Page 1: The - St. John's UCC words of wisdom, challenged us, shared your faith, comforted us in times of grief, celebrated

Volume 18, Issue 5 July 26, 2018

The Good News of St. John soars like an eagle! St. John’s United Church of Christ Allentown, Pennsylvania


In January of 2009 Jim and I came to Allentown to meet many of you for the first time while we shared food and got acquainted. That same weekend I led worship; you voted and called me to be your pastor. I have been blessed by our time and ministry together. My last official day was June 29.

You have traveled this road with us as we served Christ, this church, the community and you. You prayed for and with us, attended meetings, volunteered, offered words of wisdom, challenged us, shared your faith, comforted us in times of grief, celebrated our joys and gave generously of yourselves and your resources.

We especially appreciate your care for Jim and me as we received his diagnosis of early onset Alzheimers. For all the times you have assisted him to find his way, listened patiently and asked how we’re doing, we are truly grateful. You exhibited the love and compassion of Jesus time and time again. As Jim and I return to our Midwestern roots to be close to our family and friends, we carry you in our hearts and memories. We will continue to pray for you and know you will be praying for us too. One of my exit tasks is to inform you of the UCC Code of Ethics for Retired Clergy. Basically I am not to contact any of you individually or as a congregation for the period of one year. You in return should not be in contact with me. This is to allow you to grieve and get to know your new pastor. It is a period of transition. I am not to be called upon to perform baptisms, weddings or funerals. If we happen to be somewhere and meet, we can say hello, but we cannot discuss anything about the church or pastoral concerns. I encourage you to welcome your new pastor whenever they arrive as you welcomed Jim and me. Give that paerson and yourselves a chance to know one another. Whoever your pastor is, they will do things differently. Expect change. Accept them and their family for who they are and the gifts they bring. Pray for them. Support and encourage them. Continue to participate in worship and the life of the church. Remember your faith is in Christ, not me and not the new pastor. This is your church home. Thank you for being a significant part of our lives and for the gifts you have given to us. May God guide you and sustain you, the Holy Spirit fill you with energy and passion for ministry, and Jesus teach you. In Christian Love, Pastor Karen and Jim


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Youth led worship service

On Sunday, May 13, Mother’s Day, the youth led our worship service. It was one of the best youth services

ever. During that service, Subrina Pyle delivered the message. The following is a transcript of that message:

Good morning and Happy Mother's Day. For some of you who are new to St. John's, my name is Subrina Pyle, and I am a part of the Youth Group here at St. John's UCC. In today's message, I will be talking about Women Empowerment.

Today, in contrast to the past centuries, we find women literate, educated and liberated to read. We find their surge forward not only in the political front, but also in social life where they act as agents of change contributing to economic development as well.

Empowerment is about giving authority and the power to do something. It is about becoming stronger and confident about yourself. It means becoming aware of one's rights and privileges. It means the ability to control one's life in a more meaningful way.

The term empowerment naturally presupposes a sense of powerlessness; doesn’t it? Well, with women it has been rightly so. As we look back at the centuries we find many dark ages where women in different lands were suppressed, treated as commodities, with no voice in decision-making and no role in deciding how social and community life evolved. But empowerment of women made a radical change in the whole situation.

And this change has come about not without its struggles and sacrifices, protests and conflicts. This transformation passed through many difficulties when those who led with a vision to emancipate women were often viewed with suspicion from within the ranks of women themselves and opposed by the male-dominated hierarchies. Even today there are ripples and reflections of these tendencies. One can never say the world has seen gender equality and rights of women championed in the fullest sense.

But change did come. From powerlessness, women have come to recognize that they are individuals made in God’s image and likeness just like men and are valuable and precious in God’s eyes. They have come to celebrate their differences from men not as a reason for subjugation, but as a joyous gift of God to give an active support and contribution to the family first, to the workplace next and the community at large in a broader sphere.

In all these areas women have risen to greatness and power by utilizing available resources and increasing their influence in the decision-making process. The key to this change has been literacy and education. Economic freedom came through women finding employment in different spheres like nursing, teaching, management and the like. Today, women have made their presence felt in the field of police, defense, sports, space exploration, research and development, social work and many other fields as well.

