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The Revolution: FIRST PHASE

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• The KATIPUNAN became popular in the suburbs of Manila and in the provinces of Central Luzon. But as the affiliates/members increased, the Spanish Authorities began to suspect its underground character.

• The Friars denounced the nightly meeting held by the Katipuneros and on August 19, 1896, PATIÑO exposed the society to Fr. Mariano Gil. And with the discovery of the Katipunan, Bonifacio had no other alternative than to take to the field; and on August 23 at PUGADLAWIN, he and his men declared their intention to fight to the bitter end.

• At Tejeros, it was agreed to change the society w/ a government responsive to the demands of the times, and in the election that followed Bonifacio was chosen to be the Director of the Interior. However, DANIEL TIRONA, questioned his election; and Bonifacio hurt by the insult, he declared that the election was null and void.

• In April, he (A. Bonifacio) was ordered to be arrested, tried and executed. And the Filipinos That time were already losing battle after battle.

• Moreover, Aguinaldo retreated to Biyak-na-bato (where the Republic was founded)

• Hence, later in December, the Truce of Biyak-na-bato was a failure.

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Rizal and the Revolution• Bonifacio who had known Rizal from the Liga days but whom Rizal did not know personally, wanted Rizal’s opinion on the necessity of rising arms against the Spaniards. He, then, commissioned Valenzuela to go to Dapitan in June 1896 to confer with Rizal. •On the S. S. Venus, Narcisa (Rizal’s sister) and his niece Angelica Rizal Lopez was with Valenzuela; they arrived the port of Dapitan on June 21; and Valenzuela immidiately proceeded to Rizal’s home.•Velenzuela told Rizal his purpose of visit. He then related the founding of Katipunan and its aims, among which was to overthrow Spanish authority and said that the revolution might break out prematurely because of the impatience of the masses.

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• Even so, he suggested as to why not attract the influential and wealthy Filipinos to the cause to ensure the success of the revolution. He also suggested ANTONIO LUNA to be appointed as their MILITARY LEADER

• Valenzuela came back to Manila and reported the results of his mission, Bonifacio admitted that it would be fatal for them to start a revolution without enough weaponry with which to fight the enemy.

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Preparation for Struggle

The Katipunan began their preparation for emergency, for the revolution might explode anytime, and they don’t want to be taken by surprise. Bonifacio, then, ordered to manufacture BOLOS and distributed it to the members. But he knew it was not enough as a weapon, for the enemies have Remington and Mausers.

• A little hope shone on the Katipuneros when Valenzuela told Bonifacio that the Japanese warship KONGO, with Admiral Kanimura on board, landed in Manila Bay.

• Through Jose Moritaro Tagawa, a Japanese employee of a Japanese Bazaar, Bonifacio had an interview with the Admiral. However, the Japanese refuse to commit his country to the rebellion plans of the society.

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• So, with the failure to ask help from Japan, He thought of the Katipuneros in the various branches of the government. TITO MIGUEL and ROMAN RAMOS, who were employed in MAESTRANZA (arsenal), ordered them to steal rifles and pistols. Through it the weapons increased, however, the quantity was not enough to start on a revolution. So they made more bolos, but hid it to prevent the authorities from discovering their intentions.

Spanish Suspicion Aroused•As the affiliates of the Katipunan increased, while it was advantageous to Bonifacio, it was, in a way, a disadvantage. The new member were impatient that they met nightly, which made the Spanish authorities suspicious. Rumors of the nocturnal meeting reached Manila which made the Spaniards, particularly the friars jittery. There were rumors that weapons (rifles, ammunition) came from Hongkong and Yokohama and were being landed here.•The friars exploited the rumors to the Governor-General. But Blanco was reluctant to act upon the suggestion of the friars, for he was not sympathetic to them. Nevertheless, he drove away the prominent men of Malolos in 1895 and Taal in 1896. Then the friars’ campaign of vilification started.

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• In June 20 1896, a Recollect friar in Cavite accused the alleged existence of a group of men who met at banquets to toast the victory of the Cuban rebels against the Spaniards. There were also other rumors that there were some 17,000 rebels in the town of San Juan del Monte, Makati, Pasig and the other places. There were more rumors that spread around Manila, so the curate of Sta. Cruz, reported the alleged secret meetings of suspicious persons to Spanish authorities.

