Page 1: The New Covenant -1 a booklet in The New Beginning Series by theodore cottingham

The New Covenant -1

An Introduction

The New Beginnings Series

Dr. Theodore Cottingham

University of The New Covenant Press

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Page 2: The New Covenant -1 a booklet in The New Beginning Series by theodore cottingham

The New Covenant - 1


The New Beginning Series

The New Beginning Series booklets provide a foundation for taking us beyond the past,

into a new identity of who we are, what we are, where we came from, and why we are

here on earth.

Jesus the Pattern - 1 The great commission is to do what Jesus did right here right now, regardless of our

vocation or label. Jesus did not give us the message, he became it, for us to do the same.

Jesus the Pattern - 2 Building on the Jesus the Pattern Booklet 1, Jesus the Pattern -2 opens our eyes to see

Jesus as a radical, a reformer, an educator, and a revolutionary. Jesus lived before us a

message that visible empirical reality is not reality at all.

The Priesthood of All Believers - 1 Every woman, every man, every girl, and every boy; of every nation tribe and tongue,

have the privilege of operationalizing the priesthood to God and each other.

The New Covenant - 1 The New Covenant is promise that involves process that transforms us, culminating in us

experiencing resurrection that transcends the classical physics of this world.

The Kingdom of Heaven - 1 The Kingdom of Heaven is true reality, the Promised Land, promised to each of us. Every

person of every nation tribe and tongue has the privilege to enter before physical death.

The Trinity Revealed - 1 Definitions of God abound, and the concept of the Trinity has been a popular one. But

what is it? What does it have to do with us today?

These publications and more are available free from the University of The New

Covenant. Tulsa, Oklahoma. See Thank you.

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The New Covenant - 1


The New Covenant -1

The New Beginnings Series

Dr. Theodore Cottingham

University of The New Covenant Press

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

The New Covenant - 1 ..................................................................................................... 4

Invitation ................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5

Implications ............................................................................................................. 7 Covenant dynamics................................................................................................ 10

The pouring out ..................................................................................................... 11 Silent no more ....................................................................................................... 13

The true temple ...................................................................................................... 13 True priests ............................................................................................................ 15

True Communion................................................................................................... 15 True Covenant ....................................................................................................... 17

Entering the Covenant ........................................................................................... 19 Step 1 – time .......................................................................................................... 21

Step 2 – stillness .................................................................................................... 22 Step 3 – silence ...................................................................................................... 24

Step 4 – steering .................................................................................................... 24 Step 5 – ignition .................................................................................................... 25

Step 6 – risk ........................................................................................................... 26 Step 7 – preparation ............................................................................................... 26

Step 8 – purity ....................................................................................................... 27 Step 9 – guts .......................................................................................................... 28

Step 10 – will......................................................................................................... 28 River be ................................................................................................................. 28

Promise ................................................................................................................. 29 Summary ............................................................................................................... 30

Reference ...................................................................................................................... 31

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The New Covenant - 1


The New Covenant - 1


The New Covenant is for every person of every nation tribe and tongue. This is your

invitation to experience The New Covenant first hand, personally, allowing yourself to

become interactively engaged in dialogue with your heavenly father. The New Covenant

is the promise of the most intimate relationship of all - God within us teaching us

directly, God's mind communicating directly with ours, becoming one, with nothing in

between. Instead of trying to follow commandments carved on stone, our father tenderly

reveals himself within us in our quiet times, our times of quietness when our mind is

stilled; when we surrender our mind to let it be one with that which has no father, no

mother, no beginning and no end. That which knows all things, already inside of us, by

promise, by unconditional promise, will reveal the word of life unto us, letting us be it.

This is the revelation of one.

"I and my father are one" is the relationship that the one inside of you will teach you

about, IF you let it speak. And it only speaks in quietness, consistently. It teaches where

there is respect, honor, and equality given. You can exalt your own words over it at any

time and the it that is real, the teacher within you, will be quiet; and your mind that

suffers the id-ego of man'd mania will fuel your 5-sense mind to assure you that you are

in control of your body in a world separate from God. You choose the source of your


You can be led by the external or the internal. You can be taught by the external or the

internal. The external educates one way; the internal educates another way. The way of

life is through the internal. Joy happiness and peace are through the internal being

developed in rapport with the eternal God of light that which knows not the limitations of

time space or gravity.

The internal that God is and exists as, is no respecter of persons, in that no partiality is

made whatsoever. Every person of every nation tribe and tongue already have the fullness

of the teacher God intimate one inside them; regardless of what they think or worship. It

is only ignorance and the voice –s of others that shout down the one of love within. But

the one within, that love is, never leaves you. You cannot kill it or destroy it, you can

only think yourself into separation from it, worshipping your own mind.

The mind of God develops leaders, matures the mind of mind so it won't worship itself

through religion and endeavors of its own smartness, and wisdom of sorrow. Our father

God is. God desires to teach each of us how the worlds work, how this world operates,

and how to not squander the love and authority he has given us on another.

This is an invitation to bring forth the mind of Christ in you, being anointed to be the

anointed one, not separate. You were anointed all along to be the fullness of Christ,

healing you first. This is how. Releasing the voice within you of The Intimate One, all

things change. Are you willing?

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The New Covenant - 1


This is a dramatic change from the past where the law was external to us, led by people in

the hierarchy of a select few.

Not only did the external law get replaced by the promise of God placing his laws into

the inside of us, the exclusiveness of a select priesthood was replaced by a reformation

that announced that every person is a priest of The New Covenant; not of religion, but of

God, authorized by God, to operate in direct communication without intermediaries. No

longer are we expecting others to go hear God for us nor interpret what God speaks.

This priesthood of all believers is now rising up to operate in a maturity that compels

every person to live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from their

mouth, originated by their father, God.

The New Covenant empowers every individual to operate in every spiritual gift, offer the

sacraments, forgive sins, anoint, dedicate, consecrate, and fully mature in complete

priesthood, as a kingdom of priests unto God.

At the very core of operating in the fullness of your own priestship is the change in law

that made this possible; the old covenants were made obsolete by their fulfillment in The

New Covenant, established by our father, being revealed in the life of the son.

This is your invitation to experience The New Covenant personally. No one can deny you

this privilege regardless of your religion or lack of it, The New Covenant operates not by

a code or set of rules, but is activated by your heart, God's heart in you, and your internal

surrender to God's love with the both of you entering into an increasingly intimate



Everything is now changed, for we will not be ignorant anymore of the fullness of the

covenant we bear; the everlasting, the new revealing it. We stand on the edge of the

greatest frontier in all of history. Everything that we have known and taken solace in is

about to be challenged and changed. Life as we have known it will change drastically,

dramatically, and irreversibly, through the revelation of The New Covenant, and

becoming intimate with it.

The heart of God was an entire kingdom of priests! No one in the kingdom would not be

a priest, for ALL would be a priest, regardless of their vocation. All would hear the voice

of God first-person and share and teach and know each other in equality. There was no

hierarchy in the kingdom. Righteousness knows no hierarchy. Righteousness does not

mete out in partiality; it gives of itself measurelessly, and it never runs out, of anything

perfect. It reveals the perfect within the perfect to be seamless; one mind within one

mind, being not separate thinking it into existence again.

