
Chapter 22

p. 293-306, 311-315





I. Nationalism

A. Psychology/History of Nationalism

1. Europe is where modern Nationalism started

2. Ex.

3. Most powerful of all the ISM’s

4. Elements of Nationalism

a. Spiritual Restlessness

b. Glamour, excitement, romance of 19th Cent.

c. Need outside help

d. Against foreign oppression

e. Youth Movement/Civil Strife

f. Belongingness

B. What is a Nation – what do you think?

1. Geography

2. Race

3. Language

4. Religion

5. Historical Tradition

6. Social Cultures

7. Material Culture

C. Promote Nationalism – Guess

1. War

2. Education

3. Sports

4. Media

5. Gov’t Policy

II. Italian Unification

A. Factors Hindering Unity

1. Pol. Divisions

a. Congress of Vienna - Austria given power to…

- Lombardy-Venetia – owned by…

- Duchies of Parma, Modena, Tuscany, Two Sicilies –

dominated by …

b. Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont

c. Papal States – Pope Pius IX

2. Eco. Divisions

3. Opposition of Austria to Unification

a. No Nat’lism uprisings

b. Lombardy and Venetia

c. Want Austrian Influence

4. Opposition of Papacy – Pope Pius IX

5. Disagreement among Nationalists on gov’t type

6. Geography

B. Factors Promoting Nationalism and Unification

1. National Feeling (Risorgimento)

a. Napoleon ideals & policies

b. Rome/Renaissance/traditions

c. Resent of Austria


2. Patriotic Societies

a. Carbonari

b. Young Italy – Giuseppe Mazzini

3. Leadership of Sardina-Piedmont

a. House of Savoy – 1848 the king

b. 1848 led armies against, lost but…

C. Leaders of Unification - video

1. Giuseppe Mazzini – Soul

2. Giuseppe Garibaldi – Sword of Unif.

3. Count Cavour – Brain

4. Victor Emmanuel II – “Face???”

D. Steps to Unification – Pair/share - Explain how

these bring about unification – also explain why the

leaders are called what they are called.

1. Crimean War – Count Cavour is smart because…

2. Lombardy from Austria to S-P 1859 – Cavour allies with

… he wins and loses??? Who, what and why?

3. 1860 Parma, Modena, Tuscany join S-P

4. Two Sicilies 1860 – who conquers?

5. Papal States 1860 – why didn’t Garibaldi invade???

6. Venetia – 1866 – what war??? Chess?

7. Rome falls in 1870 video

8. Unification

E. Problems of Unification

1. Gov’t weaknesses

a. illiteracy

b. Until 1904 Pope banned Cath. taking office

c. Until 1912, no univ. suffrage

d. Too many Pol. Parties

e. Bribery/Corruption

f. High taxes

2. Church Hostility

a. Papacy own rule of Vatican state

b. Papacy annual indemnity

3. Eco. Conditions

a. poor natural resources

b. Poor soil

c. Immigration to

4. Ambitious Nat’lism

5. Cultural divisions

6. Cavour dies

III. Unification of Germany – Homework Review

A. Factors Promoting Unity

1. Common nationality – Fatherland

2. Napoleon’s Influence

a. Hate him

b. End H.R.E.

c. Reduce states 300 to 100

3. Congress of Vienna

a. 100 – 38

b. Aus. dom. “Ger. Confederation”

4. Zollverein – Ger. Customs union and the Junkers

a. No Austria

b. Free trade

c. Promote Ind. & Eco. Unity

d. Uniform wts., measure, coin

What German state was most


5. Prussia leadership

a. Abolish Serfdom

b. Public Ed.

c. Strong military

d. Prussians = Ger.

e. Citizenship to Jews

f. C. of Vienna main 4

B. Factors Hindering Unity

1. Diff. Among Ger. People – N vs. S

2. Opposition of Austria

3. Opposition of Lesser States

4. Opposition of France

5. Failure of 1848 Rev.

a. many flee to US

b. People of Ger respect authority and military

C. Leaders

1. Otto von Bismarck – chief min. of Prussia, Junker,

reactionary, “Blood and Iron”, “Realpolitik” video more

2. William I – King of Prussia, Hohenzollern

Big speeches and

majority resolutions

won’t solve a thing.

What Germany needs is

“Blood and Iron”.

D. Steps in German Unification

1. 1862 – Prussian military machine

a. Parl. – NO

b. Bismarck – realpolitik

2. Eliminate Austrian influence

a. Danish War 1864 – Schleswig & Holstein joint governed

b. Sets up Austria

3. Austria-Prussian War (7 weeks War) 1866

a. “Blood and Iron” diplomacy???

b. Prussian War Machine

c. Austria out of Ger. Confed.

4. Est. North Ger. Confed. 1867

a. Annex N. Ger. States

b. Only 4 S. left

5. Franco-Prussian War 1870-71

a. Motive

- gain S. Ger. States

-gain Alsace and Lorraine

b. Ems dispatch – “B & I”

c. Quick War

d. Treaty of Frankfurt

e. Wm. I crowned Kaiser Jan. 18, 1871 – 2nd Reich

Means Empire!!!

E. German Empire: Undemocratic Gov’t

1. Autocracy

a. Kaiser

b. Prime Minister

c. Two Houses

- Bundesrat

- Reichstag

2. Prussian Domination

3. New Const. – Suffrage, but…

F. German Empire Under Bismarck 1871-90

1. To promote unity …

2. Militarism

3. Encouragement of Ind. – Tariffs, imperialism

4. Persecution of subject nationalities

5. Catholics

a. Center party

b. Kulturkampf

6. Socialists

a. They want

b. Bismarck felt

c. repression

d. Steal Thunder

7. Diplomat – Triple Alliance, Russia

G. Wilhelm II

1. Bismarck out

2. Problems

3. Accelerates Mil. & Imp.

4. End Child Labor


Nationalism as a divider of a country

V. Nationalism in Eastern Europe

A. Austrian empire

1. Dominant Nationality – Austrian

2. Control all under Franz Joseph

B. Subject nationalities - p. 312

1. Hungarians (Magyars)

2. Italians

3. Romanians

4. Slavic peoples –

C. Weakening Empire - Video

1. 1848 Revolts –

a. Why?

b. Results -

2. Lost 2 Wars –

a. 1859 to Sardinia and Fr.

b. 1866 to Prussia

3. Attempts to keep control…

D. Dual Monarchy

1. Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary

a. Share head, separate parliaments

2. More discontent from

3. 1878 Serbia created

4. Slavs in Romania, Italy upset

E. Ottoman Empire – “Sick Man of Europe” (video start at1:45)

1. Reasons

a. Autocracy

b. Corruption

c. Inefficiency

d. Discrimination

e. Cruelty

f. Agri. down

Turkey: "Will You Not Still Befriend Me?"

Britannia: "Befriend You? Not With Your Hands in That Colour!"

September 9, 1876 Punch Magazine

F. Decline of O. Emp. (Turkish Empire) – explain who, what, results

1. Greek Rev. (1821-29)

2. Crimean War (1853 – 56)

3. Russo-Turkish War (1877-78)

4. Congress of Berlin 1878

5. Balkan Wars (1912 – 13)

Thanksgiving European Style - The Powers Prepare to 'Divide the Turkey' Russo-Turkish War- 'Into the Jaws of Death'

Balkan Powder


6. Further loses

a. Fr. takes Tunisia

b. Italy takes Tripoli

c. Greece takes Crete

7. Young Turks -

VI. Nationalism: A Force of Good and Evil

A. Democracy

B. Dictatorship

C. Imperialism

D. National Unification

E. Empire Disruption