• But due to the exaggeration of the rumors to force the Governor-General to act precipitately, the latter refused to take any move. Instead he rebuked the friars and told FR. MARIANO GIL “Undeceive yourself, freemasonry and filibustering are like a pit in which you put your finger & at once you touch the bottom. Both evils exist only in the minds of the friars, and few other fanatical Spaniards”. Still, the friars, undaunted, continued to pester the Gov. Gen. and they think that Blanco was a fathead who could not make up his mind.

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The Discovery of the Katipunan

• FFr. Mariano Gil was disgusted over the GOV. GEN attitude so he spoke w/ the military governor of Manila, General ECHALUCE, revealing what he knew about Katipunan. So General Echaluce took action at once by taking precautions by making Manila safe from disturbance of any kind.

• At almost the same time, APOLONIO de la CRUZ and TEODORO PATIÑO, the 2 Katipuneros who worked at DIARIO DE MANILA, had a misunderstanding. Patiño, weakling as he was, made a revenge on Apolinio by revealing the secrets of the society to his Sister, HONORIA.

• Honoria as an inmate of the orphanage in Mandaluyong, cried. The MADRE PORTERA, SOR TERESA, when informed of the cause of the girl’s alleged grief, suggested that Patiño to tell all he knew to Fr. Gil.

• On August 19, Patiño told everything he knew, and so the friar immediately went to Diario de Manila to search for evidences. Then they saw a lithographic stone used to print the Katipunan receipts.

• At night POLICARPIO TURLA’S locker was forced opened (whose signature appeared in the receipts) and other pertinent documents were found. And all of there were turned over the police.

• The discovery of the Katipunan was immediately followed by mass arrests of Filipino suspects. Prominent men, numbering to 500 were arrested, even innocent Filipinos were thrown to jail in Fort Santiago.

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WEALTHY FILIPINOS IMPLICATED• The wealthy Filipinos refused to join the Katipunan, so Bonifacio

thought that in order to force them to sympathize with the members, a trick should be played on them in a way as to make it appear that they were deeply involved in Katipunan. So Jacinto drep up a list of wealthy Filipinos, while some of the Katipuneros were ordered to study their signature and forged it. Having this done, fake documents of the wealthy victims were made.

• Luis R. Yangco ,Francisco L. Roxas, and others were alleged to be contributors of Katipunan. The result of the trick was unexpected. Instead of joining the society they denounced and denied any knowledge of its existence. But their excuses were of no avail, for the authorities simply refused to believe them. Francisco L . Roxas was executed, while Yangco, and the others were saved by bribing highly placed Spanish officials.

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THE “CRY” OF PUGADLAWIN• Bonifacio summoned all the leaders of the society to a general assembly on the

24th of August. It is because Bonifacio was informed of the discovery of Katipunan which spread throughout Manila and the suburb. That same night of Aug. 19, Bonifacio along with his brother Procopio, Emilio Jacinto, Teodoro Plata and Aguedo del Rosario, slipped through the cordon of Spanish sentries and reached Balintawak before midnight. Valenzuela followed them the next day.

• On the 21st, Bonifacio change the Katipunan code because the Spanish authorities had already deciphered it and in the same day 500 Katipuneros left Balintawak for Kangkong, where Apolonio Samson gave them food and shelter.

• On August 22nd they proceeded to PUGADLAWIN.• The following day, in the yard of Juan A. Ramos, son of MELCHORA AQUINO who

was later called “MOTHER OF THE KATIPUNAN”, Bonifacio asked his men if they were ready to fight to the bitter end. Despite the objection of the brother-in-law, Teodoro Plata, all assembled agreed to fight to the last.

• “That being the case, bring out your CEDULAS and tear them to symbolize our determination to take up arms!” said Bonifacio. The men all tore up their cedulas shouting “long live the Philippines!”. This event marked the so-called “CRY OF BALINTAWAK” which actually happened in Pugadlawin.

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FIRST SKIRMISHES• In the midst of this dramatic scene, some Katipuneros who had just arrived from Manila to Kalookan shouted: “DONG ANDRES! The civil guards are almost behind us and will investigate the mountains.” At once, Bonifacio ordered his men to get ready for the Spaniards’ attack. Since they only had inferior arms, the rebels decided to, instead, retreat. The rebels marched toward Pasong Tamo, and the following day, 24th of August, they arrived at the yard of Melchora Aquino or TANDANG SORA. All the rebels in the surrounding towns were notified/warned about the general attack on Manila on the night of August 29, 1986.

