Page 1: The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb


Founded by

Pamela Caddy

Healing Hands Academy

The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb is a divine healing tool that we may work with

in many positive ways to assist in transmuting all forms of lower energies.

Orgone and Tachyon Energy are natural life force energies that exist around

us. This is not the same life force as reiki healing, but is energy that works on

amplifying, manifesting, divine alchemy and transmutation. The combination

of the orgone and tachyon energy tends to bring an overall balancing to the

healing. The Orgone Energy is more creative and feminine and Tachyon a more

forceful and strong masculine feel to it.

How the Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb works

When you call upon the orgone tachyon orb it will present itself to you in the

most perfect way for your healing or the healing of the situation that you have

asked. When called upon for healing your own being, you most commonly first

will feel an orb around you, this will be the orgone life force energy cleansing

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and purifying your aura on every level, raising your vibration and giving you

protection. You then may sense a cylinder of light that flows in the centre of

the orb and encompasses closely around your physical body. The cylinder of

light strongly contains the tachyon energy that is helping to deeply clear your

chakra system, physical body and helping your chi energy to flow naturally

around your body.

The orgone tachyon orb is overseen by the Community of Ascended Masters

and so you will also have the deep support and assistance of the Ascended

Master Community to which is very vast in number. You may be familiar to the

presence of some of the Ascended Masters that come forward to help you with

the orgone tachyon fusion orb or may be introduced to new Ascended Masters.

Ways of working with the Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb

There are so many ways that you may work with the orgone tachyon fusion orb

and I have put some examples below. All that is needed is your intention to the

Ascended Masters spoken out or silently said within. You will be perfectly herd

by the Masters each time. Be creative with this healing system, the orb can be

small or as large as needed for the healing of the situation and so working with

this system for planetary healing is wonderful too.

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around my whole being and remain intact throughout my

day, giving me protection and constant healing – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around (name) whole being and remain intact throughout

their day, giving this person protection and constant healing – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion orb to be placed around my entire home, giving my home and the people

who live in my home protection and healing – thank you.”

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“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around my food (hold out your hands above your plate of

food), purifying my food and raising its vibration to better fuel and nourish my body – thank


“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around the person I am to give healing to and give further

support for this person during their healing on every level in the most perfect way for this

person – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around my whole being, helping me to transmute fears,

lower based thinking, stress and worries that I may be experiencing on a sub conscious and

conscious level and an overall healing of my energy system – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around this (park or building) that I am in, giving protection

and healing to this place and raising the vibration for the highest good – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around (country), cleansing the atmosphere of this Country

of fear, stress, imbalance and bringing healing and peace, overseen by the angel guardian of

this country – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around beloved Mother Earth with her acceptance to bring

Mother Earth much needed protection, healing, love, peace and light – thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around the Fairy Kingdom with their acceptance to bring

the Fairy Kingdom much needed protection, healing, love and upliftment. I thank the Fairy

Kingdom for all that they do for Mother Earth and Humanity, please accept this support –

thank you.”

“I call to the Community of Ascended Masters and ask for the activation of the Orgone

Tachyon Fusion Orb to be placed around the Tree Community with their acceptance to bring

the Tree Community much needed protection, purity, healing and balance. I thank the Tree

Community for all that they do for Mother Earth and Humanity, please accept this support –

thank you.”

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The Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb Attunement

The attunement process is very simple and can be done in-person,

distantly or by the chi ball call in method and have given an example


“I call upon The Ascended Master Community and ask for protection

of myself and (person). I am now ready to channel and perfectly

attune (person) to the Orgone Tachyon Fusion Orb Attunement for

the highest good – thank you.” ( just relax and allow the attunement to flow).

Please do feel free to contact me [email protected] or website: Healing Hands

Academy if wanting support with this

healing system.



This manual may be given freely to students as long as this manual is kept intact, and in

its original format. If you would like to charge for the time taken in passing this course

and teaching others, I ask that a maximum charge for this course is £10 or equivalent to

your currency.

I wish you many blessings with your healing journey

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