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The new and old testaments and modern scripture received by prophets of God in the latter days all testify that Zion will be established upon the earth in the last days. Zion in its pure state is necessary to bring about the second coming of Christ and the ushering in of the millennial reign of peace upon the earth for a thousand years. The Prophet Enoch correctly established the Zion of our God and the inhabitants of Zion lived the laws of Zion that the Prophet Enoch established so perfectly until they were all taken to the bosom of God the Father in Heaven. In the Prophet Moses time, Zion was correctly organized and the inhabitants of this Zion did not sufficiently perfect themselves worthy to be taken to the bosom of God the Father, but did live in peace for some six hundred years, until the people commenced sinning against the laws of Zion and the true and correct order of Zion was changed and God no longer fought their battles for them as He had in the past and this Zion became corrupt. The inhabitants of this Zion were scattered, taken captive and many were killed by their enemies. The true order of Zion consists of the following four cornerstones (organizations):

1. The School of the Prophets which is educational. 2. The United Order, which is economical. 3. The Kingdom of God, which is political. 4. The Church, which is the missionary cornerstone.

Every true organization of Zion on this earth from Adam to the present day and on other earths and in heaven, are all organized the same as above, which is the true order of Zion. Jesus organized the School of the Prophets, the United Order and the Church, but did not organize the Kingdom. In the Lord's prayer, "Thy kingdom come", prays for the Kingdom to be organized later. Being in bondage to the Romans was not the right time to organize a political organization. Had Jesus organized the Kingdom it would have brought the Roman empire down on them and would have destroyed the entire organization, instead of the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus knew this and therefore did not organize the Kingdom as the fourth cornerstone of Zion. The other three cornerstones of Zion were all organized correctly and functioned for a time. The most difficult task ever undertaken by mortals is the task of establishing Zion correctly, with its four cornerstones, and it function correctly, mainly because the hearts of the people are not pure and they seek their own ways instead of seeking God's ways. When Zion is correctly organized, it is a very powerful organization and the inhabitants are terrible and when the children of Zion are living all of God’s commandments, God will fight their battles for them and their enemies will be subdued, prevailed against and trodden under foot. However, when the children of Zion sin against God’s Zion and His laws, they become smitten and destroyed by their enemies.

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The Prophet Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1830, wrote thirteen Articles of Faith to express his beliefs. The tenth Article of Faith is as follows: "We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this (the American) continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory." The restoration of the ten lost tribes of Israel will be to the true organization of Zion, consisting of not just a single organization, but the above four organizations. The true and correct order of Zion is explained in detail in Chapter I and II of this book and is the only organization capable of maintaining the peace for a millennium. The Prophet Joseph Smith fully understood the true organization of Zion and established it correctly with the four cornerstones upholding Zion. As you will find from reading this book, that the four organizations of Zion established by the Prophet Joseph Smith soon became disorganized, eliminated, and commingled and that the inhabitants of this Zion have been prevailed against by the Kingdoms of this world because the children of this Zion polluted the Zion of God and are now ready for destruction and will be trodden under the feet of men. Sad, but true. The Lord is again taking steps to restore His Zion to its pure state, firmly upon the solid foundation of its four cornerstones and the elect people will be gathered from the four corners of the earth to this Zion. The ten lost tribes of Israel will also be gathered to this Zion being organized now under the direction of The World School of the Prophets. This Zion of God being organized now will prevail against its enemies, subdue them and they shall be trodden under foot. When Zion is correctly established in Jackson County, Missouri, the Zion perfected under the direction and guidance of the Prophet Enoch will descend from the bosom of the Father in heaven and be merged, or joined, with the Zion being redeemed now and the two Zions will no longer be two Zions, but one Zion of our God. Christ will return to the earth and rule over this Zion and become King of Kings and Lord of Lords for one thousand years. All who are not part of this Zion will be destroyed. Further, all who fight against this Zion, unite themselves to that great and abominable church, shall lick up the dust of the feet of the covenant people of God. (2 Nephi 6:12-13) . As I wrote this book, under the direction of the Lord, He has shown me the beauty of Zion in its purity and how it has, and will, function upon its four cornerstones, which is explained in detail in Chapter II of this book. My heart is heavy and I weep because of all the deception and darkness that have entered into the hearts of men. I clearly see the powers of the adversary who has blinded the Mormon people, including the spin-off groups, and has led them into forbidden paths into the desert, away from the green pastures of the word of God where they are subject to ravaging wolves. "Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing, for they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion." (3 Nephi 16:18). These are the words of your Lord Jesus Christ during His visit to the Nephites in America, prophesying of the latter days.

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The Lord said, "bring again Zion", because He knew that Zion would be restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith, but it would not take root, and would be lost and it would be necessary to bring again Zion, by another prophet. This prophecy has been fulfilled. The Zion organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith has failed and has been cast aside and the Lord is now bringing again Zion in its fullness through a prophet of His own choosing, a Prophet which you will be reading much about in this book.

"And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be." 1 Nephi 13:37.

God's Zion cannot be redeemed and restored to its pure state without the people knowing and understanding its true organization. That is the purpose of this book. In writing this book, the Lord has given me a great amount of guidance and direction, without which I could not have done this important work. I boast not in my own strength because without the help of the Lord, I am nothing, yet with His help, I can accomplish all things that are His mind and will. I encourage all unto whom this work shall come to read it with an open mind and I promise you in the name of Jesus Christ that the truth will be manifested unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost if you will come before the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, these truths will be written in your heart. There is much confusion in the minds and hearts of the people on the earth today regarding this subject. The truths in this book are necessary for the salvation and exaltation of the family. We have been living in the days prophesied of in the following scripture for the past century: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face". --D&C 112:23. In the midst of this darkness, a light will break forth as defined in the following prophecy: "And when the times of the Gentiles is come in, a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness and it shall be the fullness of My gospel; but they receive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from Me because of the precepts of men. And in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled". --D&C 45:23-30 In 1961, the Lord gave His Prophet his first revelation and for the past 48 years the revelations of the Prophet are the light, or the fullness of the gospel breaking forth and most of the Mormon people, including the spin-off groups perceived it not, because of the precepts of men. In January, 1986, the Lord revealed unto the Prophet that the times of the Gentiles is fulfilled and that He will take His prophets from amongst the Gentiles (Mormon people and spin-off groups); seal up the testimony and bind up the law against them and bring the fullness of His gospel to the Jews, including the ancient covenant people (Indians).

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"And after your testimony cometh wrath and indignation upon the people. For after your testimony cometh the testimony of earthquakes, that shall cause groanings in the midst of her, and men shall fall upon the ground and shall not be able to stand. And also cometh the testimony of the voice of thunderings, and the voice of lightnings, and the voice of tempests, and the voice of the waves of the sea heaving themselves, beyond their bounds. And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men's hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people." D&C 88:88-91

The World School of the Prophets met in solemn assembly in Provo, Utah, on August 23, 1986, and did seal up the testimony and bound up the law against the disobedient Mormon people who have rejected the truth brought to them from the Lord. Evrin Lee Lowther Sr. was the voice who delivered the testimony. An angel from the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ attended the testimony, and reported to the Lord that the testimony was properly done. Shortly, the desolations spoken of above will be upon this people and also the prophecy about the Mormon people in D&C 133:65-74 shall be fulfilled, for your Lord hath spoken, and every word of His shall be fulfilled. I encourage all to whom this work shall come to read it with an open mind. It could be the most important two hours you ever spent in your entire life. Most people think nothing about spending two hours watching a movie on TV or at the theatre, yet this same person shies away from reading a book that will enlighten their minds and dispel darkness. The truth, light and knowledge in this book is essential for the salvation and exaltation of you and your family. Salvation is protection from the desolations and calamities and exaltation in the celestial kingdom will come to only a few. There are thirteen million of LDS expecting exaltation. Most of these thirteen million people will be disappointed, because they understand not the true order of Zion and heaven. It is impossible to live laws that are unknown. Exaltation cometh only to the elect people of God who live all of God's laws. Many people tell me, I have my own prophet. For those who think this, I ask you an important question. Where are the thus saith the Lord revelations received by this so called prophet? I have not seen a thus saith the Lord revelation from the LDS General Authorities in over a century. The Prophet Joseph Smith stated that continuous revelations are necessary for exaltation. I believe this to be true, I also believe that a man who does not receive continuous "Thus saith the Lord" revelations, lacks vision to be a shepherd of Israel, and most certainly is not a prophet of God. Where there is no vision, the people perish. There are thirteen million LDS people being led to destruction because their leaders have neither vision nor "Thus saith the Lord Revelations". When the blind lead the blind they all shall fall into the ditch. (Destruction)

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ALL IS NOT WELL IN THE ZION THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH ORGANIZED A friend of mine attended general conference in the tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah, the last time that the late President Spencer Kimball spoke. While two men held his arms to support him standing up, President Kimball stated, "All is well in Zion" over and over again several times, "Zion prospereth", etc. This is a fulfillment of a prophecy in 2 Nephi 28:19-32:

“For the kingdom of the devil must shake, and they which belong to it must needs be stirred up unto repentance, or the devil will grasp them with his everlasting chains, and they be stirred up to anger, and perish; for behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men, and stir them up to anger against that which is good. And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion: yea, Zion prospereth, all is well--and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell. And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none--and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance. Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion! Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well! Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost! Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received and we need no more! And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall. Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough! For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.

"Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost. Wo be unto the Gentiles saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."

The Prophet Nephi is speaking of this people at this time and he isn’t speaking to

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Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, etc., but is speaking to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Who else but the LDS people are saying, “All is well in Zion”? “Zion prospereth”, etc.? Who else but the LDS people are warned time and time again not to put their trust in the arm of flesh (man) and governments of men? Regardless of what the late President Kimball, the general authorities, and officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints say, all is not well in Zion. I am sure that Brother Kimball is giving an account of himself before the Father as to how he managed the affairs of the Lord's church during the time that he served as president, also as to how he conducted himself as an apostle.

Quoted below, in part, is a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet, dated July, 1982, being Section 79 of The Second Book of Commandments.

12 And I have heard thy righteous prayers against the wicked who have placed themselves at the head, and woe unto them if they repent not, for My vengeance is about to be poured out upon their heads without measure. 13 The foolish cry, "All is well", but I say unto you there is nothing that is well in Zion, for all have sinned a great sin, for they have all been led astray by false prophets who say, "We hear" but hear not and say, "We see" but see not. 14 They have been led by the lying spirit which says scatter and sit still, that they be destroyed with the wicked, but the righteous Spirit saith, gather together to those places appointed. 15 Behold I say unto you, gather together the revelations ye have received and prepare them that they be published so that others may understand My will concerning them, and realize that a great work is about to be performed-- to gather My people to the places appointed. 16 And begin to send out My revelations to other lands and places beginning with those in charge, even the stake presidents and their counselors, the bishops and their counselors and those who have authority given them that they all be warned of the calamities to come. Even so Amen.

Quoted below, in part, is a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet, dated June 21, 1983, being Section 96 of The Second Book of Commandments.

12 And I give unto you again a parable. Behold I say unto you, a farmer purchased a field and he planted it with seed for hay and pasture; and he placed with this seed some wheat that a cover crop be reaped the first season. 13 And the first year he reaped much, being an increase of forty-fold of that which he sowed, and he was much pleased that his harvest was so good. 14 But he knew not that the pasture seed he planted did not germinate and because of this the next year nothing but weeds did appear except for a patch of good grass here and there. 15 And the farmer said to himself, "What shall I do with my field? If I destroy not the weeds they will seed and thoroughly pollute my land, and if I mow it now I will lose the little hay that is good, for I must mow it before the good grass is fully grown because the weeds will seed if I do not." 16 And he mowed the entire field to destroy the weeds. 17 Behold I say unto you, at the time of Joseph Smith I did plant My word among the people and the word took hold and flourished, and behold, many

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were garnered into My storage. 18 But yet a further generation and behold, My whole statutes have become corrupted and are good for nothing. 19 And because they repent not and gather not to the places appointed they shall be mowed down with the wicked, for I cannot separate the good from the evil except they gather. 20 Behold I say unto you there is no other way. Even so, Amen.

The Zion that the Prophet Joseph Smith established consisted of not one, but four separate and distinct organizations, as follows:

1. The School of the Prophets, which is the educational arm of Zion, which the Lord commanded to be organized that they (leaders of Zion) be perfected in their ministry for the salvation of Zion. (D&C 90:7-8)

2. The United Order which is the economic arm of Zion, which the Lord commanded to be organized and established as an everlasting order for the benefit of His church and for the salvation of men until he comes. (D&C 104:1-8)

3. The Kingdom of God, which is the political arm of Zion, the keys of which were committed unto the Prophet Joseph Smith (D&C 27:13) and the kingdom was established by Joseph Smith.

4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which was the missionary arm of Zion, was established by commandment of the Lord and named by the Lord himself. (D&C 115:3-4)

The above four organizations, or arms, of Zion organized into a four square constitute the four corner stones of the foundation of Zion. Zion has always been built upon this sure and solid foundation and must always have this same foundation to function correctly. When Zion is correctly organized upon this sure and solid foundation, it is a powerful organization to be reckoned with and her inhabitants are terrible. Neither the adversary, the forces of hell, nor the kingdoms of this world could prevail against this Zion. When either one or more of these corner stones are removed, Zion, which is the complete house of God, will collapse like any other building will collapse when one or more of its corner stones is removed.

Shortly after the Prophet Joseph Smith, who was the earthly head of Zion, was martyred, the leaders of Zion coming after him soon eliminated the' School of the Prophets, the United Order and the Kingdom, leaving only the church. When three of the four corner stones of the foundation are removed from any building it collapses and that is exactly what happened to the house of God, or Zion, that the Prophet Joseph Smith organized.

When three of Zion's four corner stones were removed and done away with, without the other three organizations to support the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it has been corrupted because the leaders of the church cut themselves off from the voice of the Lord. It is a violation of the laws of heaven for the Lord to speak to any man who is out of harmony with the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and Zion four square in its fullness. Without the oracles of God, or revelations from the Lord, directing the leaders of the church aright, the doctrines of men entered into the church and it is badly out of order and shall shortly be cleansed and set in order by the prophet "one

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mighty and strong", as prophesied of in D&C 85:7, as follows:

"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritance of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God."

In 1832 when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was only 17 months old, the Lord warned them as follows, in D&C 84:54-59:

"And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received--which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole church under condemnation. And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all. And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which I have written--that they may bring forth fruit meet for their Father's kingdom; otherwise there remaineth a scourge and judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion. For shall the children of the kingdom pollute my holy land? Verily, I say unto you, Nay."

This warning emphasized that the whole church and Zion were under condemnation, even all, and unless they brought forth fruit meet for their father's kingdom, there would be a scourge and judgment poured out upon the children of Zion. Only one year later, in 1833, the Lord again warned the inhabitants of Zion and made a covenant with them which is contained in D&C 97:23-28:

"The Lord's scourge shall pass over by night and by day, and the report thereof shall vex all people; yea, it shall not be stayed until the Lord come; for the indignation of the Lord is kindled against their abominations and all their wicked works. Nevetheless, Zion shall escape if she observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded her. But if she observe not to do whatsoever I have commanded her, I will visit her according to all her works, with sore afflictions, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance, with devouring fire. Nevertheless, let it be read this once to her ears, that I, the Lord, have accepted of her offering; and if she sin no more none of these things shall come upon her; and I will bless her with blessings, and multiply a multiplicity of blessings upon her, and upon her generations forever and ever, saith the Lord your God. Amen."

The Lord promised to protect the inhabitants of Zion from the Lord's scourge if they observed to do all things whatsoever he commanded them to do. The Lord also covenanted that if the inhabitants of Zion (Mormon people) failed to observe to do whatsoever He commanded them to do, he would visit Zion with sore affliction, with pestilence, with plague, with sword, with vengeance and devouring fire.

In 1834 the Lord again warned the inhabitants of Zion, for the third time, and this warning is contained in D&C 103:1-10 as follows:

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"Verily I say unto you, my friends, behold, I will give unto you a revelation and commandment, that you may know how to act in the discharge of your duties concerning the salvation and redemption of your brethren, who have been scattered on the land of Zion; being driven and smitten by the hands of mine enemies, on whom I will pour out my wrath without measure in mine own time. For I have suffered them thus far, that they might fill up the measure of their iniquities, that their cup might be full; and that those who call themselves after my name might be chastened for a little season with a sore and grievous chastisement, because they did not hearken altogether unto the precepts and commandments which I gave unto them.

"But verily I say unto you, that I have decreed a decree which my people shall realize, inasmuch as they hearken from this very hour unto the counsel which I, the Lord their God, shall give unto them. Behold they shall, for I have decreed it, begin to prevail against mine enemies from this very hour. And by hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet, and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever.

"But inasmuch as they keep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them. For they were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the saviors of men; and inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."

The Lord made it very clear here that it was his intentions for Zion to become strong and prevail against and subdue the kingdoms of the world under His feet. Had the inhabitants of Zion observed to do all things which the Lord their God spoke unto them, they would have prevailed against and subdued under His feet the kingdoms of the world. This they did not do and as the Lord promised that if the inhabitants of Zion (Mormon people) keep not his commandments and hearken not to observe all His words the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them. This is exactly what happened. The kingdoms of this world have prevailed against Zion and now the Zion Joseph Smith left is unacceptable to the Lord, has been cast out, and will shortly be trodden under the foot of men and destroyed along with all the Mormon people who fail to repent and become part of the setting in order now taking place under the direction of Jehovah.

After three warnings, the Lord grew weary of the disobedience of the inhabitants of' Zion and three years later, in 1837, the Lord made a prophecy in D&C 112:23-26:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and-all flesh has become corrupt before my face. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; first among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.,"

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The Lord made no provision here that if His people (as a whole) repented that he would not bring these desolations commencing upon His house upon them. He knew that the majority of the Mormon people would not repent and that he would have to bring His judgments of great desolations and destruction first upon His own house because he knew that the leaders of His church would blaspheme against Him in the midst of His own house. During the Prophet Joseph Smith's lifetime, many of his followers tarred and feathered him, beat him and sought his life. On one occasion one of his children was sick with a fever and the Prophet was sleeping in the front room of his house to care for the child and a mob (of his own followers) broke the front door open and drug him out, leaving the door open on a cold winter night and the child took pneumonia and died. The Prophet was beaten, tarred and feathered. The next day he recognized those who beat him and tarred and feathered him, in the audience while he was preaching. Even the twelve apostles all turned on him at one time or another, except Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball.

The Lord knew that the LDS church would abandon the new and everlasting covenant of plural marriage, so the Lord had John Taylor set apart trusted men with sealing keys to perform plural marriages so that this true and correct principle would continue until the millennium. These men were not given authority to set apart successors. Their only authority was to perform plural marriages. Later the manifesto was issued and the church discontinued performing plural marriages. However, these men continued to perform plural marriages until they died. Joseph F. Smith was one of these men. He later became president of the church. The marriages performed by these men were in secret after the manifesto was issued. After the original men passed on, others commenced to claim keys which they were not given and organized themselves having no authority, keys or revelations to do. These are the Mormon fundamentalists.

Revelations also ceased to the general authorities when the manifesto was issued. Without revelations to guide them, errors in doctrine began to creep into the church, little by little. The Lord found it necessary to raise up a new prophet worthy to receive His oracles for the people. This new prophet is named Robert Crossfield and received his first revelation in 1961. For the first 20 years, the revelations from the Lord to the Prophet were mostly warnings to the general authorities. One revelation promised the general authorities a visit from an angel from the presence of the Lord to verify to the general authorities the truth of the revelations of the Prophet if they would assemble themselves together and pray and ask the Lord if the revelations of the Prophet were true. This the general authorities refused to do. They did, however, fear the revelations and ten years later excommunicated the Prophet. Quoted below in full is a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet on January 18, 1981.

34 And at the time of My servant Joseph Smith, he endeavored to teach the people and they received much but did not completely open up their hearts to receive all. 35 For I surely would have given unto them all had they but opened their hearts. 36 But the majority shouted, "It is enough", and My Spirit withdrew, being offended. 37 And because they had but part of the whole, whenever they endeavored to

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form the units of My Kingdom, they failed, for can a builder build a house with only part of the whole plan? 38 Behold, if he endeavors to do so, many things will be left out. 39 And if he endeavors to build without the remainder of the plans, behold I say unto you, will the building be according to the plan of the architect? 40 Behold I say unto you nay, for it will contain the ideas and plans of the builder. 41 Behold, I am the architect and there is a pattern set forth from before the foundation of the earth that man must follow, otherwise they and their works shall fail. 42 And I send unto you the plan through my messenger, even the prophet, to give you My will concerning the building of the edifice, but who heedeth the messenger? 43 Behold, ye heed not My word through him, but go your own way seeking to build the edifice but not unto Me. 44 And I say unto you, all edifices not built after the pattern of the architect shall be destroyed at My coming. Even so, Amen. (2BC 63)

Jehovah, in his mercy, has a plan for the salvation and redemption of Zion so that all the people on the earth will not be utterly wasted at Christ's second coming. In fulfillment of the prophecy in D&C 27:6, the Lord has sent Elias, his present Prophet, as a forerunner of Christ's second coming.- I quote one paragraph from a revelation from Jehovah to the Prophet on November 15, 1982:

My son, for ye are indeed My son, for ye were ordained before you were born to be a prophet unto this people, not a prophet only, but an Elias, yea, even a forerunner to be as a warning voice to call the nations to repentance before the calamities come. (2BC 85:1)

The School of the Prophets was restored in 1982 and the United Order was restored in 1989. The Kingdom will be restored eventually and when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been cleansed by a rebaptism of the elect and all new general authorities and officers set apart from the elect who repent and step forth to help redeem Zion, then Zion will be in order with its four corner stones and will be acceptable to the Lord. This new Zion will prevail against the kingdoms of the world and subdue them under the foot of God, while those in the old Zion which has been rejected by the Lord who remain on their present course, will be trodden under the foot of men, for they will be but ashes under the feet of the inhabitants of the Zion being organized now under the direction of Jehovah. "He who fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God." 2 Nephi 10:13.

As the honest-in-heart truth-seeker can see, the Zion that the Prophet Joseph Smith established is in shambles, has been rejected by the Lord and will be trodden under foot as prophesied and it became necessary for the Lord to call other prophets to re-establish His Zion correctly and set in order the House of God. I quote in part a revelation to the Prophet on December 22, 1982:

For I shall pour out My blessings both temporally and spiritually upon My people that they will not be able to receive, if they but listen to My true prophets and heed My words through them, and do even as I command in the setting up

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of My Zion in this the last dispensation. (2BC 87:6)

Had the LDS Church remained pure, when the School of the Prophets was restored, it (LDS Church) would have been accepted as the Missionary arm of Zion, its rightful place.



Zion in it's purity is the House of God. In a revelation in July, 1980, from the Lord to the Prophet, I quote in part:

35 And ye shall also covenant that ye will support and seek to build up the School of the Prophets, that true and righteous principles be taught throughout the world and be available to all men who seek after true principles, for this is the educational arm of My kingdom (Zion). 36 And ye shall also covenant to build up My church which is the missionary arm of My kingdom; nevertheless, it must needs be cleansed for it has become corrupted. 37 And ye shall also covenant that ye shall seek to build up the Kingdom of God, which is the political arm of My kingdom that hath been set up, that all men on the face of the earth may live in peace, each man respecting the beliefs and customs of others. 38 For these are the four arms, yea even the four squares of My kingdom that hath been promised that will be set up in the last days. 39 For the United Order after the Holy Order of God is the economic arm, the School of the Prophets the educational arm, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the missionary arm and the Kingdom of God the political arm. 40 Each must be built up according to My plan and My statutes that all may come to the knowledge of the Kingdom, that there be peace on earth and good will towards all men. 41 And no man can say that one member is more important that another, for all are essential for the temporal and spiritual salvation of man. 42 And the children of men hath not understood and have tried to set these up, but because they have endeavored to mix with the truth the teachings and wisdom of man, they have failed and these arms and members have become corrupted and are no longer of any effect. (2BC 61)

The Lord has made it very clear that the four arms of Zion must be built up according to His plan and statutes and that they have become corrupted and are no longer of any effect. The Lord has given numerous revelations to the Prophet on the setting in order of His church and the building up of the School of the Prophets, United Order and Kingdom of God, which are the four corner stones of Zion.

The Prophet Joseph Smith organized the church and shortly thereafter he organized the School of the Prophets as a separate organization, and then he organized the United Order as a separate organization and later he organized the Kingdom of God

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United Order The Church (Economic Arm) (Missionary Arm)

School of the Kingdom of God

Prophets (Political Arm)

(Educational Arm) Jesus Christ

as a separate organization. The Prophet Joseph Smith clearly understood that there were four separate and distinct organizations in Zion.

Shortly after the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the teachings and wisdom of men crept in and the four arms, or members of Zion, were distorted, changed, done away with, and co-mingled into the church until all that is left today is the church and it is out of order and is no longer of any effect, and must be cleansed of its filthiness and set in order in its rightful place in Zion's organization referred to on the following page.

"And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a sign, that ye may know the time when these things shall be about to take place-- that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion." 3 Nephi 21:1 .

Zion’s organization consists of the four arms, or members, named previously, organized into a four square as follows: Corner Stone-> This is the true organization of Zion and is the same way Zion is organized in heaven and in Enoch, Moses, Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith's times and is the way it must be organized today, with one exception Christ did not organize the Kingdom. The above four square arms, or members, formed into a square constitute the four corner stones of the foundation of Zion, for Zion will be built upon this solid foundation. The coming prophet, "one like unto Moses" will be chosen by the Lord and named by revelation to the president of The World School of the Prophets, who is the Prophet. He will be schooled and trained in the World School of the Prophets, and will be counseled by The World School of the Prophets in accomplishing his work. The only way this knowledge of the true organization of Zion could be restored to the earth is by revelation from the heavens. Neither the current LDS church nor any of

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the spin-off groups, or churches, have come close to the true organization of Zion. This should be a testimony to the honest in heart truth seeker that what is taught in this book is true, and if you will refer to the Doctrine & Covenants and History of the Church, ample evidence is contained therein that this is the true organization of Zion.


THE SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS The Educational Arm of Zion

The World School of the Prophets has been organized under the guidance of the Prophet under the Lord's direction for the education of God's elect people. The School of the Prophets has authority over the other three arms of Zion which are the United Order, the Kingdom, and the Church.

In 1833, (D&C 90:7) the Lord commanded that the School of the Prophets be organized. It was organized and functioned for a number of years before it was abandoned, like many other true and correct principles, when Zion became disorganized. The Lord gave the Prophet Joseph Smith the order and function of the School of the Prophets:

"And again, the order of the house prepared for the presidency of the school of the prophets, established for their instruction in all things that are expedient for them, even for all the officers of the church, or in other words, those who are called to the ministry in the church, beginning at the high priests, even down to the deacons--And this shall be the order of the house of the presidency of the school: He that is appointed to be president, or teacher, shall be found standing in his place, in the house which shall be prepared for him.

"Therefore, he shall be first in the house of God, in a place that the congregation in the house may hear his words carefully and distinctly, not with loud speech. And when he cometh into the house of God, for he should be first in the house--behold, this is beautiful, that he may be an example--Let him offer himself in prayer upon his knees before God, in token or remembrance of the everlasting covenant.

"And when any shall come in after him, let the teacher arise, and, with uplifted hands to heaven, yea, even directly, salute his brother or brethren with these words: Art thou a brother or brethren? I salute you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in token or remembrance of the everlasting covenant, in which covenant I receive you to fellowship, in a determination that is fixed, immovable, and unchangeable, to be your friend and brother through the grace of God in the bonds of love, to walk in all the commandments of God blameless, in thanksgiving, forever and ever. Amen.

"And he that is found unworthy of this salutation shall not have place among you; for ye shall not suffer that mine house shall be polluted by him. And he that cometh in and is faithful before me, and is a brother, or if they be brethren, they shall salute the president or teacher with uplifted hands to heaven, with this

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same prayer and covenant, or by saying Amen, in token of the same. Behold, verily, I say unto you, this is an ensample unto you for a salutation to one another in the house of God, in the school of the prophets.

“And ye are called to do this by prayer and thanksgiving, as the Spirit shall give utterance in all your doings in the house of the Lord, in the school of the prophets, that it may become a sanctuary, a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit to your edification. And ye shall not receive any among you into this school save he is clean from the blood of this generation; And he shall be received by the ordinance of the washing of feet, for unto this end was the ordinance of the washing of feet instituted. And again, the ordinance of washing feet is to be administered by the president, or presiding elder of the church.

"It is to be commenced with prayer; and after partaking of bread and wine, he is to gird himself according to the pattern given in the thirteenth chapter of John's testimony concerning me. Amen." D&C 88:127-141.

