
The Tin Hut Expeditions of 1926.


( By R. H. Allen and J. W . S. Laidley .)

'flU' ('"phi;!io!! frillt l ]';;umlI'1I 10 1';:",,·ill~ko is nllw :m lin'tlIll­]lli~ h, ~l 1'11..1. Hilt IIl·ful'(' th., junnlt'Y h:ltl IH't'1I IlI'jll:lll~ IlIn.le il \\/I~

l lJoo !h('lllE' Ilf mill-I! "1'1:I.' II IUl iU II. l:on j ' 'i-lIm', .1;"'·II,,,ioll :111,1 eXI 'l·I'iml'll !. A 1111 1I" lh ill),: in 11 11 1111' I're1 i1ni llnry .lehllll' l"utll\,.1 ..., pmmitll'1I1 ;,g

th., ~ tnb"" to Glln~ .. nrl :UI. So im portn rlt \, n" lhi~ ;,crliOIl ('()n~id (ln·(l that ~'\'er:ll jOllnH."~'s

\\'1'1'(' Illude nlnn /.:' 11I1I'li""14 "r the r.lule , Iin,1 11 t rip I,(' n-ill li(" " tiiwI\ \\'11 )1 TllllOle £1'11111 illl' hol.·l ,Iin;d 0 11 ponie< nnd "II font. [<'inail,\' the .; IIII I'III'Y whh-h flimNI 11 \ Kilillilrll f l~fl il J'n .. d n .. ko in I!I:'W li lli ,lwll Ht GU II1-'llrW n .

\\111-11 t it., trip \"nll 11 1',,1 moo\('<\ Ih('l'" W il il uo hil i , Pl'o p' ·I'I., ~1 1I'nk­in).!. II I GUUJ.!III'lIlIl . II WIIS un II ,",,,lIIlIIer "XI'IOrlll ioll r i.I.· f '~JlII 'Kinu.lru Ihllt Or. H.,·hli uk"e(1 n IIIlIIhl .. ,IQWII ~lll·ph{'r,I·,.. hul lit Ih(' 111'1111 0f Finll's !li\'I'I·. Th .... igllificnm·" of Ihi ~ II' n ~ 'Iuil'l.:l.,' _,"'11 1111,1 1\11', l,i\ .. hlie!I1. !11f' "11'11,'" of ti,l' ~ 1(1)\\. 1 "1I ;,j'~ ill Hu,l 1'111'[ "f I lit· "OUII ­L(·.I', II'II~ !1[lPJ'OIWh{'o\ i ll 0,',]1'1' to ,,),IHi n 1)(' I'II,i~inn 10 ,','1111(' ,' tI,,· hut iii 1'" " hul.i !:,lio n, Il ~, "nll'!'l] hol h illl" I',' ... I,', 1 1111.1 j.!l·nr l·fl,,:<. HII.I lI'i l h h ill il1''1I1I1II101(' 1 ... 11' II ~mllll hnl !>trtl l1J.! mltl 1I'1'lltlICl'prool' hut \\'H~ " T'('f'tl'<\ Wi tll i ll u f,'\\, hl1l11l1\'11 Ylmlll Hf l ilt' oM "ite.

It WHS 1'('1111 .,' till' Imiltl ill)! of thi" hut II'h i"h turll('<1 the I,IIIlIlI!'''­I'''~''ill!lk" pmjl'(" fmlll nn""j llili ty 111 II 1'1'rf,'d ly t'e;bibl., pro· 1'0,,;lioll, Iwf.ll'(' . Ult'f(' ,\1\)0 n di~tllUN' or nlo(lUl 35 10 W mil , '~ III" h",'ell B"It.,;~ ( 'Uillp 1111<1 tl .... f'ann Hi,Ig'f' Il ul~: nnw, thi~ o\i ~ t:llwtl

whi"', inc!ml ... " il l! ' hi .:'11(');1 111111 n,,, ~ 1 ditll"ult I'nd of t lte trip. i ~ ,lh·i,I,·.1 il1 10 111'11 hy till' Till 11 111 II'h id, i ~ t<i l l1l1t<,,1 IIhOlll hnlf wily

10(,111""'11 tI,,· 111'1) I'lll lI \.,o. 1,,,,,' i(o l1~ I ," 1I1('lI li" I1 ' '' 1. Tlti ~ hll\ 11'11" ""(1)' pi{'l (,.j i ll til{' ~ Imlll )(·t· I, f 102a-26.

'1'1", I' I'0j("'\(',j ...... · UI·~ i,,1I f('Qm I,()w i \l~ko to l,iuno1 ,'1\ " 111 11 11" ,1 snUIl' 1" .... pllrl't ... ry IIl'1'ntH:"",CI1G-, l-' i,...1 fir fill. ('1'(' 1'," hUI 11"1\" ~"\j'k('<1 lIitlt fl)l)fi lIIl(i l'I"lIk(·t~ lin "mall Ijl~k rol1~illl'rin~ Ih(' l'Out:hll"'~ ,., lill' "ol1l1lr," - nn,1 ["I' ,I,i .. "" 01"(, IWlI,y dllll,k~ '" till' IrII .. Mr. ( '111' .. 11'1 (' """,I' r"t, nil hi ,; w. w!; ill IIllikill!o! nr r'III'g"'1U"\lt ~ 1'01' UII' ~ !( .. ·kim: .1P I) .. ,

hn l ~ nt Ihe I\io ... " ·,, l' llt!. Sc"oIHlly. 1111 "XIII'l lili"lI WII!'. mUll"~ 1 .. 11,,· 1'/ '111'0('1\ !-.1('l'h"lI l'nl"s

i ).,· WII,I' of Ih,· HIliI' (," II' t ·(,, · .. k Illl,L II){'II h"nlt' 1,~' P"III1,1~ ' \ 'I IlI .. ,\, It ... l


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"(I R I" 'Ih"""~ ( "'I·('k in :' 11 I.'IT""I to) ,1i ~r''' \' ' 'I' th. · ".·,t l'Uulll ,," 1"(>"" ti,e Rnowy Ili v"r all' I fi ll tu tlu' ,' Inin 11:\11 ).:" " 'I'll., R I )(' W"'I" ~ en'I·k rl'''~~' ill ).:" \lH~ fOlllld I. , II<' Ih,· 11O'~t. h"'\'·\',, ,". IIn,\ it WAS ]U'I't' W(> l"n'~:>o..'tl UII till ' trip to Tin Hili.

