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The Return of

Michael Of Nebadon

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The Kingdom of His Sovereignty

When your thought attention and devotional focus becomes singularly placed upon the Infinite One, then

will your physical body, mind, soul, and personality become raised, lifted, quickened, and regenerated

into the eternal Life.

The holding of your attention one-pointedly upon the divine presence of yourself, and the use of the

infinite circuit of divine transformative energies, will allow the vibration of your mental, emotional, and

physical bodies to stay beyond the vibratory emanations of the general decay and disintegration of the

worldly consciousness. Then, you will not only repel from your space all discordant events and

circumstance, you will also be living quite powerfully within the protective care and consciousness of the

divine Parent of us all. This is the way, the truth, and the life understanding which emanates out from the

eternal presence of us all.

Each day as you desire to quicken yourself into greater understanding and freedom, then you must draw

forth from within your Oversoul presence through the Christ body or higher Mind above you, and into

your own indwelling Presence the necessary fire energies that have the capacity to quicken all your four

lower vehicles of expression. As you ask and allow for this quickening action, and as you focus your

attention in an uplifting way, then nothing will stop you from achieving immortality at the end of this

lifetime. Along the way towards that final day when you will transfigure your physical body into Light,

you will be living from a very high and mighty place in consciousness. You will be fulfilling the Law of your

being because it is God’s Will that we become raised up into the perfection of the great I AM.

~Michael Of Nebadon

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What is True Sovereignty for the individual and the civilization? What is Our

Philosophy and Divine Precepts? How does discipleship and Private Study

benefit the individual in their personal ascent into Consciousness?

1. The quality or state of being spiritually sovereign by establishing your life in Harmony, Healing, and

Pure Happiness. This is the bestowed Spirit of the Universal Father and Creator of us all. This is to enter

into the Kingdom of God through His righteousness and dignity, His honor and Consciousness. There is a

blissful fulfillment in this alignment with the one Life Force; entering into a personal spiritual realization

and relationship with the Omnipresent Life which is individualized and enfolds you, as you; the

beginnings of personal sovereignty with, in, and of the Primordial Center and Source of all Life which

holds the Pattern of Paradise which gave you life and existence; receiving of the threefold endowment,

applying it with determination and willingness; recognition of the force of Life which animates us,

reaching for the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter presence which open an avenue for personal fellowship

with the Universe Sovereign Son; living the human life spiritually/religiously and by faith and trust in the

everywhere presence of God – the unchanging Truth, wisdom, and power of Life.

2. The status, dominion, power, authority, and divine right awakened in you to command the Primordial

Spirit or Infinitely Intelligent Life Force to bring you to a state of Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness.

Making conscious use of the Fire Power of Love to change all unwanted destructive conditions in life to

their fulfillment; sovereignty occurs through our awakened sunship with the Triune Source – the Person

of the Everlasting Father, the Person of the Eternal Son, the Person of the Infinite Spirit and their

extensions within the Divine Circuits of the Trinity which reach right into the human heart and mind;

consciously walking the royal road as a son or daughter of the Source; possession of natural rights and

accountability as a co-creative agent holding full accountability for all that you have and will set into

motion with the innocent Life Force of the Source; consciousness of yourself in and as this One Enfolding

Life Presence through the techniques of intelligent prayer, invocations and decrees, sincere worship in

the right use of your attention and focus, your thought and feeling powers, and direct fellowship and

profound relationship with the Universe Sovereign Son Michael, the Universe Sovereign Spirit of the

Mother, and the Everlasting Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven; unbroken dedication,

consecration, and communion with God through His Paradise Trinity Endowment.

3. Supreme and independent power and authority found profoundly within your own Individualization

of the Supreme Essence of the Universes; your true identity and nature in God Himself whereby you

have entered into the infinite unfoldment that is a never-ending progression unto greater Truth,

wisdom, and Power through the conscious use of the fire Power of Love and Mercy which brings

forgiveness to all error; giving attention and loving focus unto the Primordial Center and Source and His

fragmentary Essence within you; sacrifice and surrender of all untruth, all that is deemed unreal and

transitory unto the Force of Life that dwells enfolding your heart and mind and soul; the act of becoming

humanly and spiritually sovereign through the understanding and divine application of the Creative

Word I AM; becoming one with the essence of all Life enfolding you; the courage to surrender and be of

service in just this way of expanding unto the Divine Will and Intent of your own Enfolding Essence

which is the gift of the Paradise Father Source and Center to every human being; acceptance of initiation

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to eternally do the Will of the Father Source and through the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Intelligence

to enter into personal spiritual relationship and fellowship with the personal spiritual essence and

intelligence of the Sovereign Universe Son, thus, leading into eternal salvation and personal soul

redemption of all error leading to everlasting union with the particle of Paradise which enfolds you and

desires to blend and merge eternally with you. In this initiation, you as a human being become

spiritualized and the Father Fragment becomes personalized as you - One very unique being with eternal

capability and promise; the opening to a living faith and trust that quickens you into the initiation into

immortality ~ the transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension into the seamless garment of eternal


4. Guided by the leading and intent of the indwelling and enfolding Spiritual Presence, plus the guidance

of the Spirit of Truth, and the sponsorship and support and healing of the Infinite Mother Spirit which is

also called the Holy Spirit; awakened to the plan of progressive evolution through the revelation of

direct Spiritual insight and divine perception of your unique nature, identity, and life purpose; the

culmination and graduation of the human evolution into becoming an immortal individualized portion of

the Supreme Being, at one with the Universal Essence and the Source; the beginnings of the eternal

progression out from the womb of the Mother Earth and birthed into the Cosmos.