Before I conclude, let me point out one more historical moment of women empowerment. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead; it was Mary Magdalene who had the privilege of seeing the Risen Lord first and had the unique distinction of being the first witness to the fact of his resurrection. This was her testimony: “I have seen the Lord”, the echoes of which still resonates in many millions of human hearts even after 2,000 years of its happening.

But the point is that Jesus by allowing Mary Magdalene to be the first witness was empowering women for all time. This is stunning because Jesus did not reveal himself first to his inner circle of disciples who were all men, and Jewish law did not permit women to be witnesses. And in that society, men usually prayed thanking God that they were not born as women. The way Jesus treated women with respect and dignity will always empower them to claim their rightful share not only in God’s kingdom but also in homes and workplaces; in politics and economics as well.

There are many empowering women that I see from day to day, especially in this congregation. You may not realize it, but we do notice the little things that the women here at St. John's UCC do, whether It's Lois providing the music every time we have a service, whether it's Pastor Karen, with her wonderful sermons every Sunday or whether it’s Nancy, Janet, Stacey and Judy with their Sunday School effort to educate us on Sunday mornings. And even the other wonderful women who just stop us to ask about how life and school is going. It makes us feel a little better when we can talk about things such as those. Thank you for those acts of showing that you're interested in what we do.

To conclude, I will end with a beautiful poem: (see next page for the poem)


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A Powerful Woman

She Rises from her Adversity, but never forgets her origin She learns from her past, and chooses to keep going forward even when her steps get heavy She transforms her pain and suffering into strength and wisdom Yes, she may stumble Yes, sometimes she falls But just as the sun rises, So, too does a powerful woman She is equipped with an intuition that guides her like a compass She strives to love herself, and all that she stands for With a fierce loyalty, even when it is difficult She's not afraid to seek truth even when it hurts She is passionate, and uses her gifts to inspire and spread light and love With a mind of wonder and a heart of goodness and grit, she is resilient She refuses to be navigated by fear and doubt She knows where she's been, where she is, and where she's headed She uplifts other women, and embodies authenticity and humility She loves deeply, lives with compassion, and is relentlessly unapologetic She is designed to be admired, not always liked She is fierce, determined, and unstoppable. She is a Powerful Woman Amen.

The message… the entire service... was inspiring. Thank you to our youth for the worship time.

July 1 – 6th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 1: 1, 17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8: 7-15; Mark 5: 21-43

July 8 – 7th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 5: 1-5, 9-10; Psalm 48; 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10; Mark 6: 1-13

July 15 – 8th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 6: 1-5, 12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1: 3-14; Mark 6: 14-29

July 22 – 9th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 7: 1-14a; Psalm 89: 20-37; Ephesians 2: 11-22; Mark 6: 30-34, 53-56

July 29 – 10th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 11: 1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3: 14-21; John 6: 1-21

August 5 – 11th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 11: 26-12: 13a; Psalm 51: 1-12; Ephesians 4: 1-16; John 6: 24-35

August 12 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost – 2 Samuel 18: 5-9, 15, 31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4: 25-5:2; John 6: 35

August 19 – 13th Sunday after Pentecost – 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3: 3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5: 15-20; John 6: 51-58

August 26 – 14th Sunday after Pentecost – 1 Kings 8: 22-30, 41-43; Psalm 84; Ephesians 6: 10-20; John 6: 56-69


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June Year to date

Avg. Worship Attendance for

Month Current Benevolence Property Totals

2018 ???

Member’s Giving: $32,314 $13,168 $300 $45,782

Endowment Used: $20,208 $0 $46,862 $67,070

2017 ???

Member’s Giving: $32,131 $12,859 $85 $45,075

Endowment Used: $20,295 $0 $46,386 $66,681

Community Bike Works Picnic

Every year at the end of summertime We begin planning a picnic at Waldheim. It celebrates all that Bike Works has done Fixing bikes, learning skills and just having fun!

The kids start in June not knowing much at all. By the end of August they’ve gone the long haul. They can dismantle a bicycle to its core Then put it back together with a perfect score.