Thil'olly. 1\11 "\'j""liti"rl "II" m:ltl.- lu tll(' Tin 11 m 1' .... 111 thl' 11 011.'1 K'I~I' i ll~kl) loy Iii,· "lu"1"~1 J II) ~"ih'" .. ,Ill!", Th i~ \,',1" un llt'I'taken wj th t ill' j,),'lI .. f ,·~ t ll l , l i~hill:! II ~hU1'1 lillL' "I' ,'1'11"('11 ' t'rHlll th., ]\fain HHIlj.:t! ill I'H~(, ,.r .-lIIrrgl'w'y. 'I'lml I hi ~ l' lIIe l';:" !!('," WIl ... :wtuH lly to ari,.;e 11'11 \ 11 ,,1 ..... 'ri,,"~l~· '~III~i, I,·" ~1 III thl' li ll lO' : Imt ,t" il ,li ,1 ",·i~· I I'mpO"I' \.1 .... ," ~irlL'r thi .. ('XI'.·tli lintl in .. lightly mUI"(' ,k-lai!. :'01 ... Heid , 0 ", I.:.illll'." lIud Bill 1I (·m ULi ll;.!~ . lhei ,' ;.. .. uil l,'. I('fl .h" hol,'1 OIl pOlli('s Oil Tlw",luy . AU;.!"1I4 :1" ,1 , 111 10 '1.111. 1\11 I'/I RY l'i, l" of Ri x mik~ .1<111" 11 H \\"1·1I -'"I1(le 1,~It·1; II"h i"h III." II I",,:: III(' IlII lIkl< "r Di ;.!)!,· , .... ' Cn!,·k, 1" '(11).:101 l1wlII 10 lhl' S nnw~' "i l"(',· :\ . 1 .. 1111 111 B" " ,I 11" f(' . 11\' riwi' IW('olt",s wi,lc :IIlIl rn irl~' IlliII1l0" ', lind iM intN't'('\' I,f',1 lI" ilh !<el'('rrll I'mull iRlnntl ~. TIll' riH'r \\"11·

f'11)s~p,1 wilhout tlil1kult.\', u",1 till' 1'111'1.\' th" l1 folll1\I'cll IIJl tilt' le ll bUllk of Ihr l"i""I ' lill Ih,·.\· 111'1 ' 1'0>1,·111·01 1111' j\\IIdinll "I' l'i11I\'~ Bi "('r Hlil l th .. S""I\'.'" I h'I"l' Ill.' ~i ol, '~ "f till' j.!'(l!"J.':c h('I'>lIIII' lc"~ !Ot""I' IIIHI till' II"("sl(' l'lI I<i ,II' 11"11 1< .. limlll."1. ' I · hi.~ 1,,'01"('(1 :1 1"1:1'.\' "tilT pull (If 1I1,,,ut 1,2(11) fl'!:!1. nllli hnJUl! hi IIII' pnl"ly 10) II small ~ I\I)W_"I)I'c '"N1 1'111 " '1111 whil'h Illy nllflul 4!lO f ')I'1 hi/!'he l' Ihnn Ih .. hotel. Lonking !;f) llill nnd w('AI from 1",1'(' , F'illn'~ Hi "('I' ('olll,\ h.· ~. ,,'n will,1iIl~ np 'l I"n:.:- \"u l1".I' lI" if ... Gllll;.!"lll'tnll Illlll :':-" ,),·cI"lIlO)kill ;.:" Ih \.! va lley fl'llUl lilt, sout h.

ton"" I,,"'" '\lIw:II .. I ~ till' " "'''I 1'11)< dl't'I" nml Ihl' p"lli .. ~ were Il' ft Ill. ,I ;-mall I,urk hUI wl,i"]l lIelllll1in;..~ "ui,1 W:H " :llIed n.'id'" II Llt. ' I·h,· purly 1110'11 pm<'ec,II't1 (\11 fou l up Finn',. l1 il·I',· \·nll .. ~,. Th(' ~'lII \\' Wil li 11t'" p mltl II 111"" 1t.11lL··" lI"alk. d illLhin)! nil Ih ... in,,', 1t',1 th('m It) nil' ,"'I'Y .... )U1"I·(· .. f ~'ill"' ''; lIilt'r. IIt' rl', j ll ~ 1 011 Ihl' 11"('1' lil1t' (ufl/'l' II ~11"r1 M'H1"I'h) , 11 ... Tin Il nl IIW;- fOllllll , ;1 1 uhont:! p,m. Tht'mwmi,1 I'hl}\I(',1 11 IU'i;.:-ht IIf ~li ;:,hl]Y O\"l'r Ii.non f,>(>\. ~el·t'nll f('('1 IIf "UIII\' W" I"\' l'i l .. ,1 111' JI !!:, iU,..1 II". hul ,I'M'I', IIml tlt ... rl' Wfl;; 11<1 ~pll ,lt' It:,,"].\, ." 1"\' 11111\(' il \\il h, lInt 11"tnlll ill)..~ I""IW\[("] to un tlo II ... 1"'I1.("h on Ihl' I]ollr :1111] . h('y 1'11"hNI il .'1"' 11 uII,1 1' .. 11 inlo 11", hul wi. 1t .ILe a\'nl,ml· lw " f SII"\\. 111 lh(' lillI , .wo Ihi n;..,,", \\""" 1' ul 0110''' uppllr('u\ , Oul', . h(' ... • 11",,9 \'('ry li1lll' fllO(l : u",1 11\',1, Ih ,' firf'plnl'(' ~1I1okt-d bmll.\. Otl\(, T'IIi~l' Ih(' hili II",.. "1'IUlI','"I]y wl'n lh, ,!' li ;:hl . un ,1 iH 1":1 1111' :h :l rr·fll;::'c WII .. I'\i· (11' 11 1. .\flt·l· IIlL\I"hiu;! in Ih,' 1111\ till' p:o·I.\ ;.(' t "IT fur hOllw lIt ,,111,ut :1""'I,,,,k, '1'1 .. , 1"I'III1"n .i "lIn,, '." \\"11~ !In''' ''II I1"ul , Ih .. IUIlt-11ll"il1;:' 1"I""'h(',1 III 7.:31) 1'.111.

T I1O' I'HI'I .I ,lIli('h " , .• " ... for Ii:inndr:t ('On<;i ~I(',1 of Dr. ~,'hl i l1k, O!,. Fi~h"I" 1),'. '1"' ''('('0', .\11 '. (:","]"ll, \I I'. ~1'' 11101t,,, \1 ",1 ~ll·. H. II. .\iI"II. Hl'~~I·~ .. \l n~\:Ii1" 1111,1 L,· ~ li .. !-i l"phr-II """ ""11" 111;"'\ \I ~ 1'1'''"1 nil' 11,)11,1 to) 1I1'lb' ~ \ '11'111' ' I ltd 1],,'" I "'.\·""d til, ' ~ 11 1 "\' .1 · Il in' I' illt " Ill .. 1''' lIl1 ol ~ ' \'11\10' .'" WI' ]('[i 111\' hol "1 in sl.\"I., l·i!! !I! flf II ~ ill till' \\"n~~"Il .. I1t'- :J1 3 :11) 1' .111 .