5. A return to your rightful status as a Sun of the Primordial Source and Center; freedom from the rough

waves of the world so that you are in the world, but not caught up in the world and its outer

circumstances and events; independence at one with the Spiritual Presence of thyself through the acts

of Sacrifice, Surrender, Selflessness, and Service; a sovereign state of consciousness of thyself as a

unique individualization of the Supreme essence of Life; realization of the Source and Center or

Fatherhood Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of humanity; heightened and growing

character, morals, ethics, and integrity expressed and still evolving; spiritual integration by taking upon

thyself the seamless garment of eternal Life woven out from the imperfections of the garment of flesh

and mortality; you have chosen to walk the royal road of Spirit whereby instead of degenerating into

disease and death you unfold and quicken, raising thyself through the fivefold approach to fulfill the

Plan of Life into the regeneration and redemption of your personal energetic accumulations and

momentums unto immortality at the end of this lifetime of learning or within the very next lifetime.

6. Divine insight and spiritual perception as an outgrowth of true and living faith; faith-trust relationship,

realization, and revelation of God by the God-seeking and God Knowing individual; personal spiritual

relations with the Universal One Source which opens the way to experience genuine personal realization

and divine Happiness, a harmony and pure happiness that is due to your alignment with life and the

fulfillment of the Promise made eons ago by all who borrowed the pure energies of the Life force to

create experiences with and intending to one day return those energies back into their pristine and pure

state in the lifetime initiation of the regeneration; a living faith that securely holds one to knowing the

certainty of God’s watchcare and guidance.

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7. A living faith that is personal, original, spontaneous; extraordinary faith and direct experience of the

divine presence in your life, awakening greater spirit attainment, moral, ethical devotion and integrity;

intellectual emancipation and spiritual regeneration which is catapults you to seek first and foremost

the kingdom of the heavens, the Kingdom of Consciousness that is, and direct personal fellowship within

this Universal Kingdom of Righteousness with the Creator Son, the Sovereign Universe Son Michael

through the guidance of the Spirit of Truth who is the real and true teacher; sublime religious experience

anchored and grounded, practical and ever expanding and deepening to bring forth within you pure

happiness and personal fulfillment with a profound endowment of spiritual reality; consecration and

dedication in the doing of the Will of Eternity; the offering of the one human gift to God our Father

Mother – the expansion of our free will into God’s Will and Divine Intent.

Thus, these are some of the precepts and the divine philosophy and benefits of receiving our instruction

and guidance. Sovereignty or Sovrnty is each person’s destiny and inheritance as a sun of the Source and

Center of all Life.

Michael of Nebadon and His Mission to Humanity

"As the Father Son Spirit have given to Me of their Spirit and Life, so will I give to you of My Spirit. You

need only ask and invite Me to come into thine prayers and contemplations, thine invocations and thine

times when you are in worship of the Universal Originating Father Source of Us all.

“As you ask and allow thyself to receive Me, I hold the capacity to flood you with My Spirit of Truth in

order to guide and comfort you ... eventually leading you into all Truth. As you receive of My Comforter

Spirit in your heart and mind, I will abide with you and renew thine mind into the vaster Mind. My Spirit

of Truth will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of the Universal Source.

"By the old way you have sought to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of human living; by the new

way you are first transformed by My Spirit of Truth, and thereby strengthened in your heart, mind and

soul by this continual spiritual renewing that I and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit offer to humanity

at this time and always.

Illumination of thine life and existence is a living reality for those who are willing to receive of Us, and

become partakers of the Father's bestowal Spirit in you. Hence, are you endowed with the power of the

certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

"Be in His remembrance throughout thine day and evening; for it is thine faith trust relationship in the

exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of His divine

nature and ever uplifting character virtues."

"First and foremost seek the Kingdom of His Consciousness which is the very Source of thine being and

life. Recognition breeds remembrance, and this fosters relationship and nurtures deeper realization.

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"Thine illuminated heart, soul, and mind shall be an ever-potent fountain .. a perpetual spring delivering

to you daily the Sacred Waters of Life Everlasting.

"Our eternal association is a beacon of Intelligence and Love .. Our dedicated cooperation with

expanding His Kingdom in and through each member of humanity.

"Reach unto the Fatherhood of God and to the Brotherhood of Humanity. Our purely religious

educational fellowship brings an intellectual emancipation from any 'worn out' concepts and a spiritual

Illumination to the individual willing to dedicate themselves to discipleship with Us.

“I teach the full and complete Atonement through the Divine Plan of Salvation for human life having

completed the Earth Journey at a prior time and having returned to teach the way, the truth, and the

approach to an eternal life more abundant - the very next stage of progressive evolutionary development

for human beings. Through this Divine Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law through Right

Action of the Law of Redemption, you are destined for greater progressive Perfection; it is your divine

inheritance waiting to be given to you once ye have prepared a place to receive of Him.

