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Page 1: The Source, October 2012

October 2012

Page 2: The Source, October 2012

I have to say, that is a line I never thought I’d be typing. Until recently I was the Executive Director of one of Canada’s leading youth agencies and I thought I would retire or die in the job that I loved. In fact my wife thought that would happen on the same day!

So why the move to Wellspring? What is it about this organization that made me take a leap of faith and throw caution to the winds?

Well, I’ve been working with Wellspring for a number of years, firstly as one of the founders of the Elevation Project, a division of Youth Unlimited that worked alongside Youth for Christ in Rwanda with a similar vision to Wellspring. After some joint projects and many cups of coffee [believe me, there has been a lot of caffeine consumed in the making of this decision] I was invited to join the Wellspring board. That was when I really began to delve into the energy and passion behind this amazing group of people. I got to visit the school, to talk to the teacher trainers, to hear the heart of people like Richard, Jeff, Kirsten, Phocas and others on the team both in Canada and Rwanda. I witnessed first hand the incredible sacrifice they make every day to see the lives of a generation transformed in Rwanda. I absolutely loved what I saw.

Most importantly I saw the kids. I’d been seeing them for years on my many trips to Rwanda. Kids going to schools with little or no resources, being taught by teachers who were chronically under-resourced, coping with class sizes of up to ninety in the most rudimentary of conditions.





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It is a great privilege to be writing my first letter as the new CEO of the Wellspring Foundation for Education.

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Kids who were desperate to learn and attempting to overcome all the challenges that would stop them from doing that. When education is your route out of poverty, you reach for the opportunity with every fiber of your being.

Fundamentally, it’s about them. You see, I wholeheartedly believe that every child is valued and loved by God and that where they were born makes no difference whatsoever. Through 25 years of being involved in youth and development work in places as diverse as the UK, Canada, Bosnia and Rwanda, I have learnt that they deserve every chance they can get to thrive. I’ve come to un-derstand that those of us with the power to help those that don’t have the opportunities we have, are called to do all we can to help bring transformation. It doesn’t have to be this way and we can do something about it.

And that was when I saw the true value of Wellspring.

I love how Wellspring is extending the successful principles of the Wellspring Academy into 48 schools in Gasabo District so that 50,000 underprivileged kids have a brighter future. I love how they work with teachers, parents, and school leaders to help them bring back hope to their own communities. Wellspring has the audacity to believe a quality Christian values based education can help change a nation. What a vision! So when Jeff, Richard, and the board asked me to take on the role of CEO as Wellspring expands its vision even further…well, how could I say no?

So here I am, starting a new phase in my life and so happy to be here. My first few weeks have been wonderful. I’ve come to appreciate the quality of the teams in Canada and Rwanda at a new level. Most of what I am doing in these first few months is listening and learning, but alongside that, I’ve helped find new offices, booked my first trip to Rwanda as CEO in November, helped plan for some of you to come with us in March and even ridden 220 kilometers on a bike as a fundraiser!

This year Wellspring has hit some major milestones and we look forward to engaging you with our expanding vision to touch the lives of thousands more children for Christ. Through partnership, we will be extending our successful School Development Program to more schools and children, even as we seek to deepen our impact in current schools. We are starting work on the new Wellspring Centre, a place to host the many visitors who come to see the work and one that we hope to fur-ther develop into a base for the foundation that will include space for a leadership training centre, increasing collaboration with the local church, exploring options for expanding beyond Rwanda, and identifying new ways we can find solutions for the Rwanda education sector. As we continue to try and empower a new generation…there is a lot more to come!

So there it is. The future is very bright for Wellspring and through them, for tens of thousands of young Rwandans. That’s why I took the leap. I’m glad to have you jumping in alongside me.

Let’s go!

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Our 3rd annual Lake2Lake Ride for Rwanda was September 29+30, 2012. Over 70 riders hopped on their bikes and rode 220 kms, raising over $60,000, to help us im-pact education in Rwanda.

It was another huge success from our perspective. The weather was amazing the whole weekend; we had many riders from previous years; there were a lot of new faces; we had a TON of volunteers to help things run smoothly; and most importantly no one got hurt…well, except for the rider who fell while trying to unclip from his pedals at the starting line.

We took tons of photos over the weekend and have shared them on our Ride for Rwanda Facebook page (high-res version are available on Flickr as well). Check ‘em out!

We’re riding again next year, hoping to build on the successes of this year and would love to have you join us as a rider or volunteer. Check the Ride for Rwanda website for the 2013 dates early in the new year.

