Page 1: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship at 11:15 …...Worship at 11:15 a.m. All Saints Church 132 N Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172 2 Welcome! “Whoever you are and wherever

NOTE: This liturgy is intended for personal worship purposes only and not for distribution.

Any reproduction of this material for monetary purposes is illegal.


The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship at 11:15 a.m.

All Saints Church

132 N Euclid Ave

Pasadena CA 91101


Page 2: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship at 11:15 …...Worship at 11:15 a.m. All Saints Church 132 N Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172 2 Welcome! “Whoever you are and wherever



“Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself

on the journey of faith there is a place for you here.”

Learn more about All Saints :

Prayer requests can be submitted

by calling 626.583.2707 to leave a message for the Pastoral Care office

or by email to [email protected]

or by texting 910-839-8272 (910-TEXT-ASC)

Each week we put our faith into action:

Sign two petitions to Congress in remembrance of the 75th anniversaries of the

atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The first petition supports legislation that prohibits funds for explosive nuclear weapons testing.

According to recent reports, the Trump Administration considered conducting nuclear explosion tests

with top security officials. Following through on this would upend a decades long moratorium on

explosive nuclear testing that would potentially trigger a global nuclear arms race.

The second petition originates from the Hibakusha, survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki

bombings. It is part of a worldwide petition that calls on our U.S. Federal lawmakers to pledge for

global nuclear disarmament and to work towards the elimination of all nuclear weapons as we fight for

a livable future for all communities around the Earth.

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We Come Together as Beloved Community at All Saints Church as

a sign of what can happen outside our doors. That we can be the

change our world must see. That we can Come Together as a

Beloved Community in Pasadena, the nation and the world.

That the human family can Come Together. Today.

Donate to All Saints:

If you have any questions, contact our Director of Giving, Terry

Knowles at [email protected] or 626.583.2736.

Our Mission Statement:

We are an Episcopal Church, walking with a revolutionary Jesus,

Loving without judgment

Doing justice courageously

Embracing life joyfully

Reverently inviting all faiths and peoples into relationship

For the healing and transformation of ourselves,

our community, and the world.

Our Core Values:

Radical Inclusion Courageous Justice Ethical Stewardship Joyful Spirituality

Four Foundational Goals of All Saints Church

Claim our values, mission and VISION.

Equip our staff to SUPPORT the work and witness of All Saints Church.

Provide space that communicates radical WELCOME for all.

Deepen congregational connections and INSPIRE new leadership.

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Language In Worship: Because language has the power to shape our thinking about one another, All Saints Church makes

every effort to bring the language of worship into conformity with the principles of biblical theology that affirm that the

personhood of God embraces all expressions of gender lovingly and equally. Therefore, in our worship, we take our Bible

readings from an inclusive language lectionary, which is often truer to original sources in references to people, and expands

our concept of God beyond exclusively masculine terms. In Prayer Book liturgies we make minimal but symbolically important

changes which denote our commitment to inclusive expression. Some historical texts that are widely known and loved are

left unaltered. The words of the liturgy are from the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The readings are from the New Revised

Standard Version of the Bible, lectionary year A, as well as from The Message, Enfleshed, The Voice, and from Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament published by Priests for Equality.

WELCOME Mike Kinman

VOLUNTARY Played by Daniel Ramon.

"Badinerie" from Orchestral Suite No.2 in B Minor, BWV 1067 — Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)



We encourage you to use the following prayer for meditation.

O God, the Creator of this beautiful planet and all that dwells in it, we now pause to remember the

souls of those who perished in the atomic bombings and those who suffer from radiation even now,

and join our hearts and voices together to pray for peace everywhere. May the deadly power of

nuclear arsenals never be unleashed again upon your sacred creation. May such weapons of mass and

indiscriminate annihilation be forever banned and eliminated from the face of the earth. Forgive our

silence, O God, and enable your Church to raise its prophetic voices to speak against the madness of

nuclear pursuits anywhere. Renew our commitment to be faithful stewards of your beautiful creation

and vehicles of peace. In the name of Christ, our Prince of Peace. Amen.

—The Rev. Nobu Hanaoka

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HYMN “Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies”

—Words: Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Music: Ratisbon, melody from Geystliche gesangk Buchleyn, 1524

adapt. att. William Henry Havergal (1793–1870)

SALUTATION Susan Russell

Minister: Blessed be God: Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer.