“In this Threefold Atonement and Initiation into Life Everlasting, you build for yourself the Living Tapestry

of the Seamless Garment of Eternal Light establishing immortality at the close of this lifetime or the very

next. This is the Demonstration and Teaching I gave as I underwent the Transfiguration of human density

into Light, the Resurrection unto the Higher Body of Light, and the Ascension back unto My Eternal

Station… the Universal God Self. It is the God-given way that the Creative Center and Source has

designed to expand the Kingdom of Light and Life. It is the understanding of this Great Infinite Law of Lif e

and its Conscious Application that awakens the completion of the Threefold Atonement.

“You weave this Garment of Life Everlasting out of the imperfections of the Garment or Body of mortal

flesh; and it must be attained while you are still in the human imperfect form. This is your demonstration

that you understand the mastery of how to redeem all things unto Light through perfected attunement

with the Father's Will and Intent. It is the curriculum and completion of form through the art and science

of Precipitation and Etherealization; and so, I teach the way of Salvation, the truth of Redemption, the

life of the Threefold Initiation of Atonement unto Eternity.

“This Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption brings upon each aspirant eternal

life everlasting established by your cooperation with divine will and law before you even touch the hem

of physical death. You bypass physical body death through your mastery and cooperation. This is the Full

Forgiveness of all error set into motion by you over lifetimes of using the immaculate and pristine Life

Force that is within you and which you are, in order to create all of your lifetime experiences. You heal all

destructive momentums and accumulations of error.

“It is a certainty that all paths lead to this culminating fulfillment for the individual. It is this Initiation

into Light and Life Everlasting that must be attained in order to progress beyond the Earth curriculum of

pleasure and pain, birth and death in the creative use of the individualization of God. It is the fulfillment

of the Spiritual Promise given to you by Us: ‘to have life more abundant’, to do the works of the Sonship

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of the One Christ so that, ‘the things that I do, ye too shall do, and even greater’ and ‘he who believes as I

believe shall have Life Everlasting.’

"In and through my service to humanity, I am able to bring down unto you more than you can draw

down unto yourselves. You will be working with the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother, the

Universal Father bestowal within you, and My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, in preparing your

readiness to receive a greater portion of your own inheritance. I show you the way to create a Field of

Receptivity that awakens in you the Living Tapestry of Eternal Light Everlasting ... the Seamless Garment

of Immortal Light.”

~Michael of Nebadon

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Eternal Association, Universal Fellowship, and Sovereign Discipleship

1. We share with you each here a few of the many benefits of discipleship. Those aspirants

worldwide that have enough evolutionary development to complete their journey within the Earth at

the end of this lifetime or the very next lifetime will have the opportunity to become guided personally

by Michael; the blending of spirit and matter is how the bride and the bridegroom unite eternally; it is

the way in which the bestowal Spirit of the Father unites with the personality soul, mind and body of the

individual to become a greater being with eternal capability;

2. You become raised up into the next stage of your progressive evolutionary career unto Paradise by

learning of this vision of the Christ Intelligence for the Body of Humanity. This is the divine original

design and the plan of salvation which We have formulated and designed; for each is an inseparable

member within the One Body of Humanity, and even further still, each is a manifestation of the

Universal Body. Upon the complete and full Atonement you become a Conscious Individualization of

God Himself in every way possible for you. You cross the bridge unto Life Everlasting and begin your

journey into Our universe, out from the womb of the Mother, as the gestation period of earth life

becomes fulfilled. This is the second birth.

3. In this ritual of the threefold initiation of Atonement - transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension,

there are the highly transformative energies of the Heavenly Host which radiate into the personal

atmosphere of Our students, consuming their density and darkness in order to lighten each up and

prepare each to receive in greater measure, to help you make the necessary and permanent changes to

erase your separation in the atonement process. It is the necessary divine and human preparation for

individuals willing to receive Our guidance, and who desire to complete their journey within the earth. It

is the graduation and divine inheritance in all glory and honor and respect.

4. Students learn with lucidity about the Law of Redemption through the atonement process and

how it is a science and an art to attain and must be understood correctly to apply towards immortality.

5. You will have completed the journey of the Earth; that completion is the transfiguration,

resurrection, and ascension. That is what Christ Michael demonstrated and taught in the days of Galilee.

He and the Host are teaching the very same procedure. Death is not a part of the divine plan of

salvation. Life everlasting is the divine plan for human beings.

6. You become quickened into Life; out from the densities of the human mortality with all

imperfections and habitual tendencies that must become transfigured…raised into light.

7. Michael shares with His disciples this illuminated avenue; where this all leads and what occurs for

you after this lifetime. If a person remains ignorant of this higher knowledge and they choose to

physically die, then they

experience a return to fourth dimensional levels wherein they have their long term home with friends

and loved ones within the Earth itself, and yet, if they fulfill the law of Redemption and attain the

Atonement by embodying their own Christ Principle of Light, then they have fulfilled the teachings of

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the Universal Christ … the Universal Buddha … and as such, a greater manifestation occurs for them.

Through the threefold initiation of Atonement which is the attunement to the Plan of Salvation and the

Will of the Father for human beings you transcend birth and rebirth and establish within eternal life

everlasting - immortality.

