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Our Mission Statement: To GATHER as God’s family, To GROW in Grace, To GO in Faith, Love & Service

THE TIDINGS: A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of Beaver Valley November 2016

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“God’s Gift of Time” Stewardship Meetings:

Sunday Nov, 6th at 2:00 pm Tuesday Nov, 8th at 6:45 pm

Wednesday Nov, 9th at 6:45 pm

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“God’s Gift of Time” Two beautiful bible readings—one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament—help set the table for this year’s stewardship meetings. Please give your attention to the Stewardship Board’s article in this month’s Tidings

regarding the three opportunities you have to attend a gathering of our members where we will ponder the sacredness of time itself.

My mind is already working on the devotional lead into our early November time together. I am thankful for God’s voice present to us in the book of Ecclesiastes:

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;

a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 a time to seek, and a time to lose;

a time to keep, and a time to throw away; 7 a time to tear, and a time to sew;

a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 a time to love, and a time to hate;

a time for war, and a time for peace.

When I read the complex words from this section of wisdom literature, I am reminded that every day of life has built into it a purpose. To regard every hour of every day as a gift from God that is to be used in service to season or person or moment is important. Time, precious time, allows us to do things. What season of life are you in? How are you using your abilities to be alive in this ever-changing world?

In the New Testament, Jesus encourages us to not try to live too big…to discover that today, this day is perfeclty enough. As Jesus speaks to his first disciples he speaks to us:

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will

drink,[a] or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body

more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather

into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than

they?27 And can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life?[b] 28 And

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why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they

neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like

one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and

tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you—you of little

faith? 31 Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or

‘What will we wear?’ 32 For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; and indeed

your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But strive first for the

kingdom of God[c] and his[d]righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as

well. 34 “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s

trouble is enough for today.

Jesus wants us to see that time is our friend. As God promises to care for us (as surely as God cares for the birds of the air) we are freed to live in this day. This day, with its own share of trouble, is the amount of time that is right for us. When we live in this day, and let tomorrow carry its own load at its appointed time, we will live most fully as people of faith. So, if this were your last day to live, what would you do with it? What would happen to our world if we all lived each day as if it were our last?

The Word promises that time itself is a gift from God to us. How we use our time becomes, then, an expression of how much we have placed our trust in Him.


Pastor Greg Johnson


I look forward to seeing the households of our active congregation on either November 6th (2:00 p.m.), November 8th or 9th at 6:45 p.m. Please let the church office know whether or not you will be attending a stewardship workshop. And, if you are able to attend, we would ask that you let us know which one of the workshops will fit your schedule.

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November, Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. & 5:45 p.m. - Yoga classes – Yoga meets two different times on Tuesday evenings with Beaver Valley’s own Gingi Hanson. Through meditation, stretching and breathing techniques you will be led to a sense of peace and well-being. All are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Gingi at 582-6448.

November, Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. - Parent and Me “Sing and Sprout” Music Class For those who don’t know, this Christian based class helps children “move and groove, shake and shimmy and learn about God through music.” Each week students will get to play with a new musical instrument and learn memory Bible Verses, along with other new and traditional songs. Sing n' Sprout, which will be on Tuesday evenings at Beaver Valley, is for children 6 months to five years in age. The cost of the class is $40 for first child and $35 for any additional children. For more information please call or text Sara at 605-951-6171 or E-mail at [email protected]. We look forward to spending time with you and our little sprouts!

November 1st, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Adult Bible Study – “Psalms” Just come with your bible. Coffee/Tea will be on. These Tuesday evening bible studies will help us learn better how to “pray the psalms” as we meet up to Christmas. Even if you haven’t made a study yet, you are welcome to jump right in!

November 2nd, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. – Adult Choir We would love to add another voice or two to the BV Adult Choir! Please sign up on the bulletin board in the church’s main hallway as we again this fall come together to offer our voices in worship. Director Shelly Berg and accompanist Gingi Hanson are getting the choir ready for the December 11th Christmas Cantata performance.

