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V. Kovar, 2012

The Mystery of Research

For a lot of people, writing a research paper is something of a mystery.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Research is a Mystery

Let's approach research writing as we would solving a murder mystery.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Who Dunnit?

Just like a mystery, research answers a question or solves a problem. In this example, the question is: who killed Colonel Fluffernutter?

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V. Kovar, 2012

To Thesis or not to Thesis?

Most often, writing instructors tell you to start with the thesis but when it comes to research, that can make things confusing.

For example, the thesis for our current mystery could end up being something like “Somebody in this room killed Colonel Fluffernutter with the ax.”

This may be true but it's not very useful.

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V. Kovar, 2012

State Your Purpose

Instead, try starting with a PURPOSE. The purpose of this [investigation, research,

experiment] is to [discover, explore, examine, analyze] ...

The purpose of this investigation is to discover who killed Colonel Fluffernutter, how they did it and why.

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V. Kovar, 2012

The Structure of the Purpose is Important

First off, describe what your outcome will be. Are you conducting an interview? Are you undertaking an experiment? Are you making an investigation?

Remember, research is more than just a summary of what's already been written. Research creates something new. If we're just quoting somebody else about who killed Col. Fluffernutter, there's not really a point.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Concentrate on the verb

Second, give more detail on that outcome:

The purpose of our investigation is to discover...

This tells us, the writer, that we're not just examining the evidence or summarizing it or writing about it; we're going to discover something.

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Focus Your Scope

Once you know what you're writing, add even more detail. We're not only discovering the identity of the murderer (WHO), we're establishing:

HOW they committed the crime and WHY.

So, we have a three-pronged purpose that's very specific.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Determine Your Method

But how will we go about this?

A detective doesn't just go to the library and google, “murder.”

A research-detective has a method.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Write Your Methods Down

Many student writers get frustrated, lost and misdirected while researching. Just as in a murder mystery, there are red-herrings everywhere.

Writing your method into your paper will keep you from getting lost.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Making Method

At the scene of a murder mystery, a detective would probably:

Interview the suspects and witnesses; Examine the crime scene; Test the forensic evidence.

Our detective might also go to the library and do background checks or gather other expert testimony to support the evidence.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Here's Our Mystery Method

This investigation interviewed Prof. Potato, Mrs. Muffin and Doctor Donut; examined the crime scene using a magnifying glass; and tested the forensic evidence with a Watson Crime Scene Detection Kit®.

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Notice the Verbs

Notice the verbs: examined, tested, interviewed...

Research is active. You aren't just writing “about” this or that, you are doing something, then writing about what you did.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Bloom's Taxonomy

To discover some useful research verbs, look over Bloom's Taxonomy.

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V. Kovar, 2012

But What About That Thesis?

Writing a thesis now would be difficult because we don't know who killed Colonel Fluffernutter.

We may have a suspicion (a hypothesis) but we don't have a real case yet. We need to discover and examine the evidence.

Our thesis “You Doctor Donut, killed Colonel Fluffernutter...” has to come after we've made our investigation. We need proof.

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V. Kovar, 2012

The Body

In the body of your research paper you describe two things:

First, your findings and results. What did your methods produce?

Second, the evidence you're using to back up those findings. For example, “An O-shaped foot-print was found at the scene, a Harvard Professor of Pastry agrees that this print was made by a donut.”

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V. Kovar, 2012

Expert Witnesses

Should you also use research found in the library or online?


These are the “expert witnesses.” Tell the jury (your readers) who these people are, why they're qualified and what they have to say.

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V. Kovar, 2012

The Conclusion

Student-detectives often get confused when it comes to conclusions but if you think of the conclusion as a solution in a murder-mystery, it will make more sense.

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V. Kovar, 2012


In research, we conclude with a thesis based on the discoveries we've made.

This investigation concludes that Doctor Donut killed Colonel Fluffernutter because he was the only pastry with the motive, means and opportunity to commit the crime. Everyone else has an alibi, therefore, Dr. D is the only one who could have done it.

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V. Kovar, 2012

Poor Conclusions

The thesis is the answer, not just a restatement of the facts:

Colonel Fluffernutter is dead and somebody killed him.

Somebody murdered Colonel with an ax. According to Websters, an ax is a sharp implement...

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More Poor Conclusions

Some researchers also tend to weasel out of a solid conclusion.

Murder may have contributed to Colonel Fluffernutter's death; more research is needed.

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Help Future Investigators

As no fingerprints were found at the scene and there were no witnesses, this investigation was unable to determine the murderer. It is suggested that future research focus on a forensic autopsy of the Colonel's remains.

If more research really is needed, tell us why it's needed and what kind of investigation should take place:

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The Value of Negative Results

Even if your investigation comes up empty, writing up that research is useful. Future detectives will at least know what didn't work or what wasn't at the crime scene (assuming they trust your methods).

The process of elimination can help identify the truth.

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V. Kovar, 2012

It's as Valuable as You Make It

Research is only as valuable as you make it.

Be curious. Be adventurous. Dare to ask questions

and then seek out answers no one has discovered yet.