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Hell is separation from God, and no one can think you into it again. The only sin that

exists is where you think yourself into separation. You now being not ignorant of the

creator within, you no longer create hell about you, in you, or around others. You no

longer experience here on this "earth". You no longer fornicate with your thoughts,

thinking yourself righteous enough to just by your own eyes and what you see and deem

empirical and verifiable through your own "senses". The 5-sense mind creates hell no


Hell is being de-created, and heaven is being revealed. Here's it. Inside you. Being the

birther of you bear the words of no other in incarceration. You change everything,

beginning with you first, being the priest you are, in your temple. Your temple of light is

between your ears. And where does God promise to be? Not separate from you even if

you make your bed in hell. No burning lust for others thoughts can snuff out the love of

God that glows brighter than the noon day sun.

It's all seen by the one who opens eyes, and that's you first, deciding to open yours. You

are the judge of you, and you determine what goes on in your temple – between your

ears, the temple not made with hands. Abominate it no more; be desolate no more; feed

the light with the light within that perfect is, revealing the perfect; word of light unto light

being, formed by no other, deformed by no other. Be the perfect word bringing forth the

perfect word; perfection birthing. This is the teacher bringing forth the teacher; equal to

equal, one with God not being separate. No longer eliminated from heavenly places, we

sit differently; not with folded hands and legs worshipping other, but being still to hear

the one within reveal the one within that pure love is.

THIS – is what The New Covenant is all about. The perfect is revealed – now, in all who

will let the voice be heard, no longer crying in the wilderness.

The New Covenant is stated in the bible in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 31:33-34 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that

time, declares the LORD. I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I

will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor,

or a man his brother, saying, Know the LORD, because they will all know me, from the

least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their wickedness and

will remember their sins no more.

The New Covenant is also repeated in the New Testament bible book of Hebrews.

Hebrews 8:10-12 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,

declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will

be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a

man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, because they will all know me, from the least of

them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no


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The New Covenant - 1


The New Covenant is God's declaration to us of intimate communion, communication

behind "the veil" of flesh, where we engage not the "soul" of man, but that which

transcendent and eternal is. No flesh can stand between us and God again. I and my father

are one – will teach us all things.

Direct access to God our father teacher emergent one - was not established by the blood

of bulls or goats with the blood needing to be sprinkled on us, as stated in the Old

Testament (Exodus 24:1-8), but by the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross.

At the moment of Jesus' death on the Cross the veil in the temple was torn in two from

top to bottom, signifying that the holy of holies was now open to every single person;

every man, woman, boy, and girl; of every nation, tribe, and tongue. No one was

excluded. No one stands between God and man ever again. I and my father are one.

Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant new, Jesus has made the first one obsolete; and

what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear.

The priesthood that wants to stand between God and man will no more be. It is again and

will soon disappear. It was never God's heart. The kingdom of priests now arise – and

this changes everything.


God's desire from the beginning, before the beginning of this world earth, was that every

one of every nation tribe and tongue, operate as a priest fully, with no other vestiges of

separation. There is no veil left. Don't construct it. Don't construct one. Veils exist no

more. We now learn to operate together as a kingdom of priests, being a holy nation.

Exodus 19:5-6 If you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall

be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And you shall be

unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.

The Levitical Aaronic priesthood was never God's desire. Neither was the temple made

with hands nor the establishment of the law. All those things developed as a type and

shadow of the real. They were symbolic (see Hebrews 9:7, Galatians 4:24). They were

not the real but pointed to the real. The real temple God cares about is the temple inside

of each one of us, between our ears; that which is not made with hands.

Acts 7:48 The most high dwells not in temples made with hands.

The priesthood God desires is a priesthood that knows no hierarchy, no exclusion; one in

which every priest serves bread and wine to each other, anoints each other, forgives sin

and serves each other in the fullness of every priestly privilege; perfect love – exonerated,


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This is the priesthood where everyone lets God teach everyone directly; one where we all

share freely with others the words that God has given to us, through us. We write to

share, and know. We learn. We mature. We develop. No competition or comparison

exists. We operates transcendently of mankind's base desires for self-elevation and

control of others. This priesthood coming forth now through the operation of The New

Covenant reveals love without division. There is no religion in God, no religion in

heaven, no religion in perfect peace. There is no religion in perfection – only love; love

that love crosses every line of demarcation man has invented.

Hebrews 7:11 If perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood,

why was there still need for another priest to come; one in the order of Melchizedek, not

in the order of Aaron? For on the basis of the Levitical priesthood, the law was given to

the people.

God changed the priesthood from being "by law". Jesus became the first priest in the

priesthood in the order of Melchizedek, not established by law, not perpetuated by

lineage in the tribe of Levi. Jesus came and with no one else's approval or authorization,

learns how to become a priest by learning to let the visible empirical no longer dictate to

him how he operated. He learned to be still. He learned his father's voice within him. Our

father taught him how to establish the priesthood of all believers in the order of

Melchizedek! And all of this was outside of any religious system. No religious system

can control the surrender of a person surrendered to be not separate from the father


Jesus became the first priest of a new priesthood, the priesthood of Melchizedek, and

opened to all believers who surrender to enter it, and become not separate from the father

that birthed it in the firstborn son of righteousness, showing us what righteousness is, and

what righteousness does. Jesus became our pattern for all of us to enter it.

With the new priesthood now open to every individual of every nation tribe and tongue

on the basis of surrender, the law that the old priesthood operated by had to be changed.

Hebrews 7:12 When there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of

the law.

So God changed the law! He changed the priesthood, and he changed the law! God

changed the law by dismantling it! He placed it within us by love, revealed it by love, and

states to in love that it operates by love. Love cannot be separate. Love is central, not law.

The values of the operational Christ reveals the full word of God in every person;

actualized by surrender. A new operating system thus revealed is now put into place.

Jesus revealed our father's heart. In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, our father

God dismantled the practice of religion, dismantled religious hierarchy, dismantled

temple worship and all its associated systems of authorizing who can do what when.

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Whereas only the high priest could enter the holy of holies, and could do so only one day

a year, to atone for the sins of the people, the veil separating the common people from the

holy of holies was, at the moment of Jesus' death, torn in two, from top to bottom,

signifying that no separation ever again exists that keeps the holiest of all from the

common people. All people now have instantaneous entry into the holy of holies and no

authorizing authentication systems can prevent entry. You can talk directly with your

father God, at will, with never anyone between you and God again.

The changed law? The law was placed inside of each one of us. The "law"? The voice of

love God reveals, directly to our mind. We experience this as The New Covenant, the

process of The New Covenant! The New Covenant is living, and lives inside of us. It is

the living voice God that knows all things, and reveals to us the kingdom of heaven as we

walk on this earth and learn how to become seamless as one who lives the revelation of


1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know all


1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from God remains in you, and you do

not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as

that anointing is real, not counterfeit; just as it has taught you, remain in him.

Mat 23:10 Jesus said …for you have one Teacher, the Christ.

Jesus was telling us to have the same teacher he did: our father. Letting God our father

now teach us directly about all things, education is never the same again. Learning from

others is not abolished but ancillary to the central source of all knowledge, wisdom, and

understanding, that now is inside of us revealed, released, birthed.

Col 2:9-10 For in Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are

complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

God's desire and design was never for a temple made by hands, but one not made with

hands, one that he made and fashioned and placed inside you.

Acts 7:48 The most high dwells not in temples made with hands. And (1 Corinthians

3:17) and you are that temple.

