Page 1: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

The Respiratory SystemThe Respiratory System

Medical TerminologyMedical Terminology

Page 2: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Structures of the Upper Respiratory SystemStructures of the Upper Respiratory System• Nose

– Nasal septum– Olfactory receptors

• Paranasal Sinuses– Frontal– Maxillary– Ethmoid– Sphenoid

• Pharynx– Nasopharynx– Oropharynx

• Uvula

– Laryngopharynx• Larynx

– Glottis– Epiglottis– Thyroid cartilage

Page 3: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Structures of the Lower Respiratory SystemStructures of the Lower Respiratory System

• Trachea (windpipe)• Bronchial Tree

– Alveoli (alveolus= belly)

• Lungs– Lobes ----- R=3; L=2

• Respiratory membrane• See next slide

• Mediastinum– Also called: interpleural

space• Pleura (see next slide)

– Parietal pleura– Visceral pleura– Pleural space

• Diaphragm– Phrenic nerve

Page 4: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal
Page 5: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Terminology of Respiratory SystemTerminology of Respiratory System

• Eupnea note: -pnea = breathing

• Tachypnea

• Bradypnea

• Apnea – SIDS

• Dyspnea– DOE

• Hyperpnea

• Hypopnea

• Hyperventilation

• Anoxia

• Hypoxia

• Hypercapnea

• Cyanosis

Page 6: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

• Nose = nas/o or rhin/o

• Trachea = trache/o

• Lungs = pneum/o ; pneumon/o; pulmon/o

• Ventilation

• Respiration

– External respiration

• Inspiration = active

• Expiration = passive

– Internal respiration

Terminology of Respiratory SystemTerminology of Respiratory System

Page 7: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Pathology of Respiratory SystemPathology of Respiratory System

• COPD– Chronic bronchitis– Asthma– Bronchiectasis– Emphysema– Pneumoconioses (coni/o = dust)

• Asbestosis• Anthracosis (black lung)

• Silicosis• Berylliosis• Byssinosis

– These cause pulmonary fibrosis

• URI’s– Rhinitis (rhinorrhea)– Pharyngitis– Laryngitis

• Aphonia & dysphonia

• Pertussis• Croup • Epistaxis• Pleurisy• Pleural effusion• Hemoptysis

– Compare to hematemesis

Page 8: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Pathology of Respiratory SystemPathology of Respiratory System

• Respiratory distress syndrome

• Pulmonary edema• Atelectasis• TB (tuberculosis)• Pneumonia

– Also called pneumonitis

• Cystic fibrosis• Pneumothorax

– Hemothorax

Page 9: The Respiratory System Medical Terminology. Structures of the Upper Respiratory System Nose –Nasal septum –Olfactory receptors Paranasal Sinuses –Frontal

Diagnostic & Treatment ProceduresDiagnostic & Treatment Procedures

• Bronchoscopy

• Spirometry

• Skin tests– PPD

– Mantoux

– Tine

• Chest Imaging– X-ray



– Scans

• Thoracentesis• Thoracostomy• Thoracotomy• Pneumonectomy• Tracheostomy