Thanks to all the riders, volunteers and supporters for making this year successful. You are helping us make a big impact in the lives of thousands of students in the classrooms of Gasabo District in Kigali where we are transforming education through our School Development Program.

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One of Wellspring’s core values is Partnership: We strive to build partnerships with like-minded individuals and organizations. We believe we are more effective and much stronger through these kinds of partnerships. In building and strengthening a wide range of partner-ships, we are able to grow and develop exponentially. It is also so much more of a joy! When we share our service in relationship there is much greater enjoyment.

To this end, Wellspring has been actively involved in supporting the establishment and strengthening of the Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform (RENCP). In fact, Wellspring is currently the co-chair. RENCP’s vision is to see unity and collaboration increase among various stakeholders in the Rwandan education sector. Already some great partnerships have taken place through this exciting opportunity.

Another major contributor to the RENCP is Concern Worldwide, an organization devoted to offering support to Parent Teacher Committees (PTC) in their roles and responsibilities in school communities throughout Rwanda. Through RENCP, Wellspring was privileged to observe Concern’s work among PTC communities. This proved to be an excellent learn-ing and sharing opportunity. Their work was so impressive, we decided to ask them if they would be willing to partner with us…and they said, “Yes!”

As a result, four of Concern’s experienced PTC trainers have come to Wellspring for two weeks to facilitate the training of our PTC communities. Jeanne and Wellars, our PTC trainers, will be both supporting Concern and learning from them. This exciting venture is a great example of partnership! The impact of our experience and resources increases dramatically when we say ‘Yes’ to working together. As the Concern trainers invest into our partner schools by training our PTC’s, we are empowered and equipped in greater ways than we could without their collaboration. Concern has reached further. Wellspring has dug deeper. PTC’s have been further empowered. And RENCP has become stronger and more effective. When we say ‘Yes’ to partnership and collaboration, everyone wins!

They said, “Yes!”by Kirsten Lake

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September 2012: The slab, bleachers and safety walls on basketball court #2 have been completed. All that remains is painting lines and fabricating the backboard frames.

Work on the aerobics / weight room building is well underway. The walls will soon be at the height where windows will be installed. Trusses are currently being fabricated.

The change room block will be situated to the right of the gym facility.

The Arts Building is being prepared for the interior furnishings. The windows, ceilings and electrical have all been completed. DJ DeVries, a gifted and faithful friend of Wellspring, is planning his second trip of this year to equip the Arts Building with cabinetry. We are so grateful for his skilled craftsmanship and servant’s heart.

Twenty truck loads of fine sand have been spread out over the volleyball court.

Up Next:• Finish brick work and install windows and ring beam on gym/aerobics room

• Design and build cabinetry for the Arts Building

• Landscaping around the Arts Building


Secondary School Project Updateby Mark Fitz

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God’s Heart for Christian Education

in Africaby Kirsten Lake

As part of our worldview training, we teach our participants that God, a loving Creator, has a heart for the world and everything in it. Thus, we emphasize the importance of modelling that heart as we shape the lives of the children in our schools. Together, we become listeners to the heartbeat of God so that we can serve in rhythm with His heart.

Wellspring shares this vision with another organization, the Associa-tion of Christian Schools International. Phocas and I were privileged to represent Wellspring and Rwanda in August at the ‘ASCI Africa 2nd Round-table’ in Johannesburg, South Africa. We were honoured to represent Rwanda’s Christian education sector and participate in a broader conversation, discovering what God is doing through Christian education in Africa as a whole. Being accompa-nied by Bishop Emmanuel (Bishop of the Byumba Diocese, one of our partners) and Francois (Director of the National Association of Protestant Teachers) was also a privilege. It was a blessing to journey with them, mutually strengthening our relationships, and being inspired about how God wants to use Christian Education in Africa.

We received a timely reminder that Africa’s hope lies in its efforts to raise a generation of leaders who will serve God and love their people. This involves not only training individuals who are principled and grounded in the heart of God, but who also have the skills and knowledge needed to put that heart into action. The theme of transformation was emphasized throughout the conference. Plenary speaker, Dr. Samson Mukhado presented a challenging message: ‘Africa, The Stage is Yours!’ Now is the time for Africa to overcome its brokenness and difficult past. Africa must take ownership and initiate the continent’s transformation. God is clearly calling Christian Education in Africa to a mission of transformation. This mission is tasked with transforming the minds and hearts of Africa’s children so they truly become our hope for the future.

The hearts of our Rwandan delegation were fuelled with a burning desire for transforma-tion through Christian education in Rwanda. We long to see this passion spread through our own Rwanda Roundtable on Christian Education, to be held in October. The seed will be planted in the hearts of an anticipated 200 guests within the education sector. Please pray for us as we seek to see this vision grow and take root in Rwanda so that we harvest a transformed generation in our nation, a generation who will live out God’s transforming heart.

