Page 1: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

The Shortest player in the NBA


Page 2: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Words review

junior high try out for sth.

lose heart score

senior high stand

change one’s mind leader name

n. < 美 > 初级中学参加…选拔 ( 或试演 )泄气,灰心 vt.&vi. 得分 n. < 美 > 高级中学 n. 看台改变主意 n. 领导者 vt. 命名

Page 3: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Words review

university simply

junior college

national championship

succeed succeed in doing sth.


n. 大学adv. 仅仅;简直n. < 美 > 两年制专科学校adj. 国家的n. 锦标赛,大赛vi. 成功成功地做某事n. 奖学金

Page 4: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Words review

although graduate

force league

remain take notice of achievement

prove matter

conj. 尽管,虽然vi. 毕业vt. 强迫,迫使n. 联盟,社团vi. 逗留;保持不变注意,察觉n. 成就,成绩vt. 证明vi. 要紧 , 有重大影响

Page 5: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Read the

explanation and

speak out the word

it explains.

Page 6: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

to win points, goals, etc. in a game or competition

junior high

n. < 美 > 高级中学 senior high

vt.&vi. 得分 score

n. < 美 > 初级中学

(in the US) a school for young people between the ages of 12 and 14

(in the US) a school for young people between the ages of 14 and 18

Page 7: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

to give a name to sb./ sth.n. 领导者 leader

vt. 命名 name

a large sloping structure at a stadium with rows where people sit or stand to watch the game

n. 看台 standa person who leads a group of people, especially the head of a country, an organization, etc

Page 8: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

universityn. 大学

an institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree or do research

adv. 仅仅;简直 simply

n. < 美 > 两年制专科学校

junior college

used to emphasize how easy or basic something is

(in the US) a college that offers programmes that are two years long.

Page 9: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n


adj. 国家的 national

n. 锦标赛,大赛 championship

vi. 成功

connected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nation

a competition to find the best player or team in a particular sport

to achieve something that you have been trying to do or get; to have the result or effect that was intended

Page 10: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n


conj. 尽管,虽然 although

vi. 毕业

used for introducing a statement that makes the main statement in a sentence seem surprising

to get a degree, especially your first degree, from a university or college

an amount of money given to somebody by an organization to help pay for their education

scholarshipn. 奖学金

Page 11: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n


n. 联盟;社团 league

vi. 逗留,保持不变

a group of sports teams who all play each other to earn points and find which team is best

to continue to be something; to be still in the same state or condition

forcevt. 强迫,迫使

to make sb do sth that they do not want to do

Page 12: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n


vt. 证明 prove

vi. 要紧,有重大影响

to use facts, evidence, etc. to show that something is true

to be important or have an important effect on sb./sth.

achievementn. 成就,成绩

a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

Page 13: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

1 stand

2 national

3 succeed

4 scholarship

5 prove

6 matter

a achieve something that you have been trying to dob use facts to show that something is truec a place where people stand sit to watch sportsd be importante of a whole countryf money given to somebody that he or she continue study

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

Page 15: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Kobe BryantYao Ming

Height: 198cm

Height: 226cm


Page 16: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Who is he?

Spud Webb

Page 17: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

斯伯特 ·韦伯于 1963年出生,因为身高只有1 米 70、被昵称为“土豆”的他,竟在 1986年“扣篮大赛”中从“人类电影精华”威尔金斯手中不可思议地夺得“扣篮王”称号,成为 NBA的传奇。

Spud Webb

Page 18: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

What makes a person a wonderful basketball player?

Height? Skill?

Which is more important to a basketball player? Why?

Let’s read the article —

The shortest player in the NBA

Page 19: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

a Spud Webb named Player of the Yearb Spud got a scholarship from a universityc Spud scored 20 points in his first game d Spud became an NBA player in 1985e small Spud had a big dream

Paragraph 1 _________Paragraph 2 _________Paragraph 3 _________Paragraph 4 _________Paragraph 5 _________


There are some important information on Spud Webb’s basketball career. Read the article and write the correct letters in the blanks.


Page 20: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

1. In junior high, he was refused to play at first because he was too small, but he ____

____________________________________ _________________________________.2. In senior school, he often had to sit in the

stands because of his height but he ______ ____________________________________ ___________________________________.

did not lose heart. When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game

practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind. He went on to become leader of the team

B4 Simon is writing about Spud Webb. Help him find out how Spud did not give up at different stages of his life.

