Page 1: The Scoop F of Youth Through Food - Amazon Web Services€¦ · Weight is not something to obsess over, but eating well is something one should be concerned about. Eating a balanced

WorldPage Editor: Ricky Hernandez

The ScoopGet to know what is going on in this

big world we are all a part of!


In late November, President Obama issued an executive order that would grant legal status to an estimated eleven million illegal immi-grants currently residing in the U.S. What is an executive order you may ask? According to it is “a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.” Or in the words of SNL producers, “They pretty much just happen.” SNL said it best folks. This executive order will not give just any illegal alien citizenship, however. Legal status will only be granted to those who pay taxes, do not have a criminal record, and pass a background check. Twenty-four states are filing lawsuits against the executive order. The GOP is gonna hate hate hate hate hate, but it looks like the president is going to do his best to shake them off.

On October 19, 1960, President Dwight D. Eisenhower made a trade embargo on Cuban exports, and two years later the embargo was placed on imports as well. Up until recently, the U.S. had no positive politi-cal ties to Cuba. However, on December 17th, Obama re-established diplomatic relations with Cuba. Seems like the president has adopted a “go big or go home” method when conducting his presidency. The U.S. will now be opening an embassy in Havana and is easing restrictions on remittances, travel, and banking. However, those precious Cuban ci-gars will still remain illegal. Making these positive relations with Cuba is not something that has just come out of the blue. Starting in June of 2013, the President, along with Benjamin J. Rhodes and Ricardo Zúñi-ga, has authorized nine meetings, mostly held in Canada, to negotiate positive relations with Cuba. Even Pope Francis has exchanged letters with Obama and Castro encouraging them to make positive relations. On national television Obama stated that this new relationship with Cuba will “begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas.” A new chapter of supporting Communism maybe. Or will we be reunited and it will feel so good? That’s for U.S. and Cuban citizens to decide.

On January 2, twelve people were killed in Paris, France by two muslim terrorists at the satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo. Within the next two days, 17 people in France were killed in terrorist attacks. On January 13, the Yemen branch of Al-Qaeda confirmed they were responsible for the killings. Why all of these attacks? The terrorist group reported it was to avenge the Prophet Mohammed due to the satirical drawings in Charlie Hebdo. The newspaper released their first issue since the killing January 14 with a picture of the Prophet Mohammed holding a sign that states, “Je Suis Charlie”, meaning “I am Charlie.” The headline of the cover reads, “Tout est Pardonné” meaning “All is forgiven”. While many idolize the newspaper as a symbol of free speech, others such as Pope Francis thinks the draw-ings are inappropriate. Even Snapchat got involved by sponsoring a “Je Suis Charlie” on users SnapChat “stories”. Now, do not go around claiming that all Muslims are terrorists. Non-jihadist Mus-lim groups have made confirmation that while they do find the sa-tirical cartoons offensive, they do not condone the killings in Paris.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.



Executive Order

The Fountain

A Hack on Entertainment

Healthy eating is not usually on the mind of most teenagers in this generation due to the fast me-tabolism, easy access to fast food, and lack of interest in their din-ing habits. However, they should be more concerned, and not only because one in three people in America are obese but for dif-ferent reasons. Teenagers should eat better not only for their current appearance, but also for their future adult figures. Most people develop their eating habits as kids and teens, carrying these into adulthood where metabo-lism slows and exercising as much.Teens do not need to change their entire diet in order to live healthier. Just adding some much needed vegetables and fruits to a diet pro-vides the necessary vitamins that a teen needs to build and repair tissues in his body as well as help-ing their organs function properly.Portion sizes are also import-ant, but a little more than the suggested portion of food will not kill anyone. As long as it is not an extreme portion that seems unreasonable, then a lit-tle more now and then is not a problem. Portion sizes may not