"Ll ~lItll ... I:lY. AU:;II,;I 7th, tl1I' ,\a,l" :, f ll ·r II,,· \'1111" ,linllt'I·. That \llI~ II't

n·IIIt.1" Ih~' i"I 'H!.I!Il 1'01' 1111 \IH!!I,\)!I,-!LI" "" lUll] I .. 1,1\;1' :hll! or \'lIlk II,u l I'!II"I"." 0111' "ki~ nl"",~t II ,.. 1:11' 1I~ ~llIittf.titL · ~ n .~ 11"'n ' "'H~ " " " "011' 111 nlJ fOI' Ihc 1In:1 four "\lll'~ OJ!" "(I. \\'t, !·('IICII .. d tIll' ~\l"\\ III duo "'III'S!.', nud t1WII ~kied Ibl' !"e~1 uf Ih~, 1111,1" I<J B<.'Il~·", Ilrr ilill!,! ill thll Ilnrk 1Lt. :100'" li.30 p.m. HIIII ,I:I.'· i"urtIIlHIIi,h' \\ ;1 :; 1I IiiI\' 11:1\ nlrllOlit .hl' "tLIS tille tllI ,I" WI' h:ld 1:I~i ~'I'ar-:I,,,I :iI'ter nil I'X,'(' Il" lIt ·hr!.'lIkfn'--l \\,. I<lnril'd oft nh/1U1 8.:10 11.111.

i<E:'IIO\'ING OllR SKIS II Rml TilE W,\GGOXETT E XE.\R ~:\IIr.r. i X~ 110LE!=

Til.e fin:l mile or so of t he jOllnl ... \· Il1\>l 1(>1'1' 1. 1': ..... \· ;:,,,ill:: ll!.IILg Ih" 11111111 l"""d h ' {'h"dlltl(·')1 I': ..... ~ IInlil 11",' 1m'1wI[ It) Hili' rid)! ,1,)11'11 ~1 ~'"I'I' I"~ ( ' n -{'k \ ' ,,111',1". 1-"'0111 hi"'" .n 111l' ~II "\\\ Ili l{'!" III l1IH~1I 1 Iwo lI)il,·~ \\11-0 ,;.Ii/!"htl.' ,1011"11 hi ll. tl1lt Ih., ;.. .... )in!! \'II~ II'r~' l'OlI)!lJ. 1I,.1II!! ;1 I:n,t ~'('lIr rOr ~II"II', 11011<' of ihf' "rt'I 'k~ W~'1"(' l'Ov,·\"I'{1 ill nllti WI' hnd tn (~l!!l' nloll;::' till' «illl' (If til l' "ull,')" pi(·killJ-'" IIUI' II n.\ l'!1~t ihe 1' ~'(l 11"I!(\i 1l!! ro(·k~: Thi;; 1":1111,." if;. 1'('1'.1' 111\11'1l I'Xl'o .. "."\ I" rIll' PI"'luiling 11'11111. 1111,1 wllllt hllil' f)"(' ~h ~,1C1\\ 11\\'1"1' hno! \'('I' n WII .' 111 1111' 11 111111\" I('n\' ­ill:':' !t1L':':-" pllrl"ill '~ "I' il·I'. Ac-1IWIl .I· til" ~lI "\\" .'· i'l .... '111 (. 71 111 1'.,,'1 11I1\'('r 1111111 Bl,jh';; \ '11\111', lolll il \'11>' 'tll ilt- iml'u~"i h]" un,I,'r rh, '~{' ",,"(lirioIl8 10 ;:-l'l flny !'IIJlllillj!" :I t ,,11: in r;lct il Wll~ t)nl.,' willi Ili m .. u1ty Ihn l we III'!',' ul,le t<l \' 1"1'\"' 111 "'It·",, 'h'\'~ 1' ,'0 111 ~k id,]ill )! ~ i , I"\\"II.IA 111111 fu lling ('1"1'." r('w ."" I" \ ~' "'(' 1'(,II"\I"oilll1' ~'1011.'· l,h(1I11 !1.:J(I . 11 .. 1'1' II ,,· jllll"f.y


IIHtl it " fir';;t, sctl):II·k" Owiug' In the luil,lllc""" ,,,[ Ihe WiIII.CI· :uu1 tilt' 1:1,·k of the Ih11:11 'Iulinlil..l" of Sliull" t hc I·ivcr WIIH 11llt fr,,~."l1 on·l". II')II'!' I'''I', we wcre not altogt the," un}lrcpnred [01' t liiH, :Iud h:I,1 incllHll·d in ,) I1l"

pll"k:; :1 l)I1 il' of Iblu.'l"lnaJ l"s ""Hdt!·",,, :md ,\Il". (:01"11<)11 ,IOllned thc~e Hnd olTl·rcd 10 f'an~' lI >l :lil :I'"]"O.'~ . Ih. 'l'e(:"e \\' n ~ Ihc first, pt'r~on to II·lI .<L

himself 10 :;\lr. Gordon" :!lld lIP wn~ J·{,II":lrd,·d fill' his plilek hy lJl'in:;


D~ . Lennox Teece Mr. \\T. A. Gor­don (in w~ders) . :Inn Dr. Schlink.

dcposited in midst. re1lTn I,('~tri ,]ill g 111"0 n lcks ,1hnnl Rix icd njl:II 'I, ,111(\ it II'ns only with g"rcill di.lli l" ull.v Ilull hu WH S ]"("("11('.\ fro!l1 tlli s UlI'k­W/ln! posilioll . 1"ort.unlllc1y frn' t.he rest of 11~, howl,vcr, wl,ilu nIl this was g-o ill g on, Dr. FiRlu'l' hll11 not hoclI wa~lillg' hi ~ lilllC. 'With his cuslomH 1'.\' .'Islutcllesg hc 111111 ,1iRf,oven',1 1111 ex!;n'lIlel~' Ulill iec bl'idge a few ~':I]"Il s hi).!lier lip, 1I11d r:lthcr llllllI ri~k heinl! ('Ill"ri(HI W'rO!>fl we followed him nnd urril'cd 011 lhe other s ide flili/e ~ nf() l .\'.

The cl'o s~in !! took mlldl \"'1 1 11~1>lc tilll(~ ill tile l,cs/. ]1:1I-L of tile ,lay,.

1'/11] A !tstr(l /illll S ki (rl/r ill/ok. Oil

:1 1111 it \I' II~ 1I0! IInti! "IIOllt. \.0.30 11.111. tll1l1 \\'0 we I'e l'c1Idy I.,.., proceed "11 (our .ioU]"lley. I;' l"om II", ri\'OI' wc folll)\\"c,1 Poullds' Creek nlollg tho 1'1111,·.,", :111'] UnCI" al,ollt II mile of levcl )..'uilll-:· I\'U ~1" "i (' 01 the IOIl g- stuop :1~"r'lIt o[ 111'''1"1.1' :!,tt l)tt feet. :iI, Gill' ~ J<..uobs . Pl"OIIi (lii ll point to iho tOjl oj' ihu nlll;';C til(' !"oing- W1l .~ ' Iui t!' dili'orCllt [rOlll til:]! 011 the oth er ~ide of tile rh·!',·. 1'0]11111,;' ('I'crk "nlloy i~ well ~ htJlie l'(Od from wind, :11111 tllere lind cI·it!'·IIII.v llccn :1 frcsh fllll of snOII' ' Iui te l"e '·(.'11tly. 'I'hc ;,.!·" ill:! he';lIlllc ' ·C J".I' he:l\·.v, :11111 II'e slIuk right OI'C ,' Olli' bool:; ill tho $O£t f!UOW whh"h logethc l' with OIl]' h"lIl"Y nick sud.s mude the climb I·ery t irill .:.:". X ot wishilli-!" to tiro O nl"srh'(~s ont S,) IIC:!I" tile ~j,II·t of 011 " long

i!...:. . ~


.ium·,w.\" we to,..,k thing':] iairly ensy, 1IIItl il wm< not ulllil llholll 1.30 (h:Ii we J"I"!ad]('d the s1]llllllit of Oill':; KII\!b~. "11(,]"(. wc 111111 lilliI'll , :llld I ":111 :I S~ lIre YOII we ll!,l'Ilcci i t .

