
THE ROMANSTHE ROMANS INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION This term Oak class have been learning about the Romans. I mostly enjoyed going to the Corinium museum and seeing all the wonderful mosaics. I also enjoyed Mr Smith coming and teaching us how to make a Roman tortoise (with shields). The Corinium museum PICTURE GALLERY The Romans stole all of the greek gods but they just gave them new names. Like Zeus becoming Jupiter. I found out that Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel so we had a go. We got our tables and stuck pieces of paper under them. Then we started painting. WHAT I HAVE LEARNT ABOUT THE ROMANS ARTISTS GODS GLADIATORS Gladiators fought on straight roads and in Amphitheatres like the Colosseum. HOUSES Only rich people could afford under floor heating and poor people couldnt. Rich people could also have mosaics on the wall, like wallpaper. Rich houses were out of the city/town centre, as they had more space. CONCLUSION I have realised from this topic that the Romans have a big part in history so I appreciate them more.I have really enjoyed learning about the Romans and I hope you have to. By Henry.D