• At ten in the morning of August 25, some women came rushing in and warned Bonifacio that the civil guards and some infantrymen were coming. A burst of fire came from the approaching Spaniards, the rebels, then, prepared for the enemy.

• During the skirmish, the rebels decided to retreat due to their lack of arms. The Spanish decided to retreat as well because they were already outnumbered. Thus, both decided to draw back to prevent bloody encounter. This was the first skirmish /battle fought in struggle for national emancipation.

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• On August 26, Spanish reinforcement went to Pasong Tamo to drive away the rebels, but they could not be found. The Spaniards frustrated, shot 2 innocent farmers, instead, who were going on their way home. The Spanish soldiers bragged about the great fight they had in Pasong Tamo, saying that they had driven away the rebels. This was the origin of the so-called “CRY OF BALINTAWAK” which neither happened on August 26 nor in Balintawak.

• The rebels travelled day and night and finally arrived at MARIQUINA later in the day, they abondoned it and proceeded to HAGDANG BATO on August 27.

• The following day, Bonifacio issued a manifesto, inciting the people to take up the Filipinos cause and fight the Spaniards on August 29.

• The intended attack on Manila did not materialized, probably because of their insuficcient supply of weapons. Instead, Dong Andres and Jacinto led their men in an attack on the powder magazine at San Juan del Monte on August 30.

• The Spaniards were also outnumbered and weak, fought delaying battle until more infantrymen could arrive. And w/ the arrival of more fresh Spanish troops, Bonifacio and his men lost the battle and were driven back w/ heavy casualties.

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THE REVOLUTION SPREADS• In the South of Manila, the rebels grew in strength. The rebels

attacked places, such as Pasig, the church in Pandakan, Pateros, Tagig, Kalookan, Kawit, San Francisco de Malabon, Noveleta, San Pedro Makati, rose as one man and pursued the Spanish enemy. They also shifted the rebel attack to San Mateo, Mariquina and Montalban w/ the defeat of the Filipinos in the Battle of Langka River near San Mateo, Bonifacio ordered his men to retreat to Balara/

• In the battle that followed, Bonifacio nearly lost his life when the Spanish bullet ripped the collar of his shirt while he was protecting his friend Jacinto.

• In the North, the rebels of San Isidro, armed with bolo and pointed sticks attacked the Spanish garrison on September 2, 3 & 4 led by Mariano Llanera and accompanied by MUSIKONG BUMBONG (band w/ bamboo instrument)

the rebels attacked but were repulsed by the heroic defense of the Spaniards.

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THE REIGN OF TERROR• To frighten to population into submission, the Spanish authorities

resorted to a reign of terror. Only in this way they thought could they stop the revolutionary movement from becoming a national scope. Thus the Spanish volunteers and corps of Vigilantes invaded Filipino homes in order to secure evidence against those who were directly or indirectly involved in the uprising.

• In Trozo, Captain Carlos March of the Spanish volunteers found evidence against KATIPUNEROS.

• August 30, Governor-General Ramon Blanco issued a decree that BATANGAS, BULACAN, PAMPANGA, TARLAC and NUEVA ECIJA in a state of war and placing them under MARTIAL LAW. The decree also provided that “any person accused of treachery and those against the present form of government” would be handed over to the military court of trial.

• Blanco also emphasized that “those who surrender w/ in 48 hours after the publication of the decree” would not be turned over the military court, except for the leaders of the Katipunan.

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• Countless pain and torture was made unto the Filipinos just to make them squeal. The pain which the Filipinos could not stand, inflicted them to shout the names of some Katipuneros. There were forms of torture where the suspect was hanged by the hands and then have him suddenly dropped to the ground. Another form was to electrify the supect by wires connected to the feet or hands. The poor suspect was electrocuted time and again to shout names of innocent persons. More often the suspects were simply shot without any trial.

• Hundreds were also arrested and jailed. FORT SANTIAGO was so packed with Filipino suspects and many of them died of suffocation. This is what the Spaniards called “JUST PUNISHMENTS”.