So come on and help us prepare the food And celebrate the achievement of this terrific brood. Hot dogs and baked goods we will serve; So help us with this celebration they all deserve. The CBW Picnic/Graduation will be Thursday, August 23, at Waldheim Park from 4 to 7pm. If you wish to help at the picnic, contact Dick Schmoyer ([email protected] / 610-657-9972) or Nancy Kramer-Moyer ([email protected] / 610-434-0534). If you can donate baked items, contact Jeanette Schmoyer ([email protected] / 484-767-2426).

Vacation Bible School

Our 2018 Summer Vacation Bible School program,

Rolling River Rampage, was held July 9 through 13.

We had an awesome group of energetic and engaged

Rafters, Leaders and Guides! Twenty seven children

attended, and over 25 youth and adults were involved

in decorating, teaching, leading, preparing food and

cleanup. Each evening began with a light supper

(planned and prepared by Nancy Kramer-Moyer and

Anna Mae Schul) followed by the program from 5:30

to 7:30. The program started and ended each evening

with assembly time, which included music, videos and,

of course, our favorite river otter puppet, Romper! The

Rafters were then divided into groups: the Yellow

Ducklings (3-year-olds), the Green Turtles (4-5-year-

olds), the Blue Beavers (6-8-year-olds), and the Purple

Otters (9-12-year-olds). The groups of children rotated

between Art/Crafts, led by Nancy Rissell; Bible

Stories, led by Allan Kramer-Moyer and Wendy

Williams; Music, directed by Lois Mease; and

Science/Snack facilitated by Judy Garrigan. Check out

the soon-to-be-posted slide presentation on St. John’s


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Hymn Sing

Step out of the shower and into the sanctuary to sing your heart out at our Summer Hymn

Sing on Sunday, August 26 at 10:00am. Tell us what your favorite hymn is - or your top 3 –

and a little something about why it’s your favorite. Then, come to the hymn sing and sing like

you’re in the shower.

Your Name _______________________________________________________

Favorite Hymn ____________________________________________________

Tell us why it’s your favorite __________________________________________

Let us know all - or none - of the following. It’s up to you. What do you picture or what do you

feel when singing this hymn? Does it bring a memory to mind of a person or place? What are

some of your other favorites?

Please return this form with your offering, or to the church office, or email your answers to

Wendy Williams at [email protected] by Sunday, August 12.

Looking for a few strong people…..

St. John's will be purchasing an AED (automated external defibrillator).

In order to comply with PA state law we need to have active members that are certified in

CPR/AED use.

If you are currently certified by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association

(AHA), please contact Lynn Cloak in person or by email [email protected] to have

your name added to our list of certified people.

We are currently in the process of scheduling an AHA certification class for adult CPR/AED use

for up to 10 people. Certification is good for two years. Class will be held on a Saturday or

Sunday afternoon in September.

You must be able to kneel on the floor and have sufficient strength to compress an adult chest 2


If you are interested in becoming certified please contact Lynn Cloak at the above email address

and list your first, second and third choices of the following dates: Saturday, 09/01/2018;

Sunday, 09/02/2018; Sunday, 09/23/2018; Saturday, 09/29/2018; or Sunday, 09/30/2018.

Please contact Lynn Cloak with any questions.


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Message from the Interim Ministry Team….. “On Tuesday, May 8th, Consistory accepted the recommendation of the Interim Search Team to take

the somewhat unheard-of step of using the gifts of our retired clergy to fill the Interim Pastor position until a new Pastor is called.

The team will consist of the Reverends Nancy Adams, Bill Falla, Rick Guhl, Allan Kramer-Moyer, and Wendy Williams-Brinks. Rick and Allan will assume the bulk of the administrative duties and pastoral care, Bill will assist with preaching, Nancy with visitations, and Wendy with liturgical preparations. Rick and Allan have each committed to providing up to 25 hours per week if necessary, for two weeks each month.

The team will meet in the near future to plan the July through September quarter, and will meet with Pastor Karen and lay leaders in the next couple of months to make the transition as smooth as possible.

We ask for your prayers as together we pray for the future of St. John's.”

