Page 1: The Nightingale Musical drama script

The Nightingale by Hans Christen Andersen

A Musical Drama for Young Learners

Script by

Cheong Zi Hoong

Page 2: The Nightingale Musical drama script


Asyraf, King (a handsome one)

Yin Yin, Kitchen Maid (shy and lovely)

Fidah, Nightingale (having best voice of all)

Cheong, Haru (an Japanese artificial bird)

Kevin, Court Jester (amusing one)

Marcini, Advisor 1 (black hearted)

Azman, Advisor 2 (black hearted)

Alif, Music Master (so humble)

Li Wen, Death (will bring you to another world)

Beatrice, Court Lady (fierce)

Anwar, Court Lady (elegant)

Nasrul, Court Lady (friendly)

Badrul, Court Gentleman (girlish)

Setting : Court of the Palace


Bedroom of the King

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Stage Directions : C: Center

D: Downstage

DR: Downstage Right

DRC: Downstage Right Center

DC: Downstage Center

DLC: Downstage Left Center

DL: Downstage Left

R: Right

RC: Right Center

L: Left

Left Center:

U: Upstage

UR: Upstage Right

URC: Upstage Right Center

UC: Upstage Center

ULC: Upstage Left Center

UL: Upstage Left

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ACT 1 What’s Going On?

SCENE 1: The King Setting : In the palace

(Enter L DC) (Sound Effect : Drum fade in)

NASRUL (Court Lady): The King approaches !

(Enter R URC)

ALL : The King approaches.

BADRUL (Court Gentlemen) : The King is coming, The King is coming!

(URC C URC) (Sound Effect : Piano)

ALL : Ohhh, we have a handsome King.

He is cute.

He is sweet.

He is small in size.

But for he is really fierce

and he is powerful

and he is scary.

He has muscles.

He is the best rulers.

That’s the truth.

That is it.

(Marcini & Azman Enter L DLC)

(The court prepares for the King’s entrance.)

ALL : Good morning, your highness.

MARCINI & AZMAN (Advisor 1 & 2) : Down!

(The moment the Emperor enters, everybody shows their respect with face down on the


MARCINI & AZMAN (Advisor 1 & 2) : (Bowing very low) Your Highness.

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(King Enter L DLC)

(The King goes to his throne and sits there.)

ASYRAF (King): Get me some peaches

(Peach is the rarest fruit in the kingdom. The fruit has yellow or whitish flesh, a delicate

aroma. It is also said to prolonged once life, hence the importance of peach to the king.)

MARCINI & AZMAN (Advisor 1 & 2): Peach!


(Anwar (Court Lady) & Nasrul (Court Lady) rush to the Emperor and face down.)

ASYRAF (King) : Thanks. You can go.

MARCINI & AZMAN : You can go!

(DLC Exit L)

(All of the court ladies and court gentlemen move away from the stage.)

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SCENE 2: Peach love Setting : In the palace

MARCINI (Advisor 1) : Your Majesty? Do you need our company?

ASYRAF (King) : You may go.

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : But we should discuss some court business.

MARCINI (Advisor 1) : (Twirling his mustache) Yes, some court business.(Evil Laugh)

ASYRAF (King) : You may go.

MARCINI (Advisor 1) : (to Azman) You may go.

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : (to Marcini) and you may go.

(DLC Exit R)

(Marcini and Azman leave the hall and blame each other by showing nasty face.)

ASYRAF (King) : I don’t like them. They are too noisy.


KEVIN (Court Jester) : Oh Majesty, don’t bother about them. Why don’t you have some


(The King finally shows some interest of taking peach.)

(DLC DC) (Sound Effect : Finger Snapping)

ASYRAF (King) : Oh, peach please! Yes, I want peach!

Peach please! Pass the peach please!

(They dance and go into a song.)


ASYRAF (King): please!

Pass the peach please.

BOTH : We’re down on our knees please

And we are begging for peach.

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KEVIN (Court Jester) : It is seriously nutritious.

ASYRAF (King) : And it is really quite scrumptious.

KEVIN (Court Jester) : And it’s easy to freeze.

ASYRAF (King) : Won’t you pass that frozen peach!