November 2nd, Wednesday, 6:45 p.m. – Confirmation As we make plans for the expansion of the back office area—which will become a new ministry room and home for our Confirmation Class—our 6th-8th graders will meet in the church kitchen. This year’s theme: becoming “Imitators of Christ”—Learning to Live and Love the Servant Life. The kids will take their Holy Communion quiz on this night.

November 3rd, Thursday, 7:00 p.m. - Council Meeting The church council will meet to conduct monthly business one week early this month. Members of Beaver Valley are always welcome to sit in on these meetings. Any business or concerns that you would like to present to the council should be made known to church council president, Georgia Backer at any time.

November 5th, Saturday, 6:41 p.m. – Sr. High Game Night at Church This is a great chance to get together for lots of fun and food and an end of the day Word together. Questions? Feel free to contact Senior High youth advisor, Derek Hanson ([email protected])

November 6th, Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – First Communion (5th graders) and Angel Choir Sing – Our fifth graders (and any child of that age or older who has not taken Holy Communion yet) will be prepared to receive their first communion on this All Saints Sunday.

--November Highlights--

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November 6th, 8th, & 9th, Sunday 2:00 p.m., Tuesday 6:45 p.m., & Wednesday 6:45 p.m. – Stewardship Meetings - On this Sunday afternoon, the first of three large group stewardship meetings will take place. Also on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week there will be 6:45 p.m. meetings held. We will talk about something more precious than gold—we will talk about God’s gift of TIME. Please let the church office know of your intention to attend or not.

November 9th, Wednesday 6:00 p.m. – Education meets Our Christian education volunteers get down to work and Sunday School and Christmas programs happen! Are you an adult willing to help with the teaching of our youth? If so, please contact Georgia Backer at 370-4035 and she can visit with you about ways to serve!

November 10th, Thursday, 7:00 p.m.—New member class begins! We again invite those who have been visiting our congregation to consider joining our membership. Letters have been sent to those who have indicated an interest in learning more about Beaver Valley. Please help spread the word! Pas tor Greg will make one-on-one visits with each household interested in membership.

November 12th, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. -Small Group Book Club meets in Garretson Join us for a fun hour at Annie’s Coffee Shop in Garretson. It is very informal and we meet monthly at 9 am on the second Saturday of the month. Come suggest your favorite books and bring your friends. (Don’t’ have to read a book to attend.) We look forward to seeing you there.

November 17th, Thursday, 7:00 p.m.—New members and their sponsors meet The word will go out as to how many households joining our congregation will need to have current members step forward as sponsors. It’s an easy piece of work! Let the church office know if you are interested in helping welcome others into our growing ministry.

November 18th, Friday, 6:41 p.m. – Sr. High Game Night at Church Yep! More fun! Invite a friend.

November 19th, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - Art Gathering- Bring your supplies and join other art enthusiasts on the 3rd Sat. morning of each month in the Fellowship Hall at 9am. This is a great time for those who enjoy doing artwork-watercolor painting, acrylics, drawing etc. – to gather to work on their projects and to learn from and inspire one another. Questions - call Sylvia Benson, 582-6795.

November 20th, Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – New Member’s Received On this Christ the King Sunday, one of the meaningful parts of the service will be again to pause and pray over those who are joining our congregation through transfer of membership. Please let the church office know if you are interested in attending November new member sessions: November 10th and 17th.

November 20th, Sunday, 10:45 a.m. – Stewardship In-Gathering Many of us will have had several weeks to ponder the spiritual truths that were talked about at the “God’s Gift of Time” workshops earlier in November. This will be the day when we drop our time and talents worksheets into the basket and say a prayer over our coming year of work together.

November 22nd, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Adult Bible Study – “Psalms” On this night we will “pray our hate” so that we may truly be a thankful people!

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November 22nd, Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. – Discuss the book “Benedictions” Those who ordered and have been reading this book by Julie Aageson are invited to end the day with a short sharing of responses to this book.

November 23, pre-Thanksgiving Wednesday schedule There will not be confirmation nor Adult Choir as many folks are involved in preparing/traveling for Thanksgiving festivities.

November 24, THANKSGIVING DAY! The Church office is closed in observance of Thanksgiving.