be well known and they do dif-fer based on the type food one is eating so when consuming meat it should be around the dimen-sions of a stack of cards, while fruit should be about the size of a tennis ball, cheese will be around the size of 4 stacked dice, and vegetables are the size of a fist. Calories are also a significant part

of a teenager’s diet. Teens require more calories than an adult due to rapid growth their bodies are experiencing. Boys should con-sume around 2,800 calories a day while girls should consume 2,200 calories and student ath-letes should consume even more than that because of the vigorous activity. Fifty to sixty percent of the calories that are consumed should come for complex car-bohydrates such as pastas, oat-

meal, and even bread. Vegeta-bles such as potatoes, corn, and pumpkin also provide the carbs a teen requires, which would kill two birds with one stone!Weight is not something to obsess over, but eating well is something one should be concerned about. Eating a balanced diet along with a little exercise is one of the best

methods for losing weight anyway. Skipping meals, fasting, self-induced vomit-ing, diet pills, and smoking are all way that people re-solve to lose weight; howev-er, it actually does the oppo-site. By not eating it leads to overeating at the next meal or binge eating, eventually turning into a vicious cycle. Although eating healthy

does not sound like the most en-joyable thing to do, the benefits are worth it in the end. Healthy eating can be easy if there is dedication involved, take one meal out of the day and try to make it as healthy as possible, perhaps even the school lunch. When given the choice between soup and salad or nachos, try the soup for a change or have some salad. Anything can be accom-plished when the mind is set to it.

When one thinks about a ter-roristic attack on the United States, or even the threat of one, it tends to be rather frightening. Threats and warnings, such as the ones sent to Sony Pictures Enter-tainment during late November of 2014, should never be taken lightly or ignored. Sony Pictures was compromised, and the hack-ers who did it were not afraid to leave a lasting ultimatum. On November 24, employees at Sony walked into work expecting their regular routine. What they had not planned for was the ter-rifying image of a stylized skull with long, skeletal fingers flashing across everyone’s screen simul-taneously with a bone-chilling promise attached: “This is only the beginning.” The hackers, call-ing themselves “The Guardians of Peace”, warned Sony that “we’ve obtained all your internal data” and that if Sony did not “obey” the hackers’ commands, they would release all of the company’s “top secrets.” Though no violent attack had been dropped on the US, the entire Sony Pictures global cor-poration had come to a complete electronic suspension. As the hackers had previously vowed, this was only the beginning of the petrifying 30-day ordeal. This hack exploited embarrass-ing and very confidential informa-tion about Sony employees, such as the fact that the only employ-ees making $1 million or more are all male and white, on the exception of one woman. It also leaked the social security num-

bers, compensation, salary, and “alter-egos” or aliases of actors involved with Sony and employ-ee dissatisfaction with particular actors, voiced through personal emails. Feeling the pressure of the hackers, Sony representa-tives even threatened the media: blogs, social media websites, and news organizations that the leaked data was “stolen informa-tion” and there would be reper-cussions for publishing any of it. Although the GOP’s hack cre-ated complications with multiple of Sony’s upcoming films, there was major controversy over the movie The Interview in specifics. Because of the targeting and the threats sent and the sloppy hack-work, it did not take long for the GOP to be found out. They have been confirmed to be from none other than the hostile North Korea. Though the North Korean gov-ernment continues to deny any involvement with the hacks, FBI

director James Comey has dis-tinct proof of participation from the Koreans. “Several times, ei-ther because they forgot or they had a technical problem, they connected directly and we could see them,” Comey said. “We could see that the IP addresses that were being used to post and to send e-mails were coming from IPs that were exclusive-ly used by the North Koreans.” The GOP had particularly de-manded that The Interview was not released, which due to the plot and end of the movie, is no surprise. When Sony regained control of their systems, they still planned on their Christ-mas release of the film, trying to prove that they would not bend so easily to the hackers. Though millions of dollars of damage resulted from the hack, the FBI and Sony Pictures it-self are now working much harder towards cyber safety.

of Youth Through Food

How to FindCaitlin EdzardsBusiness Editor

Becca FeaginCopy Editor Sony Pictures Infiltrated

President Obama shaking off the haters during his State of the Union Ad-dress on January 20, 2015. Photo take from Bing.