KEVIN (Court Jester) : Yes. Majesty, your peach! (passing the peach to the Emperor)

(Asyraf invites the audience to do the finger movement together when he sings the part

“please, pass the peach please”.)

ASYRAF (King) : (Showing hand gesture of 1,2,3 to alert the audience of the

singing part) please!

Pass the peach please.

BOTH : We can eat it in trees.

And you can eat it on skis.

Oh, the wonders of peach!

And we are begging you please.

We want some peach! Oh yeah –

We need that peach! Oh my –

Bring on the peach!

(Showing hand gesture of 1,2,3 to alert the audience of the

singing part)


(Enter L DC)

(Yin Yin (Kitchen maid) enters. She is carrying a very big plate of peach.)

YIN YIN (Kitchen maid) : I have brought some peach.

ASYRAF (King) : Thank you for the peach.

(Asyraf eats the peach.)

ASYRAF (King) : Wow, is really good. Where do you get all these peaches?

YIN YIN (Kitchen maid) : I pluck them in the wood.

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ASYRAF (King) : So sweet of you.

(Sound Effect : Naughty soundtrack)

YIN YIN (Kitchen maid) : (shy and waves her dress) Sweet? Your majesty, you

mean I am sweet? My name is Hong Yin Yin, Your Majesty,

your highness can call me Yin Yin.

(Sound Effect : Embarrassed soundtrack )

ASYRAF (King) :(Shock) I mean the peach is sweet. Not you… Thanks for

the peach. You may go now.

(DC Exit L)

(Yin Yin walks away angrily.)

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SCENE 3: The Nightingale Setting : In the palace


(Asyraf goes back to his throne and continues to enjoy his peaches. While eating, he

takes up a book written by a world traveler. He read and read, and nodded his head

every moment he read the wonderful description of his palace. “But the nightingale is the

best of all,” was written in the book.)

(Kevin is standing beside Asyraf and fanning the king.)

ASYRAF (King) : What in the world is this? The Nightingale! I do not know it at all.

Do we really have such a bird in my kingdom? I want to see

Marcini and Azman.

(Enter R DLC)

(Marcini and Azman enter.)

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : It is called the Nightingale. Her song, they say, is worth more

than anything else.

ASYRAF (King) : Why has no one ever told me about her?

MARCINI & AZMAN : Hmm….because it is just a bird?

ASYRAF (King) : The best bird of my entire kingdom? I wish to seek and hear the

Nightingale this evening. (Sound Effect : Threatening Soundtrack) If

you fail, I will throw you in jail.

MARCINI & AZMAN : Yes, my Majesty.

(DLC Exit L)

(The King then exits the court.)

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SCENE 4 : You Never Learn ! Setting : In the palace


MARCINI(Advisor 1) : Where can we find the Nightingale?

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : You foolish Marcini, we are not going to find her!

MARCINI(Advisor 1) : So you want us to go to jail? And I can’t taste the peach

anymore! (Agitated)

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : What? All in your mind is just peaches!


AZMAN (Advisor 2) : Peaches! Oh Peaches!

All in your mind is just peaches!

Wake up! Oh wake up!

Peaches will not help you to stay!

MARCINI(Advisor 1) : (SAY in a way of signing with sympathetic expression) But I love


AZMAN (Advisor 2) : (point to Marcini’s head) You ghost, hungry ghost,

I have never met someone like you.

Learn. Never learn.

You never learn to be clever.

Know. Never know.

That bird might be a threat for us.

What do you think?

What do you think? (SAY)

That bird might replace our status in the hall, in the hall.

Then we will never be at the left and the right of the King.

And you, never learn.

Never learn to be more clever.

(DC Exit R)

(Marcini and Azman exit the court.)

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ACT 2 The Nightingale

SCENE 1: The song Setting : In the palace

(Enter R URC)

(All enter.)

(Enter L DLC)

(The King enters.)

ASYRAF (King) : Where is the little Nightingale?

(URC DLC) (Sound Effect : Funny Sympathy soundtrack)

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : Your Majesty, we fail to find the Nightingale. (while hugging the

king’s feet)

ASYRAF (King) : Guards!! Throw them to jail

(Suddenly, the song of the Nightingale appears. It is quite, quite remarkable. As the song

continues all the members of the Court gather slowly, drawn by the beautiful song.)