November 26th, Saturday, 8:00 a.m.—Men’s Breakfast Men! We meet again on the last Saturday of the month.

November 26th, Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Advent Decorating- With the help of many volunteers (maybe you?!) the altar guild transforms the sanctuary into a place ready and waiting for Christmas to come.






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Order Your Copy for use throughout 2017!

One of the great gifts Martin

Luther gave to western Christianity was his translation of the bible into the language of the common man and woman.

He argued that God spoke to everyone and (not just preachers and academics) whenever the bible was read.

In the spirit of the observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I ask that every Beaver Valley household consider ordering a copy of the book, Meet the Bible. We will order the book in early December and get them out to everyone so that we can begin in early January to read great portions of the bible together throughout the Reformaiton500 year.

The cost of the book is $20. We will often meet to keep each other on pace and encouraged. We will use portions of this book for outdoor worship devotions this summer, etc.

(Tear off below to reserve your copy of this book) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I would like to reserve a copy of the book

“ Meet the Bible”

Name ____________________________________________

______ payment enclosed ______will pay later

You can return your order slip to the church office no later than December 11th.

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Christmas Program practices every Sunday in November & December!

We are blessed with many volunteers this year, who share their faith and abilities with the children:

Darcie Johnson: Three year olds – Pre-K PJ Hansel and Corey Maunu: Kindergarten - 1st grade Brittany Gerovac and Sara Kiefer: 2nd – 3rd grade Erin Olesen and Randy Berghorst: 4th – 5th grade Julie Wright: 6th – 8th grade April Prohl: Music Leader Gingi Hanson and Linda Dawley: Accompanists

Sunday School Schedule for 2016-2017:

This year, we are excited to add a youth ministry program to our existing Sunday School program. Julie Wright is our volunteer middle school youth leader. This group meets on Sunday mornings at 10:45 am, in the youth ministry room. (Formerly the youth pastor office, located just down the hall from the Pastor’s office). The Sunday School kids have just wrapped up Old Testament stories on Daniel in the Lions’ Den and David and Goliath. With the Christmas season, fast approaching, we look forward to celebrating Jesus Birth, sharing the story of Christmas and starting practice for our Christmas program. The next few weeks we will be assigning speaking, bell choir and nativity scene parts for the Christmas Program. Important Dates for Fall/Winter:

November 6th First Communion for 5th graders & Angel Choir sings Sunday School: Choir in Sanctuary – Early Dismissal December 11th Christmas Program Practice December 14th Christmas Program Practice 6:30pm-7:30pm

December 18th Christmas Program & Sing at Bethany Meadows Want to stay connected? We communicate updates through texts and emails for parents who have provided their contact information. You can also check for updates on our Facebook page and the Church web site:

3 year olds – 1st grade 10:35a – 10:50a Angel Choir in Sanctuary 10:50a – 11:25a Snack/classroom

2nd grade – 5th grade 10:35a – 11:10a Snack/classroom 11:10a – 11:25a Jr. Choir in the Sanctuary

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Here are important dates and events for 6th-8th graders in the month of November:

Wednesday night, November 2—Small Catechism quiz on Holy Communion

Wednesday night, November 9— Youth and their families attend together the congregational stewardship workshop; “God’s Gift of Time.”

Wednesday night, November 16—The second “Wednesday Night at the Kitchen Table” parent and student assignment: “How can our home imitate Christ this coming Advent season?”

Wednesday, November 23—NO CLASS (Happy Thanksgiving everyone!)

SUNDAYS - Every Sunday at 10:45 a.m., the Middle School Youth Group meets in the new ministry room!

Here a couple of points for Senor High youth group in the month of November:

Saturday, November 5th, 6:41 p.m. – Sr. High game night at the church. Bring a friend!

Friday, November 18th, 6:41 p.m. – Sr. High game night at the

church. Bring a friend!

SUNDAYS – Sr. High meet every Sunday at 10:45 a.m., for bible study in the youth room located downstairs.

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Looking Back

2nd Annual “Cow-pie” Classic – October 8th, 2016 “Cow-Pie” Golfers “Officials” Ken Olson & Kasey Johnson Eric Roberts & Kevin Backer

The winner…. Pastor Greg!

