Page 1: The Shalom€¦ · son allows some new and unique opportuni-ties for our rededication as a community. For one type of rededication this season, Oseh Shalom will broaden and deepen

The Shalom

Dear Friends,

Hanukkah begins on Sunday evening, De-cember 6th. The word hanukkah means dedication, or re-dedication. Because of my three-month sabbatical from this December 1st through February 29th, this holiday sea-son allows some new and unique opportuni-ties for our rededication as a community.

For one type of rededication this season, Oseh Shalom will broaden and deepen its connection to our own Reconstructionist movement. During my sabbatical, we’re hir-

ing two student rabbis, Hannah Spiro and Emily Cohen, from the Recon-structionist Rabbinical College (RRC), each to spend a number of week-ends at Oseh Shalom. They’ll introduce us to new ideas, music, practic-es, and leadership styles from the center of our movement at RRC. I’ve met both of our student rabbis. They’re delightful individuals with a great deal to give and teach, and I’m confident that they’ll offer much inspiration to our congregation while they’re with us. I hope that, as a result of their presence at Oseh Shalom, our members will feel a deeper investment in our Reconstructionist movement, our future rabbinical leaders, and RRC’s process of envisioning and planning a virbrant future of the American Jewish community.

Many Shabbat services during my sabbatical, particularly on select week-ends without the visiting student rabbis, will also allow our talented lay leaders the opportunity to rededicate, utilize and deepen their service-

Rabbi Doug Heifetz Cantor Charlie Bernhardt

Executive Director Barry Nove Religious School Director Renee Richards

Volume 49, No. 4

December 2015/5776 Oseh Shalom’s Monthly Newsletter

Content Highlights Rabbi Heifetz’s Monthly Word

Come to the Chanukah B’Yachad! Friday, December 11th

Dinner at 6:00 PM/Service at 7:00 PM

See page 12 for additional details

1 Rabbi’s Monthly Word

2 From the Executive


2 News From School

3 Social Action

6 Anniversaries and


8 Information for the

Annual Retreat

13 Yahrzeits

17 Oneg Sponsors

18 Contributions

19 Oseh Shalom Calendar

20 Candle Lighting Times

Oseh’s Vaughn Winchell made his

championship appearance on Jeopardy

during the November games

Continued on back cover

Page 2: The Shalom€¦ · son allows some new and unique opportuni-ties for our rededication as a community. For one type of rededication this season, Oseh Shalom will broaden and deepen

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 4

Page 2

Welcome to the December

issue. Hanukkah is just

around the corner. I would

like to look back at the past

twelve months. Oseh Shalom

has put in a new floor in the

Social Hall; installed a new

sound system, with Stream-

ing capacity; expanded rentals (for example,

ABCKidstime is now at its licensed capacity, renting

eight of our classrooms – they began with just two

classrooms 5 years ago); and we are in the midst

of a Strategic Planning Process. Ron Benton-Klein

as Building and Grounds chair has done an amazing

job sprucing up the parking lot (all the lines and

disabled parking areas were repainted in time for

the High Holidays). Additionally, Phil Victor and Ste-

ve Klein have replaced a number of broken and old

landscaping lights around the building with new

LED ones (and making electrical and other repairs

in our building, which save us a great deal on

building maintenance costs).

Our B’Yachad program now has a coordinator, Kelly

Benton-Klein, who has been doing a marvelous job

organizing everything to perfection, making our

first three B’Yachad program among the best ever.

On top of all that, we are now approaching our

50th Anniversary (our Jubilee) as a congregation.

It is thanks to members of the congregation

(named and unnamed – though, I should mention

that I could not do what I do without the support

of our Administrative VP, Allison Holtz) – that all

this and a lot more have been made possible.

Hmm, I would be remiss, if I also did not mention

the Shalom In Brief, which debuted this year,

which would not have been possible without the

support of the Shalom’s editor, Carolyn Makovi. Ku-

dos must also go to Adam Goldfarb, who has been

designing the Shalom In Brief and the online edi-

tion since last winter and, though, he is now in

From the Executive Director

Continued on page 4

The Shalom is a great place to advertise!