The nightingale It said to me There is a love meant for me The nightingale It flew to me And told me That it found my love.

He said one day I'll meet you Our hearts will fly With the nightingale.


ASYRAF (King) : (Looking for the voice) Where is it? What was it? What made that

wonderful sound?

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KEVIN (Court Jester) : There is nothing here. Your Majesty. Whatever it was, wherever

it was, it is gone.

ASYRAF (King) : Oh, I want it back. Bring it back Kevin. How can we bring it back?

KEVIN (Court Jester) : I don’t know. I think it was just a bird.

ASYRAF (King) : It must be the Nightingale. And did it touch your heart?

KEVIN (Court Jester) : Yes, of course.

ASYRAF (King) : Well, I want it forever! Get it for me.

(Enter L DC)

(Suddenly, Yin Yin (Kitchen maid) has brought a little grey colour bird into the hall.)

ASYRAF : Oh Yin Yin, what are you carrying with?

YIN YIN : Your Majesty, is the Nightingale that you want so much.

ASYRAF : This very simple little grey colour bird is the Nightingale?

YIN YIN : Yes, your highness, I found her in the wood that I used to pass by. It

was her that singing in the garden just now.

(Sound Effect : Naughty Soundtrack)

ASYRAF : Oh, how sweet of you.

YIN YIN : (shy and wave her skirt again) Really, your Majesty? Do you think I am


ASYRAF : Oh no, no. I mean the Nightingale’s voice is sweet. Not you… (showing

“No” gesture)

(Yin Yin lays the Nightingale on the golden perch which are prepared for her.


(Then, Yin Yin walks away angrily.)

ASYRAF : Will you sing? Can you sing for me now? I want you to sing for me now.

(Fidah (Nightingale) rearrange her feathers.)

ASYRAF : I heard you sang earlier. Your song filled in my heart with joy and peace.

Sing for me please.

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The nightingale It said to me There is a love meant for me The nightingale It flew to me And told me That it found my love.

He said one day I'll meet you Our hearts will fly With the nightingale.

The nightingale He told me One day You will be with me.

The nightingale Said he knew That your love Would find my love one day

My heart flies With the nightingale Through the night All across the world.

I long to see you To touch you To love you Forever

ASYRAF : (Crying with a big handkerchief) Oh, too wonderful. You have touched

my heart. You touched my heart again.

FIDAH : Why are you crying?

ASYRAF : Your have the best voice in this world.

(The whole court is crying with big handkerchief as well. Marcini and Azman are

pretending to cry with tiny handkerchiefs.)

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FIDAH : I have seen tears in the King’s eyes. A King’s tears are strangely

powerful. I have my reward.”


(Marcini & Azman pick the bird up and put him in the cage.)

FIDAH (Nightingale) : What are you doing? Unlock the door please.

ASYRAF (King) : I wish to keep you forever. I will feed you with your favourite food,

worms of all types and…

KEVIN (Court Jester) : and peach!

ASYRAF (King) : and peach!

FIDAH (Nightingale) : But I…

ASYRAF (King) : You are allowed to fly twice a day but with 12 courtiers holding

ribbons tied to your leg.

FIDAH (Nightingale) : Well, that would not be much fun.

(Exit R & L)

(All exits the court except the bird inside the cage.)

(Sound Effect : Sad Soundtrack)


For I really have to stay.

Am I willing to stay?

Do I serious want to stay?

I can, I can’t stay.

As for the King of the palace,

As for the tears of the Emperor,

As for the powerful tears,

I decide to stay.

(Exit R)

(Nightingale exit the court.)

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ACT 3 The Mechanical bird Setting : In the palace

SCENE 1: Haru

(King : Enter L DLC)

(Enter R DC)

MARCINI (Advisor 1): Your Highness, there is a gift for you. It is from Japan.


ASYRAF (King): A gift for me?

(Alif brings the big box written “The Nightingale” to the court.)

(The Emperor opens the box. It is HARU, the mechanical bird. (Cheong{Haru} appears.)

