Page 1: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008




Life at Fair isaacPage 2



Cisco systemsPage 4

ZS Associates

Schlumberger RDMPage 6


futures firstPage 5


GooglePage 7

McKinsey & CompanyPage 8

CAPital one

D E SHAW & COPage 9

Special Edition

Our Sponsors

Executive Editors :

Inam, Robin Anil, Sheekha Verma, Sreeja

Nag, Suvrat Bafna

Editors: Anup Bishnoi, Deepak Cherian, JS

Deepthi, Mithun Madhusudan, Pranesh

Chaudhary, Srinath Sinha, Vinayak Pathak

Asst. Editors: AVN Murthy, Bharath Bhat,

Dheeraj Golla, Mayank Kedia, Pallavi

Jayannavar, Siddharth Prabhu, Siddharth

Singh, Suyash Bire

Reporters : Abhira j ika A, Amiya

Adwitiya,Arvind Sowmyan, Ratan J S,

Tiyasa Mitra, Vijay, Sumeet Mohanty

Jr. Reporters: Indra Saha, Deepesh Kumar,

Parth Govil, Mahtab Soin, Achyut Bihani

Anuj Dayal, Arish


Page 2: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

Somewhere between “To be or not to be” and “Do you want fries with that?” lie countless billions of decisions that businesses make every day. Fifty years ago, two men set out to find a better way to make those decisions, what resulted was Fair Isaac.

“It might be the most important number you don't understand…. The FICO score is the standard calculation used by mortgage lenders.”

— Wall Street Journal

Years ago, before we introduced credit scoring, a lot of good people were denied credit simply because there were no ways to look beneath the surface. Now there are. Fair Isaac systematically replaced hunches with calculations, and took prejudice literally out of equation.

“Fair Isaac is notable among analytic application providers in its extensive experience in delivering high value in Industry-specif ic , decision-centr ic applications.”

Fair Isaac moved analytics and a systematic decision-making approach into the business mainstream. We brought this approach to companies around the world, and have aided its migration from financial services into other industries. And we are still at it, as we change the business world's perception of “decisions” from an abstract concept to a corporate asset.

“Fair Isaac is where the mathematical approach to problem solving that is inherent in today's scores and analytics all began.”

— William Blair & Company

In a nutshell, we use complex mathematics and algorithms to help organizations make decisions that are smarter, faster and more consistent. All this driven by the simplicity of intelligence.

In fact, the story behind our 50 + years of success is really all about our exceptional people. Unique people have made Fair Isaac what we are today - a leader in decision management solutions powered by advanced analytics.

At Fair Isaac we work on challenging real life problems with people who are intelligent, innovative and motivated. Passion, Challenge, Innovation - that's what sets us apart - competitively, and culturally. At Fair Isaac, we're always on the lookout for fresh grads who bring this kind of commitment. And more importantly, once on board we encourage you to practice what makes you uniquely valuable.

The first companies to explore scoring and automated decisions in many markets worldwide were Fair Isaac's clients.

And the first people in India to provide these smart solutions? The Fair Isaac Bangalore team of course! Teeming with cool ideas and a disarming knack for problem solving, the Bangalore office started

dazzling about 4 years ago. And what a fun-filled journey it has been since then…

We work in an atmosphere that is friendly, to say the least. Located at the heart of the city, right opposite the Leela Palace Hotel we enjoy a location that is any organization's envy. At Fair Isaac India we mix our work with just the right amount of fun. In between all the geeky stuff we do, we have our parties, festival celebrations, quizzes, sports championships, birthday treats and team outings.

Since our people are our success, we strive to consistently provide compensation and benefits that are competitive with today's global marketplace. And since individuals'

needs differ, our benefits programs provide choice and flexibility. You'll find that our benefits are designed to support your personal needs today, and give you the right options as life changes.

A 2006 study showed that people want a romantic partner with good credit health. In other words, “What's your sign?” may be replaced by “What's your FICO score?”

