Page 1: The Oden Factory Cloud for Extrusion

The Oden Factory Cloud for Extrusion

Make things. Better.

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One package, that adapts to your exisiting equipment

Extrusion is missing analytics that are

Oden equips engineers to innovate, earn back capacity, and deliver higher quality using actionable data. Diagnose and prevent every quality issue in minutes. See trends in capacity constraints between extruders, lines, or products.

Every extrusion metric in one place.



Historian+ Analytics

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Factory data will soon be standard across extrusion, just like many other industries. Every day data isn't stored, or actioned, is a day a factory doesn't reach it's full potential and competitive advantage. Using data is a matter of “how”, not “if”.

Oden offers actionable data with little time investment. Your teams deserve to be more efficient, just like your production.

You can’t improve what you can’t measure...and action.

Empower your organization to constantly improve.

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Diagnoselead-ups to faults and

correlations between machines

Searchany metric from

any run, in seconds

Compareruns from any time period,

by line, shift, or product

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Our small IoT devices plug directly into

your machines’ communication ports.

They have a library of 50+ protocols and

communications libraries, so we can

work with your existing equipment.

Oden’s devices send data wirelessly to

the cloud in real-time, where it’s stored

for free for you to reference any time.

No PLCs, network cables, or servers


Oden supplies a complete end-to-end

platform, managing data from machine

to engineer. No custom work from your

team or consultants.

Complete + Clear Extrusion DataNo Network Necessary

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Phone: +1 (800) 230-9063Email: [email protected]:

Feel free to visit us at:

New York—Oden Technologies Inc.Suite 137106 W. 32nd StNew York, NY 10001

London—Oden Technologies Ltd.Riverbank House2 Swan LaneLondon EC4R 3TT

”Oden's analytics platform is now our primary tool for the production aspect of our company-wide Kaizen strategy. It shows us what process we need to better control, and gives us an instant view into the impact of the process changes we make.”

”Oden is like my smart phone. I can’t imagine how I did things before I had it.”


— BH, Engineering Director

— CG, Process Engineer