St John’s UCC Interim Ministry Team

Nancy Adams 610-439-1108 [email protected] Bill Falla 610-432-8711 [email protected] Rick Guhl 484-707-5838 [email protected] Allan Kramer-Moyer 484-695-4108 [email protected] Wendy Williams 484-225-6708 [email protected] Lois Mease 610-865-0593 [email protected] church office 610-433-0146 Schedule for Liturgy/Preaching

Sunday, July 1 Rick Guhl Sunday, July 8 Andrea Lazicki (PNEC Licensed Minister Candidate at Phoebe Home) Sunday, July 15 Bill Falla Sunday, July 22 Wendy Williams Sunday, July 29 Allan Kramer-Moyer Sunday, August 5 Becca Stephens (George Yoder’s daughter) Sunday, August 12 Rick Guhl Sunday, August 19 Bill Falla Sunday, August 26 Wendy Williams/Lois Mease Hymn Sing Sunday, Sept. 2 Trudi Egan Sunday, Sept. 9 Rick Guhl (Resume 11am schedule / Rally Day) Sunday, Sept. 16 Bill Falla Sunday, Sept. 23 Nancy Adams and Allan Kramer-Moyer Sunday, Sept. 30 Janet Newett Schedule for Pastoral Coverage

July 1 - 7 Rick Guhl July 8 - 14 Allan Kramer-Moyer July 15 - 28 Rick Guhl July 29 - August 3 Nancy Adams August 4 - 11 Wendy Williams August 12 - 25 Rick Guhl August 26 – Sept. 5 Allan Kramer-Moyer Sept. 6 - 22 Rick Guhl Sept. 23 - Oct 6 Allan Kramer-Moyer


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July 2018

July 1 – “In memory of Margaret Gehman”,

by her husband, Norman Gehman. (chancel rail)

July 1 – “In memory of Dr. Russel S. Bleiler, Sr. and

Dr. George B. Bleiler”, by the family. (altar)

July 8 – “In memory of Elizabeth Quiney Lerch”,

by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Roth. (chancel rail)

July 8 – “In memory of Donald P. Miller and Marjorie

W. Miller”, by Joan Miller Moran. (altar)

July 15 – “In memory of Evelyn Mensinger”,

by Susan, Bob, and Megan Fegley. (altar)

July 15 – “In memory of Thomas R. Heinze”

by Esther Heinze. (chancel rail)

July 22 – “In memory of Anna W. Bleiler, Nellie B.

Wagner, Kathryn Hartman and Mary Roth”,

by the family.

July 29 – Available – Please call the church office if

you would like to place flowers.

August, 2018

August 5 – Available – Please call the church office if

you would like to place flowers.

August 12– “In memory of Walter T. Yenolevich”,

given by Cindy Dannenhower.

August 19 – “In honor of Thomas R. Heinze’s 90th

birthday”, given by Esther Heinze.

August 26 – Available – Please call the church office

if you would like to place flowers.

We thank all who have graced our altar

with flower tributes!


Here is a preview of the annual Stewardship campaign for the autumn:

“What Shall we Bring?”

Think about what this phrase means to you. More to come in the fall!

In May Julian Pyle joined the church through confirmation. Julian enjoys basketball and is part of the Youth group. He has served as an acolyte and assisted with the nursery and Vacation Bible School.

In June, Anna Mae Schul joined the church through affirmation of faith. Anna Mae was a caterer and loves to bake. She is widowed and lives with her daughter. Also, she shares her home with two dogs and a parrot.

Also in June, we received another new member. Barbara Maursky joined St. John’s on June 17.

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School Uniform drive continues through

July and August for next school year

The children wear their uniforms every day of the

week, every week of the school year, and often, each

child has just one set. As you know, school clothes

see a lot of wear and tear. The school buys uniforms

for those who don’t have any and to replace the

terribly worn ones. Spills and accidents, too,

especially for the younger children, create a daily


WE CAN HELP!! You can either purchase a

uniform or put cash or a check, made out to St.

John’s, in an envelope clearly marked “Central

Uniforms” and place it in the offering plate. Please

bring your school uniform items to church and the

children will put them in the big Central Elementary

Donation Box during the offering.

Central students wear navy blue pants with a light

blue or white shirt with NO insignia. Pants cost $12

to $13 and shirts cost from $5 to $7, so, a gift of $20

would buy a uniform.