8. There is a very specific understanding and requirement that must be fulfilled at some certain point

in your lifetimes. You are destined to fulfill this initiation in order to prepare yourself to access the great

eternity of existence. At some point during a person’s lifetimes within the womb of the Earth Mother

they begin to prepare themselves for the greater life everlasting.

9. Michael Of Nebadon clarifies the avenue of creature approach to the Father of all. You will come

to understand where you were before this lifetime, what the purpose is in this lifetime, and where you

will be heading after this lifetime.

10. The evolution from subjective perception to an objective absolute knowledge, from an overly

subjective point of living to a divinely endowed objectivity requires more of the reconciliation of

opposites and extremes. You become masterful at identifying and embodying the Life Consciousness

within you, and you take the hand of the Host in beginning to claiming your divine authority in Christ

Supreme; to command the Fire of Love to come and erase your unwanted destructive conditions in your

life in order to establish Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness - all prerequisites on the way of the

transfiguration of density into light, resurrection into the Christ Body of Light, and ascension into your

own God Presence which is and remains a uniquely individualized personality of the Omnipresent

Supremacy of God the Father.

11. The techniques used by Michael in the lifetime as Jesus allowed him to awaken out of the dream of

separation, subjectivity and the perceptual sensory world of appearances, and thereby awaken into

Knowledge and the fuller vaster Consciousness. The fallen human mind is stuck and holds in bondage

the soul personality that you are. It knows itself through outer perceptions that confirm what it already

thinks it knows as fact. Yet, it is always a projection and judgment of what it needs to confront within

itself. I take your hand and show you how to reconcile the opposites which hold that fallen mind in


12. Michael teaches the threefold spirit endowment as given by the Universal Intelligence - Father, Son,

and Spirit - and how this is the one and only divine circuit that gives a person the ability and power to

evolve by dissolving the ego structures of duality - the false identification with the dream and the ego

separation -they are not meant to be individual personalities separate from God within the dream of

perception and subjectivity, but Individualizations of God with all authority and right, power and ability

to command the Life Principle of themselves into transfiguring all darkness and density into light. This is

the fulfillment of the Spiritual Promise that they agreed to eons ago at the beginning of their

incarnations in the garment of flesh.

13. Our offerings are intended to prepare seekers in their receptivity towards fulfilling the threefold

initiation of Atonement unto the seamless garment of Light eternal. This is the core of what Michael

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teaches and shares with students worldwide, while walking with them through the Circuits of the three

Persons of the triune One God.

14. He shows you the law of forgiveness through the law of Redemption and this reconciliation of

opposites so that you become able to dissolve and consume all recalcitrant energies within your

personality soul such as fear and doubt; thus will you fulfill the Spiritual Promise of ‘as ye sow, so shall

ye reap’; Michael shows them the way and approach used by Him in demonstrating how to bring into

manifestation a permanent freedom and immortality - Light and greater Life more abundant.

15. The divine radiation of the Universal Administration comes down from the octaves of pure light and

Life through the Heavenly Host, who stand with Us, as it is the radiation and divine energy which is

outpoured to Michael’s disciples and all others in the civilization who yearn for truth and justice within

themselves. There is an intense outpouring of the Life Principle to each one that aligns their free will

with God's Will and attunes their life and motivations with His Plan of Salvation and Law of Redemption.

16. Christ Michael shows you the spiritual techniques given by the Universal Intelligence to humani ty in

order to ‘remember’, and to remember is to become once again a living member of the One Body of

God the Supremacy; for there is only One Omnipresent family of Life everywhere. In consciousness and

divine radiation, you are destined to become in your awareness that One Body of humanity, and all the

kingdoms of the earth world. Then, in consciousness and life experience you will stand forth and say,

“All is within Me . . . All hearts are Mine just as my heart belongs to the All.” Each must eventually cl aim

this for themselves in accepting their inheritance from the Father. We are here to facilitate that

receptivity in each. Once you have made the effort to accomplish this task of your Paradise career you

adjust the momentum of your existence from birth and rebirth, error and misperception, separation and

sorrows unto existing within the Universal Body of the Supreme Christ as an individualized Sun of God

with consciousness of the totality.

17. Michael has said that He comes to bear witness to Truth, and to give His demonstration of It.

Second, he walks with you in your private study with Him, and ushers you into a fuller acknowledgement

and recognition of the Christ Consciousness of you. Together with your participation and efforts, He is

able to show you how to make that a permanent accomplishment; to walk the Earth as a living Christ

and to then fulfill the Atonement; the completion of all lifetimes in the sacred ritual of transfiguration,

resurrection, and ascension. You do not just dissolve after this lifetime into some amorphous oneness

and lose your personality and individuality; for God almighty has a much grander Plan than merely that

for each one part of Himself. Instead, you become an Individualization of the Supreme Christ at One

with the Father’s Will and Intent and in Service and Expression within this our local universe. The

garment of Light is the merging eternally with the Christ Principle of yourself which enfolds you and

surrounds you and has been guiding you throughout the centuries of thousands of lifetimes. You are

destined at some certain point in time to fulfill the mandates of heaven to perfect thyself…thy

vibrational frequency back into Light Supreme, even as the great I AM, and in that, you transcend

degeneration, disease, and physical death. Your physical body becomes quickened electronically,

atomically, and spiritually unto the very same frequency vibration as the enfolding Christ of

Page 11: The Return of Michael Of Nebadon become a uniquely personalized individualization of the Christ Principle in consciousness

and awareness, unified and one with the body of the Universal Christ.

