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  • A word of warning:

    The Temple of Alieno logy will not tolerate any criminal behavior by its members.

    The follower of Ali enology is expected to be a law abiding citizen and a respectful member of society.

    The Temple will expel any individual who fails to show proper conduct or misinterpret the Alieno logy teachings in any way.

    Temple of Alienology will cooperate with any investigation authorities concerning illegal actions of a member.

    Alpha Copyright 2012 by the Temple of Alieno logy

    This book is the registered copyright ofTOA publishing. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system , without permission of the

    publisher. For more information contact the Temple of Alieno logy

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    Cover: Alpha and Omega of Atlantis, trademark logo of the Temple of Alieno logy.

    Every thing flows in the {}nivcrscJ f'rocc cd with no doubt.


  • 6

    Conte nts

    Test i m on~ 7 The A lie n race ... 8

    The J o we r oF tlisto r~ l 0 5ha d o w oF the Drea m ... l 2 R eprogra mming .. . l +

    O ne 5 te p F urther ... l 6 Alie n DNA ... 11 Witho ut D a rkness , there is no lig ht .. . l 9 E..sse nce oF UFe ... 2 l The Con9ueror .. . 2+

    M e thods oF Con9uerism ... 26 Con9uero r's Dr-eath oF UFe ... 29 M e ta mo rph o sis ... ) l E_nco L:Jnte r th e Alien Gods ... 32

    E xtra te rr-estria l Material. .. ) 4 Nine 5 te ps o F E_ncounter-.. . )8 The Truth oF the lie ... 4] 5kull oF A t lan tis ... +9 J ~th ias G r-a ma ta ... 52 Initia to r-~ S tag e s oF Alieno l og~ 58 InFo r-m a tio n a bout active me mbe rs hi p ... 59

  • Testimon_y

    )n this web called world We gave .:JOU lite and birth, death and resurrection. We even gave .:JOU the choice t o believe.

    We are the axis in the wheel ot reincarnation.

    llomo sapiens a re gene tical!,:! programmed to be slaves a nd .:JOU as Aliens are

    the ruling bod,:! o t the H o mo sapiens race. The ruling bod,:! ot mankind c hanged

    man,:! names through histor.:J .

    L et it be known that there exists, unknown to the Homo sapiens e.:Je, the most

    ancient religion , the pu1-pose ot which is to re-un ite individ uals that are from the

    d ivine Alien race.

    Naos religion existed through the most remote times and it has manitested its

    activit,:! secret!,:! and open!,:! in the world in man,:! f-orms. Naos is a bod,:! of

    Adepts that possesses the secret knowledge of the Alien Gods and all

    existing Aliens.

    E_ver.:J rite and ceremon,:J is performed on!,:! to serve Us. The e.:Je of- the

    p,:!ramid is the vortex from which nothing escapes.

    f\ead between the lines.

    The world is an illusion.


  • The Alien Race

    The true identit_y of Aliens.

    fJomo sapiens science declares that tlomo sa piens belong to the tl omo-

    saprens specres. A brie~ de~in ition o~ both words "tlomo" and "sapiens" shall give th e true identit.:J of. the tl o mo sapiens being and of. the Alien as well.

    rhe word tlomo derives f-rom the Greek word tlomogeno us that means "the

    same", "the same as" and "average". The word sa piens derives ~rom the Latin word sapienta tha t means understa nding and wisdom in an ironic wa.:J.

    Furthermore, sap means weak.en and silliness. There~ore, tlomo-sapiens is def-i ned a s an undistinguisha ble hominid species. Its members would act in the

    same manner and think. the same, sel~-deceiving thoughts, relating to each other through a veil o~ deception within a limited field o~ conscious response and condit ioned ref-l exes, rather lik.e sheep.

    It see ms that tl omo-sapiens will neve r be an:1thing other than wha t the word


    The Alien is the name used b.:J tl omo sapiens to indicate something o~ a d if.f.erent origin, deriving f-rom the Gree k. word Alio s>> which means the other>>

    and the Latin Alie nus which means be longing to another. tl omo sapiens

    use the term widei.:J to characterize something of. another planet, another

    c.ou ntr.:J or everl someone of. a dif.fe rent wa.:J o~ thinking. T rui.:J, Aliens are indeed f-oreign to the common t-iomo sapiens e:1e.

    tlomo sapie ns pe rceive the Alien as the gre.:J one which is an idea injected b.:J Temple Deities to ma nipu late tl o mo sapiens thinking, it work. for the


  • Alien race. Alien m~ths do not work against (js. The~ wo rk tor (J s . f\ ea l Aliens are still using this m~th to r their own purpose.

    Actual!~, the Alien is the other be ing, the higher being, t he one that forges a ll things seen and unseen through his distinction between himse lf and the rest

    o~ the t)omo sapiens. The A lien ha s the lust for power and knowledge t hat is 11 eeded to con9ue r the gitts o~ life and the lives of t)omo sap iens . It is 11 0t a coincidence that tie is open!~ or secret!~ worshiped as a God in the process. Indeed, the t e rm religion was thus invented. T he Alien species lives among us

    a nd those with the genetic potential to join in , know exact!~ what the~ have to do even as the~ read these lines. Still, oni:J the ritualistic L ll CO unter with the A lie n Gods is t he path to achieve the Alien meta morphosis.

    Similar!~, the classical m~th of the abduction b:J the gre~ s and (J fO s ig htings have served Our pu rpose to support, e11!arge and verif:J the Alie n

    belie f. s~stem created b~ Our ancesto rs. In fact, t he Alien belief. s~stem is t he basis of all religions. Through his tor:J , the t)omo sapiens belief regarding superior extrate rrestrial entities has served to e mpower the Dream, which is the

    world that t) omo sapie ns perceive .

    Abductions are metaphorical masterworks oF the Aliens, to implant memories oF biological experime11ts to the t)omo s a piens h:1brid to 5elieve . The Alie11 race has chosen seve ral t) o mo sapie ns beings to be "abducted' for the purpose o~ spreading the m_yth and provo king mass h_yste ria or c rea ting powerful religious images, such as Virgin Mar_y's conce ption ot jesus b_y the tloi:J Spirit.


  • The F ower of Histor~

    Great power involves grea t responsii::"!J'ty. -Franklin D. /?oosevelt-

    L_ooking th r-ough histor.:J, most tlomo-sa piens worshipped other hominid

    species as Gods. f or instance, the Pharaohs themselves in ancient LS.:Jpt were

    worshi ped a s the sons of Gods. l_iterai i.:J speaking, the word pharaoh means in

    E.g.:Jptian hierogi.:Jphics, "the or1e of the divine blood". tl ence the reason is that

    the.:J were t he carriers of- a divine bloodline. As a result, when a tlomo sapiens

    being feels that another tlomo sapiens is superior due to divine reasoning,

    immediate!.:! the superior one becomes powerf-ul.

    Demigods existed in ancien t Greece. The.:J were ho minids that had the same

    cha racteristics o f. God and Man. The.:J were worsh iped because of their

    glorious achieve ments, known as labors. The true Kings of power.

    The Con9uerors.

    It is not a twist of tate that Socrates defined the Demigods as daemons.

    In time , con9 uerors were worshipped as true Gods a mong men. Alexander the

    Great was o ne of. them. ti e was oni.:J a tl omo sapiens and due to his abil it.:J to con9ue r, he deve loped a god i.:J a ttitude. tlis immorta l spirit shall remain For-ever

    in t he soul s of men as the most bri lliant case of supre me Con9uerism. Thus,

    Con9uerism is t he ke.:J to unlock immorta lit.:J. Through histor.:J and time, oni.:J

    those who completed t he ir goa ls gained t rue power.

    The power to be in Fluentia l upo n the minds of othe rs.


  • Most fJomo-saplens blsel_:j be lieve that t he_:j posses s a charisma From birth that ma ke s them ve r_:j Importan t and ca n act as a ve r-_:j inrlu enti a l Fa ctor upo n the ir socia l g rou p. T his False sense oF pride weakens thei r j udgment. The divine art oF t he Alien is Con9uerism.

    The A lie n knows exact l_:j whe re to seek higher powe r. As a res ult, the Al ie n wa nts t he fJ o mo sapiens race to support his powe r. It is no t possible to gain

    hig he r power without other minds to support t his power. Thus were c re ated t he

    First re ligio ns oF man For the p urpose oF the Allen b loodline.

    As an A lie n, _~:JOU are blessed b_:j the Gods the mselves. Y ou a re wha t _~:JOU a r-e. D o not den3 th3se iF! It is t he pu rpose o t the Alien to make others be lieve and

    spread [l is supremaC_:j. H e nce t he secret or power is t o con9u e r.

    D 3 considering t h_:jsel( as a Con9ueror _:jO U must be responsible Fo r _:jO ur acts.

    The exis tence at respo nsi b ilit_LJ in the a ctions oF t he Alien is t he 9u ickest wa_LJ to t e ll iF the individua l has what it takes to be a me mber oF Naos o r no t.


  • Shadow of the Dream

    After a long sleep. the same theories reappeal~ Without doub t the!:! return 1ic/7er anc! with ne w clothes, but the fo undation remalt?S the same and the ne w

    mask wl71ch b~e!:! wear should not mislead the man o f knowle dge.

    -Le 5 erpent f:ouge-

    1 n ancie nt :Jear-s, some o~ the Al ie n Gods we re mixed with the lla ma-sa pie ns ra ce and thus the re were ma n:J childr-e n o~ this kind that developed supema tural powers. One such s upema tura l p owe r is the ps:Jchic abilit_L::J like cla irvo_L::Jan ce o r

    usir1g the so-called third e:Je . This gi h was lo st slowi:J in time due t o disrespe ct

    t o wards the Alie n Gods.

    The t act that the Alien G o ds will no t transform the llomo sapie ns to a higher

    be ing was conside re d b:J ma n_L::J resea rchers through th e centurie s and the

    a nswer is ra ther simple. Y o u cam10t tra ns~orm a rock to a tree . The g e ne tic mater-ia l o ( llama-sa piens is incapa b le to be ch a nged to something that is Alien t o it. O ni:J those who have a lread:J the same ge netic po t e ntialit_L::J o~ the d ivine race carl a chieve the Alier1 M e tamorpho sis.

