
The Secondary Update May 2nd, 2013


On May 1st, JBS had its annual Career Day. Twenty six guest speakers came to talk to our students about their career paths and professions. The day started with guest speaker, Dr. Fardan, a Canadian Board Certified Plas-tic and Reconstructive Surgeon and UAE National. He took us through a 17 year journey, starting with his high school graduation in Dubai and culminating with him becoming a subspecialized breast reconstructive surgeon. He shared with us the obstacles that he faced and how he overcame them. He discussed with our students what being a plastic surgeon entails; stressing to them that the aesthetics and cosmetics are a small part of this field. They work with burn victims, trauma victims and congenital deformities. For students who are interested in the field of medicine, he gave them a glimpse into what is to be a junior resident, senior resident and chief surgeon. Some of our students were surprised to hear that a junior resident works on average 80-100 hours a week, and that comes out to 14 hours a day in a 7 day week. He showed us that with every achievement, one has to set the bar. However, challenging oneself is not enough. Determination, perseverance and working smart are key requirements to ensure success. JBS was extremely fortunate to have Mr. Al Sayed share with us his personal journey.


After the presentation by Dr. Fardan, our students attended various workshops that were presented by peo-ple in different fields. Our guest speakers were impressed with our students and the vibe in our school. They provided information on educational requirements, duties on the job, salary ranges, why they chose their job and on how to get more information to explore the occupation further. We thank them for taking the time out of their busy schedules to talk to our students. Their time and experience is an invaluable service to our stu-dents, and the JBS community is extremely appreciative of their support.



Name of Presenter Profession

Dr Al Halabi General Practitioner – Private Clinic

Ghazia Ashraf Legal Counsel

Simon Atkinson Reporter

Dr Julia Behrends Veterinary Surgeon

Ebru Boysan Fixed Income app specialist -Bloomberg

Stephen Brinkman Structural Engineer - P&T Architects & Engineers Ltd

Kourosh Dara Senior Manager - Accenture

Fadi El Masri Assistant Manager - Ernst and Young

Dr. Fardan Plastic Surgeon and Associate Professor in Al–Ain University

Abir Habbal Senior Manager - Accenture

Nihaya Haimour Director of Nursing- International Modern Hospital

Leila Hariri Family Dentist

Omar Helmy Senior Design Architect - Damac Group

Rachel Jex School Nurse

Pauline Kyovi Author

Samah Mansour Graphic Designer – Curve Telecom

Daliah Merzaban Emerging Markets Editor- Bloomberg News

Peter Morrisroe Entrepreneur

Federica Schiaffino HR Director - Tenaris

Emma Seymour Employee Relations Manager - Al Futtaim Carillion

Tala Shawahin Accountant – Curve Telecom

Bob Shepard Marketing Director /Engineer - Gilbarco Veeder-Root

Peter Taylor Private Office Lawyer

Sanaa’ Tibary Emirates Aviation

Ahmed Weshahy Product & Marketing Manager – IT Engineer

Bianca Wilton HR Specialist - Al Futtaim Carillion

A HUGE THANK YOU to all the presenters who found time in their busy schedules to come and present to our students at JBS


After a slow start to the day, the Teen's Challenge Football Tournament got underway around 3pm. Our first game was against a team called 'Beast'! This team included a group of boys who had formed their own team and were not part of any school. We started well against them and took a 1-0 lead, however this was short-lived as the opponents scored straight from kick off taking advantage of our lack of concentration. Score was now tied 1-1. Beast then scored straight after half time to make it 1-2. JBS didn't give up and tied it up at 2-2, with a lovely back heel flick from Mohammed Nasser. A bad decision from the referee gave Beast a free kick in the final minutes and unfortunately their best player slotted the ball into the corner of the net to make the full time score 2-3. JBS's second game was against a smaller team all wearing 'Messi' on their shirt. JBS won this match 7-0. The star performers in this match were Zac Mason and Abdullah Salem. The third game was key because the winners of this match would go into the final. JBS dominated throughout the whole match but still missed many opportunities to score. The game finished 0-0, so it was time for penalties. The three penalty takers for JBS were Rashid El Haj, Laith Fraijat and Butti Bin Mejren. Rashid was also the goalkeeper. Rashid had a great start. He saved 2 penalties and also scored his shot. Laith had a chance to win the match, however his penalty was too high and went over the bar. It all came down to Butti with the deciding penalty, and he calmly stepped up and slotted the ball into the right corner. The FINAL game of the tournament allowed us to reunite and face 'Beast' again. JBS would surely understand their tactics by now and know that they must stop the long shots! Sadly this was not the case. The lack of concentration in the first 2 minutes cost us the game as we went 0-2 down. We showed a great fight, and Butti scored to make it 1-2. The referee blew for the full time whistle, and the game finished 1-2 to the 'Beast'. The boys showed great fighting spirit throughout the whole tournament but just couldn't get the last goals that they needed to beat their 'rivals' of the day.