18. Our offering and association with Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit illuminate and clarify the

role that seekers are intended to play in the atonement, and to understand the role of Michael of

Nebadon/Jesus in the atonement for this universe. Michael explains how the Supreme or Christ

Intelligence cancels out all errors in the atonement process for each person and what that means and

how to cooperate to receive these accelerated results. This is the atonement of the ages. It is the Eternal

Embrace of all lifetimes of your efforts to gain the heavens. Michael speaks of the resurrection and its

attainment for every personality soul who desires to travel godward by embracing His Word and the

greater life. You become illuminated and truly able to stand up within yourself to claim, "I AM the

Resurrection and the Life Everlasting."

19. Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit show you and explain to you how to glorify God in you and

as you in the Holy Encounter; in each moment of your unfoldment there are many evolutionary points

of convergence whereby you gain the right and capacity to eliminate the density and embrace more of

the Infinite virtues and values of the Source. Michael teaches and shares as a brother and friend to you,

the fuller understanding of the Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption which

leads you into the Atonement – full and complete and eternally permanent. Your cooperation and

attunement to the Will of the Father becomes manifest in you, by you, through you, for you, and even

as you upon your fulfillment of this Spiritual Promise.

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"The Universe Mother, the Host of Heaven, and I, Michael of this local universe, we are offering a way for

those with openness in their hearts and a non-judgmental mind to meet with Us, and to partake of Our

Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit of the Infinite Universe Mother . . . in a more formal

college setting; a gathering of tender souls and hearts and minds ready and willing to learn and grow

through our originating precepts and teaching guidance.

"I come forth once again unto the fold of humanity to teach ye of the path of illumination through the

Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation and the expansion of the Flame of God presiding in thy midst; for

in this way, the mortal shall place upon itself immortality.

"…It is the pathway for those with the courage of heart who yearn for God union and are willing to place

upon the altar of Love their own free will choices in service to their own awakening and freedom in Light.

Only these shall find the strength and conviction to come forth out of the fold of unconscious humanity to

do the bidding of the Paradise Gods.

“If you thirst for truth and love and freedom, come unto Me, and I shall give unto thee Manna from the

heavens…out from My own Being.

"… For I am prepared to reveal myself unto those individuals who are proven to be receptive by preparing

a place within their character, their personality, and their soul energies, and in this way have made

themselves worthy of our association…

"Blessed is he who shall receive of my words of wisdom and love, for ye shall be awakened unto

everlasting Illumination. Ye shall progress from child of God unto thy Sonship with the Father of Eternity;

at this time it is an absolute that the populace may come to know Myself, the Mother Spirit, and the Host

of Heaven, who come as a beacon of light in the dark. I say, wherein is thy wisdom? Wherein have ye

walked with us? When have ye remembered thy being with the Father, Son, and Spirit? Blessed are they

which remember, and learn to give honor unto He who has given ye Life.

"I am thy Sovereign Creator Son of Paradise Trinity Origin. I and the Mother are the personalized foci of

the Paradise Deity for this aspect of creation. I am Son of God known by many names am I, yet I am not

bound by names, nor am I willing to become limited by them. I call myself many things and by many

names do I sign my words. I identify myself with all goodness, truth, and beauty, and I am not of this

earth, yet I come into the earth manifest to reveal unto thee the way unto freedom and illumination.

"For this have I come into the earth at this time, that I might fulfill my covenant with thee, that where I

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go ye may also go. I say unto thee, as ye fulfill the law ye shall prepare thyself to live his will and intent,

and his plan shall become illuminated within thine own awareness.

"I am here within the earth for a time, a short while, and I too say that all which are prepared to receive

me shall be caught up with me, for it is now come when many shall be quickened unto the Father even as

I was quickened and ascended. Ye shall do the very same as ye receive and bring forth the fulfillment of

thy birth into light.

"I say, for this have I come, that ye may overcome death and fulfill thy own covenant with the Father. So

be it and may all peace and prosperity be thine own. I am now giving unto thee that which ye can

comprehend. So shall ye be quickened and ye shall know as I and the Host of Heaven do know, of the

Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy.

“ I am of the Paradise Order of Michael, Sovereign Creator Sons who come to guide thy way; for I enfold

thy being with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, and it is the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Mother

of this universal creation which surrounds you in every way.

"The true sovereign sons and daughters will recognize this offering as a sincere gathering; for those who

desire to grow in their soul and fortify their character and consciousness into the Supreme Light and Life

by learning how to expand the Kingdom of Love into and through your own being."

In the Majesty of Father Son Spirit

Michael and the Creative Mother Spirit

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Mission and Purpose for the Individual

Courtesy of the Urantia Papers

There are three distinct spirit circuits in the local universe of Nebadon:

1. The bestowal spirit of the Creator Son, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.

2. The spirit circuit of the Divine Minister, the Holy Spirit.

3. The intelligence-ministry circuit, including the more or less unified activities but diverse functioning of

the seven adjutant mind-spirits.

