


. for thco columns wil-lie tnhrn until 12Op.: . nt. . fortlio ovonltm-

rrlltlnn , anil until HCOp. in. , fur tlio morningedition nnd SUNDAY HEK-.f


IlKllMH-Cftsliln advance ;

T. > ATr.Advrrtl rmrnts on this page wlllbe-J * ehnrerd for nt thi rate of 1M ccnU tierVONI fnrllin first Insert I'm. iincl 1 cent perword-frr citeh ml Kpfpii'tit ItiKcitlon , nnd II. W perlinn tvrtxmtli. No ndvprllM-mrnt taken forIt k tlinn ' 'I crnt.s for DIP Ural Insertion.-TN1TIALS.


. fig ' . "BjrniLoH etc * , , cotintcncli-J i none word ,

rpllESE ndvrrtl'pmrnM tnu t run rnn Mi-iJ

-lively nnil under no circumstances will

tliry I r taken or discontinued by telephone."13A 1(1( IKS Mlvrrttalnff In those roliunnii andJ hnvlnjs tlirlmns pr ninrtrr l ton"num-Innl

-letter In rnreof TIIK IlfK , will receive n-


crrd check to fnnblo them to pot their] < 'IUT . Answmft will lo: nnllvorotl only nn-irp| rntntlon of this r-hrek. Kncloso unswer-

smenulopes properlv addressed.-A


I.I. ndvcrtl er ents under thn hend n-fJ * "Special Notlrcs" nrn published In bothHie morn'na' nnd evening rdltlonsof THE HF.K,flip plrrulnllnn at which ai-cregntca rnorptluine-.fofl! papers dally. nnd (Mvrs Urn advertiser

the 1'iMipflt' not only nf the large circulation ofTIT Htr.: in "mnlin , Hit nlso In Council HlulTs ,

I Inroln nnd otl'prclt'i'S' and town * In tliowost" BR ANCHOFFICESTAflv-

crtMng_ _

for these eo'nmn * wij " o takenontl'f nl'ovo condition" . nt the f V.iowlng busl-iip

-- houses who nro notlWlrrd to ttikpspeclal-

nritlrr . nt Ilio same rates us can bo hud lit thainn In ( i II I re._

___SOUTH OMAHA IIKANCH CITIOE-No.. . Street , Lister llloek._TOHNW. HELL. I'hurmaelst , lllh k Mason' street.

_ilASE & EDDY. Stationers and 1'rlnter

11.1 South Ifith street-



II. T'AKNSWOKTH , Pharmacist, 2113

iCumins street.1. iTrtillES , I'lmrnmclst , KM North 10th-

V > . utrrct.-


. .

. W. 1'AHK , Pharmacist, 17U LeavenVI worth street ,

:b' 1HAKMACY. 24th and Varmim.

SITUATIONS WANTED., etc. , leetop of frit column on tlila pigf.

HOTEL cook ( white mnnl. all around cook ,

a jiermanenl situation as meat andpastry cook for city or country hotnl. Am a-

lotal abstainer , with reference. Address , llox211. Central City. Neb. M575 6 *

"VWANTKD A situation for two irlrls. ono< < for dining room and the other as maid.

Address 171 ! ) 9. 1.1th street. M.10I 7'

WANTED I'osltlou by male stnnozrapher; best of rofeienccs. Ad-


< . Hen olllce. M49 ! 7 *

WANTED Hy a young man , are 14 , situ ¬

as .1rug clerk ; manufacturing nndprescription work especially ; pan c'vo' coedcity reference. O. A. It. , OTI 4th slieet. DesMolnes , la. M5II 7'" ( ( Canadian wants situation as nssls-

I. liint hook-kiMjpnror drna anprentlce ; tol-leiro

-urailuate , good references. Hubert"" Smalo. Klngsley , la. S'-li-fi *

" Industrlo'is young man , to' learn railroad engineering , wages no ob-


. Address OS? Hee. M4.i8 0*

"WANTED Situations for good girls ; my' ' waltlmr rooms are always full from n a.-


. toll p. m. Canadian Employment office-.Illl'i

.' S. 15th. Telephone 834. -'4-

3t> KonsSIONAL: nurse.1-HI5

. Mrs. S. E. Ilouton.C.T-S street , Omuha.




, etc. , Ktetopofnnl column on thtitptge.

JI'STout. Most wr.nderful advertising de-| known. Sells to every merchantmnniifaclurer. Snlondld employment.-


pay. Steady work. Fncloso stamp. ArcJ. Mfg. Co. , Uaelm' , WIs. Mrcr p*_

' ANTED A shrewd , quick , active young' lady to take care of htoclt and make her-


generally useful , no others need apply.-C.

.. C. Sherwood , N. Y. Llfo lll'd'-

E OFFEK agents big money tn exclusiveterritory. Our now patent safes sell at

night In city or country. Now agents first InHeld actuallv getting rich. Ono agent In oneclay cleared 80. So can yon. Catalogue free-.Aljilno


Safe compunv , IlKI-U" ! Clark street ,

Clni'lnnatl. . O.

younc man to learn the drughnslnuss , must have coed character , some

pvperlence and bo willing to woik. Apply ati-

iili'i ) to R llradwell , Falrlleld , Neb. .Vtl-S *

; ANTED A first elass prescription wrlt-Tl

-Ing physician. A splendid opening In an

eastern Nebraska village. Address. Lock-box :&' , Cook , Nebraska. 551-7 *

W A NTED by the Friendly AidSociety , 1'iiys Its members JICO every

six months. Has pnld $ : iO.fHlO) In benefits.-KCS.TVO


and benefit fund held In trust by theI Main of Massachusetts. Terms liberal. Ad-dress


Friendly Aid Society , Wnltliam. Muss.-MKW


WE want the following llrst class workmen :

band sawvor, one turner , onesuwyerfor rip saw , ono stair builder who Is capable of-jvorklnc from details and making estimates ,

rfi. Williams & Hunting , Cedar Itaplds. In.M5.'M-

7'ANTEDAt" Grand Island and Norfo'lk.'

' active younc men anil boys to work Inbeet Holds. J. G , Hamilton , Secy. J1.VI7 II

AGENTS wanted ; ru li registers. Klrst-: rosponsltilo ngents to sell "The-

Caslilor , " the only register perfectly adaptedto lelall stores ; cash or credit business ; rea-ni.miblo

-prices. American Cash Heglster Co. ,

1 K Qnlncy street , Chicago. M5I1 0-



ANTED For tent show , a boy snare. . - > ' drummer ; musicians that play In band

nnd orchestra colored musicians also mustown Instruments. State what vou play , lowrst salary , eto. Address. I1 H HUE. fx 2-G *

Teamsters , shovelors and' triu'kmnn for work In Wyoming nnd

South Dakota. Albright Labor Agency. 112-0Knrnaiu street. JI4S1_

man who Is experienced in> ' handling patent territory lu Omuha. Ad-


I1 it , Ilt'e. BIOS *

Neat , experienced milker , 4115N. 21th. 521 r, '_

_J WANT an all round printer for permanent

position , who Is a good local writer and acoed .solicitor , makes friends and can Keepthem : must send satisfactory references as tohonesty , sobriety , faithfulness and activity ;waces from * IO to JI5 ; state experience ; wanthim right away for a largo weekly lu Kansas.Address O 81. Heo oflleo. " '* S *v'

ANTED-Salesmon nn salary or commis-slou

-' to handle the new patent chemical

Ink era-Ing pencil ; the greatest selling novel-tv

-ever produced ; erases Ink thoroughly In-

.tuosrconds. ; nonbraslon nf paper : 200 to MMper cent , profit ; one agent's sates amountedto lu six days ; another J.TJ In two hours.We want onn general agent for each state nnd-territory. . For terms nnd full particulars , ail-dress thei Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , La Crosse.Wis. 247

A man of good address to call' ' on the manufacturing trades and take

Orders for stamped ind cnil-nssod work. Wnwant a resident representative to handle ex-


all the goods of our own manufac-ture

¬: a man who has sold lltliiuraphlit worl ;

preferred ; salary and commission tn the rightman. Address with full particulars. J. W.Carroll , * t lluano st , , New M-IJI tl *


J"or "ilM , rtf. , we ( op nf trtt column on Hit* | i i

TNTED Girl fo7"generaT Iimi 7 7iriri7i> > small tail S. llth MM !) 7 *

> A competent girl for irenera-li' housowork. German-American or DanUh

preferred , 1014 Locust street. Mi'13 7 *

TVANTED Good girl ; eood wages paid ;

'TI liorman preferred A20s'outh2sth! street.


