Page 1: The power of social media in public education and engagement

The power of social media in public education and engagementBob Pickard,Burson-Marsteller

8 December 2011

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Changing media consumption…

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…in Hong Kong

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…but companies have been slow to engage

Source: Global data from Burson-Marsteller Global Fortune 100 Social Media Checkup 2010Asia data from Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Social Media Study 2010

Percentage of companies with at least one branded social media channel

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Not any more

Source: Global data from Burson-Marsteller Global Fortune 100 Social Media Checkup 2011Asia data from Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Social Media Study 2011

Percentage of companies with at least one branded social media channel

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Different patterns of engagement…

Source: Burson-Marsteller Asia-Pacific Social Media Study 2011

Percentage of companies with a branded presence on each social media channel

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Social marketing

Wear seatbelts!

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Social marketing

Do not smoke!

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The death of deference

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Online network, offline protest…

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… in Hong Kong

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Forcing change…

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Where are the opportunities?

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Need to relinquish control…

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Fueling mainstream

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Storytelling through infographics

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80 major global ‘threats’ identified

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•old systems and institutions simply cannot cope with new complexity and speed

• these challenges require the engagement of an entire society of stakeholders

•the role of public relations is therefore key

Governments cannot do it alone

Klaus Schwab, World Public Relations Forum 2010

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Collaborate with stakeholders for success today and sustainability tomorrow demands:

•Governments need to engage corporations, NGOs and ordinary citizens in their work

•Corporations must show ‘micro-level’ accountability to all stakeholders

•“Public relations in the public interest” – relationship brokerage to help bring about economic recovery, political freedom, technological advancement and social justice

The modern Relationship Imperative

Source: Dan Tisch, Global Alliance for PR and Communications Management

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“…the past is over and it is the future that beckons to us now.”

Jawaharlal Nehru