1<'rOlll hr'l'e 0111' ncxt. olljl'eti\"o WII S COJ1wlt Stepllell PIISS. " ' c hn ll Ille clloice or ('lim billg to tllO top of -'I"ount 1)" I' id :111<1 I110llnt 'J'nit :111 ,1 ><ki -illg nl ollg' Ih!} top o f' the nlllg'C or goillg" round (he I·er.\' stecp caster)! faces oii lhesc mot1nt~ling, hut thinking" lll:lt (110 gllOW ou the top woulll 'Lo rough :Illd io.1' we pllosc the lattor" TIll' g"oillg' WII S s lill I'c ry soft (lit tillies we wen/. in :llmnst. to ,..,ur knees) :11111 llll: iIllgle of the slop.:! so prCllipitolls ihllt we hl1l1 one or two llI'pJ..:as :lllt mOlllon,s W(1)l1(' r111 g" if llu'ro wnnl'l 110 n 11:](1 :I"nl:llldle.

I lo\\"el·er, WI! 1I1:11l:I!.:e l1 1.0 ;!ct l'Olllld quilc safely, althollgh the

Th e . 111.1/,,,/iall Ski Y ellr Jl ook


TIlE P/\RTY :\E .'\R I NG T ilE ::lU:'I!lIllT OF GI!JL'S KNOI3S ON T I N IJ UT TP.1P.

L l.: :\Cll AT GILL ':'; K :\OBS, ,\ Jr. \V t\ , Gordon, Dr. Len nox TCef(!, /l lr , J~,,~ I; c St ephen, Dr, I~ric

Fi sher, Dr , II . I!. Scll iink.

I)r, IA' IlIl L>X Tl'CC~, Dr. H . II ~:~hlink Dr, E ric F i~l>cr, .\Ir . ,\rnold :': oulrlcn. :'Il r. W A. Gmdon , ~lr, R I L Al1ell .


(Hi '1'//1·. 1 us /ruli'll' ,""ki ) ('/l r Hook,

" ')(III' fn"I ""1l11)" ),:11'" 1111,' uUII('r n lll' .. ki ~ 1111.1 1\'1' ~ I id ,lUII'll i lll" 'I' dr

r'lUl' r{'('1. I"nlill th.,", " " lh,' ::-I)in!.:' h.·('tlll .. , lIIlIch 1."'1('1', lIlI .1 \1'.' IUI.I '1IIit{' :I. pip/Hunt rull ,11111" tu tilt' pll ~~. TI ';~ pll ~" Ii.,,. II I II ... h"lul nf 1111' GutlH'!.:'1l Hi l/' f lint! 1'('IH1rllt" ~ lh(' 1I1I1r,' nlll'lhl'l'I~' Gl'Huiuo P, 'ak li nn!.,'!:' f r"lU II .. , hi):,lIp,' lind 11101" ""H.~i\'o' plll' l of III" ,·all).!1' Ilh i"11 ,'011' lai n.; ~ ,,,,h IWHk~ 11 /\ Tni /, l)uI'i,l, T\\' ,\'1111111 unol I \:o ~,· i ",..ko il ,,<,lf,

~'rom 1"'1',· II,' "Ii,tl lwd ut::lIin Oil til till' 1' /1) (.f' t he (i '·Hlli " . I', 'uk" Halll!(' a'lfl lIu .. I" h",' u,~I .. th(' pll"~!l1 IIII' IWlld or \\'hile'~ Hil"" wn l(>r. slll'd, 11,·1'(' II , ' lIuIII,· II 1011\1 misl:lkr, ,\ 1!Uill wi ~hin):' 10 al'"id l1l1' Imll 1('(' I'll tIll' s Ulillni\, \\'{' ,1,·(·i,Ie.:1 101 mil .101111 II liUI(' !\lui ).. ... , roun,1 Ih(' ..... I ~ .. II f II ... r:III !.:'1' nill'''' Ih{' l<1I0W IlOok''11 mll~h heU,·r . 11 0\\'1"'",,, in Ir'~' in):' !O .--in·IIUln·1I1 ~I'H' I' :,I ']II~ Iy looki";,:- l!ulli<", WI' nllol\"'" ('" I"

!>(' I .. "" io :.."{'I inln !<lilt II' I"'ry tl(mt'uh ... ki · in!!' ,,,, ," nt!':-- hl' I,,"' 11lf' In'O l itll' " lid "" "11 1111111." fOILII .1 OUl'S('h'l '!-f n l m"'~ 1 :11 Ih" holl'JIIl of \\'llih·'11 H j\'{'1' ":tll(' .,· II'hii·1t 11I',·,'~~il ll ti',1 II I·('f·.,' ,'o ll ~ i ,I t'n1h lo· 1"""~"{'tll 10 the l'u ~~. Allhol1g' 11 \\',. Im.1 f! I·~t',·n,l crl IIPllrI.l· 1,OO() l'eeL II'i' Itnfl IIIHI 110 goo,! ""Il"in),:' li t til l. OU(·'· W(' 1!ot. 11")Il\\' tlip Ln'" line the ('OI IIlI I',Y Wll~ tlt [,·ld," lilltl"'I"'11 IIn.l Ih(' Io{l\l;,:-Jl ~ of Ihe It·, ... · ~ \\" '1" ~) lo\\' ill"l Ih{'.1' ('olltillunll," ('lIl1g llt hll" hllh.:ill):' .. w·k J',wk :> :tlltl th,'/'\\' II ~ Ill,'l' hm·kw:! ... I!', \V(, WI','I' 1" '):,[lI l1 iu): 1(0 ).:,'t lil""1, lOll, ".'. this li llll'. IIn.1 i h" ('no'r~.\' amI III11Ul."!lIl1'" (If hnl'ill )!, Ii) /.:('i III 0 111' f f'{'1 a;""l,i n 1111 ,1 ('x. trif'ntl' our rljI'k 1'>11I'kll fn) ," IIII' Unu)!'h .. "f lIlt' tr('('~ ilil] IIQI imp'~ l\f' mnl ll'r:>,

\\'hi ll' ill th, · \\' hi h" ~ Ili li'r \'ll lh·.1 \\'" "llm~' n"ln,~ ~ix 1>1' ,'ight rill. hlll1 o,·ks 1 .. 11I,·l1ill):' ill tit,· ,"11m" ,lil" 'l' l i( '1I Il~ oun'eh'I '~, mlil jlll'~ IIl1j,"nJ.~. "IUd, I,. (\ 111' :! ~ II'lli ).llllH' III. pI'on·,1 1' :1,· I'I'II I'!' ::ok i· .. · .. :> tlmlt we 1\1.'1'('; al nll ,l' 1'111,'. it O{ fllr :, :> I·limhill ):, \\:, .. i·" lH'I' I'n",1. T h,·.,' ,. lm'Ip.1 1" 1'1·1 lI'il h u~ 111111, nlth"lI;,d1 111("," ':;,nllk "!' til Ihl'ir 1 »,'lIil'~ ill IIII' ~ IIH\I', II,,·," I .. 'al II " I" II,, · p:J ~~ II." IOhoul 1" 11 l1lillll l \' ~' II .,\\, Il l! (·arlh 111, .. \' "fllI lin' "11 "11 II ii' n'''l1l1ll1ill~ ill lI'ill"'r ] " :tllnlll illl:II.:1111·, hilt tllf'Y 1f)(,k, .. 1 ill (· ,\'tnwr(lilLnril~' J.., ...... I ,~)IJ,lililOn nn.1 ,,' 11('11 WI ' lm·1 ",1\\ IlwlII tlwy wen' h"nllill)! fnr Ih(' J)i,'k~' ' ·O.I I,j·r \' :1 11 ,'~ ' ri!!ht inl(l th .. hlil'.l'-I,,~1 Ihat ,,111" '11,\' !It't'' I'''nl'd ~ ~" ru,I"I." illlo·rrul'l,·.1 ')111' int"I1<I, ·.1 II'ip II) ]\: illnd,'ll,