If you know someone who is interested, please contact:

Barry Nove, Executive Director, at

[email protected] or (301) 498-5151


With Chanukkah coming earli-

er this year, our religious

school is in a unique position

to host a family-wide learning

program before everyone

rushes off to winter break. For

the past few years, the school

has done a great job educating children about our

Jewish customs and extending the meaning of Cha-

nukkah beyond just gift giving. However, we

thought this year would be a good time to provide

meaningful activities for everyone.

This year, on December 6th, we would like to invite

all families to join their students in a family learning

-style Sunday. We will have cooking and dancing

and art and singing. But we will also have meaning-

ful lessons to help families get more out of the holi-

day. Our goal is to provide you with a few tools and

ideas to help you bring a more spiritual and relevant

Chanukkah tradition into your home this year.

Was there really sacred oil that lasted eight days?

Why were the Maccabees fighting? If Chanukkah

means ‘dedication,’ how can I reflect that in a tradi-

tion in my home? What did Jews used to do on this

holiday before gift giving? What do Jews in other

countries do on Chanukkah?

Of course we will have latkes and dreidels, but we

will also help families answer the questions above.

I look forward to seeing you all on December 6th!

Renee Richards

News From the Religious School

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Volume 49, No. 4 The Shalom

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Volunteers Needed for the Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is looking for volun-

teers to help with membership. There are many dif-

ferent activities that I need help with and any help

you could give me is appreciated. If you are interest-

ed in volunteering, please review the list of volunteer

activities below and let me know which category or

categories you would be willing to help with. It is my

intention to sort the volunteer list by activity so that I

am not contacting everyone for each activity.

Meetings/Planning Events/Strategy: Volunteers to

attend membership meetings, wherein we will dis-

cuss membership strategies and plan membership

events. The meetings will be held every 4th Sunday

of the month at 10 a.m. (Note: we will not be meet-

ing on November 22nd). The next meeting is Sunday,

December 27th at 10 a.m.

Volunteer at Events: This includes things like setting

up, cleaning up, and sitting at a membership table. I

will inform the volunteers on this list of the date of

the event and the tasks that we need help with. The

volunteers will let me know if they are available for

the tasks that we need help with. You can volunteer

for this even if you do not volunteer to attend meet-

ings/plan events.

Phone Calls-Events: Volunteers will be given a list of

new members and/or prospective members to call

about upcoming membership events with the pur-

pose of specifically inviting them to attend the event.

When I have a need for these calls to be made, I will

provide the information about the event and will let

the volunteers know the time frame for the phone

calls. Volunteers will then let me know if they are

available to make phone calls and if so, how many

they would like to make. They will also need to pro-

vide with me the results of the phone calls. You can

volunteer for this task even if you do not volunteer to

attend meetings/plan events.

Please note that the committee has a need for peo-

ple willing to make phone calls and that it is not nec-

essary for you to attend meetings in order to make

the phone calls. I will provide you with the infor-

mation you need in order to make the phone calls.

If you have any questions regarding any of these,

please either email me at [email protected] or call

me at (H) (410) 792-2868 or (cell) (443) 812-5469.

Ann Wittik-Bravmann

Religious School cooking up

delicious challah

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The Shalom Volume 49, No. 4

Page 4

graduate school in New York, continues to design

them. The Shalom In Brief is really one of our sig-

nature accomplishments of 2015, helping us con-

nect so much better with our community.

Looking forward, the Annual Retreat is around the

corner, and more B’Yachad programs, not far be-

hind. We still need sponsors for the remaining

B’Yachad events through June. The cost of these

dinners is over $1,500, sometimes significantly

more depending on the number of people we are

expecting (and the selected menu, etc.). Oseh Sha-

lom does not have funding in the budget to cover

these programs. I truly wish we did. So, if you are

in a position to underwrite one or part of a

B’Yachad, please contact me or Kelly Benton-Klein,

B’Yachad Coordinator (and Development Chair).

