Page 1: The Repository Bridge project Sally Mcinnes, NLW

The Repository Bridge project

Sally Mcinnes, NLW

Page 2: The Repository Bridge project Sally Mcinnes, NLW


• Background

• Issues

• Challenges

• Requirements

• Aims

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• Interest in E-theses submission since 1994

• FAIR programme 2002

• Seminar in 2004

• Group established in Wales

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Issues with e-theses

• Requires a collaborative approach between stakeholders

• Provides greater research exposure• Reduction in duplication• Improved resource discovery• Multiple access• Space savings/costs of binding• Information sharing• Reduced retrieval costs

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• Requires technical support• Differing software software• Interoperability and standards• Finding aid • Intellectual property rights• Thread of plagiarism• Cultural change• Publication issues• Digital preservation strategy

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• Ensuring that the regulations permit e-theses submission

• Implementing procedures to enable submission• Developing metadata schemas to enable

resource discovery• Access and security protocols• Intellectual property rights• Procedures for transfer to repository• Long- term preservation of e-theses

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Aim of Bridge project

• Provided a link between D-Space and Fedora

• Funded by JISC

• Successful

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Repository Bridge

Glen [email protected]

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The Project

• JISC funded

• Partners NLW, UWA and UWS





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University of Wales Aberystwyth


• Use Qualified Dublin Core Meta data

• Stores Research Papers and in the future Electronic Thesis

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National Library of Wales


• Use METS Meta data

• Will store: – Digitised Images– Digital Archives– TV Recordings– Websites?

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• National Electronic Thesis Repository

• Uses Qualified Dublin Core Metadata

• Collaboration between:– British Library– 7 Scottish and English Universities – NLW– And others

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• Dublin Core

• Qualified Dublin Core


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Dublin Core

• <oai_dc:dc>– <dc:title>

Interpretation of simulation for model based design analysis of engineered systems

– </dc:title>– <dc:creator>Bell, Jonathan</dc:creator>– <dc:description>

Thesis presents a language for functional description of systems, allowing their simulations to be interpretated in terms of the system&apos;s purpose.

– </dc:description> – <dc:publisher>

University of Wales, Aberystwyth; Computer Science

– </dc:publisher>– <dc:format>application/pdf</dc:format> – <dc:identifier>llgc-id:54</dc:identifier>

• </oai_dc:dc>

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Qualified Dublin Core• <uketd_dc:uketddc>

– <uketdterms:advisor>Snooke, Neal</uketdterms:advisor>– <dc:creator>Bell, Jonathan</dc:creator>– <dc:date>2005-11-04T11:19:13Z</dc:date>– <dc:date>2005-11-04T11:19:13Z</dc:date>– <dcterms:issued>2005</dcterms:issued>– <dcterms:isReferencedBy xsi:type="dcterms:URI"></dcterms:isReferencedBy>– <dcterms:abstract>

Thesis presents a language for functional description of systems, allowing their simulations to be interpretated in terms of the system's purpose.– </dcterms:abstract>– <dcterms:extent>1728984 bytes</dcterms:extent>– <dc:format xsi:type="dcterms:IMT">application/pdf</dc:format>– <dc:language xsi:type="dcterms:ISO639-2">en</dc:language>– <uketdterms:institution>University of Wales</uketdterms:institution>– <uketdterms:department>Aberystwyth; Computer Science</uketdterms:department>– <dc:subject>functional description</dc:subject>– <dc:subject>model based reasoning</dc:subject>– <dc:title>

Interpretation of simulation for model based design analysis of engineered systems– </dc:title>– <dc:type>thesis</dc:type>– <uketdterms:qualificationlevel>doctoral</uketdterms:qualificationlevel>– <uketdterms:qualificationname>PhD</uketdterms:qualificationname>– <uketdterms:sponsor>None</uketdterms:sponsor>– <dc:identifier xsi:type="dcterms:URI">– </dc:identifier>– <uketdterms:checksum>MD5:eb5d0b9d5104212aed5f0cd76e99cf11</uketdterms:checksum>

• </uketd_dc:uketddc>

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METS• Metadata & Encoding for Transmission Standard• Package for other MD types• Contains:

– Descriptive Meta Data • mods on digital copy • relationship information to other objects in Fedora

– Administrative Meta Data • technical meta data • premis admin data including checksums, and relationships between data streams • link to MARC record in Virtua

– Digital Providence • List of actions that have occurred to the object • List of agents who ran the software / versions of the software used

– File Sec • List of Data streams linking above sections to particular data streams

– Structural Map • First one allows display via a METS viewer type application • Subsequent ones are linked to Disseminators

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The Problem

University of Wales Aberystwyth

National Library of Wales


Dublin Core

Qualified Dublin Core

Dublin Core

Qualified Dublin Core


• Dublin Core


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The Solution

• OAI-PMH– Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for

Metadata Harvesting

• Common Standard

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•– Verb Identify

– Repository Name

– Admin email

•» verb=ListRecords

» &metadataPrefix=oai_dc

» &set=hdl_2160_255

– Verb List: Records

– Metadata prefix: oai_dc

– Set: hdl_2160_255 (PhD theses)

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Bridge Request

•» verb=ListRecords» &metadataPrefix=mets» &set=hdl_2160_255» &until=2007-01-01


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The Problem

University of Wales Aberystwyth

National Library of Wales



• Dublin Core


• Qualified Dublin Core

Qualified Dublin Core

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