Toree HempsteadEditor-in-Chief

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Rachel Martin
Page 2: The Scoop F of Youth Through Food - Amazon Web Services€¦ · Weight is not something to obsess over, but eating well is something one should be concerned about. Eating a balanced

Kent State University crewneck no longer VROG�E\�8UEDQ�2XW¿WWHUV�GXH�WR�LWV�H[WUHPHO\�

offensive reference. &ORWKLQJ�SURGXFHG�E\�8UEDQ�2XW¿WWHUV�


Friday, October 10, 2014 Vol. 98, Issue 2 Page Editor: Noah Augustine

Becca FeaginCopy Editor

Over the E

dge When it comes to fashion, no one

wants to be out of the loop or be-hind on the newest trends. Some

of you might even consider \RXUVHOI� HGJ\�� ¿QGLQJ� WKDW� SHU-fect balance between a bold but

moderate look that makes every-one’s heads turn. But if I have to GR�D�GRXEOH�WDNH�ZLWK�\RXU�RXW¿W�because I am in abhorrent shock, your edginess might be a little too PXFK��7KHUH�LV�DQ�H[WUHPHO\�¿QH�line between edgy and just too far. So where does that line begin? One recent example can be seen in one of the newest sweatshirts

UHOHDVHG�DW�8UEDQ�2XW¿W-ters. At a quick glance, you would not neces-sarily assume there was anything offensive about the cookie-cutter college crewneck, but with clos-er inspection, something disturbing appears. The fabric, pink and red in color, resembles a blood stained shirt more than an edgy fashion pat-tern. You still might be thinking, well yes, that is kind of creepy and messed up but why is it so offensive? On May 4, 1970, the Ohio National

*XDUG�RSHQ�¿UHG�LQWR�D�FURZG�RI�protesting Kent University stu-dents, killing four and wounding nine. Though this event may have happened some 40 years ago, it is not one easily forgotten. Thanks to the ignorance and stupidity of a clothing company, an old wound has been opened afresh once again. Still thinking about buying that sweatshirt and wearing it around for all to see? This is not the only item RI�FORWKLQJ�8UEDQ�2XW¿WWHUV�has put on the market with controversial results. Shirts, such as the ones shown, have extremely mixed messages and should not be promoted. Since when was depression considered a fashion statement? And when did anorexia become your new cute mantra? Se-rious issues as these should not be taken lightly and cer-tainly should not be consid-

Columbus High is now leaving the books and white-boards in the dust while they shoot ahead into the tech-nology age. That’s right! Columbus High will be getting a series of new Mac-Book Air laptops for each student in the school, the same brand as the ones in the upstairs comput-er lab. The thirteen inch laptops can get up to twelve hours of battery life with-in a single charging session. The laptops

release date might be a bit later than the end of No-vember or early December GXH�WR�WKH�¿UVW�VKLSPHQW�RI�them being destroyed in a tragic shipping accident. The laptops are being bought so students can con-trol their own learning pace. Since the computer labs can only have about 120 stu-dents using computers at one time, the school board WKLQNV� LW� ZLOO� EH� EHQH¿FLDO�for the students to each have their own laptop to do school work on. This is to make it more convenient for students to write essays, do research, check grades, etc. without having to wor-ry about getting a comput-er in the lab. This will also reduce the amount of passes

made for the IMC. For ex-ample, if a student needs to type an essay they can just take their laptop out in ad-visement and get started on it during that class period. But as with most school distributed products, there are limits and requirements. Before any student can re-ceive their laptop, they will have to take digital citizen-ship; this will be discussed during an assembly some-time in the near future. Dig-ital citizenship is a gener-al idea that helps teachers and parents to understand what students/ technology users should know to use technology appropriately. ���7KH�¿OWHU�RQ�WKH�FRPSXW-er will be the same as the computers in the school.

