
“Gathering together, Growing in faith, and Going into the world in

Jesus’ name.”


A monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church

2022 E 2nd Street, Superior, WI 54880


Please continue to check Zion’s Web Page for closures/announcements during these challenging times. Continue to pray. God is in Control of all!

Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am—1:00 pm

(These are Winter Hours—Labor Day through Memorial Day.) Pastor Victor will be in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

A monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church

2022 E 2nd Street, Superior, WI 54880

Please continue to check Zion’s Web Page for closures/announcements during these challenging times. Continue to

pray. God is in Control of all! October 2021

Zion is open to all small groups. Continue to observe Covid protocols. For questions contact leader of each group.

Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


All Children ages 3 years through the 5th Grade are welcome at Zion Sunday School. Classes are Sunday mornings at 10:15 from September to May.

To register your children for Sunday School, you may contact the church office (715-398-3663) or go to for a registration form or simply come to Zion

on any Sunday to get your child started on his or her journey of faith! God loves our children and has wonderful things to teach them at Zion Sunday School.


Watch for information and guidelines when we are able to again meet inside the church. Announcements will be on the Zion web or you can

call the Sunday School leaders. We will work together to keep our children safe. Currently looking at mid October.






With school starting, the decision was made to wait to begin our children/youth

programs to allow for a healthy beginning to the school year, and to see how things go

for our young ones regarding the virus and variants.

We are currently looking at an October start,

and will be keeping you up to date as decisions are made.

Keep an eye on the announcements!

The Sunday School and Logos Teams

Be a friend on Facebook

Check the Photo Gallery www.zion

Continue saving pennies. They really do count!


A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all who have mailed or brought their tithes and offerings to the church during these pandemic days. Electric, water,

phone...well the regular bills continue to arrive in the mail as you know. When you place your envelope into the mail slot, please be sure to push it in

all of the way. Thanks. You are helping to keep the physical church open. Thank you for being the true church and for your prayer support.

Please Remember When you write a check to the food shelf, where does it go? “World Hunger” goes to the synod and “Food Shelf” goes to Faith church Food Shelf. If you want your gift to go to our food shelf beside the church door, you must label your check and envelope to say: “Zion Church Food Pantry”.

WELCA usually meets the second Sunday of each month during coffee hour. October 10th will be our second meeting for this year. Please watch Zion Web page and regular bulletins for any changes.

We always can phone each other to confirm times. Let us remain safe—together. Lucy: 715-718-0662

The Food Shelf beside the main door is being used!

Thank you to those who fill the shelves so there is food for others in need.

We continue to see many using this food shelf. The need is great. As fall approaches we find more need for Toilet Paper, Pre packaged meal

combinations, and need to replenish staples. School supplies also help. Thanks to all who have stepped up to keep these shelves full.


Prayers of Protection: Nathan Anthony, Mathew Sherwood, Nathan Madsen, Keely Nelson, Andrew Hutton, Andrew Mattson, Joshua Seifert, and Michael Kuecher for all those who are in military service throughout the world. Mathew Sherwood has graduated from two-week training for Warrant & Officer Candidate. Congratulations to Matt! Keeley is stationed in Anchorage, Alaska. She is working as an EMT in the Women’s Clinic. She is visiting Superior and returning to base on September 5th. Please let me know of an update for our Military men and women. Prayers for them on Sundays is not enough. An address would be appreciated for Birthday and Christmas greetings. Several of our Military will be detained due to Corona Virus stipulations. Pray for them as they find terms extended and time will not allow them to visit family prior to next assignment. I would like to update our Military service men and women's information. It's time to be aware of new names, family members and relatives who are fighting to keep us free and safe. Any information will help, so please call me or leave a message. Thank you. Janet Arena 715-817-8567

Tuesday Missions

Tuesday’s Spiritual Growth and Mission’s is currently not meeting. There are still many who continue to work from home. If you need supplies so you too can work at home, please phone Tanya Nelson at 218-391-4709. For a financial donation you may write a check written out to Zion Lutheran Church and put “Tuesday’s Missions Group” in the memo line. Thank you and God Bless! Tanya

Coronavirus. Guidelines and regulations change as quickly as the weather in the Northland. Pastor continues to add encouraging words and information to the Web page. Please check that often. The first concern is to keep all of us safe and healthy. Thanks to all who have used masks when in public places. And thanks to the many who have stepped up and made the masks for those who are in jobs that cannot be done from home. We watch the building and utility workers, maintenance and services, grocery and retail persons that we rely on to provide for our needs. Remember to thank them when they place items into the trunk of your car. Most of the outside work has been completed for the year. We continue to clean and organize the inside as we plan a time to reopen safely. Many hands are needed to help us all stay safe and still maintain an inch of normalcy. Thanks to all of those folk.