He looks just like the Nightingale in size, shape and character, but he is covered with

diamonds, rubies and sapphires.)

(Cheong (Haru) sings one of the Nightingale’s songs.)


The nightingale It said to me There is a love meant for me The nightingale It flew to me And told me That it found my love.

He said one day I'll meet you Our hearts will fly With the nightingale.

The nightingale He told me One day You will be with me.

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MARCINI (Advisor 1) : Comparing our nightingale to the one from Emperor of Japan,

our bird is lousier.

AZMAN (Advisor 2) : (Laugh) This is great. Your highness no longer needs the real


ASYRAF (King) :Yes. I no longer need the real Nightingale. This bird is far prettier

than the normal grey bird.

(The moment when Nightingale heard what the King has said, she feels sad. She knocks

against the cage and the cage fell on the floor. The cage door open and the bird flew.)


NASRUL (Court Lady): (Nervous) Your Majesty, the real Nightingale has escaped.

ASYRAF (King) : But what made her do that? I do want her to have duet with Haru.

What an ungrateful creature!

(The whole court is discussing and abusing the nightingale, called her a most ungrateful


AZMAN (Advisor 2) : Luckily we have the best bird.

MARCINI(advisor 1) : You see, ladies and gentlemen, with a real nightingale one never

knows what to expect, but with this artificial bird everything goes

according to plan.

(Marcini and Azman look at each other with sinister smile.)

(All Exit R)

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SCENE 2: Broken Setting : In the King’s bedroom


(The artificial bird was carried and put beside the King’s bed.)

(Since then, the artificial bird sat on a cushion beside the Emperor’s bed. It is place left,

for the king it means the Emperor’s heart is on the left.)

(While Haru is singing…)


Right from the start

You were a thief

You stole my heart

And I your willing victim

I let you see the parts of me

That weren't all that pretty

And with every touch you fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh

Things you never say to me, oh, oh

Tell me that you've had enough

Of our love, whirrrr, cluck, cluck, cluck (spoil)

ASYRAF (King) : (Nervous and shout) Alif !

(Enter R DC)

ALIF (Music Master) : Yes your highness.

ASYRAF (King) : Look at Haru. What happen to him?

ALIF (Music Master) : (Checking Haru) I am sorry your highness, Haru is spoilt.

ASYRAF (King) : I demand you to repair Haru!

ALIF (Music Master) : (Shivering and knees down) Your highness, Haru can’t be fix.

Haru is spoilt due to excessive singing.

(Asyraf sighs slowly as he is unhappy. In fact, he feels sad for he has lost Haru.)

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SCENE 3: ILL Setting : In the King’s bedroom


(Since then, the artificial bird sat on a cushion beside the Emperor’s bed. It is place left,

for the king it means the Emperor’s heart is on the left.)

(Enter R DRC)

(The court ladies are whispering to each other about the King’s sickness and the new

King in readiness.)

BEATRICE (Court Lady) : Have you heard the King has been so ill for these few


ANWAR (Court Lady) : I overheard Marcini and Azman conversation, they said

the King has been very unhappy for a year after Haru has


ANWAR (Court Lady) : He needs the nightingale.

NASRUL (Court Lady) : I heard that he is going to die soon. The new King is

already in chosen.


(Exit R)

(The court ladies exit the court.)

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SCENE 4: Find the Nightingale Setting : In the wood

(Enter L DC) (Sound Effect : Bird Chirping)

(Yin Yin was appointed to look for the bird. She went inside the wood to find the real


YIN YIN (Kitchen maid) : (While looking for the Nightingale) Oh, the poor King. I

should get him the real Nightingale again.


(Yin Yin walks around to find the Nightingale.)

(Enter L DC)

(The Nightingale appears.)

YIN YIN (Kitchen maid) : Nightingale, the King is dying soon. Please sing for him.

FIDAH (Nightingale) : For the sake of the King, I will go to sing with comfort and


(All Exit R)

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ACT 4 The return of the nightingale Setting : In the King’s bedroom

SCENE 1 : Death

(The King is lying sickly in the bed.)