    Those who ca rn e tram the skies have cursed the ll o mo sapie ns race with a

    disease that is s imila r- to b lind ness. The llo mo sapiens being is incapable to

    pe rceive real it_L::J. The d e fin itio n o f rea lit_L::J sp ring s tram the E._sse nce of the

    individua l's perce ptior1.

    The ll o mo sa pie ns h:Jbrid uses the tive s e nses to pe rceive oni:J the 20% of

    the kno wn world. ll e nce, it is imposs ib le tor the llama s a piens be ing to d e (ine re al it_L::J. In tact, the re are p le nt_L::J of rea lities. One could Sa _L::J th is is a beautiful

    house>> a nd ano ther this is a bunch of s tones>>. As realit_L::J a rrives tram


  • o~ectivit~, ever~ single individua l has a uni9u e idea o f realit~. Therefore, if tlomo sapiens race is consisted of 6 billion tl omo sapiens beings, we can have six billio ns of. diFferent expressed "rea lities-truths".

    Nevertheless, it is common !~ said that realit~ is most!~ based upon t he most basic sense, vis ion.

    The most co mmon definition of realit~ is what the e~es see. tl owever, t he tlomo sapiens e~e does not have the vision o f a microscopic device. As the tlomo sapiens bei ng are watching an item , th e~ a1-e not seeing the molecules that the ite m is consisted of, but the:,! a re sure about the item's identit:,JI The

    same theor~ is implied to the other four basic senses.

    One of the biggest di le mmas of the definition of rea lit:,J is dream ing. tl o mo

    sapiens perceive dreams a s tricks of the unconscious, unfulfill ed wis hes, False

    memories and in general as something Fake. tl owever, when the tlomo sapiens

    being is in a dream state, he perceives the dream as a real si tuation until the

    awakening a rrives. E:>ut, there are numerous cases t hat the individua l awakens in

    the dream and then he wakes up in anothe r dream. The tlomo s ap ie ns being is

    unable to understand tha t its life ma~ be a dream with plent~ of. the so-ca lled awakenings. There is no ke:.J to discriminate realit~ fro m dreams.

    Realit~ arises from expe rien ce. If. :.JOU experience situatio ns , :,JOU know that the:,! are real. In the dream world :,JOU have :.JOUr experiences a nd thus this is a rea lit:,J


    The A lie n perceives the realit:,J and drea ming as the sa me. Aliens and tl omo

    sapiens beings are liv ing under the shadow of the d rea m of Those Who ca rn e

    from the skies . The Alien Gods are drea ming of what we experience as real life.

    The task of. the A lien is to perform t he actual a wake ning of his ancesto rs , th e

    Alien Gods.

    I )

  • Reprogramming

    Camilla: "You, sit~ should unmask. J> 5tra nger: '1ndeed ?1' Cassilda: 'indeed it's time. We all have latd a5tde disguise but !JOU. J> C::.trancrer '1 wearno mask J>

    .___} LJ . .

    Camilla: (Ternfied, astde to Ca5st!da.) "No mash No mask!"

    -1\obert, W, Chambers, The King in Yellow-

    You a re innuenced b.t;J exte rna l ele me nts. Your whole life is based upon a

    specific schedule. The Alien Gods have constructed outer factors to make the

    tlomo sapiens being think less and serve more. tlave _:JOU ever considered in

    how man.t;J s9ua re meters .t:JOU live in? tlomo sapiens are incapable to escape

    from their jobs, bills a nd personal problems. The tlomo sapiens being is a prisoner of his life. The Alien is the Con9ueror of life. The Alien knows

    exactl.t;J how to manipulate the life of tlomo sapiens beings and his life as well.

    From the earl.t;J ages, the Alien knew that he is different from the other species,

    the tlomo sapie11s race. The feeling of dissimilarit.t;J got stronger as the Alien

    lived and grew more and more in the tlomo sapiens world. The Alien 's ancient

    genetic material enforced the will to re-iden tif..t;J from the tlomo sapiens identit.t;J.

    You are what _:JOU are. You are not what _:JOU have to be.

    Disregard what .t:JOU have been taught so far. E__ver_:J single thing that _:JOU

    learned from a tl_:J externa l factor is the tlomo sapiens wa_:J of. thinking and living,

    guided b.t:J the Alien Gods. You are not supposed to have a life-span of 70-80

    _:Jears. l - his model of aging serves the plan to rec.t;Jcle the tlomo sapiens race.


  • 1\emembe r tha t the great Alien Pha raoh lived more than )00 hundred ~ea rs in his earth !~ existence.

    D esides, scientists have d iscovered that the tlomo sapiens bod~ is constructed to last more than i 50 ~ears, bu t there a re alwa~s external ~a ctors that ma ke life last less . [)ad ha b its such as sm oking, d rinking a lcohol and anti-

    h~giene a re not the on I~ reaso r1 ~or d~ing at the age o f 80 .

    The most signi~icant reason for this is the ps~cholog~ and wa~ of thinking of-the morta l. The tlomo sap iens being is taught that t he life-span o~ a n average tl omo sa pie ns is around J0-8 0 ~ears. This is one a nswer for the 9uestion o~ aging, mea ning that the tlomo sa piens being is forced to think and act

    according to what he has learned ~rom exte rnal facto rs. In plain speech, ever~ bod~ e lse is doing it, so should ~ou.

    Im agine for instance that an individua l is raised with the idea that he wi ll die at

    the age of I 80 and he is not inHuenced b~ an~ othe r external e le ments like the death of- others. This h~brid will manipulate his li l-e-spa rl ps~ chos~nthesis and wi ll live longer, as he was made to live. The sa me basic concept o f-

    1\eiden tif.ication goes with an~ idea o r principle that has been ta ught b~ o the rs or been experienced b~ the individua l's sta ndards.

    The tlo modeus species has the reprogramming procedure in its genes. f rom

    the ea rl~ ~ears of- his IJe, the Alien has unde rs tood that he must re - identif~ himself awa~ from the tl o mo-sapiens s ta ndards.

    The Alien knows that he is d i ~~erent .

    for the Alien it is na tural to manipula te his inne r cosmos according to tlis will.

    This is what it diffe re ntiates tlim ~rom the tl omo sapiens race. tlence, the Alien avoids the o uter e lements t ha t ma nipulate tlis E_ssence of existence and


  • evolutes through the perso nal meta mo rphosis guided b~ Those who came From t!1e skies.

    Create _:JOUr Own experie nce a nd act o ne step Furthe r to accomplish the

    Reprogra mming process. With perso nal ef-Fort and with the assistance oF the Alien Gods, the Alien is a rlawless Con9ueror oF liFe and death.

    De hold!

    The S an Greal or the Alien immortal b lo odline

    One Step Further

    All the importan t decisio ns need to be cotlsidered twice or more in life. This is because one ha s the expe rience oF Failure and does not want to hurr.:J up and make the wrong c hoice. !lo w man_:) ti mes ha ve _:JOU said "IF oni_:J I had a second chance"?

    In g eneral , liFe is a mecha nism t ha t is working both positive!_:) and negative!_:). This is the bala nce of. natu re called eq uilibrium.


    This is a n estab lished law oF initiat io n.

    The A lien seeks perFection and not Failure in ever_:) case. F erf.ection springs from wisdom and experie nce. The Alien has a rule in his liFe that Sa_:JS:

    "In ever!:} situation in m!:J life, I shall consider m!:J actions one step further".

    This mea ns, in each a nd ever_:) moment oF liFe.


  • One 5tep Further should be practiced in ever:3 situation, even in the simplest

    ones. This can save the Alien from undesi rable resu lts and can improve the

    9ualit:3 ot his lite. E..ven before drin king water, the Alien should imagine and

    know its taste.

    The speech of the Alien must be practiced to be di rect and be:3ond criticism.

    The A lien thinks one step further before speaking. T his is one ot the best

    wa:3s of ma nipulating situations through intluencing individua ls. The Alien will improve these ski lls b:3 stud:3ing the people that he is associated with. The

    Alien has a schedule or p lan tor ever:3thing, especiall!j tor the important tactors ot tl is lite.

    From experience and failure onl:3, one can achieve perfection.

    Alien DNA

    True power lies in the DNA. T here the E..ssence rests and waits to be

    transformed into higher energ!j through an actual use. tlowever, tl omo sapiens a re too id le and unimaginative t o make use ot it. Man!j ot Our kind have a lso sunk into t his void ot use lessness.

    T o comprehend the A lien's DNA one must stud!j closel!j the matter ot inheritance. Man_l:j of the so-called ro:3 a l families around the world have claimed that the!j possess advanced forms of DNA in their bodies and re9 uest to be treated li ke true kings and 9ueens.

    S till , there is a big distinction.


  • The re are two t!;Jpes of- bodies. The ph!;Jsica l and the astral bod!;J. To make it

    clear, the astra l bod!;J is IN the tlomo sapiens bod!;J like a driver in a car. Thus it

    is a ma tter ot 9ualit!;J of- th e one who drives the car. The ref-ore, it doesn't matter

    it the ca r or the vessel has the highest 9 ua lit!:J . The rlomo sapiens bod!:J is

    gene t ica ll!;J progra mmed to perish tl O matte r the 9ua lit!;J ot the ph!;Jsical bod!;J .

    The Alien is an astral e ntit!;J tha t has con9u e red the vessel, which is the tlomo

    sapiens bod!;J , and is the astral bod!;J with the divine genetic materia l.

    5!;) ma pping ou t the astral bod!;J t hrough ph!;Jsical, we see that sometimes it appea rs in the DNA and RNA . DNA and RNA are the bridge between

    consciousness and matter. Essence is the gatewa!;J to inf-lue nce matter b!;J

    e nabling the Alien, unde r the rig ht circumstances, to conscious!!;) enter the atoms o f the ph!;Js ical.

    F roved b!;J scie nce, there is a trace memor!;J in each cell. Ever!;Jthing in the unive rse leaves a trace o n e tlcr!;J ption that ca n be d ecoded. tl ence, this is the

    genetic potentia lit!;J o f the Alien tlis DNA reminds tlim the past of- His

    ancestors and the superiorit!;J that consumes the tl omodeus species.