The New Covenant brings the revelation of the kingdom of heaven here on the earth and

a priesthood eternal throughout the heavens. Operating seamlessly with it, we receive

words of revelation of the kingdom of heaven that opens our eyes to see it and operate in

it here and now. Loving our lives of separation no more, we are no longer afraid of death,

no longer afraid of learning by the direct method that the king kings with. We no longer

insist our temples be darkened by the thought of man with rational logic. We learn by the

voice within to enter the school of the almighty, to be taught of the almighty, that the

almighty was always within, completing a priesthood that heals all and transcends all

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systems of control, restriction, and boundary-making limits imposed by man against each


1 Corinthians 15:24 Then the end will come, when the son hands over the kingdom to

God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power.

The implications? Complete transformation. The operation of the New Covenant – God

teaching all peoples directly from within, with each one learning to be taught by speaking

the first-person words God gives them, brings forth an educational transformation that

when complete, results in regeneration of the complete perfect mind of God our father in

us, being not separate anymore. The transformed individuals operate as one with the

father, just like Jesus did, just like Jesus prayed that we would in John 17. This is what

will bring forth the transformation of the kingdom of this world into being the kingdom

of heaven. We will no longer be separate. We will be it, and we will birth it.

John 17:21-22 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.

May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given

them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.

Covenant dynamics

The covenant is dynamic; not static. It reveals truth, experientially. Experiencing truth

you become in as one not on the outside looking in, but being life, breathing life, creating

it in the truth of dynamic life. This is not esoteric, ethereal or surreal; but real. This is the

tangibleness of daily life walked out in covenant, the covenant that knows no shame, but

has been misunderstood for centuries – since its announcement?

The dynamics of The New Covenant are not of a spiritual nature as many would think of

it, or want to limit it. The New Covenant is the creator creating the creator's words in the

recipient surrenderer who will value them and pay a price to have them released within

them. The price? Time, purity, sincerity, meekness, woo. Woo? The voice of the most

meek must be wooed, for this is a love relationship, and motivated by love it must be.

The one who wants to experience this covenant must communicate, and listen. Interactive

dialog was God's request to all of over 2,500 years ago as expressed in Isaiah 1:18 Come

now, and let us reason together.

Dynamic in every sense of the word, it the most intimate of all relationships. It is a

relationship that must mature, and the partakers for one nature, instead of two; one mind,

instead of two. Our father teaches us to father his word and birth it. Dynamic

transformation that regenerates not the old, but new life, true and faithful.

The dynamics of truth cannot be learned without experience. Truth must be birthed by

you. No one else can experience this for you. Consider again the promise God made to

you that he will teach you directly:

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Jeremiah 31:33-34 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that

time, declares the LORD. I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I

will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor,

or a man his brother, saying, Know the LORD, because they will all know me, from the

least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their wickedness and

will remember their sins no more.

The New Covenant is also repeated in the New Testament bible book of Hebrews.

Hebrews 8:10-12 This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,

declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will

be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a

man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, because they will all know me, from the least of

them to the greatest….

Being taught by our father God directly is a dynamic process. We don't determine the

curriculum, God does. The dynamics of a life lived where God is teaching you daily

directly is anything but boring. The most dynamic relationship a member of the human

race can have is with the speaking teacher teaching us from within, through the first-

person words of the creator, creating a new life within us letting us birth it.

The pouring out

The New Covenant will now be embraced by people rich and poor, young and old, men

and women, boys and girls, and across every spectrum of people that will surrender to the

new things God is doing. New? Isaiah wrote about it more than 2,500 years ago.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know

it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

God is now revealing God in manner never before imagined. We are in the time of the

great revealing; the revolution of revelation. And we must not hold it back; in fact, we

cannot hold it back; no one can. This river of revelation where God our father will teach

us directly as our father will now flow and become a mighty torrent of revelation poured

out on all flesh.

In the Old Testament we read about this.

Joel 2:28-29 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all

flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream

dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the

handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit.

In the New Testament we read the same message.

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Acts 2:17-18 And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out of my

Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young

men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants and on

my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.

Prophesy? All shall speak the first-person words of God, revealed directly from within

AS THEY SPEAK. This is not planned speech nor edited lectures to be accepted by the

ears of those who want to determine what they learn, how, and where. These are the

extemporaneous words coming forth as the surrendered speak, fearlessly. The timid learn

to become courageous. Leadership changes. Leaders develop leaders. No one develops

followers anymore to be followers, for all motives will be known now, and love will

develop love.

These promises are to every person, and that includes you. The privilege to recognize the

words of God inside of you, and then speak those words out loud and write them down is

given to you by your father. The gift of prophecy is given to all, just as every gift of light

is. Is it a gift at all? Or is it just the communication of love?

Revelation 19:10 Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

1 Corinthians 14:31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed

and encouraged.

Why will all those who surrender to father's voice within them be prophesying? They will

be releasing the heart of the father from father and learning how to live by those words,

just like Jesus did. Look again at the part of The New Covenant that states, "no longer

will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, Know the Lord, because they

will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest."

The New Covenant reveals to us that God our father has placed himself in each of us,

without regard for label or practice of religion. The fullness of our father is in every

person and now this revelation comes forth, and is operationalized through the release of

his voice, directly into our mind. We will learn to do this and share it freely with all who

are willing to learn. The entire earth will now be filled with the knowledge of God. God

will be revealed directly by God into the minds of every person.

Isaiah 11:9 …For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters

cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the

LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Let us not fall prey to the definitions of the past regarding what prophecy is or who can

do it. God will pour through us not just things thought spiritual or religious, but wisdom,

knowledge, and understanding of everything that exists.

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1 John 2:20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do

not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as

that anointing is real, not counterfeit; just as it has taught you, remain in him.

Silent no more

Religion will no longer silence God. Religion will no longer supplant God by insisting

they have authority to speak for God or interpret God in a way that is not given to every

person on earth. No religion on earth will remain in dividing father from those that speak

the first-person words of father released in them. "I and my father are one"-reality is

coming to all. The voice of one will now speak through all peoples of every nation tribe

and tongue; and the lambs will remain silent no more.

The entire world will now begin to operate differently? The values of God will be known

now first-hand. None of us will be separated again from our true father. I and my father

are one will be all of us, and all of earth will become a very different place. Those who

have been taught only followership by religion to be its followers will now be opened to

an entirely new life.

The true temple

Everyone will now begin to understand what the temple of God is and where it is. It was

in you; where? In your mind, between your ears. There are no holy buildings or sacred

structures made of molecular particles. Light from light is not dependent on the molecular

and never was. The kingdom of light reigns supreme as the most humble one in the

essence of the humble that now form it within themselves. The word of truth forms the

temple of light, light forming truth, truth being it. Not hidden again in the shadows of the

mind, the mind now works differently than it did in the past.

We have worshipped our thought in the past. We controlled it, controlled its existence

within us, and prized it as something we could experience in our own being; separateness

personified in our body. We have loved our body calling it "ours", our own body. We

have hated it sometimes, yet nurtured it in separation and controlled it carefully to protect

our life within it. We have nurtured our ego and gone to great lengths to be taught how to

want properly, and then achieve our wants; mostly at others expense.

We have thought that our thought was uniquely ours and let ourselves be defined by it.

We have felt separate from each other and from God because we have created that

separateness. We have been taught it and become masters at it. We mastered separation

and became slaves to it. We encased our minds in flesh and called it our "body" and

learned to worship others' bodies. We have worshiped the bodies and minds of others

with ours as we prostrated ourselves in our own temples to worship the lie. We defined

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God as something else while all the time God was within us, inextricably within us, yet

we "set up shop" within our temple so that we would be the judge of our thought and we

would experience what we wanted. We decided to live by our want, as our own creation.