This tournament had lost its spark because it was played so late in the day. Some of our players had gone home and some were tired after also participating in the U15 tournament. JBS was beaten in the first game by a team who had more energy. Well done to Butti who wanted to take charge of this team for the game. Overall the boys enjoyed their day and showed some great teen spirit. By Coach McMahon


The Grade 6-8 Students took part in a inter-house activity on April 25th based on making words out of "student bodies". Each house had to spell out their house name using everyone in their house. It was close, but Dana stole the victory from the other houses. The next challenge was for the houses to use everyone in their team and spell out ‘JBS’. Dana and Rubaan added in extra punctuation. Not everyone in Safinah participated. So the victory went to Marasi, who did an excellent job in using all the people in their house. A truly team effort...well done JBS!


At first, I was anxious about participating in the Hadith competition, but I knew that doing it would add to my knowledge about Islam. I prepared a lot for this competition, but was surprised to find out that I was the only boy in secondary taking part. When we arrived to GCS, the teachers asked us questions about the hadith. I was proud to get second place in the competition. By Amirali Rahmanikhalil - Grade 6

من أبريل ذهبت مع 52في يوم الخميس الموافق

أربعة من طالب مدرستي، وقد كانوا من صفوف مختلفة

أحدهم من الصف السادس، واآلخرون من الصفوف السابع،

والثامن، ، و الحادي عشر وقد كان هدفنا واحدا وهو المشاركة

في مسابقة األحاديث التي تنظمها تعليم للعام الثالث على

التوالي. كانت المسابقة في مدرسة غرين فيلد كوميونتي. كنت

أشعر بالخوف قليال و لكن استعنت و توكلت على هللا. كانت

هذه الرحلة ممتعة و التنسى، فقد استمتع الجميع و اجمل ما في

المسابقة كان العرض الذي قدمته المدرسة من أناشيد

ومسرحيات وتوزيع الجوائز والشهادات على المتسابقين

والمشاركين. و لقد فاز أغلب الطالب بالهدايا. ففي النهاية

.نحمد هللا على توفيقنا في المسابقة

الصف التاسع -حصة القاسم

A Taaleem competition took place in GCS on the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad. I enjoyed this event a lot because I learn about 10 hadith of Prophet Muhammad. I found this experience to be challenging, but I was pleased with my performance, which was acknowledged when I achieved second place. By Shewly Aktar - Grade 8



Congratulations to Yasmien Peck, Aatikah Mouti, Noora Al Qassim, Ayesha Noor-Mahomed and Xeynab Mouti for participating in the Taaleem Competition and doing a great job in representing JBS. Congratulations to Mahdi Abdul Jalil for achieving first place in the Islamic A Quran Competition. An excellent achievement!

On May 1st, American Academy of Mizhar hosted the Taaleem Science Fair Competition. Congratulations to Sabrina Chelli for achieving first place in the “Life Sciences” category. Congratulations to Abhinav Das for achieving the overall first place “Best Science Show” award. JBS commends both students for their hard work and efforts. Their scientific findings impressed the judges and everyone in attendance. Sabrina studied the impact of human activity on the water quality by taking 9 samples from beaches in Ajman and Sharjah. Abhinav investigated the feasibility of using solar panels in residential areas in the UAE and did an extensive research paper to present all of his findings.


Grade 7 students in Madame Boyer's French class created and prepared Crazy Olympics in French. They invited other grade 7 students to play, in French, their crazy games such as pepsifoot, lance-surprise, cache-cache, volleau , hockolle and many other activities. C'était très amusant et excitant! Vive les olympiques comiques!