In March, 1980, the Prophet received a revelation (2BC 57) from the Lord, quoted in part as follows:

18 And ye shall set up the School of the Prophets that all who desire may be instructed in the ways of the kingdom; for each shall go and learn of My ways. 19 Ye shall set up seven courses in My School, teaching the temporal salvation of My saints. 20 Ye shall teach the ways of health that My people be unto Me a choice and a happy people, not as in times past with simple commandments, but with the knowledge ye now have, taking all good things from the choice books of the earth that I have inspired men to write by wisdom and knowledge. 21 For these men and women wrote and they knew it not that it was I who gave them utterance. 22 And ye shall exercise thy bodies in wisdom and by hard work that thy bodies be invigorated and thy step be light and thy joy be complete. 23 Ye shall also prepare lessons to instruct My people in the arts of farming, again using all that is written. 24 And I shall give you further guidance and knowledge in these matters by My Spirit that the food that ye grow be nutritious and supply thy body with the nutriments that will enable thee to bring forth a choice generation. 25 For it is for this purpose that all this knowledge be brought forth. 26 And ye shall seek guidance in the construction of thy homes, that they be constructed according to the patterns given unto thee, that My Spirit shall dwell therein that they may be holy unto Me. 27 Even the buildings ye use for administration and the buildings used for manufacturing and the buildings ye shall use for all residences must be built after the manner I shall designate. 28 And ye shall teach the laws of consecration and the laws of the United Order that all may be familiar with these matters and understand them perfectly that they may prepare themselves for this great order. 29 But few there are now who can live this law, for they seek their own, thinking in vain that what they now have will stand. 30 Behold I say unto you, all who build not unto My kingdom will fail. -2BC 57

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In a revelation to the Prophet in April, 1979, the Lord told him, in part:

My son, inasmuch as ye have come before Me in humility requesting that I give unto thee further light and knowledge, behold I say unto thee it is My desire and purpose to prepare a people to be parents to bring into being bodies that will be fit habitations for choice spirits that are ready to come to this earth. 2 And behold this is the righteous generation that has been promised and prophesied of. 3 And for this reason ye must set up a school, yea even a School of the Prophets, and collect from the writings and books all that pertains to the development and intelligence of man. 4 Yea, even seek out of the best books; and ye shall be guided in this matter by the Spirit; yea even for the development of the whole man-- yea spiritually, physically and mentally, even that they will have power as My ancient people who kept all My commandments and were able to thwart all the wiles of the adversary. 5 Yea even they were able to say unto this mountain, "Remove hence", and behold it would remove. 6 Yea and by their faith one could stand against a thousand and two against ten thousand. (2BC 39)

The School of the Prophets is just as important today as it was when the Prophet Joseph Smith established it in the 1830s. The visionary reader can certainly see the importance of the School of the Prophets being the educational arm of Zion and one of the four square arms, or members, of the foundation of Zion. Zion must be established upon a firm foundation of truth. Only truth will be taught in the School of the Prophets, no opinions or man-made doctrines will be taught therein to avoid error creeping in. The Lord will personally direct the presidency of the School of the Prophets to assure that correct principles only will be taught in the school. Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on January 13, 1982:

Behold I say unto you My son. Before My kingdom shall be found in its fullness upon the earth, the wicked must needs be destroyed, for they prevent it now from being formed. 2 And until the government of the United States is fallen and desolate, the Kingdom of God cannot be fully established. 3 Nevertheless, ye are required to organize those things necessary for the gathering of those who desire to be gathered at this time. 4 And this ye shall do without noise that thy enemies not come upon you and destroy you. 5 And all those who gather not out shall be destroyed, for all the coasts of this nation shall be laid waste, and all the great cities thereof shall be utterly destroyed even from one coast unto another; and few there be that will live and survive the calamities of that day. 6 And ye shall set up the School of the Prophets first, for from it cometh all truth and authority upon the face of the earth, and from it shall go forth the power to set all things aright, both temporally and spiritually. 7 And I appoint My son Robert to be the head of the School of the Prophets. 8 And he may choose counselors as needs be until there are six, and they must

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be proven men and true. 9 And if they will have it at this time ye shall call as counselors: William, Lee,

Eugene, Heber, Robert2 and Kenneth if he will have it and if he repents of his unbelief.

10 And unto Robert2, I say unto him, that he shall preach repentance unto all people in the place where he now lives that will come together and prepare themselves to move to Cardston. 11 And they shall not come in haste, but yet the time is short, and they shall sell their properties and goods in that place and obtain the best possible advantage. 12 And they shall unite their goods under the United Order and locate themselves in this area, and they shall come as a company that their burden be light. 13 And they shall organize according to the existing laws. 14 Yet they shall be the beginning of My kingdom and Zion in that place if they will have it and come under the covenants that have been revealed unto My servant, setting up the School of the Prophets and organizing the United Order with a financial institution according to My laws. 15 And they shall teach their families, and all others that shall come to them, all the truths that they have learned. 16 They shall teach all men also that they may become a light that shineth in darkness. 17 And I say unto My servant Kenneth, that he shall teach his family the truths which he hath learned and if he hath doubt concerning any doctrine he shall come before Me and I will confirm by My Spirit these laws I have given through My Servant. 18 And he shall teach his daughters concerning the signs, that they make no covenant with others that is not by a sign, and witnessed by My Holy Spirit. 19 And if they make covenants that are not by Me or by My word, or in other words, by revelation, they shall not have the promises as mentioned in Section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Even so, Amen. (2BC 75)

Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on March 9, 1982:

Behold My son, for ye are My son; yea, I am well pleased that ye have set up My School, for it is now established and no man can take it except ye commit transgression. 2 Yet even then there were some that feared, and My Spirit fled. 3 Nevertheless My Spirit bore witness that I was well pleased with thy efforts, for it is in fulfillment of prophecy and in accordance with My laws and statutes. 4 Ye have thought what is correct, whether ye shall perform all things each time ye meet including the washing of feet, and I say unto you, it is correct that this should be done each time. 5 For did not I command Mine apostles of olden time that they should wash each others feet? and this ye shall do also, a different one taking the lead each time. 6 Ye shall say as ye perform this ordinance, calling the person by name,

"I wash thy feet as a token that I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and by this authority pronounce ye clean from the blood of this generation."

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7 All in agreement shall raise up their voice and say, "Amen". 8 As ye learn the doctrines of the Kingdom in this School, ye shall teach your family and all others who come to thee for instruction in these doctrines, that ye be as a leaven in the loaf, not fearing men, but having authority from Me. 9 For ye have been called by the Spirit of revelation and set aside by Mine holy priesthood and then therefore what more authority need ye have? 10 Ye shall teach in this School the wise use of thy possessions, yea even the properties and monies that come into thy hands. 11 For as in all things the wise use of properties and monies hath become corrupted. 12 For instead of My people becoming self-sufficient and capable of looking after their families in both times of plenty and in times of poverty, nigh unto all would be destitute and would suffer much if the calamities came upon them. 13 For they have false faith, thinking that perhaps manna shall be sent from heaven to feed them. 14 Behold I say unto you, they are fools, the blind being led by the blind, and they shall die for their inability to see and do what I have these so many times commanded them, to gather together to the places of refuge that they be not destroyed with the wicked. 15 But ye have placed your faith in the false prophets who guide ye not aright, and ye place yourselves as targets of the wicked, and ye shall be the first to reap the wrath of Mine indignation and the whirlwind when the calamities come upon you. 16 And few there be that will escape Babylon, and your little ones shall be run through and your mighty ones be smitten and your women ravished. 17 Then ye will know, in that day that ye have been deceived, and ye shall cry out and there will be none there to hear thy supplication and to put forth their hand to help thee. 18 For ye have set aside the counsel of the righteous, and have disregarded the words of My servants whom I have sent, and ye have reaped your reward. Even so, Amen. (2BC 76)

Quoted in part is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet in April, 1982:

Thus saith the LORD unto My Servant. …. 17 And ye have set up My School, for which I am well pleased. 18 And now that ye are organized ye shall set up Schools wherever ye are, and invite those who seek the truth to attend that the fulfillment of prophecy be accomplished. 19 Fear not for I am with thee. 20 And ye shall continue to make an effort to organize the United Order, and after ye have organized this ye shall receive My word as pertaining to the Kingdom of God. 21 And this ye shall establish also after it has been revealed to you how it should be accomplished. 22 And when ye have done this, the time will shortly come when My church will be prepared and cleansed and My House set in order. Even so, Amen. (2BC 78)

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Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on December 22, 1982:

Behold thus saith the LORD; ye have asked Me concerning further instructions in the formation of the School of the Prophets. 2 Behold I say unto you, the School will be endowed with the responsibility of gathering all truth, whether it be spiritual or temporal-- for the responsibility of teaching all this gathered information, whether it be of physics, chemistry, the arts, mechanics; and all trades shall come under the jurisdiction of this organization. 3 And those who are called will be given the power to diligently sift the truth from the error in every instance. 4 For when My people live My laws, they cannot be held back and are entitled to all knowledge. 5 For I am not a God of the dead only, but of the living also; 6 For I shall pour out My blessings both temporally and spiritually upon My people that they will not be able to receive, if they but listen to My true prophets and heed My words through them, and do even as I command in the setting up of My Zion in this the last dispensation. 7 And again you have inquired concerning the contacting of those who have been cut off from My church because of their stand and how you will be able to contact them. 8 Behold I have sent unto you this paper naming some of My servants, and to these and others in similar circumstances your mission shall be, for by no other means can you contact them. 9 And I will call whom I will call to go with My servant Scott at a future date, and they shall go from place to place contacting My lost sheep, for these are My lost sheep, for they have for the moment no shepherd. 10 Yet if they reject the shepherd, how then will they be gathered? For a shepherd gathereth the sheep, but the wolves continually decimate the flock. 11 Yet I will gather them and they shall be Mine. 12 Yea, I say unto you, few shall find the gate and knock at the door to be let in. 13 For all seek the glory of the world and not My glory. Even so, Amen. (2BC 87)

Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on July 28, 1983:

Behold I say unto you My son. It is imperative that all things be done in order, for if they are not done in such a manner, confusion reigneth and My work be thwarted. 2 Therefore it is correct that in every case the School be set up first, then a financial institution organized according to My pattern and then the United Order established that the people may unite and be as one. 3 And concerning the financial institution, ye shall call it by the name of My servant John Koyle, that his name and deeds again be known among the people. 4 And the financial institution shall not be for the lending of money for the foolish pleasures of the world, nor for the common everyday purchases, but for the purpose of establishing stewardships only. 5 Neither shall it be used to support vast holdings held by greedy and lustful men, for these institutions help not the purposes of Zion, but provide untold

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luxury for these evil men. 6 And all industry shall be established by the selling of shares and by hard work and labor, and the idle shall not be paid nor receive a reward in Zion, but shall be cast out. 7 Neither shall ye support those who have willfully disregarded My word through thee, for their jealousy of thee desireth thy failure and destruction. 8 And ye went to the meeting in Kalispell as I commanded, yet ye failed to hold the meeting of the School as I also commanded, for which ye are under condemnation. 9 For I would have poured out My Spirit in abundance unto you if ye would have complied, and ye would have been strengthened for the difficult times that will soon be upon you. 10 For some become entwined with the cares of this world seeking to please those who seek their destruction.

(July 29, 1983) 11 Therefore if ye are willing, I would that ye hold a meeting of the School within the next three weeks that the business in the former revelation be looked after.

12 And it is My will that My servant Robert2 attend this meeting and that he stop at Cardston and attend to the dedication of the farm and other properties at

this time and bring with him Stephen and Robert3 that they be set aside as his counselors in the bishopric if they will have it. 13 For I force no man to do My will, but I call men that they be aware of My will concerning them, promising a confirmation of this calling by the voice of My Spirit if they will humble themselves before Me.

14 For it is My will that My servants Robert2, Robert3, and Stephen make preparations to speedily move to Cardston, that all that has been prophesied concerning the establishment of a foothold of Zion at this place be commenced. Even so, Amen. (2BC 98)

As defined in D&C 90:7-8, The School of the Prophets is essential that the leaders and the inhabitants of Zion be perfected in their ministry and for the salvation of Zion.

To further document that the School of the Prophets functioned while the Prophet Joseph Smith was in charge of Zion, I quote from Page 86 of "Among the Mormons".

"Meanwhile the temple served as a School of the Prophets where the leading elders gathered for instruction. From three to four hundred of them came to Kirtland in the fall and early winter of 1835 to seek learning and study the best books and get a knowledge of countries, kingdoms, languages, etc., which according to John Corrill, one of the visiting elders from upper Missouri, "Inspired them with an extravagant thirst after knowledge". A solemn assembly, in March 1836, was particularly memorable, when the brethren washed each others feet."

Washing of feet is an ordinance of the School of the Prophets. Jesus washed the feet of the twelve apostles and was president of 'the School of the Prophets. Joseph Smith was president of the School of the Prophets and washed the feet of the other prophets.

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Quoted hereafter is a revelation from Jehovah to the Prophet on May 27, 1984, being Section 109 of The Second Book of Commandments:

My son; ye shall take that which ye have to write with, and place upon paper that which I have to say to thee and to those who have stepped forward at this time. 2 Behold, ye shall go to Boise and take with thee My maidservant Abigail, and ye shall do what I shall command thee that righteousness begin to be brought forth in Israel. 3 For from this time forth, ye shall be called Israel, for to the School and the fountain of truth shall Israel be gathered, for My sheep know My voice and heed My commandments, and those who belong not unto Me are not of Me and shall be cast off. 4 Woe unto those who desire to become a law unto themselves, who heed not My chosen servants. 5 For those who come not through the strait way and narrow gate shall possibly prosper for a while, but will eventually fall. 6 For all must come through this gate, otherwise they shall be deceived and be overcome; and those who seek to come in by any other way shall be counted with the wicked; for there is only one path and one way unto Eternal Life, as I have before shown unto My servant Nephi, for all other ways lead unto the mists of darkness. 7 For ye shall live by every word that proceedeth forth out of My mouth, for such is the iron rod or My word, and all who find it and hang fast to it shall be led through these mists of cunning deceits and priestcrafts and be saved.

The World School of the Prophets is that fountain of truth that all Israel will be gathered to, and is the straight and narrow path, teaching the true word of God which is that iron rod seen by the prophets Lehi and Nephi recorded in 1 Nephi, Chapter 8, 9, 10 and 11.


THE KINGDOM OF GOD The Political Arm of Zion

"For the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power." (1 Corinthians 4:20) The Kingdom of God will be an organization of power capable of enforcing law and order, so that all men may live in peace upon the earth during the winding up scene and the 1,000 year millennial reign. The Kingdom of God will be headed by a king and this king will be Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As in times past, the Kingdom of God will have an army to protect the people in their rights and enforce the statutes and exercise the judgments of the laws of God against transgressors. You can rest assured that the Kingdom of God will see that the punishment fits the crime. After this is learned by the people, there will be very little crime in Zion. The Prophet Joseph Smith attempted to organize the Kingdom in his day. He

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established an army called the Nauvoo legion with himself as Lt. General. In addition, the Council of Fifty was organized and functioned for a time. There was not a lot of publicity about the organization of the Kingdom or the Council of Fifty. The Prophet Joseph Smith was killed and the Saints were led to the Rocky Mountains by Brigham Young who organized an army and was prepared to meet Johnson’s army when a settlement was negotiated. After that we don't find very much information about the Kingdom. The objective of the Kingdom of God is to keep the peace. The Kingdom of God will circumscribe all other kingdoms and governments and will have everlasting dominion.

"I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdom, that all people, nations and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his Kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14)

Who shall inherit the Kingdom of God? Several scriptures in the New Testament tell us plainly who will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God, as follows: "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived neither fornicators, not idolaters, nor adulterers, not effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,· not thieves, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-10) "Envyings, murders, drunkeness, revellings and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." (Galatians 5:21) "For this ye know that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." (Ephesians 5:5) Now we find who WILL inherit the Kingdom of God: “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” (Revelation 22:14-15) There will be little or no crime within the gates of Zion. But, without the gates of Zion there will be all manner of evil and sin.

"And with one heart and with one mind, gather up your riches that ye may purchase an inheritance which shall hereafter be appointed unto you. And it shall be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God; and the glory of the Lord shall be there, and the terror of the Lord also shall be there, insomuch that the wicked will not come unto it, and it shall be called Zion. And it shall come to pass among the wicked, that every man that will not take his sword against his neighbor must needs flee unto Zion for safety. And there shall be gathered unto it out of every nation under heaven; and it shall be the only people that shall not be at war one with another. And it shall be said among the wicked: Let us not go up to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants of Zion are terrible; wherefore we cannot stand. And it shall come to pass that the righteous shall be gathered out from among all nations, and shall come to Zion, singing with songs of everlasting joy." (D&C 45-65-71)

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The Lord has promised those who sendeth up treasures unto the land of Zion shall receive an inheritance in this world and his works shall follow him and also a reward in the world to come. (D&C 63:48) The inhabitants of Zion will surely be a blessed people. "Yea, blessed are those whose feet stand upon the land of Zion, who have obeyed My gospel: for they shall receive their reward, the good things of the earth and it shall bring forth in its strength and they shall also be crowned with blessings from above, yea, and with commandments and with revelations in their time-- they that are diligent before Me. Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy might, mind and strength; and in the name of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Thou shalt not steal; neither commit adultery, nor kill, nor do anything like unto it. Thou shalt thank the Lord thy God in all things. Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord thy God in righteousness, even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit." (D&C 59:3-8) Prior to the second coming of Christ a people must be prepared and an organization must be formed, under the direction of the Lord through His true prophets. "Call upon the Lord, that his Kingdom may go forth upon the earth, that the inhabitants thereof may receive it, and be prepared for the days to come, in the which the Son of Man shall come down from heaven, clothed in the brightness of His glory, to meet the Kingdom of God which is set up on the earth." (D&C 65:5) Many people feel that the Kingdom of God will be formed after the second coming of Christ. As we can see from the above scriptures, Christ will come down from heaven clothed in the brightness of His glory to meet the Kingdom of God which is set up on earth. The organization of the Kingdom of God will be accomplished by the true prophets of God and the position of King will be vacant for Christ to fill at his coming in power and great glory, and Christ will become King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Lord said to the Prophet in a revelation dated July 16, 1961, quoted in part: “Thus saith the Lord… Know ye not that I shall gather Mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, yea, and they shall assemble themselves in Zion, and a great shout of joy shall go forth unto the ends of the earth, yea, and all shall hear the shout and know that I am Lord, yea even thy God; yea and none shall stay their hand, and they shall be as a devouring fire, yea even as stubble is burned by fire so shall they devour the wicked by fire.” 2BC 3:1,10 The temporary world headquarters of Zion and the New Jerusalem is in Salem, Utah, until the Lord directs it to be re-located to Jackson County, Missouri. The city of the New Jerusalem will be built in Independence (Jackson County), Missouri, upon the land dedicated and consecrated by the Prophet Joseph Smith and will be the permanent world headquarters of Zion and the New Jerusalem. However, the elect must not gather yet in Independence, Missouri, because "It must be cleansed by fire first for that which was once sacred has now been thoroughly polluted by the works of the people and is an abomination unto me", saith the Lord in a revelation to the Prophet on June 2, 1979. (2BC 41:58-59)

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There are several areas of refuge that have been designated by the Lord, which will not be mentioned here as only those who are directed to go there are to know the exact locations. These areas will serve as temporary areas of refuge until Independence, Missouri, has been cleansed by fire. Some of the temporary areas of refuge will be cleansed and become permanent areas of refuge for the elect. You might ask yourself, why don’t the elect remain in their homes and cities until the area (Independence, Missouri) where the city of the New Jerusalem will be built has been cleansed by fire and then go directly there? In a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet in March, 1962, I quote in part: "For neighbor shall take up sword against neighbor, and they shall fall upon each other in anger, and town shall be against town, and city against city, and state against state, and country against country, and the righteous must needs flee to Zion and to those places appointed. (2BC 9:6) In another revelation from the Lord to the Prophet in the spring of 1979, I quote in part: "And behold I say unto you, I am about to pour out My wrath upon this people, yea, even by famine and pestilence and fire and great tribulation, like has never before been upon the face of the earth. And only those who receive revelation from Me, and who are guided to the places of refuge which I will set up for the righteous sake, will escape. Behold, six years will not pass away before great tribulations will begin to fall upon the children of men, and the hearts of men will fail, for they place their faith in the arm of flesh, which faileth.” (2BC 36:18-20) As you can see, there is precious little time left because in the spring of 1979 the Lord stated that not six years shall pass until great tribulation will begin to fall. As of this writing, January, 1982, we barely have three years left to gather in the elect to the areas of refuge and prepare for the tribulations which will be very sore indeed. The first year of the tribulations could be here as early as 1985. Between now and the first year of tribulation we can expect great trouble and strife allover the world, except for the areas of refuge. The Prophet Joseph Smith said the gathering “has to be done by the counsel of Jehovah, by the revelations of Heaven.” (DHC 5:65) On June 2, 1979, the Lord told the Prophet, "For those who are not willing to give all they have for the up-building of My .Kingdom shall be cast aside as dross, yea, even those who feel themselves above reproach shall fall if they heed not My commandments". (2BC 41:69) The Mormon people have been misled by the general authorities into believing that the church and Kingdom of God are one and the same. This is grossly incorrect. The Kingdom of God is a political organization headed by a king. If there is a Kingdom of God today in the Mormon Church, then who is the king? How can there be a kingdom without a king? The Kingdom of God is not on the earth today, but soon is to be organized by God's true prophets and will be one of the arms of Zion, even the political arm of Zion, and will establish a civil government to rule in power and will have everlasting dominion over the earth. The School of the Prophets and the United Order

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have been eliminated by the church leaders over the years. Further, the kingdom that the Prophet Joseph Smith organized was also eliminated by the general authorities. Without revelations from the Lord regarding these arms, or members, the general authorities knew not what else to do. This confirms that the wisdom of men is not wiser than God.

The church organization that has evolved from the opinions and works of men is not acceptable to the Lord. The Lord has expressed His rejection of the church, as it is today, through many revelations to His true Prophet, and by withholding revelations from the general authorities and leaders of the spin-off groups, for the past century. The Lord is correcting all the wrongs that have transpired, and the church will be set in order and will perform the missionary functions, the School of the Prophets has been established and will perform the educational functions, and the United Order will soon be established and will perform economic functions. The Kingdom of God will be established and perform the political functions. These four organizations will consist of Zion, and to endure during the 1,000 year millennial reign must be established correctly, exactly as the Lord has designated. All other organizations will fail. Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet in January, 1983:

Ye have asked Me, even your Savior, the structure and constitution of My holy kingdom, yea even the Kingdom of God as mentioned that would come forth in these the latter days. 2 Behold I say unto you, this constitution was given unto My servant Joseph Smith Jr. and it is recorded in the archives of the Church. 3 And behold ye shall make an effort to obtain this constitution that ye make plans to organize a political organization using this constitution as a base. 4 For a beginning must be made, that when the constitution and government of the United States shall fail, those that are left will be guaranteed their freedoms under the constitution of the Kingdom which must be organized. 5 For others will claim authority and force their will upon the people. 6 For the Kingdom will not only guarantee that a man may worship whom he pleases, but he must also covenant that he will not force his will upon others, and allow all others, including those who desire to live the Celestial laws, their freedom to do so. 7 For it has been the case in the past that wicked men have taken hold of the Kingdom, and not knowing the law have prevented the elect from living My laws, thinking that they are doing man a favor, for this is indeed wickedness in high places. 8 For those who should be My champions are now Mine enemies, and there are none that doeth good, no not one. 9 And the constitution shall also guarantee that no restrictions be placed upon the School of the Prophets in the teaching of the truths of the Kingdom, that truth may cover the earth as the waters cover the seas, that all men who desire to obtain this knowledge may do so without hindrance. 10 And the Kingdom must be governed and guided at all times in its actions by My word which is My mind and will. Even so, Amen. (2BC 88)

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Quoted in part is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on November 28, 1982: “My son, I am who I am, even the beginning and the last, even Jehovah, and I do speak unto you by the still small voice, and I say unto you that what ye have founded, even the School of the Prophets, is the foundation of all truth; and it is the stone that was hewn out of the mountain without hands. For it is the only organization on the earth today which has not been corrupted by the hands of men, and as long as it is guided by My Spirit, it shall not fail. And I have placed at the head My servant, who has been faithful over a few things, and if he faltereth not he shall be made responsible for many things. For there are many things I have yet to say unto this people. And when he hath finished sending out the pamphlets to western Canada, behold he hath warned what people he can, and they are left without excuse in the day of their calamity. And My servant William shall continue sending out the pamphlets to the Church leaders in all parts of the world, yea even the stake presidents and bishops. And if they heed not My words, and feed not My words to the people, they shall be accountable before Me at the last day, and they shall not be guiltless. And if ye do this, your garments shall be free from the blood of this generation.” (2BC 86:1-8)

There must be a separation and a literal gathering of the elect people upon this land as defined in D&C 29:7-9: "And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts; wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked. For the hour is nigh and the day soon at hand when the earth is ripe; and all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that wickedness shall not be upon the earth." All who will not heed the warning by the World School of the Prophets are not the elect people of God and will not be gathered with the elect for safety from the Lord's scourge of desolations. When the time comes to settle in Jackson County, Missouri, the elect will be called to the City of the New Jerusalem from the holy places or areas of refuge, from among those who have had their calling and election made sure, or second anointings, and these will receive an inheritance in the holy city, New Jerusalem, and none else. Another purpose of the areas of refuge in addition to protecting the elect people during the desolations, is to perfect the elect and prepare them for the gathering in Jackson County, Missouri.

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THE CHURCH The Missionary Arm of Zion

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, after it has been cleansed, set in order and new general authorities installed, will become the missionary arm of Zion. It will teach, and the membership will live, all of God's holy laws and commandments, including, but not limited to, plural marriage and the United Order. These laws were taught by the church as true and correct principles until the church went into apostasy. Brigham Young stated before his death that there was not one ward in the entire church that was properly organized. The Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred in June, 1844, mainly because he was trying to set the church in order. I quote in part a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet in September, 1979 :

“For many are now married to those to whom they do not belong, for they have married according to the customs of men and of Babylon, and they know no other law. And My servant Joseph Smith tried to rectify this law, and for this reason he was martyred. And I command My Servant that he take up where My servant Joseph left off. For he set in order many things, but it was for his efforts to set this law in order that he was martyred, for many who were taught the truth of this doctrine fell away at that time and were the ones who sought his life, and put him to death. Behold, who will stand this setting in order? Only Mine elect, saith the LORD.” (2BC 46:19-23)

Since the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith and President Brigham Young, the church has gone further and further into apostasy with each new president. Changes were made from time to time without revelation and were the works of man. The Lord knew in 1832, when the church was only two years old, that it would be lead astray by the whims of men and He gave the Prophet Joseph Smith the following revelation in D&C 85:6-7:

“Yea, thus saith the still small voice which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it maketh manifest, saying: And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God."

Through the Prophet, the Lord has given many revelations to the leaders of His church. They have gone mostly unheeded. In February of 1961, the Prophet received a revelation from the Lord, quoted in part:

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“Thus saith the Lord God: Not until the church again lives the New and Everlasting Covenant as revealed to them in plainness by My servant the Prophet Joseph Smith, and verified from time to time by others of My holy prophets, will I instruct and guide this church with further enlightenment. For if ye will not receive the word ye have, what profit will it be if I reveal more to you? For you will treat it as naught and trample it under your feet.” (2BC P:1-2)

In September, 1961, the Lord again commanded the leaders of the church to repent in a revelation to the Prophet, quoted in part:

Thus saith the LORD: As I have commanded before, I will command again, that unless the people of My church live the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage as I have commanded them in My book the Doctrine and Covenants, even in its fullness, they cannot enter into the land of their inheritance, even Independence, Missouri, and the regions round about. 2 This I have commanded many times, but ye have not yet repented of this sin which ye have committed, and ye have been damned, even that your eternal progress has been stopped. 3 And for this reason I have not given unto you further revelation, for ye were not able to stand even that which ye had. 4 For I am a just God, and I give here a little, and there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept, until ye have all My words and are able to stand in My presence. 5 Nevertheless, it was expedient for a time that ye should refrain from entering into this covenant that the church be not overthrown by its enemies. 6 Yea, but now Mine enemies, and also your enemies shall have no more power over thee, for they shall be confused, and their arms shall be raised in contention with their brethren, even that they will contend one with another unto their final destruction. 7 Ye shall not move forward any faster than ye are able, and all things shall be done in order, even as I have commanded. 8 For there have been many false prophets in My church who have heaped upon this people many false doctrines, yea, but their false prophecies shall be made known, and they shall be confounded and cast out. 9 Yea, for they secretly sought to bring destruction to My church and they did teach these things that they might be lifted up in the eyes of men, yea, for they did esteem more the glory of men rather than the glory of God. 10 And they shall be cast out and not enter into My rest which I have preserved for the righteous. 11 Neither shall those who withhold their tithe enter into My rest, for they have not sufficient faith, and their faith is evidenced by their works, and their works are not pleasing in My sight; therefore, they shall be cast off at the last day if they do not speedily repent. 12 Neither shall those who do not keep all My commandments enter into My rest, for there are many in the church who are lifted up in the pride of their hearts, and do esteem themselves greater than their brethren, even to oppressing them in little matters. 13 And there are many in My church who seek after offices, even that they would fain buy their offices with flattery and great speaking.