• On September 14, four Katipuneros were executed at the Luneta.• On September 12, thirteen men from Cavite were executed & they have

been known as “LOS TRECE MARTINES DE CAVITE”. The following month the Spaniards executed unknown numbers of Filipinos in Mindanao.

• On January 4, 1897, twelve Bicolanos were executed thus making them the “TWELVE BICOLANO MARTYRS”. In Kalibo, Kapis 19 patriots were shot to death. But the most infamous injustice of all was perpetrated upon JOSE RIZAL who was executed at BAGUMBAYAN FIELD on DECEMBER 30 1896. These executions only severed to make the Filipinos more bitter and to fight w/ fiercer determination.

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THE KATIPUNAN IN CAVITE• Even before the outbreak of the revolution, Katipunan in Cavite was

already divided into factions. The MAGDALO and the MAGDIWANG; the Katipuneros of Cavite were already active having raised the standard of revolt on August 31, 1896 when they attacked the TRIBUNAL (municipal building) of San Francisco Malabon.

• MAGDIWANG was led by MARIANO ALVAREZ, they attacked the Sparniards in NOVELETA (where there headquarters was also) shouting “PANAHON NA! MABUHAY ANG KALAYAAN!”

• MAGDALO was led by BALDOMERO AGUILNALDO w/ headquarters at CAVITE EL VIEJO (now Kawit) who took the offensive against the enemy garrison w/c was captured w/out much difficulty.

• Emilio Aguinaldo on the other hand, went to BAKOOD to intercept the Spanish from Manila but was defeated. Aguinaldo, retreated to Imus, and here, in September 5, he defeated the Spanish troops under the command of General Aguirre.

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• In this encounter, the Spaniards lost hundreds of men and 60 guns w/ ammunition. Aguinaldo, was then renounced as the hero of the hour. And from that time on, the Caviteños called him GENERAL MIONG not CAPITAN MIONG.

• The rebel triumphd encouraged the people, that’s why every young or old Filipino male, carried a bolo or a knife, ready to fight Spaniards where ever he was met. Aguinaldo was inspired of the people and by the unity in all the ranks that he issued 2 manifestos on October 31 calling upon the people to continue to fight until liberty was won.

• Defeated by many sectors, the Spaniards decided to carry the fight to the provinces of Cavite. Blanco was continually pestered by the friars and Spanish populace, took action in Cavite early in November. He attacked BINAKAYAN and NOVELETA, but was repelled by heavy losses.

• The Filipinos under Aguinaldo suffered heavy losses also. One of the casualties was Aguinaldo’s bosom friend, CANDIDO TIRONA.

• By being defeated, Aguinaldo created the positions SECRETARY OF STATES (Jacinto Lumbreras) and SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR ( Daniel Tirona).

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• The friars were agitated because of the Spaniards’ continues defeats and were blaming it to Blanco.

• Blanco, was relieved as Governor-General by the brutal Gen. CAMILIO DE POLAVIEJO on December 13, 1896. And Polaviejo began his campaign in Cavite on January 1897 and partially succeeded in driving away the rebels from several places. Due to this Bonifacio, in Morong, issued a proclamation denouncing the Spanish brutality. Inch by inch the Spaniards captured the territory they had lost, and 1/3 of Cavite fell into their hands.


•Though MAGDALO and MAGDIWANG factions was in rivalry, it led to a series of reverses early in January 1897. Unity was indispensible, for what was on their mind that time was to fight against the Spaniards. To patch up matters, Magdiwang faction invited Bonifacio to intervene in the conflict. At first he refused but due to the insistent request of Artemio Ricarte and Mariano Alvarez, Bonifacio accepted the invitation.•Procopi and Ciriaco went w/ Bonifacio in Cavite toward the end of December 1896.

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• He was met in ZAPOTE, by Emilio Aguinaldo, Edilberto Evangelista, and few others who wanted to meet him personally. On an assembly of revolutionist (Magdalo) in Imus on December 31, they were to determine on whether Katipunan should be superseded by another form of government. On the other hand, Magdiwang men, believed that Katipunan should remain the government of the revolutionist because it already was not resolved and the meeting ended without having accomplished anything.

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• As months passed by & as the rebels found themselves on the receiving end of the armed power w/ the Spaniards, their leaders thought it timely & wise to call another meeting of both factions in order to solve their internal problem. And do they met again at Tejeros on March 22, 1897.