Also, if you would like to help with the 50th Anni-

versary Dinner, which is also just around the cor-

ner, on Saturday evening, March 5, 2016, please

contact us as well. For example, I know the Com-

mittee is seeking old Oseh Shalom photographs for

an exhibit being planned for that night.

I cannot thank enough all those who have helped

in the office for this past month: Mona Davis, Lisa

Karpf, Doris Kirschbaum, Mariyan Kolev, Yannet

Pena, Pauline Pivowar, and Stephen Schoenfeld. I

would also like to thank Judy Arnoff, who for more

than four years up until October was updating the

board outside the Sanctuary weekly. Her willing-

ness to help for so long is much appreciated. Final-

ly, simply thank you. Oseh could not do what it

does and be there for our community without you

and all our members.

Barry Nove

Executive Director

[email protected]


Continued from page 2, Executive Director

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Volume 49, No. 4 The Shalom

Page 5

While you are out buying holiday gifts for family

and friends, please think of those less fortunate.

We will be "adopting" a family again from the Lau-

rel Advocacy and Referral Services (LARS) as

well as having a general toy drive. LARS thanked

us sincerely last year. The family was so touched

by our warmth and generosity.

Please click here:

go/20f044aacac229-adopt for suggested items to

bring for both of these collections, or contact Feli-

cia below. If you have children, have them help

pick out the toys. If you prefer shopping online,

please use the Amazon link on the Oseh shop/

support page or get a Scrips gift card from Kelly

Benton-Klein. If you shop using a Scrips gift card,

you can help Oseh and our needy family. Scrips

orders will be placed on November 23, so that the

gift cards will arrive on time. You get the full value

of the gift card and Oseh gets a small percentage.

Scrips includes discount and regular department

stores such as Target, Kmart, Giant Food, Macy’s,

etc. Just call or email Kelly, [email protected]. It’s

that easy.

Items needed for the family have specific ages

listed. Please bring unwrapped items on Decem-

ber 6 and join us for our lively gift wrapping party.

If you can’t make the wrapping event, drop off your

donations in the Oseh coat closet box marked

Adopt a Family.

Join the Wrapping Lunch Party, December 6,

11:30 am – 1 pm

Join us on Sunday, December 6, at 11:30 am for

our Social Action gift wrapping party. The gift

wrapping event is for all congregants, not just

those with kids. We will offer an optional pizza,

salad, drinks, and dessert lunch for $5 per person,

4 and under are free, maximum $15 per family.

Please let us know if you have any special dietary

requests, such as gluten free. All items will be free

Help Us Help Others: Support our

"Adopt a Family" and Toy Drive

of peanuts/tree nuts. We will have a playdough

table for young children as well as a table for

older kids to make holiday cards for the adopted


Questions? Email Felicia at [email protected] or

call Felicia via phone at: 240-786- 6274 (home),

or email Melody Magnus at mel-

[email protected]


Felicia Friedman and Melody Magnus, Social

Action/Caring and Support Committee

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6 Gary & Eileen Pokodner

6 Jeff & Andi Zolt

10 Dan & Lisa Krieger

20 Craig & Eileen Hollander

20 Brad Sachs & Karen Meckler

22 Stephen & Terry Klein

23 Stephen Siegel & Amy Lechter-Siegel

26 Stan & Ruth Brodsky


1 Gary Gilbert

1 Cathy Weiss

2 Patrick Quigley

2 Brad Sachs

2 Donald Thomas

3 Diane Cole

4 Larry Levy

4 Melvin Stern

7 Laurie Remer

8 Bobby Mitchell

9 Felicia Dannick-Friedman

9 Carrie Goodman

9 Michael Makovi

10 Daniel Bravmann

11 Mary Shine

12 Stephanie Fink

12 Gary Gaines

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12 Janet Schoenfeld

13 Bryan Hicks

13 Mike Taylor

14 Robert Fleishman

14 Steven Parker

16 Steven Salant

16 Edward Stern

17 Elaine Povich

17 Lyle Wolinsky

18 Pauline Pivowar

19 Richard Bacharach

20 Paige Goodwin

22 Diane Cohen

22 Brian Kritt

23 Matt Baker

25 Ellen Horak

25 Robert LeRoy

26 Diane Hersh

27 Roxanne Lefkoff

28 Emily Blank

29 Paul Feldman

29 Rich Scissors

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It’s that time of year— the minimum order to place bricks is 10

and to date (as of November 4, 2015) we need only 8 more to order.