The Creator Sons are endowed with a spirit of universe presence in many ways analogous to that of the

Seven Master Spirits of Paradise. This is the Spirit of Truth which is poured out upon a world by a

bestowal Son after he receives spiritual title to such a sphere. This bestowed Comforter is the spiritual

force which ever draws all truth seekers towards Him who is the personification of truth in the local

universe. This spirit is an inherent endowment of the Creator Son, emerging from his divine nature just

as the master circuits of the grand universe are derived from the personality presences of the Paradise


The Creator Son may come and go; his personal presence may be in the local universe or elsewhere; yet

the Spirit of Truth functions undisturbed, for this divine presence, while derived from the personality of

the Creator Son, is functionally centered in the person of the Divine Minister.

The Universe Mother Spirit, however, never leaves the local universe headquarters world. The spirit of

the Creator Son may and does function independently of the personal presence of the Son, but not so

with her personal spirit. The Holy Spirit of the Divine Minister would become nonfunctional if her

personal presence should be removed from Salvington. Her spirit presence seems to be fixed on the

universe headquarters world, and it is this very fact that enables the spirit of the Creator Son to function

independently of the whereabouts of the Son. The Universe Mother Spirit acts as the universe focus and

center of the Spirit of Truth as well as of her own personal influence, the Holy Spirit.

The Creator Father-Son and the Creative Mother Spirit both contribute variously to the mind

endowment of their local universe children. But the Creative Spirit does not bestow mind until she is

endowed with personal prerogatives.

The superevolutionary orders of personality in a local universe are endowed with the local unive rse type

of the superuniverse pattern of mind. The human and the subhuman orders of evolutionary life are

endowed with the adjutant spirit types of mind ministration.

The seven adjutant mind-spirits are the creation of the Divine Minister of a local universe. These mind-

spirits are similar in character but diverse in power, and all partake alike of the nature of the Universe

Spirit, although they are hardly regarded as personalities apart from their Mother Creator. The seven

adjutants have been given the following names: the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of worship, the spirit

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of counsel, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of courage, the spirit of understanding, the spirit

of intuition — of quick perception.

These are the “seven spirits of God,” “like lamps burning before the throne,” which the prophet saw in

the symbols of vision. But he did not see the seats of the four and twenty sentinels about these seven

adjutant mind-spirits. This record represents the confusion of two presentations, one pertaining to the

universe headquarters and the other to the system capital. The seats of the four and twenty elders are

on Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of inhabited worlds.

But it was of Salvington that John wrote: “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings

and voices” — the universe broadcasts to the local systems. He also envisaged the directional control

creatures of the local universe, the living compasses of the headquarters world. This directional control

in Nebadon is maintained by the four control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe

currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of intuition, the spirit of

“quick understanding.” But the description of these four creatures — called beasts — has been sadly

marred; they are of unparalleled beauty and exquisite form.

The four points of the compass are universal and inherent in the life of Nebadon. All living creatures

possess bodily units which are sensitive and responsive to these directional currents. These creature

creations are duplicated on down through the universe to the individual planets and, in conjunction with

the magnetic forces of the worlds, so activate the hosts of microscopic bodies in the animal organism

that these direction cells ever point north and south. Thus is the sense of orientation forever fixed in the

living beings of the universe. This sense is not wholly wanting as a conscious possession by mankind.

These bodies were first observed on Urantia about the time of this narration.

The Ministry of the Spirit

The Divine Minister co-operates with the Creator Son in the formulation of life and the creation of new

orders of beings up to the time of his seventh bestowal and, subsequently, after his elevation to the full

sovereignty of the universe, continues to collaborate with the Son and the Son’s bestowed spirit in the

further work of world ministry and planetary progression.

On the inhabited worlds the Spirit begins the work of evolutionary progression, starting with the lifeless

material of the realm, first endowing vegetable life, then the animal organisms, then the first orders of

human existence; and each succeeding impartation contributes to the further unfolding of the

evolutionary potential of planetary life from the initial and primitive stages to the appearance of will

creatures. This labor of the Spirit is largely effected through the seven adjutants, the spirits of promise,

the unifying and co-ordinating spirit-mind of the evolving planets, ever and unitedly leading the races of

men towards higher ideas and spiritual ideals.

Mortal man first experiences the ministry of the Spirit in conjunction with mind when the purely animal

mind of evolutionary creatures develops reception capacity for the adjutants of worship and of wisdom.

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This ministry of the sixth and seventh adjutants indicates mind evolution crossing the threshold of

spiritual ministry. And immediately are such minds of worship- and wisdom-function included in the

spiritual circuits of the Divine Minister.

When mind is thus endowed with the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it possesses the capacity for

(consciously or unconsciously) choosing the spiritual presence of the Universal Father — the Thought

Adjuster. But it is not until a bestowal Son has liberated the Spirit of Truth for planetary ministry to all

mortals that all normal minds are automatically prepared for the reception of the Thought Adjusters.

The Spirit of Truth works as one with the presence of the spirit of the Divine Minister. This dual spirit

liaison hovers over the worlds, seeking to teach truth and to spiritually enlighten the minds of men, to

inspire the souls of the creatures of the ascending races, and to lead the peoples dwelling on the

evolutionary planets ever towards their Paradise goal of divine destiny.