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3. After he graduated from high school, no university would invite him to play basketball because he was only 170cm tall. He decided _____________________________________________________________.4. After he graduated from university, the NBA was not interested in him because all its players were more than 20 cm taller than he was. He remained __________________________________________________. in another basketball league for about a year before the NBA took notice of him

to play at a junior college. There he led his team to the national championship

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Spud WebbYear & place of birth

Texas, 1963

Height 170 cmDream play in the NBAJunior High try out, be refused to, score 20 points, star of

the teamSenior High sit in the stands, change his mind, become

leader of the team, Player of the YearCollege/ University

invite to, a junior college, lead to, bring him to the attention of, succeed in

NBA be interested in, be forced to, take notice of, the Atlanta Hawks, great achievements, his proudest moment

What he proved hard work, does not matter, never give up

Try to retell Spud’s life with the help of information mentioned in the table.

Page 23: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Simon: When was Spud Webb born?David: He was born in (1) _______.Simon: Was he very tall?David: No. he was (2) _____________ than the other kids at school.Simon: When did he become an NBA player?David: He (3) ________ the Atlanta Hawks in 1985 and became the (4) __________ player in the NBA at that time.Simon: What was his proudest moment?David: He (5) ________ the Slam Dunk Contest in 1986.Simon: Great! Spud proved that size and body type really doesn’t (6) ________. We can do almost anything if we never (7) _________.


much smaller



matter give up

Simon wants to know more about Spud Webb. He is asking David some questions. Complete their conversation with the information in the article.


Page 24: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

1. He was very small — much smaller than the other kids at school.

比较级前可以加 much, a little, quite, even 等副词表示程度或加强比较。如:

Shanghai is much bigger than my hometown.上海比我的家乡大多了。He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind.他训练更加刻苦,终于使教练改变了看法。

Page 25: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

2. He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind.

mind 作动词,意为“介意,在乎,反对”。 mind doing sth. 意为“介意做某事”。

mind 作名词,意为“想法,意见”。与 mind 相关的短语: keep sth. in mind 记住某事 change one’e mind 改变主意 make up one’s mind 下决心

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Excuse me, would you mind      your voices down, please? (2012  四川绵阳 )     A. to keep           B. keeping               C. keep               D. kept

我希望你不要介意。 I hope you don’t mind.你介意照顾一下我的孩子吗?Would you mind looking after my child?


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3. As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.

succeed in doing 意为“ ( 在某方面 ) 取得成功;达到目的”。succeed 是动词,其名词形式是 success, 形容词为 successful ,副词为 successfully 。

根据汉语意思完成句子。王诚成功地在竞赛中获胜。Wang Cheng ___________ winning the competition.


succeeded in

Page 28: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

4. Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter.

matter 用作动词,意思是“要紧,有重大影响”。如:

The job matters more to him than anything else.对他来说,这份工作比其他什么都重要。


matter 用作名词时,表示“毛病,麻烦事”,常用于句型 What’s the matter with sb./sth.?

Page 29: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

Words:junior high score senior high stand leader name university simply junior college national championship succeed scholarship although force remain prove

Phrases:try out for sth. succeed in doing sth.lose heart change one’s mind take notice of sit in the stands

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Patterns:1. While attending junior high, Spud

tried out for the school team, but he was refused to play at first because he was too small.

2. He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.

3. Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matter.

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Page 32: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

I. Multiple choice

1.Every player wants to____ the national team.

A. try out inB. try on forC. try out forD. try for2. He has to stay in hospital____ illness. A. because of                  B. because C. since                D. as

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• 3._______, he won the match at last.

• A. In order to

• B. As a result

• C. Although

• D. Because of

• 4. At last, he succeed_____ the first in race.              B. in get

• C. in getting     D. on getting

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II. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. While___________(attend)the meeting, Mr Hu made a wonderful speech.2. Why was he refused_________ (come) to our party?3. Xi Jinping is an excellent _______ (lead) in China. 4. That things drives me mad_________(simple).5. In old days, many poor people were forced_________(leave) their hometown.6. Getting the first in the exam is always my_________(proud) moment.


to come


to leave


Page 35: The Shortest player in the NBA Reading. Words review junior high try out for sth. lose heart score senior high stand change one’s mind leader name n

1. They ______ their child John.2. She hopes to go to ________ next year.3. The thief ________ her to hand over

her money.4. Although he failed in this entrance

examination, he didn’t _________.5. Does it _______ if we are a bit late?

用方框中词的适当形式填空。force matter university

lose heart name



lose heartmatter

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根据汉语及提示翻译下列句子。1. 任何事都不能使我改变主意。 (change

one’s mind) __________________________________2. 我本想和她商量,结果却把她惹火了。

(succeed in doing sth.) __________________________________ ______________________________3. 尽管他参加这次竞赛不过是闹着玩儿而

已,赢得了头奖。 (although) __________________________________ ____________________________

Nothing will make me change my mind.

I tried to discuss it with her, but only succeeded in making her angry.

Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won the first prize.

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1. Preview Grammar.

2. Write a summary about Spud Webb.