    It is no t a twist o f- f-ate that the A lien bloodline is att ra cted to the T e m pie.

    To separate tlomo sapiens f,om Aliens, the re is oni!;J o ne path. The rea lit!;J of-

    the contact between the Alien Gods and their desce nde nts, the Aliens.

    The Alien Gods will not make contact with the profane tl omo sapiens.

    Those who came from th e skies a re a ttracted to those of- the s a me genot!;Jpe.

    There is an ele ment in t he DNA of- the Alien G ods that was called Ichor in

    ancient: Gt-eece. Throug h the presence of-Ichor the individual that performs the

    Encounter Ri tua l, can f-eel this godi!;J power.


  • Thro ug ho ut histo r.'::J man.') Al iens f-el t a Hection fo r t he ir ph.'::J s ica l bodies and sea rche d for the e lixir that can t ransfo rm the mo rta l bo d_lj t o a n immortal o ne . There fo re , the Alie n a s an egoce ntric being ha s f-o und severa l wa.'::J s to achie ve

    immorta lit_l:J.

    Without Darkness, there is no light

    Assis ta nce is accep table . E_specia ii.'::J from .')our o wn blood. As a n Alien, .'::J OU are a desce ndant fro m a divine li neage tha t was ke pt as a secre t fo r thousa nds

    of .')ea rs. Ma n_lj were t hose who t ried t o convi nce the mse lves to be o ne of- O ur kin d, s till with great fai lure . T hose who ca me fro m the skies mixed with the

    JJomo s a piens breed a nd thus t he Alie ns we re c reat e d. Seve ra l re ligions we re

    foun ded a t that moment, wit h Al iens as the on i.'::J re pre senta tives o f the A lien

    G o d s .

    M a n.') o f the Alie n Gods felt so rrow for the JJomo sap ie ns race and atte mpte d to elevat e them. T hose D efecto rs S.'::J mpa thized with the )lo mo sapiens be ings and betra _lj ed thei r secrets. This was the time t ha t the wars between men and God s began. T he Alien G ods were inf-uria te d with the

    Defe cto rs and left pla ne t earth, leaving the lo.'::J a l Alie ns to rul e the a bandoned

    planet. The Conque ro rs have a lwa.'::Js been in commu nicatio n wit h the a ncie nt

    Alien G o ds.

    The re a re severa l Alie n Gods tha t used this pla ne t as a re side nce. Some of

    The m did not ca re a bo ut the Aliens, consid e ring the m imp ure. O t hers had

    grea t s.'::Jmpath.'::J a nd respect towards the C o nquero r Aliens . T hose are the

    Alien Gods that the Temple is a ffili a ted with. Without The ir e xis tence, the

    Alie n wo uld be a powe rless be ing, as the E_sse nce of po wer s prings f rom

    The m, acco rd ing t o The ir will.

    Witho ut the prese nce of- the Alie n Gods, the gene tic mate ria l o f the Alie n

    can no t be a ctivated. The_lj are the source power o f Our kind . T his can be


  • done oni:.J b:_J E_ncounte ring with Them. And thus this is the oni:_J wa:_J to achieve

    the complete Metamorphosis . With personal ellort and b:.J con9uering t he

    Essence or the tlomo sapiens, the Alien is capable to avoid mortalit:.J.

    This is another path to reach tligher E_xistence.

    You are an app rentice, until :_JOU avoid the secor1d death. Do not target. Your

    lire is a continuous C:_Jcle of lea rning and evolving. Receive the A lien Gods as

    :JOUr mentor-s a nd teachers , because :_JOU are of. the same blood. With Their

    g uida nce :_JOU shall tra nsform to a hig her being.

    De lo:.Ja l to :JOur Ancestor-s a nd therefore :_JOU will f.ulrill :_JOur purpose of :_Jour

    kind. We sha ll become the rulers of. the earth once again .

    The Alierl Gods will be awakened a nd the Seal of. the Dream will be broken. I)ehold1

    The secret teachings of. the ancient Alien Gods.

    -fhe teachings tell us that we can either continue living in this deluded, dream:.!

    s tate , da:_J and night, or wake up to the truth. When we engage in sleep, we

    become part of. a lor1g lineage. D:_! remembering the Aliens who have dedicated

    their lives to t he teachings, the knowledge o f their practice will be passed to us

    and will genera te taith and gratitude tor Our tradition. The teachings were

    traditionaii:.J maintained as a secret, both as a sign o f respect and as a

    protection aga inst delusion of. misundersta nding ot the unprepared

    practitione r-s. The:.J were neve r t aught publici:_! nor given lighti:_J, but were

    r-eserved tor individuals wll o wer-e pre pa red to receive them.

    This is an importa nt poi r1t t hat should never be forgotten. The lite ot the

    Alien is pr-ecious. Aliens have in tact bodies and minds, with great potential.

    Aliens ma:.J have teachers a nd rece ive teac hings a nd have lives in which the:_J

    e njo:.J the freedom to follow the divine path.

    The teachings are not ideas to be collected, but a path to be followed .


  • Essence of Lite

    lt is called b:J tlindu p ra na , b!::l C hinese c hi , in A rlcient Lg!jpt ka e t c. The del-i nition was spread to al l civ il izations b!::J the F a mii!::J , but without the p rope r knowledge t o unlock its true mea nings. W e s impi!::J ca ll it the E_ssence . tl o wever,

    we ca n also use the na me s that were used b!::l o ur Ancesto rs . It is the e t e rna l

    e le me nt ot lif-e. The actual E_sse nce of lite . The o ne that g o verns e ve r!::l living

    thing . Its absen ce makes eve r!::l living orga nism unable to exist. There is a brie f

    a na l!::Jsis t o r t his vi tal fo rce with the indicat ion ot sleeping.

    The a ve rage time ot s leeping t o r a tlo mo sapiens being is a pproxima te l!::l 8

    ho urs. The re is no evidence wh!::l tlomo sa piens s lee p s o mu ch. The average

    ho ur o t sleep ing is a na logous to the ene rg!::l tha t 's bee n co nsumed b!::l th e

    ind ivid ual. M o re ove r, p re d a to r!::l a nimals a re tho se who s lee p mos t . This is

    be ca use ot the energ!j that is s pe nt tor hunting. Thus tor the tlomo s a piens being there is no rational expla na t ion o t the 8 ho urs o t sleep s ince nowad a!::JS

    there is no p redator!::J behavior.

    1\.e-re ad the abo ve line a nd thi nk o t it to r a minute. A liens s ho uld S!::Jn thesize a

    be tte r slee p progra m a s to no t waste a rl!::Jthing between the ene rg!j/sleep circuits. M odern s cience d iscovered that the re is a s pecific form ot energ!::l t ha t

    is pre cious to li fe. During slee p, the huma n bod!::l restores a n a mou nt of. e nerg!::l

    that is vita l to r the co ntinuation o tlite.

    This vital e ne rg!j is first taken b!::J the pla nts from the sun, the n it is a bsorbed f ro m t he ani ma ls and the n it is ta ke n in a better 9ua lit!::l from the tlomo s a piens.

    tl o wever, the E_sse nce of huma n beings is con 9 ue re d f-ro m a nothe r s pecies

    supe rior to the tlomo-sa piens. tl o mo sap ie ns surre nder the ir E_ssence to the ir

    s upe riors, just like a flower to a veg eta ria n mam ma l. This e ne rg!::l gap is also expressed in the Kre bs c!::lcle.

    2 1

  • T he E_s se nce is the un ive rsa l energ,:J , which exists in a ll t.::~ pes oF liFe, From t he a moe ba till t he tl o mo sapie ns be ing. T he world is an o cea n oF E_sse nce a nd

    eve r.::~th ing is un d e r- t he o cean. T he E_sse nce is a prima r.:J substance a nd it can be s lipped in ever.::~ livi ng th ing.

    It is called t he we b oF dre a ms. It connects eve r.::~ thing in t he Form oF a we b plexus. Once .::~o u have con9ue re d the E_ssence oF a tl omo sa pie ns being , .:JOU a re conne c te d Foreve r.

    tloweve r, the be st sou rce of t he E_sse nce of life is th e tl omo sapie ns Faith .

    F a ith is base d on be li evrng. !)elieving is based on trustwo r-th.:J thinking. Thus this wo r-ld is Filled wi th t ho ug hts t ha t become beliefs a nd Fina ll.::~ blind fai th . The

    b~Js ic ingr-edie nt for t his stru cture is the p resen ce of a certa in s timul us .

    Thoug hts o r electro magnetic kines is in the bra in do seem to t a ke on a life oF th e ir own. R e membe r ho w .::~our to.::~s as a c hild see med to become re a l beings7 Y o ur love , gave t hem consciousne ss. R itua l objects ca n do t his a lot, so clea nse a nd r-e dedica te t he m regulari.:J . Likewise , tog e t he r with tho ughts, e motio ns

    pr-od uce e le ctromag ne t ic ene rg,:J , t he E_ssence oF liFe . One s uch known e mo t ion is fea r.

    When a fear base d o n an e nt it.:J has been c reate d , like a ll se ntie nt be ings it wi ll

    a ct wi th s e lf prese rva tio n an d a t tem pt t o propaga te . F ee l a nd breed . In t his

    wa.::~, t-iomo sapie rl s have c r-ea te d uncoun ted bill ions o f. d ive rse beings .

    l - hese be ir1g s r-ang e from the no t ver!::J awa re stra !::J thoug ht fo rms left o ver Fro m

    a no t her-li fe t ime, to ve r!::J powe rful O ld Gods a nd A rc het!::Jpe s , like the Gre e k o r

    L g !::J ptia n pa ntheo r1s tha t have been fed a nd s ha ped b!::J ce ntu ries of wors hip

    a nd love . T he diffe r-e nce is t ha t t he A lie n G o ds a re real beca use The!::! a re no t

    s ha ped b.:J the E_sse nce o f t he tl o mo sa p iens. T he!::! exist whe the r !::JO U want to

    or- no t.