__TED A glr ! for general hoiiaownrk In-

T' small family , with tefcrences ; 1WX1 Far ¬

nam street. atS-5" rANTEDA-

Karnamcompetent so.itmttess , asii

i < , 4W5-

M7I" Competent sewlns woman. I'e-


rnancnt employment. .Mia. A. M. Carter.D-5IO

.rarnam street. 457

_ AWANTTlTvCompi'U'nt girl for houseworkr ' In family of two ; belt wages.-Naw

Call Itt'rtYork Lifo. 4 9 3 *

V'A NTiiN: girl at 1016 Farnam strcr' T Gorman preferred. M4n: )

rANTED A competent eirl for sovon-duurkat a boaiitlful country homn : llfty-s from Omaha. Clias. A. Harvey , lilt

'uriiam utrcot , til-


., ttt. , ntl'ip n.Hr4t rotumn imlhli > fi-

Cjro. . F , UollenlHH'k , teuoner of the banjoHaspe. nn Dougln *. 24'J

CUE buyluca piano exanuno the nowaculo Ittmball plamxA , Hotyo.llU lloutflas.

FOR RENT-HOUSES.For ratn.ctf , rrelnonf frit efxitmn on intt-

61uVK N "T s"fx rooiclass building , r7DO. Innulro Notherton

Hall , room 3 ), First Nat. Hank. M.Vil 8-

OOI2 Cnpltol Avenue Mrootn'cottano. . Wflst-i half 2.VII Davenport street. Cheat ) , [ nnutro-

at'JJlHOapUol iiveniio. MH1: 10 *

HENT-10-room brick houso. all con-vonlence.s

-, 20th street , fJO. liuiulro Netli-


Hall , room .iX> , First Nat Hank. MOO I d-

JTtOJMlliNT It-room brick house , centrally-L' located , desirable for first-class hoardingbouse. Inquire Nethorton Hall , room IKO. FirstNat. Hank. MM 11

FOH UENT-0-room dwelling , largo yard ,modern O'invenlnnces. Innulro N ther-

ton Hall , room ! i2U, First Nat. Hank. > i5Cl

"IjW > Il Hl-.NT-HnndxomoIy furnished nlno-JIIKJIII house , 24th , near Farnam. Inquireat once , Nelhorton Hull , U. 320 , First Nat ,Hank. M.VQ-

1817WlT7lENTQlroom fiat , with I aih. nt ;I .oom brick ( ivvclllug. 20lb street , S Hj II-


brlcK dwelling. Cnss street. $ W Havn n-

lariro list of goo.l resldeneo ) . Inipilro Neth-orton

-Hall , room M) . First Nat. Hank. M.V1I 8-

IOK KENT-Four room cottage : well andJcistern water. Call at 2012 S. 20th avenue.-


. U H *

CNT T'lat of ft Woms7with Wh7 at(fin Webster street , 115.00 per month.n

MSB 7'-

"IMUK avenue , between Jackson and Leav-1. euworth sl . very desirable house , S rooms ,

bntli room , furnace. Inquire Itoom C , I2a ,

Furnatn st. 412-7

FOH KENT Furnished 5-room cottage forsummer ; desirable locution and low

rent. Address O. W , Hue. 4J-JIJMNEnow 12-room homo with all modern-*- Imnrovomenti and barn : line location foru physician. J. H. I'arrotte rental ngencv.l-



5"irtOU KENT Ilrlok house. Qjovcn rooms ,J- every convenience. Apply on premi-Dr. . Swartzlande , Mill and Capitol avenue.-



OU KENT 10 room house , all modern 1m-


* ' . S. 22d. between SI. Mary's ave-nue


and Hownid. Enquire cor 21st and St-.Mary's

.avenue. 51 !)

STEAM heated m"dern flats. 707 nnd 700ICtlt. E. I Klnger , fil !) Fnrnam.-



KENT 0-room houso. modern convcn--IIOIIOHS , ViKI DavcniKirt street. Inquire2B22 Davenport strpct ; 4S !)

' KENT Hy Juno 20 , 0-room housenewly painted anil papered , well , cistern ,

city water, bath and furnace. 2301 Davenport.-M85.I



FOK KENT 12 room houso. 1004 N. 27tTi u ve ¬

, 15 , with largo uarn , furnace , gas. etc.0 room house , 2213 l.eavonwortb St , SJ- . bothgas , mantels , etc. 0 room , 1713 Dodge St. , 00.all modern Improvements. 5 room , 'list andMason. 115 , olty water , largo yard. II. G.Clark & Co. , 1218 llarney st. M175 7-

1T1OK KENT FurnWicd house , all modernJL conveniences ; four months ; cheap to goodparty. 2721 Jackson street. Call In morning.-


437 *

you wUh to rent a house or store sec H. E.Cole , Continental block. 25'' )

fT-IIOOM house , nice yard , shade trees , city'Jand cistern water , elegant neighborhood , 2blocks from street cars. 1111 S. 7th avenue , or-Hell's pharmacy , cor. llth and Mason. 25-

2Ii Oll KENT 10-room house , centrally locat-ed


, modern Improvements. Inquire , 712 N-


. ' ' !

rpRN-KOOM house with barn ; desirable lo--l cation , moderate rent. Heard Bros.. 141-0Doualas st. M (W-

I71O11 KENT Elegant 2-floor house , all mo-dJ

-ern Improvements. No. 40S N. 23(1( st. Apply

at 130 ! ) Farnam st. r 20i-

17IOK KENT-S room house , 0 room cott.ise ,

J. bath. etc. Apply C , S. Elguttor , hOl N. Y-

Llfo bldg. -UK )

FIFTEEN fl-room brick houses , all modern ,

urnacet22.50 per month , near Sher-man


avenue motor. C. K. Harrison , UI2 N.Y.-Llfo.


._ .ni4-rr!

FOK RENT-8-room Hat, Lange block , lilthJackson. Mi7: !

HOUSH for rent Two story boose 8 roomsall modern Improvements. 2JIS Lake

street C. 1) . Woodworth 1512 Douglas. tMJ

KENT 7-room house , S02-1 llarney. In-quire


A. H.Gladstone , 1310 Douglas street.-M22I


FOK KENT Kitchen , dining room , and ox-rooms If desired. In Hat. of 22 fur-


rooms. Family of Hvo persons willboard with party , and can have any amountof llrst-class bo.irders besides. Inquire 0.12 S.

KENT New 7 room house , with allmodern Improvements. 1 block 3rom Wa-


Hill motor. I25. Theo. Olsen , W4 N. Y , Life.-2J5


-I 0-KOOM houso. barn ; Kountzo I'lacet fi.03I- a month to right parties. J. J , Gibson. K.

