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© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Design the PerfectLead Magnet

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet

In this class, Design The Perfect Lead Magnet, we will be teaching you how to use free content as an ethical bribe to build your email list of prospective ideal clients. Use the worksheet to guide you through the perfect lead magnet creation process. How does your ideal client best consume information?Check the box that best applies.

Visual (reading)

Audio (listening)

Video (watching)

Choose the Perfect Lead Magnet format:

Resource Guide

5-Day Challenge

Cheat Sheet

Define the Problem, Objection, Solution:

According to your ideal client avatar profile, what are 3 problems your ICA has at their first point of contact with you? What keeps them awake at night? (Describe the problem using their words, not yours). Describe the problem and how they feel about it.

Problem # 1

Problem # 2

Problem # 3




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© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.2

Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Brainstorm content ideas that you can quickly create to solve each of the 3 problems you describe above. Remember that the solution needs to be specific and directly related to solving the problem.

What “magic pill” would your ideal client love? What information and feelings do they need to have in order to solve this problem?

Solution to problem # 1

Solution to problem # 2

Solution to problem # 3

What objections does your ideal client have; what is keeping them from working with you or buying your product?

Objection # 1

Objection # 2

Objection # 3

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© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.3

Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Write out the chosen problem your lead magnet will focus on:

Write out the main objection you will disprove:

Write out the solution and outcome you will promise:

Example: The ICA overwhelmed by all of the healthy food choices, buys the wrong foods and can’t seem to lose weight. The objection is that she’s already spent so much money on weight loss. The solution is a free real healthy foods guide that will list out the top 20 must eat foods and their portion sizes to each for consistent weight loss.

Example: The ICA wants to learn how to become a food photographer but doesn’t know where to start, what equipment to buy and is on a tight budget. The objection is that they have no money to buy fancy equipment. The solution is a Food Photographer Equipment cheat sheet - the top 12 must have tools for food photographers on a budget.

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


The Perfect Lead Magnet Yes or No Test

After you decide on your problem/solution lead magnet answer these questions before you start creating any content.

YES or NO: Is your lead magnet so desirable that your ideal client would easily pay for the content? If you answered no or maybe, push yourself to create something so irresistible that your ideal client would want to pay you for it.

YES or NO: Will your lead magnet deliver a quick win (positive result)? Will it save them money, time, energy or improve their health? If you answered no or maybe then push yourself to drill down more until you can identify a specific result your ideal client will experience.

YES or NO: Will the positive result happen fast? With a lead magnet you want to deliver a win as quickly as possible otherwise the ideal client will lose interest.

YES or NO: Is the lead magnet content delivered via a platform that is easy for them to consume? Do they have to sit in front of the computer for hours, or click 7 different links or download 6 different attachments?

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Perfect Lead Magnet Content:

Brainstorm content ideas to include in your Perfect Lead Magnet (what does your ICA need to learn, understand and do in order to get the win you are promising). Make a detailed outline. Always refer back to the problem, objection, solution you defined earlier.

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Have a title page

1-2 pages of content

Include any required legal disclaimers

Write an introduction sharing who the resource guide is for (your ICA) and why you created it (to solve a problem and give them a win)

Curate resources with credit to the original source (include author & website)

Make the benefit of each resource clear

Include graphics to enhance the content

Ensure all curated content is positioned to give the ideal client a win

Include an author page with a headshot of you, a description of your program with a link to a sales page or online scheduler and social media links

Resource Guide/Cheat Sheet Checklist:

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© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.7

Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Have a title page

Include any required legal disclaimers

Write an introduction sharing who the resource guide is for (your ICA) and why you created it (to solve a problem and give them a win) and next steps (what they can expect over the next 5 days)

Each day should have a short lesson and action task (learn and do)

Include graphics to enhance the content

Ensure all curated content is positioned to give the ideal client a win

Make the 5-day challenge easy to consume (avoid multiple links to multiple platforms)

Include an author page with a headshot of you, a description of your program with a link to a sales page or online scheduler and social media links

5-Day Challenge Checklist:

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Create The Opt In & Thank You Page Checklist

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Technology Definitions

Hosted Link: A hosted link is when you upload a piece of content to cloud storage and then use the hosted link as a way to download the content.

Follow Up/Autoresponder: These are the email messages that get written and scheduled into Aweber in advance. They are sent out automatically via your email service provider on the day and time of your choosing. Creating an autoresponder series is part of setting up your sales funnel. Autoresponders are not scheduled on specific dates but rather X number of days after the previous. These are NOT to be used if you are running a date specific program.

Broadcast: A broadcast is one-off email or a number of emails that you broadcast or publish to your email list. You can schedule these in advance but they are single emails, not sequences. You would use broadcast emails when running a date specific group so that your emails can be scheduled in advance and sent out on specific dates instead of sequence like the autoresponder function.

Opt-In Page: AKA squeeze page, sign up page, registration page, lead capture page. This is the page that contains the opt in or subscription box where people enter their name and email. This is the page that you promote anywhere and everywhere by copy and pasting the url of the page on social media, by adding it to your blog and website.

Thank You Page: This is the page new subscribers are taken to immediately after they subscribe to your lead magnet. If you have a Facebook fan page (business page) or a Facebook group you will want to find a Leadpages thank you page template that allows you to link to those FB pages.

Email List: This is the actual list that someone is subscribed to. It’s held in your email marketing platform. I recommend Aweber.

Leadpages: Leadpages is a tech company that has done-for-you opt in pages, sales pages, webinar registration pages and thank you pages that don’t require any coding or design. You don’t need leadpages right away since you can build an opt in page using Aweber or MailChimp. However if you don’t have a website and want to sell online you’ll need either a website or leadpages to build your sales page on.

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Design the PerfectLead Magnet


Technology Definitions

Web Form: A web form is the the opt in page provided by the email marketing platform in Aweber. You can use the web form to create an opt in page or you can use the web form as the connection point between your email marketing platform and Leadpages.

NOTE: If you have Leadpages you will need to create the email list and the web form in your email marketing platform first before you can connect to Leadpages.

Double Opt-In: The double opt in is when someone subscribes to your email list and then has to wait for a confirmation email where they have to click on a link to confirm their subscription. You can turn this feature off. It’s not necessary for you to make people double confirm.

Video Player: If you are using video’s for your lead magnet, you’ll need to record them and load them as Mp4’s into either YouTube or Vimeo. You can link to the video directly or create a replay page and embed the video onto the page.

Audio Player: If you are using audio’s for your lead magnet, you’ll need to record them and upload them as Mp3’s into SoundCloud. You can link to the audio directly or create a replay page and embed the audio onto the page.
