  • The perfect Islands for vacation - Krk and Murter

    1. The island of Krk

    KRK is the largest and the most northern island in the Adriatic, located in the Kvarner Bay.

    Area of the island is 405.78 km2. Near the island of Krk, there are several smaller islands such as St.

    Mark on the island of Plavnik, Kormat and Koljun in the southwest, and the First, Galun and Zec in

    the southeast of the island. Notable among them is the islet of Koljun, a natural and cultural


    Places: The island of Krk belongs to the Kvarner County and is divided into the City of Krk and six

    municipalities: Punat, Baka, Dobrinj, Malinska, Omialj i Vrbnik. The island has 19,286 inhabitants


    The relief is karstic, with interesting karst formations; caves and caverns (Biserujka near Dobrinj),

    sinkholes and cracks. Central part of the island is occupied by fertile fields. The coast is indented,

    with numerous bays, coves and sandy beaches.

    Access: We can freely say that the island of Krk is the most accessible island in Croatia. You can reach

    by car, bus, boat and plane, and the nearest railway station is in Rijeka (56 km). Since 1980, Krk is

    connected to the mainland. Krk is connected with island of Cres and Rab with ferries (June to

    September). Rijeka Airport is located near Omisalj on the island of Krk and connects our island with

    numerous European cities.

    Climate: The island of Krk is located in the zone of moderate and mild climate. The average summer

    air temperature is 26 0C, the surface temperature of the sea from June to September reaches above

    23 0C. The most frequent winds are the bura, sirocco and mistral. The island of Krk is one of the

    sunniest parts of Europe with 2500 sunny hours per year.

    Flora and fauna: The relief diversity and favorable climatic conditions have resulted in the

    development of more than 1300 different plant species. The central and western parts of the island

  • are covered with forests and cultivated Mediterranean fruit and vegetables, vineyards and olive

    groves. Northern and southern part of the island consists of rocks and pastures. What makes the Krk

    landscape unique are the thick dry stone walls and shepherd's stone-preserved on the plateau area

    which is located above the Baka valley.

    Beaches: The environment protection measures are being conducted continuously and

    systematically. Confirmation are numerous blue flags fluttering on the beaches of the island in the

    town of Krk, Baska, Malinska, Nivice, Omialj and the Punat Marina.

    In Europe, for thirteen years successfully implemented a program to protect marine and coastal

    environments, the Blue Flag for beaches and marinas. Holder and the international program manager

    is the Foundation for Environmental Education (Foundation for Environmental Education in Europe -

    FEEE), established in 1981 at the Council of Europe. The program now includes over twenty countries

    where tourism is one of the strategic objectives.

    The Blue Flag symbolizes preserved, safe and pleasant environment for relaxation, fun and

    recreation, a well elaborated system of coastal zone management and sustainable tourism

    development. Beach and marina vith a Blue Flag signifies excellent tourist promotion based on high

    quality service, clean sea and coast, and the equipment and beaches. Visit our clean and safe

    beaches while spending your vacation in charming Krk accommodation.

    1.1. Specifics of the island

    Do you want only the best for yourselves? Then select Krk island as a place for your holiday, because

    to this island we can attribute many superlatives:

    the largest island in the Adriatic

    the most northern island in the Adriatic

    most accessible island in the Adriatic

    most diverse island in the Adriatic

  • the most visited island in the Adriatic

    1.2. Island easily accessible...

    Accommodation of the island in the far north of the Adriatic makes it the "first" island, and the

    closest island for all visitors who come from the continent, and are eager to taste the


    Exceptionally good natural geographical location of the island, in 1980s was added the strategic

    architectural object: Krk bridge - a bridge that connects the island of Krk with the mainland. Rijeka

    Airport, located on the island, connecting the island of Krk with the cities of Europe.

    As easily accessible island of Krk will certainly be a great choice for tourists looking for a deviation

    from the hustle, bustle and stress of big cities.

    1.3. What can Krk offer to its guests?

    The island offers a range of completely secluded beautiful bays for swimming, and also provides a

    decorated and well equipped beaches.

    The island of Krk is a representative destination for exploring the national cultural history and

    Croatian heritage.

    In this sense, we suggest visiting places of the island. Popular destinations are Baka, Vrbnik, Punat,

    Malinska, Njivice, Omialj, ilo and town Krk or enjoy the rural part of the island such as the village


    Taking the advantages of the island into account, it is quite understandable that many tourists

    choose it as their vacation spot.

    In terms of tourism, Krk has very skilfully noticed tourism market trends and quickly they adapted it

    to the corresponding line-up of the new requirements of tourists.

  • 1.4. Where to stay

    Today the island of Krk attracts over half a million visitors who achieve over three million overnight


    The possibilities of accommodation on the island of Krk are very diverse: big hotels, smaller family

    hotels and pensions, family accommodation in rooms and apartments and accommodation in camps.

    Accommodation facilities on the island occupied by a rule the most beautiful areas of particular

    places. First of all this applies to hotels and campsites that are regularly found along the coast in the

    shade of dense branches of pine trees.