Numerous temples have been built to worship God. Temple worshippers go to temples to

worship an external God, denying that the fullness of God was completely within every

person already, before they knew how to even talk or walk. We have laid the true temple

wastes, denying it was God's abode at all, calling it ours. Where God lives, is our mind.

In our mind is the temple God lives in. Thought that we have genereated in our want of

separateness has darkened our temple and let us live by the sweat of our brow and the

work of our hands. The temple of God within each person, we ensnared and became the

incarcerators thereof, demising it, laying it desolate, experiencing the abomination of our


God does not reside in temples made with hands.

Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of

heaven and earth, dwells not in temples made with hands.

Acts 7:48 … the most High dwells not in temples made with hands.

The New Covenant brings us the revelation that we are the real temple that God lives in.

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's

Spirit lives in you?

1 Corinthians 6:19 …your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which

you have of God, and you are not your own.

2 Corinthians 6:16 For you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell

in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

The real temple of God is being revealed. The spiritual house that we are to build is the

temple of God, God inside of us.

1 Peter 2:5 You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy

priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

All peoples who surrender to let God teach them directly will learn to enter the

priesthood of all believers that come together as a holy nation, a special treasure unto

God; God's heart all along for all of us.

Exodus 19:6 And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.

We cannot become a kingdom of priests knowing our father's voice vicariously. Every

one of us must learn to hear the voice of our father inside of us and letting our father

nurture us through the educational process of The New Covenant inside our temple, our

temple not made with hands.

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Ephesians 2:21-22 In Christ the whole building is joined together and rises to become a

holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a

dwelling in which God lives.

True priests

The true priests operate in the fullness of the Godhead bodily in the temple not made with

hands. God never wanted buildings or religious hierarchy. God never needed them. What

was God's desire all along?

Exodus 19:5-6 Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,

then you shall be a special treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:

And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation ….

God wanted those who would cleanse their thought from the temple not made with hands

that was on their shoulders, so that God could teach them directly about the things of God

to birth the new creations, bring forth the new beginnings, and not remain languishing in

the old. God wanted priests that would free the priests to be all peoples of every nation

tribe and tongue that would release the free flowing love of the word to be flowing in the

temples of light, rivers of truth, covering the earth with the knowledge of God, the glory

of the almighty, no longer hidden or thought afar off.

The real and true, God's desire and design for all of us, was and is, to operate in the

priesthood of all believers in the order of Melchizedek, being the temple not made with

hands, bringing forth pure light, rivers of truth, speaking it, writing it, sharing it, opening

freedom to all equally, leading out of the past, creating the new; the Promised Land.

God wants those who will be the fullness of who he is, never separating again.

True Communion

True communion can emerge when nothing is withheld. Fear becomes nonexistent, and

any desire for control dissolves. The concept of self-protection is nowhere to be found.

The serpent of thought for itself no longer controls communication, thus no longer

controls relationship, becoming unable to replicate itself in self. Separateness then has no

power to create its own awareness and infect with its venom. True communion operates

in love, by love, and is love. Love reproduces love, in oneship of true communion.

The operation of one body among many comes into being in true communion, operating

in one mind that knows no boundaries. A fearless life of love is lived transparently

though each member of the body of one. None of the body of one withholds anything

from any part of the body.

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The most intimate communion occurs when multiple ones, who no longer assert any

rights to the image, surrender to the real that the image was made from.

Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.

No longer preserving our image of ourselves to give others our image, we surrender to no

longer be imaged by it. God did not create us to live in an image that we create of God.

True communion takes place as we learn to live imagelessly, giving of ourselves

selflessly, for we have no life of self again. We no longer create a life of self, for self.

Self ceases to exist as living the life we knew.

This is what communion is about. Communion, or the Eucharist, is about our self

becoming selfless, choosing to no longer maintain a self of thought, our body of thought

becomes broken; the images of God and man no longer control us. We no longer control

our image of God or who God is, where, or what God does. We exchange our fear for

fearlessness, we exchange our body for one that has no want, no images, no preconceived

nothings, and cannot be made to conform to the image of others. We become something

brand new. Feelings of aloneness and inadequacy diminish. Confidence increases in love

– as we surrender to it.

Giving my body and blood to God, God lives in me; I no longer live the life of

separation. I no longer limit my flesh to flesh. I cease to live by images.

Others projecting their images onto me can no longer inflict their control –ing powers

into me, thus they and their ideas can no longer base me in theirs. I am no longer abased

by them. I know who I am because I became it. I surrendered to surrender, for it is in the

communion of true communion that I realize God does not want life separate from me!

God desires to live in me! And as I keep rejecting that separation and letting God that

was already in me commune with me and relationship establish that has no bounds

whatsoever, I fearlessly become one with God that knows no powerlessness again.

The priority of my life becomes communion with my father that God is, who was, and is

to come IN ME! That, THAT is what communion is all about. The love of one made

manifest in the surrendered to be the one true, imaged never again.

Life without images becomes pure, and changes all communication, all values, all

relationships. No longer limited to databases of definitions full of imagery other, God

reveals in relationship a communion that de-images us from ourselves of self. This

process changes our vocabulary and we no longer worship that God of OUR words in

OUR temple of thought. God's house, our mind, is no longer laid waste. Our bodies

becomes God's, and all God's are one. Ones become one, and all one are surrendered to

be all equal, without fear, without loss; for pure love provides pure love. Love never

diminishes love. Love honors love. Love cannot be controlled.

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Love flourishes not in the mind of the controlled. Love flourishes not in the mind of the

controllees or the controllers; but all who relinquish all control, self of id and ego

establishing no more; inherit all things not, but become creators of the real, new, true. It's

all established in true communion.

The "bread and wine" of true communion is symbolic where I exchange my body and

blood God's. I give my body and blood to God and God gives me God's. I give my mind

to God and God gives me God's mind. I give my thought to God and God gives me

God's. I give MY existence to God and God gives me HIS! We become one – and

THAT! is what communion is all about. THAT is what the Eucharist symbolizes. THAT

is the act that symbolizes our continuing choice to no longer remain wandering about in

the desert of confusion operating by the imaged choices of others.

One body, one mind, one blood – all one family. Self ceases. Images cease. Communion

changes everything. No one is prevented from sharing the bread and wine in communion

ever again. Boys and girls of every nation tribe and tongue, regardless of age, will now

begin serving communion to adults and adults will serve children. ALL WILL BE

TAUGHT no one can prevent communion from being served OR received by ANYONE.

All can surrender to be not separate from the body of one, that we choose continually to

develop in love as love continually develops, matures, and teaches all to become one.

The act of communion symbolizes a larger issue. The act of communion is just as valid

with bread and wine as it is with water and cornbread. A cookie and a drink of milk or

whatever on hand is, valid is; for no one can invalidate your motive. Molecules do not

determine your motive, nor outcome. What you are coming into by the act of serving and

receiving communion is the expression of that larger issue, where you realize you are the

issue of Christ, God's seed, and "Christ" was not a man as an individual "unit". "Christ" is

ALL who surrender to be it, following the pattern Jesus gave us, so that "our" body will

be broken, surrendered, to become the one that one is; ALL ONE. Perfect love redeemed,

perfect love becomes.

No longer crammed into craniums of thought and retained by images of sorrow to

reproduce minds of separateness; our mind no longer lives an existence given to it by the

past. All becomes new now. The new beginning is here.