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14 And I will reveal these unto you that they may be cast out, for ye shall not spare, nor fear what man can do, for if ye live My commandments and have My Spirit ye cannot be confounded, neither can ye be killed nor slain. 15 Now I speak unto those that call themselves the leaders of My church, for ye have not altogether heeded My words that I have given through My servant, and ye have esteemed them as naught. 16 Also, ye have feared them lest they be true, and ye have not followed Mine instruction in that I said, Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. 17 Yea, and unless ye heed these words ye shall be cast off, for I have chosen already others to take your place, yea, for at My word I can raise up of these stones, seed unto Abraham your father, who is My faithful servant; for he shall not lose the promise which I have made to him, in that through his seed all kingdoms of the earth shall be blessed. 18 For if ye heed not the words which I have given, I will withdraw My Spirit from among you, and ye shall have no power, and ye shall be as other men; yea ye shall stumble in your words and your tongue shall cleave to the roof of your mouth, and your words shall be as babbling--and then shall ye know that I am God; and unless ye speedily repent ye shall be cast off, even as I have before promised. 19 For ye shall be as the Pharisees and hypocrites, yea, for they cast out the prophets and stoned them to death. (2BC 5)

It has been over 47 years since the above revelation was given and the leaders have not heeded the commandments given them by the Lord through His Prophet. The time for the cleansing, setting in order and replacement of the leaders, or general authorities is at the door. The ones the Lord has chosen to replace the general authorities are righteous men who have made great sacrifices to live God’s laws. These true prophets of God have been persecuted, cast out of the church and abused by the present general authorities. If the Prophet Joseph Smith returned to the earth today disguised as a humble member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and taught the same principles of the gospel that he taught while he was president of the church, the present general authorities would condemn him and order his swift excommunication from the church, as has been done to many faithful servants and prophets of God teaching and living true principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Prophet Joseph Smith will not return disguised as a humble member of the church. He knows what would be done to him. He will return in power with the keys and authority that he has held and always will hold and every general authority will be replaced and all members not willing to live all of Gods laws will be cast out. Quoted in part is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on December 17, 1981:

“And again I say unto you, that it is the responsibility of each family to teach their children the true principles that have been revealed, and they shall not leave this responsibility to another. For the Sunday School was set up for the

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purpose of teaching those whose parents had neglected this matter, and according to My laws these children should have been given unto others. For when a parent neglects this matter he has lost the right to these children, and under My law they shall be given unto others. Yet if the parents are ignorant, they shall be taught by the School of the Prophets if they are willing until they are familiar with and able and willing to live My laws and to teach these laws to their children. If they are not willing they shall not enter into the order, nor be part of My kingdom. The Sunday School was set up because the law of adoption was done away with, and they knew not what else to do. And thus it is that when the people reject part of My law they set up laws of their own device, believing they are wiser than their God. Thus they begin to rely on the arm of flesh, and are weakened in their faith and are ready to be deceived even by the great Deceiver. And thus he leads them carefully down to hell." (2BC 7316-24)

This is another example of how man tried to compensate with his own law to fill the void left when God's law of adoption was eliminated from the LDS church.

The church will be cleansed, set in order and will be made ready to become the missionary arm of Zion and will be one of its corner stones, and worthy of acceptance by Jesus Christ at his coming. The cleansing and setting in order of the church will be done under direct revelation from the Lord to assure that everything is done correctly. All error and man-made doctrines must be removed from the church and replaced with truth for the church to become one of the four square arms, or foundation, of Zion. Zion can only be built upon a firm foundation of truth.

The cleansed and set-in-order church with new general authorities will confine itself to the function of missionary work only and leave the educational functions to the School of the Prophets, political functions to the Kingdom of God, and the economic functions to the United Order.

When the church is set in order, a bishop will fulfill his economic office in the United Order and will not preside over a ward or preside over Melchizedek priesthood groups of high priests, seventies and elders as is presently done, which is grossly incorrect. The office of bishop is an office in the Aaronic priesthood and has no authority over the Melchizedek priesthood in spiritual things, but is a common judge in Israel in economic matters only.

Further, there will be a quorum of twelve apostles for each 144 stakes of Zion. Each quorum of twelve apostles will answer to the first presidency of the church.

In a revelation to the Prophet in September 1961, the Lord stated, quoted in part:

“I say unto all nations, yea, and even all those who call themselves after My name, to repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! And the time soon cometh when the Son of Man, even your Savior Jesus Christ, doth come to reign as King of kings, and Lord of lords, yea, and woe unto them who are unable to withstand His coming, for they shall be as stubble. I say unto My Servant that he repent of all his sins, for no sin is acceptable in My sight, and all evil is an abomination to Me; nevertheless, his righteous desires are acceptable before Me, and they shall all be fulfilled in Mine own due time.” (2BC 5:30-31)

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The Lord has always rebuked His true prophets and admonished them to repent. Where are the revelations from the Lord to the present general authorities rebuking them or admonishing them to repentance? There are none. Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on September 15, 1982, which shows how far out of order and harmony with God’s laws the present LDS authorities are:

Thus saith the LORD unto My Servant. Behold the leaders of My church have lost My holy priesthood in that they can no longer function in it. 2 Yet they still retain it to pass unto someone worthy, but this they will not do, for they believe they still retain it even as Ham would claim it from Noah, yet he lost it because of transgression. 3 They likewise have lost it because they heeded not My commandment to reinstate the marriage laws, that the brother would take his fallen brother's wife and raise up a posterity unto him. 4 This they did not and mocked My word through thee. 5 Thus they lost My Spirit and the spirit of the adversary did guide them into forbidden paths, even that they were made partakers in the perpetuation of murder. 6 Yea even did they pressure the law authorities to deal with My servant John Singer, and they did lift up their hand and slew him, and his blood crieth unto Me from the ground from where he was slain. 7 Thus they have followed in the footsteps of Cain and have taken up the covenant Cain made with the black race. 8 For he promised them the Priesthood through him that he would get their favor. 9 And he married and he took unto himself one of the daughters of the Serpent, who tempted Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit, to seal this covenant and thus he lost his Priesthood. 10 For the leaders of the Church have followed the path of Cain, and thus the prophecy that ye made in the "Parable of the Pear Tree" which saith, "They shall receive the same cursing as Cain", has come to pass. 11 Are ye then not My prophet, saith the LORD? 12 Behold, there are three spirits among others that prompt men. 13 One is the spirit of lust, wherein men are drawn to women that belong not to them because of their beauty and desirability. 14 The second is the spirit which crieth peace when there is no peace, which lulleth men into believing, "All is well, yea all is well in Zion; yea! fear not, for the LORD is with us." 15 This spirit doth fill the chapels of the wicked, which gives them peace of mind, and deceives them into thinking that they are in tune with their God, that they prepare not for the day of calamity. 16 But I say unto you, that it is not the Spirit of Peace which passeth all understanding, but is a spirit that lulleth them quietly down to hell. 17 The third spirit is My Spirit, which lifteth up the soul and giveth it strength and confidence that it stand against the adversary. 18 It is the Spirit of Truth that bringeth to light truth and exposeth evil. 19 Behold it is despised by those who are led by false spirits, for it taketh away

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their peace, and bringeth to light the reality of their own wickedness and this they cannot bear. 20 But they soon shall be visited with the whirlwind and their false peace shall be destroyed, leaving them naked. 21 Shall there not then be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth? 22 These three spirits have assailed thee this day, that ye may learn the difference between that which is of Me and that which is of the adversary. 23 My servant, after he has prepared the farm, he shall place it up for sale, and

if it be so that My servant Robert2 purchase it, it shall be well with him. 24 And if he is prevented from selling his farm at the moment, then I will prepare other property that he may purchase in Cardston that he may set up the United Order when he is able. 25 Nevertheless, he shall make haste for the time is short. Even so, Amen. (2BC 83)

Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet on January 25, 1983:

Behold My son, I am Alpha and Omega, even the Beginning and the End, even the voice of Jehovah, for I speak unto thee with a still small voice and say unto you, I did give unto My servant Joseph Smith Jr. authority to set up the Church of Jesus Christ for the latter days on April 6, 1830-- and this by My voice and by My authority and by My servant whom I did appoint according to My word, and it is Mine saith the LORD. 2 And all who rebel against it and esteem it as naught shall repent or be destroyed. 3 For they do ignore My word concerning it and if they mock it they mock Me and if they say, "It cannot be redeemed or cleansed", they do err in doctrine and judgment and are in need of repentance, for they ignore the prophets I have sent. 4 For did not I speak through My servant Joseph saying that I would cleanse it and restore it to its pure state? 5 For I knew that wicked men would pollute it. 6 But I will stretch forth Mine arm at the time appointed and shall cause it to be cleansed, for the vessel is yet sound, but the contents are putrid before My face. 7 And did I not speak unto My servant John Koyle in visions, and did I not send unto him My servant Joseph Smith and instruct him in the manner it would be cleansed? 8 Have I not instructed My Servant in the Parable of the Pear Tree that My Church will be cleansed, and the tree pruned and gouged and dunged and cultivated by those whom I will send? 9 And those wicked men who deceive all the nations shall be exposed before all men. 10 Behold I say unto you, these things shall surely happen and none shall stay My hand, for one shall surely do this as I have promised. 11 And all those who ridicule My Servant in this matter saying that this is an impossible thing, shall see their folly and be chastised. 12 For what I the LORD have set up, let no man tear asunder, for if I will that My church be established it shall be done, and if I will that My church be destroyed it shall be done, for the Church is Mine saith the LORD. Even so, Amen. (2BC 89)

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The various spin-off groups duplicated many of the errors of the LDS church because no revelation was received from the Lord directing them aright. Quoted in full is a revelation received from the Lord by His Prophet on May 27-28, 1984:

My son, ye have not done as I have commanded and written what I have revealed to thee by the still small voice. 2 Therefore, I have withdrawn a portion of My Spirit, and ye have been left unto thyself. 3 Therefore I command you to write that which has already been given to thee, for it is most important that the people be instructed in all matters pertaining to My Kingdom at the time designated; otherwise, the prophet receiving the direction is under condemnation, for this is resisting the spirit. 4 And what has concerned you was the law in the scriptures which states that when a man enticeth a maid, to lie with her, she was his and he could never put her away. 5 Behold, this was only if she was betrothed to him, and she had received a sign and witness for him. 6 For if a man enticeth a maid without her receiving first a sign and a witness, he committeth a grievous sin. 7 And ye have also wondered concerning many of the happenings in the Old Testament when whole cities were destroyed because of their sins, and behold here is wisdom. 8 Sins against the flesh are one, and sins against the spirit are yet another; for the people of Ninevah committed many sins against the flesh, yet when I sent My prophet to warn them they repented in sackcloth and ashes, and I had compassion on them and destroyed them not. 9 Yet I sent My prophets to warn Sodom and Gomorrah, yea and they did mock them whom I sent and tortured them and sent them away naked, and for this reason I did destroy them from the face of the earth. 10 And because I did send My prophets to Jerusalem, and they heeded them not and listened to their own prophets, and persecuted those whom I sent, and slew them-- and I sent My Son, and they crucified Him-- and for this reason I did divorce Myself from them and dispersed them among the nations and purged them and refined them that perhaps they would heed Me, and they heard Me not. 11 For this reason I caused many to be slain. 12 For I say unto you, the greater sin is to sin against the Spirit and it is worthy of death, for their cup of iniquity is full and they repent not, no matter what calamities I bring against them. 13 For this reason I will destroy utterly those who have known Me and yet now deny My holy prophets, for they have chosen prophets of their own liking, which heap upon them praise and vainglory. 14 Nevertheless, I will spare those that repent. 15 Yet few will repent, for they are bound with great fetters, having faith in the arm of flesh which will fail and cause their utter destruction.

[Balance received May 28, 1984] 16 Yea, and some say that at the end, one-tenth or even one-tenth of these will

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be saved from My church. 17 Behold I say unto you, wherein have I said this? For I truly say unto thee that none shall be saved unless they repent, and if it be that one-tenth of one-tenth be saved, it shall be because of their repentance. 18 But I say unto you, that I spake unto My servant Joseph Smith, and gave unto him a prophecy concerning this people and this time, which is about to be fulfilled, yea every whit. 19 And ye shall find it in Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants, commencing at verse 66 until the end of the section. Even so, Amen. (2BC 108)


THE UNITED ORDER The Economic Arm of Zion

God's economic order, or the United Order, is far different from man’s economic law. The revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants pertaining to the United Order are correct as far as they go. Sometimes the Lord gives revelations on a subject, in part, and expects us to ask for more when we understand that which He has given. The early leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints accepted the revelations given by the Lord on the United Order as the total law and did not ask for more, therefore, the orders set up failed each and every time they were established. The reason why the order could not be lived was due to the leaders not seeking further revelation concerning the United Order, as they thought they understood it quite plainly. All who desired to enter the United Order were to hand over to the bishop all their possessions, holding back nothing, the rich and the poor alike, and were given back sufficient for their stewardship. The man who had labored hard for his lands and possessions were to give them all up and portions of his goods and properties were given over to those less fortunate, so they could develop their stewardship. However, they were equal only for the moment, for some diligently were still required to deposit their surplus in the order and the slothful had the right to take those monies and waste them. Naturally, contentions arose and the order disintegrated. Something was wrong, indeed, but no further revelations were sought for or received concerning the matter. The leaders decided that all the blame fell upon the participants. They were too selfish to live it. They still hold to that same feeling today. Another reason why the United Order failed in the early days of the church was that families entering the order were out of order as defined in Chapter VII. In October and November, 1979, the Prophet received the following revelation, shedding new light on the United Order:

Thus saith the Son Ahman, even Alphus and Omegus, whose voice is as the still small voice, yet pierceth to the heart and causes the hypocrites and those who deceive to fear and tremble.

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2 Behold I say unto you My son: I the LORD am about to bring forth Zion and gather from the four quarters of the earth Mine elect; and none shall stay My hand. 3 And at this time I give unto you My Spirit and give unto you a charge that ye will write down that which I shall give unto thee by the still small voice. 4 For ye have heeded My word and have kept the charge ye have been given; nevertheless, ye shall boast not, but give glory unto thy God for the blessings ye have received, and humble thyself before Me for that which ye have been blessed. 5 For if ye will have it, from this time forth it shall go forth and fill the whole earth, for the people that have been spoken of by all the holy prophets, even Mine elect, shall come forth from their hiding places, even from obscurity, and begin to shine forth. 6 And I say that ye shall organize your properties according to the laws of God, even the United Order after the Holy Order of God. 7 And ye shall have My servant Joseph, after he has completed his work on marriage, compile a work stating forth the true order of My kingdom for the temporal salvation of My saints. 8 It is that Kingdom that all the holy prophets looked forward to and which has been prophesied of that would come forth in the latter days. 9 And I say unto you, that it is not after the order of men, but after My order. 10 And I tried at the time of My servant Joseph Smith to set up this Kingdom, and they understood not, for much contention arose. 11 For some having not their eye single to My glory misunderstood My words that all shall be equal in all things or ye are not Mine. 12 Yet I spelled out plainly how ye are to be equal, for did I not also state, "And ye are to be equal, or in other words, ye are to have equal claims on the properties for the benefit of managing the concerns of your stewardship, every man according to his wants and his needs, inasmuch as his wants are just." And few understood this. 13 For a man who enters into this Holy Order must needs place all that he hath at My feet, and consecrate all that he hath to the upbuilding of My kingdom. 14 And it shall be recorded on the records of the United Order the extent of that which is surplus and it shall be made available to others so that they may use it to build up their own stewardship. 15 Nevertheless, it is not the economy of heaven to give unto men that for which they worketh not. 16 And if a man desire and is given a stewardship, whether it be spiritual or temporal, he can then borrow money or goods from this surplus to enable him to establish his own stewardship. 17 And every man is worthy of his hire, for whatever service he provideth for his fellow men. 18 And every man must repay the loan out of the surplus he receives for his service. 19 And none shall borrow monies or goods from Babylon, for if they do, they shall place Zion in bondage, and if they do so, they must remove themselves from the United Order and become as Babylon. 20 And each who enter into the United Order after the Holy Order of God shall covenant that they shall keep the commandments of God and live them as

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contained in the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and all My holy Scriptures even up to the present time. 21 And if they break these commandments and repent not they shall be handled as according to My law. 22 Nevertheless, ye are still in Babylon and must needs remove yourself from her. 23 And if a man hath obtained goods, possessions, and monies--and it hath been by fraud and deceit and by the practice of unfairness and theft from others, ye shall not accept this man's offerings. 24 And if he truly repenteth, ye shall tell him to return that which he hath obtained to those he hath robbed. 25 For it is better that a man enter into My kingdom naked, yet with a pure heart, than with much wealth and a deceitful heart. 26 For if he enter into it with the latter he shall fail and be cast out. 27 And each man is worthy of his hire, for if a man hath a stewardship and needeth help in the accomplishment of his stewardship, and if another come in naked, or in other words hath no stewardship nor monies, and they be in agreement, let he who needeth help in the fulfillment of his stewardship hire him who hath no stewardship for a fair remuneration that he may live and provide for his family. 28 And if he who hath no stewardship desire to start his own stewardship, let him be diligent and frugal. 29 And if he accumulate funds and place them in the common fund of the Order, he then may purchase his own stewardship if he proves faithful in all things. 30 And at the time that men and women step forward and present unto Me, saith the LORD, all that they have, one-tenth of this shall be as a gift for the spiritual things of My kingdom, and the balance shall be recorded against his name as his. 31 If a man remove himself from Mine Holy Order either by covetousness or transgression, all that is recorded against his name shall be returned unto him and his name shall be blotted out or struck from the records of the Order and he shall be turned over to the buffetings of the adversary and returned unto Babylon. 32 And if he repents not he shall not receive an inheritance in My kingdom. 33 Nevertheless, the one-tenth that he gave as a gift shall not be returned, for it is Mine saith the LORD. 34 And each shall esteem himself a steward in Mine house, and if he do not this he is not Mine.

35 And thus I make an example, for I call My maidservant Opal to step forth and enter Mine Holy Order. 36 And with the residue of her monies she shall purchase from the Order the printing press and all the equipment pertaining thereto, and this shall be her stewardship according to My holy law. 37 And she shall determine the price she shall charge for printing by determining the cost, and add to this a just fee that will provide a recompense to her. 38 If any desire printing done, they shall pay an agreeable price for each article printed, and she shall seek to others in this matter that she become familiar with

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how to accomplish this. 39 And if she hire others to help her in this stewardship, she shall pay them a just recompense. 40 And if her husband William desire to go into this venture with her he shall do so.

41 And if monies are borrowed from the Order, it shall be done so at two percent plus the cost of handling the transaction. 42 And at no time shall monies be loaned from the Order for more than two percent plus the cost of handling the transaction. 43 This I have caused to be charged that a man may recover his loss, for it may occur that a slothful servant will borrow monies and not repay, and on the Jubilee he shall be free from debt. 44 How then can a man recover this loss, but by a percentage being charged? 45 But if a man pays his debts, and it be according to the agreement, at the final payment the two percent shall be refunded to him, but the cost of handling the transaction shall not be refunded, it is a just recompense for work done. 46 But a slothful servant shall not be able to recover the two percent interest charge, for he has broken his covenant. 47 And thus the loans shall be paid first the interest, then the principle; for My law is a just law. 48 And those who pay their loans not within the seven years because of illness or misfortune are on the Jubilee free from debt. 49 And such a man who seeketh to gain from this and doeth it deliberately, shall not have fellowship among you, and if he repents not, shall be given that which is his and given over to the world, for his heart is not right before Me, saith the LORD. 50 But if the man be not able to pay because of illness or misfortune or lack or knowledge, he shall be forgiven his debt. 51 But he shall not be able to borrow from the Order up to seven years, and then only if it is determined that he is responsible and has learned to be wise and prudent in his actions.

52 And unto My maidservant Kathy, I say unto her that she shall gain her stewardship, if she will have it, by that which she shall produce. 53 For it must needs be that those that call themselves after My name shall not be idle and shall begin to separate themselves from the fares of Babylon. 54 And she shall prepare bread, even wholesome bread and other goods according to the Spirit; and she shall determine in like manner as I have given unto My maidservant Opal, determining cost and just recompense that she may make a profit from that which she shall produce. 55 And unto My servant, he shall put in all that he has into the Order and do with it as I have indicated in previous revelations. 56 And all others who seek to do My will shall enter the Order if they be willing to live My commandments and enter into the covenants of the Order. 57 But I have made these an example that all others may understand. 58 And I say unto those in Texas, that they shall organize themselves that they also may enter into the Order. 59 And unto My servant Joseph, I say unto him that his stewardship shall be the spiritual things of the Order. 60 And he shall receive remuneration for his writings and for the teaching in

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My school. 61 Nevertheless, because there is not sufficient funds to do this at this time, it must needs be that he build up the real estate business as I have commanded and receive remuneration from this until such time as there shall be sufficient from his writings and teachings to support his families. 62 And I am well pleased with your efforts to send forth My word as received through My prophet. 63 And the time will soon come when ye shall have sufficient monies and more, that if you work day and night ye will not be able to accomplish all that will be required.

64 And I the LORD say unto you, for this I speak and man shall hear and do or perish, that no man can enter into this most Holy Order unless he has first set his own house in order, each man in his place at the head of his family or families. 65 And it was because this was not done in the past that the Order failed. 66 For My servant Brigham Young, who endeavored to set up this Order on several occasions without success, failed to completely set the families that entered into it first in order. 67 And thus it must be determined that each wife in his family have a sign and witness or revelation ascertaining that she belongeth unto him that no doubt enter therein. 68 Therefore, I command those who have stepped forward at this time to set their houses in order preparatory to their entering Mine Holy Order. 69 Yea, even My servants Joseph, Steven, Robert, Lee, Curtis, William, Wayne, James, and Greg, and all others that have come forth, and their wives--preparing themselves and being diligent in keeping My commandments. 70 And thus I command My people, those who have stepped forward at this time, this for the last time, for if they obey Me not in these things I shall reject them, and they shall be numbered among the unbelievers. 71 And as I said unto My servant Moses, I say unto My servant, that if My people reject My word, I will take thee, and from thy seed draw up a righteous generation that will keep My commandments. 72 For there is already murmurings among the people because of this doctrine.

73 And again concerning the United Order: if there be a requirement that an operation of a business or the construction of a building be on a large scale, behold I say unto you, that shares may be bought by the members of the Order that it be accomplished. 74 And ye shall heed the instruction pertaining to the building of the Nauvoo House, and ye shall sell shares as needed to accomplish the work, and heed the instructions pertaining to these matters as contained in My book, the Doctrine and Covenants. 75 And thus when ye have heeded diligently My word as ye have received it, ye shall have more. 76 Nevertheless, this is all My word for the present. Even so, Amen. (2BC 50)

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In July, 1980, the Prophet received the following revelation giving additional information on the United Order:

“Thus saith the LORD unto My Servant who has come before Me this day in prayer and wonderment; for ye have seen the dishonesty and deceitfulness in the world, man towards man, and ye have despaired. 2 But I say unto you, there shall be no such thing in Zion, for one man shall not charge another for his money, for such is usury and oppression. 3 For no one shall live off the proceeds of usury, for such income is not earned income. 4 For have I not said that all must labor in Zion? 5 But some desire not to labor and thus they charge interest on the money that they accumulate, and thus they oppress the poor and destitute. 6 And if any man be in Zion and he borrow monies deceitfully from the common fund and he take that money and lend it to another to make a profit from it, ye shall take that man and take from him of his assets to cover the money that he borrowed and give unto him the residue of his properties and dispel him from the Order, unless he repents and returns that which he hath taken. 7 For no man or woman in Zion shall benefit unfairly from the difficulties of others. 8 And when ye are in the Order, ye shall not seek credit or borrow monies from other sources, but ye shall pay for all things ye must needs purchase from Babylon at the time ye purchase it. 9 And any man who hath debts in Babylon shall not enter the Order until these debts are paid. 10 And if a man borrow from another in the Order, he shall do it and record the transaction at the United Order office that it be recorded. 11 But it would be better if the man lending to the other place such monies in the common fund that it be made available to build up the stewardship of all worthy members. 12 And all the laws pertaining to honesty concerning man's dealing with his fellow men, that are contained in the holy scriptures which are correct, shall be reinstated and become part of My laws. 13 For a man must needs first abide by the law that he obtain the Spirit. 14 And these are the covenants ye shall make when ye enter the Order, even the United Order after the Holy Order of God. 15 I covenant before man and God and before these witnesses here assembled that I will live the laws of the United Order pertaining to the Holy Order of God, and that the surplus of My properties be made available to all those who are worthy and within the said Order and qualify in the building up of their own stewardship and inheritance. 16 One-tenth of all my properties I do hereby donate to the Order for the building up of Zion. And from this time forth I do hereby donate one-tenth of my increase each year. 17 I hereby also accept the laws of Jubilee wherein all men's debts are canceled after a fifty year period and in some cases every seven years certain debts of the poor and destitute are forgiven. 18 I hereby covenant that I will keep the Sabbath day holy (Saturday) and cause

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myself or none of my family or those under my jurisdiction to work on this day, except for those who are obligated to look after the sick and destitute. 19 And I hereby covenant that I will honor the LORD's day (Sunday) and perform all the necessary duties and obligations to the LORD on that day.

20 I hereby also covenant that I will keep the laws of God and live them, even the Ten Commandments as outlined, and all other laws that are contained in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and all other Holy Scriptures even up to the present time as pertaining to my relationship to my God and to my fellow men.

21 I covenant before God and man and these witnesses assembled here that I will from this time forth seek to build up the LORD's kingdom upon the earth. 22 And I consecrate all my possessions, goods, abilities, mental powers and physical strength to the furthering of His work upon the earth, and recognize that all is His, and that I am no longer an owner of my properties but a steward only.

23 I covenant also that I will help the destitute and needy, the deformed and the cripple, the widowed and the orphaned; that I will look after my own first and others that need my help second. 24 If my brother die and is taken, I covenant that I will take to me his widow or widows that I may raise up unto him a righteous posterity, that they may not seek to Babylon for assistance and that the voice of my brother not call on me from the grave and seek vengeance upon me. 25 I also covenant to take unto myself all wives, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, goods and possessions that the LORD doth give unto me by revelation and by a sign and witness.

26 I also covenant that I will keep all the other laws pertaining to the marriage covenant now revealed to the children of men, and all that yet may be revealed pertaining to this holy covenant.

27 I also covenant that if I persistently break the laws of God and seek my own and no longer desire to associate or build up Zion on this earth, I will withdraw from the Order and will claim and take only that which is against my name in the Order, less loans and debts and one-tenth that I have donated to the Order. 28 And if any of my family desire to stay in the Order, I will not forbid them to do so, neither will I force them to leave with me.

29 I hereby covenant that I will live the Word of Wisdom comprising Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, and will seek continually to partake of only food and drink that will be healthy and nutritious for myself and family and not use the foods and fares of Babylon.

30 I also covenant to keep my body clean, and not partake of or inhale any type of smoke, drug, or strong drink that is harmful to the body and mind of man, that I may raise up unto God a healthy and righteous generation. 31 I also covenant that all lands and possessions under my jurisdiction as pertaining to my stewardship I shall keep in good repair, and that I shall keep all lands under my care clean from weeds and refuse; and properly fenced.

32 And I covenant that I will build up the soil according to the best farming practices, putting into it more than is taken from it and resting it every seventh

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year according to the laws of God.

33 I hereby covenant also to accept and live any and all new confirmed and proven revelations pertaining to the upbuilding of the LORD's kingdom (Zion) on the earth.

34 I hereby covenant that I will diligently teach my wives, children and all those under my jurisdiction the true gospel of Jesus Christ, that I will teach unto my sons a trade and unto my daughters the duties of womanhood and a trade also if they so desire, that they all may grow up in purity and righteousness before the LORD.

35 And ye shall also covenant that ye will support and seek to build up the School of the Prophets, that true and righteous principles be taught throughout the world and be available to all men who seek after true principles, for this is the educational arm of My kingdom (Zion).

36 And ye shall also covenant to build up My church which is the missionary arm of My kingdom; nevertheless, it must needs be cleansed for it has become corrupted. 37 And ye shall also covenant that ye shall seek to build up the Kingdom of God, which is the political arm of My kingdom that hath been set up, that all men on the face of the earth may live in peace, each man respecting the beliefs and customs of others.

38 For these are the four arms, yea even the four squares of My kingdom that hath been promised that will be set up in the last days. 39 For the United Order after the Holy Order of God is the economic arm, the School of the Prophets the educational arm, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the missionary arm and the Kingdom of God the political arm. 40 Each must be built up according to My plan and My statutes that all may come to the knowledge of the Kingdom, that there be peace on earth and good will towards all men. 41 And no man can say that one member is more important that another, for all are essential for the temporal and spiritual salvation of man. 42 And the children of men hath not understood and have tried to set these up, but because they have endeavored to mix with the truth the teachings and wisdom of man, they have failed and these arms and members have become corrupted and are no longer of any effect. 43 And these are the covenants ye shall make before Me before entering into Mine Order, that order may prevail in My kingdom, for the idle and lazy and liar and deceiver shall not enter therein. 44 And ye shall continue and say:

45 These covenants I do hereby make before God, man and these witnesses here assembled, acknowledging my faults and claiming the privilege of seeking repentance and forgiveness for my transgressions and errors. Even so, Amen. (2BC 61)

Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet on May 26, 1983:

My son, ye shall write what I command you at this time, for I have somewhat to say unto those who have taken upon them My name and desire to establish Zion

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at this time. 2 Your hearts are now right before Me and I am pleased with your efforts. 3 Nevertheless, there are some who are rebellious to a degree, and desire to bypass My laws because of their unrighteous desires.