Even if a student connects their laptop to an outside ZLUHOHVV� QHWZRUN�� WKH� ¿OWHU�will remain in place. That means no Facebook, Twit-ter, Pinterest, or any other social media websites that are not school appropriate. Now these laptops are pretty pricey, costing a to-tal of $1.2 million for all of them combined. So at the beginning of the year stu-dents will have the option to buy insurance for the laptop, but they do not have to. If a student’s laptop is physically broken anytime during the year, they will have to pay for the repairs. The laptops are sure to slingshot Columbus High into a new era of learning and teaching by technology.

CHS Going Tech

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Savannah ChelohaStaff Reporter

ered edgy or okay. When it comes to your shopping choices, be care-ful with what you are advertising.

Rachel Martin
Page 3: The Scoop F of Youth Through Food - Amazon Web Services€¦ · Weight is not something to obsess over, but eating well is something one should be concerned about. Eating a balanced

Behind Look at the boy across the room. He is laughing with his friends and always seems to be smiling. No one thinks twice about him; he has always been the type that people looked up to, revered even. He never missed a beat to crack a joke or make someone else’s day. Yet, he was here one day then gone the next. What happened? Out of the 7 billion people in the world, the World Health Or-ganization averages that more 350 million people suffer from depression globally. Those peo-ple could be half way across the world or they could be the neighbor from down the street. Depression creeps its way into the most unlikely of places. One recent example is that of Robin Williams, American ac-tor and comedian who died on August 11, 2014. Williams’

representative came out with a statement saying that “he had suffered from depression for many decades”. This came as a shock to most people whose only memories of Williams existed in the funny, goofy characters he portrayed in many classic mov-ies and shorts. However, the man he seemed to be on the outside differed drastically than the true soul he retained on the inside. ���,W�LV�KXPDQ�QDWXUH�WR�WDNH�D�ÀUVW�impression of a person and build an image based off of only that, but in many cases, these impres-sions prove to be false or differ-HQW� WKDQ� ÀUVW� WKRXJKW�� 6RPHRQH�who may seem sad or depressed on the outside might simply be shy or distrustful of people, un-able to show his or her true feel-ings. On the other hand, the boy who everyone likes and always

seems happy could be the next reported suicide in the news. Until one can get a raw view of VRPHRQH��LW�LV�WRR�GLIÀFXOW�WR�FDOO�whether he or she struggles with a disease such as depression. Though depression affects many people, not all victims wind GRZQ� WKH� VDPH� URDG�� 6RPH� OLYH�on to become successful, others continue to enjoy every day life. There always is, of course, the tragic possibility of suicide or declination of health due to stress, but depression doesn’t invariably mean a dead end. Next time, look deeper at the boy across the room. Is he more than meets the eye?

Finding motivation to carry on day-to-day with a positive spirit is a hard task to accomplish. CHS alumni Collin Higgins, founder of the Columbus originated Let Love Live clothing company, wrote the words “let”, “love”, and “live” on his wall to keep remind-ing him to spread good vibes. This self-motivation quickly turned to a motivation to make ev-eryone him around him happy and pass on this message to others. Today, the Let Love Live Co. continues to grow and carry the message around the com-munity through its clothing line and charity donations. Ten per-cent of each purchase made through the company is do-nated to designated charities. Some of these charities in-clude: Bands That JAM 4 Af-

rica, Westchester Exceptional Children’s School, The World Energy Project, Unidos Por La Musica, and Phighting4Phoenix. � � � 7KHVH� FKDULWLHV� EHQH¿W� SHR-ple all around the world and some, The World Energy Proj-ect and Phighting4Phoe-nix, are also locally founded. Students from UNL founded The World Energy Project in 2010 and help develop energy solutions all around the world. Phighting4Phoenix was cre-ated to help support a Columbus peer, Phoenix Heiser, road to better health after being diag-nosed with a rare bone cancer. � � � 6SHFL¿F� VKLUWV� KDYH� EHHQ� FUH-ated for these charities and help spread their uplifting missions. Check out when a chance comes around and do not forget to keep spreading good vibes to everyone around you. And do not forget to, as said by founder Collin Hig-gins, “Stay Weird.”

