY pplltmCnU SO $0200 50200

Lt1Iw (n1a rcmtflt 10 510200 $10200 4amp210 i lltLl lnc ~(oampqm

S4l10 340 MedictJ amp Demit Sltervlce1 S~ooo 510000 5100000

food SlSPplies 5))2139 510000 $142 1395 210 -422

~110 -lt53 Vehicle hrts 520263 55000 525263

~JO J19 AutoSmiddotmiddot 515600 52600 51SlOlt1

51220 191 ker ampoird SO 5600 5600

56300 ~9gt9 Ot~r $yPplr~i amp MUHIIlJ $J IO ~Q42 ~36l

51JJO middot 1~1 8udet and Ana 51200 5600 5UOO

53930 middot)6 VlClItn Assemctnt 51151 55000 $16amp57 ]9000 Uncfesnated Food ~Ian~ 523~O [5]784200) $2360250


MoUon by c a l Vin Cbaanc)--o Slaquoaodedby KQOn y tilll

TbOfe Vo1inamtbcfIl~dn- Elmer B iley Lynn Seeler Stanloy SoLbullbull caLVin Cne4noy Wayne COllln8 e~e9 b~YI eary ampn9 Iand ocan HIl l f9nny Hl il J anet lollo(J y ~ Brenda Jeleee R 1 Jonol Mlko

SII1lt ton J T washam lI_nd Doyl e we l c h

Those otiDlt no _Non~-____________ _________ _ _

Non bull


lc-kPIItIl Aiior Coon c

A Motion was made by Calvin Chesney and Second by Kenny Hill to Approve Resolution No 03 06-28-2010 10 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for Roll Call Vo te Comntissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J 1 Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

343 5

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 6:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

D Resolution No 04 06-28middot20101 22 Drug Fund Amendments

Ualon COIlDty Commission Mntinc June 28 2010

RtJOtatioD No 0 4 06 28 middot 2010

122 bull Orus Fuod Amendmellu Proposed


SuO SAl SO LAIN E~Otement SUpplies Hl19a $UJ()() S3gt19S

JlOOO Umtu l~ttd FulNf Iblann $23287 ($2000) Sl128


Motioo by -R I Jones bullScoorued by D~Yb bal eD

Thoelotingintbcatnrmadf Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stnloy S0188 1

Ca l vin ChbullbullnoYt Wayno COllln$ Grog Davis CAry england Oea~ Hi ll Kenny 8111 Janet Holloway Brenda Jec~co Q L Jonca Ki ke

Se xton J T Wa~ha~ and Doyle Welch

Tbobullbull yoUnOO __~N~o~n~e~_______________________________ __________ _

rhos plU-siOI ____-N ~n~c ___________________________________ o __ _

llIlII l or County Clerk

A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Doyle Welch 10 Approve Resolut ion No 04 06-28-2010122 Drug Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

344 6

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 7:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

E Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsffransfers

Lease SetUement ampBill of Sale JOHN DEeRE

Iy shyhwtw nmvmu --Itlt-_




LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 8:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

LIIM StttIemtnt I BMI of Salt EaulDment List IM



bull bull IIIliI IiIHi 111--11

~ MI bull

I) III TPACTaI ~ QMI40ltIttlll 1M


A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Stanley Boles to Approve the Union County Highway Department-Budget Amendmentsnransfers

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Coll ins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton 1 T Washam and Doyle Welch Malion Carried

8 346

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 9:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 was presented

1yUJrthlt- bull[pCmIt Hl(IMy0shyM6Il0lIO

1OIraquolCtO tsnMAlfD APIll)VEIgt AlT1IAL OVlik(UlUl) IIOPomI

1 BtDGET lOOP middot1010 BUDGSl A4jltIZm

_ UVBlIUB Onm OOVT Ill Po KflnIcrJnlt l~oooOO) 000 ~llOOOOOO) 000

TOTAl~W (1~ooooo) 000 (l~ 000

ADMOOSTRAnoN SyoIo1 6lmoo 6Sl7oo 000

900000 9tX1000 000~ SocIoIIoy nlOOoo lllOO1raquo 000 ~ 1610000 1610000 000 AIlgtcniaiq ljOOoo 2900 (120900)

))0 T_ ~StnPo_Dooo 301100 IloOO 01000) ~~ ~ kepVStrvlcoEqajgt 50000 ~)t~ (27lJO) III ~middot1IaYo1 10000 000 (50000) 431 Ollk SoippIIoo ~ 1OOOJlfl m 16