The fact that we are in the business of making decision smarter makes us aware of the importance of the decision you are about to take in terms of your future. We wish there was some organization that made these personal decisions smarter for you but then, who knows, someday with your help we might get there.



t's placement time again! And like every year, tensions are running high – lots of questions and lots of doubts leading to lots I

of confusion. With a packed schedule of visiting companies, we know that it is a tad difficult to keep track of the specific details related to each of these companies. We wanted to bring to the final years the above information about recruiting organizations in our placement special issue. The motivation to bring out such an issue is simple. Amidst all the rumors huge amounts of misinformation might prevail. This issue is to get you the low-down from the horse's mouth.

What we aim to achieve is to help you know what it takes to make it to a particular company and what the companies are actually looking for in candidates. Secondly, to inform you about certain tips and/or last-minute preparation guidelines that could make or break the offer. Finally, this issue should help you evaluate what profile actually suits your interest, see for yourself through people working in a particular company what honestly the work is about and whether it is all that it is made to be in campus or something even better.

The information published in this issue has been collected from recent graduates in several companies. Many could not reply due to constraints of the companies HR policies, other because of a paucity

of time. The answers displayed are in response to a set of questions that was sent out to them or asked during a telephonic conversation. We would like to thank all those who found time to respond to our queries and to furnish information on a short notice. This issue would not have been possible without their help and co-operation. We would also like to put in a word of thanks for the PlaceComm who are doing a commendable job. Student involvement is a relatively new phenomena and it has definitely smoothened the entire procedure of placement.

Our special placement issue is into its second edition this year. We are sure the final years would have done their share of research and this might add to the same. Also, this issue will prove most helpful in order to view the different profiles being offered vis-à-vis one another. This is of course not an extensive list of companies but, would provide valuable pointers in way of what needs to be done or how you should be prepared for each type of company.

While we hope you find this effort helpful and useful, the best way to help us in later issues would be if one year down the line you could provide us with such feedback. For suggestions/complaints please write in to us at [email protected].

Wishing the final years the very best for this placement season!

Wishing you all the best!

Page 3: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

What was the Selection Procedure of Fair Isaac like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about ?

After the initial screening of the resumes, there was a written test that consisted of different sections on mathematical aptitude, programming and algorithms. Then I had two technical rounds of interviews where I was put to further test on puzzles and a few more math problems. I was also questioned on some more programming and algorithm related problems. Finally, I had a small HR round, where the questions revolved around my background and my interests.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

I think the company wanted people with strong problem-solving skills and sound analytical thinking. Some basic programming skills definitely proved to be an asset.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

For the puzzle-based questions, a general knowledge of typical interview puzzles and for the programming/ algorithm based question, glancing through any good algorithms book by Cormen et al was more than enough.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

I have been working here since I passed out from KGP and the experience has been good. The work is interesting most of the time and I get to learn a lot which in my opinion

is very valuable.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? What exactly is the package you started on?

The compensation offered is decent and at par with the market. I started on a package of about Rs 7,00,000/- per annum cost to company.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

The growth prospects are good. A lot of emphasis is on people development. The growth as well as salary appraisals are totally performance based, hence delivering high performance is a must for growth.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

The environment is congenial and people extremely friendly and cooperative. Even the people who are quite senior are very approachable and the working style is very informal. In addition to this people are appreciative of the hard work you put in, which makes Fair Isaac a great place to work in.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work- experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

This is difficult to say, as I haven't tested it yet J but I have got to learn a lot of new stuff in a relatively short span of time and the knowledge gained is not just company specific, so I am quite sure that it is valuable outside too.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

I have had a great time working here for the past 17 months. However, I would like to say, that since Fair Isaac offers a variety of profile, you should be quite clear about the specific job position you are being offered as the roles differ a lot.