• The session started at two o’clock w/ the Magdiwang presiding officer, Jacinto Lumbreras and Teodoro Gonzales, Magdiwang secretary Severino de las Alas, suggested that the problem should be solve by whether establishing a new government to take place of the Katipunan. But the session became an argument.

• After an hour the session/assembly was pressumed by Bonifacio as the Chairman. To resolve the issue, he carefuly agreed that why shouldn’t there be a voting and the majority’s decision be respected, obeyed and must be followed. The convetion adopted this principle unanimously.


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• The thorny question was resolved, the Republic of the Philippines was proclaimed. Elected were:Emilio Aguinaldo PresidentMariano Trias Vice-PresidentArtemio Ricarte Captain-GeneralEmiliano Riego de Dios Director of WarAndres Bonifacio Director of Interior

• While Bonifacio was being proclaimed, Daniel Tirona disagreed of him, being elected and said “the position of Director of the Interior is an exalted one and it is not proper that a person without a lawyer’s diploma should occupy it. We have in our province a lawyer, Jose del Rosario!”; Bonifacio was hurt and insulted, he demanded that Daniel Tirona retract what he said, but instead of apologizing, he just left. Bonifacio almost shot him with his pistol but Ricarte held his arm. The people began to leave the hall. And Bonifacio, still was angry, cried aloud “ I, as the chairman of this assembly and as the President of the Supreme Council of the Katipunan, as all of you do not deny, declare this assembly dissolved and anull all that has been approved and resolved.” W/ this statement, he left the hall followed by his men.

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The Second Meeting at Tejeros• Aguinaldo who was at Pasong Santol, a barrio of Dasmariñas was

notified the following day of his election to the Presidency. At first he refused to leave his men who were preparing for battle. But his elder brother, Cripulo Aguinaldo, asserted him to take his place and would not allow the enemy to overrun the place without dying in defense. Aguinaldo, then agreed to his brother’s request and proceeded to Santa Cruz de Malabon (now Tanzaz) to take his oath with the exception of Bonifacio.

• Meanwhile, Bonifacio and his men, numbering to 45, met at Tejeros on March 23. All of them felt bad of the results of the previous day’s proceeding. Convinced that the election held was invalid, they drew up a document, now called ACTA de TEJEROS in which they gave their reasons for not accepting the results.

• From Tejeros, Bonifacio and his men went to Naik to be as far from the Magdalo, whom they thought, were responsible for the anomalies.

• Aguinaldo wanted Bonifacio to be back, so he sent him a delegation to persuade him, however, Bonifacio refused to return to the revolutionary fold headed by Aguinaldo.

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The Naik Military Agreement

• Due to Bonifacio’s anger, brought about by Tirona, who insulted him, Bonifacio and his men again, drew up another document in w/c they resolved to establish a government independent of and separate from the established at Tejeros. An army to be organized “by persuasion or force” and a military commander of their own choice was to take command of it.

• Among the 41 men who signed were: Artemio Ricarte, Pio del Pilar, and Severino de las Alas. The document posed a potential danger to the cause of the revolutionists and almost certain defeat in the face of a united and well armed enemy.

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The Trial and Execution of Bonifacio

• From Naik and Bonifacio, his wife and 2 brothers, w/ handful of loyal followers, transferred to the barrio of Limbon, Indang.

• When Aguinaldo new the Naik Military Agreementm, he realized Bonifacio’s intention and ordered to arrest Bonifacio Brothers. A group of soldiers went commanded by Colonel Agapito Bonzon went to Limbon to effect the arrest. The skirmish was inevitable, Bonifacio was stabbed in the larynx, his Ciriacao was killed and his other brother Procopio was wounded. Bonifacio was brought to Naik, the capital of the rebel government.

• April 28, Aguinaldo forwarded the case of Bonifacio to Council of War in order to conduct the necessary trial.

• April 29, personnel of the Council of War was completed with Col. PEDRO LIPINA as the Judge Advocate. JOSE ELISES was Fiscal, PLACIDO MARTINEZ and TEODORO GONZALES were appointed Defense Attorneys of Andres and Procopio.