People: And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen.


Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid:

Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly

love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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—Setting: Gloria in excelsis, Peru


Minister: God dwells in you.

People: And also in you.

Minister: Let us pray.

Silence is kept.

Minister: Grant to us, O God, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we,

who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through

Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and

ever. Amen.

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ANTHEM Sung by Youth Chamber Choir, with soloist Madeleine Haddad.

Iraqi Peace Song

Regards to your eye, oh homeland.

A sweet flows liberal and respect. Moreover, how are your hopes, how is the palm tree?

How are the decorations, how are the children?

Peace to the world.

Peace to my country, my love.

Peace to your dreams.

Peace to your children.

Underneath the whispering trees,

where our sons and daughters are free;

in the beauty

we will see through your eyes of peace.

Peace to our heart.

Peace to our homeland.

Peace to the World.

Peace to my country, my love.

—Traditional Iraqi Song: arr. for chorus by Lori Tennenhouse

based on the vocal arr. by Knut Reiersrud (b. 1961)

LESSON Cathy Clement

A Reading from Genesis (37:1–4, 12–28).

This is the story of the family of Jacob. When Joseph was seventeen years old, he used to accompany his siblings, the

children of Bilhah and Zilpah, Jacob’s spouses, as they herded the flocks. Joseph would report on the others to Jacob

while they tended the animals, always presenting them in a negative light. Now Israel doted on the youth, because

he was a child of his old age; he loved Joseph more than the others. And Israel gave Joseph a richly ornamented

robe. When the brothers saw that Israel loved him best, they were jealous and had nothing but words of contempt

for the boy. The brothers had gone to tend the herds at Shechem. Israel said to Joseph, “Your brothers are tending

to the herds at Shechem. I will send you to them.” Joseph replied, “I am ready.” Israel told Joseph to see if things

were going well and to report back to him. So Joseph set off from the valley of Hebron. When he arrived at

Shechem and was wandering in the fields in search of the herds, someone asked, “What are you looking for?” Joseph

answered, “I am looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are tending sheep?” The person said, “They

have moved on. I heard them saying they were going to Dothan.” So Joseph left that place and caught up with the

herd in Dothan. They saw Joseph approaching in the distance, and before he reached them, they plotted to murder

him. They said to one another, “Here comes the dreamer. Now is our chance! Let us kill Joseph and throw his body

in one of these pits. We will say a wild animal devoured him. Then we will see what becomes of Joseph’s dreams!”

Reuben intervened and saved the boy from their hands, saying, “No bloodshed! Throwing him into a pit in the

wilderness is one thing, but let us not lay a hand on him.” Reuben’s intention was to rescue Joseph and return him to

Israel. So when Joseph came upon his brothers, they stripped him of his robe, the ornamented robe he wore, and

picked him up and threw him into a pit. The pit was empty, and there was no water in it. Then they sat down to eat.

As they were eating they noticed an Ishmaelite caravan coming from Gilead, with loads of gum, balm and resin, on its

way down to Egypt. Judah said to the others, “What is to be gained by murdering Joseph and concealing his death?

Why not sell Joseph to these Ishmaelites? He is, after all, our flesh and blood, and in that way his blood will not be on

our hands.” The others agreed. Meanwhile, some Midianite traders passed by, and pulled Joseph out of the pit.

They sold him for eight ounces of silver to the Ishmaelites, who took Joseph with them into Egypt.

Minister: Hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.

People: Thanks be to God.

A period of silence is observed following the reading.

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HYMN “How Firm a Foundation” Everyone sings with soloist.

GOSPEL The Scherer Family

Minister: The Good News of Jesus as written in Matthew (14:22–33).

People: Glory is yours, O Christ.

Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. And

after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there

alone, but by this time the boat, battered by the waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. And

early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea,

they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said,

“Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the

water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. But

when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus

immediately reached out his hand and caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they

got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Minister: The Gospel of the Savior.

People: Praise to you, O Christ.

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HYMN “How Firm a Foundation” Everyone sings with soloist.

—Words: K. in John Rippon’s Selection, 1787, alt.

Music: Foundation, melody from The Sacred Harp, 1844

SERMON Mike Kinman

A period of silence is observed following the sermon.