If you would like to honor or memorialize friends or family, please

order by December 15, 2015 for installation before the end of March.

Oseh Shalom’s The Derehk Shalom, Path of Peace

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12/1/2015 Leon Cohen, uncle of Felicia Dannick-Friedman

12/1/2015 *Anna Eisenblatt Pomerantz, great aunt of Mark Pomerantz

12/1/2015 Sheldon Green, brother of Joanne Wolinsky

12/2/2015 Virginia Russakoff, mother of Renee Firtag

12/2/2015 James D. Blackwell, Jr., father of Elmina Hilsenrath

12/2/2015 Dorothy Josephson, grandmother of Ann Wittik-Bravmann

12/3/2015 Evelyn Castleman Volkman, mother of Ellen Bacharach

12/3/2015 Sarah Weissman, mother of Louise Weissman

12/4/2015 Ruth Rosenzweig, mother of Rochelle Sypes

12/4/2015 Ralph Wolinsky, father of Lyle Wolinsky

12/5/2015 Nettie Koeppel, mother of Jeffrey Koeppel

12/5/2015 Anne Chase, grandmother of Robert Nachman

12/5/2015 Neal Shugar, brother of Michael Shugar

12/6/2015 Randy Siegmeister, brother of Laura Applestein

12/7/2015 *Jack Pivowar, husband of Pauline Pivowar

12/8/2015 Nathan Volkman, father of Ellen Bacharach

12/8/2015 Nathan Fastman, father of Michael Fastman

12/11/2015 Jacob Russakoff, father of Renee Firtag

12/12/2015 Harry Parker, father of Steven Parker

12/13/2015 Reba Segal, grandmother of Seth Friedman

12/13/2015 Doris Kalman, mother of Annette Rankin

12/14/2015 Karol Horak, father of Dan Horak

12/14/2015 Louis Butler, grandfather Valerie Kaplan

12/15/2015 Sylvia Holzer, grandmother of Howard Krakower

12/15/2015 Martha B Fay, mother of Mary Nelson

12/16/2015 Hilda Hersh, mother of Sidney Hersh

12/18/2015 Michael Gilbert, brother of Jeff Gilbert

12/19/2015 Seymour Feldman, father of Paul Feldman

12/20/2015 Laura Brodsky, stepmother of Stan Brodsky

12/20/2015 Sadie Ehrlich, mother of Carol Jacobson


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12/20/2015 Sally Krieger, grandmother of Carrie Quigley

12/21/2015 Ezra Eisenberg, father of Carole Nathan

12/22/2015 Jeannette Bernhardt, mother of Charles Bernhardt

12/22/2015 Anthony Fox, brother of Dan Fox

12/22/2015 *Samuel Victor, father of Phil Victor

12/22/2015 Nancy Winchell, mother of Vaughn Winchell

12/23/2015 Samuel Broad, grandfather of Barbara Margolis

12/23/2015 Ernest Riehl, father of John Riehl

12/24/2015 Rebecca Castleman, grandmother of Ellen Bacharach

12/24/2015 Ethel Genes Berger, mother of Robert Berger

12/24/2015 Albert Blank, father of Melody Magnus

12/24/2015 Philip Rapp, father of Harvey Rapp

12/26/2015 Henry Bornstein, father of Susan Hoffman

12/28/2015 Donald Brecker, father of Joan LeRoy

12/29/2015 Seymour Cohen, father of Howard Cohen

12/29/2015 Sam Baer, stepfather of Ed Kraft

12/29/2015 *Gail Stern, wife of Melvin Stern

12/30/2015 *Anne Hilsenrath, mother of Ernest Hilsenrath

12/31/2015 Ethel Bornstein, mother of Susan Hoffman

12/31/2015 Dorothy Siegfried, mother of Barbara Scissors


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Volume 49, No. 4 The Shalom

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Consider Oseh Shalom when planning your Simcha’s needs!