• The trial lasted from April 29 to may 4.• The Council of War that tried Bonifacio Brothers was composed of Gen. Mariano

Noriel (President) and Crisostomo Riel, Gen. Tomas Mascardo, Piacido Martinez (Bonifacio’s Attorney), Mariano Riego de Dios, Esteban Ynfante and Sulficio Antony (members).

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• The Bonifacio Brothers were founded guilty of treason and sedition in spite of the fact that the evidence was not sufficient to prove their alleged guilt.

• May 8. Baldomero Aguinaldo, Auditor of War, wrote Pres. Aguinaldo recommending approval of the Council of War’s decision, namely, execution of brothers. On that same day Aguinaldo commuted the death sentence to banishment.

• But Generals Marionao Noriel and Pio del Pilar, Clemente Jose Zulueta, Dr. Anastacio Francisco and Gen. Mamerto Natividad asked Aguinaldo to withdraw his order, for they hated Bonifacio. Under his pressure, he did withdrew his order, the original decision of the Council of War stood.

• May 10, General Noriel ordered Major Lazaro Makapagal to bring out the two brothers from jail. Makapagal went to Mount Tala with four soldiers to accompany him with a sealed letter as well. Having reached the vicinity of the mountain, he opened the sealed letter, upon the request of Bonifacio. It contained the order to execute He and his brother, Procopio. There was a warning that failure to comply with the order would be punished severly. Without much do, Makapagal followed the order. Bonifacio’s grave was shallow the hole having been dug by bayonets. Makapagal placed a few twigs on the grave.

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The Revolution Continues• As Makapagal went back to Marogondon where the new rebel capital had

been established, he found the Filipino forces retreating and the Spaniards pounding the town furiously. But since the Spaniards just came in from Spain, they were not accustomed to the tropical climate so they suffered much. Due to the endless battles General Camilo de Polavieja, got tired and asked for his relief as the Governor-General. His request was granted and on April 15, 1897 he sailed for Spain;

• The former Governor-General of the Philippines Fernando Primo de Rivera took over.

• On April 23, Primo de Rivera arrived in Manila and immediately conferred w/ the military commanders regarding the general situation in the Philippines. He found out that the Filipinos were already united in fighting against Spaniards. So he made a decree but the Filipinos just ignored it. So Primo de Rivera, launched a spirited campaign against the rebels, forcing Aguinaldo and his men to retreat to Batangas.

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• With almost all of Cavite in the hands of the Spaniards, Primo de Rivera issued another decree extending the benefit of his pardon. His purpose was to win over the Filipinos to his policy of attraction. Few took advantage, while some still continued their revolt against them.

• While Aguinaldo was in Talisay Batangas, the enemy surrounded the area in hope of capturing him. But he was able to slip through the Spanish cordon on June 10. He, then, proceeded to Morong,w/ his Guadalupe and from here he secretly passed thru San Juan del Monte and Montalban and on to Mount Puray. After a rest, they proceeded to Biyak-na-bato, San Miguel del Mayumo, in Bulacan where he established his headquarters.

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The Government of Central Luzon

• When the people from Central Luzon heard of Aguinaldo’s arrival at Biyak-na-bato, they renewed their arm resistance against the enemy. Aguinaldo joined forces with General Mariano Llanera and harassed the Spanish soldiers garrisoned in the Central Luzon provinces. W/ the coming of the rainy season, Primo de Rivera’s campaign were temporarily halted.

• At Puray, the rebels met in the camp of General Licerio Geronimo. Those assembled established the Departmental Government of Central Luzon, comprising Manila, Morong, Bulakan, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Tarlac, and Pangasinan.The assembly elected the following:

Father Pedro Dandan PresidentAnastacio Francisco Vice-PresidentPaciano Rizal Secretary of the TreasuryCipriano Pacheco Secretary of the WarTeodoro Gonzales Secretary of the InteriorFeliciano Jocson Secretary of Welfare

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The Biyak-na-bato Republic• Since Primo de Rivera was unable to persuade the Filipinos to give

up their arms, he created another decree on July 2, 1897 w/c prohibited people from leaving their villages and towns. Instead of following, the Filipinos continued fighting.

• In July, Aguinaldo made a proclamation entitled “TO THE BRAVE SONS OF THE PHILIPPINES”, w/c he listed the revolutionary demands namely:

1. The expulsion of the friars and the return to the Filipinos of the lands they appropriated for themselves;

2. Representation in the Spanish Cortes:3. Freedom of the press and tolerance of all religious sects:4. Equal treatment and pay for Peninsular and Insular civil servants:5. Abolition of the power of the government to banish citizens; and6. Legal equality for all persons.