Our hosts, Rick Bonander and Tammy Ford

WELCA’s 3rd Annual, “Grace our Tables” October 9th, 2016

Mary Carrell & Shiloh Oorlog JoAnn Keyser’s, “Thanksgiving” theme Author, Sara Whitley chosen “Favorite Table Decorated”!

Erica Kellenberger

Judy Richards Beth Flier Georgia Backer

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God’s Gift of Time When was the last time you took time to contemplate about your life and wondered if you have used your time wisely? What if today was your last day? What would you do? Would you have lived your life differently, made different choices?

Our Stewardship meetings are about sharing your time and how we can think about making changes to have time to serve Christ.

Please set aside time to come to one of three “God’s Gift of Time” workshops:

Sunday, November 6th, 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 8th, 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, November 9th, 6:45 p.m.

Stewardship is not only about financial giving but also giving some of our time. Beaver Valley needs your time and talent to further our mission. If you attended our Stewardship meeting about God’s Gift of Time you received a Time & Talent form. There are many ways to serve with some activities taking only a few hours.

Please prayerfully consider how you can give a portion of your time back to Christ.

Please bring your completed Time & Talent form on Sunday, November 20, 2016.

Thursday, November 10th 7:00 p.m.

New Member Classes begin! There are a growing number of guests of Beaver Valley that have indicated an interest in learning more about our congregation as they consider becoming members. What a blessing!

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--Consecration Sunday Commitments—

Last year at this time, our Beaver Valley membership was again pausing to pray over the daily work of our congregation. We challenged one another to trust in God’s eager willingness to provide—freeing us to “step up” together in the weekly, financial support of our ministry. A significant number of BV households were able to increase their offerings to our general fund and the ministry of our church has indeed grown! Thanks be to God!

As we enter our last quarter of 2016 (Oct, Nov. Dec.), church leadership is busy with:

making sure our pledged giving outside of our own church building is being honored, and

putting together a 2017 mission plan (annual meeting budget to be approved in January of 2017).

Our combined giving over the last twelve weeks of the year not only drives our funding of gifts to the work of the Lutheran church here in South Dakota and around the world, but also helps us know how bold we can be as we grow our local ministry into the years ahead. THANK YOU to all who pray over their talents, time and treasures!

January 13th- 15th (Friday – Sunday)

WOMEN of every age, invite your friends, daughters and join the women of BVLC for a fun weekend get a way to Joy Ranch!!! This is the 3rd annual retreat and a good time is always had. Ask any of the women who have attended previous years. There are many things you can do, enjoy conversation with other women, knit, read, quilt and a possible cooking class!!!!

Rooms include two queen beds and bathroom, and are decorated in the “Old West” theme. And there is also a large room for gatherings, with a fireplace and comfy furniture.

The dates are January 13th – 15th. You have the option of going Thursday evening if you’d like. Deposit of $50.00 required.

For more information contact Twyla Voldseth @ 595-4772.

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The Beaver Valley alive! campaign is off and running and visible as we turn the corner to the end of 2016. Thanks to the generous, second-mile gifting of Beaver Valley members and friends, funding ($55,993.27 to date),for all of project #1 and an increasing portion of project #2 expenses (refreshing of the 1967 addition) has been received! Thanks be to God!

Here are some simple updates:

Project #1: Revitalize and preserve the 1922 addition of the Church (* indicates work already finished)

Remaining balance for new steel shingled roof on the sanctuary $15,000* Replace existing electrical outdoors (steeple lighting, etc.) 4,000* Add more lighting in the front of sanctuary 1,000 Get new sound equipment for worship leaders 4,000 Refinish exterior of front doors 1,000* Refinish “tops” of pews 300*

The final pieces of work that are part of the Project #1 budget are in the works. We wait for busy sub-contractors who will give advice and provide services to complete the lighting upgrade (especially to enhance the “performance area” around the steps in the front of the sanctuary) and to upgrade key components of the sound system. The good news is that Project #1 expenses will come in several thousand dollars under the campaign estimate of $30,000. This will help us fund needed improvements associated with Project #2.