Reasonable and competitive rates for use of our Social Hall,

Kitchen, Rooms, and Sanctuary.

For details and availability contact:

Barry Nove, Executive Director

@ 301-498-5151 or [email protected]


Len and Melinda Bers in memory of Len’s


Pauline Pivowar

Judy Tabachow and family in memory of

Denny Tabachow

Leah and Patrick Young

Myra and Brian Snow

Marj and Steve Aug

Pauline Pivowar

Carolyn and Marty Makovi


Marilyn and Cantor Charlie Bernhardt in

memory of Marilyn’s mother, Matilda


Leah and Patrick Young

Marj and Steve Aug

Pauline Pivowar


To: Marilyn and Cantor Charlie Bernhardt

in memory of Marilyn’s aunt, Bernice Ru-

12/20/2015 Sally Krieger, grandmother of Carrie Quigley

12/21/2015 Ezra Eisenberg, father of Carole Nathan

12/22/2015 Jeannette Bernhardt, mother of Charles Bernhardt

12/22/2015 Anthony Fox, brother of Dan Fox

12/22/2015 *Samuel Victor, father of Phil Victor

12/22/2015 Nancy Winchell, mother of Vaughn Winchell

12/23/2015 Samuel Broad, grandfather of Barbara Margolis

12/23/2015 Ernest Riehl, father of John Riehl

12/24/2015 Rebecca Castleman, grandmother of Ellen Bacharach

12/24/2015 Ethel Genes Berger, mother of Robert Berger

12/24/2015 Albert Blank, father of Melody Magnus

12/24/2015 Philip Rapp, father of Harvey Rapp

12/26/2015 Henry Bornstein, father of Susan Hoffman

12/28/2015 Donald Brecker, father of Joan LeRoy

12/29/2015 Seymour Cohen, father of Howard Cohen

12/29/2015 Sam Baer, stepfather of Ed Kraft

12/29/2015 *Gail Stern, wife of Melvin Stern

12/30/2015 *Anne Hilsenrath, mother of Ernest Hilsenrath

12/31/2015 Ethel Bornstein, mother of Susan Hoffman

12/31/2015 Dorothy Siegfried, mother of Barbara Scissors

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When you receive your email or letter notifying

you of your scheduled date for hosting an Oneg,

WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU as soon as possi-


NOT. We need time to find an alternate to take

your place if you cannot keep your assigned date,

and we will reschedule you if possible, or put you

on our reserve list for a future opening.

Please respond to Lisa when you receive your

email or letter. You can reach her at:

(Lisa Karpf) [email protected]

Thank you for your prompt response.

Lisa Karpf, Chair, Coordinating Oneg Host

Community News

Baruch Dayan ha'Emet

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the Everett family on the death of Peter Everett, z'l, brother of Chris Everett and broth-er-in-law of Sonya Everett.

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Marilyn Bernhardt on the death of her aunt Bernice Rubenstein,z'l.

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the Bernhardt family on the death of Matilda Weiner, z'l, mother of Marilyn Bernhardt and mother-in-law of Cantor Charles Bernhardt.

The congregation extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to Judy Tabachow and her family on the death of her husband, Denny Tabachow, z'l.

May the mourners find consolation within the gates of Zion and Jerusalem.

Community News

Mazel Tov!

Mazel tov to members Stephanie and Ben on the birth of their baby, James Anders Fogle!

Sponsor a Friday Night Oneg Shabbat

Honor a loved one by sponsoring an oneg. This is

a unique and special way to commemorate life

events, such as birthdays, anniversaries, bar/bat

mitzvahs and special additions to the family. You

would also be contributing to the spirit of commu-

nity following erev Shabbat services. The oneg

sponsor honors are listed in both the weekly bima

notes and the Shalom. Each sponsor honor is $25;

the funds benefit the entire congregation. Please

notify Mona Davis at [email protected] or any of

the Sisterhood members to sponsor an oneg.