4 Ye have wondered as to how the United Order will survive the financial collapse that will surely come about. 5 Behold I say unto you, that when you receive monies from Babylon, ye shall purchase silver and gold with the surplus, and this ye shall do on a consistent basis so that the losses will not be too great when this happens. 6 And when the economy completely collapses, ye shall be prepared to mint money according to My laws and statutes, that trade may continue among My people. 7 For if ye do what I command, thy possessions will not flee from thee. 8 And ye shall gather together that thy number be sufficient to thwart the greedy and evil who try and obtain possessions by craft, theft and deceit, and even by the taking of lives. 9 For the wicked will rage, and those of My church who heed not My will, will make covenants with the wicked or die. 10 Yet this reprieve will be short, for the wicked will slay the wicked and shall rage against each other until few are left. 11 Lift up thine eyes and behold the salvation of Zion, and set a watchman that ye be not deceived and be taken at a time ye think not. 12 Be as serpents wise but as harmless as doves, and My hand will protect thee and Mine arm shall be as a covering. 13 Boast not, neither seek ye fame nor wives that belong to another, for some do seek these things. 14 Humble yourselves before Me and seek to obtain My Spirit that ye be guided aright.

15 Ye shall make haste to set up the United Order in Cardston following the instructions I have beforehand given unto thee.

16 Ye shall form an organization as My servant Robert2 has indicated, for I have placed this in his heart and he knew it not. 17 And My Servant shall help him in this matter, and all those who have stepped forward shall take the covenants of the Order and be one in Me, seeking only the upbuilding of Zion. 18 Then will I pour out My blessings upon My people and none shall stand against them.

19 And I call My servant Robert2 to be bishop in charge of the United Order in this part of My vineyard. 20 He shall call upon two others to be his counselors to assist him in keeping the records and transactions of the Order. 21 He shall study all that has been revealed pertaining to this office, both in the scriptures and in My book the Doctrine and Covenants, and also what has been revealed to My servant, that he may set up the Order according to My laws and statutes. 22 For the bishop is head of this Order, being the head of the temporal matters of Zion, even as My servant Edward Partridge. 23 And some may wonder at this, yet I have called him and none shall forbid.

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24 Unto My servant, ye have wondered these ten years why I have not blessed you in obtaining faithful wives ye have been commanded to take, even though you have made a diligent effort to obtain them. 25 Yet have I not said, if ye keep My commandments ye shall be blessed, and if ye keep not My commandments ye have no promise? 26 And have I not commanded you on several occasions that ye shall go to the United States, and ye have not done so, but have feared men. 27 And when ye took your daughter to St. George, if ye would have been diligent to ask, ye would have received employment, and ye would have been able to obtain employment at that time. 28 And if ye would have stayed there I would have surely blessed you. 29 But you chose to return to Canada, against that which the Spirit whispered, and I stopped you not, for men either obey Me or learn by what they suffer. 30 And ye chose the latter and lost the promises. 31 And so it has been since, and even now ye hesitate to keep this commandment, and ye make plans in your head that ye may return to Canada. 32 Behold I say unto you, ye shall not do so, only to govern things as they shall be set up in Canada, even at Cardston and Creston and to look after your interests in these places. 33 Otherwise ye are to stay in the United States and obtain your citizenship. 34 For your mind was blinded by your unbelief and your fear of men. 35 And now ye understand that all men are subject to the same law no matter what their callings, and that they are blessed only according to their faith. 36 And if ye would have stayed and had faith ye would yet have your daughter with you. 37 Nevertheless, I have borne ye up in spite of thy weaknesses, and promised you that ye would yet obtain your visa in a manner ye thought not of, and have I not kept My promise in this matter? 38 For thy daughter Opal had not stepped forward when I made ye this promise, and ye had not even considered that such could even be possible. 39 Nevertheless, I have brought it about, and she hath been a great blessing unto My work on the earth, and for such she shall not lose her reward. Even so, Amen. (2BC 94)

One of the most important revelations pertaining to the setting in order regards the Sabbath. In a revelation to the Prophet on July 29, 1978, the Lord corrects us on this important day.

Behold My son, ye shall take pen in hand and write that which I shall impress upon thy mind. 2 For it is by this means Gods speak to each other, and it is the more pure form of speech, and it is endowed upon men only when they are ready to receive these instructions by the living of the commandments and the reception of the Holy Ghost. 3 Behold, ye have asked concerning the Sabbath day, and behold, I will reiterate the commandments that were formerly given unto My saints. 4 Behold, as the earth was created in the six periods of time called days, so shall man work the six days and earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. 5 As on the seventh day God rested from his work, so also on the seventh ye

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shall rest from all work, even all your family and those under your jurisdiction, even all your servants and employees, and all under your authority ye shall cause them to rest. 6 Nevertheless, essential services must be maintained, and the wants of the feeble, sick, widow and orphan must be heeded. 7 And this law has never been changed and the day ye call Saturday is the seventh day, and on this day ye shall rest and refrain from all unnecessary labor and work. 8 And behold, on the first day of the week, even the day ye call Sunday, ye shall meet together and call upon the LORD and perform your oblations to the Most High. 9 And on this day ye shall hold your solemn assemblies and your solemn meetings and your Sunday schools and your holy meetings unto Me, for this is the LORD's Day. 10 For on this day He rose from the dead and ascended into the heavens. 11 This is the new commandment I promised unto you, and ye heeded it not, for ye have kept the LORD's Day but ye have not kept the Sabbath holy, for this is the day of rest. 12 And this has not been taught to My people, for ye had thought the LORD's Day substituted also for the Sabbath, but such is not the case, and from this time forth all must heed this commandment or they shall be cut off from My people.(2BC 33:1-12)

Another important revelation pertains to the birthday of Jesus Christ and the celebration of the day we call Christmas. A revelation to the Prophet on December 25, 1979, clarifies the matter.

Thus saith the LORD to My servant: take the pen that ye have and write that which I shall reveal unto you at this time. 2 For it is great folly for those who call themselves after My name to celebrate the day even designated as Christmas, for it is not holy unto Me, saith the LORD, but an abomination. 3 For even though they claim to honor My name, yet they do all manner of iniquity on that day, and instead of worshipping My name they worship they know not what. 4 And many of the kings in the early days, although many of their acts were good before Me, yet because they destroyed not from out of their midst, holidays that were unto false Gods, they caused great folly to come upon Israel in that they were led astray into forbidden paths. 5 For on this day ye call Christmas ye give gifts to each other whether they be poor or not, and thus ye rob the poor. 6 For if ye make a gift unto Me saith the LORD, ye shall give it unto the widow and destitute, that their cry not be unto Me continually. 7 And from this time forth ye shall refrain from celebrating this day, for there is more wickedness done at this time than at any other time during the year. 8 And from this time forth ye shall observe the sixth day of April as an holy day. For it was on this day I came to the earth and it was on this day I was crucified. 9 And ye shall remember My name and the sacrifice that was made on your behalf.

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10 And ye shall partake of the sacrament on that day, and this shall be a statute among you from this time forth. 11 And another holy day ye shall observe, and that is at the time of harvest; for as I give unto you the abundance of the earth, it is meet in My sight that ye celebrate and rejoice for the goodness that has been given unto thee. 12 And the Sabbath ye shall observe, and on the LORD's day ye shall perform your ordinances and hold your solemn meetings. 13 And from this time forth ye shall observe to do these things that My people may become a peculiar people and an holy people, that righteousness may again be wrought in Israel. 14 And when ye give gifts, ye shall give to the poor, the widow, and the destitute and not to one another. 15 For a gift given to him that hath no need corrupteth the soul, for no man should receive unto himself gifts for that which he hath not worked, for such gifts corrupt the soul. 16 And if a man come to thee and say, "I am in need", ye shall extend thy hand and take him to thee and provide for his needs, for he is destitute. 17 Nevertheless, after the space of three days he shall seek employment that he no longer be destitute. 18 And if ye have the means withal, and he desire to work for thee, he shall do so for a fair remuneration that he may provide for himself and his family if he hath any. 19 For no man or woman shall be idle in Zion, for all must put forth their hand and labor; and he that laboreth not is not of Me, and he shall be cast out. 20 He that saith, "I have a gift," shall prove his gift or he shall be cast out, saith the LORD; for there shall be no idleness in My kingdom, for such is an abomination. 21 If a man receive goods for that which he hath not worked, he regardeth them not, nor even considers them, for is this not similar to theft? 22 He that giveth to the rich is a fool and seeketh favors, and he that accepts and needs not is full of greed and desireth things for which he worketh not, and obligates himself to the wicked. 23 Oh ye fools! Why must ye be instructed in all things? I would that ye live by the Spirit, and ye would know these things, but ye seek continually to find ways to break My laws and statutes. Even so, Amen. (2BC 52)

16 If I give a law ye say, "It is true," yet ye keep it not, for ye say, "In this case it applieth not." 17 If I say, "Partake not of the fares of Babylon", ye say, "We know not what the fares of Babylon are, therefore we cannot keep that which we do not know." 18 Must every circumstance be spelled out? Or must I command in every little thing? 19 Behold, if I spelled out every little thing, ye would yet find occasion to heed it not, for ye heed not My word to keep it, and ye live it not by My Spirit, for if ye had the Spirit ye would yet know these things. Even so, Amen. (2BC 53)

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The United Order as the economic arm of Zion will be headed by a presiding bishopric who will appoint other bishops to assist in directing the affairs of the United Order, as Bishop Edward Partridge did in his day. In a revelation dated December 17, 1981, the Lord again stresses the importance of the United Order and the gathering, quoted in part:

”For when they enter the Order they shall further covenant that they shall gather to the places appointed, and this that they be not destroyed along with the wicked. For they who gather, yet enter not the Order are not of Me. For My sheep know My voice, and My sheep are the lost tribes of Israel, and Ephraim is My firstborn and shall be gathered first. Yet I am merciful to all those who repent and come unto Me. … And I now call upon Mine elect, for they shall hear My voice and do My will; nevertheless, they must beware least they be deceived. The places I have appointed, I have appointed, and there are none other at the present, for even at these places none are yet gathered; and if none are gathered and My judgments come, will not all be destroyed? Yet I will gather Mine elect from the four quarters of the earth as I have promised. (2BC 73:12-15,7-8)


THE FAMILY IN ZION It is a common practice in the world today for a man to be ruled over by his wife and in many cases his own children. In Zion, a man will be expected to stand up and be a man and preside in love, compassion and understanding over his family and be a patriarch. The correct order of a celestial family is clearly defined in a revelation to the Prophet, completed March 17, 1979, quoted in part:

Thus saith the LORD unto My Servant. Inasmuch as ye have come before Me in humility and fasting, behold I come unto thee as a still small voice by which ye shall receive instruction and guidance. 2 And inasmuch as ye have striven diligently to go to the United States as I have commanded you, and ye have been prevented from doing so by the laws of the land, I have not chastised you concerning this matter. 3 Nevertheless, ye shall continue to strive to do so, and if ye persist in this matter I will open up a way whereby ye will be able to accomplish this in a manner ye think not of. 4 For it is important for you to migrate there, for I have a work for you to perform there that will necessitate your presence. 5 Be not discouraged, for I have seen thy works wherein thou hast not reviled when thou hast been reviled against, and thou hast held thy peace in the midst of fury. 6 Nevertheless, thou art not perfect and must repent of thy thoughts that hinder thee in this accomplishment.

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7 And thou must work out thy salvation with fear and trembling. 8 And say unto those who have listened to My voice: Thus saith the Lord your God, heed My words which have been written both by the prophets of olden time and those that have been sent in these the last days. 9 For ye have been prophesied of by them, for are ye not the leaven that starteth as a small thing and spreadeth throughout the whole that the whole must needs be benefited thereby? 10 Behold I say unto you, ye have been chosen for a great work, for the proper order of family must needs be restored. 11 For this is the beginning of the setting in order of My house, for without this order in My house there is no power, and ye will not be able to accomplish My commandment to raise up a righteous generation unto Me. 12 For no man can both serve Me and the woman, for the woman will place upon men impossible burdens that taketh away his honor and Priesthood. 13 Therefore he must free himself from the dictates of the woman and be subject unto Me, saith the LORD. 14 And the woman must be subject unto the man even as the man is subject unto Me. 15 And the children must be subject unto the woman even as she is subject unto the man, that there be order in My house saith the LORD. 16 And even as I show great lovingkindness unto the man and lead him into paths of righteousness, chastising at times when he doth err and then showing great mercy at his strivings and repentance, even so must a man do likewise with his wife, showing great mercy and love for her at all times, teaching her with kindness and forgiveness. 17 Likewise must the wife teach the children the gospel at an early age, that by the time they are eight years old they will comprehend fully the responsibility. 18 For few of this age that are now being baptized into My church have knowledge of what they are doing, and therefore baptism availeth nothing, for they have even corrupted this most sacred doctrine. (2BC 35)

The setting in order must begin with the family unit. When the families are in order it will be easy for those families to accept and be a part of the setting in order of the house of God. The husbands and fathers will preside over their families and teach their wives true and correct principles. The mothers are responsible for teaching their children faith, repentance and the responsibility of baptism by the time they are eight years old, so that they have knowledge of what they are doing so that this sacred principle no longer be corrupted. Further, mothers are to continue teaching their children so long as they are in their home. When the male children are old enough to work, the father will teach them a trade and if the female children desire to be taught a trade, the father will see to it that they also are taught a trade. Joseph, the husband of Mary, adopted Jesus Christ as his son and taught him the trade of a carpenter. Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to His Prophet in January, 1982:

Behold My son, ye have asked Me why ye have not received wives as ye have been promised that ye may raise up a righteous generation. 2 Behold I say unto you, that there are few on this earth prepared for My Kingdom which is of the Celestial, and even ye are not yet prepared for this

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responsibility. 3 Therefore, ye must needs be more diligent in preparing for this, and place into practice those laws which ye have already been given, yea even to the setting up of My Kingdom that laws may be brought forth that will enable all who so desire to keep all of My commandments. 4 For until this government is established those who desire to keep all of My commandments will be thwarted in their efforts because of the lack of understanding among the people. 5 And these laws shall be revealed to thee from time to time as ye are able to receive them. 6 Nevertheless, some are contained in My holy writ but contain errors of men. 7 Yet ye shall endeavor to keep all the commandments ye are able, and to teach these laws unto all those whom I shall reveal to thee, both men and women. 8 And unto the women I have given the sign and witness, for this identifieth the true seed of Israel. 9 For none who are not of the house of Israel and of the chosen seed shall receive this sign, for it is given unto My people only. 10 Yet none of the women have stepped forth who are willing to keep all of My commandments, except My maidservants Barbara and Opal, and even they understand not all that is required of them and they hesitate in their deliberations. 11 For a woman must be obedient in all things to be found worthy to bear the chosen race. 12 Yet I have decreed in My heart that I will bring forth this generation that will keep all of My commandments, even if they learn obedience by what they suffer. 13 For it is the woman's responsibility to teach the children the gospel, and it is the man's responsibility to teach the woman, that all things be in order. 14 If the wives accept not the teachings and continually resist the truth they will not raise up unto Me this choice generation, for the children they bear will continue on in the ways of the world. 15 Ye shall cast them off, for they are good for nothing. 16 If ye cast them not off they will bind thee with great fetters because of the law which protects the acts of the wicked and maketh the desires of the righteous come to naught. 17 The women who make not a diligent effort to learn the laws and teach them to their children, their children shall be taken from them and given to another. 18 For the failure of both men and women to heed My will in this respect hath resulted in My whole footstool to be polluted. 19 For they have set up Sunday schools to take the place of this, taking the responsibility from those God hath commissioned. 20 For in this lies their salvation, for if others perform their duties, shall they not also reap the reward? 21 For they pin their salvation on another's sleeve and expect the reward thereof. Such is not the order of heaven. 22 And a sign and a witness shall not be given unto a woman until she repents, and when she repents My Spirit cannot be restrained for it is her right. 23 And if she receives a witness and later turns from it because of sin and the fear of being ridiculed, behold I say unto you, she shall be turned over to the

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adversary that perhaps she may learn by what she suffers. Even so, Amen. (2BC 74)

A man’s families will be his kingdom. So that no man in the Kingdom of God will have rebellious and slothful children, the Lord has given the true order of families. So that the children will not be rebellious and slothful, it is important that the mothers be subject to their husbands and portray a proper example to their children at all times. The Lord has given a plan whereby the man should never be led astray by false doctrines or false prophets. In a revelation to the Prophet on June 2, 1979, I quote in part:

“Thus saith the Lord, …each man shall stand in his own place and receive revelation unto himself; and this is the interpretation of that which is written which saith that each man shall stand under his own fig tree and eat the fruit thereof, or eat his own fruit. For each man who keepeth all My commandments and standeth at the head of his own house and setteth it in order according to My laws, I shall come in and sup with that man. And the heavens will be opened unto him and he shall receive line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, and not with stumbling lips, and none shall forbid him.” (2BC 41:1,48-50)

What a wonderful promise. Any home today that Jesus Christ does not come in and sup with, that man is out of order and the heavens will not be open unto him, neither will he receive line upon line or precept upon precept and is subject to be led astray by false prophets, false teachers and every wind of doctrine that they want to teach him. A true prophet will always ask whomever he teaches to confirm everything by prayer and the power of the Holy Ghost. False prophets and teachers will admonish whomever they teach to accept everything they are taught and support the general authorities now constituted or face expulsion from the church. I ask, how can a person exercise their free agency under this set of circumstances if he values his church membership? He can't. I find it very hard to believe how a man thinks that he can lead his family to exaltation and eternal life in the celestial kingdom while blindly following other men and putting his trust in the arm of flesh, which the Lord has commanded us not to do. Without personal revelation to direct him aright, a man does not have a chance of guiding his family to celestial glory. When the blind lead the blind, they all will fall into the ditch. One of the first steps in the setting in order, the Lord made it clear, that each man should live worthy to receive personal revelation regarding his own family, so that he not be led astray by false prophets. A man receiving personal revelation from the Lord need not put his trust in the arm of flesh or rely upon these false prophets for revelations which come from beneath instead of from the heavens. To assist families in the setting in order, the Lord has given the Prophet numerous revelations regarding marriage and family government. I will not quote these revelations

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here as space does not permit, but they will be made available to the truth seeker upon request to the School of the Prophets. A family will not be accepted into the United Order of Zion until that family is in order, so the first step in becoming part of Zion is the setting in order of the family. Many families are out of order because they married without revelation or direction from the Lord. All families are out of order who married without the woman receiving a sign and a witness from the Lord that she was to marry her husband. The sign and witness to the woman must be confirmed by the prospective husband and the School of the Prophets before the marriage takes place. All who step forward to do the Lords work must seek the Lords will concerning who they are to be married to, whether they be married or not, for many are married to those to whom they do not belong. Once a man and woman have ascertained that they are properly matched, then the remainder of the setting in order can take place. The Lord will not accept a family into His kingdom until the family is in order according to the revelations given to the Prophet over the past several years. All readers are encouraged to pray earnestly for the Lord to direct them and help them to set their family in order, preparatory to entering into the United Order of Zion. There is a reason why the Lord is commencing the setting in order with the family. Zion will be made up of many families and if the families are in order, Zion will be in order as it is formed. When Zion is founded upon the four square, or corner stones, stipulated in Chapter II and is functioning correctly, people will flock to Zion from every nation to be taught the true and correct principles of the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with all truth and nothing but truth being taught there. Only in Zion will there be peace. The good news of the prosperity and peace in Zion will travel far and wide and those not willing to take up sword against their neighbor needs flee to Zion for safety. What a joyous time this will be, because the spirit of the Lord will rest heavily and mightily upon Zion. Great miracles will be performed and the powers of the priesthood of God will be manifested therein. "And he that fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God." (2 Nephi 10:13) Wonderful and marvelous blessings await those who will step forward and learn the truth of all things and help establish the Zion of our God upon the foundation that He has given to His Prophet. The rewards will be much greater for those who come to Zion early in the formative stages and do battle with the adversary in helping to establish Zion, for the adversary certainly is fighting against the establishment of Zion and trying to destroy those helping to establish it while it is yet a small thing. Even the powers of the adversary will not succeed in stopping the establishment of Zion, for it will roll forth with great rapidity and strength, because it is the Lord's work and He is personally directing its formation. While there is great financial chaos throughout the world, there will be great prosperity and wealth in Zion, for the Lord has prepared and will release to its righteous inhabitants the riches of the earth (gold and silver) for its establishment.

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Families in order entering Zion who have covenanted to live all of God's laws will be able to borrow funds, if needed, to establish a stewardship. There will be interest-free loans if the loan is repaid as agreed. The Bank of Zion will be established by the United Order of Zion with gold as the monetary standard. No worthless paper money will be used in Zion. There will be much gold released from mother earth to the inhabitants of Zion who will mine and mint gold coins for use in Zion. Those outside Zion will be forced to take the mark of the beast to exist while the righteous in Zion will be faced with no such evil. The Lord God will be the shepherd of the flock in Zion and will watch over his flock. Beautiful cities will have the most modern conveniences, some unknown to man at the present. There will be electrical power plants, TV stations and water plants. Gold will be so plentiful that the temples built will have much gold therein and the streets of the city of the New Jerusalem, the headquarters of Zion, will be paved with gold.

Reader, by now you should be aware that no one not living all of God's holy laws will be permitted an inheritance in Zion, or to redeem the properties in Independence, Missouri, the location where the city of the New Jerusalem will be built. However, before the city of the New Jerusalem is built, several areas of refuge will be built to protect the elect from the tribulations. After Independence, Missouri has been cleansed by fire, then the city of the New Jerusalem will be started and will be financed by the United Order, or economic are of Zion, whose funds will be unlimited by that time. The powers of God are unlimited. When He has a righteous people gathered together in the areas of refuge and later in the city of the New Jerusalem, the outpouring of His blessings both spiritual and temporal, will be without limit. Now you can see why there will be singing with songs of everlasting joy in Zion for the people residing there will be exceedingly happy. In the four square arms of Zion, the Lord has prepared organizations to take care of every need of His people, political, economic, educational and the church as the missionary arm, to go out in the world and bring unbelievers to Zion to be educated in the School of the Prophets, be protected in their rights by the Kingdom of God, and the United Order to supply means for their economic needs.

There will be no idlers in Zion. All the able-bodied inhabitants will be expected to work, for the idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer in Zion.

It is a well-known fact that the adversary only has power over us that we permit him to have. The righteous families in Zion will not permit the adversary to have power over them. Therefore, the adversary will be bound. the adversary is a personage of spirit and cannot be bound in chains. When the inhabitants of Zion absolutely refuse to permit the adversary to tempt them to commit sin, then the adversary is bound, just as much as if he were chained and placed in a dungeon. The Lord has promised many blessings to the elect families gathered in Zion, some of which are: safety from the destructions and disasters of the tribulations; revelations to guide and direct aright; material necessities, and even wealth. The Prophet Joseph Smith, in his day, said that, "There is no salvation without constant revelation". So, constant revelation is very important to the families seeking salvation and exaltation. There will be food harvested in the areas of refuge abundantly while no harvests will be possible in

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Babylon because of giant hail storms, earthquakes, and other disasters that will destroy the crops of the earth, except for the areas of refuge in Zion. The visionary reader can easily see the immediate rewards of gathering with the elect in the areas of refuge in Zion, and also eternal rewards in the worlds to come. There will be peace and happiness in Zion. Even the animal kingdom will be peaceful to the point that the lamb will lie down with the lion without any ire. One might ask, how will this be possible? The great love and respect for the rights of others in Zion will be transmitted to the animal kingdom. The lion will eat straw like the ox. Further, the poisonous snakes will lose their venom and no longer inflict sickness and death by bruising the heels of man. What a glorious, happy time this will be. Who will be alive upon the earth to experience this glorious event? Only the elect of God who will humble themselves exceedingly before the Lord and accept revelations from His true prophets and gather to the areas of refuge designated by the Lord and consecrate all they have for the establishment and building up of the Zion of our God. Few are willing to make these sacrifices. Those who do will receive eternal rewards and glory eternal, even exaltation and continuation of the seeds forever. Those who will not step forward now when the need is the greatest will not receive the same rewards. Those who continue to be led by false prophets and remain lulled away in a deep slumber will face swift destruction. The destructions of the tribulations will come when it is least expected, like a whirlwind; and in one hour the chaos will be indescribable, indeed. Dead bodies will be stacked in the streets with no one to bury them. Reader, if this is not what you want to happen to you and your family, I admonish you to pray to God our Eternal Father in Heaven with a sincere heart and you will most certainly receive the affirmative answer that what is said in this book is true. On December 17, 1981, the Lord gave the Prophet a very important revelation regarding the family, which I quote in part:

16 And again I say unto you, that it is the responsibility of each family to teach their children the true principles that have been revealed, and they shall not leave this responsibility to another. 17 For the Sunday School was set up for the purpose of teaching those whose parents had neglected this matter, and according to My laws these children should have been given unto others. 18 For when a parent neglects this matter he has lost the right to these children, and under My law they shall be given unto others. 19 Yet if the parents are ignorant, they shall be taught by the School of the Prophets if they are willing until they are familiar with and able and willing to live My laws and to teach these laws to their children. 20 If they are not willing they shall not enter into the order, nor be part of My kingdom. 21 The Sunday School was set up because the law of adoption was done away with, and they knew not what else to do. 22 And thus it is that when the people reject part of My law they set up laws of

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their own device, believing they are wiser than their God. 23 Thus they begin to rely on the arm of flesh, and are weakened in their faith and are ready to be deceived even by the great Deceiver. 24 And thus he leads them carefully down to hell.

In Zion, parents who fail to teach their children the true principles that have been revealed through the School of the Prophets will have their children taken from them and given to, or adopted, by worthy parents who will teach them true and correct principles. Quoted in full is a revelation containing "the law of adoption", dated December, 1979. It is very important that this law be quoted herein as it pertains to the family in Zion. It is imperative that families in Zion understand fully this holy law which will be enforced by the Kingdom of God, which will be the political arm of Zion.

My son, thus saith the LORD, even Alpha and Omega, yea even Jehovah who calleth forth His elect that they may gather together to My holy places and be prepared for the burning that soon cometh. 2 Behold I say unto you, that ye shall not concern thyself over that which bothereth you at this time, for it was My will that thy name be not in print so that no undue attention be brought against you. 3 And I have given unto thee at this time My Spirit that enlighteneth the minds of men that ye may know concerning the true orders that are in My kingdom, that men will understand without doubt. 4 For it shall be in plainness and clarity that even a child can therein understand. 5 Ye have read the words of Mine Only Begotten wherein he promised My servants the apostles, and all others who would keep My commandments, that they would have an hundredfold of houses, brethren, sisters, mothers, and lands and possessions in this life, and in the world to come, Lives Eternal. 6 And ye have wondered concerning this statement that perhaps error hath entered into the matter. 7 And I say unto you that no error hath entered into this, for all these things which are promised can be accomplished through the law of adoption. 8 This doctrine was understood clearly by Mine ancient prophets and apostles, and they did attend to this matter in purity until it was corrupted by evil and designing men, who because of the lusts of the flesh, corrupted this doctrine until it became a mockery and an evil thing. 9 Then, because men knew not what to do, it was abandoned by the church at that time. 10 And I revealed again this doctrine among the children of men at the time of My servant Joseph Smith and he understood it and practiced it in purity. 11 But few others entered into the practice, fearing the ridicule of the world. 12 And thus again My church has abandoned this most holy doctrine, for they understood it not because they loved the praises of the world instead of the truth of My gospel. 13 And this is the law of adoption: When a man or woman over the age of accountability accepts the truth of My gospel, and they enter My kingdom by their own free will and choice, not having their mother and father with them,

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they shall go to their mother and father and the rest of their family and present the gospel to them; 14 And if they totally reject it, he or she shall come before the Holy Priesthood and present their case and say, "I have accepted the truth of the gospel according to the witness of the Holy Ghost, and know of its truthfulness, and I, desiring that My family receive the truth also have presented it to them, and after much effort on my part, explaining the truths to them, they have rejected it, wherefore, what must I do?" 15 Behold I say unto you, that ye shall take this person and teach him or her, as the case may be, the law of adoption. 16 For no one in my kingdom need be fatherless or motherless, or be without kin, for such is the kingdom of Heaven. 17 Ye shall ask this man or woman unto which family they wish to be adopted into. And they shall choose by the Holy Spirit of Promise to which family they shall reside, for the Spirit knoweth the hearts of all men--for are ye not His spirit children? 18 And the family that is indicated shall adopt by an oath and a covenant this person into the family; and they shall be as a son or a daughter as if they had been born of them, like unto their own sons or daughters. 19 And the father shall take the adopted son and teach unto him a trade that he be not ignorant. 20 After he hath taught him well a trade, then he shall go before the Holy Priesthood and present his adopted son before them, showing that he hath performed unto his son the requirements. 21 And they shall see that he has been taught well; and from that time forth he shall no longer be considered an adopted son, but a true son. 22 And he shall receive his name as if he were born unto his family. 23 The former parents, because of their unbelief, have lost their son and shall have no further claim on him. 24 And if a man bear a child from his own loins, he shall teach him the true gospel, and teach him well a trade, otherwise he shall lose his son, and he shall be given unto another, saith the LORD. 25 But if the son be rebellious and is insolent and disobedient, both he and his mother shall be released and shall be dealt with according to My laws as contained in My other scriptures. 26 Nevertheless, if the mother is found not to be at fault, she shall be forgiven and not be released, but the rebellious son shall either repent or be released into Babylon, for a man must needs be where his heart desires. 27 And if a woman shall come forth in humility and accept the truth of the gospel, and her parents after considerable efforts on her part and on the part of the missionaries that shall be sent, accept not the truth, then she shall present herself before My Holy Priesthood and come before them in the same manner as the man. 28 Then she shall be taught likewise the law of adoption as pertaining to females, and she shall choose into which family the Spirit directs. 29 And they shall adopt her with an oath and a covenant, and she shall be like unto their own daughter to them, being equal in all things as if she were their own.