Alumni speak - fair isaacIndraneel Bommisetty, Mech. Engg, 2002, Nehru Hall

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

There was a case study which was followed by a technical interview. Towards the end, there was a group discussion.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

Capacity, achievement, relationship skills and technical skills

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

I prepared on my projects well.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

It has been awesome. The work is challenging, I get to travel a lot, the exposure is truly global and a great learning experience.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

Yes, it is.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

I would say it is the case of slow and steady winning the race. The opportunities are there for the taking. You make your own career within Shell.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

It is a culturally diverse environment that we get to work in, and people are always very helpful. Though you need to have an open mind!

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

I would say it is very valuable, but will depend on what job profile you have. The company has very good reputation in the market.





Page 4: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The se lec t ion procedure consisted of one written test, one technical interview and one HR round.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The company appreciates the willingness to learn new things and looks for strong grasping power and a thorough understanding of the basics of digital electronics and networks.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

Things that need to be revised include Digital Electronics, Data Communications and networks and Computer Architecture and Operating Systems.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

It has been a great learning experience.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

Yes it is.

What exactly is the package you started on?

10 lakhs per annum.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

The opportunities are great. The liberty to switch between different business units is also huge.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

The work atmosphere at CISCO is very friendly and encouraging. People help each other a lot and you can be a part of great teamwork.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

Experience gained is very valuable in the market outside, since the company has a very good brand name and reputation.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

At CISCO, there exists very good work culture. Things are flexible, there are great people to work with and all in all it is a great place to start your career.

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The selection procedure for the year in which I made it to Schlumberger was one group discussion and one interview, but it is known to change quite frequently. It wouldn't be wrong to expect two rounds of interviews either. Both of the above stages are friendly and relaxed. Questions asked do not necessarily focus only on your knowledge of the company but may be extremely diverse. It would be a mistake to expect any one particular type of questions.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

I think the company was looking for good communication skills, and a certain specific kind of attitude. Since the job is a field oriented one, they don't want business-school skills. Just some ability to work well in a team, a light hearted attitude and an open mind to doing unconventional work would be the desired qualities.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

There wasn't much technical course work that I revised in particular. I just tried to be with myself, recollect my thoughts and remove any obfuscation there might have been.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

The experience has been unconventional to say the least. The organization has a very international touch to it hence one gets to travel a lot and meet a lot of people of very diverse nationalities. The training period is quite extensive and well planned and in this period you would mostly be involved in menial work which might seem boring in usual but continually throws up unexpected challenges. The work gets quite technical at a later stage and you start to lead a team of engineers. The environment is pretty comfortable unless a problem is encountered whereupon things might get a bit demanding.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

Yes, it is very satisfactory.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

Growth opportunities are fabulous as long as one is ready to get to do the hard labor that is required for the initial period of four years. After which one can laterally enter any department of the company one wishes to and at any location. You could choose to be in sales, recruitment, quality or other such departments. Schlumberger is truly an equal opportunity employer and promotions are based on a 100% performance based transparent system.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

The field job at Schlumberger is extremely demanding and that I think is something very well recognized by most other employers.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

Be ready for unconventional work and even more weird hours. Office hours are too easy, rig hours are too tough. The work is essentially hands-on and the environment is warm and non-formal.



Abhishek Satpathy

Electrical Engg, 2008

RK Hall

Abhishek Satpathy

Electrical Engg, 2008

RK Hall

Abhishek Satpathy

Electrical Engg, 2008

RK Hall

Vertika Singh

Electrical Engg


Page 5: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

Amrita Priya

Electrical Engg, 2008

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

There were three rounds of interviews in total. The first one was a written test which consisted of quantitative, logical reasoning and simple questions in finance. This was followed by two more rounds. These interviews involved puzzles, HR questions and the basics of finance.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The things that the company looks for are strong analytical skills and good soft skills. Basic knowledge about finance is appreciable but not compulsory.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

I would say my preparation for CAT helped me clear the written test with good marks. Being up to date with the happenings in the market helped me ace the interview.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

The experience has been good so far. I learned a lot in a small span of time and I got a lot of exposure with the onshore training.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? What exactly is the package you started on?

