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    Febru ary 1992

    Topics: Peace & Joy,Your


    Volume 2 The Kee ping Power for the Mind

    by Ernest An gley

    God has given me endtime messages for the Bride of Christ in this

    her final walk, her last hour. Treasure each message, for God is

    the giver, and He knows just what the Bride must have.

    Many, claiming God's peace for the soul, have allowed the devil to

    torment their minds with despair and fear. Because their minds

    have been in such turmoil, they have been unable to enjoy the

    greatness of God in their souls. This has produced many unhappy

    Christians, troubled people as they carried unnecessary burdens;

    it has caused rocky paths, much confusion, and even nervous

    breakdowns. They have not learned the keeping power of God for

    the mind, only for the soul.

    When the keeping power for the mind is not put into action,

    frustrated Christians struggle in their prayer life, in fasting, in

    reading the Word of God. Not recognizing the keeping power of the Lord for the mind will put a

    wall between you and the fullness of God's blessings in your life.

    The Lord let me know that people must be aware of what they can have, what belongs to them for

    the mind as well as for the soul when they have been born new. Calvary includes deliverance for

    the whole person, but not much has been preached concerning the mind, the power of God for the

    mind, the keeping power. The mind, I say again, gives trouble when it's not kept by the power ofGod. The Holy Spirit must be the keeper of the mind as well as the keeper of the soul. He keeps

    the mind with God's peace.

    The Lord has peace for the soul as well as for the mind. The born-again Christian who doesn't use

    God's peace for the mind will go to heaven when he dies, but be miserable en route.

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    And the p eace of God, w hich passeth all und erstanding, shall keep your he arts and

    minds throu gh Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). The keeping power of the peace of God will

    keep your mind as well as your heart. Link the mind and soul together with the power of God for

    this endtime hour. Great strength is found in His peace. The peace of God for the Bride is so

    important that the Lord made it one of the nine fruits of the Spirit; it's essential for you.

    Mind problems have tortured many Christians down through the ages. They could have been free,

    but the devil convinced them he had control over the mind, greater influence than God could


    Yes, the devil can get to the unprotected mind, but you have power from on High to put him to

    flight when Jesus is in your soul. No power is greater than the power of God. Resist the devil,

    and he will flee from you (James 4:7). Use your mind to pull on the power in the Word of God

    hidden in your soul. Using the Word with your mind brings it right out of your soul.

    People quickly identify themselves as Children of God, but problems arise when their minds close

    out God's fruit of peace. This isn't a soul problem, but a mind problem. In order to do all the workthe Lord requires, you must recognize and have the remedy: the peace of God for the whole person.

    Open your eyes to the reality of what you have, to the reservoir of God's power within you. The

    born-again are connected with heaven night and day. Let your mind accept the fact that the same

    peace you have for your soul is meant to be in your mind also. Start using it. You have it; it's yours

    in plentiful supply.

    The soul of a born-again Christian is filled with the peace and love of God. The mind, through the

    power of the Holy Ghost, can draw on these benefits twenty-four hours around the clock. Like a

    well of spiritual water within that never runs dry, the power of God is in the soul waiting for you to

    draw on it. Looking other places for the peace available to you in your soul, you fail to draw on it.

    But if Jesus is in your heart, His peace is in you. Jesus said,Peace I leave w ith you, m y peace I

    give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be

    troub led, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). He gives you His keeping power of peace; it's a

    gift from God just like love and faith.

    Looking for peace in others will not bring God's peace. Often people turn to loved ones and friends

    for peace. Some have family members who have never given them peace, and yet they continue to

    seek peace from them, trying to draw peace from human sources. The Lord didn't tell you to find

    peace that way. Obey His directions; find peace from Him.

    How long will you turn a deaf ear to what the Spirit is saying? Are you too troubled in your mind to

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    recognize when the Spirit is talking to you? The Lord is trying to get through to you, whispering

    encouragement, peace and love, but your mind may be so cluttered that you don't recognize His

    voice. You've been collecting thoughts that block the flow of God's faith from your soul to your


    Consider all you carry in your mind and realize that it's by the grace of God that you have come as

    far in the Lord as you have.