  • E_ver:;~thing is based on faith. faith is like a muscle , it gets stronger with exercise. l -hus t! o 111o saprens beings need to exe rcise their faith l-or the service

    or a ll th e re ligions worldwide. D e hi nd the curtains or this powerful game o f

    energies the Alien Gods are enjo:;~ing the ir con9uering abilit ies upon this planet. Thei r descendants, the A liens, possess the m::Jstical abilit::J of

    Con9ue rism.

    tl ence ever::! time a tlomo sapiens being pra:;~s, his E_ssence goes to the Alien race.


  • A table o f excellencies hangeth over every r eorle. Lol /tis the table o/theJ!-triumrhs,. lo! /t is the voice of their vWI to /owe!~

    - Friedricl7 Nietzsc,4e, Thus sroken Zarathustra-

    The feeling d triumph o r t he feel ing o f loss is centred in the solar plexus. In the beii_:J, in the middle just be low the ribs. Think of a time when a tl omo sapie ns praised _:JOU or gave _:JOU a reall_:J nice compliment. Think d a time when _:JOU fe lt ver,:J su ccessful; think d a time when _:JOU felt Failure.

    R.emember, and feel.

    When tlo mo sapiens beings are nervous th e,:! sa_:J the phrase "butterfl ies in

    the stomach", but the locatio n ot the butterti_:J feeling is not usuall_:J t he ph_:J sical

    stoma ch, which is on the lett side ot the bod_:J, but rather in the bell_:l,just under the botto nr of the ribs. Fee lings ot guilt, foreboding of future bad eve nts, worr_:J,

    a r1d insecur-it_:J, all a re felt ir1 the solar plexus.

    F eelir1gs o f being abused, victimized , persecuted , or a n_:J othe r kin d ot

    d is respected bounda ries a r-e telt in the beii_:J, in the sola r p lexus. The solar

    plexus cha nnel is whe re _:JOur personal bounda ries, as an individual are fel t. It is

    the channe l ot hiera rch,:! games: winne rs a nd lose rs, abuse rs a nd victims.

    The choice is _:JOurs.

    The E_ssence feedback is immed iate, thro ug h t ime and _:JOU ca n use it to r

    navigation. just think ot doing something nas t_:J to someo ne and tee! the so la r


  • plexus respond ing in advance to the ~l ow o~ energ3, s uch a n act would bri ng to 3ou !

    The solar plexus is ~ illed with the e ne rg3 o~ gratitu de, wh ich is a powe~u l kind or surrender-. Gratitude is the opposite 0~ fear and resista nce . R e me mber 3our gr-atitude received b3 ::JOur tlomo sa piens believers and fill 3our E_ssence

    chan ne l with the appropria t e breathing t echni9ues.

    j eed 3our energ3 depot b3 b rea thing. Deep s low be ll3 breaths that go right into th e E_a rth and make 3ou more ~irml3 centred in ::JOurse l~. M ost tlomo sapiens do not breathe pro per!::! as t he ir breath is s ha llow ma king o nl3 the top

    o f the c hest move. T he most reso urceful alveoli are in the botto m of the

    lungs a nd s hallow che st breath ing means the a ir in the bottom o~ t he lungs gets stale. Chest breathing mea ns not g etting e nough ox3ge n and E_ssence .

    Moreove r-, insecurit3 a nd panic a ttacks are caused b3 a b locked or non-

    functioning power channe l. Someone who is having a panic attack usuall3

    cannot ta ke a full, dee p breath. It fee ls like there is a tight band, like a corset

    around the bottom or the ribs. This is tensio n oF a closed solar- plexus.

    P roj ec.ting need is a power game. Y ou see it in advertising a ll the time, adver-tisers seek t o c r-ea te need, a nd even irl secu rit3 because if- ::JOU have

    some thing that someone needs , 3ou have power over them.

    The E_sse rlce responds t o free will. On bod3 leve l, the solar plexus channel is

    all abou t the moveme nt o r E_ssence between people . The unco nsc ious control

    games people use to tr3 ta king each other's energ3 were well described b3 the

    Christia ns wa nting eve r3 o ne to be Christian, to the f:>odhisa ttvas vow o f

    wanting a ll mankind t o be "5aved".


  • The more ~ou sta~ ~ocused inwa rd, in keeping~our own personal e nerg~ levels clear and flowing, the less ::JOU are pulled into the con trol games.

    Thus compassion is va luable, but even more valuable is to recogrlise that most

    acts o~ compassion are real!~ sel~ serving or simpi::J said, egoistic. l_.ooking br the hidden motives behind the appearance of "helping" and "selflessness" is an

    important ke~ to reaii::J learn ~ou r own secret powers o~ Con9 uerism.

    tlence rnin&ulness is pa~ing attention to ::JOur thoughts and being skittish about the ones ::JOU reed. An::Jthing that ::JOU give enough atterltion to, can

    potential!~ "wake up" and become self aware .

    Methods of Con9uerism

    Those who carne ~rom the skies, created all the religions o~ man. This religion is expressed b~ Those who ca me ~rom the Gods. We as Aliens know the secret for ages. We are Those who carne from the Gods and thus We have the task

    to be con9u erors.Jt is our own heritage.

    Don' t waste now I

    I ) l)_y con9uering_your E..go: F irst o~ all, the Con9ueror must con9uer his inner self. This is translated as the achievements o~ the personal goals and the manipulation o~ th::Jself. !)erore ~ou con9uer arl::Jthing e lse , ::JOU must first dominate ~our ea rthi::J li~e. As a Con9ueror, be~ore manipulating othe r beings ::JO U must ~irst manipulate ~ourself. You a re the true God of th~self. You are the center o~ the circle. Do not forget this ruler

    Without ::JOU, there is nothing.


  • 2) [)_y con4uering _your Ute: Original I_:), the Con9ueror must complete his goals acco r-ding to his will. This can be done, b:l completing s ma ll goals at the ver.:J beginning. For exa mple, .:JOU want to bu.:J a car. D.:J finishir1g this simple

    goal, the Con9ueror perce ives that he is gaining a small a mount of powe r

    according to his needs. Thus b.:J having a schedu le of untulf.illed wishes and b.:J

    complet ir1g most of his goals, the Con9ueror becomes stronge r. Lastl_:), this means t ha t the Con9ueror will never leave an.:J goals incomplete.

    ;) [)_y con4uering others: The third wa.:J of. Con9ueris m is to inf-l uence the lives o f. others in terms of "seduction" . It is ver.:J important to create a prof-il e of.

    th e j- jomo sapiens being. This indicates that .:J OU know the individua l extreme i.:J good. To achieve t his condition, the Con9ueror must be social to gain

    inf-ormation and knowledge about his social environ ment and gathe r human

    Faith. Jn add ition, the Con9ueror can project himse lf with various ac hievements of. his previous stages of. Con9ueris m. D.:J making followers, this is the basic

    principle to continuousi.:J abso rb E_ssence. Use what works.

    -Note: It is torbidde n b.:J the Temple at Alienolog.:J to engage in an.:J illegal activities . Followers ot Alienolog.:J s ho uld respect the perso na l lif.e ot huma rl

    beings and the laws of. his or her countr:;/state. As it was stated bef-ore, the

    T emple of. A lienolog.:J wil l cooperate with an.:J investigation authorities

    concerning illegal actions of. a me mber.-

    There are 5 steps tor practicing highe r intluence to o thers:

    I. [)_y communication, the (~or19ueror is able to create a pro file of a r1 individual ot in terest. Thus th is is t he time that JJ e knows exacti.:J the weak

    persona lit_:) points. For example, the JJomo sapiens's id eologies concerning r-eligion, politics and lif.e. (Note: It is s ignificant to have turther comm unication with .:JOUr inf-luence target, to have a be tter unde rsta nding ot the individual and

    develop trust.)

  • 2. 5_~:~ knowledge, .:JOU are able to distingu is h iF the individual is useFu l or not. You must categorize individuals according to .:JOUr 11eeds . A ve r_l:j g ood example is when .:JOU need someor1e to spread rum o rs a bout ~ou. (Note: Y ou must be ab le to improve .:JOU r- per-ception skills. b_l;l perForming the l-irst s tep, .:JOU

    shall develop .:JOur observation abilities.) ). 5_~:~ helping. This means that .:JOU know t he individual's problems ar1d needs. 1-o ga in admi r-a tio n, ~ou mu s t be involved with his needs. b_l:l solvi r1g one problem , ~ou will achieve moments of personal transl-o rrn a tion to a God. 4-. 5_~:~ pr~ection, t he Alien can influence massive l_l:j hu man beings in order-to gathe r their E_ssenc.e . b_l;l creating a project that ha s audience, the Alien uses the individua l b e lie( 5_l:lstem with a specil-i c purpose. 5. 5_~:~ repeating the process the Con9ueror wi ll spread tlis inrluence upon othe rs. This will increase tlis power and the flow oF E_ssence.

    11 J77ere is no such thti;g about a f'roblem, without a gtft /or3ou ti7 its hands. W e seek f'robfem5 becau5e we need theti-_gtfts. u

    f\.ichard bach, "Illusions."

    Alie ns ar-e e li tist be ir1gs. The circle oF Con9ue rism never e nds l

    UFe belongs to Aliens!

    5 o does Faith.

    2 8

  • The tirst step 111 training one's astral senses involves deve loping

    concentration. T he first thing to ruin the chances of. a successFul E_ncounter is

    thinking about ever_:Jda_:J ordina r.:J a ctivities. Y ou must pra ctice being able to

    concentrate on o ne idea tor several minutes witho ut distractions. tlere foll o ws a

    process tor developi11g concentration. Firs t , find a period of. time that _:JOU can

    devote to _:JOUr exercises ever_:! da_:J. The best times are either before going to

    s leep or l-ight al-ter waking in the mo rning, as _:JOU are in a ca lm state of mind in

    both instances. Regardless o f the time _:JOU practice, it is essential that _:JOU

    repeat the same pattern dai i_:J in o rder to establish a beneficia l bod_:J-time

    routine . In plain speech, _:JOUr mind will expect a period of tt-aining ever_:! da_:J at

    _:JOUr se lected time, just like it expects to tall as leep when the night comes. Once _:JOU tind a time to train, the next step is to tind a place t hat is tree o f

    distractions. These exe rcises mu s t be performed while _:J OU a re sitting on a c ha ir

    facing towards the pa rt of _:JOUr chosen room t hat is the least cluttered o r

    disordd.:J looking . N eve r tr_:J these exe1-cises while sitting on the bed.