    In this type of accommodation pleasure is really complete: sea views, short walk to the sea, enjoy

    swimming and sunbathing, followed by refreshments in the hotel restaurant. Smaller family hotels

    will, in addition, provide a sense of intimacy and family environment.

    Rooms and apartments in private accommodation are also quality: it is mainly about accommodation

    in newer family houses whose owners try to furnish the rooms and spice up apartments in Krk so

    that they present themselves as good hosts who know how to wish a warm welcome and ensure a

    pleasant stay to each of his guests.

    2. Island Murter

    If you have settled in the town of Murter, you have the unique opportunity to explore the natural

    valuables of its immediate surroundings.

    One can safely say that Murter is an exceptional tourist destination. Unique place in the the Adriatic

    coast district center that has so many varied physical and cultural features on one place.

  • Murter is the largest settlement on the island, with the largest number of islands in its archipelago

    (over 170), with a large number of sandy beaches along its shores (igraa, Brine, Podvrske...) and a

    number of interesting destinations in their neighborhoods (national parks: Kornati, Paklenica and

    Krka, nature parks Telascica and Lake Vrana; cities of Zadar, Sibenik and Split).

    2.1. The most special Croatian island

    Because of its location, its history, its great archipelago, the island of Murter is one of the most

    interestin and unique Croatian islands. Although bridged, the economic properties of neighboring

    islands of Murter in its organization and life of an island over the islands. The island is divided into

    two municipalities: higher Murter with only one village and a small Tisno. Although the inhabitants of

    Murter since the establishment of Tisno in the nineteenth. c. sought their particular municipality,

    that they wish to achieve until 1999. Since the municipal boundaries generally coincide with

    cadastral, and belong to her and most of the Kornati islands along the coast. Therefore, the

    Municipality of Murter is the largest island in the Mediterranean municipalities, municipalities with

    more than 160 islands and long coastline is almost 400 km. Book your vacation today at local Tisno

    Murter apartments.

    2.2. Interesting facts and history

    On the peninsula Gradina are the remains of one of the largest forts in the territory of southern

    Liburnia, and in its foothills and along the ruins of the ancient town Colentum. Colentum is also the

    oldest name of the island. Mentioned by Ptolemy and Pliny in the first century, and cosmographer

    from Ravennne in VII Porphyrogenitus in the tenth century does not mention Colentum, which

    means - with regard to his knowledge Cara in opportunities on the coast and islands - that had

    already ceased to exist. It is difficult to determine with certainty when the Croats first came to the

    island. According to the findings of material culture and the linguistic remnants in the toponyms, it

    was very early, but the first written mention of the name is from 1285, Villa Magna.

    The new settlement Srimac, Croats are in the spirit of their understanding and use of space on the

    islands, raised further from the sea, at the party, along the edge of a fertile plain at the foot Vrine

  • and Raduca, from which you could control the state of the sea and the threats that come with it.

    Somehow, at the same time (1318) on the first nautical charts for the first time mentions the name

    Mortar, later in the spirit, the local dialect formed in present form Murter. Both names coexisted in

    use for many centuries, until finally not won today's form. From a nearby mainland island is the

    Turkish invasion in the background so that pursed his little arable land could not feed all its

    inhabitants. So Murterini beginning of the XVII. century intending kolonatski relationship with

    tenants on Kornati pastures, and in this capacity remained until their repurchase in the second half of

    the XIX. century. Since then their owners. Until 1952 the archipelago was in the administrative and

    cadastral municipality Sali, and since then in the municipality of Tisno, then ibenik, then again Tisno

    and finally, since 1999 in the municipality of Murter.

    Neither the past nor the present Murter can not be understood without knowing the conditions in

    the Kornati islands and places that are in the life of Murter they had and have today. The first and

    most important fact is that the vast possession of Kornati stopped emigration at the time when most

    Croatian islands, because of the deterioration of grape growing, literally deserted. The second fact is

    urbanization of the place itself. After buying Kornati Murter extends to the sea and the bay of

    Hramina, which are Kornati terminal. Hramina - the first Adriatic marina from XIX. century.

    As to overseas possession could only come by sea, the former farmers had to switch to seafarers and

    fishermen, masons and Calafate. But they are above all other excellent olive growers with huge olive

    trees scattered on hundreds of islands. Therefore, in 1911 with joined efforts of the villagers was

    built the largest factory for oil processing on the Adriatic.

    2.3. Culture

    Although rural village, Murter is in its duration started, nurtured and preserved with high standards

    of cultural, especially folk and spiritual expression. First, the very early establishment of elementary

    school (1845), then by establishing one of the first Reading Room in the Croatian language in

    Dalmatia (1866), starting a church choir (1900), the action of amateur dramatic ensemble (from

    1922). It is particularly characteristic of the locals friendliness, openness, love of singing and dramatic


  • Large and colorful waters, skills and crafts, folk and spiritual forms of expression, have prepared the

    Municipality of Murter for all job tasks, for an activity that combines the tradition and modernity,

    individually and globally, old and new, natural and human - for tourism. Immerse yourself in Murter

    culture also by staying at authentic apartments Murter Croatia.