    You who are troubled, the Lord has sent me with the remedy for you, and the Holy Spirit will help

    you use it, help you clean that mind out. You may not keep degraded thoughts on your mindjust

    thoughts that will not bring peace. Some thoughts cause more and more trouble the longer you

    allow them to remain. It's time to be rid of excess mental baggage and to fill your mind with the

    mind of Christ.

    In this final hour God wants to use each member of the bridal company to spread the Gospel withthe same dedication and fervor that Jesus used. For that to happen you must have the same love,

    the same peace, grace and faith that Jesus brought down from heaven when He came. It's all yours.

    Remember the day your soul was filled with salvation? Feeling more like flying than walking, you

    thought you would be happy forever. The mind was so astounded that it cooperated with the Holy

    Ghost, and the peace that had landed in your soul flooded your mind. For days you thought of

    nothing but Jesus. That's the reaction of the mind when salvation floods the soul and spills over

    into it. The soul filled with Jesus rejoices as He takes over the mind.

    Don't let either the enemy or people saturate your mind, pushing out God's great benefits in your

    soul. Some of you will be happy until certain relatives come around, robbing you of the sunshine of

    God's glory. Don't allow it. Let the Lord shine out to lead you in meaningful conversation. Talk

    about the coming of the Lord; warn of Armageddon. If others would rather leave than listen to you,

    at least you will have peace. You gave them the message of the Lord, and the Holy Spirit will be

    shouting within that you did the right thing.

    Use the holy boldness of the Early Church. They prayed for it:And n ow, Lord, be hold their

    threatenings: and grant u nto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy

    word , By stretching forth thine hand to he al; and that signs and w onders m ay be don e

    by the name of thy holy child Jesus. And w hen they had prayed, the place was shaken

    whe re they w ere assemb led together; and they w ere all filled w ith the Holy Ghost, and

    they spake the word of God w ith boldness (Acts 4:29-31). Their holy boldness was not a

    product of mixed-up minds. They decided what heaven knew was more important than what

    people thought. Taking that insight and running with it, they stood against family, friends and foe

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    alike who wouldn't accept Jesus. That's the reason they could have peace when no one else could,

    peace living and peace dying.

    Heaven's eternal peace belonged to the Early Church. Daily the fruit of peace produced in their

    souls flowed into their minds. There was no scarcity of it. Bursting to tell the news of Jesus, they

    were consumed with the greatness of Him. In the Acts of the Apostles, the theme is Jesus.

    Reach out for the keeping power that will sustain your mind and soul in the realm of divinity.

    Ponder what is furnished you. Recognize that the greatness of God in your heart and soul is for

    your mind also, and realize you can become a different person, going forth free of unnecessary

    burdens. No longer overrun with despair and fear, you will not be fretting, but shouting the praises

    of God in that soul of yours, and your mind will join in. Focus your mind on the greatness of God in

    your soul. You can do ityou have more control over your mind than you realize.

    The soul cries for the Word of God. Man shall not live by bread alone, bu t by every wordthat proceedeth ou t of the mou th of God (Matthew 4:4). If you keep your soul well fed on

    the Word of God, it in turn will feed your spirit and mind. However, by blocking off your mind

    from your soul, you will not use that great reservoir of God's power in your soul.

    If you knew you didn't have peace in your soul, many of you would not rest until you found it, and

    yet you may have gone years without peace of mind. Think how many times you have climbed into

    bed troubled in mind and yet with peace in your soul. Why worry about peace when you have

    plenty of it? Use the peace in your soul; the Lord wants you to.