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The Rwandan Delegation

Praying with the ACSI Leadership

Bishop Emm

anuel & Phocas

God’s Heart for Christian Education

in Africaby Kirsten Lake

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Gloria’s smile shines with anticipation and confidence as she begins her final term of Grade 4. Gloria is a 12 year-old student at Wellspring Academy and she is grateful for her opportunity to receive a high quality Christian education. She is in her final term of Primary 4 (Grade 4) and looking forward to finishing well in December.

Her teachers have been kind and patient, giving correction and clarification as Gloria learns to express ideas and develop writing skills in both English and Kinyarwanda. Her classmates have also been encouraging and helpful.

But Gloria’s story hasn’t been all smiles.

Together with her parents—Peli and Joseph—Gloria has been working hard to overcome her learning disadvantages.

Gloria was adopted at age 3; thin, bloated and sick. Due to malnutrition in early childhood, Gloria found focusing in class difficult. Impeding development even further was her inability to speak English when she began at Wellspring five years ago.

As recently as last year, when given a writing assignment, Gloria would finish in just a few min-utes, her page mostly blank. Gloria and her parents have cried, prayed and struggled to meet the academic expectations at Wellspring.

God has been answering those prayers! Wellspring allowed Gloria to repeat Grade 3 and facili-tated extra summer instruction. Peli’s employment as Wellspring’s Head Cook, together with Joseph’s position as Head of Security for Wellspring and Christian Life Assembly, has enabled the family to provide after school tutoring two hours a day, five days a week. With this addition-al support, Gloria’s grade in math significantly improved! Gloria is now able to focus, listen and understand, as well as articulate ideas both in speaking and writing.

Gloria’s highest grade is in Kinyarwanda. Her favourite subjects are English and Daily Devo-tions, where students read the Bible, pray and worship together. She loves to play football (soc-cer) at recess and hopes to become an accountant when she grows up.

According to her mother, Gloria is full of questions, eager to learn at school and at home. Proof of her progress, Gloria now assists her parents as they too attempt to understand and express thoughts in English.

In her free time, Gloria accompanies her mom on visits to the Mercy Homes, a ministry to HIV/Aids patients. She also enjoys cleaning her bedroom, and of course playing hide and seek or playing football with friends.

Peli and Joseph are grateful to God and Wellspring’s generosity in providing for Gloria’s supe-rior education, exceeding their own opportunities as well as their expectations for their chil-dren. Beyond academic skills, Wellspring Academy has enabled Gloria to develop friendships, a greater sense of responsibility, confidence and joy. Gloria’s parents will continue to pray for, and encourage Gloria to steward her opportunities to become a wise and godly young lady as she emerges into adulthood.

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Gloria’s story

hasn’t been all smilesby Katherine Fitz

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to Influenceby Kirsten Lake

So often in life we can miss exciting opportunities that come our way…sometimes we don’t even see them! I find this is especially the case when I am very busy and just trying ‘to get things done’. Here at Wellspring, when opportunities come our way we want to have our eyes and ears open and endeavour to make the most of them. Recently, one such opportunity has come our way.

The Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Education has recently introduced the role of ‘Sector Education Officers’. This is a great initiative that has been implemented in an effort to try and offer more support to schools. The Sector Education Officers (SEOs) are placed at the local government administration level to support all issues pertaining to school life and ensuring healthy school communities. They are to offer close support to ensure that access and quality are achieved in education in Rwanda. It is a timely and important intervention.

In early September Wellspring had the opportunity to meet all the SEOs in the District of Gasabo who are working alongside our partner schools. It was a chance for us to share who we are and what we have been doing in the Gasabo schools. It was an important time to build relationship and share information and

think about how we can best serve one another for the good of our schools. We also shared school progress reports with the SEOs. These were very well received and there is a desire for further partnership and communication.

As we continue to work in Gasabo District we hope to offer support to the SEOs and empower them to be effective as they follow the progress of Quality Education in their school communi-ties. In particular, we are looking forward to the opportunity of training them in Quality Education and lesson supervision in December of this year. It is another exciting opportunity for partner-ship and growth.

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The Wellspring Foundation for Education is working with Rwandans to empower a new generation of leaders through education that transforms lives. Since 2004, we have offered training to hundreds of teachers, established a Professional Development Center, developed a model Christian school called the Wellspring Academy, supported the growth of the Association of Committed Teachers (ACT) Rwanda, and launched an innovative new community-focused solution for school transformation called the School Development Program.

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