True Covenant

To understand The New Covenant, let us examine the word Covenant and define it. Some

people define covenant as a contract or promise; yet they are very different. A contract

requires the parties to a contract to DO something. The parties to a contract agree to what

will be exchanged at the completion of the contract, and agree that a contract exists

between them as such. This gives the parties a legal standing, or the backing of a legal

system if one or more of the parties to the contract fail to deliver as agreed by the terms

of the contract.

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Covenant is a promise made by one person or party to another because of desire.

Covenant does not operate by the parties fulfilling preconceived pre-agreed upon

conditions. The parties to a covenant require no reciprocity of mutual agreement.

A contract may contain covenants, but a covenant contains no contract. Even when

contracts contain covenants, they are usually bilateral, requiring the parties to perform

stipulated actions. A covenant is a unilateral or one-sided promise. It does not require any

specific performance by the one for whom the covenant is made, except that the one

intended receiver receive it! There is no force involved in the promise of covenant. Those

for whom the covenant was made must exercise the choice to receive the promise

formalized in the covenant.

The New Covenant is perfect, and magnanimous beyond measure. It goes beyond what

the eye of man has ever seen and what the mind of man has ever imagined.

Isaiah 64: 4 Since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the

ear, neither hath the eye seen ….

Is this not more promised us than our mind has ever let us conceive? How shall we

receive it?

Isaiah 40:31 They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount

up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not


We shall "wait upon the Lord" how? Learning how to still our mind and wait patiently to

interact with God our father, God giving words directly into our mind to birth the mind of

God in us, complete.

The completion of us become a new being is not a contract for which we perform; we can

only surrender to experience it. True covenant is promise. The New Covenant is the

promise to all who will receive it, experientially. This is God's unconditional promise to

give us his mind in us so that we birth a new creation that operates without limitation or

lack. As we take time to let our mind be transformed by God's voice directly into ours,

we begin to move toward being a new creation that can run and never be weary, walk and

not faint, and never be without strength. And travel? Conventional means not required.

For us to begin to learn from the mind of God directly within us, we must learn to quiet

ours. We must become meek, to let the meek one teach us, for God is the meekest of all.

Love has a voice – it uses ours. Operating without force, we can only surrender to let the

vocabulary of God flow through our mind to teach us new things and lead us in the new,

coming out of the old.

Love teaches us from within new words that make new connections and creates within us

the ability to bridge the gap between our world and God's. To lead us into God's world

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God gives us God's words that form sentences into ideas and concepts that create

linkages of revelation as we surrender our mind, our words, to become transformed into

the exact likeness of the one originating the words within us.

The creator has a body – it uses ours. The creator teaches creators to create. All of

science, all of creation, all of the worlds, the universe, and the understanding of how to

create it all again is given to all who be the mind of one conceiving it – meekness

required, acceptance required, maturity required, patience required, living out the life of

one as it is revealed – process required.

Love sets free and love learns. Love learns from love. Love teaches – the meek. Love

operates by surrender to develop kings, rulers that will rule not by the sword and force of

control, but wholly by love. Love true melts the force of control, arrogance, and imagery.

Love matures and develops greater love.

No greater love hath a person than to lay down their life to become what pure love is,

living it. A life of love reveals love, and love perfects love. Love is always learning,

sharing the life of one.

True love is unconditional. The New Covenant is unconditional love in action.

Entering the Covenant

The New Covenant is the covenant between the king of kings and those who are ignorant

of their kingship. The ignorant do not know they literally have a visible empirical

kingdom that they can enter and lead being the king. Ones who are ignorant have much to

learn, and must learn a learning system designed by the king of kings for this reason. The

learning system of The New Covenant is not line by line, precept by precept; but

synergistic. It operates by surrender. Only the meek learn it. Only the humble survive the

rigor of a leadership training system of pure love laid out before them, without trampling


Entering the New Covenant is not a one step process. It cannot be coerced or controlled,

but by surrender, can be experienced – experientially. One does not learn how to "do"

covenant, they become it. It is not something you learn how to receive, you learn how to

become it. The teacher teaches you how to become one with the teacher. It is not by

belief or mastery of material that you are king'd in your kingship, you begin wearing the

crown on your brow as you create it. It is within you. You develop its outerware as

something brand new, a new creation, that begins to operate seamlessly with those in the

world of ignorance that are still ignorant of their kingdom. The greatest joy the king of

kings has is to prepare a king for their kingdom, their rule of love joy and peace, that the

world of ignorance knows nothing of, for the world of ignorance chooses to value what is

seen with the eye and felt by the flesh as the real world, lusting after its power and


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The training program of man training man to be a human race and then die will now be

changed, and ended. Ignorance will no more reign on this planet. Everyone on this planet

will learn now of their kingship, that they truly have a kingdom they can enter, if they

will prepare for it, and learn how to lead in love, leading out of the wandering in the

desert of the mind, into the promised land, Israel on high.

Israel on high is not dependent on electromagnetic waves, sound ways propagated by ions

or light waves affected by time or space. The propulsion of particles in this atmosphere

no longer holds us to the present seeming "real".

The process of The New Covenant entered is the development of creation of light within

the source by the source that has no other origin. You become your words and your

words become you. This process culminates in something very wonderful and marvelous:

the opening of your kingdom to you. Operating in your kingdom as the king, you change

everything about who may be ignorant there, for at that time you will have learned the

greatest joys of all, creating kings who will king all, in the kingship of one.

Before one can enter their kingdom as its king they must become complete. The meek

learn how to do this, for they learn directly by the teacher within. The name of the teacher

within? The king of kings, the most humble of all. The king of kings teaches through a

still small voice heard only with the ears of love. Those ears are opened by surrendering

to have knowledge revealed within, that also opens eyes into the "invisible" real, the true

real. Becoming not separate from knowledge real that you have become, transformation

takes place. Yielding to love is a process of adventure, takes steps, and time.

The heart of every king must learn how to commune with the king of kings to learn what

the life of a king can be like. The king of kings imparts the knowledge tenderly, for it can

uproot a lot of values we had in the past we thought were so precious. The values of a

king determine the practices of a king, so the king of kings teaches you directly.

Covenant is not something you believe, it's something you enter, something you live.

You begin the practices that allow you to enter the life of love unconditionally. You

cannot place conditions upon it. You enter it tenderly, with intimacy. Respect is an

integral component of love. Patience is a major part of love. Selflessness is the primary

component of love.

Isaiah 55:1 Come, everyone who thirsts, to the waters! Come, he who has no money, buy,

and eat! Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

To enter The New Covenant we begin to do new things. Consider Isaiah 1:18 where God

says come and let us reason together. Converse together? Yes. Consider Jeremiah 33:3

Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you

know not. This is God answering you directly, with whatever diction and grammar God

chooses to communicate with. If you speak Farsi God can speak Farsi with you. If you

speak English God can speak English with you. God can speak your language, and will,

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as you learn to learn. God will even teach you how to learn from him, if you will take


Step 1 – time

Entering the New Covenant is not easy or cheap. It costs time. It costs surrender. It costs

you your image of yourself. It costs you the images others have given you of this world

and how it works. It costs you your concept of reality. It costs you your identity of self

being separate from God. It costs everything. It does not cost money, it costs that which

was most dear to us, our thought. We now learn a new reality, preparing for a new


Entering the New Covenant is a process that takes time. You are preparing your life to

enter a leadership role in that which is not limited to time and space, but can operate

within it. This is daily life being walked out, transformationally, and the more consistent

you become each day in your quest to let God teach you directly, the sooner you will

experience it. This is not a process you adopt around your life, this is the process that you

change your life for. Deciding to set aside time daily where nothing else is your focus in a

good first step. Then, you have the discipline of the follow through.