    Elijah thought he was ready to die. He himself wen t a day's journe y into the w ilderne ss,

    and came and sat down u nder a juniper tree: and he requ ested for himself that he

    might die; and said, It is enough; n ow, O Lord, take aw ay my life; for I am not b etter

    than my fathers. And as he lay and slept unde r a jun iper tree, behold, then an angel

    touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. And he looked, and, behold, there w as

    a cake baken on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink,

    and laid him dow n again. And the angel of the Lord came again the second time, andtouched him, and said, Arise and eat; becau se the journey is too great for thee. And

    he arose, and did eat and drink, and w ent in the strength of that meat forty days and

    forty nights un to Horeb the m oun t of God (I Kings 19:4-8). The Lord sent an angel to

    strengthen Elijah's mind and to feed him. Elijah had plenty of God's peace in his soul, but out in

    the wilderness under the juniper tree, it wasn't reaching into his mind. Having just slain 450

    prophets of BaalJezebel's prophetshe fled when he heard Jezebel had vowed to kill him. Had

    Elijah only remembered the miracle-working power of God that was his, he could have used it on

    his mind. But he didn't. He wasn't backslidden; he was depressed.

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    glories in Eden, they enjoyed God. That was the kind of love God put into their hearts to flow

    through their minds.

    It was a different story later when the devil entered the man and woman God had made, an ugly

    sight. God ceased to come down. Man was driven out of the Garden.

    As generations passed, the hearts of men desired evil continually. I'll destroy everyone, God

    decided. But then He saw a family who loved Him, a family with minds that pondered the things of

    God. He couldn't destroy minds like those. Their souls reached for knowledge of Him. The Lord

    went down to talk with Noah, and Noah was ready to listen. What he heard was the most

    unbelievable, incredible plan he could have imagined; and yet he believed it completely. Noah

    broke the news to his wife. Wife, he could have said,we're going to build an ark. Just look how

    big it's going to be. I've been dra wing the plans. The Lord told me the exact dimensions. Because

    Mrs. Noah's mind was yielded to the Lord, she believed him and helped. The children had the

    right kind of minds, too, and they pitched in.

    What kind of mind do you have? If you have Jesus in your soul, you can have peace in your mind, a

    spiritual, godly peace. Since you have peace, you would be misguided not to use it all the time.

    You have the victorious life, the faith life, and the love life of heaven.

    Some Christians feel guilty if they experience too much peace. They think they aren't carrying

    enough burdens. Everyone else around them is miserable, but not them. Now guilt enters. They're

    sure they should be suffering more.

    There is no reward for carrying unnecessary burdens. Peace, remember, is one of the fruits of the

    Spirit produced in your soul. Feeling guilty when the fruit of the Spirit is operating in your soul

    hinders the work God is trying to do in your life.

    It must hurt the heart of God to see His fruit go to waste. All heaven's peace belongs to you as a

    Child of God. You are connected with heaven. How tragic when the mind fails to recognize what is

    in the soul! Peace in the soul satisfies the mind. The same peace that brings joy to the soul canbring it to the mind.

    Enjoy the fruit of peace in your mind as well as in your soul. God's people first need to enjoy Jesus

    in this hour if they are going to serve Him to others. If you don't partake of all of Him you will not

    be able to serve all of Him. The whole Christ for the whole world in this last hour must be our cry.

    Great peace have they which love thy law(Psalm 119:165). Great peace have you who love

    God's Word, you who have given your heart to the Lord. You couldn't love God's Word and not

    love to please Him. Really being in love with God's Word makes you a keeper of the Word.

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    Do you have as much peace in the spiritual realm as sinners have in the world? Do you worry more

    than they do? They may sleep well at night while you're up walking the floor wondering what

    you're going to do. Those who don't live for the Lord are the ones who should rest uneasy, not the

    born-again Christian. Decide to use God's peace in your soul. Do what you know to do and then

    leave the problems in God's hands.

    When you give the Holy Spirit freedom to work within, the promises of Jesus come to life for you

    and God will supply your needs.

    Have enough sense to draw from the soul what you need. Shine out with happiness in the Lord.

    Don't let anything or anyone get you down. You're happy in your soul; let that happiness flood up

    into your mind. Anytime you let the Lord use your mind when Jesus is in your soul, you will find

    happiness, peace. You must learn this. The Lord wanted me to bring this to you. I'm just giving

    you what the Lord gave me. Your part is to digest it and let it work. Don't you want a happy mind

    as well as a happy soul? Then let your mind connect with your soul; let the happiness in your soul

    spill over into your mind. The mind affects the entire person, the whole body. When your mind is

    happy, you are happy through and through.