Though the Spirit of Truth is poured out upon all flesh, this spirit of the Son is almost wholly limited in

function and power by man’s personal reception of that which constitutes the sum and substance of the

mission of the bestowal Son. The Holy Spirit is partly independent of human attitude and partially

conditioned by the decisions and co-operation of the will of man. Nevertheless, the ministry of the Holy

Spirit becomes increasingly effective in the sanctification and spiritualization of the inner life of those

mortals who the more fully obey the divine leadings.

As individuals you do not personally possess a segregated portion or entity of the spirit of the Creator

Father-Son or the Creative Mother Spirit; these ministries do not contact with, nor indwell, the thinking

centers of the individual’s mind as do the Mystery Monitors. Thought Adjusters are definite

individualizations of the prepersonal reality of the Universal Father, actually indwelling the mortal mind

as a very part of that mind, and they ever work in perfect harmony with the combined spirits of the

Creator Son and Creative Spirit.

The presence of the Holy Spirit of the Universe Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, of the Spirit of Truth of the

Universe Son of the Eternal Son, and of the Adjuster-spirit of the Paradise Father in or with an

evolutionary mortal, denotes symmetry of spiritual endowment and ministry and qualifies such a mortal

consciously to realize the faith-fact of sonship with God.

The Spirit in Man

With the advancing evolution of an inhabited planet and the further spiri tualization of its inhabitants,

additional spiritual influences may be received by such mature personalities. As mortals progress in

mind control and spirit perception, these multiple spirit ministries become more and more co-ordinate

in function; they become increasingly blended with the overministry of the Paradise Trinity.

Although Divinity may be plural in manifestation, in human experience Deity is singular, always one.

Neither is spiritual ministry plural in human experience. Regardless of plurality of origin, all spirit

influences are one in function. Indeed they are one, being the spirit ministry of God the Sevenfold in and

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to the creatures of the grand universe; and as creatures grow in appreciation of, and receptivity for, this

unifying ministry of the spirit, it becomes in their experience the ministry of God the Supreme.

From the heights of eternal glory the divine Spirit descends, by a long series of steps, to meet you as you

are and where you are and then, in the partnership of faith, lovingly to embrace the soul of mortal origin

and to embark on the sure and certain retracement of those steps of condescension, never stopping

until the evolutionary soul is safely exalted to the very heights of bliss from which the divine Spirit

originally sallied forth on this mission of mercy and ministry.

Spiritual forces unerringly seek and attain their own original levels. Having gone out from the Eternal,

they are certain to return thereto, bringing with them all those children of time and space who have

espoused the leading and teaching of the indwelling Adjuster, those who have been truly “born of the

Spirit,” the faith sons of God.

The divine Spirit is the source of continual ministry and encouragement to the children of men. Your

power and achievement is “according to his mercy, through the renewing of the Spirit.” Spiritual life, like

physical energy, is consumed. Spiritual effort results in relative spiritual exhaustion. The whole

ascendant experience is real as well as spiritual; therefore, it is truly written, “It is the Spirit that

quickens.” “The Spirit gives life.”

The dead theory of even the highest religious doctrines is powerless to transform human character or to

control mortal behavior. What the world of today needs is the truth which your teacher of old declared:

“Not in word only but also in power and in the Holy Spirit.” The seed of theoretical truth is dead, the

highest moral concepts without effect, unless and until the divine Spirit breathes upon the forms of

truth and quickens the formulas of righteousness.

Those who have received and recognized the indwelling of God have been born of the Spirit. “You are

the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwells in you.” It is not enough that this spirit be poured out

upon you; the divine Spirit must dominate and control every phase of human experience.

It is the presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal

discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human mind. Spirit-motivated beings

“never thirst, for this spiritual water shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life

everlasting.” Such divinely watered souls are all but independent of material environment as regards the

joys of living and the satisfactions of earthly existence. They are spiritually illuminated and refreshed,

morally strengthened and endowed.

In every mortal there exists a dual nature: the inheritance of animal tendencies and the high urge of

spirit endowment. During the short life you live on Urantia, these two diverse and opposing urges can

seldom be fully reconciled; they can hardly be harmonized and unified; but throughout your lifetime the

combined Spirit ever ministers to assist you in subjecting the flesh more and more to the leading of the

Spirit. Even though you must live your material life through, even though you cannot escape the body

and its necessities, nonetheless, in purpose and ideals you are empowered increasingly to subject the

animal nature to the mastery of the Spirit. There truly exists within you a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a

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confederation of divine powers, whose exclusive purpose is to effect your final deliverance from

material bondage and finite handicaps.

The purpose of all this ministration is, “That you may be strengthened with power through His spirit in

the inner man.” And all this represents but the preliminary steps to the final attainment of the

perfection of faith and service, that experience wherein you shall be “filled with all the fullness of God,”

“for all those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God.”

The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach

divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spi rit will gently and

lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. Every step you take must be one

of willingness, intelligent and cheerful co-operation. The domination of the Spirit is never tainted with

coercion nor compromised by compulsion.

And when such a life of spirit guidance is freely and intelligently accepted, there gradually develops

within the human mind a positive consciousness of divine contact and assurance of spirit communion;

sooner or later “the Spirit bears witness with your spirit (the Adjuster) that you are a child of God.”

