Download pdf - The Old Man of the Punso

  • 8/11/2019 The Old Man of the Punso



    Long time ago in a remote village, there live a10year oldboy named Panchito. He grew up not as lucky as other kids. The

    neighbouring children used to insult him because he was a


    Panchito patiently bore all the insults. He always bears in

    mind what his mother used to tell him. Just dont mind of

    them son. For me, you are still the most handsome kid in thisvillage.

    One day, a big bully threw a fistful of mud at Panchito. He

    turned red with anger. However, he remembered his mothers

    advice. He turned his back at the bully and went home.

    The big, bad bully kept on provoking Panchito. Not

    contented, the bully got a piece of stone and hurled it toPanchito. Blood oozed from his forehead. He was blinded by


    For one, he hit back. He quickly grabbed the bully by his

    nape. What have I done to you to deserve this? Why dont you

    leave me alone? he threw a punch on bullys face. He drew

    strength from his anger.

    Once recovered, the bully called for help. Help! Help!

    the bully yelled as his friends rushed toward him. They ganged

    up on Panchito. He fought with the bullys friends.

  • 8/11/2019 The Old Man of the Punso


    Panchitos parents witnessed everything that happened.

    They tried to stop their son from fighting. Worse, it was

    Panchito who got scolded. His parents told him that fighting

    was bad.

    Panchito couldnt do anything but to obey his mother.

    From then on, the bullies would just appear from every street

    corner waiting to tease him. One day, the gang ran after the

    poor boy.

    Panchito was cornered at a dead end spot of the street.

    Feeling hopeless, he sat down and cried. The fairy of Kindness

    who had been watching him thought of something. Poor little

    child, I will rescue him and give him powers to defend himself

    at all times.

    Panchito saw small opening towards the other street. He

    ran as fast as he could until he hit a soft mound of earth. He

    stumbles upon it. He was surprised when he ran fast the bullies.

    He escaped the gang of bad boys.

    All of the sudden, the Fairy of Kindness appeared before

    him. Because you despised by everyone, I will transform you

    into a small mound that could curse and punished anyone that

    hurts you.

    Time had passed by. One of the bullies happened to

    stumble into small mound of earth. A few days later, he

    became very sick and had not recovered ever since. The little

  • 8/11/2019 The Old Man of the Punso


    boy Panchito is now called the nuno sa punsoor the old man of

    the mound.