We invite you to text any prayers or thanksgivings to:

910-839-8272 (910-TEXT-ASC)

PRAYERS Christina Honchell


THANKSGIVINGS: Claudio Araya; Eber Jaques; Frances Santiago; Maria Serrano; Benson Bangao; Alex; Ariel & Sandy; Angel

& Edna; Betty & Anita; Katherine; Margo & Bob; Tiffany; Jane Dana; Sugar & Elijah; Venus; Del; Virginia; for all the surgeons at

UCLA Medical Center; and we celebrate and give thanks for the birth of Levi Atticus Russell, son of Jim and Kelly Russell and

grandson of Lori Kizzia and Susan Russell.

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WE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR: Karen Alexander; Mary Allson; Betty Anderson; Rigoberto Arrechiga; Bettina Joy Ayres; Amelia

Baartman; Holly Bacuzzi; Randall Bartman; Don Bennet; Barbara Benson; Arlene Birdsall; Lily Ava Blair; Andrew Booth; Dean Bradley; Dan

Briles; Mickel Brix; Deana Brunwin; Bella Burbank; Yvett & Valerie Busby; Brenda Camarena; Jeannette Campbell; Brittany Caro; Joshua

Chavarria; Bridget Clark; Eleanor Congdon; Jim Crane; Lisa Crean; Naomi Crocker; Nathaniel Dan Hartog; Dan Davis; Beth DeFiore; John

Dendinger; Dave Dennis; Judy DeTomaso; Sarah Dogbe; Carminnie Doromal; Kathleen Dwyer; Rose Ekhalar; Kay Ellis; Evert Fink; B onny

Fuller-Fells; Mark Gallegos; Tony Garcia; Robin Gatmaitan; Erin Rose Glaser; Tom Glaze; Iliana Gomez; RJ Gonzales; Jane Gooler; Maria

Goulding; Sue Grant; Gene Gregg; Linda Grey; Annalese Grimm; Shiro Kaneko Grun; Gary Hall; Katie Hall; Christina Hamilton; Bi ll Henck;

Michelle Inoh; Linda Islam; Nicolas Jenison; Ken Jones; Steven Kastner; Loren Knell; Hannah Lafler; Jon Lasser; Eric Law; Michael Brave

Lee; Jose Lopez; Lydia Lopez; Xiomara Lopez-Erikson; Scotty & Susie MacFarlane; Denise Magallanes; Barbara Martinez; Kristin

Martinson; Mark Mastromatteo; Michael Mayer; Michel McLaughin; Michael Menchaca; Sarah Merkel; Michael Motta; Cindy Munson;

Monica Orstead; Bob Pantalone; Lucas Paton; Mario Petralia; Sabrina Pinon; Roger Possner; Mary Rea; Karen & Paul Robert; Mela nie

Rockwell; Karen Rosner; Fred Russell; Cam Sanders; Deborah and Karen Schoch; Nick Sedenquist; Robert Settle; Stefanie Shea -Akers;

Claudette Shultice; Karin Smith; Lenard Snyder; Vinny Stasio; Robert Talamantes; Tyler Tamblyn; Jeff Thompson; Rebecca Congdo n

Thompson; Jeremy Tobin; Ruben Varela; Vivian Varela; Amber Marie Verza; Tanya Vickery; Roxane Weaver; Jon Web; Dan Weber;

Dennis Wendling; Lincoln Zick; Alessandro; Andrea; Anthony Michael; Barry; Bell; Bill; Chrystal; Clare; Daniel; Eden; Elliott ; Joe; Joel; Maia;

Margarita; Maximiliano; Megan; Melissa; Montserrat; Ned;Noemi; Oscar; Pam and Becky; Pilar; Randy; Vito; Wayne; The Ashford Family;

The Beling Family; The Christ Family; The Chung Family; The Cobb & Riggs Families; The Fox and Tamblyn Families; The Hayes Fa mily;

The Heslep Family; The Hixon Family; The Kausch and Ogden Families; The Le Blanc Family.