3. C'rolghtoli Mock. . M10-

5QKOOM brick house , all conveniences , f-'j ;O G-room brlcu house , {20. H. R Cole , 0 Con ¬

tinental. 925

HOUSES , all kinds three nicely furnished.& Co. , 1614 Capitol avenue. 807

KENT Houses with all modern im-provements


, steam heat : 1 block from highschool ; 25.00 to {5J.OJ per month. Also stores ,

24th and Davenport H. H. Irey , 200 N.Y. Llfo.__


; ___lg51V."1I1OK KENT Largo niiniborof houses , stores ,

- - Hats , etc. . V .0j par month and ui.| Nowlist 1st of each month. George J. 1'uul , '

Farnum streot-



KENT , cheap ; a gooil '.en room modern. Inquire SKI ) Capitol avenue. II.-


. r.obl > on. M075 . .713-

"T71OK KENT Handsome 11-room modernJL house ; all conveniences ; In perfect order ;paved streets : motor , and within 0 minuteswalk of postolllce Nathan Sheltou , ir.U Far¬

nani street. MlJl

FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMSFor rates , etc. , tee tup nf first rnlnmn on ((7i ( p ge-



furnished room !, ; also rooms for-l1 housokceiilng. oltlier furnished or uiifur-nlsheil

-, ii4: Capitol avenue. M.Mj' .' U *

KENT-Furnlshedroom , ISst. .M57JH*_

to gentlemenonly ; hhthest point In the city ; modern con -

vonlencps ; refeiences required ; private fami-ly.


. Address O 5-1 , Ileo olllce

"Vni'ELY furnished room , witn parlor prlv--L > llcge , suitable for two single gontlemcn.-gas.

.. bath and all modern conveniences. 211 )

Farnam street , second tloor. M.WI 7-

JTKW KKNT-FunilshpTT rictus , II'J' S 2Mh-L1- street. Splendid neighborhood. M5IOO *

FOK KENT Nicely furnished roams ; south. 1IM7 Douilas. M5J57'-

"VTEATLYI front room , also small room , : r.h.J N-

JlSlli street. fCj-ll *

furiiMied front room with gasand-J- ' bath. 17UI Le.iveuworth street , 3id lloor.-


" OH KENT Nicely turn.shed rooms In iirl-L

-- vato rosldnnco. I.WJ Howard , comer filthstreet. All modern convunlnticos. LawnarpiimHiulldliiir. 411-

7KEST Ni-'i'ly furnished room , gas nnd-bath. . 2(110( Hurney street. Keference ro-


: *

iroil KENT Kornished rooms ; andJbath. . 1721 Dodge street. KoferenccH.M .

471 7 *

'IIH1K KENT Nicely furnished front rooms atJL 120South.4th street , near l.eavenwortli-motor. . M4il: 7 *

T AKUE front room , 1701 Capital ave. 41-

SI OK KENT Purnlsliod rooms , IfiOT Douglas.- *OJ

A7EKY pleasant front room in private fam ¬

gentleman. tWJ S. 20th st. iil-

TpUKNisTfElro.oiuTat 1WW Capitol ave.-

orpwo or four rooms , light housekeeping , 202il-*- St. Mary's avenue. 172

1)LEASANT rooms , tdngle or eusulte. 115st. 77 *

FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHEDForratei , etc. , tee ( op of flnt column on tltU pig*"171OK UENt-4jorT nfiiiiilshed rooms : noJ- water organ , tin cry lariju and pleasantand cheap, 1 I3 Cass. ;VKJV

FOR UENT-rind. small family apartments.outside rooms ; best locality , modernImprove meats. Ingiilrn KK I'uxloii block. S17

NEW, BKKltru und mostdesirabtolu tbo city.or four loom nultcnSlSH.2Jud streot.

T. K Von Uoru. M4SJ



itt .etc.icetoi of trtt rulumii on pcig

for mmismnnut. In truotl6n-v.. oriiiittrlumny. TUo bou t'orreipoudencebureau , parltcuttirH In plain wulml envelopefor lOo. UxjU llox 1CU. Omali *. lUO-Jn. *

FOR RENT STORES & OFFICESFor t-otM , ttc. , tte toy of prtl toa-mn onTftU ft )ge.

Tho4.Btorrbrlekbultdlng.wlth-or without power , formerly ocuplod by the

UPO Publishing Civ , 1)10) Karnam st. The build-Ing

-linn a IIreproof cement baseirent.conlploto

steam heating tl.xturoswater on all the Moors ,gas , etc. Apply at tha oflleo of Thu Hee. OU-

j[ OIt HEN r Store , good ttnnil , with C-rooms.' . upstairs , latrly occupied as saloon , SdJi Nstreet , South Omnha , Apply E. I'earon , HIOS-

15th street. Omaha. 027-10 *

FOK KENT In Shenandoah. la. , a goo-lbusiness lionsc, third door from

Dostolllce. IniiulroOf J. K. Irvln , Shenando.ih ,

la M.1C9 12-

'FOK KENT Or salp , my building on Jones, & lllh O.A.LIndiiulst.niO S 15tb.


117OK KENT-Desk ' room , at fill N. Y. LlTeJL1 building. 2152

iron ItKNT-Tho three-Mory brick bnlld-Imr

-- - , 1110 Iiiiglas street , suitable for wholo-oalo

-purposes , fllo per mouth. Chas. Kauf-


. i : i2 Douglas street.




. . Kftnpofltnt column on Ihf *

nESlltAltl.K second llcxir rooms , either fur ¬

unfurnished , and board at tinTremor. 110 N. 25th strjet. M67I Jy5'-

'IjTI'HNISHEU worn and board , Jl per week.JL1 111 S 20th. M.'xillS *

FritNISIIED rooms with llrst class boirl.street. 4'li-li' ) *

EOOMS with excellent board , $25 and *2.S per, 411 N. 1'Jth street. 4S <- . | |

roomsboard,25t: > StMary'savo-

rilHE M. Clalr European hotel , cor. 13th andJ- Dodge , will make low rates for rooms bythe week or month wiUi or without board.


OOM) with llrst-class lioard , 1314 Dodge.I 41I.V

KF.NT-Largo noat'.y furnished frontroom with board. No. 201 !) California st.

40.T *

KENT Furnished room with board ,

desirable location , table board. 201 S. 25th-avo. . -IM ?

JU'lKNISHED rooms and boird , UB3 Dodzo.-M2.V



IPLEASANT room with board. Keforonccs.-22U


I'urnam. ii27 5'-

jrUlKNISHKD room uml board. 2013 llarneyL-1- street. . :i2l5-


rooms at707 and TO. ) South If.thsteamSTOIIK. E. F. Klnger. i : li! Furnum.

05-J27 *

FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS.For rates , etc. . scetnp column nnthlepiit-

1WILL take horses In pastures of 200 acresfarm , 2 miles a , w. of b'outh Omaha ,

noarSarpy mills. M.Vri 12 *

tllAVE a (rood tame-irrass pasture of 100. 7 miles went of Omaha , for horses

and eattle. Mrs. Ivathruno Krnst , bet 7l.Omaha.

l.. Neb. . illHO fi *

STOC'IC ranch for rent : abundance; Rood range : SO acres In cron : l00

acres fenced. 1' . O. llox 17 , Harrlsburg. Colo.Mill I 7

K have tbo best horse pasture In thli *

' ' statu , at Ollmorn Station , three milessouth of South Omaha ; UK ) acres of blue cra > s-


water , board" foneo ; have a good one-half mile track on the farm ; will take a fewhordes or eolts to break or train. Ilarton ..t"-

1'holns. . or A. W. I'liolp & Son. JIW-JC': )

RENTAL AGENCY.1 rrmtf. rtc. . r'f Inn nt flr t i-nlimili nil th-

tiHE. . COI.K rental agency , Continental blk.230




, ttc. , ret ( op of flnt column on ( bi'i jugs.