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30 And they shall teach her all the laws of the gospel and all things pertaining to the holy covenants. 31 And the mother shall teach unto her all the duties of womanhood. 32 And the father shall see that she shall be useful in the kingdom, and teach unto her a trade if she so desires. And he shall be unto her as a father and do all things and shall perform all the rights unto her as if she was born of his own loins. 33 And when he hath taught her these things and performed these rights, he and his wife shall take her before Mine holy Priesthood and say, thus and thus my wife and I have done for this woman and on her behalf, and my wife hath taught her the duties of womanhood and I have treated her and taught her like unto mine own daughter, and here is the evidence of her learning and evidence of the rights and ordinances. 34 And if Mine holy Priesthood find that all be in order and they see that she hath been taught aright, she shall no longer be unto them an adopted daughter, but shall be as if she were born of their own seed and she shall take unto her their name as if she were born unto them. 35 And her former parents shall no longer have claim on her, for they have lost her through their unbelief. 36 And if she obtain a sign and a witness as to who her husband shall be, her father shall do unto her all things that a father must do for a faithful daughter, and shall give her unto whom the LORD hath indicated according to the law. 37 And if a man and woman bear a womanchild from their own loins and they teach her not the fullness of the gospel, and the mother teach her not the duties of womanhood, and the father not teach unto her a useful trade if she so desires, and performs not all the rights and ordinances on her as pertaining to a female child, this daughter shall then be taken from them, and be given unto another, saith the LORD. 38 For I am a just God, and it must needs be that all My children who are of the holy seed be brought up in the light of truth. 39 Yet if a daughter born to them be rebellious, and desireth not to listen to the LORD and seek a sign and witness, she shall be released if she repent not, so that she may choose whom she desireth. 40 But none of My holy Priesthood shall take her unto themselves, for she is as the heathen unless she repent. 41 And no man of My holy Priesthood shall take unto themselves wives, sons, daughters, mothers, brothers, sisters, possessions, unless it be by the witness of the Holy Ghost, for more or less than this is sin, and causeth confusion. 42 None shall take unto themselves wives, sons, daughters, mothers, brothers, sisters, unless they be of the chosen seed, for more or less than this is confusion of the races, and is strange flesh unto Me, saith the LORD. 43 And My servant Joseph Smith received unto himself wives, sons, daughters, mothers, brothers, sisters, and possessions in this manner and sinned not. 44 Even Joseph, the temporal father of Jesus, adopted him in the same manner and under the same law, that his earthly lineage be established. 45 And thus is the law of adoption that joins together the faithful in the bonds of love that none be orphaned or without mother and father in My kingdom. Even so, Amen. (2BC 51)

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The following are instructions to the Prophet concerning the method by which homes in Zion will be constructed:

On my return from Canada on June 29, 1985, I was driving my car, bearing southward between Butte, Montana and Idaho Falls, Idaho. 2 It was about 2 A.M. in the morning when the Spirit of the LORD came upon me and showed to my mind in the matter of a few seconds, and in a clear and concise manner, how we are to construct our homes in Zion. 3 Each home is to be constructed on anywhere between one-half and one acre plots, but except in special circumstances not to exceed one acre. 4 They are to be constructed of adobe brick or rammed earth with walls at least one foot thick, but preferably one and an half to two feet thick. 5 These houses are to be constructed with the greatest of skill, using all the knowledge available in their construction. 6 The basement shall have no living quarters in it, and if constructed with a house, it will be used for garage space, work shop, cool room, vegetable storage, household dairy room, or what ever other functional purpose space is required for individual families. 7 The main floor only will be for living quarters. This section will be built basically in the form of a "U". The kitchen, dining and living (family) rooms will be from left to right in that order on the front. 8 The size of these rooms will be dictated by the needs of the family, but it should be taken into consideration that once built, add-ons to these rooms would be extremely difficult, therefore they should be adequate enough to accommodate any increases in the family that may occur through the years. 9 The bedrooms for the father and mother or mothers shall extend from the right hand side to the rear forming the right side of the "U", and these rooms can be added on as needed, with the building constructed in such a manner so that these add-ons can be made without too much expense and without weakening the overall structural stability. 10 On the left, the same thing can be done for the children's bedrooms, forming the left arm of the "U". 11 In this section also will be accommodations for one of the wives to sleep in this section so that the children are supervised at all times. 12 These two sections shall not be built together, but be separated by a courtyard no less than 20 feet, but preferably 30 feet wide or wider. 13 No low window shall be placed facing the courtyard; the windows there shall be high up on the wall. 14 The upstairs, when it is built, shall be built across the front part only, and shall be accessible from the dining room area near the kitchen. 15 As with the basement, no living accommodations shall be in the upper story. 16 This area shall be used for a recreation room, sewing room, library, den, music room and chapel or whatever meets the needs and wants of the family. 17 As can easily be seen, the building should be constructed so that it can be built a part at a time as the family increases and the needs arise. 18 The property must be completely and adequately fenced, and the homes must face a southerly direction. 19 Outbuildings must be adequately constructed to accommodate only those animals that are absolutely necessary for the immediate use of the family: i.e. a

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goat or two, chickens, rabbits, etc. 20 These outbuildings shall be placed at the back of the lot away from wells and gardens. 21 The house or grounds shall not be used for manufacturing nor business use or purposes, and can not be used for the storage or accommodation of equipment or cattle. 22 The grounds must be kept clean and the buildings are to be painted as pure a white as possible. 23 Children are not to go in at any time to the sleeping quarters of the mother and father. 24 The foundation of the building can be made of concrete or stone or any extremely longlasting material, and be adequate enough to withstand the weight and stress of the structure even in times of earthquake. (2BC 122)

After the Prophet returned on this trip, the next day, June 30, 1985, he received the following revelation.

Behold My son, ye shall call unto the World School of the Prophets My servant

Robert4 to be a counselor unto you in this School, for I have seen his works, that

they are correct before Me. 2 Yet pride maketh all men weak, and he is cautioned to beware of this, and to humble himself exceedingly, and if he doeth this I will bless him with a multitude of blessings. 3 Behold I say unto you that there are some who say that the prophecies ye made concerning the calamities that would begin prior to the spring of 1985 have not come to pass. 4 Behold I say unto you, that I also said that the calamities would commence at My house, and has this thing not happened? 5 For did I not cause a severe drought to come upon Cardston, Alberta, Canada, and the surrounding areas in the year 1984? 6 And was it not like unto any that were previously recorded by the sons of men in this portion of My vineyard? 7 And because they repented not, did I not cause another drought to come upon the people again this year, yea, and did I not also bring the plague of grasshoppers and worms that did also devastate the crops so that there be little left except what can be used for cattle? 8 And did I not cause a flood to come upon My people in Salt Lake and the surrounding areas in 1983 to remind My people that they should repent of their unbelief, and did some repent and heed My word? Behold I say unto you, nay. 9 And because they repented not, I did again cause floods to come the following year that they may know that I the LORD am a just God, rewarding every man according to his works. 10 Yet the people repent not, nor heed My word through the prophets I have sent. 11 Yet these are but the beginning of these desolations that shall shortly come upon the world, beginning at My House. 12 And yet they heed Me not and rely more and more upon the governments of men, which are the arms of flesh which shall fail. 13 And have I not singled My people out, yet they heed Me not, nor do they

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heed My servants I have sent, and continue to bind themselves more securely with the fetters of hell, and follow after that which perisheth. Even so, Amen.

Homes constructed in the above manner will protect the elect people of God gathered into the ,holy places, or areas of refuge, from earthquakes and other calamities.



Israel is sound asleep and is unaware of the setting in order of the House of God, which is Zion, presently going on. The shepherds of Israel (General Authorities) are not warning the Mormon people about the Lord's scourge of desolations fast approaching them. The Prophet Isaiah was given visions and revelations about the House of Israel at this time (now). Most of these revelations by the Prophet Isaiah speak of Judah and Jerusalem. Let's scripturally establish who Judah and Jerusalem are today. Let's quote 1 Nephi 2 (which is a correct version of Isaiah 48:1): "Hearken and hear this, 0 house Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, or out of the waters of baptism, who swear by the name of the Lord and make mention of the God of Israel, yet they swear not in truth nor in righteousness."

This scripture substantiates that Judah are the properly baptized, or members of the Lord's church. "And let them who be of Judah flee unto Jerusalem, unto the mountains of the Lord's house." D&C 133:13. This scripture documents well that Jerusalem is the gathering place of Judah, or the baptized of the Lord's church. Salt Lake City, Utah, and the surrounding cities became the gathering place of the Mormon people (or the baptized) and the Jerusalem of the latter days. Before I go into the prophecies of the Prophet Isaiah regarding Judah and Jerusalem, I want to stress the importance of the prophecies of Isaiah and to do this I quote the following two scriptures: "For the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled. Search the prophecies of Isaiah. Behold, I cannot write them. Yea, behold I say unto you, that those saints who have gone before me, who have possessed this land, shall cry, yea, even from the dust will they cry unto the Lord; and as the Lord liveth he will remember the covenant which he hath made with them." Mormon 8:22-23.

"Ye remember that I spake unto you, and said that when the words of Isaiah should be fulfilled--behold they are written, ye have them before you, therefore search them." 3 Nephi 20:11.

In Mormon 8:22-23, the Prophet Moroni verifies that all the Lord's promises shall be fulfilled and urges this people at this time (now) to search the prophecies of Isaiah. The prophecies of the Prophet Isaiah are so important that the Prophet Nephi writes in his book 2 Nephi, Chapters 7-24, seventeen chapters of Isaiah.

In 3 Nephi 20:11, our Lord Jesus Christ in teaching the Nephites spoke concerning the time that the prophecies of Isaiah should be fulfilled which is now until

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the millennium, and urged that we search the words of Isaiah. I have documented well the importance of the prophecies of Isaiah concerning this people and this time (now). Let's examine carefully the prophecies of the Prophet Isaiah concerning Judah and Jerusalem, or the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) in the last days, which we are living in now.

"The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it." Isaiah 2:1-2.

I have heard Mormon apostles quote this scripture and say the gathering of the Mormon people in the Salt Lake City area and regions round about, fulfills Isaiah 2:1-2, and I agree with this. Now, lets see what the Prophet Isaiah prophesies of concerning Judah and Jerusalem, or the Mormon people, at this time and in the near future, until the millennium commences. I have established without question that the Judah and Jerusalem prophesied of by the Prophet Isaiah are the Mormon people and the following scripture prophesies of their destruction. "For, behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah the stay and the staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water, the mighty man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the prudent, and the ancient, the captain of fifty, and the honourable man, and the counsellor, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent orator." Isaiah 3:1-3. This scripture prophesies of the loss of the priesthood keys and all authority of God by the Mormon people, which has happened. "For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory." Isaiah 3:8. This verse prophesies of the apostasy of the Mormon people. In D&C 112:23-26 the Lord states to the Prophet Joseph Smith that (in our day) the apostasy of the Mormon people would become so bad that darkness will cover the whole earth and gross darkness the minds of the people and all flesh will become corrupt before His face. That vengeance cometh speedily and lamentation cometh as a whirlwind upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord, and upon My house shall it begin and from My house shall it go forth, saith the Lord. First among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord. The shepherds of Israel, or the general authorities, and the flock, or the Mormon church membership, have blasphemed against the Lord in His house and soon cometh the desolations of the Lord's scourge to destroy all those who do not heed the warnings of the World School of the Prophets.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face. Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord. And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord; first among those among you, saith the Lord, who have

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professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord." D&C 112:23-26.

Isaiah 3:8 (above) also shows us that Judah and Jerusalem, or the Mormon people, are ruined and fallen because they teach false doctrine. “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” Isaiah 3:12 The Mormon men fail to put their family in order, and permit women and children to rule over them and the leaders of the Mormon people cause them to err, or are led into forbidden paths. "Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcasses were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is streteched out still.” Isaiah 5:25. The Lord will smite the Mormon people and the earthquakes will tremble the hills and tear their carcasses in the streets. The Lords hand is still streteched out to those Mormons who will repent and heed the warning cry of the World School of the Prophets. "Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate." Isaiah 6:11. The Lord's scourge shall not stop until the houses are without man and the land where the Mormons live will be utterly desolate. "Therefore the Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day. The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail. For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed." Isaiah 9:14-16. Here the Lord will cut off from Israel the ancient (president of the LDS church) the prophet that teacheth lies. For the leaders (General Authorities) of this people (Mormons) cause them to err and they that are led of them are destroyed. "Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting. strength: For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low; he layeth it low, even to the ground; he bringeth it even to the dust…” Isaiah 26:4-5. Here the Lord promises to bring down them (General Authorities) that dwell on high in the lofty city (Salt Lake City) and lay low even to the ground, or dust.

“Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine! Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet: And the glorious beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley, shall be a fading flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer; which when he that looketh upon it seeth, while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up. In that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people, And for a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment, and for strength to them that

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turn the battle to the gate. But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little." Isaiah 28:1-10.

This scripture is self-explanatory, but for those who interpret it wrongfully, I will briefly explain it. The crown of pride means head. To the drunkards of Ephraim means not with wine (Isaiah 51:21), but false doctrine. The crown of pride referred to herein is the President of the LDS church. The mighty and strong one is the same prophet referred to in D&C 85:7 that will set in order the House of God, and will direct the destroying angels as they pass over by night and day until destruction of the Mormon people, who fail to repent, is complete. The prophet, or president of the church (LDS), has erred through false doctrine. The LDS church membership are the drunkards of Ephraim and shall be trodden under foot. The sacrament tables are full of vomit or filthiness because there is no priesthood left in the church to administer the sacrament. Only those LDS who are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts of the General Authorities can be taught the fullness of the gospel and can understand it, because the leaders of the LDS people cause them to err and have a closed mind to truth. They sit in darkness and perceive not the light of the fullness of the gospel breaking through from the Lord through the World School of the Prophets.

"Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem. Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place. And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report." Isaiah 28:14-19.

Remember the people referred to in Jerusalem in Verse 14 are the baptized LDS and Jerusalem is the gathering place of the baptized and that Salt Lake City, Utah, is the Jerusalem referred to in this verse. The Lord refers to the leaders of Jerusalem, or the LDS church, as scornful men. The covenant with death and with hell referred to in Verse 15 is the manifesto (at the end of the Doctrine and Covenants) which will be disannulled, as referred to in Verse 18. The overflowing Lord's scourge shall pass through, contrary to what the General

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Authorities are saying, and destroy the LDS church membership and the General Authorities as the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the waters shall overflow their hiding place. So, watch for large hail storms and high flood waters in Salt Lake City, Utah, which will trod down the Mormon people by day and night and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report. In the following, the Lord answers the Prophet Joseph Smith's question about Isaiah 52:1: "Questions by Elias Higbee: What is meant by the command in Isaiah, 52nd chapter, 1st verse, which saith: Put on thy strength, O Zion and what people had Isaiah reference to? He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days, who should hold the power of priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel; and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she, Zion, has a right to by lineage; also to return to that power which she had lost. What are we to understand by Zion loosing herself from the bands of her neck; 2d verse? We are to understand that the scattered remnants are exhorted to return to the Lord from whence they have fallen; which if they do, the promise of the Lord is that he will speak to them, or give them revelation. See the 6th, 7th, and 8th verses. The bands of her neck are the curses of God upon her, or the remnants of Israel in their scattered condition among the Gentiles.“ D&C 113:7-10 It is very clear that the Zion Joseph Smith established would fall away and have to be brought forth again. Further, it is clear here that the Mormon people, who were the inhabitants of Zion, would lose the priesthood and would have to have the priesthood re-conferred upon them by the Elias (D&C 27:6) who is the Prophet, President of the World School of the Prophets. The priesthood and keys will only be re-conferred upon those LDS men who come forth showing humility for their errors with a repentant heart and a contrite spirit. I quote in part a revelation received by the Prophet in July, 1982:

"Thus saith the Lord unto My servant, behold, I say unto you, they (General Authorities) repented not of their unbelief and because of their lack of repentance I did strip from them their priesthood and give their authority to another for they did neglect their duties of distributing the revelations to the people and held revelations in contempt, therefore they were incapable of doing the work. Therefore, I say unto you, because they heeded not My word through My prophets, behold, they shall all be replaced, yea, even everyone and none shall be spared. For.' I will replace the presidency and the twelve and every man who heeds not My word and through My servant shall I do it For I did call upon the leaders of My church to repent and they heeded not My message and refused to do so, therefore, I shall replace everyone. For they did receive no revelation because of their fornication against Me and it must needs be that they will be replaced with those who do live according to My laws and are worthy of the still small voice. For I have sent a prophet and placed in his mouth My word. And I shall restore My church according to My laws, and I shall bring about the restoration of all things that Zion be established in its purity. Even so, Amen." (unpublished)

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I have quoted herein eleven of the prophecies of the Prophet Isaiah. I suggest you read and re-read the entire Book of Isaiah as you have been admonished to by Moroni and your Lord Jesus Christ. If by now I do not have your attention you are not one of the elect people of God with a pure heart, but are in the gall of bitterness, love darkness more than light, and you will well deserve the Lord's scourge coming upon you, and you will become as dung upon the ground with no one to mourn or bury you as described in Jeremiah 25:32-38, as follows:

Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. "Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the Lord. He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger."

The apostasy of the General Authorities and the membership of the Mormon church will go much further than most people understand. When a people lose the priesthood, keys and revelation from God, and the oracles of God, in a short time they will believe a lie, fight against truth and persecute the true saints of God. To document this, I quote 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposeth and exalteth himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.“ "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

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The apostle Paul prophesies of the falling away of the Mormon people, before Christ's second coming, which has happened. That man of sin to be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God, is none other than the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He will exalt himself in the temple of God. The Salt Lake temple is the temple spoken of in this scripture. The Lord will destroy this son of perdition with the brightness of His coming. In the following prophecy, the Lord, through His Prophet Jeremiah, warns His people in the latter days not to hearken unto the prophets that cry, "ye shall have peace". Further, the Lord states that he did not send these prophets, yet they ran and prophesy lies in His name. The Lord was speaking of the General Authorities in the prophecy in Jeremiah 23:16-32, quoted below:

"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. They say still unto them that despise me, The Lord hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you. For who hath stood in the counsel of the Lord, and hath perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and heard it? Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.” "The anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken unto them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my counsel and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doing. Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal my words everyone from his neighbour. Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that use their tongues, and say, He saith. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the Lord."

In the following prophecy the Lord makes it clear to the Prophet Jeremiah that the Mormon people will not heed the Lord even though He warns them time and time again. The World School of the Prophets has warned every general authority by certified mail, but none have heeded. Therefore, the Lord will do unto the house which is called by His name (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) as He did to Shiloh and He will cast the membership of the church and the General Authorities, even the whole seed of Ephraim, out of His sight. Regardless of who makes intercession to the Lord for the LDS people, He will not hear.

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"And now, because ye have done all these works, saith the Lord, and I spake unto you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not; and I called you, but ye answered not; therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust; and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh. And I will cast you out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim. Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up cry nor prayer for them, neither make intercession to me: for I will not hear thee. Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?" Jeremiah 7:13-17.

In Verse 30 of Jeremiah, Chapter 7, “the children of Judah (the baptized), have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord". They have polluted his house (church) called by His name (LDS Church) and in Verse 34, the land where Judah (baptized LDS people) reside shall be left desolate. In forty years as a member of the LDS church, holding many high-level positions, I have seen many patriarchal blessings and almost without exception they all said "thou art the lineage of Ephraim". So most LDS people are the seed of Ephraim and can expect to have done unto them the prophecy in Jeremiah 7:13-17, quoted above. All of Israel will be gathered to the World School of the Prophets for their priesthood ordination and keys so that everything will be in order. The ten lost tribes of Israel will come from the land of the North, being led by their prophets, and all will come to the World School of the Prophets for their ordinations to the holy priesthood and keys to function in the priesthood of God The Lord has been working with these lost tribes of Israel for quite some time, also, no doubt, John the beloved apostle and the three Nephite apostles have been preparing not only the lost tribes of Israel, but others also, for their anointing by the World School of the Prophets, which is the foundation of truth that Israel will be gathered to. Hear this, Oh ye Latter Day Saints! Prepare yourselves and be gathered to the fountain of truth (The World School of the Prophets) or be destroyed in Babylon. The following is a partial quotation of a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet in March, 1981, which is Section 67 of the Second Book of Commandments:

My son, ye have neglected to take pen in hand and heed My Spirit, for there are many things that I have to reveal unto this people that are necessary for their salvation and for their knowledge and understanding. 2 For ye are Mine oracle and mouthpiece, and because of thy faithfulness, thou hast been given this responsibility and behold I have given you this authority and none can take it from you. 3 For many desire this gift and it flees from them because they desire it for their own use and pleasure.

Awake, Oh ye sons of Ephraim and all of Israel from your deep slumber. Know ye not that you are deceived by the devil? The Lord has sent you strong delusions, for those who desire to believe a lie have the agency to do so, will not go unpunished for doing so.

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You have placed your trust in the arm of flesh, which you have been commanded not to do. Why can't you learn from the mistakes of the ancient Nephites and the Jaredites? They were warned and warned, yet they chose darkness and death instead of life and safety. Now Mormon people are at the brink of destruction similar to what befell the ancient Nephites and Jaredites, yet you cannot learn from their mistakes, but now must experience destruction yourselves. Oh, thou fools! Unless you heed the warning of The World School of the Prophets, whom the Lord has chosen to redeem His Zion and save only those who repent and be gathered with His elect people into holy places, or areas of refuges, ye shall all be destroyed in body and taste the second death, which is the death of your spirit. How sad. I weep exceedingly over the great deception that the LDS people find themselves in. Pride hath entered into your hearts and the adversary leads you carefully down to hell while ye cry, "All is well in Zion, Zion prospereth", etc. Many secrets of the Kingdom of God have been revealed to the Prophet for the elect, including the full laws of Israel which are only taught to the elect by direct revelation from the Lord, naming the person to be entrusted with these holy laws. In Isaiah 59:1-4, the Prophet Isaiah foresaw the iniquities separating the shepherds from their God and the reasons why God has hidden his face from them. It is true that the blood of the flock will be upon the hands of the shepherds who lead them to destruction, however; the flock will not be without fault because they put their trust in the arm of flesh, which they were commanded not to do. Shepherds of Israel, where are your "thus saith the Lord" revelations for the past 120 years? To my knowledge, there are none. Did the Lord go for 120 years without any "thus saith the Lord" revelations to his prophet in any other period of time since the world began? I don't think so. Then this must mean that the prophets or presidents of the church have either been unworthy of revelations, or they are fallen prophets. Oh, shepherds of Israel! How can you lead thirteen million people to celestial glory without revelations from the Lord? You can’t, and you know this, but you keep the flock in the dark about this. Regarding the proclamation to the world that the seed of Cain are to be given the holy Melchizedek priesthood and admitted to the holy temple of God. This was certainly not a "thus saith the Lord" revelation and the shepherds were smart enough not to pretend it was. On June 18, 1978, the Lord gave the Prophet a revelation regarding the aforesaid proclamation, quoted as follows:

Behold My son, for I call you My son, for ye have been faithful over the few things that ye have been called to do, and because ye have been faithful over these few things, ye shall be made ruler over many. 2 And ye have asked Me concerning whether it be correct to place upon the seed of Cain My holy Priesthood, and I give unto thee an answer, yea, even a revelation concerning this matter. 3 For have I not said unto thee in a previous revelation that the heads of My church were puffed up in their hearts? For they seek their name in the lights and in print, and seek fellowship with the world. 4 And if they repent not they shall be cast aside as the dross.

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5 And they receive revelation, but not from Me, saith the LORD, for no man can receive this revelation unless he be living My laws. 6 But they scorn My laws and treat them as naught. They live instead the laws of this world, and persecute and ignore those who would live all My commandments, and who are My true prophets. 7 How then can they receive revelation from Me? 8 But ye know the source of their revelations. 9 Behold I say unto you, at no time have I given a commandment unto My church, nor shall I, except what I have stated in My previous revelations, that the children of Ham, even the Negro race and all its peoples, should receive My holy Priesthood. 10 For have ye not My revelations before you that state clearly that not even the direct descendants of Ham, who were a righteous and a good people, could receive this blessing because of their lineage? 11 And have I not spoken to My servant Joseph Smith, even your head, that none of this race could or would be ordained to My holy Priesthood until the seed of Abel shall rise above the seed of Cain? 12 And ye know that this has as yet not taken place, for righteous Abel was slain, and his seed still awaits to be born, behold an innumerable host. 13 And have I, Jehovah, not said that any revelation that totally contradicts a previous revelation is not of Me, nor can be, for I lie not; 14 Therefore, ye know from whence the revelation came, even from the father of all lies. 15 And according to that prophesy ye made in thy book, even the Book of Onias, which prophesy was from Me, it hath literally been fulfilled, for every word that proceedeth forth from My mouth shall be fulfilled. 16 Behold I say unto thee, that these men (the Presidency of My church) came before Me concerning this matter, and because they have not heeded My commandments, nor have they listened to My servant, I heard them not. 17 And because they desired an answer according to their own carnal desires, (for they feared the persecution that they may have received for living My law), the adversary came and spoke sweetly to them, and they were glad for his words, for they were according to their carnal desires, and they heeded his words; and they shall proclaim them throughout the world as a proclamation from God. 18 Behold I say unto you, I have allowed them to do this that they may be exposed before the world as frauds and false prophets. 19 For the adversary was the founder of this black race, for he came to Cain after God had taken away his power to procreate the children of righteousness, and showed him how he could place his seed into animals, and the seed of animals into other animals, for he did corrupt the seed of the earth in this manner, hoping to thwart the works of God. 20 And for this reason the earth was destroyed by the flood, to destroy from the face of the earth these abominations which Cain created, for he had corrupted all flesh. 21 And they all sought to do the works of Cain, and he died not, but was slain. 22 But his seed was preserved through the loins of Ham, the son of Noah, and his descendants, and survived the flood. 23 And this knowledge to create these monsters has again been discovered by

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men in your age, and thus the earth has again become corrupted and nigh ready for destruction. 24 And in the last days the adversary, through the vanity of men, has set up churches like unto his beasts that he created, yea, even like the Sphinx, the Centaur, and the Satyr. 25 For some have the bodies of beasts and faces of men, and some are in the form of man, but have the spirit of the beast; and they shall deceive all but Mine elect. 26 What say ye then about the revelation received by the heads of My church? 27 For the adversary has infiltrated My church, and seeketh to become its head. 28 But those who have heeded him shall shortly be exposed by their folly, for My name nor My church shall be mocked longer, for it shall shortly be cleansed and purged and tried in the fire, that all those who profess to know Me, and know Me not, will be exposed. 29 For these are the false prophets spoken of in My holy scriptures, and they say, "We dwell securely", thinking that the time of visitation shall not come. 30 Behold I say unto thee, it is nigh at the door, for behold I come quickly. Even so, Amen. (2BC 25)

The proceeding revelation from the Lord to His true Prophet clearly defines the Lord’s feelings on the pretended revelation to the shepherds regarding giving the priesthood to the seed of Cain. The folly of the shepherds in this matter will soon be made manifest and the temples will be cleansed of the seed of Cain as foretold by president Brigham Young and confirmed in Zechariah 14:21, "And in that day (millennium) there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts". Oh, Israel! Why continue to follow shepherds that will eventually lead you to your utter destruction? You are doing exactly what the false shepherds and the adversary desires of you, to follow blindly and put your trust in the arm of flesh and never question what you are told and sustain them or face expulsion. Know ye not that you would be better off rising above the church and receiving revelation directly from the Lord yourself? Why not pray to God the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ if the shepherds are in order? If you will ask with a sincere heart, with real intent having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. Know ye not that the Lord has called a humble elder to be a prophet? The Lord gave many revelations to this prophet for the shepherds of Israel. These revelations have mostly gone unheeded and they have cast this righteous, humble prophet of God from their midst, even though they were promised a visitation by an angel if they would pray and ask if the revelations from the Lord to the Prophet be true. The Lord had no other choice but to take His case to the membership of the church, or to the flock. Many thousands of the flock have received the Parable of the Pear Tree and Deceitful Merchants revelations. Few have stepped forward because of the fear of the shepherds. The gross darkness is beginning to be dispelled by the voice of the Lord to His true prophet. A small patch of blue is appearing that will soon fill the whole sky and darkness will be dispelled, but where will the flock be, lest they awake and arise from their slumber, repent and receive revelation from Gods true prophets?