SAINTS COMMUNITY: Richard Adams; Argyle Ernest Alejandria; Abigail Alford; Kenji Alford; Jamal Allen; Jonathan & Jeremy Alvarado;

Clarke Anderson; David Anderson; Peter Andrews; Michael Ardizone; Jay Keith Arnold; Michael Arredondo; Park Ashley; Nathan As hlock;

Matthew Austin; Michael Austin; Charles Ayotte; Andrea Allen Baker; Ryan Ball; Joseph Barraquio; Michael Barraquio; Patrick Barraquio; Richard

Joseph Barrios; Candace Beck; Caleb Anduze Bell; Brian Bilheimer; Tal Bjoraker; Kelvin Bowser; Davey Brooks; Fanstasia C. Buckber; James Bruni;

Michael Bruning; Brett Burtt; Chad Bushay; Michael Cady; Joshua Caldwell; George Cardenas; Joey Carlos; James F. Carter; Reinel Castro;

Rodolfo Cerda; Thomas Chau; Simba Chigwida; Derek Clark; James Cochran; Chuck Colden; Chistina Coogen; Michael Cooksey; Ian C onrad;

Greg Cordova; Jon Cowell; Reid Culton; Jamandre Dancy; Benno deJong; John Dendinger; Philip J. Desy; Robert DeWitt, Jr.; Harry Dibbell; Sam

Dollar; Danny Doughty; Matt Douglas; James Duncan; Peter Dyrod; Sam Edwards; Jason Ehret; Felis Elameto; Peter Erickson; And rew Espitias;

Michael Everett; Michael Fane; Eddie Feefer; Richard Ferguson; Christian Flowers; Jean Vieve Folie; Jeremy Forbes; Scott Foster; David Freeman;

James Freeman; Tom Frye, Jr.; Paul Fuller; Roderick Gaines; Jacob Garcia; Thomas Garcia; Mark Geiger; Joshua Gomez; John Toby Green;

Spencer Greenaway; Malcolm Guidry; Gabrino Gutierrez; Jared Guzman; Nate Hancock; Justin Harper; Allen Harris; Kathy Harris; Janna Herbert;

Noah Hillbruner; David Hoker; Steve Holland; Nick Hooper; Peter Hotwood; Becky Hs ia; David Hubner; Darrin Huggins; David Hunter; Timmy

Ige; Brian Jacklin; Cody Jackson; Michael James; Andrew Jensen; Todd Johnson; Brady Jones; Rene Juarez; Joshua Judson; Tatum Kaneta; Tarek

Roy Kassem; Zvi Katz; Charles Kaufman; Jonas Kelsall; Matthew Kempe; Michael Kennedy; Alex Khalkhali; Mike Kiffel; Eddie Kiper; Nick Klinke;

Gavin Kohnle; Montinez Kornegay; Jack Lazebnik; Francesca Lane; Abel Lara; Monte Lass; Steve Linyard; Amos Livingston; Carlos Lopez; Justin

Lowdermilk; Nicholas D. Lucas; Paul V. Lucas; Adam Christian Lyons; Willie Mace; Patrick Mackey-Mason; Richard Marasigan; Charlotte

Marlowe-Brown; Christopher Martin; Kevin Martin; Joe Maun; Bryan Mayer; India Mays; J.R. McCallam; Joshua McCann; J.R. McMallam; Chri s

McMaster; Edward J McLean; Garrett Melahn; Nicholas Melahn; Robin Lewis Miller; Marvin Monjivar; Brandon Montang; T.J. Moseley; Joe

Mrsich; Eron Munir; Mario Munoz; Misty Munoz; Miles Nash; John Nemedez; Emeka Okai; James Olson; Jose Orantes; Kim Ott; Travi s Andrew

Parker; Alex Perschall; Jason Phipps; Herb Pickelseimer; Galen Pilon; Mike Porras; Sergio Rangel; Brandon Rathbone; Ed Reid; Christopher

Rennemann; Javier Rivera; Eric Robles; Daniel Rodriguez; Brady Rawls Rouse; Brian Rutkowki; Paul Saenz; Abraham Santos; Adam Schertz; Justin

Schwartz; Neil Scott; Daniel Secor; Lyle Shackelford; Jason Sims; Shari Simzyk; Zachary Soule; Jimmy Smith; Chubby Sok; Eddie Sosa; Gregory

Stoup; Michael Sunderman; Ian Sundseth; Michael Tapia; Nicholas Thompson-Lopez; Dante Roman Terronez; Adam Burton Thompson; Philip

Thompson; Humberto Tomas; Stuart Townsend; Michael Uphoff; Marcos Vallejo; Juan Vargas; Jaime Manuel Vargas -Benitez; Doug Vogt; Justin

Wallace; Joshua Walsh; John Kennedy Watkins; Greg Watten; Casey Wildgrube; Nicole Williams; Rick Williamson; Von Wilkins, Jr.; Jake Winslow;

Neil Worthington; James Michael Yates; Kat Yates; Phillip Yeakey; Brenden; Brent; Eric.

WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Deidre Duke Adran; Mark Dibble; Simona Guillen; Alana Honenberg; Thomas

Vincent Howard; Jesse Luca; Dorothy Trice.

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We take this time to acknowledge Prayers and Thanksgivings appearing on our Chat page.


Minister: Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of new life in Christ. Give us the faith to follow Christ’s

call to new places of challenge and growth.


Minister: Dissolve the barriers of suspicion that divide us from one another, and fill us with your love that

casts out fear.


Minister: Holy Comforter, we crave your gentle and knowing presence. We are rattled by collective losses

and shaken by acts of cruelty near and far. Let your Word be a steadying force; a source of

confidence in our ability to face our fears together.


Minister: Let us confess our sins before God.

Silence is kept.

Minister and People:

O God, you have searched us out and known us, and all that we are is open to you. We

confess that we have sinned: we have used our power to dominate and our weakness to

manipulate; we have evaded responsibility and failed to confront evil; we have denied dignity

to ourselves and to our siblings, and have fallen into despair. We turn to you, O God; we

renounce evil, we claim your love; we choose to be made whole.

Minister: Almighty God, have mercy on us, forgive us all our sins through our Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen us

in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit keep us in eternal life. Amen.


Minister: The peace of Christ be always with you.

People: And also with you.

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OFFERTORY ANTHEM Sung by Canterbury Choir and Coventry Choir Soloists.

Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: have mercy upon us.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona nobis pacem.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world: grant us peace.

—Setting: William Byrd (1543–1623), from Mass for Five Voices



Priest: God dwells in you.

People: And also in you.

Priest: Come to the table with thankful hearts.

People: We open our hearts to God and to one another.

Priest: Creative God, source of all life and ground of our being, you are the vibrant energy dancing at

the center of the universe! Through us you move, and through us you are made known to the

world. Co-creators with you, we are emboldened to move beyond ourselves, to find the courage

to let go of old ways and welcome new life.

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Priest: And so, in concert with those of every generation who have been touched by your redeeming

love, we lift our praise to you:

Priest and People:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.


Priest: Holy God, known and beyond all knowing, in your image you created us, giving the earth into our

care. In our arrogance, we lost touch with the breath of God within us, with the divinity of the

creation, growing blind to its beauty and deaf to its harmonies. But through Christ, born of a

woman, your deep abiding love reclaimed us and realigned us with the grain of the universe.

On that evening in an upper room, with his friends around him, our brother Jesus blessed the

bread, broke it, and shared it with all who were gathered: This bread is my body, an offering of

God’s love for all. When you eat it, remember me. Taking the cup of wine, he blessed it and

shared it with all who were gathered: This wine is my blood, God’s promise of new life for all.

When you drink it, remember me.

God, in the memory of Jesus who healed people and washed his disciples’ feet, who loved children

and honored outcasts, who fed people and turned water into wine, who died and rose to new and

unending life, we ask that you breathe on this bread and this wine, filling them with the transforming

power of the cosmic Christ.

Priest and People:

Breathe through us, God, that our bodies, minds, and spirits may be filled with your life-giving

presence. Make us again a holy people, strongly bound to you, firmly rooted in the earth,

with eyes to see all life as sacred. Empower us to spread the light of Christ in our wondrous

and confusing world. Amen.

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Priest: And now, as our Savior Christ has taught us, in the language of your heart, we are bold to say,

Priest and People:

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass

against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from

evil. For thine is the kingdom, and

the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.

Padre Nuestro que estás en el

cielo, santificado sea tu Nombre,

venga tu reino, hágase tu

voluntad, en la tierra como en el

cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de

cada día. Perdona nuestras

ofensas, como también nosotros

perdonamos a quienes nos

ofenden. No nos dejes caer en

tentación, y líbranos del mal.

Porque tuyo es el reino, tuyo es el

poder, y tuya es la gloria, ahora y

por siempre. Amén.














Priest: We are one bread, one body.

People: We will love one another as Christ loves us.