Yes it is. Rs. 13.5 lakhs per annum.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

If you happen to be the star performer then the prospects are really bright. You can end up working onshore.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

The atmosphere is friendly enough and graduates are taken special care of.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

The work experience is valuable if you are keen on making a career in finance. It would really count if you wish to do an MBA or move onto some other financial firm.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

It is a good learning place for someone from a non - financial background and aspiring to make career in finance. The word of warning would be that it is not a very safe time to be in finance.

W h a t w a s t h e S e l e c t i o n Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

Two rounds of written tests followed by two rounds of interviews. The first written test is an unusual test with time duration of 6 minutes in which you have to solve around 35-40 simple arithmetic multiplications divisions etc. This test is basically for testing the mental maths capability and speed. The first test was followed by a second round for qualifiers consisting of 30 questions of logical reasoning, DI etc. similar to CAT pattern.

The interview consisted of two rounds, one taken by the Branch Head and other by a group of senior employees and HR. It was not about anything specific on finance, but just a test of the candidate's general understanding and his ability to perform under pressure.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The set of skills required for trading includes good mental maths, strong IQ, Decision making, Risk taking and most important of all strong EQ (Emotional Quotient) which is a must for this job. So I guess company was looking for the above qualities in each of its candidates.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

There is no particular course or books I consulted or anybody needs to consult for this kind of job interview. It depends more upon the personality and mental capability of the candidate. For the second round of test, a little bit of logical reasoning and DI can be practised.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

To put it frankly, trading is not made for everybody and hence the experience varies from person to person. But you cannot be sure until you are actually involved in the work. As for my personal experience, I pretty much like it and hope to continue with it for some time.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

Initially one might find the monetary compensation a little below par when compared to other financial jobs. But as you progress along, the bonus component is huge and pretty much makes up for any lacking in the salary part. After a few years experience here, the

traders' bonus part is in multiples of their salary.

What exactly is the package you started on?

Rs. 30,000 per month for the probation period which will be hiked to Rs 40,000 per month after confirmation. Along with this there is always the bonus component of minimum 10 percent of the profits you make in your trading for the company.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

As such there is no demarcation of promotion levels in the company as we all are traders. You grow in the company in terms of profitability, the more profitable you are the more part of the earned profits you take home as bonus.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

Here in Calcutta Branch, they follow an open office system. As such there is very little or no team work required in trading. But the experience and knowledge of senior traders is very much required to be a good trader. Everyone here is very much approachable and helpful on any issue. So the work environment is very encouraging and helping which is very much required in this kind of job.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

While trading you are in constant touch with the economic and financial world. Trading also requires basic knowledge of finance and world markets which is provided during the initial training period. There is a live radio continuously broadcasting the latest happenings and events worldwide which can affect the financial situation in any possible way. So keeping all this in mind, this job would be of immense help if you are looking for a career in finance.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation? One thing I would like to clear is that there is very high attrition rate in this job as trading doesn't suit every individual. But you have no way of knowing until you try it. So, this job has a certain risk factor attached to it, but the whole job here is about risk and reward.


Shantanu Agrawal

Architecture, 2008, RK Hall

Page 6: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The first shortlist was on the basis of resumes and there were some 40 to 50 odd people. Then, there was a group activity session, where they asked us to build a rig using A4 size sheet papers. It was then followed by a personal interview, which was more or less comprised HR with a brief focus on the Industrial Training.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The company was focusing on the eagerness of the people to work in a Schlumberger milieu, which is multi-cultural. One needs to have a decent CGPA (being a nehli can be a drawback though) and a sound academic background. One can also be culled out on the basis of poor Communication skills.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

I did not consult any book/online material for the interviews. I just went through a list of frequently asked questions during Interviews.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

The experience so far has been amazing. One travels places, gets the work assignment which he loves to do, gets many responsibilities early in the job and a befitting monetary compensation. So, there is nothing more one could ask for.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

Yes, it is.

What exactly is the package you started on?