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Jesus Christ is bound by law not to give revelations to the wicked. That is why the heavens have been sealed to the shepherds of Israel for so many years. Some of the flock have awakened from their sleep and questioned the direction that the shepherds are leading the flock and repented and have received revelations from the Lord. Your author has received revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ and has seen the Lord Jesus Christ in vision. Awake, awake, oh Israel, arise and shine forth! The time has come to establish Zion. The elect are being gathered from the four corners of the earth to do battle with the forces of evil and lay the foundation of Zion preparatory to the ushering in of the 1,000 year millennial reign of peace. As in the days of Noah when all flesh not in the ark was destroyed, so will all flesh not gathered into the areas of refuge be destroyed. Your destiny is in your hands. Why not ask God the Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, if the words of this book be true and if you will ask with a sincere heart with real intent, having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost, and by the power of the Holy Ghost you may know the truth of all things. In July, 1981, the Lord gave the following revelation to the Prophet quoted in part:

13 Where are a people to do My will? Behold I have looked in vain; therefore, I must bring about circumstances that will cause My people to repent, for they are drunk with the fatness of the land. 14 But I will make the fatness lean, and the pleasures a hedge. And where there is prosperity, there shall be poverty, and where there is security there shall be fear. 15 Would that they would heed My word in their prosperity, but pride taketh their hearts, for they think that with their own hands they have gained their prosperity. 16 Behold, all that now stands shall fail, yea even your great banks and lending institutions, your great corporations that make of the employee a slave, yea and the governments that support them. 17 Will ye then set up My holy order or perish? (2BC 69)

Oh, awake oh Israel! Know ye not that your blessing will be greater if you come to the Lord in humility with your wealth than to come after the Lord has taken your wealth from you and humbled you to the earth? Just as sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, the Lord will take away your prosperity and your pride and perhaps you will repent and step forward and live all of Gods holy laws and help establish the holy order, even the United Order, upon the foundation established by the Lord as described in Chapter VI of this book. Should you have any doubt in your mind and heart about the revelations of the Prophet, I refer you to the following revelation from the Lord to His Prophet in January, 1965, which I quote in full:

Behold and give ear and hear the voice of your Savior, yea, even the still small voice that maketh tremble at every joint, yea, hear your Savior who speaketh to you, even through a prophet chosen by Me. 2 For I choose not after the ways of men, but choose those that men cast out and

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esteem as naught, for this is according to the prophecies that have been made. 3 Behold, I have sent My servant, and there are those who hath condemned him for receiving My word, and there are those that say he receiveth these revelations from the adversary. 4 Beware, those who disregard these words, for they shall be accountable before Me at that day. 5 Behold I say unto you, that ye shall read them, and when ye read them, if ye find anything among them that teacheth that which is unrighteous, then ye shall know that they are false. 6 But ye shall not find such among them, for they teacheth righteousness, and cry repentance unto this people. 7 Behold again I say unto you, and the still small voice pierceth to the center, for it bringeth to light that which was hidden and searcheth the hearts of all men. 8 Yea, it commandeth the greatest among you, yea, if he who is the greatest among you shall with his wisdom prepare even a revelation like unto the least of these I have given to My Servant whom I have called, then ye are justified in saying that ye are not sure that they are true. 9 Nevertheless, ye know that they are true, for that which teacheth righteousness cometh from above. 10 And if the wisest among you are unable to write even as the least of these, then ye are under condemnation, for ye are like unto those who seeketh after a sign, for an evil and adulterous and an unbelieving generation seeketh after a sign. 11 Behold I say unto you, I have chosen My servant, and in him I have placed My Spirit, and I speak to him even as I spoke to My servant Joseph Smith, for I did impress upon his mind those things that were expedient to the up-building of My church, and he wrote them as I commanded. 12 Nevertheless, I appeared unto him and manifested Myself unto him in many ways, for great was his faith. 13 And in no wise did he sin, for he repented of his sins, and he kept My commandments and was faithful even unto the end, and I have taken him unto Myself, and he spilled his blood upon the floor of the Carthage jail as a testimony against the wicked. 14 Yea, and those who shed his blood have suffered and have been smitten and cursed with a sore curse even unto this day. 15 What say ye then if ye rebel against Me and heed not the words of My servant? What then are ye likened unto? 16 Yea, ye are likened unto salt that has lost its savor, and are good for nothing but to be trampled under foot. 17 For My Spirit shall withdraw from you and ye shall be cast down from that where ye now stand. 18 Yea, and all that is written concerning this matter shall surely come to pass, even every whit. For I lie not, neither does My path vary even one iota. 19 Repent therefore, and begin to keep My commandments, for I will not suffer you to mock My word. Even so, Amen and Amen. (2BC 19)

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Quoted in full is a revelation from the Lord to the Prophet on November 15, 1982:

My son, for ye are indeed My son, for ye were ordained before you were born to be a prophet unto this people, not a prophet only but an Elias, yea even a forerunner to be as a warning voice to call the nations to repentance before the calamities come. 2 For they will surely come and none shall forstay My hand in bringing about the judgments that are about to fall upon the wicked, yea even by the sword, and by famine and by pestilence, even greater than that which befell the ancient Egyptians who heeded not My word nor My warnings. 3 And ye have had few that followed after thee, and those that have are burdened with the cares of the world. 4 Unto My servant Joseph Smith, I did give the name Gazelam, for he did truly translate the Book of Mormon from the plates My servant Moroni did give unto him. 5 And again I did call him Baurak El, for he is truly My mouthpiece for this generation, even the dispensation of the fullness of times. 6 And they have corrupted and have disregarded My word through him, and the people now believe a lie, for they would rather please the world than live My commandments, and they shall receive their reward. 7 After ye have sent out all that ye can of the pamphlets, (and ye have seen how few have heeded My voice through thee) ye shall turn unto Mine ancient covenant people and teach unto them the truths that perhaps they will repent and turn from their filthy ways and become unto Me a white and delightsome people, for such are the promises if they but repent. 8 Nevertheless, ye shall not neglect the members of My church, for many shall yet repent and be numbered among My people, yet they shall be in the minority. 9 For they are a stiffnecked people and slow to heed My voice, and because of their being like sheep, are led easily astray by false shepherds who leadeth them into the desert instead of the green pastures of My word.

Even so, Amen. (2BC 85)



"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God." D&C 85:7

Many people understand that the house of God is out of order and must be set in order by the prophet "one mighty and strong". Many men claim falsely that they are the

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prophet "one mighty and strong", yet produce no revelations from heaven directing how the house of God will be set in order. Further, many men fraudulently claim priesthood authority and keys. Priesthood is the authority for man to act for God on earth. No man has any authority or keys to use the priesthood of God without the voice of the Lord directing, by revelation, that the priesthood be used. Hear this, oh ye men of the earth! Continuous revelation from the heavens are the keys of priesthood. No man has any keys or authority to exercise the priesthood of God where the voice of the Lord is not heard. Some men may claim revelation, but they don't publish such for the people to, put, to the test, so they are false or pretended revelations. Hear this, oh ye ends of the earth! The prophet "one mighty and strong" who will set the house of God in order is not any of these men who have been claiming to be the prophet "one mighty and strong". Some of these men have claimed falsely this office for the past half-century and are frauds and imposters. The prophet "one mighty and strong" is alive upon the earth today, but he probably doesn't know yet that he will be called to this important calling. The point I am trying to make here is that this man who will be the prophet "one mighty and strong" isn't going around claiming to be that prophet and any man claiming to be the prophet "one mighty and strong" is not that prophet. . I quote in full a revelation from Jehovah, the father of Jesus Christ's mortal body, to His adopted son, who is that Elias spoken of in D&C 27:6. This revelation was received on March. 13, 1983.

Some say that it is not correct for one man to receive a revelation from Me on behalf of another, and in this they do err, for this I do that man may be humbled. 2 For I did give unto My former prophets revelations for others that they may be edified thereby. 3 For many men are not prepared to receive My revelations directly, for it would destroy them, yet they are entitled to receive these instructions through those whom I have chosen to speak to the people. 4 For those who say, "I will not receive the word of the LORD through another" are puffed up in the pride of their hearts, and have cut themselves off from My presence. 5 For I will neither speak to them direct, nor speak to them through another, for they themselves have closed the door. 6 And thus they will be turned over to the buffetings of the adversary, and if they repent not will be lost at the last day. 7 For did I not speak unto My servant Balaam through an ass, and did I not speak unto My prophet Paul through Agabus that he be warned of an impending danger? 8 And did I not speak through My servant Joseph Smith on the behalf of many, that they be edified and instructed in the paths of righteousness? 9 And all who rejected My word through the prophets rejected Me, saith the LORD. 10 And did not I instruct My servant Moses through My servant Jethro? 11 For did not Moses become lifted up in the pride of his heart, saying unto himself, "Behold, there is none like unto Moses, for did not God speak unto Me face to face? And did I not by the raising up of My right arm waste the

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Egyptians? And did I not take up My rod and with it divide the waters of the Red Sea, and cause all the children of Israel to pass through unharmed, and after all had passed through in safety, the waters did return and destroyed the Egyptian army? And after they were entered into the wilderness and thirsted, did not I smite the rock with My rod and did not the waters of the deep gush forth?" 12 And because he boasted in his own strength, did not I withdraw My Spirit from him until he repented and gave the glory unto whose glory it belongeth? 13 For he did none of these things of his own self, but received the power to do these things by the power of My word. 14 And when a man boasteth in his own strength, behold I say unto you, My Spirit withdraws, and that man is left unto his own, to kick against the pricks. 15 And if I give a man a calling, and that man is lifted up in the pride of his heart because of his calling, behold the Spirit is withdrawn, and if he repents not he shall lose that calling, and it shall be given unto another. 16 Behold, did not I give unto My servant John a calling, and did not he rebel against My servant, and was he not left unto his own? 17 Did not I give unto My servant Joseph a calling, and because of pride did he not fall? 18 I the LORD am no respecter of persons, for when men open their hearts to receive My word, behold I pour out My blessings upon them. 19 And if a man hardens his heart against Me or My servants, it is the same, behold I withdraw My Spirit, until that man repents. 20 For when a man boasts in his own strength, and gives not the glory unto whose right it is, behold that man is in danger. 21 It is the nature of man, as soon as he is given a little authority, his desire is to dominate his fellow men. 22 This is not My way nor can be, but it is the way of the adversary, and unless these men repent, they shall be cast off no matter what their calling, for none such shall enter My kingdom.

23 And again ye have asked concerning the man "like unto Moses" and how he shall be known. 24 Behold I say unto you, although the man Moses was called by My voice, and I did speak unto him face to face like one man speaketh to another, yet he did nothing except he did consult with My prophet Jethro. 25 For he was a High Priest after the most holy order, and did he not direct all things that Moses did? 26 For was he not the head of My School, even the School of the Prophets? 27 For although My servant Moses had been chosen to set up My Church and Kingdom on the earth, and establish My Order, he was yet subject to the School, for the School has precedence above all other organizations. 28 For it is entrusted with the knowledge of the Kingdom and the establishment of Zion. 29 Because of this My servant Moses received instruction from My servant Jethro in all things pertaining to the establishment of the Kingdom. 30 For Moses was called to re-establish My Kingdom, even the political arm of Zion; and My Order, even the economic arm of Zion; and My Church, which he did, so that those who repented could be baptized for the remission of sins. 31 And many were thus baptized in the waters of the Red Sea when they saw the miracles the LORD wrought in their deliverance from Egyptian bondage,

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and they did humble themselves and did repent and were baptized for the remission of their sins. 32 And in his day he was called and he did perform his work with a mighty hand in establishing these three squares of Zion. 33 Yet he held not the authority or keys of the School which were held by My servant Jethro. 34 For this School was not in bondage to the Egyptians, and they had separated themselves, and had hidden themselves, and had remained pure in doctrine and in the understanding of God. 35 Thus they had not become polluted by the traditions and false teachings of the Egyptian priests as had the children of Israel. 36 And thus I brought the children of Israel out from their oppressors with a mighty hand, that all the earth knew and heard and trembled at the wasting of the Egyptians. 37 And I purged them and purified them before My face. 38 And it was not until this generation had gone to their rest, suffering much affliction, that I did allow them to enter into the land of promise, for they would have immediately polluted it. 39 And all that remained of that generation were Joshua and Caleb, and even My servant Moses I forbade to enter, for he did rebel and complain against Me in the wilderness. 40 And I shall answer thy question concerning who was the "One like unto Moses" in this generation. 41 For behold I say unto you, was it not My servant Joseph Smith? 42 For did he not restore and establish the Church, even My missionary arm; and the Kingdom, My political arm; and My Order, even My economic arm, like unto My servant Moses? 43 Yet he was greater than Moses, for at Moses' time the School of the Prophets was already established, but at this time it was not, for My Priesthood and authority had been taken from the earth and from among the children of men. 44 My servants John the Baptist, John the Revelator, and even My servant Moses, who had the keys of the gathering, had to come and place their keys and authority upon the head of My servant Joseph to restore them again to the earth. 45 For I placed not only the keys of the Kingdom upon his head but the keys of the School and Priesthood; therefore, he had all the keys that Moses held and also the keys of the School which Jethro held. 46 Thus the saying goes that he was the greatest prophet; therefore, there was not a greater prophet than My servant Joseph Smith-- except only My Son who was the Redeemer of the world-- for through him all things were restored, and he did establish Zion, and for this reason was his life taken. 47 For this was the plan of the adversary, that if his life was taken, the truth of the gospel would be destroyed from the earth, and he would rule the world again without opposition. 48 And he caused the hearts of men to rage within them, as like unto the time of My Son, even the Savior of the world. 49 And as they crucified My Son upon the cross, so also did the same spirit come upon these men, and they did slay My servant Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum, thinking that by destroying these men they would destroy My authority from the face of the earth.

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50 But this I allowed, for how then would Mine elect be identified and how would they then be tried? 51 Had I allowed the people to return to Independence, Missouri they would have immediately polluted it, just as the children of Israel would have polluted their inheritance had I allowed that generation to enter the promised land. 52 For it was My will that a great sifting occur as prophesied by My servant John Taylor, for without this sifting Mine elect could not be found out nor purified and refined and be humbled sufficiently in preparation for the setting up of Zion. 53 For although My servant Joseph Smith did restore Zion, that generation rejected it just as they rejected the higher Law in Moses' time. 54 And thus I hid them up and brought them through the wilderness of sin to purify and refine Mine elect. 55 And as I knew that this would happen, have I not promised one mighty and strong, having the scepter of power in his hand to cleanse that which has been polluted and restore that which has been destroyed? 56 Howbeit the priesthood restored by My servant Joseph Smith remained, and to those who have not polluted themselves and have truly repented of their sins, and on whom the Priesthood has been properly conferred, and who have honored My Priesthood by living My laws and keeping all of My commandments, I have given unto them My word through the prophet I have chosen. 57 And I will give unto this man the same power that I gave unto My servant Moses. 58 For will he not be "like unto Moses", for through the power that I give unto him he shall cleanse the Church, and with a mighty hand restore the Kingdom and the Order and none shall stay his hand. 59 And I shall speak to him face to face as I did to My servant Moses, and I shall give unto him power to do these things. 60 Yet he, like unto Moses, hath not the keys or authority over the School of the Prophets. 61 For I have appointed another like unto My prophet Jethro, full of My Spirit, to hold these keys. 62 Yet My servant "like unto Moses" shall not boast in this power as Moses did, for he doeth nothing of himself. 63 And he shall give glory unto his God, otherwise he shall be left unto himself. 64 And he shall consult with the School of the Prophets in all matters pertaining to the building of My Kingdom. 65 For was he not brought up like unto My servant Moses, among the Gentiles, yet because of his true lineage he has been chosen. 66 Nevertheless, he is ignorant of much of My law and must need go to the School which is the receptacle and source of all truth, that he may establish My Kingdom and Order on a firm foundation. 67 The Church also he must cleanse. As a man cleaneth a filthy platter, he shall cleanse it with one sweep, and the wicked shall not stand but all shall be removed, for there shall be no residue of filth left to pollute again My church. 68 Oh, let the wise hear the words of My voice, even the voice of Jehovah, and heed and prepare themselves that they be not wanting on that day. 69 Oh the daughters of Zion who have polluted their inheritance, who have

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bowed down to Baal and worshipped the beast and mammon, who have sold themselves for naught, their reward shall be the whirlwind, and their cup the cup of bitterness. 70 Yea, and I call on all men to repent, yea even those who have fallen, even My servant John and My servant Joseph, for I will forgive them if they repent in sackcloth and ashes. 71 For I am merciful unto all who repent and receive them unto Myself with an outstretched hand, yea and even the heads of My church. 72 Yet they must come in again by the door, for they cannot attain to their former calling, for have I not given these callings unto others? 73 And ye shall call Richard to the School of the Prophets. 74 And ye shall release from the School My servant Eugene, for he desireth no longer to be associated with the School, yet if he so desire he shall carry on the work of sending forth the proclamation to the members of My Church. 75 And none others are called to be members of My School at the present. 76 For I will have none but are true followers of Christ and who have prepared themselves, and who are willing to keep all My laws. Even so, Amen.

As you can see, the prophet "one mighty and strong" will be identified by the Lord, by revelation, to His Prophet, who is president of the World School of the Prophets, which is the same office Jethro held. The president of the World School of the Prophets will set apart the prophet "one mighty and strong" and place the scepter of power in his hands which is a rod or a staff similar to the staff the Prophet Moses used. This is one way that you can recognize the prophet "one mighty and strong", by the scepter of power, or staff, in his hand. Another way you will be able to recognize him is the awesome power of this holy prophet of God, who will consult with The World School of the Prophets in all that he does. Further, the president of the World School of the Prophets will confer priesthood authority and keys upon the prophet "one mighty and strong" to preside over the United Order, the Kingdom, and the Church. This authority will include the setting apart of the heads of these three organizations. The complete House of God is Zion four square, explained in this book.

I prophesy in the name of the Lord God that unless these imposters falsely claiming keys of priesthood and lying, saying they are the prophet "one mighty and strong", repent of their sins and come before the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, confessing their sins and present themselves to the World School of the Prophets for instruction, God will destroy them both root and branch shortly. Oh, ye people! Beware whom you follow. The true house of God is Zion, correctly organized and functioning, as was the case under the direction of the Prophet Enoch in his time. It is imperative that the Zion of this earth be organized correctly and exactly as the Zion taken to the bosom of the Father in the Prophet Enoch's time, so that when the two are merged together, everything will be in order. This is the only organization acceptable to the Lord. All other organizations shall be destroyed. The Zion of this earth, no doubt, will be small compared to the Zion that perfected itself under the guidance of the Prophet Enoch. God the Father, in His wisdom took that Zion to His bosom because He knew the hard hearts of the people who profess to love Him and know Him, yet seek their own ways and reject God's anointed Holy prophets sent to warn them and advise them of the setting in order.

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In fact, the Lord has revealed that these people who have professed to know Him have hearts as hard as flint. Further, the Lord has revealed that those who have known His power and now reject His holy prophets will be dealt with according to the prophecy He gave the Prophet Joseph Smith, found in D&C 133:66-74:

“In that day when I came unto mine own, no man among you received me, and you were driven out. When I called again there was none of you to answer; yet my arm was not shortened at all that I could not redeem, neither my power to deliver. Behold, at my rebuke I dry up the sea. I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish stink, and die for thirst. I clothe the heavens with blackness, and make sackcloth their covering. And this shall ye have of my hand—ye shall lie down in sorrow. “Behold, and lo, there are none to deliver you; for ye obeyed not my voice when I called to you out of the heavens; ye believed not my servants, and when they were sent unto you ye received them not. Wherefore, they sealed up the testimony and bound up the law, and ye were delivered over unto darkness. These shall go away into outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Behold the Lord your God hath spoken it. Amen. “

Wake up, Oh sons of Ephraim, who have known the power of God, else ye shall become sons of perdition and will be destroyed, not only in body, but spirit also. Rally now to the establishment of Zion firmly upon Gods holy mountain. Cast all pride, vain ambitions, and priestcrafts aside and procrastinate no longer your salvation and exaltation. Oh, sons of Ephraim, fight not against Zion for "He that fighteth against Zion shall perish, saith God". 2 Nephi 10: 13.

Realizing fully the seriousness of bearing a false witness, I bear an especial witness to all the world that the organization of Zion revealed in this book is the true organization of the Zion of our God and I promise all those who rally and support God's true Zion will be blessed with a testimony of this work and will ,receive all the blessings promised the faithful. Likewise, I promise all those who have known the power of God and now fight against the true Zion being established now by the Lord through the World School of the Prophets, shall perish and all these who deny God's holy prophets in the World School of the Prophets shall have all things done unto them promised by the Lord, which is described in D & C 133:66-74 and D & C 76:31-49. Only those who seek after the Lord with a humble, sincere and broken heart and a contrite spirit are acceptable in this work of the setting in order of the house of God, which is Zion four square as defined in this book.

During a night vision on April 28, 1985, the Lord laid out in front of me a very important revelation: that the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon agrees perfectly with the revelations of the Prophet, and that when the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon is translated by a member of the World School of the Prophets, it will be a new witness of the revelations of the Prophet regarding the Godhead and the creation of this earth, and the organization of Zion four square, both of which are explained in detail in this book.

The Lord has revealed all that He can reveal unto such a rebellious and stiff-necked generation of people who have itching ears and seek their own ways, and who seek after false prophets and give them their money to tell them what they want to hear

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and to lead them to their utter destruction. Few people on the earth today are worthy of the revelations of the Prophet. Even some of those who have stepped forth to serve the Lord and help establish His Zion firmly upon His holy mountain have done so with doubtful hearts and have exercised little faith and have been overcome by the adversary and have accomplished little or nothing, and have been divided out.

Zion will only be established amongst a united people who see eye to eye on all things, who seek Gods ways and not their own ways and who seek after the Fathers (Elohim, Jehovah and Michael), in the name of Jesus Christ, who are the Godhead of this earth and those who seek after the Fathers with a broken heart and a contrite spirit will experience peace which passeth all understanding, doubting nothing, will have their prayers answered. Anyone not accomplishing the above will not become the elect. Neither will they be worthy to receive the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. The requirements spoken of above are the gate that all must enter into Zion. Many would like to enter Zion and become its earthly head. This position has been filled by the Fathers in the Godhead of this earth and the Prophet is the earthly head of Zion. All must enter in Zion as a humble person and the Lord will give forth revelations calling that person to their assignments. All appointments in Zion are by the mind, will and voice of the Lord. Anyone seeking to become the head of Zion have not their heart in the right place and shall be cast out. Many will try to come into Zion in other ways, but will fail forthwith and be exposed as the frauds that they really are.

"And the day shall come that the earth shall rest, but before that day the heavens shall be darkened, and a veil of darkness shall cover the earth; and the heavens shall shake, and also the earth; and great tribulations shall be among the children of men, but my people will I preserve; and righteousness will I send down out of heaven; and truth will I send forth out of the earth to bear testimony of mine Only Begotten; his resurrection from the dead; yea, and also the resurrection of all men; and righteousness and truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy City, that my people may gird up their loins, and be looking forth for the time of my coming; for there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem.

"And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other; and there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion, which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made; and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest. "And it came to pass that Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man, in the last days, to dwell on the earth in righteousness for the space of a thousand years; but before that day he saw great tribulation among the wicked; and he also saw the sea, that it was troubled, and men's hearts failing them, looking forth with fear for the judgments of the Almighty God, which should come upon the wicked.

"And the Lord showed Enoch all things, even unto the end of the world; and he saw the day of the righteous, the hour of their redemption; and received a fullness of joy." Moses 7:61-67.

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Verse 61 states that a veil of darkness shall cover the earth. We are living in that time now. This veil of darkness has been brought about by the adversary and the great deception. Most people underestimate the vast powers of the adversary to enslave the minds of mortals and bring about such a great deception. A good example of this deception and veil of darkness is that over thirteen million LDS people are deceived to the point that they have so shortly forgotten the true organization of Zion and are led by the adversary to believe that the LDS church is Zion, when actually the church is only one corner stone of Zion, when it is in order. Since the church is out of order, it is not even the one-forth part, or one of the four corner stones of Zion. The World School of the Prophets will dispel the veil of darkness covering the earth and will sweep the earth with righteousness and truth as with a flood, to gather out the elect from the four quarters of the earth into a holy place (area of refuge) being prepared by the Lord, an holy city preparatory for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and it shall be called Zion, the New Jerusalem. The setting in order of the house of God, or the re-establishment of Zion in its purity, is taking shape now. No one can stay the hand of God, for He is all-powerful. All who fight against those who have been commissioned by God to bring forth Zion are digging a bottomless pit for themselves and are uniting themselves to the great and abominable church. When the Zion of our God is properly organized and is functioning as God intends, great manifestations of the spirit of the Lord take place. I quote from DHC 2:428 an account of a great manifestation of the power of God on March 27, 1836, at the dedication of the Kirkland Temple:

"Brother George A. Smith arose and began to prophesy when a noise was heard like the sound of a rushing mighty wind, which filled the temple, and all the congregation simultaneously arose, being moved upon by an invisible power; many began to speak in tongues and prophesy. Others saw glorious visions; and I beheld the temple was filled with angels, which fact I declared to the congregation. The people of the neighborhood came running together (hearing an unusual sound within and seeing a bright light like a pillar of fire resting upon the temple) and were astonished at what was taking place".

Another interesting account of the same event: "In the morning Father Smith prayed for a Pentecost in the opening of the meeting. That day the power of God rested mightily upon the saints. There was poured out upon us abundantly the spirit of revelation, prophesying and tongues. The Holy Ghost filled the house and along in the afternoon a noise was heard. It was the sound of a mighty rushing wind. But at first the congregation was startled, not knowing what it was. To many it seemed as though the roof was all in flames. Father Smith exclaimed, "Is the house on fire?"." ("Women of Mormondom", page 208.) It was also reported that Jesus Christ sat in the congregation and throngs of angels were seen and appeared unto them and cloven tongues of fire sat upon many of those in the temple and they prophesied and spoke in tongues.

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Since Zion became disorganized and the School of the Prophets, United Order and the Kingdom were abandoned, there have been no such great manifestations as occurred at the Kirkland Temple. When Zion has been restored to its pure state among Gods elect people gathered into holy places of refuge (Zion) and the four organizations or corner stones of Zion are all functioning, greater manifestations than those mentioned above will take place. “Behold, it is My will that all they who call on My name, and worship Me according to Mine everlasting gospel, should gather together and stand in holy places.” D&C101:22 The good news of Zion four square is that gospel of the Kingdom referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24:14 that will be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations; and then the end comes. The holy place referred to in verse 15 of Matthew 24 is the area of refuge I have been speaking of in this book. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)." --Matthew 24:14-15.



The true Godhead of this earth is as follows:

The Father - Elohim The Son - Jehovah The Holy Ghost - Michael It is extremely important that God's elect people have this knowledge. Most all people who believe in the Godhead understand that there is a Father, Son and a Holy Ghost contained in the Godhead. Even Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Jews, etc., believe that the Godhead consists of a Father, Son and a Holy Ghost. Few people on the earth today understand who the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in the Godhead of this earth are. Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the early apostles understood well that Elohim is the Father, Jehovah is the Son, and Michael is the Holy Ghost in the Godhead of this earth. Like many other truths, the knowledge of the true Godhead of this earth has been lost because revelation has not been received from the heavens by the leaders of the LDS Church, or the spin-off groups or churches. Jehovah, in his infinite wisdom, has seen to it that the knowledge of this very important doctrine has been re-confirmed unto His holy Prophet, to be taught to the elect people of God in the re-establishment of Zion and the setting in order of the House of God, which knowledge is essential for the salvation of man. How can a man worship someone whom he knoweth not? Quoted below, in full, are four revelations from Jehovah to the Prophet on this important doctrine.

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1. Revelation received September 15, 1968, concerning the nature of God and the creation of the world, being Section 22 of "The Second Book of Commandments".