ANTED lly a sentluman and wlfo. ono' or two furnished rooms and board in

private family. Address ! 5t Hoe Ollico.SI304 8 *




. , ecctot} fftrt t column on this j ig-



OAUDINO Table arX rVfowTonl.s.with or without room ; bath and pns. 1111-

5Douglas. . Jl. 7ti 11 *

Pt'I.IMAN house. ii0: ! Dodire streer. for, nice rooms , modern conven-


; rates and location it cannot be ex-celled.


. Mrs. Horn , 1rou. M41B ,Iy2*

FOR SALE FURNI I URE ETC,For rale* , etc. . ste lop offrst column on this page.

FOR SA.LE Kurnltnro of a ten room iiuuso ,

located. Hunt $25 our mouth.Address IM Ht-o olllce. , . 4'M-G"'

FOIl SALE I'urnlturo of a 10-room house. Ho use for runt. Inquire 102t; Uoazu

) furniture , now and second-hand , for sulu on easy payments. Call

and oxamlno buforo purchasing. Store IffilHoward ht reel. MICH ,1110

SAl.K At n grout saerlllce , clemint-bouseholil furniture , line carriage team ,

carriages , slulu'li. harness and rohes , also lineJersey cow. A. J. Hansuom , 1824 Douglas st.-


t 7 JI.V




rrate * , etc. , ice top nJirtt column an thLi ) IB&

FOli"s"AhE-iio"rsos."A car : ioiid"of ilmrM-scountry ; all classes-


, ! U)7'apItal) avoiuic. M54U 7 *

FOR SALE or trade , small , guntlo four yearhorse now twins broken. Would liku to

trade for caruentor work. O. W. Shields , 2211-Kimnot. . ! .V-

"IIOU SALE Cheap. 2 hay horses , Gy cars old ,J. sound and In good 'condition , bmken fordouble or single driving. Will sell one or both.Apply Mollno , Mllburn & titoddard Co , , iith-uml I'aclllo sta._


150.00 will buy a 7-yunr-old hay horse.welght) pounds , leather top end spring buggy

and hurnci9. Itnoin ; to , Ilarker block , MUi-'rpllKStandanl Cattle Co. liavo a few gentleJ- old cow noules suitable for children thatthey can sell cheap. Apply at their olllco ut

Ames NoO. SI74 in-

cnrrlaso. . Let *ols , stable 2Sth and l.oavenwortli. m2lVS

SALE Dandy road wagon. Can be seenroom 4 Heo building , 21-

2ltOUSAIiIv Klouant delivery wagon , brand-1- new , made In the city and warranted. M. A-


Co. , Iteii biilldlir;. Si7:



. etc. , ( oji oftlrxt rnliirnnnnif.( j ) ij .

ITIOlt SALE 150' cords mixed wood at Klor-L.

-- . ciico. Imiulru II. (J. Clark , I2IH Harnuy.

M574 0-


_SALE Elegant llradbury piano ; easy

-L1 terms. I0.3 S. : ilh streoi. Jiaiil (i

"I OH SALE or trade , water power grist millJ- for farm or town properly , lilvu lull de-scription


and price In letter. Address I' .

T. Oi'lis. Straight Creek. Kansas._.Y o7-

TplNK organ for saly. S , Hank , 3'7 N. IBt-



plno Mndllna at Conspl-X1

-(dated llox & Mfg. Co. , 2Uth and Walnut.

Telephone 1722. 5S| a *

KAI'hS forsalo No. l'i x4 > YiU: outsldo iii'as-with burglar proof chest , double

Hanged doors outside and Inside , combinationluck. Heard llros..St. Unils. No. 2. 70fiOx.toiitslilo meaiiuremcnt.Dlebold ; Norris L'odoors-samu us In No. I. 'Chcsii safes aio the proper-ty


ofashliuton county , they arc Just thesafes for county nurpo ev Address ThomasVVIlkliiMinor W. (J. Harrison. Uialr , Nob. 4U > *

'IjiOK SALE or oxelmniro for plano.ono brownJ-1 Dtulllon , Clyde , one full single ntr , 2 youngcows , splendid milkers , ono line dining t etnearly new , ono baby oarrlaae , one laraorange , two gas stoves , one binall cook stove ,ahudos , curtains and polls , etc. , etc. Thiswill lieur the closest Inspection , call and scoIt Rood 17 Hoard Trade. D. U lluanu. 451 5-

POK SALE An oleeant tire proof safe withburglar chest. 1'hll Stlmtuol , Oil JonesHtreut. Omahu , Nob. 270-

171OK SALE Magulllcoiit uprlzht piano atJ1 bin sncrlrtcu.lnciilro, | at 2111) Culo well st.after 7 o'clock evenings Mud

DRESSMAKINq-or rotei , rtc. , tettop of frit column onits( pagt

HIGH class dressmaking. Evening , dinnerweddliu trousoaii a s |>t Gtalty. Kit

and iitylo warran ed perfect. It. O. Maxwell ,

Ituinsu block , room 4JJ. <OiUl-



to do dressmaking In fum-illca

-solicited. MlM Sturuy. MW llarnoy-

street. .



Molile , 3, E. oor. I'urutm and lUb331



, eU. . Itetopofiifrtl column on Hit* pige..

A.1 butcher business In IhU city. Pine flxtuirs-nnd good cash tradaiiEl'i ) anyone meaningbusiness here h nn o iioltont ohanco. Munt-bo sold In next sixty M. A. t'titon' Co. ,lice building. m.j M.VM

71OU SALE The Oxt'QVos of The French retaitrant In Tin : HM building. Auply t

171BH Jackson street. , , . , 52:1-0:

HAI.E-mi wlll'Wfy' an Old esl abshudb-usliipss where piVffy can clear $150 per

month. Address I' 3 { } ); { ' . 4H!

SALE-l'uniltitrb and undertakingbusiness In good ''town , with or without

tore building : part cn.Vh. balance gilt edgepaper or clear real "estate ! Invoices aboutM.UCO. llox 042 Llncpln'.Jj' ' ' _3.v

FOH SALE A nrst-clas.s meat market withtrade. Ice house , slaughter house and

everything In * style , will bo sold at-a bargain ; located In ono of the best towns InNebraska , only 50 miles from Omaha. Ad-dress

¬O W , lice , or I-ouU Heller , butchers'

tools and .supplies , 1110 Jackson st. 4S7-9

CLEAN general stock of merchandise forand money , llox 0, Frankfort. I ml.

7ii-J2t) :_____________take notice. Do you want a-

Lgond business ? Ituy the Commercial , thaleading hotel at llrokcn How. Nob._40 !)

J A SCHEMES to Muko Money. Is the tltlo of-LV our now book , containing ten legitimateand honorable schomcs for making nionov on-smalt capital ; exposes tricks and swindlingIn business ; Rives hints and nil vice that mayhe worth thousands of dollars to you. Theschemes are so clearly explained any ordinaryperMin onn understand them. It will give younew Ideas , aid you In planning other dealsand f liable you to grasp future opportunities.Sent prepaid for II. American IlooU Co. ,OmiiliH. Neb. MI20.T2.1-


_OIJ SALE Stock of druzs and ilriigr sun-


- dries , well n&sorttxl , Invoice nt ono thou-sand


dollars ; for sale If taken at once forseventy cents on the dollar of wholesale prlci-Will trade for clear property. Addiess. T. It-


. York. Neb. 214.IU-



, etc. , let top al firtt column on this igt.-

tHoKSEsTor lots , 40. ! llrow'ii bulldinglaiir.fl.iyr.-



! KXCHANE-If( ! you have a house7md' lot , not to exceed In value Mix and u I


I i"in show you how to clear *i'T.n( In-

twentyfour hours. No uossiblu risk. AlexMoore. 401 Iteo bldg. M.VM 7

western farms to exchange for lotsVA r Improved property , not too highly en-ciimDcruil.