    Sit com l-ortabi.:J a 1,1d close _:JOUr e.:Jes. Use _:JOUr imaginations of the things that _:J OU have c.on9u ered d uring _:JOUr da_:J. Visualize things, situatio ns, goals or minds

    that _:JOU have con9ue red and till the air with their realit_:J. It is now the time tha t

    al l the E_ssenc.e that is depended on _:JOU, wil l s urro und the atmosphere.

    Y ou will sense the e nerg,:J cove ring_:Joul- bod_:!

    Relax and [)rea t he the Triumph.

    The ke.:J to absorb E_ssenc.e is the controlled breathing. The b reath itse lf is a

    standard mechanism that works unconsc.iousi.:J and is valua b le tor the rotation of


  • lit e . tl oweve r, when t his lite mecha nis m is contro lled, the level ot conscious ness

    is inc reased . F urthe rmo re, b rea th ing thro ugh the mouth is s im il ar to Feed ing . It is sigr1itica nt to sa.':) tha t breath ot lite is perfo rmed b.':) contro ll ed breathing thro ug h th e mouth , while inhaling dee pi::J . The secret to in hal e r~ roperi::J is t o tee! tha t t he a ir that is b reathed g oes dow n to earth, t hroug h t he mo uth ti ll the teetl

    U se ::JOUr mouth as a n e ntrance f.o r the vital e ner-g.':) to tlow ins ide ::JOUr s o la r plexus . 5olar plexus c ha nne l is loca ted in the sto mach right u nde r the ste rnum .

    It is t he mos t sig niticant chan ne l. It has ma n.':) sim ilarit ies with t he s to mach as an ene rg.':) depo t. A dditiona l!.':), it is whe re tl o mo sa piens be ings f.eel thei r souls .

    D reathe dee p!.':) and s low!.':) t ram ::JO Ur mo uth to r ) -5 seconds a nd exha le t ram ::J OUr nose f.o r )- 5 seconds. T hi s is extre me!.':) helpf.u! to r contro lling ::JO Ur breath . C o ntin ue to draw the E_ssence m the enviror1me nt.

    A mo re vivid e nvironme nt, mo ment s o t clarit::J and jo::J, a mood ot creativit::J are s o me o l- th e signs ot taking t he E_ssence. Moreover, ::JO U wi ll f.eel revi ta lize d and

    hea lth ie r.

    ) 0

  • Metamorphosis

    The blood o~ th e Alie n Gods is called Ichor. It is represented as a E)la ck Mist and it can be toxic to the uninitiated. The DNA o~ the Alien can be changed through the presence of Ichor. This is called Metamorphosis a nd has

    ma rl.:J historica l a nd lll.:Jl:hical ref-erences.

    fro m the ancie r1t times those who attempted to Cor1tact the Alien Gods have

    found out t hat this act re9uires the concentrated existence of. astral e nerg.:J

    D.:J C on9ue r-ing the minds of others, the Al ien is able to take the E..sse nce and

    use it to Contact the A lien Gods. If the e ncounte r is successful The.:J wi ll

    b less the Con9ueror with T heir own E..ssence, Icho r.

    Thus the Alien knows that the E..ssence is precious. The loss of E..ssence

    ca rl be ach ieved due to s tress and nervous behavior.

    Neve r tor-get that this is t he attitude of. the t""iomo sapiens.

    M ost of. the Aliens W ho experienced Meta mo rphosis after E_ncounter,

    experienced pos it ive cha r1ges in Their lives and powered l - heir Con9ueror

    abi lities. It is not a coincidence that most of. the inf-amous Con9uerors o f. th e

    past experienced a n unexplained eve nt be~ore a V ictor.:J.


  • E.ncounter the Alie n Gods The Contact

    E_ncountering the A lien G o ds is a ceremorl_l:J that com es From the d e pths o l-

    ancient histor_l:J. Its purpose is to attract the Alie n Gods to appea r in ph_tjsica l and/o r astra l Form. It is the wa_l:j t o have co r1tact with extraterrestrial e ntitie s; Those who ca me fro m the skies. This Working has no esse ntial relation to

    groups that practice e ither black o r white magic. It is important to unde rstan d

    that ce re monial W o rkings have existed For mille n nia in o rder to sha rpen the

    subjective p e rception oF the Alie ns. The mod ern aspects oF conte nrporar_l:j o ccult rituals must b e i;gno red a ltogether since the_l:j are o nl_l:j a modern phenomenon.

    It is extremel.t;~ important to keep in mind that this Working is no t for eve r_l:jon e . Defore perfo rming the E_n counte r, _l:J OU must secure that _l:JOU d o n' t su f.Fe r from

    cardiovascula r disea se or an_l:j serious ph_tjsical problems. The sight of th e Ali en Gods l-o r the f irst time ma.t;~ not be pleasa nt, espe c iall_l:j f o r tho se wh o a re no t 1-rom Our kind. In co nclusio n, _l:JOU a re what _l:JOU are . The E_ncounter is the onl_y wa_y to tind out it _you are ot the Divine [)loodline.

    DeFo re perf.o rm ing the E_nco unter o l- the Contact r itual t ake into account 7 signJica nt rul es :

    I) It is Fo rbidd en to com e into ph.t;~sica l conta ct with a n.t;~ of the Alien Gods o r even the stargate , ur1less _l:J OU are t o ld to do sol

    2) You are not a llowed to bring an.t;~o ne with _l:JOU t o witness the existence oF the Alien God s, _l:Jet Aliens a re co nsidere d able to p e rl-orm a group Working.

    7) It is a g reat d isrespe ct to leave bef.o re finishing th e ritual. [)_y honoring _your past, _you honor the present.


  • The E_ncounter Hall

    This Wor-king oF establishing a Contact with the Alien Gods must be per-formed inside a space oF _:JOUr choice. Doubts or disbelief-s must be conCju e r-ed befor-e startirlg the ceremorl_:J. The E_ncounter hall is to be viewed as another wor-ld, indeed extra terrestrial. This is the room to pe rf-orm the Contact

    with the Alien Gods. The Working must not be inte rrupted so all necessar_:J

    precautions must be taken. If. it is a room that is used f-or e ncountering the A lien

    Gods, the participant must disconnect an_lj communication device and use a room that is isolated f-rom the huma n eue. M ake sure that nothinr- will disturb the

    :; ~' most ancient ritual of- al l a s this ma_:J result in a ver_:J complex situatiorl. In o r-de r to

    encounter Alien Gods the t-J a ll 's aesthetics must be rel ative to the Alien

    spl1ere of- origin.

    The room itself. must be e mpt:J or a n:J o~jects that have no use for th e purpose of. the ritual. Alternative, black f-abr-ic ma_:J be used to cover the entire room and

    all ite ms that are made of. ir-on must: be removed. To ph_:Jsicaii.~J encounte r Alien Gods _:JOU have to tr-_:J to make the encounter hall co rr-espond c.losel_lj to the being's spher-e o f. origin.

    Still , the Alien Gods do what The_lj Will.

    t-J al l lllumir1ation is impo rtant f-or the settirlg of- an attractive ceremonial

    environment. Moonlight o r starlight can be s uff-icient, if. not then _:JOU ar-e free to

    illuminate the place with artif-icial means such as photographic red light. In

    addition, it is welcomed to use a single black or blue candle behind the


    The Working reCjuires a f-ocus point. In o rder to break down the pr-ocedure and making the E_ncounter- process successf-ul without building stone temples,

    Naos pr-oposes the simplif-ied S_:Jmbolic us e o f. a min-o r and a horiz.ontal point to


  • use as an "a ltar". The mirror functions as a star-ga te while the a lta r pla.:JS a

    s upportive ro le to serve the needs of the ceremon.:J. In order to a lig n better to

    the re9uire me nts ot this process, it is r-eco mmended to us e ver.:J low o r ver.:J hig h

    tre 9uenc.:J sounds s ince the Alien Gods commu nicate at non-tlo mo sapiens

    fre9uencies. An_l;l ite m that stimulates fee lings or is historica ii.:J connected to the

    Alien G ods can be p laced upon the "a ltar". J(ee p in mind that this is .:JOur personal Temple.

    To conclude, the secret of the E_nco unter is the prepa ra tion itse lf. D_l;l itself

    the prepa ratio n pleases th e Alien G ods since it is sign of great respect.

    D eginning the E_ncounter, .:JOU ente r the tl a ll with di rect will a nd wo r1

    concenb-a tio n. The procedure for the E_ncounter is desc ri bed bel low.

    Extraterrestrial Material

    -Star Gate-

    Use th e mirror as t he star g a te to the astral pla ne, as it was used b.:J tru e

    Witches and Warlocks for thousands of .:Jears. (When .:JOU gaze in the s tar gate, _~;JOU ca n see and hea r an_~;J en tit_~;J in the same wa.:J .:JOU could see and hear so meor1e ta lking t o .:JOU through an ope :1 windo w.) Place the mir-ror towards West above the altar- a nd in front of a comfortable c ha ir.

    Concen trate on the li9uid-like form of the star ga te.

    Defore using the min-or as the star gate, .:JOU must energize it with e ne rg_L,J l_ift .:J Our hands up in a v-positio n tor a while and fee l the E_ssence go down throug h

    .:JOUr blood a nd when _L,JOU fee l read_L,J lowe r .:JOUr ha nds to war-ds th e mirror- b.:J

    fee ling the e nerg_I;J dropping upon the mirror. j erfo rm this action until .:JOU feel that .:JOU are exhausted. This stargate has now a stro ng bond with _L,J OU.

    Though, .:J OU cannot proceed to 1\itua l a fterwards. The tra nsforma tiorl of the


  • mirror in to a star gate with this t echn i9ue can be done oni::J once. Finaii_Lj , ::JOU must cove r the stargate with a clothe; do not forget that this is a gatewa::J to

    othe ,- worlds and mu st s !:a ::J secr-et and s e cure.