It's the same what you people are being offered this year.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

There are tremendous growth opportunities. The company is coming up with a Technology Centre in Pune. So we all have to work from the very grassroots, which means more responsibilities, more challenges, and a billion opportunities to show your mettle.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

One doesn't need to speak much about Schlumberger culture. The people you work with are more than happy to help you in whatever way possible. Most of the tasks are group assignments and there is ample opportunity to hone your group activity skills.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

The work experience which you get here will hold you in good stead as compared to other companies. Whether one wants to do an MBA or a MS, the work experience will surely help.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

Go to the interviews with an open mind and be ready to face the most unexpected question that you will ever imagine!

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

R1: Written test based on data quality and integrity checks and simple mathematics.

R2: Group discussion

R3: First interview: generally HR, and also some small analytical or estimation questions.

R4: Case study: one on one with consultant. Looking for analytical skills

R5: Principal interview with a Principal from ZS : could be dangerous.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

Analytical skills and ability to express one's thoughts in clear and simple language.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

No courses. Just went through the company's recruitment pages and profiles. Read what they want from people working with them and tell them how you fit into ZS.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

My experience so far has been very good. Each new comer is staffed on project based on requirements of project and capabilities of individuals as per their resumes. The best thing that could happen to someone working with a consultancy is getting to go onsite and work there. Onsite work is very challenging because you have to interact with a wide spectrum of people (software programmers to national sales managers) and it helps understanding the industry you are serving in a much better way.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? What exactly is the package you started on?

For India, it is not bad at all to start with. You can live a comfortable life in Pune with the package being offered. Though we all felt there could have been some joining bonus. The CTC I started with was Rs 8.05 lpa, out of which the gross salary, which is the cash you get in your bank account, was Rs 5 lpa.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

The hierarchy is flat and the ultimate aim of every employee to become a partner of the company. Though, for people with just a Bachelors degree, chances of moving up the ladder are not very good. Having said that, if one sticks to the job for a long term, he can find himself moving up till a certain level.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

Work atmosphere is good and encouraging. Generally there are different types of work each team does and you can always find someone who has worked on something similar to help you out as and when needed.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

ZS is now recruiting a lot of people from local engineering colleges and you might feel as if you are simply working in a BPO. But it all depends on what kind of work you are doing.

Pawan Lunia


Engg, 2008

Schlumberger RDMZS Associates


Electrical Engg


Patel Hall


Page 7: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

Ridhima Kedia

Computer Science


Manish Kumar

OE & NA, 2002

LLR Hall

arts, music, etc, there is no better place in India other than JFWTC!

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work- experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

At JFWTC, you are working on newer technology each and every day, so the work experience is by far the richest among any other research establishment in India, and comparable to the best in the world. GE also encourages employee involvement in cross functional areas, which gives more room to grow. Being a GE employee, you will always be in demand outside, however, you will always feel GE has more to offer you.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

Company is in great shape, resources are abundant, all you need is to learn, do, and excel! Employees form the heart of GE's success saga. Half of GE's employee pool comes from outside America's shores, from over 100 countries. If you wish to experience future technology, this is the place for you!

What was the Selection Procedure of GE like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

Performance in written test and CGPA were primarily the criteria for the short listing for the technical interview. Successful candidates were invited for the HR interview after that. I guess, selection procedure remains the same even now.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

Good understanding of engineering fundamentals, zeal to learn and passion to perform.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

Be good to your core courses like "Mechanics of Solids", "Fluid Mechanics", "Thermodynamics", "Dynamics" & "CFD". A good understanding of engineering fundamentals is all that you need to be hired by GE. Also be prepared to answer questions related to your project wok.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

GOOD! I have been working here since my campus hiring from KGP in 2002. I have worked on variety of projects ranging from Aircraft Engine Design to Steam Turbine. Currently, I am working on a combustor design problem. As a "Six Sigma Training Coordinator" of JFWTC (John F. Welch Technology Centre), I also have an added responsibility to coordinate all Quality Trainings at this centre. Loads of importance is given to creativity, new ideas, creating IP's (Intellectual Property, Patents etc). My project on Aircraft engine design was found so novel, that I ended up filing a Patent last month. On my recent combustor design work, I am writing two more invention disclosers which will be filed next year.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory?