Project #2: Restore and remodel the 1967 addition to the Church. We wait on many bids at this point. The bullet points below and estimates of cost are “rough” at this time. But it is important to share the scope of the project with members:

Replace doors and windows on west side of the church. $28,000 Replace two metal doors on south side of church 3,000* Remove wall between back office and old youth director’s

Office to make a new ministry room: (new ceiling, carpet, paint, Lights) 6,000

Refurbish central office: (refresh or replace cabinets/ new lights, build new work counter, paint) 8,000

New main hallway “touches:” ( new, cloth covered bulletin boards, 4,000 Digital bulletin board, paint.)

* Indicates work finished and paid for by campaign gifting.

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Beaver Valley Lutheran Church is sponsoring a winter clothing drive for Center of

Hope. Donations will be collected from Tuesday, November 1st – Sunday,

November 20th. A receptacle will be down on the lower level for those that would like

to donate.

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CHURCH COUNCIL October 6, 2016

Attendees: Todd Dawley (2nd Term-2019) Denny Schuette (1st Term-2019) Kevin Petterson (1st Term-2019) Kathy Reisenweber (1st Term 2019)

Gary Parker (1st Term-2018) Georgia Backer (2nd Term-2018) Scott Rust (1st Term-2018) Dan Feeken (1st Term-2018) Janet Andersen (1st Term-2017) Larry Johnson (2nd Term-2017) Doris Phillips (1st Term-2017) Brian Roberts (1st Term-2017) Pastor Greg Johnson Emily Roberts

Call to Order: President Georgia Backer

Devotions and Treat: Kevin Petterson Absent: Todd Dawley, Denny Schuette, Gary Parker, Scott Rust, Emily Roberts

Shetek Lutheran Ministries Presentation Marv Nysetvold, Executive Director, talked about their programs, facilities and strategic planning that is underway.

Approval of prior meeting minutes: MMSC: Motion to approve September Minutes was made by Greg and seconded by Larry. Motion carried.

Approval of Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Doris Phillips. MMSC: Motion to approve the September Treasurers report made by Kevin and seconded by Janet. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report is available for viewing in the Church Office.

Old Business: Lutheran Outdoors – Quilt Auction. Pastor Greg shared this event would be held at Our Savior’s

Lutheran Church, Sunday, October 16, 2016. Benefit for Lutheran Outdoors. God’s Work Our Hands” – Sat, October 1, 2016, Church on the Street

New Business: Writing of the Tidings. Encourage members to submit articles and/or items. Publication would be better

if more voices involved. Move November Church Council meeting to November 3rd in advance of Stewardship meetings starting

week of November 6th. Advent Trees

- St. Dysmas $1,000 goal - Church on the Street $1,000 goal – Rebel Hurd to team preach with Pastor Greg on Dec 4, 2016 - Angel Tree $1,000 goal

Doris reviewed benefit comparison sheet for 2017. Recommendation made to stay with current “Gold” plan.


Cemetery Committee: Council Assignment, Denny Schuette - No report.

Church in Society: Council Assignment, Kathy Reisenweber Committee met and will serve for Pastor Appreciation Day on Sunday, Oct. 16th. Goodie Boxes being prepared to be sent for 12 students.

Education and Youth Ministry: Council Assignment, Georgia Backer For Bible Sunday, Oct. 2nd, 20 bibles were given out to our Pre-K, 3rd graders, and Confirmation youth.

Evangelism and Outreach: Council Assignment, Janet Andersen Committee met on Oct. 2nd, starting plans for pictorial directory. Contact Synod office for help with online directories. Post announcement in Dec. Tidings – start pictures in Jan. 2017. Everyone will have access to finished directory, whether online or hard copy.