Lend ll).,' \\'lIill,'" H il" '1' Pa~>\ h,'hin,] 11 1( \\'(' 1]:1(1 io "' illlll II till fmthel' in (;ulI /.: "1'11111 it ~l ' l l' I\'hi,·1t flll'ln " thl' llo11 1t{'I'U wall of l ho pll' ~ ' Th,' ~ IIOII h.·I';' II'U.'I nm"h ni("'I' : in r'll't \111' goin)!' 11'11:< quilo b"OOll. bu, il 11'11:< " ix \il'('.1 lIIi'lI 11'1111 "" '1<'h('01 thl' "whHe "f (11111)..'111'11111 with nlJllll 1 IlIIlf nil h"","" .In ,l' li;.:hl III ~ pnro', IlIItI Ilcroll' 11',' \\O'rl' 111,10 10 ~I a '1ig:hl tJf t h!' Ilu'- wh idl 11',. kill'" WI,,. uot f:II' off, III!' !-o l ('llll~

601IIh'\\'I'~ I ",'ly II illll wl,i .. 11 lin. I 1 1l~' " lIIakill!! nil .Iay IlI'(.u;,:-ht II I) " fog' ill :1 f(·1I' ,"i nnt"11 a,lI l \\C 1I',.,·c UlUlI,!t, 1" N'I' 11101''' Iha n [il) yn n ls, 'I ,JoII'1 k lll) lI' II' hl\/. 1111 ' . "hltl·,. f'l'tt lI' h" 1I Ih,' 10;:- "P!wHI',·, I, lout I k ' lIIl1' I III'!;''''' \.1) \1',)"01",, ~("' i<lu ~ l ,l' ",hili it wlJ"l d h.· like 10 ~lc"l' !lut Oil th .. tol' 01' II III,-,\wlilill ill ,"i(\· lI'illl" I·, '1'11 "" 1' of Oil' pnrly klH'1I' t.lIe wily


r j t

, ---

1,\RT lr--.'(', OF t' FR m l C t L!. '!, K .\'() 1 1~ IHlt'Nn T ltl'; I ~. \ ~TERN



·;8 '1'/" • • 11I.<!rII/;/II1 .... / .. .- I"", ]Jooi.'.

i ll .~ Iltnnlt"·, 11111 till' ,·,,1111\1",\' It,,,k .. ml hl' !' ,lill"n'lIl wll('n ,~,n·n·,1 \I ilh 1'110\\' find ill II thick I',,!t. !l uwl'H·r, lh{· kn"wll',I;!" ,,-hit'h nr~. Sl'hlink, Fi~h"r a1ll1 'rt't-"", h, .. 1 _!!llin, .. 1 "II Ih.· ~lIlIlIlIt'I' trip ~1",-,01 tlWIlI in ):.H.d >' Iead, 11",1 tJtl',V kl'PI II" "II tin' rii.::ht Inu·k ullt il IIII' f,,~ lin ... l rOIl' n f,'11 lIIilllllC" Iw,l WI' "'1\\ 1111' hll\ .i1l~1 ill 11'''"\ 'If 11"' .. 11 til!' nlh,'1' " ide .)t' 1·'i ll1l'" !l ilt']" Y,dl"y.

UII II IIni' oi:I .'" II' " \\"\Iil d hUll' lind nil 1"~'·l'lI "lll 1'1111 11'0111 tho "HI1. II" .)1' linn;.rarl'w to! Till 11m, 11111 ill tin' fog II'" Jlnol t., I,j,·k •• lIr WII~ l'I(1\I I,1 un.1 t·'''·l'fll l l~ .. I~'" til., "U1UIII'~ IIH!" 'Illilt, 1I11kll.)\\n, Hm! wo

mig-lit ('u"'ily ha,'c guw:- (\1-1'1' 11 pr.,,·ipi.,., "," a ",)tui"t'. .h it I\n,< 1\0

I,' ,·y IIt'udy huol onto .... ,l'i<)11~ ul,dol,·nt. wh"11 D!', 1"j",IIO',\ wll" IIU'" ill

THE TIX ilL'" ,\'1' (,LT\'r,,\RT.\l\'

front III tht, tiltH'. nILI~' ju"t lIlullng-,·,] I" ~ 1 01' "jth Iht· tOi'~ .. I' hii> skis bnlllllciu;! on tIll' !'Ike of II ]111\.:<' ''(\rlIi,1-' II'lIj,·h li{,- ohm\.: th(-' l1Hrtlwnl fn,'(' "f (:UII).:,"'IIIII, 11'~""",·r. Ilotlljn~ .... ' 11111',1('11(>41. lind Tin IInl \I'IH I"('I\"]II'(] lI'itlu)l1! furth<'r tn.ubl,· jll,..t :,~ il h"I'ome n:lIlh' ,1:lIk Fu,·lmI'I t .. h DI '. 1 ~li, ll"I' lind MI', H,·j,1 11;0,1 I"fl IIHI sp,ltl;' l1ul ... id" wl'l'n thl'." ,,:,.1'(' :01 Ihf' hili Ih ,' I,'('!'I; "('fun,, :lUll Ill' W\fln ,lUg" tlil' 1-1l01I' :IW:I.'· f"onl th,' ,Iu",· HII,I I"t (Oll,,,,'h,·~ illl" Ih,· 11111 The hnt i ... 1\ ... ,li ,Hy lmili. t.11I lIot "'r)' tJ{'lIntifnl, (,,'{'I·tion, ma,le or :""111. " ""i'l',1 iron IIml lined with ,"00.1 1111.1 Ill l'""uring' in~i ,l ... :1I~1I1 10 ft. :c 12 it. It I UI~, or it hm] In ~ t Y('UI', :I '\(""' . " h"l1· in Ih,· 11:111 1'11,' (-','('(1

" "' (" \I ;lh -",·Idug" f, ll' II 11; 11 ,1011',1111 ' ] n 11I'';.;c III 'l'lI -tllll{' 1,IHl'l' I'll" a tl rl":ol 011,· t'lI ,j Wilh :1 dl;mncy 1I11.m· lic(1. Thl! "hiIllJU'," -el'\ ' ·' ] 110 Ihl"

lu] IlIlI'Pll-I', bllt U()tII· 110 .. h"", it \\U" lhl'l"" TIll' illl'lIilurt. ,·ull~i"h.,l "I "II ,' !'!Jni,' 1111111(' .. r I';l,(~~ or \\'OIu l oud ~*'kill;': 11.111 a ft.", \I'IUII" JI 1 •• \,.... TIo""" wen' 111:-(. a f,·,\' n\III'r ."I,] ~ mil] " 11,1:-. lIUl!JIl'..,"'t Wllidl 110.· Ill(h\ !I-,·1'n] \1'1,,,·:21 tJJa!lk",~, 11 I",,'bl' I'IL:;',:O f<!\1 (':oq"'nt"I~' loob, 1111 n\'". n 1"1I'h'l 1111.1 I.:,,!, " 1"iI"I].·,

