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'THE SELF' and 'I'(You are Consciousness. You can never Die)

Gan, Chennai

 The Picture can never be Independent of the Black Board

‘You can never die.’ This is what is expressed by the Seers and Sages of  the preceding centuries. They went about deep inside through their SELF in Deep Meditation and realized this fact. We will explore how it is so.

Look at the above Picture. The Black Board on which the drawing is made can be assumed to be the ‘Consciousness’, the primal imperishable stuff.  The various pictures that come and go on the Black Board are the He, She, It, They, Dog, Cat, Houses, Sun, Stars, Stones etc.  The Black Board is independent of the Pictures, whereas the pictures are not independent of the Black Board.  The Black Board is the ‘Undifferentiated Consciousness’ that always exist. This can be termed as ‘THE SELF’ for all understanding purposes. ‘The Self’ exists in all the pictures. The various pictures like He, She, Dog, Cat are ‘Differentiated Consciousness’ that are drawn on the Black Board.

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The Substratum of all existence is ‘Consciousness’Consciousness is an Eternal Stuff.  It is Anadi. It has no Beginning, so it has no end. Consciousness has no Birth. Hence it cannot Die.  Consciousness is not Duality. So it is not Unity also. Then what is Consciousness?  Consciousness is Everything. It is Infinite. It exists as GOD as Universal Consciousness. It exists as Individual Consciousness in all that exists in the Universe. When everything is one and the same but appearing different for the differentiated consciousness, it is called Maya. This is the Basic Principle of Advaita Vedanta.  Advaita means Singularity. Advaita Vedanta is not a Religious Dogma.  Adavaita Vedanta is a Logical Principle derived by Rishis of the bygone centuries.  Upanishads expound the same principle of Advaita Vedanta in depth. Upanishads are abstract principles of existence without any Religious Affliction. Upanishads ruthlessly expound the Truth.

Mind Stuff Creates all MayaExistence and Life is Maya Created by the Mind Stuff. We too much identify us with our Mind Stuff and get lost in the Drama. We become Power, Position and Paisa Hungry. We are driven excessively by Material Desires even without the slightest exploration, thinking that Material World is all that exists. We are yet another Goat in the Flock of Goats. What a stupid ideology, we all follow. Is life such a mere freak Few Million Dollars worth Phenomena? Certainly No. Nature has a profound and systematic plan. We were once a Stone, Tree, Cat and Dog. Now we are in Human Form. We have a little bit more extra sense called ‘Sixth Sense.’ That's it.

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The Soul Consciousness in Rocks and Minerals is in


The Soul Consciousness in Plants is in


The Soul Consciousness in Animals is in


The Soul Consciousness in Human Beings is in DREAM STATE

(Awaken relative to the above but actually in Unconscious State)

Majority of Human Beings are Sleeping Stuff, with a false belief thinking that they are wide Awake. Many of us no more than a Robotic Machine which has a little bit capacity to Think. Yea! Thinking  Robots.

Many Human beings unable to find the correct path to tread, bank upon Religious Fanaticism and Dogmas, Deceptive Money Build-ups, Dubious Power Hunger, Scintillating Social Status, Silly Sensual Enjoyments, etc forgetting the very purpose of coming to existence as Human Beings. We sincerely play with Trashes and faithfully throw away the Diamonds which are offered. For such people, there lies a long road ahead in their Evolution Journey.

Our Death is an Impossible PhenomenaWe can never Die. We are basically a stuff made-up of consciousness. Consciousness is not a material stuff. The Body and Mind we wear are purely temporary stuff.  By wrongly identifying us with the Body and Mind, we fall in to deception and meet with huge sufferings. We only change form. We only change our places, parents, names etc by numerous births and deaths. That which is born and dies is not the consciousness, which is the REAL YOU. Consciousness has no Birth and Death. YOU ARE CONSCIOUSNESS.

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What should I do now?Keep reminding often that you are an indestructible, non-flammable, Birthless, Deathless, Ever existing, CONSCIOUSNESS and SOUL.  The whole Universe is nothing but YOU. Your neighbour is also your own stuff, a part of you, consciousness.

You are not inside the Universe. THE UNIVERSE IS INSIDE YOU. This is not a Joke. The Universe lies within the CONSCIOUSNESS, which is your TRUE SELF. The Universe is a material Stuff which has a beginning and an end. You are an immortal Consciousness which is Eternal, Ever Existing and Blissful.

Close your eyes. Meditate. Go deep within. Find out your TRUE SELF. This is the only way. This is the Destiny of all SOULS.