On Oct 28, 2015, Oseh Shalom sponsored a

“Twinning” event with some folks representing

the Muslim community around Washington and

Baltimore at the synagogue. The folks that at-

tended were Rabbi Heifetz and I from Oseh Sha-

lom; Saleem Ahmed and Dr. Mohammad Younus

of Montgomery County; Daniel Spiro, leader of

the Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society of Washing-

ton (JIDS); and Dr. Rais Rahman from the Is-

lamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) and his wife,

Nasrin Rahman, Principal of the ISB Sunday

school as well as Vice President of the Baltimore

County Muslim Council. The purpose of this

“Twinning “ event is to foster communication

between the Jewish and Muslim communities.

We all had a terrific time. Some ideas for the fu-

ture will be to have some social events that in-

clude a discussion and perhaps an entertaining

event like a film. These events will be open to

members of our respective communities.

Robin Mauk

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October 30

Tracey and Steven Cohen in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Lily

November 13

Sisterhood in honor of Barry Nove’s birthday

November 27

Marty Hoffman in memory of his mother, Rose Hoffman

December 4

Schimel family in honor of Josh’s birthday

Eaton family in honor of Jonah’s birthday

December 11

Makovi family in honor of Michael’s birthday

Lisa Karpf in honor of Mitch Stein’s birthday

Brodsky family in honor of Ari Brodsky-Simon's birthday

Pauline Pivowar in memory of her husband, Jack

Eileen and Craig Hollander in honor of their anniversary

Bonnie Gaines in honor of Gary Gaines’s birthday

December 18

Edelberg family in honor of Sara’s birthday

Eaton family in honor of Daniel’s birthday

Karen Meckler and Brad Sachs in honor of their anniversary

Elmina and Ernest Hilsenrath in honor of the birthday of granddaughter, Sophia Isabel-la Schulman

Mary Meyerson in honor of Neal’s birthday

Sisterhood in honor of Pauline Pivowar’s birthday

December 25

Ruth and Stan Brodsky in honor of their anniversary

Eaton family of honor of the birthdays of daughter, Rebecca, and her husband, Enrique

Terry and Steve Klein in celebration of their anniversary

Margie and Robert Ginsberg in honor of Emily’s birthday

Susan Hoffman in memory of her father, Henry Bornstein

Oneg Sponsors

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Path of Peace

Bob Fleishman

In memory of Doris Fleish-

man, 1933-2015

Laurie Remer

In memory of Beverly Remer,


Tzedek Fund


Rabbi Heifetz

In honor of Oseh Shalom’s

upcoming 50th Anniversary

Shelley & Adam Reese

In memory of Cecil Reese

and Chester Kandel

Life Long Learning Fund


Doris Kirschbaum

Terry & Steve Klein

In memory of Annette Saun-

ders High Holiday Appeal

Dr. Henry David

In appreciation of your lovely

and moving Holiday Services,

and Rabbi and Cantor

Carol & Arnold Jacobson

Nancey Parker

Steven Parker

Building Fund

Gail & Ron Schimel

In memory of Arnie Springer

– brother of Gail Schimel

Torah Repair Fund

Gerson & Beryl Kramer

In memory of Harry Kramer,

father of Gerson Kramer

Kol Haneshama: Daily

Prayerbook/Shabbat &

Festivals Prayerbook


Rabbi’s Discretionary


Susan & Robert Northcutt

Susan & David Mack

In honor of the Bat Mitzvah

of Sasha Bird and her parents

Jessica & Rick Bird

Yahrzeit Plaque

Bobbi Adams

In memory of Edward Adams

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Oseh Shalom Calendar Highlights

December 2015

December 2,9,16,23, 30 8:15 PM Israeli Dance

December 4,11,18,25 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Services

December 2,9,16,23 5:00 PM Lower School

December 1 7:30 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting

December 4 6:00 PM 3rd Grade Kabbalat Shabbat

7:00 PM Shabbat Family Service

December 5 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services

December 6 9:30 AM Lower School

9:30 AM Pre-K

10:00 AM LLL-Rabbi’s Class (S)