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Media: Council Assignment, Larry Johnson - Amy Johnson continues ongoing training. Personnel: Council Assignment, Dan Feeken Annual reviews will commence and be completed by Jan. 1, 2017. Property: Council Assignment, Denny Schuette, Gary Parker and Todd Dawley New metal doors on south side where placed on Oct. 6th. Roof leaks now fixed. And trees/grove cleaned up on property. Stewardship: Council Assignment, Doris Phillips Stewardship meetings set for Sun. Nov. 6th, Tues. Nov. 8th, and Wed. Nov. 9th. Start Oct. 16th to put lists together and compile reservations for meetings. Worship & Music: Council Assignment - Continues to meet monthly. Beaver Valley Alive: Council Assignment, Steering Committee (Janet Andersen, Larry Johnson, Kevin Petterson) Project 1- Roof and pews are done. Window sills, alter lighting and sound equipment still to do. Projects 2 and 3 - no updates. Beaver Valley Churchmen: Council Assignment, Larry Johnson Last meeting worked on cleaning up trees on property. Next meeting scheduled for Oct. 29th, at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast. Cow-pie Classic Golf will be held Sat. Oct 8th at 11:00 a.m. at Rick Bonander and Tammy Ford farm. Beaver Valley Women: Council Assignment, Brian Roberts The 3rd Annual WELCA, “Grace our Tables”, event will be held Sunday, Oct 9th. Next meeting scheduled for Sunday, December 11th. Pastor Greg’s Report:

“Church on the Street” report – 26 members helped serve, Saturday Oct 1st. Pastoral programming/Pulpit supply - $1800. Ask council to consider adding a couple hundred dollars to

2017 budget. Stewardship video – “God’s Gift of Time”. Video clips being compiled, looking for someone to help

edit a finished product. Bible study report – Started off to a good start this past week, studying “Psalms” Confirmation/Sr. High report New member report

MMSC: Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kathy and seconded by Doris. Motion carried.

The residents and staff of Palisade Manor want to thank the ladies of BVLC for the many lap robes you have made over the years. We have used them to keep warm by many of us. And a special thank you to Verna Bendt for all the hours she has spent putting the finishing touches on them. Thank you all so much. -Palisade Residents & Staff

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

3:00p ELCA Pastors Text Study 4:00p Yoga 5:45p Yoga 6:30p Parent & Me Music Class 7:00p Bible Study


6:45p Confirmation

7:00p Adult Choir


7:00p Church Council



10:30a ACOA meets

6:41p Sr. High Game Night at Church


9:30a Worship w/Holy Communion – First Communion – Angel Choir Sings 10:35a Sunday School 10:45a Middle School Youth meet 10:45a Sr. High Bible Study 10:45a Evangelism meets 2:00p “God’s Gift of Time” 4:00p Boyscouts 5:00p Fellowship Hall Reserved



3:00p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga 5:45p Yoga

6:30p Parent & Me

6:45p “God’s Gift of Time”

7:00p Bible Study


6:00p Education meets

6:45p Confirmation

6:45p “God’s Gift of Time”

7:00p Adult Choir

10 7:00p New Member Class


12 9:00a Small Book-Club in Garretson

10:30 ACOA meets

13 9:30a Worship 10:35a Sunday School 10:45a Middle School Youth meet 10:45a Sr. High Bible Study 4:00p Pastor @ Bethany Meadows Chapel 4:00p Boyscouts

14 9:00a Quilters meet


3:00p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga 5:45p Yoga

6:30p Parent & Me

7:00p Bible Study

16 6:45p Confirmation

7:00p Adult Choir

8:00p Worship & Music meets

17 7:00p New Members Class

18 6:41p Sr. High Game Night at Church

19 9:00a Art Gathering

10:30a ACOA meets

20 9:30a Worship w/Holy Communion – Adult Choir Sings- New Member’s Received 10:35a Sunday School 10:45a Middle School Youth meet 10:45a Sr. High Bible Study 10:45a Stewardship In-Gathering 2:30p Pastor @ Palisades Manor 4:00p Boyscouts



3:00p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga 5:45p Yoga

6:30p Parent & Me

7:00p Bible Study

8:00p “Benedictions”

23 No Confirmation or Adult Choir



26 8:00a Men’s Breakfast

9:00a Advent Decorating

10:30a ACOA meets


1st Day of Advent

9:30a Worship

10:35a No Sunday School

10:45a No Middle School or Sr. High Youth groups

4:00p Boyscouts



3:00p ELCA Pastors Text Study

4:00p Yoga 5:45p Yoga

6:30p Parent & Me

7:00p Bible Study

30 6:45p Confirmation

7:00p Adult Choir

November 2016

Page 18: THE TIDINGS: A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of ......Nov 03, 2016  · A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of Beaver Valley November 2016 [Type a quote from the document

Worship Leaders 2016

Note: If you are unable to serve on the date assigned, please find a substitute and notify the church office 582-3504 or myself at 582-6182.