It is not sky high, as a financial consultancy might pay you, but its handsome and by far the best for a core technical job available in India. The satisfaction of working on atechnically challenging work, flexible working hours, arranged conveyance to and from office at any hour, recreation facilities at the Employee Recreation Centre, a modern gymnasium, lunch, tea and snacks at subsidized rates at the beautiful cafeteria, social, cultural and sports events and excellent learning opportunities. The entire package looks good!

What exactly is the package you started on?

It was year 2002, jobs were not coming to India as they are coming now. Still we had a modest start at 2.6 lacs PA + benefits. Current salary offered for 2008 graduates will be 4.75 lacs PA + benefits, or similar - Your T&P will have the data.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

Growth opportunities are pretty good now. With the company growing at a faster pace in India, I am seeing lot more opportunities in terms of Technical and Managerial Leadership over past few years. Just to give you a data, Engineering Team in India will be the largest engineering team for GE anywhere in the world by the end of 2008. For a fresh engineer, who wishes to grow in core engineering, GE is the best platform.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

As friendly as you can imagine, frankly speaking, for me, it is an extension to my IIT Campus. Seniors to guide you, juniors and peers to encourage you. If you have a fire to do something on technology on one hand and to sustain your hobbies like photography, sports,

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The selection procedure is good. I had to go through two rounds of interviews for my internship and another two for conversion. All the interview rounds were completely technical in nature.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The company values brilliance and looks for good algorithmic skills, on the spot thinking and valuates if you an eye for detail.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

The revision should lay emphasis on algorithms. I would also recommend design practice and operating systems knowledge.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? What exactly is the package you started on?

Yes, it is. Roughly 14 lpa.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

The growth opportunities are good and are mostly performance based.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

The work atmosphere here at Google is amazing. There are very friendly people all around, brilliant yet humble.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

The work experience is helpful for certain select areas. I am not sure about how valuable it is for streams other than Computer Science.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

Google is now more strict regarding hiring. It is probably not visiting campus. However, off line applications are always welcome. A n y o n e a p p l y i n g i s w e l c o m e t o c o n t a c t m e o n [email protected] with any questions.


Page 8: The Scholars' Avenue Placement Special 2008

Amod Jain

Mechanical Engg, 2008,

Patel Hall


It is better than in most other companies.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

It is a very friendly and challenging work environment. The atmosphere is highly non-hierarchal. So it's fun to work with team members.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

A stint at McKinsey holds a very high esteem in the job market. I would say that it is one of the best experiences you can get.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

McKinsey is the place to start your career in. But do proper research on whether the work fits your personality or not. Not all people would fit well into the job profile and may enjoy themselves better elsewhere if interested in doing technical stuff.

There is no fixed mantra or fixed way of getting into such firms. Don’t to try to do everything. Try to be the best in whatever you do.

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

R 1 : O n l i n e C V s u b m i s s i o nR2: Interviews (of short-listed candidates) conducted at McKinsey G u r g a o n O f f i c e : 2 r o u n d s o f 2 i n t e r v i e w s e a c hCandidates were grilled on 2 basic aspects: Personal impact (i.e. HR) and Business Case studies

Leadership. As McKinsey put it in its workshop: " We look for excellence, in either academics or extracurricular activities, may it be sports, social-cultural or all!." What they are basically scouting for are well-rounded personalities, who apart from excelling in a particular field, are good at other stuff too.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

It's been excellent. The company takes care of you brilliantly, although the work life is very hectic and the learning curve is very steep.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? What exactly is the package you started on?