Priest: The Gifts of God for the People of God.

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HYMN “Precious Lord” Sung by Canterbury Choir and Coventry Choir Soloists.

—Words: v. 1 & 2 Thomas Dorsey; v. 3 & 4 Joyce Merman

Music: Thomas Dorsey (1899–1993)


Minister: Let us pray.

Jesus, our Healer, stay with us as we are far from one another, be our companions in the way,

kindle our hearts, and awaken hope, that as we gather and eat together, wherever we are, by

ourselves or with those whom we love and care about, the risen Christ is present in the breaking

of the bread. Amen.


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HYMN “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” Everyone sings.

—Words: Walter Chalmers Smith (1824–1908), alt.

Music: St. Denio, Welsh hymn, from Caniadau y Cyssegr, 1839; adapt. John Roberts (1822–1877)


Minister: Let us go forth rejoicing in the name of Christ.

People: Thanks be to God.

Virtual Coffee Hour

Immediately following the Closing Blessing, we will move to our “virtual coffee hour.”

We invite everyone to grab food and drink and “break bread”

together as we have a conversation.

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* * * * * *

RECTOR: Mike Kinman.



CANTERBURY CHOIR SECTION LEADERS/SOLOISTS: Elizabeth Tatum, Ruth Ballenger, Stephen McDonough, Jim


COVENTRY CHOIR SECTION LEADERS/SOLOISTS: Kyla McCarrel, Kimberly Poli, Daniel Ramon, Elliot Z. Levine.

ADULT CHOIR VIDEOS: Weicheng Zhao, Grace Chung, Vaughan Edwards.



LIVE STREAMING: Keith Holeman.

* * * * * *

All Saints’ Congregational Response Team

The All Saints Church Congregational Response Team (CRT) was created to keep our community connected

and cared for in ways that expand beyond the clergy, staff, and operations of the pastoral care office.

A diverse and growing group of lay volunteers are proactively reaching out and offering support , connecting

resources to those in need, and caring for emotional and mental health needs through the lens of

trauma-informed care through the CRT’s Community Care Team.

The Community Care Team (CCT) is prepared to help those experiencing trauma as a result of

the COVID-19 pandemic, including: those who have been diagnosed with the virus, healthcare

professionals, those who are mourning a death, those who are facing job loss and unemployment,

those who are feeling isolated or depressed.

If you have an immediate need, please call the Community Care Team via the pastoral care

line at 626.298.9551 or email [email protected].

If you would like to volunteer or have questions about the Congregational Response Team,

please contact Christine Hartman at [email protected].

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This Week at All Saints 2 Weeks Combined in our Summer Issues

This Sunday, August 2 - Join us here: All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172

(This link above includes all three events below) Please do not log on more than 15 minutes in advance, at 10:45 a.m.

11:00-11:15 a.m. Children’s Chapel led by Kelly Erin O’Phelan Everyone is invited to light a candle with Kelly Erin and enjoy a story and a craft.

11:15 a.m. Service Sally Howard preaches. Our Summer Choir offers Christ is Made the Sure

Foundation by Wood Trouvères offer How Can I Keep from Singing? arr. by Gilpin, with soloist Lorenzo Bacani.

1:00 p.m. Bilingual Spanish/English Service Mike Kinman preaches. Dan Cole & ensemble

and Kenzie McCarrel offer music.

Prayers and healing

are available by zoom and telephone appointment. Contact Ana Camacho at [email protected].

Next Sunday, August 9 - Join us here:

(This link above includes all three events below) Please do not log on more than 15 minutes in advance, at 10:45 a.m.

11:00-11:15 a.m. Children’s Chapel led by Kelly Erin O’Phelan Everyone is invited to light a candle with Kelly Erin and enjoy a story and a craft.

11:15 a.m. Service Mike Kinman preaches. Canterbury &

Coventry Choirs Soloists offer Agnus Dei from Mass for Five Voices by Byrd. Trouvères offer City Called Heaven by Poelinitz, with soloist Felicity Robles.

1:00 p.m. Bilingual Spanish/English Service Mike Kinman preaches. Dan Cole & ensemble and Trouvères offer music.