TOTAL ADMOOmAllOII 1ll627oo Ill06766

0100 IIIGHWAY IIRIDGB VAlllTlNANCE 141 -~SIlory 5400000 1I~ (111 64) 143 ~Opoo- lWIOOO 41filljS (JmS) 144 IIoovy E or SaIarioo 92lOOOO 9219116 (34614) 14l Uak ~ or SUoria 1)400000 1Jl190J4 (10916) 147 TnIdc on-SUriJO 66-400 6MI61l (127M) 149 LIbtinn_ 15100000 14613111 (tl6W) 115 ~OOOO 000 (20000)_RdlIII Mp sIcM 4500000 1)00 (45ooo00J- II- ZlC00 Z)I)OO 000 )9 orQairIdd ScMca IWOOOOO 19nllZ (6107161) 40J ColI Wll~ 5400000 1134900 27)4900 00000 ~ acMloc~ )0000000 1OUl1I (U9mJ9) ()ll 01loo)

01104_409 70000011 2130072 (41t9l21) 416 amp001 MIIaiU 100000 4 O~14 ~16)440 IolctoI Pipo 4lOOOO 111133 (llll71) 44J RooiSiaol Jooooo 0U9 (10l1l) 4S Wood 10000 000 (10000) m 01k ampzppIiII1 IoIJfrfIIh 100000 4MJ (W~1l

TOTA11IIOBWAY ollWDOll MAIlIl1DWICl lOtIliNOIl 676~ll (a7~1) (f6OltIO)

amp1100 EQUlPWENT OPERAnoN ol MAIlITEWICE 14l MIcIIot6 SaInt 26701)01) 26j~ 1I (lOH2) m Ntmiddot ItbpoWltnilto VcIIicIn 50000 000 (10040)199 QIW~smlt411 11~O (I) l 11i7 (117ln) m ~faol iOOOOO 210101 (17m9l) 416 1100001)1oovyquipMI 9OU9 (1409)11)411 LJPt~Pwt ~OOOOO lJ1lS61 (J46ltU~) 411 ~t~1w loooo 000 (50000)414 ~OOO()O 4GOO00 000 415

0 us GoIoIiM ~OOOoO uml$ (2I4IH5)

m ~ llOOOO 6402~ 19Ol09 100000446 sn Tool IOOQO 000 (10000)sO -r 700000 6111Sl (16611) m 0dIlaquo~t~ 10000 4631 091

TOTAL lQUlPMIlNT OIIIRAnON ol MAINTflNANCll 1I1JOO00 1I~9l1 (6412) 00000


bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 10:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

bull bull 000

~ - -- shy

6)~ mRY OIfMIm If1ltltlOO 461liOOO 000 _ -Y1i oc-8IIItII

TOTALimV IMkATm ~70000 ~IQOAO 000

61000 rtmJ ClIAltGIS 100000 000 (100000)bull ~10 2)0000 lmS J7 2~00347 TI~

)(1000 01)0 ilQOOO)llS 1lM1~ 411 ~idI) lsoooo )1)9(UO (40960) - fuilOII 600000 25ll44 QMt6) 45 w- 100000 101696 16

ZlSOOoo 01)0 (i2lltIOOO)~llIiaI_ 100000 000 (1001)(11)omyMl~

2100000 197A216 (l251U)r-Ctclll1IIoD VqjltltIl~ n1OO00 000 (7l$OOlIO)

wodltClCqP~ S4OOOOO 000 (400Ci00)

Obr Fixo4 iJIiIpI 1f1Joo W236 l6 i1m

TOTAL IIXED CIAIOS 19000000 11A0710 (15 90) 100

66laquo10 lWLCrnB BIfIDITS 71)1 Soltia1~ l7GOOOO gm (4112Jl) 2IlJ sooooo lI16619 23)6W 2100000~- 205 ~IauwIP e o

lSOJQOOO ~94j6 I$it~~ IUOCO TOTAL EMILOYZBEXEmS lllOOOO U76n42 )$1laquo2 4300000

CAPItAL OUTLAY Bridp~ 1411900 91amp41 (6500412)

000 000 0001IalIdiit~ hndCn l fixua )0000 000 (2(1100)

1ll HJaboon1 c-- 000 000 000 714 ~~oooo (300 I000)1IiPM7~ 9OOO 717 2(10000 000 (200000)~~ m ~WIY 000 000 000 719 0Ilt0~ 100000 000 llOOOQg)