If you prefer to do your own shopping, uniforms

are available year round at The Archive on Hamilton

St.. They will know what sizes are for elementary

school children. There is a greater need for the

smaller sizes, especially pants, and please look for

pants that could be worn by either a girl or a boy.

Thank you for caring!!

If you would like to volunteer for any of

the activities at Central or if you have any

questions about our outreach to them,

Please contact Wendy Williams at



[email protected].

News from Christa Held,

Community School Coordinator

at Central Elementary School

We have an exciting summer volunteer

opportunity at Central. On July 9, we welcome

30-plus 4- and 5-year-old Pre-K students into

our building for an early learning experience.

Join our teachers and help these students

become Little Eagles. Volunteer in a classroom

assisting the students with tasks or focus or

walking together, etc. The program will run

Monday through Thursday from July 9 to

August 2. Each week, students will participate

in classroom and enrichment activities in the

building, Monday through Wednesday. On

Thursday, we venture out on field trips. If you

want to help, we would love a few volunteers

from 8am to 12:30pm. If you can only help one

day a week, that’s only four days this summer! I

guarantee these kids will change your life, keep

you young, and sometimes make you smile. If

that sounds like a good way to spend a morning,

let us know!

In other news, for the first time, all the

Community School staff will be housed together

in one office suite next to the main office. Our

health room generously gave us a room to

expand our suite. We will need to do some

moving and organizing this summer to make our

area a friendly, efficient space for students,

partners and volunteers. If organizing office

space is your passion, we’d love to have your

input. If you just want to stop by and see the

transition, feel free to visit.

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Search and Call Committee Update

Since our last update in the April Disciple, the Search and Call Committee has been building the church profile. The profile has been shared with the consistory and soon will be available to the congregation. The profile is meant to be a tool that prospective candidates can use to learn about our church and congregation. The work that goes into the profile has been very interesting and challenging. The profile includes information on the demographics of the current congregation, the demographics of our city and neighborhood, the structure, history and life of our church and financial information.

The interesting part of the demographics of our existing congregation compared to our city and neighborhood is that they are quite different. Our membership does not reflect the diversity of the area in which the church is located. The city of Allentown has changed quite a bit over the past 20 years and continues to change every day. What we are learning from our work is that we will have to be open to new ideas if we want to be a truly welcoming community of faith for all in the heart of the city.

Once the profile is approved by the consistory we will turn our attention to the next steps in the search process. These steps will include creating a classified ad that will be posted on the UCC website, developing the interview questions and holding a mock interview with a representative from our conference.

The committee will receive profiles from prospective candidates from the conference once the classified ad is placed. The ad was posted in June just after Pastor Karen’s retirement. We will review the profiles/resumes and decide which of the potential candidates will receive our church profile. The profile will be available to all members of our congregation if they choose to see it. The candidates do not receive the profile until they are chosen by the committee. Therefore, it is important that our website be as up to date and attractive as possible, because candidates may visit the website before they decide to send us their resumes.

Once we distribute the profile to prospective candidates, the next step in the process is to interview prospective candidates. The interview process consists of two parts: the committee interviewing the candidate, and the candidate asking questions of the committee. Each interview will take approximately two to three hours. We are looking forward to getting started on the interview process as soon as possible and will give updates to the congregation once the process starts.

According to our PNEC mentors Doug Lander and Bill Wagstaff, we are ahead of the curve. Most congregations identify their search committee in the final days of their pastor’s service. The process of interviews and reviewing candidates will take some time. That is why we are grateful and confident our Ministerial Team will be a great solution in the interim.

Please contact any Search and Call Committee member if you have any questions or comments, or email us at [email protected] Thank You! Todd Saylor, Search Committee Chair


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Please Give to the

Curtis Fund

This Fund has been helping members of

our St. John's family for decades. It assists

members in need when they have

financial emergencies. It is supported by

contributions from us, the members of St.

John's, and has been an extremely

important source of emergency funds for

years. Place your donations in the

beautiful handmade church in the Narthex

on Sundays. You may also send a check to

the church made out to St. John’s UCC

with “Curtis Fund” on the memo line. We

need to grow this fund so we can.

continue to help our family members!

In search of…....