Ilu\' til'~1 tl lllll\.:lih \\"" , 11111111'1111.1' !'nr II g .",,] (irc !lJld !">IIIII I ' hnL t" ... 1 111101 .Iriuk, Hwl 11f' iIIJIJII',lilltl'I)' ",.\ .)11\ I" _",. whnt (~'IIM llt' ,10111'

" I>UIII ii, Tloll'" "" ... II _IIJ;o]l _II]'I'J~ IIf fil·"\I .~ ,d in Ihe hili, JlIIt ] willi Ihi .. \\1' ""011 l,n,1 :0 lirt' 1!"illi{. Within Ii\,· lUi1HI1t'~ of tklolill).: IIII'

I\' HED I\, TilE TI~ tlPT

Ii ... , II,,· 10111 \I II , .. t'11I1 ()f I'IIlOk,·, IIUlI it ""III:oil",,1 111"1'1,. "I' ],.~~ ~" r"r 11ll' 111I~'t' II:I~'" ""11 uh:ht- "'" \\,'1'1' thl·rC. 11"11""\',·1', 1'01' 110.· mitlll\l'. " " II",',· fnr \ ... ) 101l1ll.;T~' j" w"rr~' 111."11\ th,· ,..mllk,· , allli. III' 11"I',"ill~ :.:,.:!:!I,- Itl kM'p il "lit of nl1" •.. ', ... . lie ..... ' :tlll'"1 I,rf'":, rill!.:'·",,r 11"'''1. TI",t·,· wn" nil "'111,·,' 11 (':01' thl' hul , ~I) I" ,:.::"1 HII,qhin;: 10 ,1I';nk 1\,. Ilud I" ",,·It ,uO\\" \\',·01011' \ k,,,)\\ lllo"II" T IItt," "I ' "Ill' I 'f'ud(' ,'~ IIIlIkl'_ II

1o"r.l'.1" ,,!, "",hill).:' "II,, \\, 1" ' 1' lIul,·!·. 1011 1 "1111 H" .. " .... th(' lll tlo"t it i ~ II til"'! tryill':':: I't,.( .. ~,oIill).:', N"t ")11,1' ,](I,' ~ il tlll;,· 't"it .. 11 IoU!.:' II' lo ill' to " .·It II hud'l·t 1'1111.01' ~II"\\. hilt \1 111'11 iH "II ,1"lIl' ." " " "IlI,I'llIl1t' ahout 11 1"II","'OIo1ul uf I\' H' I'I' ! III ')1'11"1 ' I,) tlluk" ~! II'l' tll"t \\'" 101101 f llirly

70 'I'/If . 11/ .• lmli(l1i S/; j Y ear Book.

,·I i -IIII W:iI('1' t ,O) 411'illl" we :IIT:l1lg'(~t1 tlwt the ~ l\O\\\' on "11(~ sid(· ()f the (loo)" wa f! !.U lin ille wnt!! 1' s l1ppl~\ nlld the nihO'I" ~ i ,le wm; tn he t.h() 1'11\,10;,,11 hell!" :l1Id it' :111.""11(' 1111'('\\' 1\w rllbhi~h ")I 111(' Wilt!'!' ~ l1ppl.\'

UlPJ'C W:l ~ going- to 1,(> iroll!)l e, \\""]1 , npud fnll il 11i(' slIloke nn(l t1w wa(pr, el'crytiling" eli;(! went. well, :o!H] in dll" l'Ol1r~c WI' ~nt ,lo\\"n to i1

]n)'!.!c lIl(lH 1.

All thi ~ (ilne thl' \\"'nll ,el' lino i h .... ('11 g"l'llirl g' \\"IlI·R~·. 1m.! h\' i.::1I) the wilill whir-Ii lind (,el'lI ill~'·"n " i ll :.r CI't ' l" !'inre 4 0".1,w];, \\'fl..~ 'hl,,\\'ill ~ a ~n l .. wilh ~fpl:il l s "t' ,11-j\'ilJ;: .~ 1 1 0II' :llIol ~ l!'('L 1m,] thnl16h we lind IJel'1l oJltil!li~li(' lip 10 ]lOW we 1)(';..:'1111 10 realist' tll:ll (\i"J'P. II'n;; ~\·et·.\· "i11111l'1l or 0 111' lw \'iu;t to rl'1IIIIill ",!ip,'" Wt' 11' ('n' fot' :lIlnthpl' ,\() hn l lr~, :lIld, :I'" we \\'('1'(' 1'nt.IIer t ir e,1 '11111 " '" (\nl," IIa d lin lf n ('~Jldl e t,,, 1:I ~ t 11): n~

lOll )'! :,~ we ,,"('re l11e,"e, WI' decide,] b i-!,n tn hed. " .\' <1,'np!!d ()1I1"il~'I\'I' ~ nl"el' 111!! fl r,n" ~pa ~(' nlill " lll' lli II ~ 1I11,",,,n1'orin \,1,, II !light n~ we t'xPt',,[t.:,l. T ill' IInor II'n ~ VI' I'.V h''''d :llId 1111' ,,1I0\\' :111.1 ~ I('d :'n<1 willd hp,1ting :I)!'lIill ~ t tI ,e roof :llId s it1e,~ nf Ih,' hut IIl:1il" ~,](" h :I row tllllt, l'\"'11 Jl:ld we I,ml hctls til l ie ml insten d of tI,e 11"0,', I d,luht 11"1]('111 (11" we would l1:I\'c Iwell aule 10 I'Jt!ep IllUph, Next, d:l,V till' \\'enlh(']" 11'11", if :lIlyl hillg, Iw,]"~e . lind (,0 Je:ll'e Ih e hut. 'I'm; oul ()f thp ' p I('~ lio ll, HO tlll'I'e wns Ilull,ing- for it 11111 to Fee wh:lt \\'(] "nul ,1 ,10 iI) ,"akl' IIIe IIul, mOl"f' l'OIll_ fori:lIJle alld Iwcpa!'e tu ;o.t n.l· t he)'(' nllolhet' 24 IIour~ . En'I'.I· lime we ol'clietl t he Ilu"t" tI", fire "hol\' c,] it.~ (lisa ppr(lval 1',1' s 'lI()kiu!,; HO 111u(,1l tlwt. .I'U\I COUlrll l't s,',' !l,e 1',cI'son si itiu!! II!!XI 10 ,vou, n,"l whl'JI \\'11 ~lltit. !-lIe- Iloor it "~lI l oked ('nll ;< i(je"nbl .v less, I,ut tll\~11 11'1] W ( 'I"I' ill ('ompiete dnrk!ICss. Tn fn ct tll:l/'" how \l'C ~ Iwll t. IIIO ~t, or 0111' jillH'-~i1till g- hnlt upt"i );,l lt nil etll p!.\' l ,osc~. eitl,er in thi,'k Sliloke 01' !'o '"pl,'le du)"kll l'~~, :11111 J lIIli." SlI,1' II'C fOIl!lIl tile da!llle~s prcfcrnbl(': t\r~t.1y, hCl'nusl' il rli ,ln'l, hllrt ,"u· p.\,c~ l ik!: tile ~ 1I,ok c, Iltl,1 "Ph)wlly, 1"'Cll1l ~c 0", nllll' lil"r:lll1t"p \\'1' hn ,l in ru:r<l II'n~ :I sllIn ll 1'i!!'-e or tI,e "T" lilnr:r 1\l lIil" 11:1/,,11 i\ni-!,w·I, !\ I:!.l, ",hii'll w,' fon!l(l i,l t h(] 11Ut.

