
The production of the second advert

The idea For the second advert I decided upon an idea of a date. The reason why is

because I believe it would attract the attention of audiences such as couples or even marriages reminiscing about the dates they used to have. This advert will attract young people since the actors that play in the date are young themselves but also reasonably attractive (representation in media is also important as mentioned in different post.) The idea was meant to be that a young inexperienced man is getting ready for a date he does appear slightly over confident and wants the date to go perfectly to plan until he notices a big stain on his shirt as a date approaches. With his best attempts he tries to hide it which doesn’t work as eventually the date realises that there must be a reason for the silly behaviour. The advert is also meant to be uplifting as the over confident guy does things that are seen as ridiculous and that is what I decided to have in the advert to make it humours. Since majority of the people that have completed my survey most said that humour catches their eye to watch the advert.

The advert has a linear narrative with the product appearing right at the end.

The Mise en scene, setting and shots. The Mise en scene in this advert is very important. Again the advert was filmed at my house which allows flexibility and I am able to rearrange stuff easily to fit the conventions. We have used

The girls room where the big mirror is: We have filmed the scene of where the man notices the stain in the mirror and notices he is running out of time but also a crab shot as the actor is getting his shirt out of the wardrobe.

The bathroom: the beginning of the whole advert as the man washes his face and puts after shave on.

The dining space and kitchen: That’s the space where majority of the filming took place as that is where the date was set very carefully I had to consider the angles at which I was going to film the date one of the shots I used was a long shot. There was an eyeline match used as the actor was looking through the window shutters to the date he is seeing at the door. In this scene there is a two shot used when showing that the girl notices the dirty stain.

The hallway upstairs: Here we could see the man doing an action match by getting ready for his date but also being clumsy as he steps on a plug.

The front doors: Where his date is waiting to meet him at her house. The shot used here is point of view from the mans perspective while having the tilt motion and also the point of view through the woman’s perspective.

Throughout the advert there are quite a few jump cuts.

Behind the scenes