    For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousn ess, and peace, and joy

    in the Ho ly Ghost (Romans 14:17). Who operates peace and joy? The Holy Ghost. How do we

    keep peace and joy? Through the Holy Ghost. This kind of peace, joy and righteousness is

    connected with the Holy Ghost. He is in your heart, in your soul; but never forget that His

    righteousness, peace and joy are for the mind, too.

    The power of the Holy Ghost operates the soul, the real you, the part of you that can never, never

    die; it's eternal like God Himself. The soul came from the breath of God. The love of God is

    shed abroad in ou r hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given u nto u s (Romans 5:5). The

    Holy Ghost will shed abroad God's love in your mind, also, the peace, that which has come into the


    Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things whe rew ithone m ay edify another (Romans 14:19). Some people follow things, which don't make peace.

    Thinking they must be with punitive relatives, they visit and then go home upset. But they then

    return another day asking for more of the same. In other words, they follow after that which does

    not make peace. Following the things, which make peace, brings you peace in the Lord.

    Speaking words that cannot edify is the same as giving out junk. Some people seem always to be

    carrying a garbage can with them, stench and all. What are you carrying?

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    You are either a blessing or a curse. By speaking words that do not edify others, you are cursing

    them, not following the things of peace, not blessing. If your words hinder their minds, their

    spirits, you are cursing. But when you bring people the latest news from heaven, they won't feel

    like telling you their gossip. The latest from the Lord is that Jesus is soon coming, the battle of

    Armageddon is on its way, and we're getting out. We're evangelizing the world, and heaven is

    happy about it; angels are helping us. We've just heard from heaven and everything is all right


    Be careful what you say. Bu t as he w hich hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all

    mann er of conversation (I Peter 1:15). Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned

    with salt, that ye may know how ye ou ght to answer eve ry man (Colossians 4:6). Season

    your conversation always with the grace of God. Ask yourself: Did I edify the person I was talking

    to? When you turn to leave, check with the Holy Spirit. Is that person blessed because I talked to

    him? Is that one encouraged? Did my words lift up, bring the person a little closer to the Lord?Did I help that one yield a little more to the Holy Spirit so the peace and love of God could be shed

    abroad in the heart a nd make real the greatness of God?

    Let us follow after the things that make peace and edify others. Finally, brethren , whatsoeve r

    things are true, whatsoeve r things are hone st, whatsoever things are just, whatsoeve r

    things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if

    there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8).

    Think on these things, and talk them. It's the Word of God unto edification.

    What do you talk about? Keep a record of your conversation for at least one week. Study itwhenno one else is around. Have you talked about Jesus? Did you criticize another? If you chat about

    others very long, you probably will slip out something better left unsaid. Talk about Jesus. There is

    no fault to be found in Him. He is the perfect One, the incredible, loveable One.

    How much did you talk about Jesus today? You say you can't find anyone interested? Then it's a

    good time to be alone with Him. Tell Jesus you love Him. He is wonderful. You not only love

    Him, you like Him. Tell the Lord you're proud of Him, you're glad He is with you. Speak words of

    edification to yourself.

    Speaking to your selves in psalms and hymn s and spiritual songs, singing and m aking

    melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks alw ays for all things u nto God and the

    Father in the name of ou r Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:19). Psalms and hymns were not

    written for God, but for your edification. The Bible is yours, your meat. It's profound. God made it

    possible for you to have it. He doesn't need the Word for Himself; if man didn't need it, it never

    would have been written. Man was meant to be a keeper of the Word, to read it again and again

    and keep it in his mind and soul.

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    How much of God would you hold onto if every Bible in the world were taken away? How much of

    God do you have in your heart? Follow the things of God, the instructions He gives. We can't live

    without Him. Again and again God has warned of this last hour. All the prophecies are shouting it:

    This is the final hour! Armageddon is on its way! From the holy pages of God's Word we have

    learned that it's almost time for the Bride to go home, almost time to take her flight.