    Creating a Star Gate. The mirro r is to be used as a gate to the astral pla11e .

    l - ll e r-e a r-e) l:_tjpes o l- structures that a r-e proven t o be e fl-ective:

    I . The trapezoidal mirror. The trapezo id S::Jmbolizes the distorted realit_Lj, as it is an as::J mmetri ca l sha pe. Thus, this is the bes t o ption for E_ncoun tering

    with e 11t:ities 1-rom other wo rlds.

    2. The black mirror; ::JOU ca n create it b::J putting a glass upon a black boa r-d or thick paper. It S::J mbolizes the infinite space.

    ). The ordinar_y mirror or an::Jthing that has a re flection. It is used as a gazing point for thou sands of ::!ears.


    You need a cup or c halice filled wi th an::J stimulating li9uid, such as wine. The

    Grail is the representation ol- the reservoir of f ower, the fem ale aspect of th e Alien Gods, and the subconscious o l- the magician. l - his is th e rea lm of th e


  • e ver_l:jda:; things, a nd this munda ne mood is not d es ired in a magic temple. Y ou a re not a ll owed to wear ite ms ma de o~ iron, as this will damage the 9ualit:; of the magnetic ~ield that is created during the E_ncounte r.ln group ritual face masks a re also welcomed.

    -Chanting-It is ver:; importan t to chant the word N- A -0- 5 as it is the ke:; to the gate that leads to the Alien Gods. You must learn to chant with mete r. lr1 gro up

    ritual all the participants s ho uld chant s:;nchro nized with the guidance o f a


    -Incense-It is also he lpful t o bu rn a little ince nse, which helps put one into a slight!:;

    a ltered state of mind. An:; scent will do a t this po int. It is recomme nded usi ng a

    combina tio n o~ franki ncense and m:;rrh , because the scent sets a te mple-like a tmosphe re .

    -Timing-The best ho urs to e ncounte r the Alie n Gods a re after midnight. Traditional

    magical ho lida:;s and dates of g reat significance a re b:; far important.

    -Vibration-A bell , gong or a c r:;stal must be used during t he ce rem o n:;. In g e neral, an ite m

    with a vibration must be used to sta rt a nd finish the E_ncounter. The tonal

    9ualities a nd the continuing vi brations a re e xtre me !:; powerfu l.

    -Music-It is suggeste d: An:; music pla:;er device, prefe rabl:; of good 9ualit:;, along with

    music orchestrated for the E_ncounte r. The pa rticipant should choose a nd

    o rganize the appropriate mu s ic befor-e the ritu a l. During the E_ncounter, t he

    pa uses in the music wi ll cue most of :;ou r actions , so the vo lume mus t be fa irl:;

    ) 6

  • loud. Y o u can expect t o read out an_y notes in a strong and loud voice with

    feel in ,-. ,:>

    -Q_uartz f ~ramid-

    Cr.y s ta l clea r 9uartz was used in th e a nc ie nt :;1ea rs ~o r- the constr-uction of powerfu l obj ects in o rd er to be used ir1 ritual s. In genera l, 9uartz has the abilit_::~ to abso rb and keep th e energ~ from th e e nvironment a nd direct the e nerg~ a ccording to the ho lder's will. This is the reason wh~ so man_L:J devices , like watch es, are consisted o f 9uartz in order not to lose ba tter:;! energ_L:J. The

    T em pie uses p_::~r-ami d sha ped 9uartz fo r the pur-pose o f keeping the E_ssence in balance and use it as a ke_::~ to unlock th e stargate. It is important to bea r in mind that th e 9ua r-tz p_::~ r-amid is connected to .:JOur astra l bod_::~ and nobod_L:J is allowed to tou c h the 9'ernstonel


    -Inverted f entagram-

    T he pentagra m was commo n!_::~ used in Mesopota mia and Ancie nt Greece. The f :;1thagoreans used the p e r1tagra nr with the two po ints up. The F' :;1thagorea n o r Inverted F' en t agram represen t ed th e F' e ntern_L:Jchos, the real meaning o f life and the ge nesis of this wo rld .


  • The 9 steps of E.ncounter 1. E_ntering the E_ncounter !]all

    2. Opening the Nin e Gates

    ) . Declaration of l]omodeus +.Dream of the Skull

    5. Contacting with the Alien Gods 6. Alien A bduction


    8. Declaration of Alien

    9- Terminating the E_ncounter

    ) 8

  • I. E..ntering the encounter hall

    The 1oom for e ncounte1ing the Alien Gods must b e prepared as it is d escribed

    befo re . [)efore e ntering the hall , _L:J OU must f o rget an_L:Jth ing tha t: is connected to _L:JOUf- ea rthi_L:J life . Anxiet:_L:J a nd stfess for an_L:J reason are som e o f the ele ments

    that ca n produ ce a nega tive enviro nment f o r the Alie fl Gods. It is significant to

    sa_L:J that pos itive ps_l:jcho log_l:j befo re e ntering the sac red room is o ne of. t he ke.':ls to m1lo ck other worlds.


  • 2. Opening the Nine Gates

    The Alie n should draw menta ll_L:J (with the 9uartz p_L:Jramid) o r draw ph_L:Jsicall_L:J the Inverted F e ntagra m above the s targate . followers o~ Alienolog_L:J ma_L:J hang the S_L:Jmbol of Alienolog_L:J on top of. the stargate. E:>_L:! pointing the five

    points/angle s of. the inverted pentagram the Alien unlocks the first five gates

    o f truth. The 5 senses are thus suppressed.

    (Gaze upon e ach of the five angles o f the pentagra m o fF _L:Jth agoras.) "What is this that I can see? I am not what I can see.l- husl am not Sight"

    -The first gate is o pened. The sense o f vision is no more .-

    (Listen to the ritua l sounds or the silence. Separa te th_L:Jse lf from the notes a nd the sound effects.)

    ''/3el70/d! I am not the sound Thus I am not //eani:g" -The second gate is opened. The sense of. hearing is inverted.-

    (flace _L:JOur hand upon the a ltar.] 'Am I what I touch::' Thus I am not Touch"

    -The third gate is opened. The sense of touch is reversed.-

    (l_et _L:JOUr nostrils enve lop the incense. Let drowsirless escape. W/1at I smell is not me! //ence I am not 5mel/

    -The fourth gate is o pened. The sense of. smell is abolis hed.-

    [Drink deep fro m the ritual cup. The dee p drinking of t he universal energ_L:J is thus S_L:Jmbolized. Things a re not what th e_L:J seem]

    "I clni1k from the Grail I am not a/what it ,:s ti7stde. Thus I am not Taste -The fifth gate is opened. The sense of taste is thus transformed.-


  • All senses are now ck5banded one-b!:/-one. Y our soul/s the oni.!J thti:g thatg/ves

    ,lJou .some ofreal/~lj

    facing towards t he tour com ers oF t he e ncounte r hal l b_l:j po in ting clockwise with t he 9 ua rtz p_l:jram id, the participant will ca ll the Gods oF the f ast a ccording to hi s choice.

    [fac ing towards Northern com er/ sixth gate) j open now the Gate. I call !JOU now Al/en G aels o/Nre" 5to p and Feel the exis t:e rlCe oF the A lie n Cods of. fire .

    [facing towa rds E_astem co rn e r/ seventh gate) "The Gate now i.s open. came forth A lien C od.s or ati-"

    5to p a nd f.eel t he exis tence oF Alien Cwds o f. Air I

    [fac ing towards Southern co rne r/ eighth gate] "I unlock t/1e Gate a t thi.s time. I .summo n T/1ee A hen Cad.s a /earth. 11

    ,Stop and Feel the existence oF the A lien Cods oFf a rth.

    [facing towards Western corner/ ninth gate] ''The Nti7t.4 Gate ts open. Ma!:/ the A!J"en Cads of water bfe.s.s me with Their


    ,Stop and f.eel the existence oF the A lien Cods of. Wate r. I

    to a nd fee l this rea lization oF t a r!'"ate . }. Declaration of Homodeus

    + I

  • D,:J looking _:JOUr reFlection in the 5targate, _:JOU must lih the 9uartz p_:jramid towards the mirror and declare _:JOur non-human origin in _:JOUr own words.

    F I 1 or examp e:

    ''The ancient Gods are n'..') ancestors. Those Who came from t-4e 5kles are o/ the same blood I am genetical(:; surer/or from the mortal human be,i;g and thus I am reac(lj for the metamorphosis to lxsi1. I am the ch,/d of t-4e A/,'en Gods that gave me the gilt to become a conc;ueror. I am here to be reborn and de'~'J 11'!:! human past. I am an A/,'eni''

    De sure that i( _:JOU are one o( belong t o the f ami i_:J, the Alien Gods will hear _:JOUr declaration as tl omodeus.

    Your words must be sincere and proud. f roceed with courtes_:J.

    +. Dream of the Skull D_:! drea ming t he Skull o~ Atlantis, the participant must gaze on the mirror and summon the most ancient skull in this planet. The Alien should Focus on the

    stargate For approxim ate!_:! (i(teen minu tes and the alien skull wi ll be slow!~ created. This techni9ue must be performed without rush o r negative thoughts.

    The al ie n skull must be created slow!~ in the mind oF the participant a nd appear in the sta rgate.

    5. Contacting with the Alien Gods 1-his is the time that ~OU must spawn the E_ssence through _LJOUr charlne l or ~our

    bod~. Y ou must imagine that ~our channel is connected with the channel or ~our reFlection. Degin to Focus on the mirror and (eel the darkness consumes ~ou unti l ~ou see a b lack mist. This is the t ime that ~ou are awa re or the astra l p lane. Degin to inhale deep!~ From ~our nose and exhale slow!~ From :JOu r mouth towa rd the 5targate and imagine that ~our breath is touching the mirror.


  • i(eep in mind tha t th e air :-JOU a re breathing out con tains :-JOUr DNA.