As we approach our last MYP Coffee Morning of this school year, we would like to have a "Question and Answer" session with our Secondary Parents. This is the chance for parents to ask us questions about the Secondary School. It is also an opportunity for parents to provide us with feedback about this school year and suggestions for the next year. This session will take place on Tuesday May 14th from 8:15-9:00am in S105. Please email the questions to Zena Muhtaseb ([email protected]) by May 12th, so that she can prepare the presentation.

Secondary students have received a revision booklet regarding the assessment week which will take place from June 2-6 for G6-8 and June 2-9 for G9-11. This booklet includes the revision topics per subject and the assessment schedule. It also provides our students with valuable tips on how to revise. We have posted this booklet and the assessment schedule onto Managebac. If you have any questions about assessment week, please contact Ms. Muhtaseb at [email protected].



JBS has registered with the US College Board. Our new School Code for testing is 697207. Please use this when registering on the testing websites. Testing Deadlines Approach: ACT Sign-Up Deadline is May 3 for the June 8 test. For Grade 11 students attending US schools, this test is a good idea. Go to to register. SAT Sign-Up Deadline is May 7 for the June 1 test. - Go to Student accounts are free. Any student considering US or Canadian universities will need to take this test at least once, and June 1 is the last opportunity before October. Parent or student can fill out the form, but parent needs to pay test fee. Most teens need parental support and encouragement to begin the college search and application process!!

Books in the Library – JBS has purchased 25 books on the career search and college application process. These are available for check-out to parent and students. University Planning Seminar – Wednesday, 8 May, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Library upstairs. This week, we will discuss the student resume and application. Parents and students from grades 8 through 11 are invited to start thinking about how character and extra-curricular activities as well as school work are important for the college application.

Interim Guidance Counselor – Sharon Shepard is available to meet and discuss questions and ideas with students and parents. She has been a teacher, and is learning about the modern college application process along with her JBS 11th grader, Beth. She is happy to help students and parents find answers to questions about universities in any country. Please contact her at [email protected] or 052-822-8983.


Graduates of Jumeira Baccalaureate School will have a world of options open to them. Their IB diplomas will be welcomed at universities around the globe, and may even help them achieve scholarships and receive credit for course hours. However, they must first apply. Elaine Seremetis successfully navigated the complicated US application process with two expat International Baccalaureate sons. She developed a system which has helped other international parents and their children. Sharon Shepard attended Elaine’s seminars in March and wanted to share this exciting information with other JBS parents. JBS is sponsoring a series of seminars with Elaine on four Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm, beginning on the 24th of April. The seminars are open to all parents. Students are also welcome to attend. While the US application process is the main focus, families applying in other countries will gain valuable knowledge as well. The topics are as follows: 8 May The Applicant’s 5 Ps: Program, Performance, Potential, Presentation, and Personality 15 May The Common Application: Essays, Interviews, and Resumes All seminars will take place upstairs in the library from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. If you would like to attend, please email us at [email protected].

Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC) is the first licensed non-profit shelter in the UAE for women and children victims of domestic violence, child abuse, and human trafficking. It was established in July 2007 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to offer victims immediate protection and support services in accordance with international human rights obligations. The Foundation provides a helpline, emergency shelter and support services to wom-en and children victims. It aims to protect physically, sexually, and emotionally abused women and children, prevent on-going abuse and the escalation of violence, and promote social awareness through education and outreach. Come and meet the team and learn more about how the foundation works on Monday May 6th at 9am in the upstairs library. Everyone welcome. For more information contact Nurse Rachel Tel 04 344 6931 ext 211


All students need to complete their semester two Community & Service activities and written reflections by June 10th. All of this information must be uploaded onto Managebac. Requirement for MYP Community and Service according to Grade Level is as follows: Grade 6- Have to complete two short projects per semester Grade 7 – Have to complete three short projects per semester Grade 8 – Have to complete four short projects per semester Grade 9 – Have to complete one long project per year and two short projects per semester OR one long project per semester Grade 10 – Have to complete one long project per semester AND two short projects per semester. If you have any further questions about the above requirements, please contact Ms. McCabe at [email protected].