Page 1: The present perfect tense from micro teching

• The present prefect tense

Page 2: The present perfect tense from micro teching


• We use The Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You cannot use The Present Perfect with the specific time expressions such as: just, already, etc.

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PATTERN:• Verbal(+) S + Have/Has + V3 + O + Adv Aux ord.(-) S + Have/Has + not? haven`t , hasn`t + V3 + O + Adv. Aux ord.(?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O + Adv..? Yes, S + Have, Has Aux ord. No, S + Haven`t, Hasn`t(?) Haven`t/Hasn`t + S + V3 + O + Adv…? Aux ord. • Non Verbal(+) S + Have/Has + been + 3C Aux ord.(-) S + Have/Has + not? haven`t, hasn`t + been + 3C. Aux ord.(?) Have/Has + S + been + 3C..? Yes, S + Have, Has Aux ord. No, S + Haven`t, Hasn`t (?) Haven`t/Hasn`t + S + been + 3C…? Aux ord.

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Note : • VerbalOrdinary verb : V3Auxiliary verb : have (I, you, they, we,)

has (she, he, it,)• Non VerbalOrdinary verb : beenAuxiliary verb : have (I, you, they, we)

Has ( he, she,it)

Page 5: The present perfect tense from micro teching

PATTERN:Example:Verbal(+) He has studied English Aux ord.(-) He has not/ hasn`t studied English. Aux ord.(?) Has he Studied English? Yes, He hasn`t Aux ord. No, He hasn`t(?) Hasn`t he studied English? Aux ord. Non Verbal(+) He Has been in Denpasar Aux. ord. 3C(-) He Hasn`t been in Denpasar. Aux ord. 3C(?) Has he not been in Denpasar..? Yes, He has Aux ord. 3C No, He hasn`t(?) Hasn`t he been in Denpasar…? Aux ord. 3C

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Time Signal• Just : baru saja• Already : sudah• Not …Yet : belum• Never : Tidak pernah• So far : Sejauh ini• Until now : Sampai saat ini• Up to Now : Sampai saat ini• Up to the present : sampai saat ini• Ever since : sejak saat itu• All day/night/week : sepanjang hari/malam/minggu• Recently : baru-baru ini• Lately : akhir-akhir ini

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It is used to refer to:* To explain about something that has done or finished, but the result still can be tasted or

sensed until now.Note: For usage in this Present Perfect Tense, we cannot use time signal to show the meaning of

something that still continue until right now. Example: I have already eaten.He has just washed the car * an action or event which took place in the past, where the exact time of the event is not

specified or not clear.Note: For usage in this present perfect tense must use:Time Signal is show the meaning of something that still continue until right now.Verb Long Term Activity: Live, Study, Teach, Work.Example: - Meta has been in Denpasar since she studied English there

- They have built the building for two years - He has lived in Jakarta ever since

* an action or event which has just happened

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• A preposition shows a relationship between it is object and other words in a sentence. The form of preposition may be in one word (by, at, on, etc.).

• The form of preposition can`t change. The place of it is ordinary in front of noun or pronoun.

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• (AT, IN, ON)Preposition in time:







- Hour/o’clock

- Celebration

- Day/ date

- Special day

- Month, Year,


- At six p.m .

- At Idul Fitri, at

independence day

- On Sunday; on 25th


- On my birthday

- In 2011

- In Summer

Preposition in place







- Specific place

- Name of street

- Top (noun/ stick)

- Public information

- Village, city,

country, building,


- At home, At school

- At the corner, at the


- On the table, an the


- On Television, on


- In the classroom, in

the sea, in the field

Page 10: The present perfect tense from micro teching

WorksheetI. Please read and answer the question bellow carefully, don`t forget to give a reason!1. The hall has been ______ decorated for the opening of ceremonyA. BeautifulB. BeautifyC. BeautifullyD. BeautyE. BeautifedReason: _________________________________________________________________


2. The traffic is so terrible. We are going to be late. By the time we get to school, the class _______.A. Will beginB. Will have already begunC. Will be beginningD. Has begunE. Is to beginReason: _________________________________________________________________


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Worksheet3. It was my first day of class. I finally found the right room. The room ______ full of students.A. Was alreadyB. Has already beenC. Had already beenD. Would beE. Could beReason: _________________________________________________________________


4. I _______ any parties since I came here. I am so busy now. I have a lot of works to do and sometimes I have to work on the

weekend.A. Don`t attendB. Will not attend C. Will not giveD. Hasn`t givenE. Is not to give Reason: _________________________________________________________________


Page 12: The present perfect tense from micro teching

Worksheet5. We allowed the children to watch their animation movie “Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children” yesterday, only after they ______

doing their school assignment. A. were finishedB. have finishedC. FinishD. would finishE. had finishedReason: _________________________________________________________________


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The Key Answer• 1. C• 2. B• 3. C• 4. D.• 5. C

Pembahasan 1: 1. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) beautifully decorative (di dekorasi dengan sangat baik) yaitu … Has been beautifully decorated

karena kalimat diatas perlu dilengkapi dengan adverb, untuk menerangkan kata kerja decorated.2. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) will have already begun karena ada by the time yang mengacu pada simple present perfect

tense.3.Jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) had already been karena kalimat diatas mengandung makna bahwa ruang kelas (saat itu ketika

aku mendapatinya) ternyata sudah penuh.4. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) hasn`t given karena up to now: keterangan waktu yang menunjukan jangka waktu yang

sekarang5. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) has been declining karena konjungsi “Since + sejak…” kalimat diatas membicarakan sesuatu

yang fakta hal saat ini (sejumlah hotel tutup sekarang ini), sehingga bentuk yang paling tepat adalah present perfect continous tense

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HOMEWORKII. Please reads and answer the question bellow carefully!!1. In her whole life time, Anna ________any snows.

A. Doesn`t seeB. Isn`t seeingC. Didn`t seeD. Had never seenE. Has never seen

2. The telephone ________ four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.A. Has rungB. Has been ringingC. RangD. Would ringE. Was to ring

3. When the police stopped the car, Anny said to her friend in the car, “This is the first time it ______ to me!”A. HappensB. Is happeningC. Has ever happenedD. Will happenE. Is to happen

4. Don`t come at 02:00 p.m. this afternoon. Please come at 04:00 p.m.I _______ repairing this DVD.A. Will finishB. Will have completedC. Will completeD. Have finishedE. Have to finish

5. Mr. X : ”How long has he been the principal of our school?” Mrs. O : “Since I ____________ this school.”

A. Was enteringB. Have enteredC. Had enteredD. EnteredE. Had been entering

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Thanks for your attention