The Sew 'n Sews are sew happy to receive the new cabinets for our quilting supplies that will ease our trips downstairs. Our thanks for the donations and for Paul and Kay Freer's help in making our work more enjoyable. We have given more quilts to Casda, now learn single bed quilts would be appreciated, and with cold temps soon to arrive, we are also checking batting for Winter warmth. Psalm 147:16 He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes.

Thank you. Jan Arena at 715-817-8567.



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 In Church Services 10AM

And on line 11>00

Congregational Meeting


6:00 AA Mtg

5 (recycling) 6:00 Al -Anon 6:30 AA Mtg


Watch for announcements

for youth activities

7 (recycling)

Sew ’N Sews 1:00 pm

6:00 Bell practice



10 In Church Services 10AM

And on line

WELCA during Coffee hour

11 6:00 AA Mtg

Columbus Day

12 5:00 Finance Operations 6:00 Al -Anon 6:30 AA Mtg


14 recycling)

Sew ’N Sews 1:00 pm

6:00 Church Council



17 In Church Services 10AM

And on line

(Grandparents’ Day)

18 6:00 AA Mtg

19 (recycling) 5:00 Finance Operations 6:00 Al -Anon 6:30 AA Mtg


21 (recycling)

Sew ’N Sews 1:00 pm

6:00 Bell practice




In Church Services10AM

And on line

25 6:00 AA Mtg

26 6:00 Al -Anon 6:30 AA Mtg

27 28 recycling) Sew ’N Sews 1:00 pm

6:00 Bell practice

29 30

31 In Church

Services10AM And on line



With Covid-19 restrictions lifting, we now meet for Sunday Service at 10:00 am in the church. For up-to-dates or changes, please continue to check announcements on the web home page

Church Office Winter Hours: Monday through Friday 9am—1 pm Labor Day through Memorial Day

Special Congregational Meeting October 3, 2021 At last night’s council meeting (9/17/21) we decided to call a special congregational meeting This meeting is necessary for the congregation to authorize spending the money necessary to

repair the stained glass window above the altar. As many of you know, that window has been leaking...a situation I became aware of one rainy, windy Sunday morning while

presiding at Holy Communion and getting sprayed while doing so. We have a bid from Superior Glass for a maximum cost of $24,000.00. This might seem like a lot, but other bids were for significantly more money, and this repair must be done

before the leak damages the structural integrity of the church building. So, on October 3, 2021 at 11:00 we are going to meet in order to authorize the council to

find a way to finance this expenditure. We are considering refinancing our current mortgage or alternately, an unsecured loan, whichever makes the most sense.

I look forward to seeing you then. God bless us all. Pastor Victor


Kristi Conley Oct 3 Noah Miller Oct 9 Tahlia Williams Oct 7 Jane Johnson Oct 8 Margaret Sundet Oct 8 Darren Velin Oct 8 Carol Peterson Oct 9 Alissa Ingersoll Oct 11 Tammy Dittbrender Oct 15 Paige Hunker Oct 15

Shawn Roberts Oct 17 Sara Schubert McKone Oct 22 Kyle Thimm Oct 22 Linda Pelletier Oct 23 Sunnie Lamppa Oct 24 Rae Lundberg Oct 24 Donna Meltz Oct 26 Jeff Pearson Oct 27 Judy Ford Oct 28 Ella Scanlon Oct 28

Keaton Williams Oct 28 Anthony Garro Oct 31

Growing in Faith As of August 22, 2021 owed $59,697.95.

YTD Interest paid: $1,898.49. YTD Principal: $5,799.51. Monthly mortgage payment is $781.00. Please consider a gift to Growing in Faith above and beyond your regular giving.

Thank you for your gifts.