Thank you. Judy Richards

Nov 6th Nov 13th Nov 20th Nov 27th

Greeters Upper:

Bill & Donna Dawley

Dan & Gingi Hanson

Mike & Cheryl Hluchy

Troy Prohl Kathy Reisenweber

Greeters Lower: Lanny & Sylvia Benson

Eileen Jacobson Nancy Johnson

Lowell & Mary Johnson

Winston & Becca Loman

Lectors: Jeff Boucher Dan Feeken Sylvia Benson Gary Parker

Ushers: Gregg & Crystal

Holbrook Don & Becky


Richard & Christy Johnson

Tom & Linda Wingate

Children's Sermon: Tom Wingate Sue Johannsen Mary Lee Winston Loman

Communion Servers: Denis & Janet

Andersen Joel & Beth Flier

Troy & Kathy Dawley

Jim & JoAnn Keyser

Communion Preparers:

Sue Johannsen Sherry Peer

Communion Bread: Judy Richards

Church Bell: Marvin Burkman


Amy Johnson Randy Berghorst

Tricia Steen

Amy Johnson Kevin Backer Tricia Steen

Amy Johnson Corey Maunu Tricia Steen

Amy Johnson Dan Feeken Tricia Steen

Church Flags: Dan & Gingi Hanson

Gary Parker Scott & Sarah

Rust Joel & Beth Flier

Page 19: THE TIDINGS: A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of ......Nov 03, 2016  · A monthly Newsletter for Family & Friends of Beaver Valley November 2016 [Type a quote from the document

Please pray for our Members

on their special day

Ann Beesley 11/5

Aiden Cormack 11/5

Jay Phillips 11/5

Tony Dreyer 11/8

Michael Hluchy 11/8

Margaret Scholten 11/8

Brianne Jacobson 11/9

Robyn Tieszen 11/9

Linda Dawley 11/10

Austin Holz 11/11

Aden Letcher 11/11

Travis Krietlow 11/12

Paul Maxwell 11/12

Joel Flier 11/15

Larry Johnson 11/16

Anita Schnabel 11/16

Carlyn Brazee 11/17

Allen Eide 11/17

David Eekhoff 11/18

Taryn Hanisch 11/18

Troy Prohl 11/18

Abby Clausen 11/19

Gingi Hanson 11/21

Dan Hanson 11/22

Kirby Shroll 11/22

William Thompson 11/22

Julie Wright 11/24

Doug Anderson 11/25

Brandon Berghorst 11/25

Ryan Wingate 11/25

Mike Swenson 11/26

Jacalyn Halvorson 11/28

Meron Yitagesu 11/28

Melissa Cormack 11/29

Phone: (605) 582-3504

26214 484th Avenue Valley Springs, SD 57068

PO Box 128 Brandon, SD 57005

OFFICE EMAIL: [email protected]


[email protected]


WEBSITE CONTRIBUTIONS: [email protected]


Pastor Greg Johnson

[email protected]

Cell 605-940-5875

(Pastor’s cell is his ‘second office’ – feel free to call him with any concerns at

anytime on his cell phone.)

Church office 605-582-3504

Georgia Backer, Council President [email protected]

Church office 605-582-3504 Cell 605-370-4035

Cathy Roberts, Church Office Church office 605-582-3504

Monday-Thursday 8am - 3pm [email protected]

Ruth Tieszen, Organist [email protected]

Shelly Berg, Choir Director [email protected]

Gingi Hanson, Choir Accompanist [email protected]

Janet Andersen, Website Admin. [email protected]