'lYe 111,,1 h1'oug-ht win, liS n l n~f nna a }t;df ot' hren<1, hut, hnl'in).! lin i(]":1 tllllt we 11'011111 I,,. nlnre Ihn!: Olle 1Iig ht. ill Tin lint nil,] Io r ill i; 1 1 1I1I~"'.I' 1111<1 g reed.I' , \\'(, nt l' 1" ,,,('ticliliI' :I whole Inn[ fl]l' dill'iI']' th e night, 11'11 :lni ."c(l, lind \l'C 1,1l{1 tn keep h:df n lo" r fnr Ihe ]'('~t Ill' Ihe ,iOIl],IlI'Y i" ,'n~(' Ihl' 1"(,ldhel' 11I'I"'OI'('d Hlld we II'CI'C ;1hl(' to g'" "" , ~o hy lu'"'II lilll(, <Ill illonda,\' tlll~ hl'e/HI '1l1es! inn II'U~ g-elt ing nl'l,te. n .V till' Ihi ... l ('I' ('nill ).! WI] WI'!'" ;:('U; lI ;.:' fed lip. Th e w('.1tl!CI' \\':! ~ -;till .H

bad n ~ e\'!! I', :lIld il \\'a ~ ' 1IIi l,' illl)l,,~s ilJl e to ).!O nllt ex('cl't tn ..:et lil'~_

11'0,, '] ,11 11(1 II'" ~ illll'l.1' 11:1 .1 t" dn lhnt. \r~ lllil't" nlll' ,1/t elllpt 10 .~(' ! a lilt]', ,' x('n ·i ~(' . hilt \)1>1'",., ' II'!' li nd het' lI ottl t\l'e lllil\lItC ~ "II, ' f:l,",'~ :l ILl1 hn 1HL~ :llId reel wen ' !111lllhl'.\ lI"itll ,·,,1,1 nlill lI"e Ilnli 1<. !!() l,n <: k 110 the ~mnke 111111 i\nrkw'"~ .

",\T" hn,l .::11 rill' 11m lIi~IIt~ :\11.\ 111"" <1n.I'~ wit h "nlltill;! In ,J" 1\1111 11nthill!! I." 1" '1" 1. nil,] hnd n'! ('1"ClI 111'('11 n\,I~ I" In,ok ful'lI':lI'Il 10 th,. nc~t 111l':I!. hel":ll1l't' I'"" 01111' ntp n fell' ~ Iir c~ of )\",,! hlilly I,,'cf :llId ~ nll~n!!"

1'hl) ./lllsln,/im' 8 ;"i :rt"'" 1100k., 71

i ll iee :I .\ny- in fnt'! it h:u! 1,eg. \lI1 1,) ,.:'1'/ ",) ll10nntCI)\()1I 5 thn t The 111"0 dl lYS seeJII !:,l )!lure Iii" , til"" \\'e,'k~, WI"'II ou ilie \\,,'dll~ ~(lny tllol'lIing' 1111' \\'I':l1l1er, t h"l1;.:'h h,.llt'r, I\'U~ ,~lill I(," h:1I1 to i-!," "", we .Ie"i de,) to 1,',\' :llIri gilt )"u,k tn rltc hute! 10.\' IlIl' Wll.\' whi..]1 ]) ". LHidley nlld ~Il' .

Heid had b"I'n tlic l \l,,, ,' ioll ~ week, he ": ' It ~e el"l'lI i t" tile 1I'(,nthl'l' "]"III""d wc 11:111 1Iot HlIl1i"ie.tlt fu"d len. fnl" the Iril" II :JI' i,, !! IIlnol,' lip our Inimlg tn IIlIlke for hOll" ' , WI] g"nthCl'p,l t,ng-dhc)' ~It Ihe l'cllL nillill ).!' !'""d , p u1 II fell' !<lllt "ngc~ ill 0 11 1' rltl,kerF, ill en~c we In~1 (Ji ll' II'Hy :!Ilil ,"",iI(ln't gd Iu the !Jo!e! thnt night, IIl1d lIln d (~ .1 prelt." i!ood me:d "If l ll(! hal:llIN~, 1)1'. 1.nid ll'.1' nlill ,\h '. H,.id 1I11t! left n ,'Ollg'it 1I1ll]) 01' tl", tr,":1;

Dr. '-:c hli nk. Dr, gric Fi~hcr. Dr, Len nux T<:ccc , and ~!r . Arnold )f otilrlcil with a week'~ growth of l)C:Ir,J , 011 the m ow Iille on the

way back from Tin !!ut ,

i ll the hut .111/1, nftc l' ,'XIllllilli,,!! lid" "111'('1'11 \.1' , 1I't' l{Ort t)1(' hnt ,oI' ''nt. ,I t) lun.

Wc proeecde(1 11011'11 til" ,l<"illl1'" Ili,'(']" V:,j ll',I' f0l' "CO III Il wily I1ntil 11'(' !,!'IIl ],\' IIlII' Ihe ~nnll' iiIII', :lI,d tllen "lIl"1' ,l'il l(! o nl" ~kis 11',' 'et nll t to fill,] th,' ~hnd n It. 10 I h ~ Snow.\, !-1i l'('r, whi .. h ~('(>o]'(lilli-!,' !ol th£' mnp ~linilid 11111e 'b]'on;:IIt u~ "ul ~(ltll clI'hcn' ll!::ll ' 1,, 1:11111 Bend. Afic]' ~omc ~ I i~), t dill'('I"'III'C nl' opilt i() 11 :h to ll le ('11I"1'(,,'t I'"u ll' , we lI'er" fod'lllnic (' lIo lI!,!h to Iin,l I\('id'~ lin!, :01111 IlI'l'l] we I,-,'n' "l,lp In ,1c!'''''it UI II' .,l,is ill 1'''"11'1I1"111i,'o ~.I r('I .I · . 1'1'''"1 hen' WI' m:td,' ;1 l', '!!~itioll s d ('~,' ('n t .-,1'1'1'

72 '1''' 1' , I ",./nrliI'Jj S ki I'cor Book.

rr:L.\\"D HEND. WH ERE \\'I~ C R O ~:'ED ON OUR Rln'L'RN JlRQ:\1 TlX HUT.