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• This proclamation shows that Aguinaldo was still willing to return to the Spanish fold, provided that these demands were met. This in spite of the fact that before July he and hismen has already established a republican government at Biyak-na-bato known sas BIYAK NA BATO REPUBLIC. The provisional constitution was prepared by Feliz Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho, who copied, almost word for word, the Cuban constitution of JIMAGUAYU. It was signed on November 1, 1897. Its Preamable states: (see page 183)

• The constitution provides for the creation of a supreme council composed of a President, Vice-president, a Secretary of War and a Secretary of Treasury.

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• Article VIII reflects the nationalism of the revolutionists for it provides that “TAGALOG SHALL BE THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE REPUBLIC”. The constitution also provides the religious liberty, freedom of education, freedom of the press, as well as the freedom to exercise any of the professions. In accordance with Article I, the Supreme Council was created on November 2, with the following as officers:Emilio Aguinaldo PresidentMariano Trias Vice-PresidentAntonio Montenegro Secretary of Foreign AffairsIsabelo Artacho Secretary of the InteriorEmiliano Riego de Dios Secretary of WarBaldomero Aguinaldo Secretary of Treasury

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The Truce of Biyak-na-bato• A mestizo, Pedro A. Paterno who spent most of his life in Spain,

approached Governor-General Primo de Rivera and asked that if he could be a mediator between the Filipinos and the Spaniards. He wanted to stop the fatal conflict because of his love of Spain and the Philippines.

• From August to December, Paterno negotiated w/ Aguinaldo and Primo de Rivera.

• November 18, the first document, TRUCE OF BIYAK-NA-BATO was signed by Paterno as representative of the revolutionsts and by Primo de Rivera for the Spanish government.

• December 14, the 2nd document known as the “PROGRAMME” was signed by Paterno and Primo de Rivera and the 3rd and last document was signed also by both on December 15.

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• To make sure that the Spanish Authorities were sincere, the revolutionists requested to Spanish Generals to remain as their hostages and another, Col. Miguel Primo de Rivera, the governor’s nephew, to accompany the hostiles to Hongkong.

• On December 23, Generals Celestino Tejeiro and Ricardo Monet became hostages of the rebels. On that same day, Aguinaldo and his men including Pedro and Maximo Paterno, boarded a launch & sailed for Kalumpit. They took the train for Dagupan, then the Carromatas for port of Sual, Pangasinan. The group sailed of Hongkong the same day, December 27, w/ Aguinaldo in possesion of a check for P400,000.

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The Failure of the Truce

• January 1898, was a month of colorful festivites in Manila. The Spaniards were happy because their lives were spared so they spent lots of money to have series of fiestas. There were boat and horse races, fireworks, and grand ball at Ayuntamiento or City Hall. And dramas at the Zorilla Theater.

• January 23, the Te Deum was sung at Manila Cathedral and on the 24th (Madrid time) at the Palacio Real in Madrid.

• Meanwhile, the Filipino generals left at Biyak-na-bato did everything in their power to surrender the arms given up by the rebels. Both Filipinos and the Spaniards were still suspicious of each other, therefore, the Filipinos continued to hold on to their weapons. Thus the periodic clashed between them began in Mid-Februray and continued until the Spanish power was destroyed by the combined Filipino-American forces a few months later.

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• One of the leaders, General Francisco Makabulos of Tarlac, established the Central Executive Committee w/c was intended to be a temporary one “until a general government of the Republic in these islands shall again be established.”

• This rebel government had a constitution, popularly called the constitution of Makabulos, w/c provided for an executive committee composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary of the Interior, a Secretary of War and a Secretary of the Treasury.

• The Filipino leaders were not disposed to follow the letter of the Truce, but on the contrary felt that they could use the money given to them by Primo de Rivera to purchase arms and ammunitions. On the other hand, the lower Spanish officials arrested and imprisoned many Filipinos whom the suspected of having been involved in the rebellion. Such acts naturally led to the feeling among the Filipinos that the truce was but a mask to cover up Spanish bad faith. The consequence of this mutual suspicion was the resurgence of the revolution.