TOTAL CAPITAL 0I1ILAY 1t19t900 1917 (MJ14l2) 000

Ill00 DI8r SIlIYIl1l 601 1ICIIId~ 000 000 000 ~ iIIIonIIlJop 000 000 000 lP9 FD4ltMJw 000 000 000- bull

TOTAL DeBT SUVlCli 000 000 000 000

TOTAL AlPROflJATJONS ~IOKooo l~lfffiC (6911441Ml 000

_ nd1ICi 1d)jItl1o_ rn

A Motion was made by Janet Holloway and Second by Calvin Chesney to Approve the Union County Highway Department - FYE 06-30-201 0 as presented

County Chairman Gary England called for a Roll C all Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


- - 348

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 11:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

F Union County Public School System - Budget AmendmentsITransfers

UNION COUNTY COMMISSION Budget AIDelldmeab and or Transfers

141-General Purpose SclIooL~

June 28 2010

lncreue RneDlles 46S1l Basic f 4Ucation Program (IlEP) S 1400000 IDcreue IUpenditures 761()()304 Architect (MES Fire AlanD System) $ 150000 761()()304 Land 500000 71 I()()J 95 Certified Substitute Teachers 750000

Total S 1400000 Tbe above amendmcm1s are requcsttltl1O budget lXtTa REP Fund received from the Stale

Inerea$C EIpenditurea 711 ()()116-WSCC T eacbcrs S 157500 71 J00middot20 Imiddot WSCC Social Security 9765 71l()()204-WSCC State Retirement 10112 7l100middot212middotWSCC Employer Medicare 2284 71100499-WSCC Other Supplies and M3leriais 239541

Total S419208

Increase Revenues 141-44170-WSCC Mi scellaneous Rcf1J1ltL~ S 412203

The abovo amtlldmenls are requested 10 budget funds received from Walter Slate CommUllily College to cover expenses incurred where two eOlployecs taughl dUail eMlllmenl for the Spring Semester 2010 at UCHS

Inc~asc Expenditu 71Ioomiddot189-CAF Other Salaries and Wages $ 544113 71100middot201CAF Social Security 33735 71Ioo210middotCAF Unemployment Compellsation 3267 71100-Z12middotCAF Employer Medicare 7892

Total S5m~

724 10-161 Secretary (s) S 1400000 72410middot201 Social Security 86800 7241()204 Slale RctingttDcnl 61740 72410middot212 Employer Medicare 203OQ

Total $5amp8840

IntrellWl Revcnuet 43570 Receipts from Individual Schools S 2157845 The above amcndmcnlS arc requested to budget funds received from Maynardville Elementary to pay for Cnfeteria Wortor IIDd Secretaries pi llS benefits

IIbullbull 349

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 12:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

lnc~ae Expell5fS 71100-198 Substitute Teacher S 11948 12210middot355 Travel 9568

Tolal S2IS1sect lncnlUe Reveoues 44170middotwsce Miscellaneous Refund$ 521516 The above mneodxntnu ~ requeslOO to budget furxls received from Walter Stalll Community C()Ueg~ to reimburse expenses for 10 days substilUlC teacher pay and 1lacl

Increase ElpenditllM 71100-163 FducationW Assislallts (Worlcen Comp) S 176000 72210-399middotEjR Other Cootracted SeMces (ERae) 1803436 72310-499 0tbcT Supplies and Materials (Praxis Test) 22500 71100-195 Ctrtified Substitute Teachers 618371

Tolal S1610391 lllcreue Rvenun 44170 Miscellaneous Refunds (14 refunds) S618371 44 170-PRAXIS MisceUaneous Rtfunds (Praxis Test) 22500 4417()EIR Miscellaoeous Reftmds (ERate) 18O436 44170-WC Miscellaneous Refund (Workers COUlp) IJ6000

Total 52620307 The above ammltimenL are requested to budget funds received from refunds individuals taking Praxis TeSt EmiddotRate funds received and funds received from TnRMT fOt warleen comp payments

Increase Elpendll1lres 71100-116middotMOE Teachers 5232amp4368 71100-201middotMOE Social Security 1357826 71100-204-MOf Slate Reliremelll 1494876 71100-201-MOE Medicallosurance 3959677 71100-210middotMOE Unemployment Camp 63572 71100-212middotMOE Employer Medicare -v)l7566

Total SJ0477885 Decrease Expenditures 71100-116 feache~ S232amp4368 71100-201 Social Security 1357826 7110()204 Stale Retirement 1494876 7110()207 Mcdicallnsurance 3959677 71100-210 Unc-mploymcnt Comp 63572 71 )00middot212 EnlployerMedicare 317566