Every Sunday We Put Our Faith into Action at All Saints Church In these uncertain times navigating a global pandemic, now more than ever our continued advocacy for the world’s deep needs is crucial. As we continue to worship virtually, the Rapid Response Team (RRT) is choosing actions that can be done completely online from your

web browser. While the current priorities are generally aligned with the acute needs of COVID-19 and the associated economic and social justice impacts, the RRT also considers actions that address pre-existing needs. Thank you to all who are participating in our virtual action

table each week, and we urge everyone to prayerfully consider each week’s action and join us in committing to improving our world.Each week’s action can be found at or from the All Saints home page. If you have any

questions, comments, or suggestions for actions, please contact Juliana Serrano at [email protected] or 626.583.2731.

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Stay Connected

Tuesday, August 4 & 11 - Centering Prayer 7:00 - 7:45 p.m. Centering Prayer is a meditation practice that is centered in the contemplative Christian

tradition. Information = Ana Camacho [email protected].

Monday, August 3 & 10: Monday Meditation Group - 6:45–8:45 p.m.

Beginners are welcome. Join us for quiet sitting and group meditation, accessible to all. Information = Ana Camacho [email protected] and Loss Support Group - 7:00 p.m.

The Grief and Loss Support Group offers opportunities to develop a better understanding of grief and to learn healthy coping skills and share feelings with others who are experiencing loss Information = Ana Camacho [email protected].

Brothers on a Journey - 7:00–9:00 p.m. Brothers on a Journey is an affinity group for men to share about their lives in a safe and welcoming environment.

Information = Christine Cox at [email protected]. LGBTQ+ Small Group - 7:00–8:30 p.m.

We strive to enhance the journey of faith of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer community through opportunities to foster spiritual and educational growth, social interaction, political advocacy and pastoral care.

Email Christine Cox at [email protected] for access details.

Prayer in the Taizé Style of Worship Each Thursday night at 6:00 p.m. we will release and together watch a video service on our Facebook page

at The services will remain on the Facebook page, so you may visit at any time. You also can get a list of our videos at

Wednesday, August 5 & 12 Noonday Prayers & Healing

12:00 - 12:30 p.m. Link:

Children, Youth & Families

K–5th Grade UpdatesDigital Children’s Chapel is on

at 11:00 a.m. from the Facebook feed of Kelly Erin O’Phelan

(you can friend request Kelly and it will be set to ‘public’ on their page, so you can watch

it by searching for their name). Anyone one of any age is

welcome to attend this digital chapel! If you have a candle and matches at home, please have them ready as we will

light the candle together! Children’s Chapel will happen ever single week, digital or not.

If you are looking for support during this time please reach out to Kelly Erin O’Phelan at [email protected]

to connect.

Youth, 6th–12th Grade, UpdatesThe youth of All Saints Church have setup an online community so that

we can all stay connected during this time.

We’ll gather online during our regular meeting times as well as

any other time you’d like. To get access to the server, please contact

Jeremy at [email protected] or Nina at [email protected].

We’re also on Facebook:

Instagram: ascyouthpasadena

You can visit our website for regular updates.

All Saints Church 100% Voting Congregation Initiative In partnership with LA Voice, All Saints Church will undertake efforts to make certain that all mem-bers in the congregation who are eligible to vote, votes in the November 2020 General Election. In order to do this, volunteers are needed to ensure that members: 1) are registered to vote, 2) are informed about the ballot and how to vote, and 3) vote, on or before election day. Volunteers are

needed to call members of the congregation this summer. Training will be provided. Please contact Juliana Serrano at [email protected] if interested.

Page 20: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship at 11:15 …...Worship at 11:15 a.m. All Saints Church 132 N Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172 2 Welcome! “Whoever you are and wherever

Congregational Response Team (CRT) & Community Care Team (CCT) The All Saints Church Congregational Response Team (CRT) is a diverse and growing group of lay volunteers are proactively reaching out and offering support; connecting resources to those in need; and caring for emotional and mental health needs through the lens of

trauma-informed care through the CRT’s Community Care Team.The Community Care Team (CCT) is prepared to help those experiencing trauma as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including: those who have been diagnosed with the virus; healthcare professionals; those who are mourning a death; those who are facing job loss and

unemployment; those who are feeling isolated or depressed. Community Care Team = 626.298.9551 or email [email protected].

Summer Choir Is

Here!All tuneful voices are welcome

to participate. If you have access to a recording device such as a cell phone, tablet,

or laptop, you can be a part of our virtual choir!