\ 'C" '." 1'f11l;;h rountry 10 1111' ~UOII~' Hil·,· r . 1!l!'('lin;: Ihc SUOlI.I' III n spot II'lii,'h II" d Olll .. ' I""k 10 I". l;;bl1ll 11"1\'\, .!will!!" I" tlw fill"! Ilwl tlll' rc \\'II~ 1111 i ~ !;1I1!1 11H'J"t·. .\ " II mull"I' (1[' fa"! 11'<' WI','C' wnfll!!. hilt. it look-·Il :I~ !!OO,) ;I ~P()I H" :<I1.n\·II"·I',· l'I~,' til "I'''~ ~ (tll'·.1" nil ]"u];"11 l"pllllI.\' lIn­pl(';I ~ lllItl so \\'1' 1'1",",,,,,.1,,,1 I" t :o];1' "fT t' I'''l",l"thill )! h .. ·lnw tl,,· 1I'llisl, i\utl II' illg' "III' 1.",,1.; 1"01111.1 "III' 111""];", :on,1 Pllllill:':' "III' Iroll ';!!I"" ill lOlli' ,·u];­~;I<'~ II( ' \1':111,·,1 illin Ow t·il"'I·. '1'11('1"1' i';II'! 11,1\1,1, '0 '~;',I' ;11101l! Ih(' /' I'(J~S­ill)! I'~n'pt that IIII' "il('r II":' .~ nlmllj t<1'i('" a.; ,01,1 alHl twi",· Il ~ wi de :I III1 1I1i,·.· a." ,h'el' II ~ il lu"kC',1 f l~lIll Ill<' IllLu!., lIud tlH' ,;1' '':11111 nlll ,,0 r:l ~1 thut it wn,.. quit(. h"nl I.) ,..j;lIlt l III" .\"llln l1 .I' . 1111' Til'" ,· wn.!1 111,"'111 ::Ii) I" lU ~' lIr, l, II iol.·, :111.1 it \1'''" .11'''''1.1' "I' I .. 0111' 1·.lI i ~l i ill tho dl'{'I,,·,.,t 1':11'1. II !""k "Imlll 10 lIli)]III"~ I" "I~' ';~ . 10111 11"':llI III"1·il·,·,1 at The "I Ii!'1' "i .1" witlwnl IlIi ~ hl l l' . 1111 01 iT wlI~II'i lOll;: h('f" ,'" 1"41 1111(1 II I' II':.!" tll'l' ).!", ,i II!!.

,\ .; ~"OIl :I~ \\'1' W"I',' ,11'.\' :mol ,I' al"lll II" 111,' II", "l'~1 .. I' "II,' food , :wi! 1":ni,,\! till' ~IIOII'Y :"II 11110\1\ :!.Cl(J w.' "0"11 r""n.! till' Irwin tntt-k 1',.0111 r ~ lmlll H,'n,1 to tI,,· hotel. Tlw n'.~1 (It' IIw !!"in.!! II''''' 1,I ain ~:lil­

ill;(. :I IH' III·.\" !,1I1 III1j1py Imll.1 "j" un.;h:lI·,·11 lnukiu.!! I'n tli :lIl ~ H,'­l'il·('.1 "I the hOI ('I nl nhnn\.. -1 0'..]0,,1; 1111,1 til" h;ll' ,,1.'1111 1!j ~"'-'H1 ']s


Kosciusko Weather In 1927.

TIl!' f .,II"I,i,,\[ l,nr/i"lIl al'S of tl ,c wen!hel' :I t the Iloll'1 K oscinsk" ,11II·in'.! till ' will t('I' llI .. ntll ~ " j' III"! y('ar hn,'c I}CI'II ~"lIIpik'{l (0)' the "y,.,..- lI"ok " hI \I I', ~p('eL


On ,tllI 1(' iilh ~II "\I' "Olllllh'II,'pd to fall in ~IIIJl lI 'I1I:l 1IIiti c~ , nil'] "'l llki "111 ~ ""\\ f",' ~llnli' "1'0" 1" \1'11 ':; 0I 1:lil:111Ic 1I1"1I11(1 the )!(lle] fo ,' 1111' (·IIIII". rl'll 1':11'1.", whi,,)' IInill''] " tI Ihat ,1:dl' 1' .... ,. til" Kin!!,s Birth­,1a.I' 1\'('"k .,·",1. '1"'11 .lay,.. ,' I:lI'~I'/1 11I·lln ..... n thl' I1r,;1 "1111 .. ,~·O]l(] [1111'1 "" .l(ln.· Hitll . .\ .. Ii!!"ht filII 11'11 .. ... ·.·of/I , ·d 011 II", 1!lth. tml 011 the .!Ulh ,111111' a :.:"".1 fall of ,,1~,"t 7 til 8 itldws """\11"''] ~' lo.1 I>nOll' for I':l l'ti(·~ "f ~"h,',,1 "lIil,I"(>1I IIl1i"h lI • .,.il',·,] " 11 J flth .JUl\!' '1'01:11 ;;: nO\l"­fa ll. II):::! I' ll illt ~ .


,Jul.,' :!lId '·l·",,)"(le,1 ;, ~ I ig-hl fHII or ~now. On ,1111.1' :"',1 a f:lll .,f "I M,"1 ~ ill(·I", ~ 11",1 " fllrlhl'l' f,, 11 th(' nl'xt clllY ot' "h.lll i ...j ind u·;., fl~·~ III·n i n\!" up Iii,' iIl -trCIlI<,d s l1 ,f:wl' of Ih<' ~1I0W, Oil tI ll' I'th. 71h, "th ,11101 ~ llh ~ rw\\" rell ill l'a"lw4, ;m,1 u h"autiful while hl ll1)kct /.."1 ... ~lt·,l tlw Alpi,1I' ('luI, U]l"'" al"l'il':!1. "'udh,·)· SUOII" Cell 011 Iii ,' l~th :111'] 1 1110, l il th IIlId I tlili. :\1 1< 1 Illl o tlu:l' g-o,,,l r:lll 011 tli" 2,1111 nt' July, Rel'IIl'­ill'.! i,), ·,,1 "rt l\,]ililO) l ~ r~'r II,,· J\ lpilll' CIIII) Cllt"Ilil"lIl. 'I'oln l ~l1oll'f"H , .... ,O T pnit1t ~ .

Au gust.

Thi~ 1Il""lh WIl!-l :I n~·ol",l IIIl1nlh rOl' !-I II.)I,', a tOI:d of !)uO points 11,,\ in~ 1"' l'l1 1'I."'OI',I('rl (th is m"lIn~ !) iu('111'~ in 1"0lnll11' o f Wfl(cr ) ,In Ilp l'nl.\'i:nrll" lhi,'k!!<, ,,-~ of 5,] i",'I,,· .. or ~n()\\' fo)" thllt 111011111. The jl( l l~ 11"1'1',· 1\,,11 ~ J\r,,",1 1111,1 I'I·ol"idl·, 1 " .\'I"(·II ,·,,! st\nw fot· 111(' Ski Clnll "r An>:/l"IIli:t. 'I'll ,' ~ l il1i" ll ~ ('111 \', ("i l" il -"'·I'\·i,·,· ('I lib 1111,1 1~ .. ,\ .t '.A . Club 1I1 ( ' "11,('I'~,


'I'll',) f:l1t ~ ,III Ih(' (jlh nn" OIl! 8(']lll'lIIhl'l" I'I"<"II"irll',1 /..'11",,1 " port for ,.]"",1 ..Ilild !"!· 11 11"'11 ill I'!'~idl"wf'. '1'111'1'1' W('I"{' 011wr f:lll ~ 01) Ih<' Hlt!J

1111<1 171li. hilt 1t) \\""1',1 ~ the ('tid 01' Illt· 1II0nth 1"I\i" 1"'('l"lIi IN1. nru] ~001l

''' '1 "1',1 !l,,' ~ II" II" I" t\i ~n l'I"':1r f,'" ,,, III'PIII Ihe link!.