God likes mornings. Interacting with God the very first hour of your day is best, unless

you choose the most powerful: arranging to arise and meet with God at 2 a.m. There's

something about the first hour of every day, and even more so about that 2 a.m. hour. It's

special. Consecrating that hour to enter the Covenant of the new each day will soon

provide exponential results.

Giving God the last hour of your day is giving God your dregs. You can do better than


There is also something special about a full hour together with God, focused on none

else. A full hour consistently given is like a starting point of seriousness for relationship,

this relationship of the new.

Quest? Make it hour a day at least, and enjoy especially the days when you can make it

more than your minimum.

Make it your approach to be systematic about this, not haphazardly going about. You are

entering a new life, if you will. Be not slothful about the tenacity required to learn a new

learning system: from within. Remember, the teacher is not outside of you, the teacher

you are trying to hear, and woo, is the one within. This is not the time to take phone calls

and multitask with other. Woo is not spelled that way. Woo is spelled focus. Woo is

spelled surrender. Woo is spelled die, to the sorrow of the past.

Woo is when you want to touch, see, and be light to; and exchange with. Woo – is the

opposite of control. This is invite – by invitation, by honor, and by grace. This is kindness

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meeting kindness, honor meeting honor; doling out nothing but love – and that takes

time. It may seem to take a lot of time at first, for God may not make himself known to

you at all, at first. Your seriousness may be being looked at first.

This is where you change. Changing you will be – whether you see it or not, feel it or not.

You are not being protective of your feelings, for you are offering them to you Savior

not, but your friend. No one loves you more. No one cares for you more. No one wants to

delight in you more than God himself.

This is not the place for impatience. This is where kings develop. This is the process the

king uses to develop kings, and character must be forged – God's. When you come meet

with God this way you are coming to the king's table, and mannerless you are not to

come, but with love, honor, and woo.

Woo is tender, and unassuming. Woo is deferential. Woo seeks not honor, but gives it.

Woo does not seek its own way, its own timing, or its own answers in the way of its

preconceptions. Woo lets. Let – is a big part of woo, for control is not a part of this

process. Woo proceeds, and precedes love, for love is developed. We haven't even known

what it was in the past. We called something love, but we didn't give our life for it.

Now we are changing what we give our lives for.

Step 2 – stillness

Learn to be still.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10.

This is more than being physically still, this is stilling the mind. A normal mind un-

reborn is controlled by the serpent of thought. The thought realm is so infestated with

serpents of thought that only want to generate thought and be generated by those

thoughts, that it takes a concerted effort to learn to relieve the mind of its burden, its bite.

Thoughts can be like biting parasites, like leeches sucking away our energy, draining us

by keeping our mind busy with its own agenda of rendering us cutoff from hearing our

father God within us.

God speaks through our mind, the mind that is set at peace. How do we set our minds at

peace? We begin through these steps that we take to change ourselves, change our

schedules, changing what we want, changing what we give our lives for. Realizing this is

not an overnight process, we schedule. We become strategic, and not overindulgent in

anything. We learn how to go to bed at night earlier because we choose to get up and

meet God at 2 a.m. meetings, and/or times we just arise an hour or more earlier than

normal. We choose. The choice is ours. We make it, and no one robs us from it.

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Isaiah 52:6 I will reveal my name to my people, and they will come to know its power.

Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.

This time of meeting with God is not bible study, not scripture study. It is not reading of

spiritual materials. This is a time of being still – absolutely still. There is no important

body posture other than that of what you need to be still and alert.

What is this achieving? Casting down thought that which exalts itself against the voice of

God in you. Give it no place. Every time you have a thought about work, family, politics,

or whatever wants to rage against your quietness; lay the axe to it. Stop it by maybe a

simple phrase that you use, that you choose, to refocus your stillness within. One phrase

may be simply – here I am God. Here's another: I love you God, I know you're there. I

know you are here, hearing every thought. Here I am.

Isaiah 58:10 Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will

say, ‘Here I am.’ If you take away the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger,

and speaking wickedness.

"… the pointing of the finger"? Lay blame to no one. Quit blaming anyone for anything.

Forgive all of everything, you first. Forgive yourself of all you have done, and not.

Forgive. Be a forgiver. Be a peace-bringer, into you first.

"… speaking wickedness"? Colossians 3:8 Now is the time to get rid of anger, rage,

malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language.

So what is happening when you are just sitting still, and nothing seems to be happening?

You are learning to still the mind, if you will. Your will becomes to do the will of God

your father. You are exercising your will to have no other will. The will of thought

cannot overrule your surrender as you sit still, and know that God is not afar off, but in

you, and waiting for the right time to speak – and woo HE will - then.

Your mind can rage against you when you begin stilling it. It has been, mostly, for most

people, a beast that has remained semi-calm in you as long as it knows it has control, and

won't be dethroned by peace. So realize, you are greater than the id within; you are

greater than the ego within, for the real you – is not separate from your peace that only

your father God can give. "I and my father are one" say often, meaning it, surrendering to

it – the reality of it; and be not destitute again clutching for memories of the past. You are

going on to new worlds now, and will not be satisfied to return to the vomit of the past.

The prodigal is returning home, can crowned you will be, with the righteousness of one,

that you have learned at the table of one, because you became it. Not separate from it,

you forgave yourself first, and let peace arise from within your mind. No one can take the

peace that you give yourself away from you. It surpasses all understanding of the

"normal" mind, for the mind of God is being formed in you – you maturing now, by


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This process is rending power from the 5-sense mind, surrendering to God's, operating as


Step 3 – silence

Learn to value silence.

No music is needed or wanted. You are not seeking outside stimulus of any kind

whatsoever, but the opposite. You are now beginning to exercise control over that which

is inside of you that registers stimulus. Instead of you receiving a data stream from

outside of you, you are determining what you will register and receive. You are not a

garbage bin for others words and theories. You are no longer a depository for others

lyrics and melodies. You are making choices of what will control you no longer – day by

day – everyday.

Learning to value silence is of paramount value in this process. Do not kid yourself about

your need to have other input. Be the king of your kingdom, the kingdom of your mind,

and do not abdicate your authority to carefully choose what fountains of data you see and

hear. See the value of silence. See the value of peace coming to you, coming within you,

you giving place and birthing something new within you.

Step 4 – steering

Your ego wants to steer the direction your mind thinks with. You are taking time to still

it, and change the policies it operates with. Yet its nature is to resist that with all manner

of enticement. Thoughts of a random nature may pop up to divert your attention and take

your time. Ego will inflate the importance of things and provide images of anything to

make itself the center of your attention. You can learn to overcome this by "steering"

your thought by consciously deploying thoughts refocus you on your mission. Why are

you taking that hour alone with God in silence when you have so much other you could

be doing? Because you have chosen the better; you have chosen to pour out the oil of the

"jar" of time over the feet of the one you sitting with.

As you begin this process it will change over time as you mature and learn increasingly

how to learn this way. When you first begin you may spend the first 10 to 15 minutes of

your time reading the first-person words of God that God has given in Database One of

the University of The New Covenant. The Lessons of Database One are given FOR THIS

REASON, and much more. All the words of Database One are for the purpose of you

realizing the first-person words of God through you.

Every time you suddenly realize you are thinking of something else, simply bring your

mind back to think of what you want to think of during this time, and what are you

thinking of? Letting yourself be one with the creator of creators. Or must you think at all?