Care Basket Ministry Please take a Care Basket for those you know who have been ill, a death has occurred in the family, a person may need a smile to let them know we care about them. Baskets contain soup, a book, small presents in them and a card that states we care. Baskets are in the closet in the fellowship hall. Write on the clipboard the date, recipient of basket, and who will deliver the basket. Thank you for being the hands and feet to show others we care about them. Sunnie and Tanya

The Newsletter is snail mailed and sent on-line. I have noticed that a number of you receive snail mail and are listed on line. To save postage, please phone the

church office at 715-398-3663. We will make that change. Thanks, Pearl


in honor of LaVaughn Lohman

From Gary and Alana Dunning

Oct-2—Kenneth & Karen Thimm—56 years

Oct 18—Chad & Ashley Bennettt—13 years


in honor of Andrea Williams

From Linda & Jerry Williams and Family

Beth Arnson and Anonymous folks

Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts, prayers, concern and sympathy in the death of our loved ones. It is so very comforting to our family.

OUR SINCERE PRAYERS AND COMFORT Family and Friends of Melvin Mattson. August 11, 1926 —September 16, 2021 Family and Friends of John R. Madson. March 23, 1962 — September 21,2021


Church Council Meeting Minutes for October 18, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Vicki Holm at 6:00 pm. Present were Deanna Traynor, Bob Warner, Christel Lewis, Aine Merrill, Margaret Sundet, Don Anderson, Pastor Victor St. George, Vicki Holm and Lynn Rochon.

Devotions were given by Lynn. Next month Deanna will give them.

A motion was made by Bob and seconded by Don to accept July’s secretary’s report. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report: The checking account has a balance of $5,600. We reviewed the check register. Zion received a thank you note from the Illinois youth group for the use of our church last month. They included a check for $100. Pastors Report: Pastor is requesting vacation from November 12 – November 26th. The first VBS evening was Monday. He had to leave early because of a back problem. He will be doing LaVaughn Lohman’s burial on Friday. He spoke with the WI Department of Employment and we can require employee’s to wear masks. We had a discussion of wearing masks in the church building. Bob made a motion and Lynn seconded it that the church require masks for unvaccinated individuals and request vaccinated individuals to wear a mask. Motion carried. Discipleship Report: 20 people, most of them from Zion, attended VBS on Monday night. There is one more tomorrow evening on WI point. Someone donated $500 for supplies. They are holding off on starting Sunday School and LOGOS until October. They want kids to be back in school to see how that is going. We discussed Sunday School. There will be a meeting setup with Pilgrim and Bethel and the LOGOS staff to see how to run Sunday School. Worship and Music: We discussed the number of services. We will do more types of music in church. A motion was made by Bob and seconded by Deanna to forgo 2 services on September 12th and leave as is until things change. Motion carried. WELCA: They have not been meeting. They need a new leader. Lucy and Aine will schedule a meeting to reorganize WELCA. A motion was made by Margaret and seconded by Bob to accept all reports as given. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business: Vicki will give the SBA loan forgiveness paperwork to the bank tomorrow. The Shepherds Staff software will be cleaned up by next council meeting. A lot of the people in it were never members, but visitors. The pew pads are not always collected and given to Pearl after service. New Business: A key will be designated for guests, like the youth group from IL, to use so they can go out to dinner and not need a church member to come back to church to open it back up for them when they return. Pearl is requesting vacation on September 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th. She needs to fill out a form. Bob will show her where it is. Lynn and Vicki are working on the rum-mage sale that is happening September 18th. Because of COVID, they don’t feel it is safe to have it in the building. They will put up canopies and block off the parking lot. The building will be closed and there will be signs to use the overflow parking lot for parking. Lynn will write up

(Minutes continued on page 8)


Church Council for year 2021

Term Ends January 2022 Term Ends January 2023 Term Ends January 2024

Deanna Traynor Donald Anderson Vicki Holm, President

Bob Warner, Vice President Tim Ingersoll Lynn Rochon

Christel Lewis, Secretary Donna Meltz Anthony Anderson

Aine Merrill, Treasurer

Margaret Sundet

Nomination committee-1year term Aine Merrill Donald Anderson Anthony Anderson

Audit Committee-1 year Karen St. George Christel Lewis Donald Anderson

Annual Synod Assembly- Repre-sentatives (4-15, 4-17) Karen St. George & Tim Ingersoll Conference Assembly in March Aine Merrill & Polly Lohman

(brought forward from page 7) something for the bulletin that donations can be dropped off starting on Sunday, September 12th. Superior Glass has given us a bid for $24,000 to fix the stained glass window. They will clad it in metal. We discussed how to pay for it. Don will talk to Thrivent, who has our mortgage, on getting a loan, refinancing our existing mortgage or other options. A motion was made by Aine and seconded by Lynn to given Don permission to talk to Thrivent to get the information we need. Motion carried. We discussed what people have heard about our discussions with Pilgrim and Bethel. A motion was made at 7:48pm by Bob and seconded by Pastor to adjourn. Motion carried.