Already has your own Thought Adjuster told you of your kinship to God so that the record testifies that

the Spirit bears witness “with your spirit,” not to your spirit.

The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing

exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, “for the fruits

of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and

temperance.” Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths

of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to

discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have

they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, “The kingdom of God is not

meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” And throughout every trial and in

the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear

because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

The Spirit and the Flesh

The flesh, the inherent nature derived from the animal-origin races, does not naturally bear the fruits of

the divine Spirit. When the mortal nature has been upstepped by the addition of the nature of the

Material Sons of God, as the Urantia races were in a measure advanced by the bestowal of Adam, then

is the way better prepared for the Spirit of Truth to co-operate with the indwelling Adjuster to bring

forth the beautiful harvest of the character fruits of the spirit. If you do not reject this spirit, even

though eternity may be required to fulfill the commission, “he will guide you into all truth.”

Evolutionary mortals inhabiting normal worlds of spiritual progress do not experience the acute conflicts

between the spirit and the flesh which characterize the present-day Urantia races. But even on the most

ideal planets, pre-Adamic man must put forth positive efforts to ascend from the purely animalistic

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plane of existence up through successive levels of increasingly intellectual meanings and higher spiritual


The mortals of a normal world do not experience constant warfare between their physical and spiritual

natures. They are confronted with the necessity of climbing up from the animal levels of existence to the

higher planes of spiritual living, but this ascent is more like undergoing an educational training when

compared with the intense conflicts of Urantia mortals in this realm of the divergent material and

spiritual natures.

The Urantia peoples are suffering the consequences of a double deprivation of help in this task of

progressive planetary spiritual attainment. The Caligastia upheaval precipitated world-wide confusion

and robbed all subsequent generations of the moral assistance which a well -ordered society would have

provided. But even more disastrous was the Adamic default in that it deprived the races of that superior

type of physical nature which would have been more consonant with spiritual aspirations.

Urantia mortals are compelled to undergo such marked struggling between the spirit and the flesh

because their remote ancestors were not more fully Adamized by the Edenic bestowal. It was the divine

plan that the mortal races of Urantia should have had physical natures more naturally spirit responsive.

Notwithstanding this double disaster to man’s nature and his environment, present-day mortals would

experience less of this apparent warfare between the flesh and the spirit if they would enter the spirit

kingdom, wherein the faith sons of God enjoy comparative deliverance from the slave -bondage of the

flesh in the enlightened and liberating service of wholehearted devotion to doing the will of the Father

in heaven. Jesus showed mankind the new way of mortal living whereby human beings may very largely

escape the dire consequences of the Caligastic rebellion and most effectively compensate for the

deprivations resulting from the Adamic default. “The spirit of the life of Christ Jesus has made us free

from the law of animal living and the temptations of evil and sin.” “This is the victory that overcomes the

flesh, even your faith.”

Those God-knowing men and women who have been born of the Spirit experience no more conflict with

their mortal natures than do the inhabitants of the most normal of worlds, planets which have never

been tainted with sin nor touched by rebellion. Faith sons work on intellectual levels and live on spiritual

planes far above the conflicts produced by unrestrained or unnatural physical desires. The normal urges

of animal beings and the natural appetites and impulses of the physical nature are not in conflict with

even the highest spiritual attainment except in the minds of ignorant, mistaught, or unfortunately

overconscientious persons.

Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your

orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be

troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and

standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will

always speak, saying, “This is the way.” [Presented by a Mighty Messenger temporarily assigned to

service on Urantia.]

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MICHAEL OF NEBADON is a part of SOVRNTY, a religious society in the State of Oregon. Michael

reintroduces the eternal fellowship and association with Paradise Trinity Endowment that every

individual has through the gift of the Spirit Endowment of Consciousness. You may apply for our

aspirancy curriculum through sovereign discipleship with the Creator Father Son of Nebadon. His

teachings are of His personal Spiritual Presence in this universe - the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

which is always available upon invitation and receptivity to seekers and aspirants worldwide. It is the

Illuminated Cross of His Remembrance in attaining to the threefold Initiation of Atonement – the Second

Birth into Universe Citizenship and the Eternal Embrace.

His gospel ideal is being offered as an educational fellowship and eternal association with the Creator

Son Michael and the Creative Mother Spirit. A strong unreservedly and wholehearted desire for

intellectual illumination and spiritual emancipation are prerequisites. Our aspirancy curriculum provides

a dedicated approach to union with the Spiritual Force of the Universal Father; His Love, Wisdom, and

Power. The private study leads the bold and courageous individual to live more fully within a

consciousness of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy. We welcome

all inquiries. We offer this illuminating progressive fellowship and platform where seekers of truth

participate in our private dialogues with the Creator Father Son Michael. It is designed for those who

wish to hold a more private and direct discipleship with Christ Michael and the Universe Creative

Mother Spirit. Association and fellowship with Michael Of Nebadon illuminates the avenues of creature

approach to the Universal Father and His Divine Circuit through the Paradise Trinity Endowment for

humanity's evolutionary progression into greater and fuller light and life. The association with Michael

and the Mother offers seekers a deeper relationship with the Spirit of Truth of the Creator Father Son

and the Holy Spirit of the Creative Mother Spirit. For further information on study with Michael and the

Mother Spirit, please email us at [email protected].

[email protected]