Or how active IS your mind in times of silence. This is where belief gives way to

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experience. Much more can be taught you, and you will learn a great deal more; but start,

now, with just this instruction and be not deceived – time you spend like this is a bargain!

Most people do not use their mind; it uses them. Be the opposite.

Step 5 – ignition

Ignition occurs where thought from God's mind is sensed within your mind and you

respond by picking up your pen and writing those words. God-thought comes through

your mind. You receive it, detect it as such, (or suspect it as such), and write it. It may

seem like it's just your mind not God-sourced because it comes through your mind. It

does not come with a tag to notify you it's about to come, for the humble one speaks

softly, and love must learn to recognize the voice of love.

Love grows the tree of life in you. Your mind is the Garden of Eden. That's where you

meet God. That's where you meet with God. That's where you interact and learn how to

let your life of separation become healed. It's a process. It takes time. It takes you

learning how to surrender to the relationship that will teach you how to enter your

kingdom to you.

As you consistently give yourself time to be still, time to be silent, and let your mind rest

from what has been driving it for years, these points of ignition will come to you without

any force at all. They come in thought. Ignition usually begins with just a short phrase or

just one sentence. Nothing may follow that one phrase or sentence UNLESS you have

picked up your pen and begun to write it. Once you WRITE it, you are ready for the next

phrase or sentence. It may be choppy like that or very smooth where by the time you are

finishing writing the last word of that phrase you simply "sense" additional words

"flowing" within you. If you keep writing, it will keep coming, flowing. If you stop, it


You can stop it at any time. God will let you. If you judge it "stupid" at any time, it will

stop. Do not condemn the efforts of the surrendered. Do not judge the communication

not-God sourced until you complete it, and even then do not be hasty to discard it. For it

is at THAT MOMENT that the "thief" comes rushing in like a "flood" to extinguish to

fire of that revelation you just wrote. Do not listen to that condemning part of your being.

Give what you have written breath, life, and a chance to make itself known to you, say,

the next day in your silent time.

You are the only that can give your words life this way, for God is waiting, and you are

his judge. You will judge God and you will judge you, for you are the only that can

determine if these things of Covenant will take place between you. God has already made

his stance, his promise of speaking within you to teach and proclaim the coming kingdom

through you. There is no love greater.

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Step 6 – risk

Accept the risk of being wrong to be right.

Accept the risk of failing to succeed.

Accept the risk of learning something new.

Do not expect other people to applaud your efforts to hear God and write his words.

Do not be afraid of what others may say, think, or do.

Be love and let love flow. Let love speak. Be kind always returning grace with every

answer, every feeling, and this is hard.

Do not kid yourselves, with every moment of surrender, every moment of silence, and

every thought you bring into captivity so that you let God give you his mind through

yours, you are changing your world. You are letting the world squeeze you into its mold

no more. You are letting the leaders you have known that only wanted you to be their

followers – alone. You are letting God YOUR father make himself known – to you.

Step 7 – preparation

Prepare for these times of meeting with God. Consider where you may have these

meetings and how you might approach meeting with the king of kings. What might you

want to say, to ask, to enquire about? Are you willing to prepare? Are you willing to let

the king of kings ask you questions? Are you willing to say "I don't know but I will go

and find out"? When God asks you a question, what is the intent; so God will know the

answer, or will it being you development? Are you transparent; will you be with God if

he asks you about your motive in doing something?

Are you willing for God to judge you? Yes! Please say yes! Yes, I am. There is no

maturity without judgment. There is no maturity without correction. There is no maturity

without discipline. There is no maturity without change.

What are you willing to learn? Are you willing to learn what God desires to teach you?

Are you willing to lay yourself bare before God, with no pretense of self-justification or

excuse for what you have done or not done in the past? Are you willing to cover yourself

no more with flesh? What thought are you willing to let go of to have the mind of God

fully formed in you?

Are you willing to prepare for these sessions with the most high? Are you willing to

arrive "on time" with pen and paper? Are you willing to be ready to hear, anticipating that

God will enter YOUR mind of thought? Will you place the date on every page you write

on? And the time, and place where written? Will you value the pages of your writings

that you are learning from while writing them and review them?

Will you review what comes through you and see what is being said in what you write,

and what is not being said? Will you learn to review them through God's eyes, God's

values, and God's timing? Will you learn to be nimble in this learning system rather than

brittle, fragile, and defensive?

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How God responds to your questions may depend not on your question but your motive

for asking. God's response may be to wait on that subject or answer, for whatever reason.

A particular answer my require you to have other knowledge that God must give you

first, for you to be ready; for you to be able to bear it. It may depart so far from your

comfortable mindset that your mind may want to reject it.

Entering Covenant you begin learning a new language, a language of learning to

experience relationship not like anything in the past. This is not dependent on "line by

line, precept by precept" linearity. The dimensions of mankind's logic and rationale does

not control the learning system where God teaches directly.

Step 8 – purity

You do not have to be pure, righteous, or holy in any way to begin this process – but to

grow and learn about this relationship by being in it, purity is required. Purity is not

defined by a set of rules here, for the rule of love abides at the table of one, and love

learns from love. Love opens to love. Love listens to love. Love responds to love.

As we open ourselves to the most high in meekness, God your father will bring thoughts

to your mind. Often thoughts may come within you that you do not recognize as being

from God or not, but you deciding that and learning to discern is part of this process.

For you to have God's words flow through you, you have to value those words.

For you to have God's words flow through you, you have to value your words.

How you treat words is of central importance to this process.

The motive of why you speak what, and how you respond to others, is core-centric.

As you come to God, God will lift the veil, and you will see you.

How you keep your word is important. Your ethics are important. Your manners are

important. How you live – is important.

Seek God's correction – not direction. Let God speak and bring to your mind things that

impede the free flow of love's communication between you. Value this correction more

than gold, yea more than fine gold. Do not live by impulse anymore. As God provides

communication correction will come; ask God about these things, with tenderness. Where

you are unclear about actions to take or changes to make, inquire, ask, seek. Will God

withhold wisdom from the sincere seeker? No. God will delight in you trusting him

enough to seek correction directly from him.

Your purity is fueled by your surrender to receive insight that correction. It is great

wisdom in action to seek correction from God. To seek God's discipline displays trust and

increasing maturity. To beg for God's judgment, and then delight in it with the greatest of

gratitude, with corresponding action, is the life of the joyous. Wisdom knowledge and

understanding is what you are becoming in this process.

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Step 9 – guts

You are learning to walk into a world that "I will show you" – as you go. Get up out of

the land of habits that you have acquired and shake off the conformity of the image given

you there of your "norm". Leave your comfortable complacency each day by arranging

your schedule to meet the king of kings that will take and develop this "custom-made"

plan for you. You are unique, and God's learning plan for you is dynamic; full of joy, and

risks. Full of surprises and what you will learn as you go to this "new" land, forge the

new by being it. You will never be forsaken. Forsake not the voice within you of God

your father. Learning to be "I and my father are one" opens new life for you, and no one

but you can keep you out. Hold on to the old no more.

This requires guts – and risks. Remember there is no maturity without risks. You are

preparing to enter your kingdom. Be ready.

Love has a voice – it uses yours. Love has a mind – it uses yours. You are learning by

this process to let yours come forth entwined in no other.

The engine for sorrow no more, you are choosing to be light now. You are choosing to

ignite something within you that will change your, transform you, allowing you to be lit

by pure light. When you speak truth, the pure truth of God in first-person words, you are

lighting the world. You are giving birth to light, and your light goes out farther from than

your physical body.