11:30 AM Adopt A Family Gift Wrap Pizza Party

11:45 AM Home School Meeting

11:45 AM TeenConnect

7:30 PM Kadimah Meeting

December 9 7:15 PM Executive Committee

December 11 6:00 PM Shabbat Hanukkah B’Yachad Dinner & Shabbat

Evening Service

December 12 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services

December 13 9:30 AM NO SCHOOL

10:00 AM LLL-Hebrew Reading Crash Course

1:00 PM Chesapeake Day of Learning (JRC)

December 15 7:30 PM Kadimah Meeting

December 16 7:30 PM LLL Committee Meeting

December 17 7:30 PM Relcomm Meeting

December 18 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Service

December 19 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Service

5:00 PM Teen Connect Mall Scavenger Hunt (Offsite)

Page 20: The Shalom€¦ · son allows some new and unique opportuni-ties for our rededication as a community. For one type of rededication this season, Oseh Shalom will broaden and deepen

The Shalom Volume 49, No. 4

Page 20

Dates Lighting Time Havdalah Parsha Haftarah

December 4-5 4:26 PM 5:34 PM Vayeshev

Genesis 39:1-40:23

Amos 2:6-3:8

December 6-14


December 11-12

4:27 PM 5:35 PM Miketz

Genesis 43:16-44:17, Num-bers 28:9-15

Zechariah 2:14-4:7

December 12-13

Rosh Chodesh Tevet

December 18-19 4:29 PM 5:37 PM Vayigash

Genesis 46:28-47:27

Ezekiel 37:15-28

December 22

Asara b'Tevet

December 25-26 4:32 PM 5:31 PM Vayechi

Genesis 49:27-50:26

I Kings 2:1-12

* The first haftarah is read by Ashkenazim, the second by Sefardim.


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December 20 9:30 AM Lower School

9:30 AM Pre-K

11:45 AM Upper School—Torah Study

7:00 PM Board Meeting

December 25 8:00 PM Shabbat Evening Services

December 26 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services

December 27 9:30 AM NO SCHOOL

10:00 AM Membership Committee Meeting

December 30 5:00 PM NO SCHOOL

8:15 PM Israeli Dance

December 2015

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Page 21: The Shalom€¦ · son allows some new and unique opportuni-ties for our rededication as a community. For one type of rededication this season, Oseh Shalom will broaden and deepen

Oseh Shalom

7515 Olive Branch Way

Laurel, MD 20707

Phone: 301-498-5151

Doug Heifetz, Rabbi

Carolyn Makovi, Editor

Adam Goldfarb, Layout Editor

Mona Davis, Advertising

[email protected]

Oseh Shalom is a vibrant, inclusive Reconstructionist synagogue, with members throughout the Baltimore

-Washington area, dedicated to providing a supportive community for celebrating Jewish life through

prayer, learning and social action.

leading skills for the benefit of the congregation.

Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to the upcoming opportunities for my own rabbinic ‘rededication’ during my sabbatical. After nearly ten years of serving as the Rabbi of Oseh Shalom, this interlude will offer occasions to deepen and broaden my areas of knowledge and ability. I will engage in some religious studies courses, both locally and online. I’m also taking a metalsmithing/jewelry class. As some of you know, I’ve begun to create silverware jewelry, often incorporating Jewish ideas and symbols. Many of my pieces are already on sale at the gift shop here at Oseh Shalom, to benefit the congregation. I plan to spend time working with members of our community on jewelry and art pro-jects upon my return. If you’d like, please follow my progress during my sabbatical on my metalwork website at:

I’ll miss my frequent contact with the wonderful members of our congregation during these three months. You’ve helped me to grow tremendously over the years, and I’ve come to feel increasingly relaxed and happy with so many of my ‘official’ and informal roles. When my sabbatical ends in March, I’ll be eager to share my experiences from this three-month interlude, and to hear about those from members of the congregation.

Best wishes for a wonderful Hanukkah, and a fruitful and happy season of rededication.


Rabbi Doug Heifetz

Continued from page 1, Rabbi
