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  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 1

    The Sounds of Spanish How they are the same How they are different The KEY to good

    Spanish The vowels The consonants Letter combinations Pronunciation guidelines

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 2

    The Sounds of Spanish How they are the same Nearly half the letters in the Spanish

    alphabet make the same sounds as they doin English. Your English-speaking brain will say these

    correctly without any thought on your part. Thats good news!!

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 3

    The Sounds of Spanish How they are different There are three kinds of letters which

    make different sounds in Spanish. Vowels Consonants Letter combinations

    These are easy to learn!!

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 4

    The Sounds of Spanish The KEY to good Spanish

    Learn the vowel sounds first. Then add the consonants in. Watch for letter combination sounds.

    Dont be afraid to try!

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 5

    The Sounds of Spanish The Vowels

    Even though the vowels are the

    same letters as in English, theymake different sounds inSpanish.

    A E I O U

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 6

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter A makesthe sound of a like

    in father. It sounds like ah. Say ah

    Say casa( kah -sah)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    The Sounds of Spanish The letter E makes

    the sound of e like

    in hey. It sounds like eh. Say eh. Say caf (kah-feh )

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    8/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 8

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter I makes

    the sound of i

    like in ski. It sounds like ee. Say ee. Say lpiz

    ( lh -pees)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    The Sounds of Spanish The letter O makes the

    sound of o like ingo.

    It sounds like oh. Say oh.

    Say mono( moh -noh)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    10/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 10

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter U makes

    the sound of oolike in cuckoo.

    It sounds likeoo.

    Say oo. Say msica( moo -see-kah)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    11/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 11

    The Sounds of Spanish The Consonants

    B/V G H J Z

    These are easy to learn!

    There are many consonants in Spanishthat look the same as the letters inEnglish but they sound different.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    12/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 12

    The Sounds of Spanish B and V sound enough

    alike to be the same inSpanish.

    There is no vibration for the V sound.

    Make the sound of a soft

    b like in boy and useit for both B and V.

    boca=boh -ka

    vaca=bah -ka

    start withthe samesound.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    13/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 13

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter G inSpanish makes two

    sounds just as it does

    in English.

    Gato= gah -toh

    Gente =hehn -teh

    The hard G is the sameas in English. The soft G soundsounds like our letter h in hen.

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    The Sounds of Spanish The letter H is silent in


    It makes no sound. It is like the letter h inthe English word

    hour. Hombre is pronouncedohm -breh. hombre

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 15

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter J in Spanish

    makes the sound of hlike in hard.

    Jardn is pronouncedhahr-deen.


  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    16/2703/04/10This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educational

    purposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 16

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter in Spanish

    makes the sound of nylike in the word onion.

    It sounds like nya. It has atilde over it to

    show that it does notmake the regular nsound. Nios= nee -nyohs

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    17/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 17

    The Sounds of Spanish The letter Z in

    Spanish makes the

    sound S like insimple. There is no

    vibration for theZ sound.

    zapato = sah-pah -toh

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    18/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 18

    The Sounds of Spanish Letter Combinations

    CH CU GU LL QU RRSome letter combinations make specialsounds in Spanish that are different than in


    Pay attention to these!

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    The Sounds of Spanish The letter combination

    CH in Spanish soundsthe same as in English.

    However, it isconsidered a letter inSpanish and has itsown section in manydictionaries. chile =chee -leh

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

    20/2703/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 20

    The Sounds of Spanish In Spanish, if the letter

    combination CU isfollowed by a vowel it

    makes the sound kwlike in quarter. cuaderno =kwah-dehr -noh

    cucharas =koo-chah -rahs

    If CU is followed by a consonant, itsounds like koo asin cuckoo.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    The Sounds of Spanish In Spanish, if the letter

    combination GU isfollowed by an a it

    makes the sound gwlike in guacamole. guantes =gwahn -tehs

    guitarra =gee-tahr- rrah

    If GU is followed by a consonant or one of the other vowels, it makesthe hard G sound.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish

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    The Sounds of Spanish In Spanish, the letters

    LL together make asound like the y in

    yam. LL sounds like ya. It does not sound like

    the English L. Llama is pronounced

    yah -mah. llama

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    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 23

    The Sounds of Spanish

    In Spanish, the letter

    combination QUmakes the sound kas in king.

    queso =keh -soh

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 24

    The Sounds of Spanish In Spanish, the letter

    combination RR is a trilled

    r sound. The sound is trilled with the

    tip of the tongue against the

    roof of the mouth. perro =pehr -rroh

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 25

    The Sounds of Spanish Pronunciation guidelines

    Use the guides on the next page to sound

    out words in Spanish. Write the Spanish word with these guides tomake sure you are pronouncing it correctly.

    When you read the word using these guides,your English-speaking brain will make thecorrect sounds for the Spanish words.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    03/04/10 This material is the property of the AR Dept. of Education. It may be used and reproduced for non-profit, educationalpurposes only after contacting the ADE Distance Learning Center. TMR 26

    A = ah E=eh I= ee O = oh U = oo


    Ga, o = G

    Ge, I = H

    H = nosound

    J = H

    = ny Z = S CH=ch CU vowel =


    GUA = gwa

    LL = y QU = K RR = rrr = meanssounds


    meansfollowed by

  • 8/14/2019 The Sounds of Spanish


    Thi t i l i th t f th AR D t f Ed ti It b d d d d f fit d ti l

    The Sounds of Spanish Casa ( kah -sah) - house Caf ( kah -feh) -coffee Lpiz ( lah -pees) -pencil Mono ( moh -noh) -monkey Msica ( moo -see-cah)

    -music Boca ( boh -cah) -mouth Vaca ( bah -cah) -cow Gato ( gah -toh) -cat

    Gente ( hehn -the) -people Hombre ( ohm -breh) -man Jardn (hahr- deen ) -garden Nios ( nee -nyohs) -kids Zapato (sah- pah -toh) -shoe Chile ( chee -leh) -pepper Cuaderno (kwah- dehr -noh)

    -notebook Guantes ( gwahn -tehs) -glove