    Inhale deepi:-J through :-JOur nose ~or a slow count oF Four, and when :-JOUr lungs are fill ed, hold th is b reath for the same count of fo ur. Next , exha le slowi:-J for a

    COUnt o r four, and wh e n _L:~OUr lungs a re Completei_L:i e mpt_Lj, keep the m this Wa_Lj for arlothe r cou rlt of four. Therl repeat the process. Aher a whil e o f brea thirlg in

    this t e mpo , :-JOU won't have to count an_L:~ longe r, as :-JOur bod:-J will grow famil ia rized to keeping the t em po. With preparatio n, :-JOU should on i:-J have to go

    through the conscious co unting for three or four c_L:~cles before :-JOur bod:-J takes over.

    You must continue the inha la tion a nd exhalation t echni9ues until :-JOU Feel the

    flow o f th e E_ssence. E>_L:i breathing o ut the energ_Lj, the right electromagnetic enviro nm e nt is create d For the Alien Gods. As it is sa id before, :-JOu now crea te

    a tunne l of energ_Lj between :-JOU and the Alien God that is in the 5targate. This action ca n even last for half an ho ur or so.

    If :-J OU are of the sa me blood the Alie n God will a ppear either in astral o r

    ph_L:~ s ica l form. Cautio n! E>_L:i experiencing more and more encounters the initiated member will have a clearer view o r the position o f the Alie n God.

    D o no t fear if :-J OU experience loss o f time.

    6. Abduction You are what :-JOU are. You are having a Contact with the most a r1eie nt form of

    earthi:-J existence and _L:~O u will sto p the spawning o f E_ssence. Continue the gazing towards the 5targate and become lost in the da rkness. T he Alien

    Gods are now responsib le for _LjOur essence of life a nd it under Thei r will to let )c.hor run into :-JOUr veins. Continu e until :-JOU fe e l e ne rgized with th e E>lood or the Immo rta ls.

  • J.lchor After tee ling the highest t o rm ot Essence possessing .:J OUr bod_:!, drink trom th e

    Grail a s it is blessed b.:J the b lood o t th e Alien Gods. Y o u are now drinki ng the

    nectar o t the G ods, the und:Jir1g E_ssence.

    8. Declaration of Alien Decla re _:!Ourse lf a fter thi s mome nt ot divine Metamo rpllosis b.:J raising the

    9uartL p_:jra mid towards the s k.:J.

    for exa mple:

    "I am no w changed I am an Alien, the canc;ueror a/ I?Limans anc! the r(ght!"ul k1i:g o l this world I honoree!'".'} ancestors b.'} bni;gtl:g the essence o l Iii~ ancf l?a vtl;g an encounter with 7-hose W ho came /;om the 5kies. I am now one o/

    Those W170 came ;;-om t!](: Gaels. I rraise tl1e E!c!est G ael tha t is t!?e Alpha ancf the Omega amot:g the ranks o/ tl?e Immortals '"

    9. Terminating the E_ncounter

    tlit the be ll nine time s and close up the ritual b.:J sa .:ling

    "5 o it is clone ancJ shall be clone"

    l_eave the roo m a nd retu rn t o .:JOur ea rth!.:! e ncounters and cele br-a te .

    The purpose ot t he Encounter is to help the A lien ini tia te t o accom pl ish his

    g oals a nd become into a tlig her D e ing. The contact with the Alie n G ods is

    not oni.:J a pa th t o s uccee d in Con9 ue ris m, but a path t o immortali t,:J


  • +5

  • 4-6

    Several signs of attracting the Alien Gods:

    -Come into sight in ph_LJsical trom, sometimes with the classical alien image.

    - I)ecome visible in the 5targate, b_:t taking ma n_LJ torms or faces. -Take the Form oF moving shadows during or after ritual. -Appear in dreams after the ritual as a rea l experience.

    -UFO appearance around the world. -Touch the participant in an invisible torm.

    -f roduce strange sounds and unknown languages. -Dreaming of tl_LJing or traveling in space.

    -Loss oF time without cause, during or after the ritual. -5udden drop ot temperature.

  • The Truth of the lie

    /1 3ou r(.~rcat a lie oli:en enoL~gh. it hecom

  • holde r ma.:J have supernatural abilitie s that ca n influence positive !,:) one's lif-e . Still, oni.:J the holder kn o ws that the item ha s a specia l power, while othe r people

    den,:) its significa nt identit,:J. Furthe rmore, toda_:j'S media sources ca n int-lue nce so stro ng!,:) societ,:J 's belie f-s that g overnments pa_:j huge a mounts of mone.:J t o media in order to become positive !,:) a ccepted b.:J the a ud ience. The b-uth is that with ce rtain acts one can tra nsform o thers' thinking into a stable 5eliet S,:Jstem.

    As it wa s mentioned before, huma n fa ith is like a muscle a nd it needs e xercise .

    With regular projection of specific events either supe rnatural o r super-positive, one ca n develo p a nd enstre ngthe n societ.:J 'S be liefs.

    Consider tor instance a street mag ician who can pers ua de the a udience that

    he ha s supernatural powers. It is a common se cre t tha t a show magician s p reads

    rumours about his uncallll_:j powers a nd thus improving his socia l prestige. The re fo re, ce rta in individua ls who ca n make societ,:J t o be lieve tha t the,:) a re "spec ia l" are the true C o n9uerors of humans. Alieno log,:J suppo rts ar1.:J lawful

    act tha t can make people to believe a nd thu s Aliens a re not aga inst an.:J kind ot

    rel ig io n. Aliens want religions to exis t and co ntinue the work of the Alien G o ds.

    N owada_:js, the re is a new miracle e ntitled as "Extra t e rrestria l E_xistence 5elie t S,:Jste m". Unide ntified FI,:Jing Obje cts (UFQs), M e n in 5lack (MIE:>), chemica l trails a nd conspira c.:J theorie s a bout the existe nce of Alie ns are a t ine example of th is mo dern-based 5 e lie t S,:Js t e m. It is a f-act some o t the

    miracle s are rea l. It is a t a ct that Alie ns exist.

    Still, a ll these modern mira cles have o ni.:J o ne purpose : To crea te followe rs o f- a

    certa in truth. This truth is used b.:J the Alien Gods f-or thousands of ,:) ea rs in orde r to gathe r th e ir E_sse nce . Thus this is the Truth o t the lie .

    We a re the continuit,:J of- the Alie n Gods.

    We are t o d a.:J's Con9uero rs.

    We a re true Aliens.


  • Skull of .Atlantis

    N aos is the heart o~ the T e mple o~ Alie no log _:J. It is use d with purpo se in E_ncounter in late r stages o~ N aos initiation. It is the inner t e mple o~ the mo st ancie nt religio n. It is ver_:J signi~ica nt to me ntio n that the f rie sthood o~ N aos se1-ves the centra l ro le in the Alie n Temple . Naos means in Greek "Te mple".

    The wo rd "N aos" s prings ~rom the Gree k ve rb "naio", which means inha b it. It was used ~re9ue nti_:J a s the f.irs t word bef.o re the name of an a nc ient G od a nd no rma l!,:! was t he inhabitanc_:J o f t he God. In a ncie nt Lg_:Jpt the word N aos was

    co mm o ni_:J ~-ef.e rre d a s the inne r temple. In g e neral, this word represe nts something tha t is sacre d.

    N aos is a t e mple ind eed. It is a t e mple so big a nd non-understa ndable t o the

    tl o mo sapiens e_:J e like compa ring it with an a nt that cannot un derstand the s ize

    and the sig niFicance oF a s k_:J towe r. N aos is b uilt acco rding to the sacred geometr_:J th a t was g ive n b,:J the Gods to the tl o mo sapiens . The co-ordina t e s

    of. t he T em pie a re known beca use oF the sacre d monume nts that were b uilt tll ousa nd s of. ,:!ea rs beFore in the a ncient civilizatio ns. All the te mples we re b uilt

    with g reat accurac_:J accord ing to the move me nt oF the pla ne t S_:JSte m a nd s peciFic spo ts o f. ultima te ene rg_:J.

    A s above, so be llo w.

    The se temples a re the pla ces tha t the Alie ns ca n encounte r the Alien Gods.

    The purpose oF the Alien is t o visit the temple s that were use d a s the sta irwa_:J to heavens a nd be initia ted like t he o ld t""iiero pha nt in the a nc ie nt Greece.

    M a ke an e xperim e nt: Visit a n,:! place like f a rthenon, the Great f _:Jra mid s , S to ne henge a nd a n,:! place tha t is sacred and bre athe the a ir. You Will Feel the

    E_ssence consu me _:JO Ur bod,:!


  • Naos is c reated blj the A lien Gods. The ~irst residence of- t he Alien Gods was in t he m!;lthica l Atlantis. The re The!;! brought a skull o~ great significance. In this sku ll the Al ien Gods put a ll t he inf-o rma t ion o~ the about the existence and the purpose o~ the tl omo sapiens race. E_ven t he Knights T empla r used this skull in their well kn own 5aphomet.

    First o~ all, this skull was constructed into a +-dimension sca le. A technolog!;l unknown to the tlomo sapiens brainpowe r. The sku ll exists in both ph!;!sical

    and astral ~orm. There a re man!;! individuals that are awa re of- the existence o~ the a lie n and some ot the m claim that the!;! possess it. The answer is that in this

    world, t his skull cannot be obtained as it is not ot this dimension.

    The skull o t Atlantis is secret!!;! kept in N aos tor thousands o~ !;!ears and it is not accessible to the prdane e!;le. The A lien Gods were awa re t hat there will

    be ma n!;! that will seek the absolute power ot the skull and the!;! le Ft it secure !!;! in

    the hands o~ Their descendents.

    The sku ll was lett upon ea rth b!;l Those who came from the skies as a giFt to

    the Aliens. Onl!;l those o~ the sa me b lood ca n full!;! understand t he tru e power that is inside. The E_ssence ot this power is ca lled me tamorphosis. 5!;! gazing

    into the e!;les o~ the skull the tl o modeus species can reach again to their divine status once more .

    The sku ll represents the Alien. It is constructed with the characte ristics o~ homir1id species a nd ot an e xtraterrestrial torm ot existence. It S.:J mbolizes the

    tlomodeus species . Furthermore, within the skul l is the in~ormation about the I y h pla net that is the birthpla ce o~ the Alien Gods.