Total $30477885 The above arnendmen~~ are requested to budget funds where ARRA Funds reduced Special Education Budget and we must show where fund were used and budgeted lIS

Mainl(-nance of EfTolI in the Reguillt General Fund

350 12


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 13:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid


DecrtaM Expeadltures 141-82n~99 Other Debt Service $12000000 (ncrcMe EipcudilUres 72610-399 Other Conttacted Services $ 770000 72610-434 Natural Gas 3900000 72620-499 Other Supplies and Materials (Maintelllllcc) 7330000

Total $IlQOOOOO Tho ~ ameodmenlS are requested to budget filMs wbete we ~lced UCHS Paymcm aod reprograIIIIli hose funds to other needed tine ilClllB Approved by County CommiHion

InCreaIt ExpelldltuTCll 711 00-195 C~ Substitute Teampcbers $ 535825 71 00-198 Non Certified Substitute Teachcn 3337728 m 10-355 Tlllvel 200000 72230-127 Career Ladder Extended ContnICt 546200 72310-510 Trustees Commission 900000

Total 512753 Decrease Expeodlluret WI0-3lS Contractgt with Vehicle Owners $5000000 72410-207 Medical Insurance 5bull 197 ~~

Total mI9753 [be abo( amendments are requested to move funds to line itemS wbcre funds are oecded to close 1he Fiscal Year


bull I 351 13

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 14:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Budget Amendment 2009middot2010

141-eneral Purpose Sub Food OSRG

Bigb Sehool Redesign Grant

141-71l00m-OSRG lupIn Instrucfiou Equipment S 753834

Totalloerease 141-71106-llSRG S 753894


141middot72111l-11Il-HSRG Unell1ployment s 218

Total Jatreult 141-72216-llSRG s 218

TOTALINCREASE141-47141-RSRG S 754112 I

DecrealJe ExpeaditDra

141-71100-4l9-IlSBG Instructional MaleriaiJ amp SuppJiu S5412 =shy

Total Decreue 141middot7ll06-llSRG S754112

TOTAL DECREASE 14147141-HSRG S754112

ThiJ budgd amcadmtal uroq trd to IIlO [uodilkl 1M rub School Redcslgll Grot badeet 10 ellSore DO IiDeltCIIIJ are oYel3pnllllbe end o[ Goal ytllr WID

Oneillly typed 6118110

w_ 352 14

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 15:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

BadcdAm~1 14l-FedenI Projects

Sub had 011 ColUOllda AdailllltratioD

Detreue Expeadltures

142-7lrtlQlos-Dl1 142-7111Q355-4U

SupervisorlDlncIOr Travd

S ID670oo 120000

Total DcereampH 142-72210-011 S 1187OJ)O


IAcrcuc ExpeMitara

142-72Z1Q16l-011 Clerical Penout1 142-72Z10-2OU1I Stm RetftmtDt 14Z-7ll10307-OU CommWlbliou

S 1060000 7000


TotalllltnaJe 142-7211~1l $ 1187


nil blldgee IUIIcad_t It nqrd 19 ~ cbullbullda wlthi III CotUOlialccl AdtaJailcradoe JleduaI ~ bldget 10 _~ 110 1180 ittnu I OftpnIt at lb eM of fiacaI )DI


Ori~iUy Iypod 6117110 Revised 611111105

353 15

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 16:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

B1IdFt TralCen 14l-Ftdera1 Projects

SaJduadllU TItle I-A

Improvillc doe AcadaDic ~qt oCfJae Diaadvu~

Dcaale Expenditures

142-71100-429-101 whlldioaal Material $ IJ54600

Total Decrease 142-711~101 $ 1354600

Decreue EqIeaditurel

141-72210-355--101 Travel $ 143700

Total Decreue142-72210-101 S 143700


Originally lyrelt 611710

354 16

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 17:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

bIcnue Expelldlt1ua

14z711110-116-1DI-LES 142-711110-116-101-UCHS 142-71100-163-101 142-7U00middot195-IOl 14z71160-101middotIOI-UCHS 142-71160-204-101 142-71100-104-tOI-UCHS 142-711DM01-101-LES 142-11111O-207-101--MlS 142-71100-lJO-lOl 142-711IlO-Z10-IOI-RMMS 14l-1tl00-110-101-UCHS 142-7JJOO-1Il-I01-UCIlS