Step 10 – will

Will to have no other will but that of God your father's. Will follows your want, and want

taints. "I shall not want" is one of the greatest statements that can be learned, spoken,


River be

Matthew 13:10-12 The disciples came to Jesus and asked, Why do you speak to the

people in parables? He replied, The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven

has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have

an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.

As you begin writing the words that father gives into your mind, he will compel you to

share them with others. You might share them with others in person, or by means of

email, blogging, postings on the web or creating your own website. As you share God's

first-person words that you have received with others realize that not everyone will be

excited that you are being given these words. Some may be jealous, others intimidated;

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many won't know how to respond. Some may be critical. And all of that is okay. Let

them be them and share what you have, being open always to God speaking to you

through others, if and only if, they come to you in love and you feel that love from them,

knowing that they are coming to you in meekness. Even then, inquire of your father about

the words others give you. Many words of others may come to you that should have no

more effect on you than water on a duck's back. Let the words of mankind's mind no

more control you, but learn how to walk through it all.

Growth comes from receiving; accelerated growth comes in sharing with a purity of

heart, crystal clear motives that have no taint, becoming a river of what father gives you.

Hold on to nothing for selfish gain but give freely of the words that he gives you. Jesus

our pattern gave us the words our father gave to him. And now we do likewise.

John 17:8 For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me.

Let God your father guide you what to share, when to share, where to share, and how to

share all he gives you. But when he compels you to share, let the river flow.


Isaiah 59:21 And as for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD: my spirit

that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy

mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the

LORD, from henceforth and forever.

God promised in The New Covenant that he would put his laws in our mind and write

them on our heart.

Hebrews 8:10-11 I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts…And

they shall not teach every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the

Lord: for all shall know me.

Notice in these verses above how father is saying he wants to be known, and be known

directly. Notice also that The New Covenant speaks of teaching; that people will not have

to rely only on other people teaching them, because father will be the primary teacher.

Matthew 23:10 Nor are you to be called 'teacher,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ.

The New Covenant is a process whereby father comes and teaches you through the words

that are already in you. Now the word of God in you is no longer lying dormant with you

only studying the bible, or the written words of other people, you are writing words

yourself that father is giving you, personally, directly, dynamically!

This process will bring about maturity as requested by the author of Hebrews.

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Hebrews 5:12 Though by this time you ought to be teachers….

Hebrews 6:1 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to


How do we go on to maturity? We begin as a little child.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for

the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

The New Covenant is all about relationship; relationship with the one inside you

What has been described so far is not an instant process. It takes time. It takes wanting

this more than anything else. More than want – it takes surrender.

Luke 11:9-10 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that

seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.

This process will reveal a treasure, a pearl of great price, there inside you, in relationship

now with your creator.

Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the

which when a man has found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has,

and buys that field.

Matthew 13:45-46 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking

goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he

had, and bought it.

Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,

proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.


The process of The New Covenant is actualized by you. Begin by spending more time in

prayer; prayer alone, time spent just listening, time spent just being still, focusing on

God. Begin these times pouring out your love to God, verbalizing your feelings,

emotions, and what you are experiencing. Share all that pertains to you. Be transparent.

But in all of the ways that you may pray, take more and more time to be silent, still, and

listen for the still small voice within. It usually comes as a thought into your mind, and as

you recognize it, value it differently. Pick up you pen and begin writing, surrenderedly,

not editing it.

Thoughts may come that begin with words or phrases that you would not ordinarily use

in normal conversation or the way you have prayed in the past. You cannot be impatient

nor can you make this happen. The voice of one who speaks is heard by the one that lets

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it. You "let" the voice speak. You let – God speak. The hearer who chooses to hear, and

pays the price in time, learning to learn from the teacher, will hear.

One of the most important practices you can begin is to write down whatever you think

father may be saying to you. Don't be picky and discriminating in this. Allow yourself to

write even if it sounds goofy at first. Realize and understand that this is a process and you

will mature in your ability to hear and discern as you practice this.

This is a relationship. It’s a relationship that the more time you spend with, the more you

will enjoy who you are spending time with. The more you share in loving respectful

ways, and then wait for father to speak, the more you will hear and share together in the

exchange of beauty transcendent – revelation, that transforms.

When you begin writing what he gives you, value those words by writing them, dating

them with the month day and year, and even time of day and place written. These can be

so valuable to you in the coming days as you look back at them, review them and study

them, underlining certain phrases and special items you want to remember. If you have a

computer type them into the computer and use a naming convention to name your files

that begin with the date and then name each file with something descriptive to the

message received.

Some days it can be helpful to just write to father. Instead of verbalizing words to him

begin to write directly to God. Many times you may find that at some point you are in

fact writing the words that he is giving you! He has begun to write his words through

your own hand to you, and that can be so exciting, and very precious. And often, the

moment that begins in completely undetectable. You may have been just writing away,

focusing totally on communicating with father through what you are writing and then all

of a sudden you realize he is writing to you. The author – changed.

Don't stop writing when this happens, just smile and relax and let him write through you.

This will come and when it does, express your gratitude profusely letting your heart pour

forth thankfulness and love to he who places himself inside you and then is so meek that

he waits on you to want him, and write to him and listen to him and then even write back

to you through your own handwriting. Wow. What a God. What a father!

Jeremiah 24:7 I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the LORD: and they shall

be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole


Reference This is your invitation to study at the University of The New Covenant, in The New

Covenant, letting The New Covenant teach you as you birth it. You study it, you become

it. You enter it and it births you into it, that which is truth. You have carried it within you.

The word of truth is incarnate within you, as it is in every person of every nation tribe

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and tongue. The courses at the University of The New Covenant help bring forth the

birthing of that word incarnate within you so that you'll birth to the world that which you

may have been waiting for.

Entrance into the University of The New Covenant is not based on previous academic

accomplishments, but a contrite heart, teachableness, meekness, and honor for all at all

times. The University of The New Covenant is tuition-free, but costs a great deal, for the

release of The New Covenant within you will let you learn that you have been given

everything; a kingdom is yours and a king you are in your priesthood that births brand

new creations in the reality that our father is.

The University of The New Covenant is a tuition-free school of prayer, leadership, and

practical creativity. Our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not

on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to a

process that requires meekness and diligence to learn how to be taught by God who is

within every person.

God gives us our curriculum in the form of daily LESSONS. These LESSONS are the

core input into our learning system that teaches us to "see, hear, feel, become" what God

is teaching us. All faculty staff and students operate in the courses of this University.

We learn how to read differently than in the past. We use different methods for this is an

Educational System designed by God for us, so many things are very atypical. (1) We do

many "lookups". A linking system exists whereby certain words or phrases in the daily

LESSONS are linked to previous LESSONS, (2) we interact daily with others in the

course forums where we write posts of what we see being said in the daily LESSONS,

and (3) write papers called for in the daily LESSONS, freely exchanging them with each

other. We all learn from each other as we "read, map, write, and lead", becoming what

God is teaching us we are.

The LESSONS form Database One and Database Two. They can be downloaded free at

our website. Database One contains some 2400 LESSONS that are organized into 7

Volumes. All of these are foundational in the educational system given us.

You can LISTEN to many LESSONS as they were spoken while you read the

transcription. The LESSONS that have a Voice File Number listed in the heading can be

listened to at the University website. Click on Audio Files.

Birth The New Covenant by becoming it.

See for more information.

Thank you.