    The skull also represents the genesis o~ the tl omo sa piens race . In Greek m!;ltho log!;l ma nkind was crea ted b!;l t he ashes of the Titans, the Alien Gods. It


  • is a me taphor to show the significance of the Alien Gods upon the tlo mo

    sapiens race. The skull of Atlantis wasleh from the Alien Gods as a S_tjmbol at death a nd as a ,-eminde r of the mankind's origins.

    Naos is buil t in ph_t]sica l form with the permission of the Alien Gods. N aos religio n is the real religion of the Alie ns from the earliest existence of civilization.

    The pu1-pose of the Naos religion is gathering and helping the lost members of the divine kind and the metamorphosis of the Alien. The black prophecies will

    be fulf illed in short time.

    The a pocal_tjpse of. the alien skull is near. The sku ll will be placed again in the T emple and the I yh seal of the inner m_t)ster_tj wi ll activate the arrival of Our G ods.

    Don't waste noW.


  • F _ythias Gramata

    The Delphic Maxims or Letters of. f .:Jthia are inscribed at Temple oF Apollo in Delphi and were delivered b.:J Apollo tl imself to The Seven Sages oF Greece. The Delphic Maxims recommend a specif-ic wa.:J of-living, behaving and

    thinking that is high I:! correlated with the inner m,:Jste ries of. the Temple. Delow there is the oni.:J authentic translation f-rom ancient Greek to E_nglish. D,:J

    comprehending in depth the meaning of. the Maxims, the Alien can achieve the

    Final Metamorphosis and rule the planet earth.

    It is the secret that remains unto ld and unseen For thousands of. !;!ears.

    Silence is Gold.

    I . Fallow God 2. Obe_:J the law

    ). Respect the Gods +. Respect _:JOUr parents

    5. De overcome b.:! justice 6. Know after _:JOU learn

    J. Comprehend before listening 8. Know th_:Jself

    9.Jntend to get nranied I 0. Know _:JOUr opportunit_:J

    I I . Think as a mortal I 2. When _:JOU are a stranger, accept it

    I). tl onour the hearth I+. Control th_:Jself

    I 5. tl elp _:JOUr friends I 6. Control anger

    I J. E_xercise prudence I 8. tl onour providence

    I 9. Do not use an oath


  • 20. Love friendship

    2 I. Cling to discipline

    22. Fursue honour

    2). l_ongf.orwisdom 2+. Fraise the good

    25. {)lame no one 26. Fraise virtue

    27. F ractice with justice 28. Favour f.ri ends

    29. F rotect ::JOurse lf. f.rom enemies )0. t)e gentle

    ) I. Shun badness ) 2. t)e social

    ) ). Guard what is ::JOurs )+.Shun what belongs to others

    )5. Usten ever::Jthing ) 6 . t-J ave a good reputation

    ) J. De lo::Jal to f.riends )8. Do not exagge rate )9. Use time caref.uii::J

    "1-0. Look ahead the future

    +I . Despise insolence

    +2. t-J ave respect for suppliants

    4-). Adjust to eve r::Jthing ++. E_ducate :JOUr sons (or daughters)

    +5. Give what ::JOU have 4-6. Fear deceit

    +J. Speak we ll of. eve r::Jone +8. t)ecome a fhilosopher +9. Choose what is divine 50. Act with consciousness

    5 I . Shun murder 52. Wish with wi llpower

    5 ). Consult the wise


  • 54. Commend e th os 55. When .:~ou receive, return back

    56. Do not be suspicio us 57. Fractice the a rt

    58. Give care 59 . tlonour a beneraction 6o. 5e envious o r no one

    6 I. f)e on .:~our g uard 62. fraise hope

    6). Despise slander 64. Gain possessions honourab l.:~

    65. tlonourthe innocent 66. Know .:~ourjudge

    6 J. Respect .:~our marriage 68 . 5eware o r prevention

    69. Avoid assurance

    JO. Speak in a simple wa.:~ 7 I. Associate with similar individuals

    72. Govern .:~our expe nse s 7). f)e happ,:i with what .:JOU have

    J+. Respect s hame 15. F ulrill a ravo ur

    16. Wish ror happiness lJ. Accept .:~ou r destin.:~ 7 8 . See when .:JOU hear

    79. Work with will 80. Despise dispute

    8 I . Detest mocke r.:~ 82. tlold .:~ourtongue

    s 7. F rotect .:~ourselr rrom insolence 8+. judge rightrull.:~

    85. (jse what .:JOU have 86. judge incorruptibl.:~

    8 7. D o not accuse one who is not present


  • 88. Speak when.t:JOU know

    89. Shun violence

    90. Uve with o ut so rrow 9 I . Spea k wi t h meekness

    9 2. Do not hesitate to fi nish what have .t:JOU started 9). De ~ri endl_lj with ever_ljone

    9+. Do not c urse .tJOur sons (or daughters) 9 5. Rule the wo man or the man

    9 6. bene~i t .tJOursel~ 97. be ~acile

    98. Respond th e rig ht time

    9 9. Struggle with r-ig hteousness I 00. Act with secu rit_l:l

    I 0 I . When .t:JOU e rr, regret

    I 02. D o minate .tJOUr e_ljes I 0). Think the bene~its

    I 04-. Act 9uickl_lj I 05. f rotect ~riendship

    I o6. D e grate~ul I OJ. f ursu e ha rmon_lj

    108. Do not revealsecrets

    109. Fea r the superior ones

    1 1 0. f ursue what is good for .t:J OU

    1 1 1 . Accept t ime

    1 1 2. Dissolve .tJO Ur en mities

    1 1 ). Accept senescence I 1 +. Do not boast about .tJOur power

    1 1 ) . fursue a good reputation 1 I 6. Shun repu lsion

    1 1 J. Ac9uire wea lth_justl_l:l 1 1 8 . D o not despise glor_lj

    1 1 9. Despise badness 1 20. Risk with caution

    I 2 1 . D o not ti re or learning


  • 1 22. 1\.emain th ri ft!:!

    1 2) . Admire oracles 12+. Love wh om .t:JOU take ca re of.

    1 25. Do not oppose someone abse nt

    1 26. 1\.espect t he e lder

    1 27. Teach a .:~oungster 128 . Distance onese rn wea lth

    129. 1\.espect .:~ourse lF 1 )0. D o not rule with arrogance

    1) 1. Crown .:~our a ncestors 1) 2. Die For !:JOUr countr.t:J

    1 )). Do not let liFe to be a barrier 1 ?+. Do not make fun o f. the dead

    1) 5. E_mpathize with the unfortunate 1) 6. E:>ecome beloved witho ut loosing an.t:J t hing

    1) 7. Do not g reave For an.:~thing sma ll I )8. Tr.t;J to be come a relative with noble people

    1 )9. Do not co mm and an.t:Jone 1 +o. Do not wrong the dead

    1 + 1 . E:>e well off. a s a morta l

    1 +2. Do not trust Fo rtu ne

    1 +?.As a child be wel l-behaved

    1 ++.As a .:~outh- selF-discip lined 1 +5. As oF middle-age -just

    1 +6 . As an o ld man -sens ib le 1 +7. Die without sorrow

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  • Initiatory stages of Alienology.

    Homodeus: This is the first stage of Alienology. The initiate Homodeus must realize that he or she is different from the common Homo sapiens being. This can be done through the procedure of Reidentification. The Homodeus must send evidence of personal evolution in written form to the Temple's address. Approval: The testimony of a Priest or Priestess. Limitation time: Up to I year.

    Conqueror I o, II o, III o: The Alien Conqueror must complete nine of his or her goals divided into three types of Conquerism. Appropriate evidence of the conquering abilities of the Alien must be sent to TO A. Approval: The testimony of two Priests or Priestesses. Limitation time: 2 years maximum.

    Priesthood of Naos: The Alien in order to enter the Priesthood of Naos should share written his or her experience Encountering the Alien Gods. Approval: Positive vote from the Deities ofNaos. Limitation time: 2 years minimum.

    Deity: The requirements for entering the Godhood ofNaos are not discussed in public. Approval: xxxxx Limited time: xxxxx

    Any individual who fails to achieve any stage will lose active membership permanently.

    The answer is with1!1 the 9uestion.


  • Information about Active Membership.

    Th e Al ien is a being that struggles for hi s rightful due to conquer. Through centuries many occult organizations and relig ions were built and many A liens joined to fulfill their ego and purpose. This is the reason that NAOS is re-created aga in (with a new name) to find and help the lost members of the Divine Family. The Temple of Alienology is not an organization or an occult group. Alienology is a relig ion in the service of the Gods of the past. Thus Temple of Alienology is not a profitable organization or a business store. Between members of the Family, there is an unwritten law of ethics. Each member should help the other, as they are of the same blood. This is the reason that the Temple of Alienology is not requesting eve1y one and is not asking fo r an economi cal support.

    In order to become a follower of Alieno logy, it is required a minimum donation of 60$ annually. Th e reason of the membership donation is mainly one. The fees can separate serious individuals who seck true knowledge from "fun seekers" . By entering the Priesthood of Naos the fee is reduced. T he reason is that only members of the Priesthood are recognized as blood members of the Alien Bloodline.

    The advantages of becoming an active member of Alienology:

    I) A 2-month jou rnal entitled as "Conquero r". This is the offi cial newsletter of Alienology. Anything that concerns the philosophy of Alienology and its members would be incl uded in the "Conqueror" journal. 2) Active membership in the forum of Alien ology via the internet. Each forum concern ing the stages of Alienology is not visible to the public. 3) The right to buy other books. There are more books concerning the philosophy and practice of Alienology. 4) The right to wea r the ri ng with the symbol of Alienology. Thi s is the only authori zed material that can be wearing by the members to be used in ritual and recognized among society. 5) The right to meet other members. By becoming an active member of Alienology you w ill be prov ided information about the "earthl y encounters" with Aliens of your area. 6) The guidance of the members of the Priesthood of Naos. Each member can be ch osen by a Pri est or Priestess to be helped. This is the class ical example of an apprentice and a Teacher.

    Temple of Alienology is a rapidly evolving organization and its structure may change according to the requ irements and the will of the founding council.


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