Tacher Salariel TqcheJ SaIarirs Educatioaal Aubtallil Certlf1ecl Suhduta Social Security StateR~t State Retln_t MedlcallnJuruce Medkallasal1llllaquo Unemploymtal Ua(lDploymellt Uaemploymellt Medicare

Tta1 Increau 141-71100-1Gl

Increase E1pendilUra


14l-72210middot201middot101--LES 142-72210-204-101 142-72210-204-101--LES 14z72210-204-101-MES 14z72210-Ul-JOI--LES

Other Salaries ad Wages Socla1 Security State Rmrcmcnt State Retlraaalt StateRed~t


Totalltltrcue 142-72210-101


$ 15000 325000

62500 55000 zoeoo 52500 Z25OO

390000 402500

4000 100 500


$ 13~00

S 117500 6000

100 8500 100


S 143700

S 1498300

no bad eacllIIeIIt is reqaaUd to ove ton~ w he Title I-A FecionI fgtroc1Uu bwlcet 10 _ure 1Ioe l_s are ovenpellt at tloe eIIII Cllfisca)QI lOut

OrigoIUy 1) 611710




Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 18:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Badpt 142--lcdcnl ProjectJ

Sllb yenaDd lOt TItle nmiddotA

Taeher Qulity

Decrease EJpeadiluJa

142middot7tl00-1l~2(11-MES Tacher Stuies S 71700

Total Deueuc 142-71100-2Gl S 71700

Dtc1_ Elptnditue$ 142-7221G-6l4-201 losenicclStaO Developmeot S 996000

S 996000


Increue ~diuJa

11-71100-11~201-UCJIS Teacher S1aries S 10000 142-71100-1~20I Certified Sulraquotitvtq 57500 142-71100-201-201-UCHS Social Security 700 142-71100-204-201-UCllS State RetiremeDt 700 142-71100-210-201~CHS UDelDpoymeot l6OO 142-71100-112-20I~CJIS Medlurt 200

TotallDcrease 14Z-71l00-201 S 71700

Increuc ExpeDdltures

142-72210-189-201 OtIIu Salaries and W~ $ 996000

Totallncnuc 142-72210201 lt- S 996000


TIliI bvd~ atealtlmeat Is reqacated 10 IIIOV1 tandl uJtIa tIoe TIde ll-A Federal Jgtrucruu budptto euan DO flac IteJIU an npeltl tbe ad offiocol -1010

OrigibullbullIly IYIcd 6117110

18 356

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 19:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Bueled AmawtmmtTrulsfer 142-l1cdenl Projcca

SabhDd7amplti Title X

ARRA Homelea Edacalioa FaaciJ

Deerew EJpeDditurel

141-71100-399-roS Other Cuntracted Scrvkca 50000

Total Decrease 142middot71100-roS s 50000

IDcreue Expeaditura

Fee Waiver s 50000

Totallllcreue 142-71100-70S $ 50000

nJa ba4cel amoJMIlDelit ia ~csttd to mo~e rdo wIlbbl tile Tide n-A Feden Protnlu badcent to euun IO IIae ~ arc OMnpellt It the etId of IbeaI year Z010

9Originally typed 611110

19 357

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 20:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Budget AmeodJnen -2010

141~eral Purpose SU iImd BSRG

HJah School RedeIip Grant

Increae Espeaditum

141-71100-722-USRG RegWar lutnldion EqwpJnetll S 753894

Tota11lluease 141-7110o-HSRG $ 753894

1IIc_ ElpcDdl1ures

141-nllO-110-BSRG Uuempoymeul S 118

Total1ll~ 141middot1l21o-BSRG s 118

TOTAL INCREASE tu47141-BSRG $ 754112


Oeereue Expaulltum

141-71100-429-HSRG lDstructional Mteriab amp Supplies $754lJl

Tota Decrease 141middot711OO-lISRG S 754l12

TOTAL DECREASE 141-47141-BSRG S 754112

fbIs lMIdampet amcudmeat it req_Ctd to flI0d8 witb- tbe Hlp ampIl001 Rtdcdp Gftraquo1 bv4pt to _ute 80 Ike i_art ovtnpeat t the cud ofo-J ytlat lOll

Origimalty typed 6118110



)) ~

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 21:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

hlcreae ErptDdllures 143-73100-105 14)middot73100middot119 143-73100-165 143middot73100-201 143-73100middot207 143middot73100-212 143-73100-307 143-73100middot336 143-73 100-348 143middot73100middot355 143-73100middot399 14)-73100-435 143-73100-499 143middot73Ioomiddot~99