    Bathe your mind in God's realities for this hour. Why worry about old age? When you wake up in

    heaven you'll realize how much time was wasted. Because God wants our minds to work like His,

    He made it possible for us to tap into His great mind for the knowledge, the wisdom, for everything

    of Him that we need. It's all found in His Word. There is no lack of Him for His Children in this

    last hour.

    I like to imagine the conversation between Enoch and the Lord. What did they talk about that

    made the Lord eager to see him every day and pass by others? I'm sure Enoch didn't complain or

    gossip; nor did he recount the slights and hurts from others. I believe Enoch talked joy, peace,

    happiness as he drew on the Lord at all times. God, tell me some more about heaven. Tell me what

    you have been doing, God. What are you preparing for me? Tell me more about my mansion.

    Lord, all those wonderful things you have been telling me are all I can think about. I'm so excited

    I can hardly sleep at night. What a time they had as the Lord talked to Enoch and told him the

    wonders of heaven, a place free of sickness and sorrow! Lord, I sure wish I could go there, Enoch

    must have said. I wish I didn't have to be separated from you. I have such a lonely feeling afteryou leave. Lord, I wish I could go with you. I wish I didn't have to wa it for the death angel. The

    Lord heard enough. One day He said, Come on Enoch, you're not going the way of the grave. I'm

    going to take you with me alive. Enoch had a mind to go home, a mind to enjoy heaven. Some

    people, however, are not like Enoch. If the Lord would tell them He was going to take them home,

    it would strike terror in their hearts.

    In this final hour, the Bride will have a mind to be with Jesus, to be raptured like Enoch. She willbe pondering, thinking about her mansion in heaven that Jesus promised to prepare. Longing to

    see Jesus all the time, she will dwell in the sunshine of God's glory. Never will a cloud darken His

    face. No more cares, burdens or heartaches, no more sadness or tearsonly happiness, happiness

    awaits her. The Word and the promises of God are her strength and courage. His promises are

    living reality to her as she hugs them to her bosom.

    Focused on His coming, her mind rejoices as her spirit cries: Even so, come, Lord Jesus

    (Revelation 22:20). Jesus said, Su rely I come qu ickly(verse 20). Don't delay your coming, the

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    Bride will be saying. I'm ready. When she hears that final trumpet, she will be thrilled to the

    depths of her being. She has a mind to go with Jesus all the way; she has the mind of Jesus.

    Let this mind b e in you, w hich was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). Our minds need

    help in this hour. God has been directing me to see how greatly people need help for the mind,

    giving me the burden to aid people with mental oppression. The Holy Spirit flows the Word placed

    in the soul to the mind to condition the mind to do all the Lord wants done. The mind must be

    conditioned to bring in the harvest throughout the whole world and to accept all the promises of

    God, all the helps of God for the true Child of God in this final walk. This is the Bride's last hour,

    her final walk.

    Oh Backslider, Lukewarm Christian: Don't go into the Tribulation Period! Have you studied it?

    Read the book of Revelation describing a time of horror never before seen upon the Earth.

    Recognize what you will face if you don't make the Rapture. Oh Precious One, there is only one

    flight out. Backslider, you once had a reserved seat for that flight, but you lost your ticket. You can

    have another if you repent and come back to the Lord. Turn , O backsliding children , saith

    the Lord; for I am married u nto you (Jeremiah 3:14). The Lord is married to the backslider;

    He will welcome you back to Him. There is yet time if you will answer the call now. Tomorrow

    may be too late; tomorrow the sun may never shine for you again. It could well be the darkness of

    the Tribulation Period. Come to Jesus. If you have gone away from Him, won't you say the sinners'

    prayer with me now?

    Oh God, I have sinned against you. I am so sorry. I have come home, and I'm going to serve you,

    Lord, the rest of my life. I believe there is power in the blood of Jesus to wash away all of my sins.And I believe the Lord forgives me right now. Come on in, Jesus! Come on into my heart!

    Now lift up those hands and say, Hallelujah, He has come! Hallelujah, He is mine!

