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Page 1: The sun

London Riots case study:

The Sun

How does the newspaper coverage change as the riots progress?

Page 2: The sun

• At the start of the riots the front cover already starts targeting the younger population with the masthead “Rioters aged 7” and “Kids took on cops” this shows that youths are fearless and out of control regardless of the age.• “Anarchy” makes the article seem as though they are generalising the rioters and not targeting a specific group. By using a picture of a potential male figure on the front cover with a hoody and his face hidden behind a mask shows that the one responsible a kept faceless and unknown. This builds a moral panic to every one as the start to build they're own interpretations.

• “Olympics Girl…” shows that they are slowly starting to identify who is responsible and are putting a name to the crime. This wipes out the generalisation and brings focus to the individual or the category they fall under.• “Meet the accused” a carry on of the ‘name and shame’ theme. This brings to light that the ones that should be responsible should not only be associated with one stereotype or class. That all classes are as equally likely to be involved and that the accusations should target the individual and not the social group.



Page 3: The sun


Newspaper mediation of the London riots

Page 4: The sun

FRONT PAGE: August 8th 2011

The main concept of this front page is to instil shock into the consumer. This is achieved by the juxtaposition between the title and the main image which combine to suggest that children as young as seven are involved in such violence. The fact that no other age group is mentioned seems to imply to readers that the incident in the main image was triggered by young children. Despite its seemingly ridiculous claim, it combines with the statistics stating the extent of the riots’ cost, and that the police are too incompetent to deal with these ‘kids’.

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ARTICLE: August 8th 2011

An article from the same newspaper, The Sun proceeds to distort the readers perception of the rioters immediately with capitalising the words ‘children’ and ‘seven’ while suggesting that they were involved in an ‘orgy of mob violence and destruction’. Use of the term ‘orgy’ while referring to their actions during the riots suggests to readers that these individuals actually enjoy what they’re doing to an extent where its almost ecstatic and blissful for them. All this does is generate an illusion around the subject and create a barrier between them and the reader by suggesting that they’re more primitive than them – hence the use of the word ‘savagery’. There is also an indication of homologous grouping and collectivism done by the paper, as they refer to them as a ‘mob’ and ‘gang of youths’

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FRONT PAGE: August 11th 2011

The main image combines with the title to embolden the presentation of anarchy. The latest sub-culture to be demonised by mass media is here once again presented to consumers as the embodiment of anti-hegemonic values.His confrontational approach combines with his stereotypical clothing to provide readers with a subject they can associate their preconceived perceptions with; this instigates a moral panic as it presents a realisation of their irrational fears.The fire in the background helps to connote a sense of barbarianism and violence, which combines with the plugs on the left to add create a dauntingly large distribution of violence.

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Mugger jailed for 7 years over 'Good Samaritan' attackA TEENAGE thug who mugged a Malaysian student in one of the most

notorious incidents of last year’s London riots has been jailed for seven years.Beau Isagba, 18, was filmed opening defenceless Ashraf Rossli’s backpack and stealing his belongings after pretending to help him.The incident was filmed and put on YouTube, shocking Britain and prompting widespread condemnation.He was handed a prison sentence at Wood Green Crown Court today.The accountancy student had been cycling to help a scared female friend when his jaw was broken in two places as he was punched in the face.Isagba was found guilty of grievous bodily harm and robbery following a trial last month.He had admitted a charge of violent disorder and two counts of burglary, all committed the same day.

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A TEENAGER collared by cops BEFORE he could swipe cigarettes from a ransacked shop was locked up for two years yesterday.The tough sentence handed to 18-year-old Michael Gillespie-Doyle came as David Cameron backed the continuing court crackdown on rioting thugs.The PM stood firm against a backlash from human rights campaigners, liberal MPs and even a police chief who believe judges may be going too far.Orphan Gillespie-Doyle was sent to a young offenders institution by Manchester Crown Court Recorder Andrew Gilbart. The teenager was among a group who swept into a badly damaged Sainsbury’s store abandoned by a first wave of looters last week.

2yrs for nicking nothing in riots

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‘Let’s riot’ thug is caged for 19 monthsA TEENAGE yob who set up a Facebook page inciting Scots to riot as mayhem gripped England was locked up for 19 months yesterday.Liam Allan, 19, started a page on the social networking site titled City Centre Riot as violence and looting spread across cities down south last year.He encouraged people in Dundee to “get suited and booted, crowbars, baseball bats, the lot ... show the English t***s that we are better rioters than them tea sippers”.Allan told cops — who traced him after setting up a major incident room to respond to the threat — he set up the page “for a laugh”.Defence solicitor Doug McConnell told Dundee Sheriff Court Allan “didn’t realise what he was doing was a crime”.The lawyer added his client’s case was different to those of two other thugs from the city, Jordan McGinley, 18, and Shawn Divin, 16 — who were jailed in December for using Facebook in a bid to stir up disorder.He added: “You did it against a background of real riots in London and elsewhere and must have been aware property and lives were at risk.