-. h vans' exchange. KM I'axton.

557 5 *

OHOK'E stock of general merchandise andbuilding near-DCS Molnes to ex-


for U cash and improved farm Inwestern Iowa or southeastern Nebraska.Hoods Invoice J5.000 ; building , t500.: AddressT. 1C. I'attcson , Vandalla , la. M46I

3.000000 cigars to exchange for horses , cattle ,

farms ; must he clear of Incum-brance

-: see the samples ; no contracts , but

clear cigars ; lots must bo north or we-t ; sen-samples. . ( VII I'axton building. Telephone IWH.Evans' exchange. ,V G 3 *

rpllE best business property on Sherman-L avenue. Improved , to exchange for farmsnot too far from Omahu. Alex Moore. 401 Heo-building. . M33)) 7 *

rpo EXCHANGE Corner facing llanscomJ-park and live other good lots for Chicagoresidence property. Address O 40 , Heo.-


J 2ii

WANTED To inadoi piano for a family) light phaeton buggy. A. lloipe.

1313 Douglas. 73i


Forr.itex. ttr. . . trttnp afflrft column on ( hf <

SECOND Mortgages Wo can borrow fioni. forydU on second mortgage

security. Alex Mooret 41)1) Heo building-.ti


M529 7 *;

: 1'EIi CENT llrst mprtgago loans. Klcliard' ''C. Patterson , OJ7 Now.Vork Life. M07-

4M OUTRAGES wanted , long or short time-.ticoro

.G. Wailaco.illO J. J. Hrowu build ¬

ing. lUth and Douglas. ' ML

LOANS made at low. rates on cltv property.. Harris , KM block', opp. I' . O-

- 4'0

CE. * C. M. A nthony. 3IS N.Y. Life on farm.In! choice counties in

Nebraska and Iowa , also on good Omaha rosl-denco

-property ; lowest- rates ; best terms ; no

delay : money ready. Titles urtdvvalinjs passedon here. 27-

5t'lLIHNG lonns r. to 7 percent ; no addl-tion

-at charges for commission or attorney'sf-

ees. . H.Molkle , First National bank bldg.27ti

MONEY to loan on Improved city propertyrates : funds on hand ; no le-


. Gco. F. Hliisl & Co.2Ji: Uamgo blilg. 27-

4P HIV ATE money to loan. J. D. Xlttlo , fl4-N.


. Y. Life. 2T7

loans wanted. AlcCaguo In-vestment

-company. 27S

MONEY to loan on Omaha nroporty. Fidel ¬

company , 1011 Farnam. 2"j

EASTERN money to loan at very low rates.. 20J N. Y. Life MibO

KIMHALL , Champ .t Uyunloans on Improved

city property at lowest rates1205 Karnam street 4IH.I3-

0CHEA1' Money I'hlla. Mortgage and Trust, wants cllt odiro loans. Geo. W. 1' .

Coates , rcprascutatlvo , 7 Hoard Trade. 2S1

FIHST and second mortgage loans. Alex, tdl Ileo bldg. 802 7'

to loan on cltv property or easternNebraska farms. K. F. Klugor , 15111 Far ¬

nam. 2JS-JS7 *



rates , etc. . seetop nf flrsl cntum on this page ,

MONEY tn loan by II. F. Musters on chattelsecurities for any time from

1 to 12 months , In any amount to suit bor-rower.


.Loans inado on household goods , pianos , or-


, horses , mules , houses , leases , warehousereceipts , etc. . at the lowest rates possiblewithout publicity or removal of property.-


loans are so arranged that you can makea payment of any amount at. any time and re-duce


both prluclual and Interest.-If

.you owe a balance on your property or

have a loan that you want changed I will payIt oil' and carry It for you. If you find It moreconvenient cull up telephone lt21! and yourbusiness will be arranged ut home.

Money always on hand. No delay. No pub ¬

licity. Lowest rali'-s. II , F. Masters ,Koom 4 , SYlthnell blk , 15th and llarney sts.

282_MONEY to loan on chattlo security. No

. Address Hoe. M SC3 12_MONEY to loan on horses , wagons.furnlluro ,

. ' security. Huslncssstrlct-ly

-confidential. Fred Terry , room 411 Hamgo blk

41 J-

HATT EfThauk. ill ! ) S. 15th su , loans oioney-on chattels or collateral at reasonable rates_

MONEY on furniture , horses , etc. KeystoneOo . room 2JH Slicoly block. M2S >

MONEY loaned on furniture , live stock.otcto : i mouths , without publicity ;

owc-t rates. Duir Urccn , loom 20 , Continen-tal


block. . ' _210J27

CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Ittl Nowhutldlu r. U. A. Morris. 874J21 *

. DAHNEIc loar.s money on chattel se-curll.v.

-. Itoom ."U.Chamborof Commerce.

Mo''j ) 1))

for ratei , et f. , tee tup nffirjt culiimn on fhts pige ,

quietly. Advice free. Address ,. Ill Church su Now York olty.-


MiiCT C *f

7ANTED.V iemk-driving| horse for ItsT keeping by re nucr iblo party. Address

I' 7. Heo olllco. VT.i M.VI1

you to ftdvei'lifT'

) any thing anywhere-at any time wrltu.jy <7co. I' . ItowelKt Co. .

No. 10 Spructi street To get com-plutu

-Information yoftuhould bo careful to-

stutu your wants fnllv , , , | ; . SIKH 10 *

suliserlptlons for Ladles'TT Iliime Journal before July 1. KlUa-

both C. Morrell. IDII Karnam. Omalia. M4M B'

FUKNtTlWEbousht , sold" Stored. Wells'-"7-

1O for rent. S. Hank. 507 N. lUth.51.1-

5GAKUEN farm to rent. T. Murray.iiiTT *

bargains In all kinds of jewelry anasilverware on account of thu recent tire.

8 , Jonuseii. 1'arnun and llth streets. 174JW-

ENGUAVINO Wood. linechalk , etc. WorUon time uad iiuullty. Hrlg-


. South Omaha. Mllr-

tLOSfFor ratct , ttc. , i ( op nfjlnt eiilnmii on pige ,

. Mule pujt dozj nmuo "Kranl < :" evurirsmall wire * around neck. Suitable re-1

ward ,will.

be paid , Collins & Morrison. 1310-i .> ,, 4trouti MMl. j

FOR ALE REAL ESTATE._ _ _FnrrttteJi, ttt , , tee tapof nrtt rolumrt on thtt ptyt7?6R 8 ffi'imJL1 Nob. II. W. Mullrlde. M. O J2-

TlOlt SAll-'iMeol liibcn block on Douglas-1street , payings per cent. IMx'JIfl. 22ndstreet between Lcavenworlh and St. Mury s-

Hvenilo ! would make u beautiful home. li 0tt-lu. . corner l.Mh and Hickory streets aboutfivt alxivp grade. Iixitl27.) half block west of-21th on Wlrt. south front ; the host lot In-Irammcrcv( Park. The above will ln sold nt-

a reasonable price and O'tsy terms. H. O.Clark & Co. , I3ia llarnoy street. M47C 7-

SAI.EOr rent : house with I.I largoriMinm and Inrxo attic , double lloor , brlok

In the studding , adamant plaster , splendidfurnace and all the other modern Improve-ments


! lot 40x120 , Improved with .sod nndlunro sl.n shade trees : the house is almostcompleted : there is a good stabloon the lot.Price , HWOj II.OCO cash , balance $10) every :imonths ! will also take a lot between Kamam-nnd Ciimlng west of .T.'d st. In part payment.Willis M. Vales. Mil and California sts. 450-

"IJIOR South Omaha ropnrty , business , track-J-

' ago or resldenco , go to the lo tdlu ( ' - esfate dealers In South Omaha , Ed JohnstonCo. , cor. 24th and N sts. M''s-

UTTIlVEroom houses In Orchard Hill. ll.fiO-OJ- each on monthly payments. Thomas I-'.