.....folks willing to host the “fellowship

time” after a Sunday service. You do not

need to purchase the refreshments. Speak

with Lynn Cloak if you have any questions

about hosting. Please use the appropriate

sign-up sheet in the Great Hall if you are

willing to help.

…..folks willing to sponsor the

worship bulletin or altar flowers. Honor

someone or remember loved ones with a

bulletin or flowers. The bulletin cost is $15

and the flowers cost $35. Your sponsorship

will help defray their annual costs!!! Please

see Bruce DeLong or Jeff Rissell or call the

church office if you would like to be a

sponsor .

St. John’s year-round ministries and their needs

Allentown Area Ecumenical Food Bank

Especially needed items right now are canned meats, such as

beef stew and spam. Other items accepted include boxed

cereal, canned tuna fish, canned soup, canned fruit, jelly,

peanut butter, macaroni and cheese packages, Jell-o,

pudding, any kind of canned or dried beans (baked, white,

kidney, garbanzo, etc.), and pasta. Monetary donations are

also welcome. Your monetary donations enable the food

bank to purchase food from the Second Harvest Food Bank.


Toiletries and personal care items like shampoo,

conditioners, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving

cream, disposable razors, etc. are needed. Sample sizes and

the types you find in hotels and motels are fine.

Bike Works

Bike Works needs rubbing alcohol, black markers,

disposable plastic gloves, toilet paper, paper towels and dish

detergent and rags for greasy bike parts and hands. If you

have anything you can tear into rags, they always need rags

for greasy bike parts and greasy hands. Thank you.

Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley

Turning Point is a safe place where victims of abuse and

their children can find refuge. They provide services to

nearly 4,000 people a year through programs and services

such as: a 24-hour helpline, Safe House, counseling, court

advocacy, support groups, prevention education, medical

advocacy and more. St. John’s is collecting new wash

cloths, towels, twin bed sets and gift cards for CVS, Rite

Aid, Walmart, Kmart and Giant.

Labels and Box Tops for Education

Don’t forget to bring in those labels and box tops for

education to be given directly to Central Elementary School

to help them raise needed funds. You may bring in any and

all types of “education” labels you see on products such as

General Mills, Kleenex, Ziplock products and Pepperidge

Farm. Collection boxes for the education labels can be found

in the Great Hall, in the hallway by the door to the back

parking lot and in the church office. Put your donations in

the boxes in the Great Hall the next time you are at the

church. If you would like to help at the Food Bank, talk to

Nancy Kramer-Moyer.

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1 – Linda Lenhart 3 – Eric Bronfenbrenner 5 – Steven Dannenhower 11 – David Heinze 12 – Joan Moran Judy Krapf Louise Gutt 13 – Florence DeLong Allan Kramer-Moyer 19 – Jane Lindenmuth 20 – Tessa Sperlbaum 23 – Bruce DeLong, Jr 28 – Nicholas King 31 – Joni Brensinger

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship

9 10 11





10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship








10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship




26 27


29 10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship



July 1 – Dolores and Jack Meitzler

July 16 – Caryn and Eric Bronfenbrenner July 22 – Linda and Keith Lenhart July 26 – Joni and Richard Brensinger

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2 – William Hein

Doris Todd

4 – Kim Meitzler

5 – Yvonne Fillman

6 – Rosalee Stewart

9 – Bruce DeLong Sr.

Megan Fegley

10 – Noah Dopera

11 – Anna Mae Schul

Brycyn Ellis

12 – Delores Meitzler

13 – Nancy Kramer-


14 – Lisa Hoffert

16 – Donald Wieand

20 – Stacey


Tyler DeLong

Jack Meitzler

Carol Wikerd

Jacob Sablich

24 – James Moran

25 – George Yoder

27 – Jeanette Schmoyer

Sophia Legar

28 –Allison Hausman

29 – Kim Draves

Joanne McLaughlin

2 – Stephanie and Chris Heffelfinger

8 – Kim and Keith Draves

14 – Bonnie and Bill Falla

16 – Janet and Byron Cook 26 – Judith and Richard Guhl

1 2 3 4


10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship

6 7 8





10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship








10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship




23 4pm to 7pm Community Bike Works picnic



26 10:00am Worship

11:00am Fellowship



29 30 31