Yes. I started on 11 Lakh CTC plus other incentives.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

McKinsey & Company

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What was the Se lec t ion Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The first round was a written test which had three sections - One on C/Java puzzles (30 mins), the second assessing your aptitude (CAT type questions - 30 mins) and the third section had a question regarding an algorithm (15 mins). It was not required to write the code then, but this year it could be necessary.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

The company looks for good coding skills, Computer Science knowledge (specially DBMS, OS and Object Oriented Programming) and puzzle solving skills.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

Revision of Algorithms, DBMS, Object Oriented Programming and Operating Systems would help. There is material on the LAN, such as one pdf which says - crack the interview, and has all the common algorithm and coding questions that can be asked. Also, there are several C - puzzle documents on the LAN. Solve any one of those completely. Previous years' question papers of D.E Shaw which you

would find on the LAN, would make good practice.

Is the monetary compensation satisfactory? package you started on?

Yes it is. The CTC is 9.5 lakhs and gross is 8 lakhs. Although the company mentioned during the PPT that Duals would get 10.5 CTC, they are getting only 9.5 lakhs. Please confirm with the company regarding the package being offered to Dual degrees. The appraisals of D.E Shaw are the best in the IT sector.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the company?

The growth opportunities are very good since the number of employees as of now, is only about 700, which includes the financial operations and the financial research group.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

The work atmosphere is very cool and friendly. Everyone helps you understand the trading systems developed at D.E. Shaw. Further, there are several training programmes in finance, latest technology, personality development, etc. going on throughout the year in which anyone can participate.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

D.E. Shaw is a good company to join if you want to move over to the finance sector over the years. Your work experience at D.E. Shaw will be very valuable while applying for MBA abroad. Most of the employees who leave D.E. Shaw go for higher studies after 2/3 years of work experience. Job switches are very few in number.

What exactly is the

Amar DaniCS, 2008 Batch

Patel Hall

What was the Selection Procedure like? How many rounds of interviews and what was each round about?

The first stage is an aptitude test consisting of multiple-choice questions. It is followed by a small informal interview on the basis of which applicants are short listed for the final stage of Interviews. The final stage consists of three rounds of interviews- two case interviews and one behavioral interview, with a screening after each round. The Case Interviews are based on real cases from Capital One but require no prior knowledge of any advanced finance concepts. The Behavioral Interview requires the interviewee to furnish examples from his/her past that describe his/her behavioral traits like Learning Pattern and Teamwork.

What do you think the company was looking for in each of its candidates?

A clear and systematic thinking process is the foremost trait. Along with that, it looks for analytical ability, strong communication skills, traits of leadership and ability to work well in teams.

What courses did you have to revise, what books/ online material did you consult while preparing for the interview?

There are a number of web sites and online resources available to prepare for Case Interviews. A little bit of practice can work wonders in a Case Interview. I would specially advise the applicants to go thorough the case studies present on Capital One web sites.

How has your experience been so far at the company?

The experience so far has been amazing. Capital One India office is a microcosm of Capital One as a whole where a number of teams support various Lines of Business across the geographies that Capital One operates in. I have had the opportunity to work on some challenging projects which will have a direct impact on the business results in the coming year. The people at the office are very friendly and working here is absolute fun.

How do you feel are the growth opportunities within the


Capital One is a fairly large company with business spread across US, UK and Canada and therefore there is a lot of scope for both horizontal and vertical growth. It has a very sound performance management system and the Managers take it up as a personal responsibility to ensure growth of an associate over the years.

How friendly and encouraging is the work atmosphere?

Work Culture is arguably the best thing about Capital One with a very friendly and jovial work atmosphere. People are more than willing to help you out in case you have a problem and you are encouraged to approach anyone (however senior) you like without any inhibitions. From what I have heard from my friends across companies and based on my own experience in the Placement Committee last year , I can confidently state that Work Culture at Capital One is probably the best you can find, anywhere in the world.

How valuable, in your opinion, is the value of work-experience gained in the company in the job market outside it?

I haven't applied for any jobs outside Capital One so I don't have the practical insight into how valuable it will prove to be. But considering that Business Analysts at Capital One work on very high end Analytics in a company known for its analytical ability, I feel very positive about the value of work experience here.

Anything you'd like to add? A word of warning or appreciation for the company?

Though I have tried answering all the questions, the best I could. I would encourage the readers to visit the Capital One website to know more about the company and the work culture here.


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