(Enter L DC) (Sound Effect : Nervous Soundtrack)

(Li Wen (Death) with black attire and is having the King’s crown and the King’s sword

walking around the King’s bed.)


I am the Death.

I am the Death.

He is the King, (using sword pointing to the King)

And he is so sick.

I’ve the King’s crown.

I’ve the King’s sword.

I’ve the King’s silk banner.

I am the Death.

I am the Death.

He is the King, (using sword pointing to the King)

And he is soon dying.

I’m to take him away

I’m to take him somewhere

Somewhere out of the world.

ASYRAF (King): Music, music, I need music. Get rid of me, go away you Death!

ASYRAF (King): Sing, my little precious little golden bird, sing! I have given you gold and

precious presents. Sing, I pray you, sing!. Make me happy with your music again.

(Haru stood silent. The Death continue walk around the King and singing the same tune.)

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SCENE 2: The Savior Setting : In the King’s bedroom

(Enter R DC)

(Fidah appears at the window.)

LI WEN (Death) : Hello little grey bird, are you here to say goodbye with the King?

FIDAH (Nightingale) : Death, I beg you, please leave the King alone.

LI WEN (Death) : Why are you helping the King? Aren’t the King ungrateful to you?

FIDAH (Nightingale) : Yes, but I do not wish the King to die.

LI WEN (Death) : I have to bring the King now to the other world. Go away you


FIDAH (Nightingale) : No! You cannot. I won’t allow it.

(Fidah starts to sing a song.)

SONG : GO AWAY (Adapted lyrics)

I open my wings, fly to palace here,

I will not let you take him

He is the master of this kingdom

Somehow I am here to make sure

Now you got to go far away

Your stubbornness is cruel

You know what he’d do for you

And you know where he’d walk for you

But we got to speak it

Oh so anxiously

If you could please just go away

Leave him alone

Yeah, fly away

Into the stars

Never see your face

It would make the world such a better place

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(While singing the song, Death covers his ears. Fidah finds out that the song makes him

weak and she makes her voice louder and louder.)

If you could please just go away

Leave him alone

Yeah, fly away

Into the stars

Never see your face

It would make his world such a better place

(Exit R)

(Finally, the Death disappears.)

(Asyraf has recovered from the sickness and wake up from bed.)

(Sound Effect : Soft music fade in)

ASYRAF (the King) : Thank you, thank you for saving my life.

FIDAH (Nightingale) : As long as you have recovered from the sickness.

ASYRAF (King) : I should have been more grateful to you and treasure you. Now

you save my life! How can I repay you?

FIDAH (Nightingale) : You have rewarded me. I brought tears to your eyes when first I

sang for you, remember?

ASYRAF (the King) : No, I should repay you? Tell me, what can I do?

FIDAH (Nightingale) : You should appreciate whatever you have in your life. That’s the


ASYRAF (King) : Well, I will listen to you by appreciating everything and be more


FIDAH (Nightingale) : Glad to hear that.

ASYRAF (King) : So, Nightingale, are you willing to stay here and be my good

friend forever?

FIDAH (Nightingale) : My pleasure.

(Sound Effect : Soft music fade out)

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SCENE 3 The End Setting : In the palace

(Enter R DC) (Sound Effect : Drum)

(Everyone enters the court.)

ASYRAF (King): From now on, Fidah will be my best friend and we will work together to

to make our empire a music legacy !

FIDAH (Nightingale): Let’s eat some peaches!


ASYRAF (King) : (Showing hand gesture of 1,2,3 to alert the audience of the

singing part) please! Pass the peach please.

ALL : We’re down on our knees please

And we are begging for peach.

It is seriously nutritious.

And it is really quite scrumptious.

And it’s easy to freeze.

Won’t you pass that frozen peach!

Yes. Majesty, your peach! (passing the peach to the Emperor)

We can eat it in trees.

And you can eat it on skis.

Oh, the wonders of peach!

And we are begging you please.

We want some peach! Oh yeah –

We need that peach! Oh my –

Bring on the peach!

(Showing hand gesture of 1,2,3 to alert the audience of the

singing part) Please! Pass me the peach please!

(All bow to the audience.)

ALL : (to the audience) Goodbye my friend.

END of The Nightingale