Hall , .'111 I'axton blk. 2.S7

SALE A homo at n bargain : eonven-* lent house of 10 looms : modern Improve-ment


* . Including range ; lot 43.x 120 feet ; lineshrubbery , etc. ; Jl,5 0 : $500 cash , balance (100every II months , with Interest at ? pur cent.Willis .M. Yatos. S , W. corner sd! and Califor-nia


sts. 450

FOR SALE A line Improved farm of 200; 100 umlur cultivation : shade trees ;

fruit , windmill , wagon s-nlca , etc. ; ino mileswcstot Umaha$2J; per acre. Address Q 48. Hoe ,_



SJL. . Ulce , real estate. 022 Life building.liVI.I7 *

__T71OU SALE A flno 8-room cottage , with-L hath , city water , gas. etc. , lu choice part ofOrchard Illil add. , 2'i hlock from motor Hue ;prlco and terms reasonable K. L. Hlumor. 201and 2i)5) Hrown block. ITJ.S-

CJ KOHllINS.r TeTt ate. IOSIN. V. Life bldgn.___rJ--8!! ' *

171OI5 SALE Elegant homes on montly p.iy-L

-- incuts. Will build any price I home tosuit you. E. T. Ulnzer. 151 !) P.trn.ini. 207-J27 *

FOK SALE , cheap , easy payments : 1'5-storyti-room bouse , with bath , cellar , etc. :

full lot. N. ahclton. 1BII Kamam. OH_SALE To working-men only ( spccu-


need not applyi on time or monthlypayments a neat collage ut than actualvalue. Inside property , only OHO hlook toelectric lino. Inquire ut room 202 , OmahaNational bank building



Fern < Mc. . , ! column * pige-



O and see 1'rof , Waring

Medium nnd real astrologer at 322 N. ICtl-istreet. . 100.00 to anyone who can equal himIn telling past , present and future , causingspeedy marriages , bringing the separated to-gether

¬, and lu business alfalis his advice Is-

Invaluable. . He tells your name In full , asksno questions and uses no cards of any de-scription

¬In his profession. .

Satisfaction given or no pay.Consultation fee , ladles 1.00 ; gentlemen ,

JI.OJ. M572 Jy3*

, Chambers , magnetic healer andcelebrated clalravoyant and medium.

400 N. lUth street. 4l0 *

MADAM Do Carson , bom with a double veil ,of the sunny .south Is the won-


of the world In telling past , present andfuture. Come and sco her 007 N lUth streetupstairs. 517-10 *

KS. WALLACE , clairvoyant : naturallyulftod ; tells past and future , love troub-


, absent friends, changes , travel , business.HUH Farnam stieet. .MlAI) J S *

. Nannie V. Warren , clairvoyant , trancespeaking , writing and tellable business

medium , four years In Omaha , 1IU N , lUlh. 21)J-



. 1'OKT , palmist fortune teller , tollspast ami future from lines of the hand In

old gypsy way ; ladles only ; fee il.OJ. twnj N-.24th.


. M750J1S *

MASSAGE Madam Delzler , overUlO S.20UJ-






, , fee top of flnt column on this page-

.ATfTIiM i buyi ono 21 inch by 12 foot eii-

ulno lathe , one small planer , drillpress , small forge , anvil nnd tools. B H. 1' . up-nzh

-: engine and holler , and shafting. Ad-


I' D , HfO olllco. _ M573 7 *

WANTED Two-seated sunoy canopy top ,, suitable for ono horse ; de-


and quote price. G. C. Chupln , Hast-ings


, la. 554-5 *

WANTED To buy good residence lot orlot, or several lots located se-

as to make a good building slcht , must be Infirst class residence part of the city. Partiesanswcrng tills should give full description ofproperty , lowest i.rjco. terms , whether Incuin-bercd

-, and If so how much. O 11)), lice offlco.


1rryou have any old clothes to sell lot mo-know- by Mall. Kallsh , 215 S. I3th street.-


fi7l.T( 10




* . rtc. . > ef tup nf first column

BEST storage building In Omaha , govern ¬bonded warehouse household goods

oared for : lowest rates. W. Jl. Hushm'an , 101-5Lcavenworth. . 205

"IHEAl'KST and best storage for furniture.'-Wells

., 1111 Karnam Htroot. 200

of household goods : clean , dryplace , privately stored , terms moderato :

we also store stoves during the summer : wewill get them from the houses and deliverthem lu the fall In good trim. Tel. UOO : 1207Douglas , Omaha Stove Itcpalr AVoi ks. 7aJ1-7O

: )

LDEST. cheapest , and best .storage house In-elty. . Williams Si Cross, 1214 Hariiuy street.-




Furr let. etc. , < rc tup of flnt column on-

MASSAOK baths at Madam Smith's parlors ,

, 4.1) S. 15th st. Ml'.rt 0'

MASSAtJKtreatment.electro-thermal baths ,, and

chiropodist. .Mrs. I'ost.UIUH S.IJth , Withnell blk-



( cabinet halhs , lape worms cured. Mdmo Uuerelte , I0 l Dodge.-



MISS STOWE. masseuse , electrician. : ilflblock. Jl 3sS ,

MASSAUE JIadam Uolzlcr , ever 010 S.20-J-Jtl'


PATENT SOLICITORS.. etc. , utt tapofHril i on ( fid p tj-

13ATENT lawjers and Milicltors. ( i. W.Sues &J Co. , Hee hullolng , Omaha , llrauch otllciiat-Washington. . I ) . ( ! . Coiisiiltatlou fie. . 2.V-


S A N lETlSO.v corner UtYi a'mi JacUsoiiT"-lltt,124'

Notlco to Oouti actors.-Hlds

.will be received until Saturday , July

II , 1M ) | . for the of : iluiit; llvo and oun-lialf

-miles of road and the building of two

bridge * between thirty and forty feet In-length. . In Columbus township , 1'lalto county ,

Nebraska. The right to reject any i.r all bidsIs reserved. I'or p irtlculars apply to-JUK20H 7.M A. C. I'll KKTT.

Clerk Colnmhii-

.sWllA'l TYlM-WRITliR TO

Are you open to cjnvlotion ? If s" , considercandidly our machine. Don't repeat to your-self


what.Is tidd you. Investigate , itnd yourown opinion will bo of so no value. If youvlsh expert opinion do not consult Interestedcompetitors.

Bend for Illustrated catatoiuo giving fulldo-scrlptlon of the Smith I'rumlcr Typowrller-

Tlie mltli Premier TD3? Writer Co , ,

H. H. MAYHBW , Manasjor ,

1U09J Furnnio Street , Omaha , Nolx

To the Citizens of Omaha andI'icinity :

Dr. C. Oee Wo Is a regular graduate of-mcdlclno from China , havlni * taken a thor-ough


course of study , extending over eightyears. In some of the best colleges ,

lie offers his services to all those sulTciIngfrom diseases of any kind , and feels confidentthat In every case he undertakes ho can (toyou good.-


of the Ingredients he uses tn his reme ¬

dies are b.itanlcnl substance * from China ,many of them unknown outside of that coun ¬

try.He charges nothlng for exumlnalion , consul-tation

¬or advice. ou can call and a

friendly chat with him. and ho will frankly.state what ho can do for you. His consulta-tions


and communications conducted In theutit est privacy and strictest confidence.

His remedies are easy to take and perfectlyharmless. The most of them act on the blood ,

purifying It and destroying the microbes or-bacteria. .