It all started an early afternoon on warm summer’s day. An un-armed juvenile by the name of Michael Brown, who happened to be of African descent, was shot by a &DXFDVLDQ� RI¿FHU� RI�the law, not only once, but an outstanding minimum of six times. This event initiated many violent disruptions throughout the town of Ferguson, Missouri. Multiple people around the com-munity saw this event as an act of outrageous racism, while others portrayed the situation as more of a self-defense scenario. Fer-guson police say that Mr. Brown and a friend were walking in the street and the policeman asked them to move out of the path of WKH�URDG��7KH�RI¿FHU�FODLPHG�WKDW��while exiting his vehicle, Michael Brown rushed him and attempted WR�VZLSH�KLV�¿UHDUP��,Q�UHVSRQVH��the two wrestled for the gun.

Young Brown escaped to a fair distance and presumed to taunt WKH�RI¿FHU��7KHQ��DFFRUGLQJ�WR�DX-thorities, Brown bolted towards the policeman. Consequently, WKH� RI¿FHU� TXLFNO\� UHVSRQG-ed with “self-defense” shots. However, according to witness-es, the two teens were walking in the street when a police car ap-SURDFKHG�WKHP��7KH�RI¿FHU�FXUVHG�at both young men and demanded that they get out of the street. When the two replied that they were no more than a block away from their destination, the cop at-tempted to exit his vehicle aggres-sively, almost hitting both of the WHHQV��,QVWHDG��WKH�RI¿FHU�JUDEEHG�Brown by the neck and presumed to threaten to shoot. According to Dorian Johnson, one of Brown’s friends who happened to be next to him at the time of the event, almost immediately after threat-

HQLQJ�� WKH� RI¿FHU� VKRW� %URZQ��Johnson describes, “I saw the of-¿FHU� SURFHHGLQJ� DIWHU� P\� IULHQG�Big Mike with his gun drawn, DQG� KH� ¿UHG� D� VHFRQG� VKRW� DQG�that struck my friend Big Mike.” Johnson resumes to describe how his friend held up his hands and H[SODLQHG� WR� WKH� RI¿FHU� WKDW� KH�was unarmed so that the police-PDQ�ZRXOG�VWRS�¿ULQJ�KLV�ZHDS-on. Instead, the cop continued to shoot Brown multiple times until Brown collapsed onto the street. Results of this taboo event range from, riots throughout the town, WR� WKH� ORFDO� RI¿FHUV� QRZ� ZHDU-ing video cameras on their uni-forms. Many changes have been created to prevent another occur-rence like this from happening and it would not be too foolish to say that many more are to come.



The Modern DayL.A. Riots


World News7Page Editor: Denon Feagin

Becca FeaginCopy Editor

Antonio Corona6WDII�5HSRUWHU

Noah AugustineCreative Editor

The Facade

September is childhood cancer awareness month and to raise awareness the Sammy’s Superheroes foundation sponsored a 5k glow-in-the-dark run at Pawnee Park. To help sup-port the cause the CHS and CMS choirs came together to sing the song “Clouds” as tribute to the angels (those who have passed away from childhood cancer) and their families. All of the PRQH\�UDLVHG�LV�JRLQJ�WRZDUG�UHVHDUFK�WR�¿QG�a cure, and the foundation will continue to raise money both for Sammy and the disease.

Bethany ErnstStaff Reporter