Decreasll ExpooditQres 143-73100middot204 143-73100middot210 143middot73100middot421 143middot73100middot422 143-73 I 00-71()

Increase ReveDues 143-43522 143-47111 143-47113

~rtaU Rn-cnues 43-43521 143-43523 143-43525 143-46520 143-47114 143middot47115

BUdJel Amendment 143-Food Semct

SllplaquoVisorJDirector S 30024 AC4X)UJtantIBOQkJ(eeper 3001 2 Cafeteria Personnel 297592 Social Security 22184 Medical Insurance 1506959 Employer Medicare 5118 CcmmunicalioD 97511 MIIinltlaOOO 3J1d Repair Servius-Eq 1298723 POSlal Charges Travel Other COlltnlltcd Services Offi~ Supplies Other Supplies and Materials OIhet~es


tale Rctimnenl Unemploymenl Compensation Food Preparation Supplies Food Supplies Food Service Equipmem


Lunch Payment - AdwllI Scclion 4 - Lunch Breakfast


Lunch Pllymenl$ - Children Income From BreUfast A La Corte Sale School Food Service USDA - Other

4000 5518

1 176~ 346187 197168 112056


S 131983 214686

11 69173 4681812 1316097

S 1513751

S 19690 5084388 810092


S 1937158 158815 440211

49900 978839

USDA Food SCI Equip Granl ARRA 7400 Total 5357232)

lacreue UlldttlgDIUd IouDd Bliance 143middot39000 Undesignaled Fund Balaoce

The above amendmenlS an [Q(juesttd to move fUll~ where needed and increase and dccrea~ revenues to equal collections


~ 359 21

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 22:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

Increase Ellpeedltllra l43-731(JOl65-SUM Cafeteria PllrSOnnel $ 5 00000 143-73 100-422-SUM Food Supplies 1SQQQ00

Total S lMooOO IDpoundrea5e lta-eRUOS

I 43-44990-SlJM Other Local RevenueETHRA) S 2900000

The above amendmenu are requested 10 budgC1 funds for the ES Y (Extended School Year) SumtIIeI School CcnU8l Cafeteria Fund


A Motion was made by J anet Holloway and Second by R L Jones to Approve the Union County Public Schools - Budget AmendmentslTransfers as presented

County Chairman Gary England ca lled fo r a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bailey Lynn Beeler Stanl ey Boles Calvin Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hi ll Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sexton J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried


G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23

Page 23:  · The Union County Commission met in Special Called Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 28, 2010 at the Union County Courthouse. The Honorable Gary England, County Chainnan, Presid

G Resolution No 05 06-28-2010 101 General Fund Amendments

eiae County CorrunbJioQ i1etliD~

JuDOZ 2010

Rtfl_lioD No 0 5 06-~8- 20 1 0

10 GotQf RiJlll IIIIl1dlltcnu Propo$ed

Currellt Amoded

8U11I Ame~drl1en ampudlOt

SOCIIO -42gt -G -l ollne 585655 153601 $8S29S

54000 middot1~ Ott-tr satarl6 Oiilt W t~ S14n 5300 $11837

-DOlTED ANI) APPROVEO IN OPt1I MpoundE11lC T ~IAYIIARDVlILE n NESSEpound tID 28 dayo[ )UlIo 20W

Motlon by loll ko _$oxto~n___ S dcd b) __Dean-Ill _____

Tbwe vo(i0lt i tbe i~~~t~i-f~Cal v ln Cheftnoy Wayne Xenny Kill Janet Rolloloiay llr

Sexton J T washac and Coyl e Welch

middot111 voting D _N~o~n8-___ _ _ ___ _ _____ ______

r P inll _ _ _________ _ ____ _ _ _ ___ _JIilioQJOCJlt~

A Motion was made by Mike Sexton and Second by Dean Hill to Approve Resolution No 05 06-28-20 10 101 General Fund Amendments

County Chainnan Gary England called for a Roll Call Vote Commissioners Voting For Elmer Bai ley Lynn Beeler Stanley Boles Calvi n Chesney Wayne Collins Greg Davis Gary England Dean Hill Kenny Hill Janet Holloway Brenda Jessee R L Jones Mike Sex lon J T Washam and Doyle Welch Motion Carried

3 A Motion was made by R L Jones and Second by Kenny Hill to Adjourn

County Chainnao Gary England called for an Aye Vote Motion Carried Union County Commissions Special Called Meeting was Adjourned at 735 PM

561 23