Perhaps you are sulTerlng from some dis-ease


of lorn : standing and have tried almostevery lemedy known without success. WouldIt not ho uell to trv the Chinese mode of-

licatmeiit now , or at any rate call nnd letDr. C. ( leo Wo examine the case and toll youwhat he can ilo'r-

Dr. . C. tJee Wo hnsthousandsof testimonialsIn Ills possession , among w.ilch. are the fol-lowing



It. II. VOfNO. 2715 North Twentyfourths-treet. . Omaha. Cured severe cold and rap-Idly

-devoloplugconsumptlon ; was told could

notlastslx months ; cured wholly Chi-nese


remediesMKS. II. LirtlE. I.TOJ l-'lfth streot.-SnlTered

with sick ho'tdacho and general debility ; hadtried all kinds of medlulncs and doctors. Nowrobust and healthy.-


. V. VAN WOKMEK. 1717 Third street.Council ItlutTs. ( ieneral debility and pains Inchest ; few weeks treatment ; never felt betterthan al present.-


. T. O. KIOE , South Omaha. ( Albright ) .After trylnit other remedies for eUht years

tried Dr. Gco Wo's treatment ; now completelycured.

JOHN II. HAMMETT. South Omaha. ( WestAlbright ) . Heart disease and pain In chest ;

.short course of treatment ; now almost curcit.-MKS.


. W. A. NICHOLSON. 'M Klghleenlh-street. . Klioiimatl-m , then hcmmorrago ofthe lungs and Dually heart disease ; completewreck ; went to Euroucnnd tried everything ;now cntlrolv cured bv Dr. ( leo Wo..-


. J. E. YATEH. 31V ) Q .street. SouthOmahu. I'emale weakness and sick head-ache


; could get no relief till Dr.Ueo Woeuri'd-mo. . Will gladly recommend him for thesetroubles.-


thu benefit of those who cannot see thedoctor he has picpaied the following eightremedies for the most prevalent diseases :








These troubles can easily b dhiznnspd andthe pioper remedies pio-urcd. I'or all othertroubles write , enclosing stamp for questionblank and hook , as the doctor a .specialremedy for each disease.


5I91 , North 16th Street ,

Office Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p.-



. , Every Day.-




. Mrs. AV. R. Adahis vUitlni; in Omnha.Miss Booler is visiting relatives lu Omalia.-Mrs.


. Helen Totvnsloy nud daughter arevisiting in Sioux City.

Miss Addio Niomoycr wont to Columbus ,

WIs. , for a visit this week.-



. T. Mosloy of Bellows Palls , Vt , Is visit-ing


his cousin , O. Ira Tuttlo.-V.


. B. Fisher and family wont to Dorches-ter


this week , where they will reside.John North nnd family returned on

Wednesday from u lonj,' visit at Whitehall ,

111.T.. M. Stewart and family of Chariton , la. ,

returned homo on Tuesday after u short, visithere.-


. J. Robertson and wife of Broken Bowvisited the Uobortsou brothers hero thisweek.-


. B. Frazler died hero hist Saturday. IIowas a young man and a host of friends willmiss trim.-


. BonsiiiK who has bson visiting Kov.-U.


. O. CJuethu returned homo to ChicagoYcdnosday.-


. and Mrs. S. M. Novina and Miss MaudMansion attended the Thomas couccrt inOmaha this week.-



. J. Carson , seventy-four years of agoand ono of the HrsJL settlers of Buffalo county ,

died hero Tuesday.-Mrs.


. 1. L. ICocIc mid daughter returnedSunday ovcning from their long visit insouthern California.-



. P. Tufts of Hionx City attended theligh school commencement exorcises whenjis son , George , graduated.-



. H. Miller , who is prospoctliiK for awestern business location has boon heardfrom at Dolse City , where ho will probablystop.O.


fi. Smith and faintly of the industrialschool went to Lincoln onV't lnosday. Mr.Smith toolc part in the state shootltiR tour-lamcnt.-


. Disraeli , once a Kearney , nowof Omaha , stopped off here n few days on hiseturu from Denver where ho has bocn forUs health.-



. D. Mcivelvoysuperintendent-elector thegirls school at Ucnuva accompanied hisainily there this week , nnd they uxpcot to

soon ha settled in thuir now homo.-


. Dr. Oliver attended n reunion ofalumni and professors of state unlvorilty of-Cansos ut Lawruncn this weolr. Dr. Oliver

was the Itrst chancellor of that institution.The funeral of the late A. H.Connor was

lelcl nt the family residence , on WestI'wonty-sovonth street , Thursday afternoon.-I'ho


bar attended in a body , and the funeraliroccssiou was the largest of any over scon-i re.The bones of a prehistoric animal , twenty

cot In length were exhumed at a deep oxuu-.iition

.at the power houso. The bones worn

o nearly decayed that the outline of the hugeskeleton could only bo traced. A toothvolghing lit icon pounds and some largo Joint

bones wore found in the same locality. Fromnil ai ) carance.s n number of thc 4 mammothbeasts must Imvo met their fata to other.-




Attorney General Hasting passed Sundaywith hi* (rtonds In this city. -

Hon. W. A. Mcivelghan visited oniony his(idmirors In tbUulty on U'odncsday lait.-


. A. Durrlo , H. & M. agent , was culled to-MadUnn , Wis. , by the slckuoss of his ugod-mother. .

Dr. A. I' . Hays loft for Chicago on Mcndayto attend a course of special lecturoj uponuontlUtry.' I'rof. Falrchllil of Dome college returnedSaturday from a trip cim In thd interest ofthe college.-


. H. Kosowator and dauphtor viMtodwith Mrs , StonUjuboruuKti , roturnlutf to-Omuha bntunlay.-


preparations aeo being made forcommonctimont oxorcUn * at Uoano collogu ,the graduating clasi txtiiiK unusually largo-


Young IoJlo11.itarary society held upicnic ou the CaauUuquu grounili ouWednesday. A very oajoyablo tltno waThuil.-


. liluko , sUtor of .M.M. Attorney Cicu-oral HustliiKs , U visiting with her Uter ami-Iiusnds to penil the summer lu our beauti-ful




, and MM. J. P. Vatico will shortly

lonvo for I.onc Pine , Mob. , whom they willdirect the nnnlcal department of tbo ChW'-tauqtia


assembly nt the ootnliiR sossloti ,

Mr. Cliff Cook of Lincoln Is visiting intown with relatives.-


. ami Mrs. J. M. Marsh have gone to-Hcnuiton , Pn , , to make thuir future homo.-


. H. [ . Dowry mm daughter AKHO-SImvo Just returned from u thrco weeks' visitirt Salt Lakol'lty.-


. N. J. Jc.sson of N'ebrusltn City has re-turned


lo hqr homo rtfUnan extended visitwith her dnuglitcr , Mrs. B. FrmiUIln Oood ,nnd Miss Anna .lassett of McCook I * now vis-Itlm


; with her sister , Airs , tlooil.-It.


. M. Maniuls of Osnoolu was lu town ,1

few days the tint of the week Interviewingthe nlltanco people. Mr. M.initiis U thecounty attorney of Polk county and Is a.ipirI-IIR

-to sonti) other olllco within the gift of the

people.Last Knlurday Mrs. J. ( X F. Hush and

MUses lliitlie Davis and Maud Stouuvcutto the Platte river , near Cedar UlutTs , for u-

picnic. . U'hllo them they took u hand carand proceeded lo take n pleasure ride , nndnarrowly escaped boltitf run down by a spe-cial train ou the Kllchorn road-


a recent nuvniiic of the scliool bonrd ofthe city schools nil the old toae.hers who ap-plied for n position lu the schools were re-elected'


. The corw of teiK'hors Is : Suporlii"-tendent , Pi of. T. H. Bradbury ; touchers ,Mrs. K. B. O. Williams , Mrs. I ). N. Smithami Misses Lllv Henderson , F.dim Kwnrt ,Minnlo Manners , .N'nunio Alo.xandur , Vic-toria


Boyd , Augusta Moore , Kilitli Hopplu ,Mary Colllvernnd Mrs. W. D. Glittery-



( iMlllllll.-Prof.