Submitted by Christel Lewis

Special Congregational Meeting October 3, 2021

At last night’s council meeting (9/17/21) we decided to call a special congregational meeting for October 3, 2021. This meeting is necessary for the congregation to

authorize spending the money necessary to repair the stained glass window above the altar. As many of you know, that window has been leaking – a situation I became aware of one rainy, windy Sunday morning while presiding at Holy Communion

and getting sprayed while doing so.

We have a bid from Superior Glass for a maximum cost of $24,000.00. This might seem like a lot, but other bids were for significantly more money, and this repair must

be done before the leak damages the structural integrity of the church building.

So, on October 3, 2021 at 11:00 we are going to meet in order to authorize the council to find a way to finance this expenditure. We are considering refinancing our current

mortgage or alternately, an unsecured loan, whichever makes the most sense.

I look forward to seeing you then.

God bless us all. Pastor Victor



I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. – John 13:34=35

This seems easy enough, doesn’t it? All we need to do if we want people to recognize us as followers of Jesus is to see how much we love one another.

And most of the time, it is easy. After all, we know each other and trust each other. Some of us have been friends for decades, others we have known for a relatively short period of time. But we have come to trust each other in the major things in life.

But loving each other doesn’t mean that we will always agree on things. Minor things might rise up in our relationship that could cause hurt feelings or even resentments. But the truth is that love is more than just how we feel in the moment; love is a commitment we make.

Anyone who has been married for a while understands that agreement is not necessary for love to thrive. Heck, we don’t even need to feel particularly friendly on any given day toward someone we love – but that love is still there.

See, love (and I know I’ve said this before) is not a noun, it is a verb. Love is not how we feel about each other, it is how we treat each other.

At Zion Lutheran Church we are faced with decisions on our future, and we are committed to work together to figure out exactly how we are going to move into that future together. Will we forge some sort of official pact with Bethel and Pilgrim Lutheran churches? Will we combine all our congregations into one new church or become yoked as three individual congregations with our own polity and committees and ministries? Or will we continue to work together collaboratively when possible and continue to exist without a formal agreement?

These are important questions, and ones that we will continue to discuss in the com-ing weeks. But the important thing to remember is that while we might not all agree on the final decision we will all make our decision based on what we believe is best for our

congregation and where we believe God is leading us. So we continue to love each other not just because that is what Christ commanded us to do, but because we are bound together in the body of Christ and mutual affection. We can trust each other to do the right thing. Even if we don’t all agree on what the right thing is.


Pastor Victor

Thank you to all who helped to fill the tub with back

to school supplies. This is very much appreciated

and have been taken to help those who are

needing the extra “school” encouragement. It is

wonderful to know the people at Zion care for

those in the community. May God Bless you all.


Do You Know Your Hymns?

Dentist’s Hymn Crown Him with

Many Crowns

Weatherman’s Hymn There Shall Be Showers of Blessings

Contractor’s Hymn The Church’s One Foundation

Tailor’s Hymn Holy, Holy, Holy

Golfer’s Hymn There is a Green Hill Far Away

Politician’s Hymn Standing on the Promises!

Optometrist’s Hymn Open My Eyes That I Might See

IRS Agent’s Hymn I Surrender All

Gossip’s Hymn Pass It on

Electrician’s Hymn Send The Light

Shopper’s Hymn Sweet Bye and Bye

Realtor’s Hymn I’ve God a Mansion, Just Over the Hilltop

Massage Therapist’s Hymn He Touched Me

AND for those who speed on the highway—a few hymns:

55 mph God Will Take Care of You

75 mph Nearer My God To Thee

85 mph This World Is Not My Home

95 mph Lord, I’m Coming Home

100 mph Precious Memories

Give Me a sense of humor, Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke,

To get some humor out of life, And pass it on to other folk.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month

Our prayers and appreciation to both

Victor and Karen St. George. We Love you both.

Thank you to Alana and Gary Dunning and to Paul and Kay Freer who have spent hours cleaning, trimming, painting, weeding, moving rocks, washing, scrub-bing, waxing, and doing all of those things that keep Zion looking won-derful when we walk into the door of our church. This does take time and muscle to present and maintain a clean and healthy environment in which we can worship. When you see these folk (who do not receive a salary) take time to smile and say thank you. Thank you.