We invite you to join us in this new experience of making

music together! If interested, please contact Weicheng Zhao at [email protected] for more information.

Join the Racial Justice Ministry Book Group for: Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America

by Stacey AbramsMeetings continue Wednesdays, Aug. 12 & Sep. 16, 7-8:30 p.m.

Zoom link: the Racial Justice Ministry with questions

or to confirm: [email protected]

Homecoming 2020 VideoHomecoming has always been about coming together in love and joy. While this year is going to be different, that part is not going to change!

Help make our “Share Your Joy!” Video Montage to show at Homecoming on September 20. We will be requesting a short video clip of something that brings you joy.

Please stay tuned for details and instructions coming soon. For more information contact Christine Cox [email protected].

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Looking AheadEvents & Opportunities

Upcoming Sundays All Saints Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave, Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172

Your Generosity MattersThe financial support of the All Saints community and extended family is so very import-

ant! Thank you to those families and individuals who have pledged for 2020, and who are fulfilling those promises with messages of encouragement and prayers. All are welcome to support All Saints Church through a pledge or gift. This community is awake and alive with ministries and programs in full swing. We are drawn together by our love of each other and

by a burning need to spread the gospel of our brother Jesus as far and wide as we can. Please join us.

Please make your gift here: — If you have any questions, contact our Director of Giving, Terry Knowles at

[email protected] or 626.583.2736.

All Saints ChurchTuesday, August 25, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Donations will be by appointment only, scheduled through

Just type in our sponsor code — ASEC — in the “Find a Blood Drive” search box to schedule your time.

You can also streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading

and health history questions on the day of your appointment.Check-in Volunteers Needed, email: [email protected] for info

Sunday, August 16 11:15 a.m. service (English) Mike Kinman preaches. Our Summer Choir offers My Eyes for Beauty Pine by Howells Trouvères offer I’m Determined by Hampton. 1:00 p.m. Bilingual (Spanish/English) service. Wilma Jakobsen preaches. Dan Cole & ensemble, Vox Cambiata and Youth Chamber Choirl offer music.

Sunday, August 23 11:15 a.m. service (English) Alfredo Feregrino preaches. Canterbury & Coventry Choirs Soloists offer Christ the Solid Rock by White. Trouvères offer Stand Together by Papoulis.

1:00 p.m. Bilingual (Spanish/English) service. Alfredo Feregrino preaches. Dan Cole & ensemble and Trouvères offer music.

Leading a Ministry or CommitteeJoin us on August 28, 5:30 - 7:00p.m. via Zoom. This class provides specific training to help leaders of a committee find their vision,

execute an agenda, recruit others into the work, plan for your successor, and monitor the participation of each member. Whether you are a new ministry leader or have been a leader for many years, this class will offer you new insight and ideas. Presented by the Leadership

Support & Development Committee. Register online here: More Information: Amanda McCormick at [email protected].

Page 22: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship at 11:15 …...Worship at 11:15 a.m. All Saints Church 132 N Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172 2 Welcome! “Whoever you are and wherever

Come here before 7pm

• All Saints History• Episcopal History• Our church campus• Getting Connected/

New Members Class

Play Online

Test your knowledge of the Episcopal Church & All Saints

Dog Days of Summer

Friday August 14th 7:00-8:00 PM

All Saints Church 132 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101

For more information contact Christine Cox [email protected]

Page 23: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Worship at 11:15 …...Worship at 11:15 a.m. All Saints Church 132 N Euclid Ave Pasadena CA 91101 626.796.1172 2 Welcome! “Whoever you are and wherever

Homecoming has always been about coming together in love and joy.While this year is going to be different, that part is not going to change!

Help Make Our Share Your Joy! Montage Videoto show at Homecoming on September 20th

Make a short video, just 15 seconds or less of whatever brings you joy—

For instance, held horizontally on a smart phone or tablet.

Sing a song(solo or with the

whole family)

Tell a joke or limerick(keep it clean)

Show us a painting or photograph

(one you made or found)

Recite a poem

Play an instrument

Show us what you grew or

cooked or baked

Show us your haircut!

Share anything that made you smile!

Read from a book or play

In the language of your heart!

Go to upload your file or for help

Share Your Joy

Homecoming 2020Wherever You Are

All Saints Church 132 N. Euclid Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101

For more information contact Christine Cox [email protected]