.. W. M. Welsh of Omaha was n Gram )

Island vlstor last Saturday.-B.


. C. Howard , who has boon visiting hisson at St. Louis , returned Monday.-


. Stimnor Davis went to Omaha Wod-day to nttotid a meeting of the State .

Ht. Hov. .A. 1 1 , Graves , bishop of the Juris-diction


of thu Platte , la expected to bo in thecity next Friday.-


Kiofor. formerly of this city , but nowof Puublo , Colo. , who has boon visiting luthis city , returned homo Tuesday.

Governor Thaycr was in the city oyer Sun-day


, the guest of Captain Henry , the com-mandant


of the .soldiers' nnd sailors' home.The Ladles' Guild of St. Stephen's Hplsco-

pal church gave :i pleasant sochil Thursdayevening at the resldonco of .Mrs , M. J-



Oscar Wasmor has roturiied from Valpar-aiso


, Intl. . whore ho tias been attendingschool. Wo loam that ho gradtinlud withhigh honors.

The ColumbtTs association of Congrega-tional


churches in Nebraska , hold n thrco-days' session In this city , commencing lastTuesday evening.-



. B. Smith and family wore in the city afew days , renewing old iiciiuaintances , unithnvo now loft for Omaha , they willmake their future homo.-


. Charles Itnlllns gave n birthday teaMonday evening to Hov. F. W. Adams , luhonor of his forty-seventh birthday. Anumber of intimate friends wore proscht andassisted in making the occasion enjoyable.

There will bo a meeting of the GrandIsland reunion company next Friday eveningto elect ollleors for tlio ensuing year and to-

compieto arrangements for the annual GrandArmvof tlio IJepublic reunion to bo held luthis city lu the lull.

Sowiiril.The people's party of Seward county will

hold a county convention on . .lulyI. .

Jesse Morgan and Iviito Woods , both ofSeward , wont to Lincoln Thursday and woremarried.

The pupils of the grammar room , with theirteacher , enjoyed a picnic excursion to Mil-foru


The trouble over tha selection of toanhorsfor the city schools during tlio ensuing yearis at liist decided.-


marriage of ,f. G. McNott and Mrs.-Kmnm


J. Hatch of this city has caused con-siderable


comment.The father and mother of County Treas-


McXeil , who Imvo ticoti visiting In Sew-nrd

-, loft Thursday for their home In Bloom-


, III-


. Hay will open a su minor normal forSeward county teachers Quito a numberhave already enrolled ns willing to attend.The school opens Monday morning.

Several of our teachers have left to attendsome school of methods during the stimmor ,their attendance at such being raiulu neces-sary


to the observance of tbuir contract onthe port of the board.

The Ladles' Aid society , composed of theelite of our city , met nt the pleasant homo of-Mrs. . Judge Norvul Wednesday nud spent theafternoon beneath the shade , makingdrossesand garments for the poor.-



Solillcr'H Monument.OMAHA , .luno () . To the Kditor of Till !

Biij.: I notice that Mr. A. J Poppioton hasofforcdIO ! ) to start a uiomiinouvto the mem-ory


of Gen. Crook , and in this morning's pa-nor the mayor says ho will e.ill a muss meet-ing


to get subscriptions for It. Now 1 wishto start n monumental fund in thu memory of-tha soldiers and sailors who lost thuir livesduring the warof the rebellion of 01 to' ( ! ." ,and to start It I will bo ono of thirty to glvo$200 each to a ? 10 , ))00 monument. I notlco-ovcry eastern city that 1 visit has u monu-inontof

-this kind. I notice in the southern

states that the Confederates hnvo very linestatues in memory of their slain. Omahashould bo as patriotic as the south or oast.-






placed on record Juno 5,L ISJ ) .

> DUKIIS.Cora I Curtis toC H Hoyco , lot t , W & T

Andrew * ' suh 122,000J .1 Itelss ami wife to Cora I Curtis , lots ,

W & T Andrews'Mill. . . '. , 8,00)-A S Dunham to Jennie L Johnson , o !

lots 7 and 8. blk II , Central I'ark 11,0-00Kiederlck Drexel to IM lloak , n 12 f I of-

n 1-5 lot M. | ) | KS7. . and s 12 ft of s 1-5 lotII. blk S7 , South Omaha 4.BDO

Thomas Ei-lct Min and wife to E A Doton ,lot I. Tuttlu'ssulox( s 125 ft ) 7.000

M L l-'Uetto and husband to E L 11.or-bower , lot S lilK V , Kllby I'laoo , 2UK )

J A llorhach and wlfotoCAVesterfloldlota. Illicit , Iliirliai'li's 2nd 1,20-

0Muyor lleltman and wlfo to E E Hriiee ,OU acres In ie'.fl and no :tlliii: , Inks II.4. fi. 17 , IS , I !) . 20 , lots lo Kl. blk I. lots I

to 2:1.: blk 2 , lots 12. Ill and 17 to 25 , bill 3 ,

llollman's add m,500-K It Murray to otto Hauman , nnd ! i n C-

Oft , lot I. blUi.; E V Smith's( i L .Miller and wife to A S Carter , lot 15 ,

blk. , Wet End addUochcstnr loan ami building company lo-

Lll Hangs , lot 4 , blk 0. lot .'15 , hk| 4 ,llrlggs I'lace 2.500-

C It Stenbnrg and wlfo to II I ) Slaughter ,lot 18. hlk.'l , Itosnllill add 500

' I Tliomas and husband to E 1' Cook ,lot K. uk| " ; . " I'rospiict I'lnco 2WOI' TuUey it) al to W T llugmibln , lot 13 , '

hlk I. Clifton Illil 2.MSame lo T S ( iranvllle. lot 2:1: , ulk 0. hiiino 2uooSame to Augustus IArndt , Jr , lot I , blkf-

t.. name 00-amoto.lolin Hay waul and wife , lot" ,blk7. same '.' ,050

Same to It ( i Llpplncoll and wife , lotU ,blk7.same SIW )

Same to E K Johnston , lot I , blk 7, samu 2,150-

O.UIT. CLAIM IlKt'.U' .V ( J Ian try and wife to Helen K Clark ,

lot 111 , Ulk 4 , HiiTonl I'laen 1,800-

nr.uiis. .

M C Wear ot al to public , dedication of-plut of second add to ' 'orVlgun I'lnco

Total amount of transfers. . . .tKr..HV )

The Shah of PersiaThough adtniicrd lu years , has hair of ravenhue. Gray hairs ai slilclly piohlhited lu- dnminjiim , uml hence Hie laigc slil | >-inentH to that country of Ayei'.s Iliur Vjcor,by thn use of which the Hliali1' sidijuftt .<avemil only their hair but their bends. Aycr'tHair Viijiir the natural culur of thehair. It should bo on every tollrttuble.-


llinonco my hair to fade nnd-to fall out MI badly that I thought 1 shouldhe bald ; hut the USD of Ayci's Holr Vl ochas restored the color and made myhair strong , abundant , and healthy. It doo-inut ( all out any morn. " Addle Kh.illor , 54.-0liai'c St. , Clnclimntl. Ohio.

" .My hair ( which had partly turned gray )was rnstorril to Its youthful color andIw.iuty by thn inn of a few bottles of Ayer'*llalr Vigor. 1 shall contlimo to usn It , aj-theru U no better dressing for thu hair. "( ialdodaiin , ( ii'4jrceana , A-la.Ayer's


Hair Vigor.Pni-l'ARKp


DH , J. O. AY1JR & CO. , Lowell ,Sold Ij all Drugfiliti and rutut
