





Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing,

Beloved from pole to pole!

To Mary Queen the praise be given!

She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven,

That slid into my soul.


The silly buckets on the deck,

That had so long remained,

I dreamt that they were filled with dew;

And when I awoke, it rained.


Naturally, he dreams about drinking water.

But his dream actually comes true: it rains

when he wakes up. Sailors are really good

at collecting rainwater from their sails and

in buckets, and the Mariner has all the

water he needs. 6


He found that the rain had wet

his lips, caused his clothes to go

damp and quenched his thirst.

However, his body still drank the

water he could find.



He feels as light as if he had died and was now a ghost. But a happy ghost.



Now that the curse has been lifted, more good news follows. He hears a loud wind in the distance. The sound of the wind rattles the dried out sails. But it's important to remember that the wind hasn't reached the ship yet. 9


He sees new activity in the sky. More

stars return, and he sees things he calls

"fire-flags." We have to think he's either

talking about weird lightning flashes but

without clouds to block the stars or the




He says that the storm was blowing more heavily

now but he could only hear the sound. The rain

was pouring down from a black colud.We're not

sure exactly what's going on, except that these are

wild descriptions.



He sees a black cloud, the partial moon and lightning falling in perfectly vertical fashion



The wind was supposed make the ship sail again, but it does no good at a distance. It never reached the ship but the ship was still moving due to some mysterious force.



The dead sailors rise up amid the thunder and lightning. They look like zombies and don't say a word. But they all do the jobs they are supposed to do, helping to sail the ship.



The Mariner goes with the flow, and he basically says, "I don't care if these guys are just bodies with no souls, as long as we get moving again, I'll help out."



He saw his nephew standing next to him, knee to knee. Thay both started pulling on the same rope, but the boy told him to stop doing so.





He justifies what he said about the spirits being blessed by saying that when the dawn approached , the bodies dropped their arms and clustered around the mast. He heard sweet sounds coming from their mouths and emanating from their bodies.



Each sound the angelic zombies produced flew around the mariner before darting towars the sun. After some time, the sounds came back one by one, ocassionally mixed, sometimes mixed, sometimes individually recognizable.



He heard random noises dropping out of the sky. Sometimes he heard a sky lark singing, and sometimes he was confronted by a medley of bird sing of different kinds filling the sea and the air, making the world sweet with their jargoning(MEANING less sounds).


MEANING Then the noises were like those of musical

instruments, among them being the flute. It soon became and angel's song, of such beauty that the heavens were muted.


MEANING As the noises of the angelic zombies ceased, the

sails still made a pleasant noise until noonm, which the mariner compares to a hidden brook in the month of june, when it is at its height, and sings a quiet tune to a sleepy forest all night.



The ship sailed on till noon without incidence. There was still no breeze, but the ship sailed on smoothly and slowly, the push coming from beneath.



Nine fathom(1 fathom = 6 feet) below the base of the ship, the spirit from the land of mist and snow slid on, and he was what made the ship move. At noon, the ship's sails stopped rustling, as the ship came to a halt.


MEANING At noon, when the sun was right above the mast, it

seemed that it was anchoring the ship to the ocean. However, in a moment, it began to stir again, with a short uneasy motion., It started shaking back and forth, upto half of the length of the ship, again with a short uneasy motion.



Then like a horse just waiting to run, it made a sudden bound, such that the mariner's blood rushed to his head, causing him to faint.



The mariner lay unconcious, for such length of time, he did not know. but as he regained conciousness, he heard and vaguely understood two voices in the air






The voice speaks of a spirit who lived by himself in the land of mist and snow(The southern land). He speaks in a round about manner that the spirit loved the bird (the spirit was fond of the albatross) that loved the man (the albatross loved the mariner) who shot him with his bow (the mariner shot the albatross with his bow, killing him).


MEANING The second voice sounds more gentle, and was 'as

soft as honew dew'. He says that the mariner has performed penance, and has yet more penance to perform.



• The Mariner continues telling his story to the Wedding-Guest. Free of the curse of the Albatross, the Mariner was able to sleep, and as he did so, the rains came, drenching him. The moon broke through the clouds, and a host of spirits entered the dead men’s bodies, which began to move about and perform their old sailors’ tasks.


• The ship was propelled forward as the Mariner joined in the work. The Wedding-Guest declares again that he is afraid of the Mariner, but the Mariner tells him that the men’s bodies were inhabited by blessed spirits, not cursed souls


• At dawn, the bodies clustered around the mast, and sweet sounds rose up from their mouths—the sounds of the spirits leaving their bodies. The spirits flew around the ship, singing. The ship continued to surge forward until noon, driven by the spirit from the land of mist and snow, nine fathoms deep in the sea. At noon, however, the ship stopped, then began to move backward and forward as if it were trapped in a tug of war.


• Finally, it broke free, and the Mariner fell to the deck with the jolt of sudden acceleration. He heard two disembodied voices in the air; one asked if he was the man who had killed the Albatross, and the other declared softly that he had done penance for his crime and would do more penance before all was rectified.



By---Name- Ayush Verma, Deepshikha Rajput, Dev, Divya Sachan, Gaurav Kumar, Gaurav Singh, Gyanendra Singh, Harshit Agarwal, Himanshu Yadav, Maninder Singh….Class X –ARoll no-21-----------30.