One day you’ll look back and be so thankful that it went God’s way and not the way you wanted it.

Assistant to Minister


Anthony Anderson Donna Meltz 9-5

Aine Merrill Aine Merrill 9-12

Karen St George Karen St. George 9-19

Aine Merrill Polly Lohman 9-26

Greeter Usher

Mary Hickman Ken and Kelly Thimm 9-5

Janet Arena Sunnie and Steve Lamppa 9-12

Lucy Sullivan Donald Anderson 9-19

Janet Arena Ken Mertz 9-26

Counters Lucy Sullivan, Kendra Lohman 9-5

Kelly Thimm, Janet Arena 9-12

Greg Kvam, Ken Mertz 9-19

Polly Lohman, Aine Merrill 9-26

Food Shelf Faith United Methodist Food Shelf

Altar—September Mary Hickman

Unable to serve at scheduled time? Please call office at 715-398-3663 with name of your replacement.

Thank you for your service.

Lay Ministry for October 2021 10AM

Assistant to Minister


Aine Merrill Donna Meltz 10-3

Linda Moe Aine Merrill 10-10

Karen St. George Karen St. George 10-17

Aine Merrill Polly Lohman 10-24

Linda Moe Donna Meltz 10-31

Greeter Usher

Mary Hickman Ken and Kelly Thimm 10-3

Janet Arena Donald Anderson 10-10

Lucy Sullivan Ken Mertz 10-17

Mary Hickman Ken & Kelly Thimm 10-24

Janet Arena Donald Anderson 10-31

Counters Paul Freer, Beth Arnson 10-3

Lucy Sullivan, Kendra Lohman 10-10

Kelly Thimm, Janet Arena 10-17

Greg Kvam, Ken Mertz 10-24

Polly Lohman, Aine Merrill 10-31

Food Shelf Faith United Methodist Food Shelf

Altar—October Altar Guild

Unable to serve at scheduled time? Please call office at 715-398-3663 with name of your replacement.

Thank you for your service.



ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH - ELCA “Gathering together, Growing in faith,

and Going into the world in Jesus’ name.”

715-398-3663 Victor St. George, Pastor 218-343-4089

Worship Services Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:50 am

Sunday School 10:15 am Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall 10:00am

Youth Ministries Grades 6-12 on Wednesdays LOGOS 4-7 pm

Service/Ministry Opportunities available throughout the week

Church Office Monday-Friday 9:00-1:00

(Summer Hours begin Memorial Day) Monday through Thursday

715.398.3663 [email protected] Pastor Victor will be in office

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 2022 East Second Street

Superior, WI 54880

Contact Zion Pastor

Victor St. George, [email protected] Office Secretary Pearl Swanstrom

[email protected] Choir Director, Music Ministries Director

Gretchen Johnston, OSB Organist

Gretchen Johnston, OSB Custodian

Darren Velin Newsletter

[email protected] Prayer Ministry and Requests

[email protected] Sunday School (ages 0-5th grade) Michelle Conlan or Pam Monaghan

[email protected] Missions

Sunnie Lamppa/Tanya Nelson LOGOS

Greg Kvam, Lynn Rochon

THE MESSENGER is a monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church

THE MESSENGER October 2021

ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH - ELCA “Gathering together, Growing in faith,

and Going into the world in Jesus’ name.”

715-398-3663 Victor St. George, Pastor 218-343-4089

Worship Services Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:50 am

Sunday School 10:15 am Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall 10:00am

Youth Ministries Grades 6-12 on Wednesdays LOGOS 4-7 pm

Service/Ministry Opportunities available throughout the week

Church Office Monday– Friday 9:00-1:00

715-398-3663 [email protected] Pastor Victor will be in office

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Contact Zion Pastor

Victor St. George, [email protected] Office Secretary Pearl Swanstrom

[email protected] Choir Director, Music Ministries Director

Gretchen Johnston, OSB Organist

Gretchen Johnston, OSB Custodian

Darren Velin Newsletter

[email protected] Prayer Ministry and Requests

[email protected] Sunday School (ages 3 years-5th grade)

Michelle Conlan or Pam Monaghan [email protected]

Missions Sunnie Lamppa/Tanya Nelson

LOGOS Greg Kvam, Lynn Rochon

THE MESSENGER is a monthly publication of Zion Lutheran Church