    It's wonderful to have Jesus in your soul! He brings the flowing rivers of peace. You have the

    choice now of allowing that peace to flow into the mind, or closing off the flow, carrying it in

    reserve and not using it for the mind. Closing it off will make you miserable, but why not be a

    happy Child of God? Be a happy witness for the Lord in this final hour.

    You who are sick and afflicted: God's healing power can flow through you to make you well. What

    happiness there is in receiving a miracle! I was so tortured in my body before the Lord healed me

    that the nights seemed endless, an eternity. It looked to me as though the dawn would never

    comebut then the torture ended. The Lord came to me and made me well. I shall always be

    grateful. You will never know how many times after I was healed that I placed my head on my

    pillow and prayed, Oh God, how thankful I am that I don't have pain! Many of you would be so

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    thankful, too, to have the Lord heal you. He loves you just like He loved me that night He found

    me so nigh unto death and made me well all over. He has healing in His wings, and He is coming

    your way; don't you feel Him? He's coming your way now.

    I am not your healer; the Lord is your healer. I am the Lord's believer. The Lord saidI am the

    Lord that healeth thee (Exodus 15:26). The prayer o f faith shall save the sick, and the

    Lord shall raise him u p (James 5:15).

    Lord: I bring the sick and afflicted to you, the cancer victims, the diabetics, the heart patients. I

    bring the paralyzed and the blind, the mentally affected ones. I bring them all, wha tever their

    affliction or disease. In your healing hands, there is help for all. In your healing Spirit is

    deliverance for all. No case is too hard for you, Lord. In the name of Jesus the delivera nce comes

    from His wonderful gift of healing and His fantastic gift of miracles. Heal, heal in the name of

    Jesus! Heal in the holy name of the Lord! Heal in His all-powerful name.

    God's healing power is flowing to you if you accepted that prayer in faith, nothing doubting. Decide

    that the power of Him has gone into you, and you have to get well. It's His power, and no powercan stand against His power when you believe. The God of miracles lives and is pouring out His

    greatness today.

    Yea, saith the Spirit of God: I am here preparing you for this hour. Your hour will be a trying one

    unless you use my power that I've told my serva nt to tell you is available to you. I gave my

    servant what he has told you tonight because you must have it. You will battle and battle and feel

    so defeated again and aga in, saith the Lord, unless you use my power that worketh within you.Some of you are not using my power, and others are just using it part-time. But it's to be used all

    the time for victorious Jesus results.

    You'll have the same peace in this hour as my Son had. You will have the same joy that He had. I

    will give you the same Spirit. It was given to Him without measureand it will be given to the

    Bride without measure. Trust me, saith the Lord. Believe me, saith the Lord. I am giving my

    servant the way for you to walk. Walk, walk according to my directions. I am telling you where

    to step and how to step. I am telling you where my Son walked and how He walked. He walked

    it as a human being for your benefit.

    I am calling to you to take my w isdom and knowledge, to take my promises and bind your spirit

    to my promises and never yield to anything less than my promises. Look upon me through my

    Word. Look at my greatnessand it's yours. Look at my loveand it's love for you to embrace all

    the time. Look at my peaceit's yours to use freely.

    There is no excuse for my people to be defeated. I am standing up for my people. I am standing

    up, saith the Lord, to do battle. I will ra in down help from heaven for the Bride in this her last

    hour. I will give her the courage of heaven as she walks her last hour here on planet Earth. She

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    will have the faith of heaven. She will trample my enemies underfoot. She will deliver the devil

    possessed; she will set the captives free. She will deliver as my Son delivered. She will be my

    power a nd greatness on planet Earth, and she will win as my Son won.

    The world w ill cry defeat, but she will cry victory. She will finish her work, and she will be ready

    when the cry of heaven goes forth that my Son cometh for the BrideHis. She will be ready, saith

    the Lord! She will be ready! And she will finish her work that I have called her to do.

    Philippians 4:7,And the p eace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your

    hearts and m inds through Christ Jesus.

    THE REMEDY, All rights reserved. Copyright 1992 Ernest Angley.

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