Behold I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have asked Me in faith concerning God and the creation, and inasmuch as ye are confused by the doctrines of men, and their understanding of the creation, behold I will reveal unto you some of the truths ye have desired. 2 For thou hast desired it in great faith, for the teachings of men doth bother thee, and ye can see where they do err. 3 Behold I say unto you, I am Jehovah, and through My lineage comes the Saviors of worlds, and they are Mine Only Begotten Sons. 4 Nevertheless, I have many Sons, for there are many worlds. 5 Behold I say unto you, I am the Creator, for all worlds which are created are created through the power which I hold, and there is not anything that is created that is not created by that power. 6 Behold I say unto you, Jesus Christ, who walked upon this earth, is in the express image of My Person, for He is My Son--for are not sons like unto their fathers? 7 Because He was faithful in all things prior to His birth, He was to be the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. 8 Now some have said that Adam is His Father. 9 Behold I say unto you, how could Adam be the Father of Jesus Christ? For Adam had many sons and daughters of Eve, how then could He be his only begotten? 10 Therefore they are in error, not having the Spirit. 11 Behold this knowledge is necessary for the salvation of man, for how can man worship someone whom he knoweth not? 12 Behold I say unto you concerning Adam, is he not Michael the Archangel, yea, even the father of all spirits? 13 Was this not in fulfillment of the covenant? 14 Yea, he did qualify himself to become as a god, and through his righteousness did he not obtain many wives? 15 And he did dwell upon an earth and did die according to all flesh. 16 And because of his righteousness was exalted, and all that he obtained through righteousness became his forever and ever, worlds without end. 17 Yea, even all his wives and possessions, and his glory are from everlasting to everlasting. 18 And because he was faithful, he received the promise that his seed would be without number, even as the stars of heaven are without number. 19 And the promise was fulfilled, for God's promises will surely be fulfilled, yea every whit, and he became the father of a numerous host of spirits. 20 Yea, and his firstborn, having the right, became the Savior of the world, yea, even Jesus Christ the Redeemer. 21 For that is the right of the first born in the spirit, to be a Redeemer for his brethren, even becoming their Father and God, and coming in the meridian of time to save them from their sins, then becoming the Son of God, even Jehovah. 22 For He then has all rights, powers, and privileges pertaining to this earth that His Father, even Jehovah, had on His earth. 23 And thus through this Priesthood, having neither beginning of days nor end

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of years, He becomes the Creator of worlds, even for those who are righteous and are true and faithful upon this earth. 24 Therefore, He is both Father and Son. 25 Whoso hath an ear let him hear, and whoso hath an eye let him see, for none receiveth this knowledge but by the Spirit. 26 And I revealed this unto Joseph Smith, for he did have this knowledge, as did all the holy prophets from the beginning, and the people received not the truth and listed to fables rather than truth, and therefore are cast off. 27 Behold I say unto you, that man Adam is your Father and God, and the only One with whom ye have to do. 28 For is he not the Father of your spirit, and also the progenitor of your earthly body? 29 For he was true and faithful, and became a God, and under My direction, even the direction of the Priesthood, even Jehovah, he was placed upon this earth and did bring to this earth all the good things that did exist in his sphere; 30 And planted a garden, even a garden of glorious beauty. 31 And he was commanded to take of the children of men a wife, and he called her name Eve, for she was the mother of all living. 32 And thus he did mingle his seed with the children of this earth, and thus did all his creation, and thus did the generation of men begin. 33 Because he did mingle his seed, he became as of the earth, and subject to death. 34 For did he not die so that his offspring of the spirit world could take unto themselves bodies, so that they could become exalted through faithfulness like unto himself? 35 For this is the law. 36 Adam died that man might be, and men are that they might have joy. 37 This same Eve was with Adam from the beginning and was one of his wives. 38 And she did listen first to that cunning one and did mingle her seed with the seed of this earth first. 39 And she did partake of that which was forbidden and became as mortal. 40 And Adam mingled his seed with hers also, and became mortal also being again subject to death. 41 Behold I say unto you, there is no other way. 42 And by disobedience he lost all recollection of the former existence for a time, but through faithfulness and baptism received this knowledge as at first, and prophesied of his seed unto the last generation. 43 And he shall come to the valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman to sit and judge his posterity and require everyone's stewardship according to his works. 44 Whoso hath an ear let him hear and mock not, for swift shall be your destruction. 45 Behold, I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the light and life of the world. 46 And I sent Mine Only Begotten and ye received Him not, neither did ye regard His word. 47 For he cometh as a thief in the night to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords, and none shall stay His hand. 48 Even I come quickly, even so, Amen.

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2. Revelation received March 1972 from Jehovah concerning the Godhead of this earth, being Section 23 of the “Second Book of Commandments”.

Behold I say unto you, write not that which you are about to write, for it is of your own effort and not Mine, therefore it is subject to error. 2 I command therefore that thou will take pen in hand and ye shall write what I shall show to thee so that error shall not enter into the matter. 3 Behold My lips do speak, and they speak no error, for error and deceit cometh from the father of all lies, but oft times I speak in parables and with difficult language so that those who have not the Spirit understandeth not. 4 But My words vary not, neither is their deceit in My mouth. 5 Ye have come before Me in humility many times requesting that I reveal unto you the truth of the mysteries of My kingdom, and you have sacrificed much on My behalf and for My sake. 6 But I say unto you, nothing that ye have sacrificed shall be lost. 7 Fear not for your health, for Mine angels shall protect thee and keep thee until thy mission is completed. 8 Fear not thine enemies, for they are but dust and shall be blown with the first wind. 9 Sin no more lest the adversary take thee to himself. 10 Your time has not yet come, but yet for awhile. 11 Your desires have been to know the truth of all things, and thus I shall reveal unto you some more of the works of My hands, and the nature and means whereby I created all things. 12 Ye shall take these things that I cause thee to write and shall print them, and shall give to all those that shall listen, and they shall know the truth and they shall shout for joy. 13 But those who shall reject these sayings, their countenance shall fall, for their works shall be exposed, for their lips speaketh lies. 14 And they say unto My people, "Yea, all is well, all is well in Zion, for God surely speaks to us, and the works we do are His works." 15 Yea, and ye continue on in your own paths and distort the function of My holy Priesthood, and make a mockery of the holy offices. 16 But My house shall shortly be cleansed. 17 Ye say that ye know Me but ye know Me not, for how can ye know Me while ye understand not who I am? 18 For I am Jehovah, and through the atonement of the blood that I shed, all mankind were saved in My kingdom if they repented of their sins and were baptized and received the Holy Ghost and remained faithful, living all My commandments to the end. 19 This is the law and the testament. 20 Behold I say unto you, many were faithful in keeping all the commandments which I gave to them, and were worthy of Eternal Lives, and became like unto God. 21 For they did qualify themselves by their righteousness to clothe the intelligences that were given to them with a spiritual body. 22 There were many great and powerful among them, and the firstborn of these spirits was the Savior of the world. 23 Yea, I did surely promise these faithful, and it was fulfilled, that their

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children would be as numerous as the sands of the seashore or as the stars of the heavens. 24 And behold I say unto you, that Abraham did marvel at these sayings, yet he believed, and because of his belief I revealed unto him the mysteries of My kingdom, even from the first unto the last. 25 For these numerous children I prepared an earth, and organized an habitation for them, for this is the function of this order of Priesthood, to organize and prepare all things both spiritually and temporally. 26 And all the children of Michael shouted for joy because of the agency that had been given to them to choose the plan of salvation, or the plan of compulsion which is the plan of the adversary. 27 For the adversary came among these spirits, for he had lived on this earth and had become even Master Mahan, and tried continually to thwart the works of God. 28 For he was resurrected as all flesh must be that is born, but not unto glory, for he has no glory, for his works are totally evil. 29 Thus he came among Michael's children tempting them, and teaching his evil ways until one-third of Michael's children heeded him and followed after him, and he drew these after him. 30 And even one of Michael's eldest spirit children, (for was he not called, "The Son of the Morning"?) rebelled because his plan of compulsion was not accepted. 31 Behold here is wisdom, for the Firstborn presented His plan, and He being the Heir became the Savior, even the Christ or Redeemer. 32 What glory and magnitude are the works of the Father, and who shall find them out? 33 Behold, to those who live all My commandments I do reveal My secrets for they are worthy. 34 Behold I am Jehovah, and under the direction of My Father this earth was created, for it was created like unto the other earths that hitherto were previously formed. 35 And behold by the power of My word it was created, for all things that are created, both in the heavens and in the earth, are created by this word, or by the power of the Priesthood after the order of the Son, or after the order of Jehovah. 36 And thus the earth was organized and prepared as a habitation of men that they may be clothed with tabernacles of flesh and become as a God, for such are the Gods. 37 For were not the promises fulfilled in which I promised Michael that if he were faithful he should be resurrected and receive Eternal Lives? 38 And thus it was fulfilled, for he did become a God, and along with his wives which were given to him, was able to accomplish that which was commanded. 39 And thus he was placed in the garden and commanded that he should multiply and replenish the earth. 40 But behold he could not, for his body being of the Celestial could not bring forth physical bodies. 41 And in order for him to accomplish this thing, there was placed in the garden the tree of knowledge, which fruit would cause a change to come over his body that would enable him to clothe these spiritual children in a physical body.

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42 And thus he would become the father of all living. 43 Oh what wisdom there is in all that God doeth, and who can find out all His ways? 44 To those that live all My commandments I reveal the mysteries of My kingdom. 45 But in order to accomplish all things he must die, and in order to do this, according to the order of heaven, he must be disobedient. 46 Therefore, I commanded him that he not partake of the fruit of the tree, knowing that he must be disobedient to this commandment in order for him to accomplish the greater commandment. 47 And it was Eve that understood first, and partook of the fruit, and again became subject to death. 48 And Adam heeded her counsel and partook also, and thus their bodies became again subject to a physical separation of body and spirit. 49 And thus he was able to accomplish that which was commanded him to multiply and replenish the earth. 50 But he was cut off from My presence physically because of the fruit and spiritually because of his disobedience. 51 And thus he was cast out of the garden, for the law clearly states that no unclean thing can enter into My presence lest it be consumed by My glory. 52 And thus he became unclean and unfit for the habitation of a heavenly sphere, and would have remained forever in this state had not a plan been devised for the atonement of that sin, even the Savior. 53 And I promised him that in that day that he should partake of that fruit that he should surely die, and it was fulfilled, for his death came before the thousand years of his probation. 54 For in that day I called him Adam, for I changed his name from Michael to that of Adam, which being interpreted means, "The father of the children of all men." 55 And thus he died, and his body separated from his spirit as in the death of any, but here is mysteries unfolded. 56 Behold I say unto you, that his body is not corrupted, for it is Eternal, and it lies in a sacred place until he shall be finished with his work and take up his body again, and the Holy Ghost be taken from the earth. 57 For is He not the Holy Ghost, and careth for and loveth His children, and is their Comforter? 58 For what is the purpose of the Father? To be a Comforter to His children, to teach them and guide them, and to speak unto them all manner of Truth, for is He not the Spirit of Truth? 59 And He shall gather His children together in the valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman and require of each of them their stewardship. 60 Yea, what say ye when ye stand before Him, can ye then lie? 61 For did He not as the Holy Ghost witness all your works and doings? 62 Then shall ye bend the knee and acknowledge the Savior, for is He not the Firstborn of Michael in the spirit, and the Only Begotten Son of Jehovah in the flesh, for is He not Mine Only Begotten? 63 For did not the Spirit of Adam encompass Mary round about to protect her from My glory so that she would not be consumed by My presence? 64 For is He not Mine Only Begotten in the flesh, full of grace and truth, and

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did He not do the same works as His Father? 65 For as I, Jehovah, suffered, bled, and died for the sins of the children of My Father, so He suffered, bled, and died for the sins of the children of your Father. 66 All that I suffered, He suffered likewise, and thus fulfilled all things and became the perfect sacrifice, enabling all to be resurrected. 67 For He broke the bands of death for all of Adam's children. 68 And to those who truly repent and are baptized in His name, acknowledging Him as the Savior, and are faithful in all things to the end, the promise is that they shall inherit Eternal Lives, and shall not be angels but Gods, and thus God's purposes are one eternal round. 69 What say ye then of the doctrines of men which say that Adam or Eloheim is the Father of the Savior? 70 For this is the adversary's doctrine to confuse the children of men. 71 Behold, the leaders of My church, and the leaders of My Priesthood have shortly corrupted this doctrine. 72 For I revealed these things unto My servants Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and others of My holy prophets, but I commanded them that they should speak in parables so that seeing they should not see, and hearing they should not hear, lest they should see and hear and understand and be converted. 73 But I command at this time that My promise be fulfilled that in the last days all things shall be made manifest that even a child can therein understand--for this purpose, that the wicked be exposed and the righteous be justified. 74 What say ye now ye leaders of My church? Will ye mock My servants longer? For ye stand naked and exposed. 75 Repent even now, and thou shalt be forgiven. 76 But Adam shall not always strive with his children-- 77 Behold, hath He not labored diligently with them and succored them? 78 Behold, did He not speak through the mouth of Peter on the day of Pentecost, and did He not appear in the form of a dove to witness the divinity of the Savior? 79 Was He not the One who opened the heavens to Stephen so that he could view the Father and Jesus on His right hand? 80 And did He not also encompass Mary to shield her from My glory? 81 Behold here is wisdom, for are ye not commanded to do all things in the name of the Father (Eloheim), the Son (Jehovah), and the Holy Ghost (Michael)? Amen. 82 And again I cause ye to write some more, for it has been said that the Savior of this world created it also. 83 Behold I say unto you, this is error, for how can the spirit create? 84 For the Savior was in the spirit world along with the other children of Adam and how therefore could He create? 85 For He received grace unto grace, and did not receive this power at the first, but received it after He fulfilled all things. 86 For they understood not that I being Jehovah was also a Savior of a world, and fulfilled all things, and the Savior being My Son was in the express image of My Person, and had to accomplish all things that I accomplished. 87 For He suffered as I suffered, and bled as I bled, and died as I died, and overcame all things as I overcame all things, and to those who are true and faithful hath the power of the Son to create worlds without end, thus becoming

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both the Father and the Son. 88 Thus it is written. Even so, Amen.

3. Revelation received from Jehovah March 8, 1977, being Section 31 of "The Second Book of Commandments".

Behold I say unto you My son, I am God, even the Eternal Father, and by the atonement of Mine Only Begotten, even the Savior, thy sins have been washed clean, even if ye have repented of all thy sins and humbled thyself before Me. 2 For My name is Jehovah, for I am even the Man of Holiness, and it is through this order worlds are organized for the habitation of man. 3 And I command that ye say unto My servant Ogden that he does err in this matter, for he does believe that Adam, who is Michael the mighty Archangel, is the father of the Savior's physical body. 4 Behold I say unto you, that this is not correct, for My servant Adam, who was Michael, has not yet taken up his body that he laid aside, and he shall not do so until the Holy Ghost shall be taken from the earth. 5 For as the Holy Ghost can He not be the Comforter and the Spirit of Truth to bless and encourage His children? 6 Behold, it was because of His protecting shield that encompassed Mary that she was able to withstand My presence. 7 For besides His presence at this event, there was no one to witness what had been done, and for this reason only He could bear witness to John the Baptist at the time of His baptism. 8 And thus as the Testator He bears witness to the children of men that the Savior is indeed My Son. 9 And when He taketh up His body again, He shall gather His righteous children in the valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman, and they will look upon Him and acknowledge that He is Adam, and they will acknowledge that He is the Father, and they shall bow down and worship Him. 10 And One shall appear with Him who is like unto the Son of Man, who is full of grace and truth, who was Michael's firstborn in the spirit; and the Kingdom shall be given unto Him that He may rule the earth a thousand years in righteousness. 11 Behold, ye have asked concerning the spirits, and how they act upon those who are living. 12 Behold I say unto you, that those evil spirits (who followed after the adversary in the beginning because of their rebellion) were denied bodies-- behold they continually look for a body to inhabit, and those who choose evil instead of good are their prey. 13 For by their actions they invite these evil spirits in to take possession of their bodies, and cause them to commit the most heinous crimes. 14 Also those who have lived and have passed on and who are again in the spirit world and who have been wicked while upon this earth can also enter into and duplicate the sins they themselves did while in the flesh, and thus sin is perpetuated from generation to generation. l5 But I say unto you, it is likewise the case with the righteous, for the righteous spirits can enter in and influence man for good and their good works can be

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emulated through others. 16 But in this there can be no coercion and all must be done in accordance with the free agency of man. 17 Behold I say unto you My servant Ogden, give heed unto the words of your Savior, even Jesus Christ, and seek no longer your own counsel, for ye are like unto My servant Oliver Cowdery, for ye do seek Me to a point, but then ye withdraw, for ye fear My word that it may say unto you things that are contrary to what ye have conceived in your mind to be correct. 18 For ye have taken the words and interpretations of man and have mixed them with My gospel, and ye have created an image that is not correct in My sight, for it is out of order. 19 And thus men have done from the beginning, and ye have the religions of the world which cry, "lo here" and "lo there", having a form of godliness, but having no power and authority from Me. 20 And none of these edifices that men create shall stand at the last day, for they are not in accordance with My word. 21 For only through that rock which is the foundation of My church in all ages can man receive the truth. 22 And I choose whom I shall make My spokesmen, for man chooseth not this gift, but it is given by the spirit of truth, who is the Comforter, even the Holy Ghost. 23 And many become angry when they find this gift has been denied them because of their pride and self-righteousness. 24 And even though they have heaped upon them great honors by the hands of men, they receive this gift only upon the basis of righteousness. 25 Because of this they seek to hide their iniquity and endeavor to appear to men as having great humility and righteousness, and in this manner they deceive many, and cause many to err. 26 And they accept titles of Prophet, Seer and Revelator from the children of men, and pretend they have these gifts. 27 And again they deceive many and cause many to honor them and exalt them above the heavens. 28 Behold I say unto you, their towers shall be hewn down and their deceit blasted and exposed. 29 They shall not be able to hide their shame, for it shall be exposed for all to see, and their reward shall be contempt and wormwood. 30 And there are but few in this world who seek after Me, for all seek after their own images and set up their own gods. 31 And I say unto My servant Ogden that he humble himself before Me and receive instruction and assist My Servant in all things in the printing and the distributing of My word received through My Servant whom I have chosen. 32 And if he do this, he shall not lose his reward neither for time nor throughout all eternity. 33 And ye shall no longer hold in contempt the word of My servant, for the doctrine which he teacheth is correct and there is no error in it. 34 And if ye call upon Me with a sincere heart I will manifest the truth of it unto you, and ye shall know of a surety that I have again called a prophet and revelator to restore the truth that men have so shortly corrupted. 35 And when the books are opened and the sealed portions of the Book of

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Mormon are brought forth all shall agree one with another; for truth disagreeth not with itself, whether it be written by a Lamanite, Gentile or a Jew, it mattereth not. 36 And behold, it shall come to pass that they who will reject My word I have spoken through My servant, their minds shall become confused and they shall seek here and there for truth but shall not find it. 37 And they shall look to the scriptures and because they have not the Holy Ghost, there shall be conflicting views and contention. 38 And strife shall be great to the one lifting up his hand in anger against those who believe not like unto himself, and thus the wicked shall destroy the wicked. 39 And I say unto My handmaid Anne, that she also humble herself and seek guidance from Me, even her Savior, and assist My servant Ogden in the printing and distributing of this work. Even so, Amen

4. Revelation received June 7, 1977, concerning the Godhead of this earth, being Section 32 of the “Second Book of Commandments.”

Behold I say unto you My son, for are ye not one of Michael's sons pertaining to the spirit? And through adoption are ye not one of My sons? 2 For are not all those who take upon themselves My name My sons and daughters? 3 Yea, and ye were chosen even before you were born and set part as a prophet unto My people as I set apart others in the same manner. 4 And ye have fulfilled much of what I have commanded, but ye have not fulfilled all, and ye stand under condemnation until ye repent of your unbelief concerning the matter. 5 For ye say unto yourself that ye are not capable of performing the things I have commanded because of your weaknesses of body and manner of birth. 6 And ye shall repent of this even now, and take upon you the yoke that has been placed upon you and procrastinate no longer in the performance of your duties. 7 And if ye are faithful, ye shall receive even a helpmeet as ye have asked, and she shall be of the pure blood of Israel, and not of the heathen and unbelievers that pollute My footstool. 8 And ye shall make no effort to search for her, for when the time comes she shall recognize thee and ye shall recognize her, and she shall be a comfort to thee and shall accept all truth. 9 And ye shall say unto My maidservant Anne concerning her question, that she understandeth not the nature of Heaven and its economy, and she has been led astray by false notions and concepts. 10 Behold, she has been led to believe that Adam is the Father of Jesus Christ in the flesh. 11 Behold I say unto you, that this is error, for nowhere in the scriptures have I taught in this manner. 12 And if this were so, it would make God a liar, for have I not said that I am Jehovah, even the Word, even Alpha and Omega? 13 And it is after this order of Priesthood that worlds are organized and

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brought into existence. 14 And on each earth that is created or organized in this manner there is placed an Adam and Eve who transgress the law that they may clothe their spiritual children with physical bodies. 15 And when they become mortal and partake of the forbidden fruit, blood again flows in their veins and they again become subject to death. 16 And as Adam and Eve they beget physical children like unto themselves, that they might provide a means whereby they can clothe their spiritual children with a physical body. 17 And behold, ye have record that Adam and Eve bore Cain, Abel, Seth and their wives, and your records show that they bore other children besides these and thus they populated the earth. 18 Therefore did not Adam bear sons and daughters in the flesh and are ye not his descendants? 19 How then can ye say that he was also the Father of Jesus Christ? For have I not said that He is the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh, full of grace and truth? 20 Therefore ye have made My word a lie, for Adam had many children in the flesh even after he came out from this Celestial home which ye call the Garden of Eden. 21 And if he was also the Father of Jesus Christ in the flesh, how then could he be his only begotten? 22 Behold I say unto you, that ye also imply by this doctrine that in order to become an Adam of a world ye must be a Savior of a previous earth, for ye say in your reasoning that Michael or Adam was such a Savior. 23 Behold I say unto you, this also is error, for this also makes My words lies, for I promised Abraham and others who have been faithful that they shall inherit Eternal Lives, and their Posterity shall be as the sands of the seashore, and have not I stated that they shall become as Gods, able to bring into being spirit children? 24 For their firstborn in the spirit shall be the heir, and when they are fully prepared, an earth will be prepared for these children; and Eloheim, who was the Adam of this earth, shall say unto Jehovah, who was the Savior of this earth: "Go! Take Michael, etc. who was like unto My servant Abraham and create an abode so that the spirit children Michael has brought forth will be able to progress and receive a mortal body and become like unto us. " 25 Behold I say unto you, there is no other way. And Michael who was like unto Abraham shall come down and become Adam. 26 And this doctrine have I taught to My servants through Joseph Smith; and nowhere have I stated that in order to become an Adam one must be a Savior of a previous earth. 27 For if this were the case, My promise to My servant Abraham and others would be null and void, for they were not the Savior of this world, for they suffered not for the sins of My people. 28 Behold I say unto you, My servant Joseph Smith explained this doctrine clearly, but who has understood? 29 And there are those who have imagined vain things concerning this matter, not having the spirit but rather having a spirit of speculation. 30 And there have been many books written on this matter which contain

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much truth, but which are mingled with the thoughts and ideas of men. 31 For men continually disregard Mine instructions, for have I not said unto them many times that they should seek not after these things through speculation, but must receive this knowledge by revelation from Me? For I lie not. 32 And I speak to all those that seek after Me with a sincere heart and a contrite spirit, for none other gifts are acceptable. 33 Behold I say unto you, there are many who come to Me desiring a confirmation of something they have already conceived in their mind to be true, and their minds are set upon this belief, and they receive a confirmation, but not of Me. 34 And they go their stiffnecked ways, and they go from error to error until they are led carefully down to hell. 35 Behold I say unto you, ye see a man, and he appears unto you as an ordinary person, and ye say, 36 "This ordinary person cannot be a prophet of God, for he appears unto us as someone who is ordinary, and there is no eloquence flowing from his mouth, neither is there a fierceness coming from his eye, and he is neither poor nor rich, neither is he a politician nor a great leader among men. 37 For surely if he were a prophet he must be distinguished from others by his appearance and manner, then we would know for a surety. 38 But here we see a man who is ordinary and common among us, therefore we cannot accept him as a prophet. 39 Behold, I take those who are esteemed as naught and they shall become My spokesmen, and their eye shall be fierce and their tongue shall be as a flame of fire, but the wicked hear it not, for only in the heart of the righteous shall it burn. 40 And from this comes the saying, "They have eyes but cannot see, and they have ears but they cannot hear." Even so, Amen.

As you can see from reading the above four revelations, the three members of the Godhead of this earth were gods of flesh and bones when the foundation of this earth was formed. For forty years I was taught in the LDS church that our brother, Jesus Christ, was a member of the Godhead of this earth, which is a false doctrine. Jesus Christ was a spirit as we were when this earth was formed and could not have been a member of the Godhead of this earth. Only gods of flesh and bone are capable of organizing a world, fathering spirit children, and fathering the mortal body of a savior, even Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ was the Jehovah in the Godhead of this earth, then he would be the mortal father of his own earthly body which is not possible. Once you fully understand the true order of the Godhead of earths~ you will understand that Jehovah, who was the son in the Godhead of this earth was a savior, or Jesus Christ, of a previous earth, and is the father of our elder brother Jesus Christ's physical body and that Jesus Christ is Jehovah's only begotten son on this earth and that Jesus Christ will advance to a Jehovah, which is an office in the holy priesthood and will be the son in the Godhead of future worlds and will sire the physical body of the saviors, or Jesus Christ's of those worlds. Further, Michael, who is the Holy Ghost in the Godhead of this earth, was a righteous man on a previous earth and became exalted and as a Michael, which is an office in the holy priesthood, fathered the spiritual bodies of all those who have been

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born, or yet will be born, on this earth, including Jesus Christ’s spiritual body. When he completed his work as a Michael, his father, Elohim, and his brother, Jehovah, helped him organize this earth for his spirit children to come down and clothe their spirit bodies with mortal bodies. Elohim, who is the father in the Godhead of this earth, was the Holy Ghost, Adam, or Michael, of the previous earth that Jehovah and Michael in the Godhead of this earth grew up on. Michael, in the Godhead of this earth, advanced to the next office in the priesthood and became an Adam and came to this earth when it was completed by the Godhead (Elohim, Jehovah and Michael) bringing Eve, animals and plants with him, and planted the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit and became mortal, they became parents of the mortal bodies of their spirit children. As was promised by his father (Elohim), Adam would surely die if he partook of the forbidden fruit and within the promised time of a day in Gods time, or a thousand years in man’s time, Adam died and his body was buried on this earth and his spirit became the Holy Ghost, which is the next step in the priesthood of his progression. Shortly the Holy Ghost will be taken from the earth at which time Adam's spirit (Holy Ghost) will be reunited with his body and his resurrection will occur and he will become an Elohim and join the council of the gods. There is a host of many Elohims in this council of the gods. Our father Michael, Adam or the Holy Ghost will be the Elohim, or father, in the Godhead of future worlds without end. The righteous men of this earth will become exalted and become Michaels and father an innumerable host of spirit children, become the Holy Ghost in the Godhead of a future earth, become an Adam of that earth and after this phase of his existence is completed, fill the functions of the Holy Ghost for his spirit and mortal children and advance to an Elohim and join the council of the gods. This is the ultimate destiny of a righteous man of this earth who is worthy of exaltation. Few there will be who attain unto this glorious blessing. The reason this will happen is because the majority of men seek to do their own will and not the will of the fathers in the Godhead of this earth. The only way a man can please the fathers is to first know who they are and seek after them with a broken, sincere and humble heart and a contrite spirit. Then cometh peace that passeth all understanding, then this man will receive revelation from the fathers and he cannot be deceived by any man or led astray. Few are willing to pass this test. All others, even those who claim to be living celestial laws, seek their own ways and many seek to follow false brethren to their utter destruction, not only of their mortal body, but their spiritual body, also. What a sad commentary indeed, that most of the house of Israel, especially the sons of Ephraim, find themselves in by putting their trust in the arm of flesh, which we are commanded not to do. We are commanded to trust only in God. Sons of Ephraim, unless you repent now in sackcloth and ashes, or in other words, a broken heart and a contrite spirit, very soon there will be absolutely nothing The World School of the Prophets can do for you, as the Lord promises to cast out the whole seed of Ephraim from his sight, and no prayer or intercession in your behalf will be heard by the Lord. I invite all to pray for guidance from the fathers in the name of Jesus Christ, and trust their exaltation in the hands of no man living or dead, but confirm everything by

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revelation, else they will be deceived by the adversary and led astray to their utter destruction. Utter means complete, or total destruction. Don’t let this happen to you. Wake up now while you have the opportunity. Shortly it will be too late to make this decision. Your continued procrastination will cause the decision to be made for you and it will not be what you want when you find yourself in that awful state. Arise, oh sons of Ephraim, and pray mightily to the fathers, humble yourself exceedingly and your path will be laid out in front of you; and your activities will be directed unto eternal lives. There is no other way. If you are one of the elect people of God, and you can become one of the elect if you will humble yourself exceedingly before the fathers, you will not harden your heart when you read this chapter of this book. The spirit of truth will come over you and manifest the truth of this chapter unto you, for it is true.

"Therefore, ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; as I live, saith the Lord God, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them." Ezekiel 34:7-10.

This prophecy by the Prophet Ezekiel could only apply to the general authorities as the shepherds. Oh, shepherds, how can you be so blind as to assume that scriptures given regarding you applies to someone else. Only the powers of the adversary could cause such blindness. Awake, oh flock, and repent while there is yet time to do so. Soon you will have to choose between following the Holy Spirit or the arm of flesh. Those who choose the latter, the spirit of the Lord will withdraw and you will be confounded before the least of the followers of truth. Your only remedy then will be to become as the Pharisees and Sadducees and spiritually unite with the great and abominable church and try to stamp out the truth, but you will dig a pit for yourself to fall in and your punishment will be exquisite. Awake, oh Israel; know ye not that all that you are now building, whether it be homes, real estate, bank accounts, or businesses, will all be taken away from you in an instant unless you repent and gather with the elect now and help establish Zion?

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The words of this book are the voice of warning and are of especial interest to the House of Israel, including the Mormon people. The general authorities and all spin-off groups from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, including the fundamentalists.

Hark, Oh House of Israel! The time has fully come for the restoration of all things spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began concerning the last days. The Lord promises in D & C 27:6 to send an Elias to whom He hath committed the keys of bringing to pass the restoration of all things spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began concerning the last days. This Elias is now on the scene receiving the oracles of God and bringing about" the restoration of all things. You have read much about this Elias in the other ten chapters of this book.

The following scriptures document well the importance of ,the gathering of God's elect people in the last days.

"Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, the Great I Am, whose arm of mercy hath atoned for your sins; who will gather his people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to my voice and humble themselves before me, and call upon me in mighty prayer. Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, that at this time your sins are forgiven you, therefore ye receive these things; but remember to sin no more, lest perils shall come upon you. "Verily, I say unto you that ye are chosen out of the world to declare my gospel with the sound of rejoicing, as with the voice of a trump. Lift up your hearts and be glad, for I am in your midst, and am your advocate with the Father; and it is his good will to give you the kingdom. And, as it is written--Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive. And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts; "Wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked. For the hour is nigh and the day soon at hand when the earth is ripe; and all the proud and they that do wickedly shall be as stubble; and I will burn them up, saith the Lord of Hosts, that wickedness shall not be upon the earth; for the hour is nigh, and that which was spoken by mine apostles must be fulfilled; for as they spoke so shall it come to pass." -- D&C 29:1-10.

From the message conveyed in the above scriptures, the Lord promises to gather His elect people into one place upon this land, which will be very important for their salvation from the desolations of the Lord’s scourge. The Elias referred to above is warning the nations of the earth before the calamities come, about the gathering of the elect people of God into “holy places”, or areas of refuge, for protection during the seven years of the great tribulations spoken of by the mouth of John the beloved apostle in the Book of Revelations.

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The desolations of the great tribulations commenced in the spring of 1986 and will shortly fall upon this people as a whirlwind in one day, and in one hour the destructions will be indescribable. Take heed, Oh House of Israel, and be not deceived, for this is the day of great deception and strong delusions. All are deceived except the elect and we, too, would be deceived if we acted without revelation from the Lord. Awake, Oh House of Israel, from your deep slumber, open your eyes and ears and cease to put your trust in the arm of flesh, become enlightened, for God is speaking to His holy prophets. Zion is being redeemed and will roll forth and fill the whole earth. Those who step forward now and do battle with the adversary and help in the redemption of Zion will be blessed beyond measure. The words of this book are true, for your Lord and your Savior Jesus Christ and Jehovah, dictated the revelations quoted in this book to His holy prophet and there is much more not contained herein. Remember, Oh House of Israel, the elect are exceedingly humble people, teachable and believing. Humble yourself before the Lord, seek guidance from Him and then swiftly flee to Zion (areas of refuge) following the direction of the Lord as Lot did when he and his family fled Sodom and Gomorrah, and as Lehi and his family did when they fled Jerusalem. Tarry not, Oh House of Israel, lest the time of visitation of the great tribulations overtake you as a thief in the night. The Lord is about to release His destroying angels from the portals of Heaven to destroy the wicked. These angels have been crying at the throne of God for decades for permission to come to the earth and destroy the wicked. Only the elect who have been gathered into the areas of refuge will be spared, for God has spoken it. In a revelation dated June 2, 1979, to the Prophet, the Lord said, quoted in part: "Before I have said, "be not in haste", but now I say unto you, "be in haste", for the time is short, nevertheless, do all things in order for My house is a house of order." 2BC 41 There is precious little time left to gather in the areas of refuge designated by the Lord and be spared when the destroying angels shall pass over. The literal gathering is Gods instructions to the elect who will not harden their hearts, but obey and gather in the areas of refuge for safety and will be spared as the Israelites first born sons in Egypt were spared, that had the blood of the lamb on their door while all other first born sons died. Many may say, "I have not heard of areas of refuge before. This is all new to me". Not so, for if you knew the history of Zion you would understand because the gathering into cities of refuge in Zion was taught and practiced at Nauvoo, Kirkland and many other cities of Zion. I refer you to "Documentary History of the Church", Volume 2, Pages 516 and 517:

"Whatever is glorious, whatever is desirable, whatever pertains to salvation, either temporal or spiritual, our hopes, our expectations, our glory, and our reward, ALL DEPEND ON OUR BUILDING UP ZION according to the testimony of the prophets, for unless Zion is built our hopes perish, our expectations fall, our prospects are blasted, our salvation withers, and God WILL COME AND SMITE THE WHOLE EARTH WITH A CURSE. Hear then, O ye Saints of the last days: And let this our appeal have a favorable reception among you. Let every

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Saint consider well the nature of his calling in the last days, and the great responsibility which rests upon him or her, as one to whom God has revealed His will; and make haste not only to the relief of Kirkland, but also to the building up of Zion. Let every man and every woman give heed to the very instant they embrace the gospel and exert themselves with energy to send the means to build up Zion, for God bids us to hasten the building of the city, saying the time has come when the city must be pushed forward with unceasing exertions, for behold the day of calamity draweth nigh, and unless the Saints hasten the building of the city, they will not escape. “Be admonished then O ye Saints: And let not covetousness, which is idolatry, nor worldly ambition hinder you, but gather up your gold and your silver and all the means you have and send on to the saints who are engaged in this great work of building the Zion of God, that there may be a place of refuge for you and your children in the day of God's vengeance, when he shall come down on Idumea, or the world, in His fury and stamp them down in His wrath, AND NONE SHALL ESCAPE BUT THE INHABITANTS OF ZION. What we say unto one we say unto all, haste, haste, haste, and delay not; for the hour of desolation does not linger, and with all the power that the Saints have, and with all the diligence they can use THEY WILL SCARCELY ESCAPE. "The time is not far distant when some of those who now deride and mock the Saints for devoting their all to build up the Zion of God, WILL BLESS THEIR NAME FOR HAVING PROVIDED A CITY OF REFUGE FOR THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN, regardless of the ravings of ungodly priests and the mockings of a stupid and ignorant people."

This admonition is much more important today than when it was written, for we are much closer to the desolations of the Lord's scourge today.

In the "Millennial Star" 33:326, we find an important quote concerning the gathering.

"If we throw overboard the principle of the gathering, we cast away one of the most important principles connected with the work of God and salvation of humanity."

"Israel shall be gathered: the seed of Jacob shall be gathered from their long dispersion. There will be a feast to Israel, the elect of God. It is a sorrowful tale, but the gospel must be preached and God's ministers rejected; but where can Israel be found and receive your testimony and not rejoice? Nowhere! The prophecies are full of great things to take place in the last days. AFTER THE ELECT ARE GATHERED OUT, DESTRUCTION SHALL COME on the inhabitants of the earth; the nations shall feel the wrath of God, AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN WARNED BY THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH. IF YOU DO NOT WARN THEM, OTHERS WILL, AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CROWN." DHC 2:197.

This is exactly what happened, the LDS missionaries are not warning the nations of the earth of the coming calamities and are not teaching the gathering, so the Lord had to call another prophet to warn the nations of the earth before the calamities come and

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teach the importance of the gathering and the unrepentant Mormons have lost their crowns. How much plainer can the lord be? I quote the Prophet Joseph Smith:

"Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations and where is our religion? We have none; for without Zion and a place of deliverance, WE MUST FALL: because the time is near when the sun will be darkened and the moon turned to blood, and the stars fall from Heaven, and the earth reel to and fro. Then, if this is the case, and if we are not sanctified and gathered to the places God has appointed with all our former professions and our great love for the Bible, WE MUST FALL, WE CANNOT STAND; WE CANNOT BE SAVED; for God will gather out His Saints from the Gentiles, AND THEN COMES THE DESOLATIONS AND DESTRUCTIONS, AND NONE CAN EXCAPE except the pure in heart who are gathered… If ZION is not delivered, the time is near when all this church, wherever they may be found, will be persecuted and destroyed.” DHC 25:253

Zion will be redeemed by the World School of the Prophets which functions under the direction of Jehovah and His Son, Jesus Christ.

"For, behold, I say unto you that Zion shall flourish, and the glory of the Lord shall be upon her; and she shall be an ensign unto the people, and there shall come unto her out of every nation under heaven. And the day shall come when the nations of the earth shall tremble because of her, and shall fear because of her terrible ones. The Lord hath spoken it. Amen." D&C 64:41-43.

This prophecy will soon be fulfilled. All other groups and organizations will fail and be destroyed and their leaders will be exposed as the frauds that they really are. Quoted below are three scriptures of prophecies of the gathering of Gods elect people, one of a city and two of a family to Zion in areas of refuge to be taught by pastors (prophets) after God's own heart and protected by a tabernacle, a cloud, or shadow, and smoke by day and a flaming fire by night, from the heat, storm and rain.

1. Jeremiah 3:14-15 - "Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."

2. Isaiah 4:5-6 - "And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense. And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain."

3. Isaiah 25:4-5 - "For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall. Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud: the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low."

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In scripture Number 3 quoted above, in Verse 4 we find, "a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall" This, no doubt, is the Prophet Isaiah's way of describing an atom's or hydrogen bomb's blast. Yet the clouds, a shadow, or tabernacle over the places of refuge will protect God's gathered elect people from fallout from atomic or hydrogen bombs, as well as heat, storm and rain. The following two scriptures prophesy of great heat by the sun which will scorch the people in the last days. 1. Isaiah 30:26 - “Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.“ 2. Revelation 16:8-9 - “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.“ The Lord will protect His gathered elect people in the areas of refuge, in Zion with a cloud, a shadow or tabernacle over the places of refuge, which will also be a protective covering from the great heat of the sun when it gives forth sevenfold heat in one day, or seven days light or heat in one day, which will scorch the people that are outside the areas of refuge, with great heat while God's gathered elect people will be safe in the holy places, or areas of refuge. Oh ye stiff-necked generation of people! What else does the Lord have to do to get you to humble yourselves before Him with a humble or broken heart and a contrite spirit and gather now with the elect? If your heart was right before the Lord He would have led you before this late hour to gather out. Yet ye heed false prophets who entertain you with lies and false doctrine, saying there will be peace, when destruction is staring you in the face, while you pay them your hard-earned money as tithing to support them in their luxurious living. Awake from your slumber and heed God's true prophets in The World School of the Prophets. The seven members of The World School of the Prophets met in solemn assembly in Salem, Utah, on August 27, 1986, and did bind up the testimony and sealed up the law against the LDS people. Further, we did cut the LDS church off and delivered the membership over to the buffetings of the adversary. All LDS General Authorities and membership who fail to repent and heed God's true prophets, namely The World School of the Prophets, will be delivered over unto outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Behold, the Lord your God hath spoken it. Amen. Read again D&C 133:66-74 which prophecies of your dilemma.

The gathering is a commandment from God and is the most important commandment. We could live all other commandments perfectly and without gathering we would be destroyed with the rest of Babylon. like in the days of the Prophet Noah, all who were not in the ark perished in the flood. So, in our day all not gathered in the areas of refuge with the elect will be destroyed, for God has spoken it.

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As shown earlier in this document, since the prophet Joseph Smith Jr., founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was martyred in June, 1844, the church leaders succeeding him have departed further and further from the true doctrines the Lord revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith.

When the prophet Joseph Smith was alive, he received many "thus saith the Lord" revelations. Brigham Young had less "thus saith the Lord" revelations. John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow had even less. I have no knowledge of a "thus saith the Lord" revelation coming out of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in over 120 years.

Without these revelations from the Lord setting things in order, the opinions of men have crept into the church, gradually here a little and there a little, until the church has gone into the wilderness instead of the green pastures of His (God’s) word.

Says one, how can it be that the church organized by God’s prophet, under the direction of the Lord and named by the Lord himself, could go astray?

The Lord is bound by law not to speak to men who are out of order or harmony with the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the leaders varied from the laws of God established in the church by its founder, the prophet Joseph Smith, they cut themselves off from the voice of the Lord and without constant revelation to guide the leaders of the church, there is only one direction the church could go and that was into error and apostasy.

If you compare the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today to what they were in 1830 and 1840, while the prophet Joseph Smith was alive, you will see so many differences that one can readily see that about the only thing similar is the name of the church, which is the same.

The Lord knew that the church would be led astray by false prophets, so on November 27, 1832, he gave the following revelation to the prophet Joseph Smith (D&C 85:7):

"And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words: while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritance of the saints whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God."

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is out of order and will shortly be cleansed and set in order by the one mighty and strong who will have the scepter of power in his hand. I will get back to this subject later. Before I go too far with the cleansing and setting in order the House of God, I want to review the order of Zion that the prophet Joseph Smith organized.

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The prophet Joseph Smith organized the foundation of Zion with four main organizations: 1.the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, on April 6, 1830 which was and should still be, the missionary arm of Zion. Then in 1833 the prophet Joseph Smith organized the 2. School of the Prophets, which was the educational arm of Zion. Shortly thereafter, he organized 3. the United Order of God, which was the economic arm of Zion, and eventually he organized 4. the Kingdom of God, which was the political arm of Zion.

These four organizations were organized by direction of the Lord Himself and are all essential for the salvation and exaltation of man. These four organizations were organized by the prophet Joseph Smith to eventually become four separate and distinct organizations, and each of these organizations will have a head and different functions and responsibilities, and will be kept as separate organizations. During the life of the prophet Joseph Smith they were in embryonic form within the mother church.

Shortly after the death of the prophet Joseph Smith, the new leaders of the church started changing the organizations that the Lord directed the prophet Joseph Smith to establish. The School of the Prophets which is the source of all truth between God and man, was forgotten. The prophet John Taylor reorganized the School of the Prophets in 1877, but after his death it was again eliminated, this time for good.

The next of the four organizations to be eliminated was the United Order. Then the Kingdom of God which was the political arm of Zion, was eliminated. The only one of the four organization left today is the church and it is so badly out of order that it is of none effect and is unacceptable to the Lord. It must be cleansed and set in order to be one fourth of the organization of Zion.

Since the death of the prophet Joseph Smith, it seems that the leaders of the church have followed the course of least resistance and eliminated the organizations and laws hardest to live and changed the doctrines of the church, keeping only those doctrines that were easy to live and were acceptable to the world, so that the church would find favor with the wicked world. God’s true laws have always been unpopular.

When the leaders of the church cut themselves off from the voice of the Lord, the adversary started to lead the church, spoke to the leaders, and the church has gone into the wilderness.

When the leaders of the church cut themselves off from the voice of the Lord, he started giving revelations to a few of the righteous men in the church. One of these righteous men is the prophet from Canada who received his first revelation from the Lord in 1961. During the past 49 years this prophet has received constant "thus saith the Lord" revelations. I have read these revelations and the Holy Ghost has confirmed unto me that these revelations are all true and that this prophet is the Lord’s spokesman on earth today.

The Lord commanded His prophet to organize the School of the Prophets, which is the educational arm of Zion, which was done in March, 1982. There are seven prophets in the School of the Prophets. These seven men have been tried and proven true, to again establish Zion on the earth in its purity. The Lord has commanded His prophet to organize the United Order which is the economic arm of Zion, which has also been done.

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The Lord has commanded His prophet to organize the Kingdom of God, which will be done. The One like unto Moses that will set the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in order, will be instructed in the School of the Prophets, which is the receptacle and source of all truth, and shall consult with the School of the Prophets in all matters pertaining to the setting in order.

The Lord clearly defines the functions of the School of the Prophets, which is the most important organization on the earth today. It is through this School of the Prophets that the Lord will again organize Zion, which consists of the four square organizations explained in this document.

Part of the reorganization of Zion is the cleansing and setting in order of His church. The one like unto Moses who will set in order the church will have awesome powers from God. This man will have power to call down fire from heaven, bring famines, earthquakes, hail storms, tidal waves plagues and the destroying angels shall pass over at his direction. With such power given to this man by God, one can readily see how he will set in order the house of God as foretold in D&C 85:7.

I quote the tenth article of faith written by the prophet Joseph Smith before his martyrdom. "We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the ten tribes; that Zion will be built upon this (the American) continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory."

In the early days of the church, the missionaries were directed to teach the gathering which was and is a prerequisite for the establishment of Zion upon the four square organization explained above. Many thousands of the saints were gathered into cities built under the direction of the Lord to the prophet Joseph Smith.

And the Lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind and dwelt in righteousness and there was no poor among them. And Enoch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people of God. And it came to pass in his days that he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion." (Moses 7:18-19)

From the above scripture we find that there are five things that must take place before Zion is established. (1) Be of one heart; (2) Be of one mind; (3) Dwell in righteousness; (4) Have no poor among them; and, (5) Build a city unto the Lord. Zion must be built upon the firm foundation of the four square organization, namely the School of the Prophets, Kingdom of God, United Order and the Church, which must be in order.

Is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints today of one Heart? Of one mind? Dwell in righteousness? Have poor among them? Do they build cities? Further, they are only one of the four square organization needed for Zion.

As any intelligent person can see, Zion is not established on the earth today, but soon will be properly set up by the School of the Prophets that the Lord has called to properly organize His Zion as the prophet Joseph Smith organized Zion in his day.

Further, in the prophet Joseph Smith’s time he organized the four squares and met the five requirements specified above. God is an eternal God. His laws are eternal and never change. When Enoch and the city of Zion, taken to heaven, returns to the earth,

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the Zion on earth must be organized the same as the city of Zion taken to Heaven in the prophet Enoch's time.

The missionaries of the church today no longer teach the gathering which keys Moses restored to the prophet Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple in 1836. (D&C 110:11) If a missionary taught people to gather today, he would be swiftly handled, released, sent home and possibly excommunicated for teaching a false doctrine, which is in fact a true doctrine.

"And the time speedily cometh that except ye repent they shall possess the land of your inheritance, and the Lord God will lead away the righteous out from among you." (Jacob 3:4)

Several times in the past the Lord has gathered out His righteous people and then destroyed the remainder. This happened in Noah's time. Lehi was led out of Jerusalem before it was destroyed and Lot was led out before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. The Lord has promised to gather His elect people in our day, which is being done now, preparing for the imminent desolations of the great tribulations, and all those remaining behind will be destroyed.

“Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ your redeemer, the great I AM, whose arm of mercy hath atoned for your sins, who will gather His people even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, even as many as will hearken to My voice and humble themselves before me, and call upon Me in mighty prayer.” (D&C 29: 1-2)

"And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of Mine elect: for Mine elect hear My voice and harden not their hearts; wherefore the decree hath gone forth from the Father that they shall be gathered in unto one place upon the face of this land, to prepare their hearts and be prepared in all things against the day when tribulation and desolation are sent forth upon the wicked." (D&C 29:7-8)

I was brought up on a farm and we raised a lot of chickens. Never once did I experience a chicken fail to respond to the mother hens call to gather under her wings at an impending storm or other danger. I have seen mother hens attack various kinds of creatures to protect her chickens. The Lord will protect his elect people in the same manner.

"And the Lord will create upon every dwelling of Mount Zion and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for upon all the glory shall be a defense. And there shall be a tabernacle for a shadow in the daytime from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from the storm and from rain." (Isaiah 4:5-6)

The Lord promises to gather and protect His elect people in much the same manner as a mother hen gathers and protects her baby chickens. Those who are disobedient and fail to gather in one place so that the Lord can protect us will be destroyed as the baby chickens no doubt would be destroyed if they went their own way and failed to respond to the call from the mother hen in a time of danger. In other words, it is impossible for the mother hen to protect her young while dispersed all over the field. Further, it would also be difficult for the Lord to protect His elect people in a scattered condition all over the world as they are today.

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In a revelation in December, 1978, to His prophet the Lord stated the following, quoted in part:

"Thus saith the Lord, behold, I say unto you, I am about to pour out My wrath upon this people, yea, even by famine and pestilence and fire and great tribulation like has never before been upon the face of the earth, and only those who receive revelation from Me and who are guided to the places of refuge which I will set up for the righteous sake, will escape. Behold, six years will not pass away before great tribulation will fall upon the children of men and the hearts of men will fail for they place their faith in the arm of flesh which faileth."

As you recall, in 1984 Utah received much damage from the floods that covered the state. The gathering is a commandment from God and is either a life or death situation. Those who gather will be protected and live and those who do not will be destroyed in the desolations of the great tribulations. This is a promise from God and should not be hard to understand; however, some people find it very difficult to comprehend. "I will not spare any that remain in Babylon." (D&C 64:24) Babylon is where there is wickedness. There certainly is wickedness all over the world today, except the areas of refuge.

In the tenth Article of Faith quoted above, the prophet Joseph Smith stated, "We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and the restoration of the ten tribes (lost tribes)." The house of Israel consists of 12 tribes, one of which is thought to be well known. The Lord promised that he would gather the tribe of Ephraim first, which has taken place during the times of the Gentiles. Ephraim, as many as would harken, have been gathered to the LDS church.

But today, since 1986, the times of the Gentiles have ended, and the work of identifying and gathering Israel has begun. And how could these tribes be gathered if they are not first identified? Racial signs to identify all Israel have been given by revelation to the Prophet. But also, racial signs to identify the tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin have also been given. These tribes were scattered last, so the promise is that they will be gathered first.

I do not know what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint's intends to do with the tenth article of faith since they no longer believe in or teach the literal gathering. How can they teach the literal gathering of Israel? What would they do with the seed of Cain among them? I hope you ponder over these two questions and answer them yourselves. "And Enoch also beheld the residue of the people which were the sons of Adam; and they were a mixture of all the seed of Adam, save it were the seed of Cain, for the seed of Cain were black, and had no place among them." (Moses 7:22)

There is one thing for sure: none of the seed of Cain was taken to heaven in the city of Enoch (Zion). You can rest assured that when the city of Enoch descends from heaven to be joined with Zion on the earth that none of the seed of Cain will be holding the holy priesthood of God in Zion on this earth. The seed of Cain are not the elect and should not have been given the priesthood and admitted into the temples.

"And in that day (millennium) there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of Hosts. (Zechariah 14:21)

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This scripture substantiates that the seed of Cain was given the priesthood before the curse was lifted. I do not expect the curse, or black mark, of Cain to be lifted until 500 years or even longer. The seed of Cain cannot be given the holy priesthood of God until all the seed that would have been born to righteous Able, had Cain not killed him, have been born on the earth to righteous families and given the priesthood, which will be accomplished during the millennium.

I quote a statement by Brigham Young on this subject.

"Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so." (JD 10:110)

When the black curse is lifted from the seed of Cain, their black skin will be made white; then the seed of Cain will receive a portion of the priesthood with God’s blessing. All who consent to giving the holy priesthood of God to the seed of Cain before the curse is lifted will have their priesthood taken from them by the Lord.

I quote a statement Brigham Young made to the joint session of the Utah legislature on February 5, 1852:

"Let this church which is called the Kingdom of God on the earth; we will summons the First Presidency, the Twelve, the High council, the Bishopric, and all the Elders of Israel: suppose we summons them and appear here, and here declare that it is right to mingle our seed with the black race of Cain, that they shall come in with us and be partakers with us of all the blessings God has given to us; on that very day and hour we should do so, the priesthood is taken from this church and Kingdom and God leaves us to our fate. The moment we consent to mingle with the seed of Cain, the church must go to destruction. We should receive the curse which has been placed upon the seed of Cain and never more be numbered with the children of Adam who are heirs to the priesthood, until the curse be removed."

The curse, or black skin, has not been removed by God; therefore, the authorities of the church are in error for giving the holy priesthood to the seed of Cain and sealing the seed of Cain to the chosen seed of Adam. The general authorities ignored the warning by Brigham Young quoted above; therefore the priesthood has been stripped from the church and given to another. The loss of the priesthood will eventually be manifested to all members of the church.

In a revelation to the Prophet on February 11, 1975, the Lord warned the church to repent or receive the same cursing as Cain. The church did not repent and in August, 1982, just seven years later, the Lord told His prophet that the priesthood had been stripped from the church and given to another.

The Lord knew thousands of years ago that the church would be restored and would sin against the true gospel and the priesthood restored upon the church would be lost through transgression. I refer you to D&C 113: 7-8,

"What is meant by the command in Isaiah 52nd chapter, first verse which saith: Put on thy strength 0 Zion and what people had Isaiah had reference to?"

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"He had reference to those whom God should call in the last days who should hold the power of the priesthood to bring again Zion, and the redemption of Israel: and to put on her strength is to put on the authority of the priesthood, which she Zion has a right to by lineage; also, to return to that power she had lost."

This prophecy has been fulfilled. The priesthood restored by the Lord through the prophet Joseph Smith has been lost to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and must be restored to the cleansed and set in order Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by the School of the Prophets and the one mighty and strong (D&C 85:7).

The priesthood will only be reconferred upon the heads of repentant former priesthood holders who step forth and live all of the laws of God. Many of the former priesthood holders will be destroyed in the desolations of the great tribulations because they put their trust in the arm of flesh, have disobeyed God in this regard and must suffer the penalty of death in the desolations of the great tribulations for their disobedience.

Their families will also be destroyed and the former priesthood holders will die in their sins without the priesthood they think they hold and those whom they have cast from their midst for living God’s laws, thinking they stripped their priesthood from them, still hold the holy priesthood of God, while those in the church have lost their priesthood.

What a sad situation. Those former priesthood holders will no doubt find themselves in the telestial degree of glory; some may be sons of perdition, instead of in the celestial glory they thought they would be awarded.

Oh, the wisdom of a just and merciful God. Justice will be measured out to those former priesthood holders in the same measure they measured out to the true servants of the Lord they handled, persecuted, and cast out of their midst according to instructions from one of the twelve (false prophets).

Before it is all over, these false prophets will wish they could come where the true prophets will be, but it will not work out this way at all. It was the desire of the leaders and officers of the church to have the elect people and true prophets of God cast out of their midst on this earth, which they did. The true prophets will forgive all who repent.

The Lord has told us that even if the general authorities repent they will not retain their positions in the church, but they must come in at the gate and start all over and will be treated as any other lowly member of the church. I have little hope of any general authority repenting, so therefore they will be destroyed in the desolations of the great tribulations along with the rest of the wicked, and enter the spirit world without any priesthood and there be subjected to the devil and his angels until redemption.

God only knows their fate, but we know what their fate could be (sons of perdition), because they sinned against the greater light.

Wake up, oh ye general authorities, and repent ye false shepherds. Know ye not that the flock will be required of your hands? Because of your yielding to the promptings of the adversary, you have led over13 million members of the church into forbidden paths instead of the green pastures of His (God’s) word, because you changed the laws of God and broke the new and everlasting covenant and must shortly face the wrath of an everlasting God. What words will you have for these millions of people when you meet

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as spirits in the world of spirits? What can you say to console these millions of people?

The true prophets will do all in our power to correct the wrongs of the general authorities and to warn the membership that per chance some will repeat. What are you going to say to your ancestors who made many sacrifices for the cause of truth? No words will suffice. Many of your ancestors gave their lives in the defense of truth and you came along and the reins of the Lords church were passed on to you and you have disgraced the church and are leading millions of people to their destruction.

God will cleanse His church and set His house in order by the one like unto Moses, who will be schooled in the School of the Prophets, which is the educational arm of Zion. God has promised to speak to this man face to face as He spoke face to face with the prophet Moses. The Lord, through His School of the Prophets, will also reestablish the Kingdom, which is the political arm of Zion, and the United Order, which is the economic arm of Zion.

As you can readily see, all is not well in Zion, as the general authorities claim repeatedly. In fact there is no Zion established on the earth today, but soon will be, by the Lord’s anointed, true prophets He has called out of the church. How can all be well in Zion when God’s Zion is not here? That is like saying all is well in a certain city where there is no city. The prophet Nephi was warned about us in our day and the statement of all is well in Zion. (See 11 Nephi 28:24-31)

Oh, ye fallen brethren, repent of all of your sins now. Pray mightily unto a just God in Heaven who will surely hear the prayers of the repentant, then fear not men (leaders of the church); they can do nothing to help you as they have no keys, no kingdom, no priesthood, no United Order, no School of the Prophets and God does not hear their prayers nor speak to these false prophets.

Oh, ye sons of Ephraim, cease to place your trust in the arm of flesh. Develop your spiritual gifts, humble yourself before the Lord in mighty prayer and receive revelations from the Lord yourself. The Lord will speak to those who have their family in order. The Lord has revealed to His prophet that man is subject to the Lord, the woman is subject to the man (her husband) and the children are subject to the woman (their mother). This is the correct order of a family.

Save yourself and your loved ones from the desolation of the great tribulations spoken of in the Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Revelation of the New Testament. Seek and ye shall find: knock and the truth will be opened unto you. Cease to trust man: trust only in God.

"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground. Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes. ye principal of the flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel. And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and a howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the

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peaceable habitations are cut down because of the fierce anger of the Lord. He had forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger." (Jeremiah 25:32-38)

The shepherds referred to by the Lord in the above scripture are the leaders of the church (general authorities) and the flock is the church membership. How much plainer can the Lord speak? What else do you need for the Lord to get your attention?

In a revelation titled "The Parable of the Pear Tree" in February, 1975, the Lord referred to the leaders of the church as "whited sepulchers full of dead means bones." The Lord is very angry with these men and will shortly cleanse them from the earth. "Yea, wo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord and shall say that the Lord no longer worketh by revelation or by prophecy or by gifts or by tongues." (III Nephi 29:6)

Repent, therefore, ye sons of Ephraim, gather and save yourself and your family, else you will be destroyed in your sins.

I say these things unto you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. I want to bear and especial witness to all the world that the living Prophet spoken of in this document is a true prophet of the living God. I have personally put all of the revelations received by the Prophet to the test and the Holy Ghost has witnessed to me that they are all true. I have known the Prophet since 1979, and I find him to be a humble, dedicated and righteous man. I can truly say that I have learned more in the past thirty-one years about Zion and the Kingdom of God than I have in all my life up until that time. I give my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lee Lowther, Sr. Counselor, World School of the Prophets Educational Arm of Zion July 2010