
Account Services

Services From the services page you can online help, send a message and find more information about ePay features.

Messages: Have a question about ePay, eBills or a payment you’ve made? Click here to send a secure message.

Alerts The alerts tab allows you to set up alerts for your eBills. Options include:

• Low balance alert• High balance alert• Update error (no successful update with the # of days you specify)• eBill has arrived• Payment due date

Set Up Alert: Click on the payee to set up which alert(s) you’d like for them and which email or mobile # to send the alerts to.

Notifications: Click send alerts to, to establish up to 2 email addresses and 1 mobile phone # to send alerts to.

Money HQ Home PageThe Money HQ feature in ePay provides you with online tools to manage all of your accounts including adding offline transactions and track your spending.

Overview: Click overview to see a summary of all of our accounts.

Overview This page provides you with a summary of all your accounts

Summary: A list of your Global accounts

Detailed View: Your deposit and loan accounts from other financial institutions

Scheduled payments: Pending payments

Update All Money HQ Accounts: Click this to update balance information for all your accounts

Add Money HQ Account: Click this to add additional accounts

Update: Click this to update an individual account

Website: Click here to visit the institution’s website

Detailed View: Click on the account name to see account details (sample next page)

Note: accounts are updated daily, automatically.

Detailed Account View

Detailed View: To view another account select the down arrow

Update Balance: Click to update the balance for this account

Manage Account: Allows you to make changes to this account

Adding an Account

Add Money HQ Account: Click to add additional accounts

Note: you’ll be provided with a list of financial institutions to search (you may search by name or by their 9-digit ABA/Routing Number)

Note: you’ll need the online log on credentials for each account you wish to add

Note: a list of your accounts at that institution will be presented to you on the screen. You may select 1 or all of the accounts.

Note: most balances are available immediately, however it may take up to 2 business days to populate

External Transfers This feature allows you to transfer funds between any of your Global accounts and any of your accounts at other financial institutions.

External Transfers: Click to access the transfer page

Transfer Funds: Click to begin the transfer process

Select Accounts: Select the accounts from the drop down list to transfer from and to

Payment Type: You may opt for a one-time transfer or set up a recurring transfer

Fees: Click here to view current fees for external transfers

Amount: Enter the dollar amount you would like to transfer

Daily Limit: The maximum amount you may transfer. This may vary for inbound and outbound transfers

Send Date: Select scheduled to enter a send date up to one year in the future

Personal Finance Manager This Money HQ feature makes tracking spending a breeze. It will automatically track any of the accounts you have added in Money HQ. And, you can add offline transactions to get a true picture of your budget.

PFM: Click here to access the Personal Finance Manager

Spending Reports

Spending Reports: PFM will automatically generate spending reports, which you can view by payee or category

Time Period: Select the time period you wish to view

Spending Goals Setting spending goals helps you establish your budget.

Spending Goals: Click this tab to access the spending goals screen

Manage Spending Goals: Click here to enter your spending goals

View: You can view your report by payee or by category

Goals: Enter the monthly budget amount for each payee or category

Offline Transactions With PFM you can track all of your expenses, even those you pay with cash.

Offline Transactions: Click this tab to access the offline transactions screen

Add Offline Transactions: Click here to enter your offline transactions

Add Transaction: Click on the drop-down arrow and create new offline payee

Add Transaction: Enter a name, select a category, enter the amount and the date of the expenditure to add the transaction
